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she one of the week. thank you very much, and that is tonight's reidout . all in with chris hayes starts now. tonight on all in. >> there's nothing like doing things with other people's money. >> trump raking in the cash. >> i love other people's money. >> as rich donors line up to back the convict candidate. tonight, bernie sanders on the billionaires funding donald trump and how trump lands to pay them back. >> on day one of my new administration we will throw out bidenomics and replace it very quickly with maganomics . >> on how it can get so much worse. plus, the ridiculous hearing on the documents case. and amid heat and flooding, there is good news for the climate. all in starts right now. good evening from new york, i'm chris hayes. two months ago, president joe biden's re-election campaign had a huge cash advantage over donald trump. a $100 million advantage in just april. then trump was convicted of 34 felonies in a new york court, and republicans opened their pockets. the result is now, for the first time, trump's principal campaign committee has more cash than mr. biden's. according to the fac records reviewed by the new york times. now, some of that came from online donations in the immediate wake of trump's guilty verdict. a lot more has come from incredibly rich people. chief among them, timothy mellon, a reclusive billionaire heir to the mellon banking fortune, who has given lavishly to right-wing causes for decades. the day after trump's conviction, mellon gave $50 million, not to the trump campaign committee, but to the pro trump super pack, make america great again. an enormous gift, that is among the largest single disclosed contributions ever. $50 million. mellon was already the single largest contributor to super pacs supporting both mr. trump and robert f kennedy junior, which is interesting if you think about rfk junior and what role he is playing in this. previously gave them each $25 million. and mellon is not alone. as the new yorker puts it, political media has been awash with stories about wall street bigwigs and tech barons throwing their support behind donald trump, who some of them disowned following the capital insurrection. in fact, what we are seeing over the past month, some of the most insidious wealthy interests coalescing behind donald trump. and they are not being irrational. it makes some sense, on the most basic level. here's the thing. trump is desperate to win so he can stay out of prison. and he is just auctioning off his policy for his future presidency, quid pro quo, in the most obviously corrupt fashion that i have ever seen for a politician in my life covering politics. in the examples are everywhere. do you remember this? >> we are looking at tiktok. we may be banning tiktok. we may be doing some other things. there are a couple of options, but a lot of things are happening. we will see what happens. we are looking at a lot of alternatives with respect to tiktok . >> that was trump as president, four years ago, advancing the idea of banning the chinese own social media company tiktok . it is a because of ministration really wanted to do. he called tiktok a national security threat. then, earlier this year, he changed his mind. >> i could have banded tiktok . i could've gotten it done. but i said you know what? i will leave it up to you. i didn't push them too hard, because it's a tough decision to make. frankly, there are a lot of people on tiktok that love it. >> he came out against banning tiktok. and what happened to cause trump to do such dramatic 180? just days before that interview trump met with a billionaire investigator and mega donor, who has an enormous stake in tiktok's parent company, and who would stand to lose amount of money if tiktok got banned. so trump literally flipped his position on tiktok overnight. within weeks it was reported that, guess what, he had become the top spender in the 2024 elections. though he may have given up that spot to one timothy mellon . this exact same scenario where trump has a position and then flips it and get huge amounts of money from monied interest is playing out right now with cryptocurrency. once upon a time, trump wanted crypto highly regulated. >> bitcoin, it just seems like a scam. i don't like it because it is another currency competing against the dollar. essentially it is a currency competing against the dollar. i want the dollar to be the currency of the world. >> earlier this month trump held a fundraiser with big tech elites in sin for cisco and he pitched himself as the crypto president. he slammed democrats for trying to regulate cryptocurrency. that flip flop paid dividends to trump yesterday as the wind lost twins, the facebook billionaires who happen to be in the right time right place when facebook started. they now run a crypto company called gemini, and they endorsed trump and donated $2 million and that going to his campaign. and let's not forget the oil executives. back in april in mar-a-lago, trump met with top industry executives and said you could give my campaign $1 billion. basically, i am the last thing that could kill the green energy transition and keep us addicted to fossil fuels. just weeks later, three of those big oil and documents organizing a fundraiser for trump in houston. as part of his corporate pandering tour this week, trump went on a podcast hosted mostly by right-wing tech venture dudes including two who have held trump fundraisers. in trump my in appearance, emigration came up. now whatever the rich guys want he is right on it. >> please promise us you will give us more ability to import the best and brightest around the world to america. >> i do promise, but i happen to agree. that's why i promise. what i want to do and will do, is you graduate from college, i think you should get automatically as part of your diploma, a green card. >> you want to do that? did you do that in your first term? he was president, right? he had an actual record, and no. in fact, he made it way harder for legal immigrants in all categories to come here when he was president. that is his record. but he is just telling the rich people around him within earshot, anywhere, what they want to hear in the moment. because he wants the money. it is like a caricature of the most crass, corrupt politician you can imagine. the when you think of, the most cynical vision of how politics works. if you are a billionaire right now and you have and ask for donald trump, you are getting a yes. and that is just the influence that he is specifically pedaling at the moment. it does not include the tax cuts for the wealthy that are expected had by the end of the year. those tax breaks, let's remember, are worth literally trillions of dollars for corporations and the richest americans. president joe biden has already said he will not renew them. it is a campaign promise of his. donald trump, on the other hand, absolutely will and will go for more tax cuts. it is the one campaign promise that he has kept from the beginning. >> this is what our new future will look like. i am going to lower your taxes, very substantially. i am going to get rid of massive amounts of unnecessary regulation. all of these regulations, on your business and in your life. >> there is also the fact that trump is now proposing an enormous tax hike on working families. you heard me correctly. that is his plan to replace the income tax with a tariff on all items imported into the u.s. the new trump tax would cost most middle-class american families an extra $5000 a year, according to economist brenda duke, all while cutting taxes for the richest bolts by $1 million a year. now, all of this comes as a stark contrast to the record of president joe biden, who has, among other things, appointed the most prolabor national relation board members i have ever seen, encouraged workers unionizing, walked on the picket line, stood with them. has an antitrust record. the federal trade commission and the department of justice has been the most aggressive in literal decades if not generations. going after some of the biggest, most powerful corporations on earth for anticompetitive practices. and, you know what? corporate america doesn't like it. as an advocate for new york business leaders told politico this month, they are listening to republicans who say the threat to capitalism from democrats is more concerning than the threat to democracy from trump. the biden administration has gone all in on economics. on worker welfare, on corporate responsibility. the billionaire and corporate class hate it, as we have seen in recent weeks. they are doing what they can to make a corrupt bargain with donald trump in hopes of even greater riches. i am joined now by senator bernie sanders, chair of the senate committee on health, labor, and pensions. good to have you here. >> good to be here. >> i have heard this from wealthy folks. the antitrust, the tax stuff, the antitrust stuff, the worker stuff, they really don't like it. and people don't, i think, quite realize how aggressive this administration is been on all of those fronts. >> biden is the first president to ever walk on the picket line during this strike. that is a very significant act. the ftc has been more aggressive in taking on corporate monopolies than we have ever seen. >> probably in 50 or 60 years. >> i think that's right. both parties have been absolutely negligent in breaking up monopolies. biden once progressive tax reform at a time of massive income and wealth inequality, when the effective tax rate of billionaires is lower than that of nurses and truck drivers. he wants, correctly, that the billionaire class start paying its fair share of taxes. and you're right, at a time when we have so much greed out there, when the religion of the billionaire class is greed, they would rather give up democracy than take a hit. >> that quote really struck me. the quote that we think democrats are more of a risk the to capitalism then trump is to democracy. >> it really is incredible. it should be shocking, really, but knowing the history of the country over many years. these guys are so greedy, so wedded to their wealth and their power that they will do anything, anything to keep that position. but the issue, and i am glad you are focusing on it, because it is certainly not just trump. trump is an outrageous example of selling out for money. >> yeah, he is a vessel for them. >> he is, but let's be clear. we are the only major country on earth to not guarantee health care to all. why? do you ever look at the amount of money the insurance and drug companies put into candidates? unbelievably at a time when everybody with a brain in their head understands that climate change is a threat to the planet, guess what? this guy, trump, wants to deregulate the fossil fuel industry even more and destroy the planet. why? these guys are spending huge amounts of money. >> you also have the situation, which, this is been the case. money and politics in the u.s. has worked in all kinds of ways. but just reading that quote about mellon writing the $50 million check and the super pacs, the amount that you can give, it really is a new thing. >> it is, you're right. it has always been there. i just came from an event with jamaal bowman up in the bronx, and that is a perfect example of this. bowman is a strong progressive member of congress who has spoken out on the horrific situation in gaza, et cetera et cetera. and they are saying to him, and this, by the way, what the bowman situation is, they are making a statement, all of congress. you have the guts to take on foreign-policy. you want to take on the corporate interests that are so powerful, i'll tell you what's going to happen. you are going to lose. and that message goes all of her congress. you step up for working-class people? your days are numbered. this is oligarchy, and it is an issue that we have to focus on and deal with. >> that primary, which we noted, the most expensive in american history already. there has been about $15 million spent by super pack. also, the crypto people have also got it, which has not gotten as much attention. the crypto interests, and you saw what happened, what donald trump says. it is just as black-and-white as you can get. i like crypto now, give me money. and the crypto people come out and they say here is some money, thank you for protecting crypto. >> absolutely, it is disgraceful. so what we have to do? first of all, it goes without saying that we have got to deal with citizens united. we have to get rid of that. and second of all, we have to do what many other countries around the world who have public funding of elections. if you want to run against me, that's fine. but you'll have the right to have 50 times more money coming from rich people in order to defeat me. we should be debating ideas. >> i saw a stat today, and i think this is correct, that, obviously in the uk they are about to have an election. the amount of money spent on that election so far is less than the new york 16 primary. for the nation! across all parties excellent we just do things in a totally different way. >> and it's getting worse. your point is, and i want everybody to hear this. billionaires are doing phenomenally well. they have so much money that they are sitting there like hey, let's start a super pack. let's put $100 million. let's beat that guy. let's support that guy. because we need more tax breaks. we are only worth 50 billion, how are we going to get by? this is an issue. to anyone out there, we are not going to be able to do what we want to do, deal with climate change, guarantee health care to all people, have a tax system which is fair, make sure that our kids do not have the highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any country on earth. we are not going to be able to do any of that in less we take on a corrupt campaign-finance system, which is what you are talking about. >> one of the things that are striking to me, too, and i don't know if you agree with me on this. but i also think it is shortsighted on the part of the business class. >> i don't agree with you. >> you don't agree with me. i think that they are underestimating the risk of a trumpet ministration and what it would do. you think they are going to be all right? >> i think that greed is so incredibly ugly and pervasive. these guys want it. they want more and more. i think they could care less about what is happening to the elderly, the children, the working class of this country. and i believe that they will do anything that they can to enrich themselves, and trump is clearly their guy. >> senator bernie sanders, it is a pleasure to have you here in person. you're going to be outside in the heat tomorrow, so drink a lot of water. thank you very much. coming up, the supreme court actually did the right thing today, which is news. why those days might be numbered. that is next. some days, you can feel like a spectator in your own life with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they start. and treatment is 4 times a year. in a survey, 91% of users wish they'd started sooner. so why wait? 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>> well, of course it is welcome. it was an 8-1 decision, justice clarence thomas was in the dissent. and in some ways, that is kind of a window into your conversation about the fifth circuit. in many ways, when the court has to push back the fifth circuit, they are having to punish a child that they spoiled . the circuit has been taking cues from, yeah, they have been taking cues from the supreme court and when these cases come up to the supreme court, then the supreme court has to explain to the fifth circuit you have gone too far. you may remember, chris, that it was a case involving the gun rights of domestic abusers that caused clarence thomas in 2016 to break his then decade-long period of silence during oral arguments. in a case called, that suddenly i was in the courthouse that day and we suddenly heard his voice. he has been solicitous of this issue of whether or not guns can be kept from domestic abusers since then. so there are judges on the fifth circuit who are taking cues from clarence thomas. and so, today there was this 8- 1 decision which was very important, it was also important because in some ways the chickens are beginning to come home to roost. and this supreme court is having to untangle the gordian knots that it created in some of its jurisprudence, like the bruin case which has left lower courts believing that it, the second amendment is essentially a free-for-all and a little suicide pact in our society. now the supreme court is trying to bring some order, at least from this decision, to the way courts have interpreted. and what is been really lovely to see today in the opinion is the concurrence of justice jackson, who basically scolds the court and says this is something of the court's making. courts cannot make sense of what to do with the bruin decision, which seems to suggest that there are no regulations or limits on gun ownership that can be allowed, and that this case is a step in the right direction but not at all enough. >> yeah, bruin, written by justice thomas is a justice thomas opinion. and he says in his dissent today, 8-1, here is what i meant. that if it is not there at the founding era, you cannot do anything. so there was no conception of the category of domestic violence at the time, so obviously there were no laws barring people who were guilty of domestic violence from buying a gun, ergo, no. and you have this fascinating situation where the rest of the court, the liberals and conservatives trying to say no, come on, that can't be the case. and all this kind of reasoning of how do we unwind what we kind of sign on to in bruin? >> yes, that's the problem. they are now facing what they have done, and at some point when you read justice thomas's dissent and he is going on about surety laws in the antebellum period, there is something where they have lost the plot. but they cannot throw their hands and claim innocence, the other conservative justices, because they have joined in with this. i would say the same would be true with the fda case in which the court, you know, save that access to the abortion pill for the time being on standing grounds, ruling that the plaintiff in that case, doctors and medical associations did not have standing to challenge the fda decisions around mifepristone , the abortion pill. once again, if you can figure out the supreme court's jurisprudence on standing, you are better than i am. and i taught con law and civil procedure for 20 years. of course, standing is the doctrine that determines who is entitled to challenge the law and bring a suit in court. you cannot just bring a suit because you don't like a law or because you don't like what a particular official did. you have to actually have been injured, in fact, that injury has to be fairly traceable to the defendant's conduct. and the claim has to be capable of being redressed by the litigation. but we know this supreme court, in a case called 303 creative, allowed a claim to go forward of a woman who thought she might create a website, what i call, she worried standing, because she has not created a website yet. but she is thinking about reading website. and if she does create a website, she worries, he said, and i'm quoting, she worries that a gay person will come in and want her to make something for their wedding, and she would refuse, and then she would be in trouble. if you have issued that decision, it is not a stretch for the fifth circuit to think that it is okay for doctors who have never prescribed mifepristone who have never taken it, to believe they have standing just out of their own personal religious belief to challenge the fda's ruling on the abortion pill. >> i love, i am going to use that line and credit you, the punishing a child spoiling of the fifth circuit. we have three cases, we have the mifepristone , reverse 9-0, and two days ago tax case, yesterday's tax case reversed 7- 2. and my take away, you see a lot of conservatives who are very invested in sort of propping up the kind of reputational capital of the court, saying look, they are actually doing law. they are not just right-wing nuts, they are not as voting along party lines, they are doing well. there is something to that, but my thinking is what is the fifth circuit doing? if they are doing law, then what is the fifth circuit doing? and what is to say that the fifth circuit couldn't be the supreme court's someday? >> well, i heard you at the top say, chris, that things could get worse. there's no question about it. if we look at the cast of characters on the fifth circuit, and to be fair, the fifth circuit has been conservative for a long time. when i was a baby lawyer litigating in the fifth circuit was always a trial. the fifth circuit court of appeals by the way, covers the states of texas, louisiana, and mississippi. for a civil rights lawyer, because these are states with large black and latino populations, it is always a struggle. there were glory days of the fifth circuit during the civil rights movement, that was a long time ago. i don't mean to say that the fifth circuit were all angels prior to this iteration of judges appointed by president trump, but many of these judges are kind of over-the-top, if you have ever read an opinion by james hall, which reads like a tract from bible study, or the judge who is kind of, who can be counted on to do anything around immigration, or andrew oldham, one of the judges who would not say that brown was correctly decided. these are judges who are true ideologues, true zealots, and they cannot really be bothered with the details of law. but they have been getting green lights from this supreme court, and so, when you ask what are they doing? they are doing what they believe that they will have permission to do. and that permission, they believe, has been granted by the supreme court. you are quite right that the election this year is a referendum on where we are going to go with the supreme court. but i'm glad you are talking about the fifth circuit, because the supreme court is not the only problematic issue involving courts in our country. in the fifth circuit is a big one. >> great to have you, as always. thank you. >> thank you, chris. still to come, trump's favorite judge pulled out all the stops today to get the man who appointed her off the hook. the latest absolutely bizarre hearing out of trump's documents case. documents case. right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. ♪♪ for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. annika. i found the bomb. ok johann. there should be a blue wire and a yellow wire. for the love of moving our clients forward. cut the blue one. they're both blue! visionworks. see the difference. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ if you have generalized myasthenia gravis, picture what life could look like with... vyvgart hytrulo, a subcutaneous injection that takes about 30 to 90 seconds. for one thing, could it mean more time for you? 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[ surprised scream ] don't panic. gift easy with etsy. in the case of donald trump's mishandling of classified documents in his mar- a-lago home. back in february trump's lawyers filed to dismiss the case, saying the special counsel was unconstitutional. that neither the constitution or congress created the office of special counsel, the appointment is invalid. president ulysses s grant and theodore roosevelt both appointed them, and congress has long approved of the practice. this very issue has also been argued and ruled upon by the supreme court, notably in the united states versus nixon when the court held the attorney general has the power to appoint special counsel and give them the authority to investigate and bring charges. eileen cannons job as a district court judge is to uphold the precedent set by the supreme court. the very clear precedent is that the special counsel is unconstitutional. it is a settled matter, at least for now. the supreme court can reverse it, but that is not her job. it should not be a hard question for judge cannon to decide. and yet, she spent several hours today entertaining donald trump's claim. his lawyers making many of the same arguments that were shot down by the higher court once before. they went so far to say that the attorney general's ability to appoint special counsel is akin to the power to appoint a shadow government. judge cannon seemed skeptical of that one, saying it sounds very ominous. for their part, jack smith's team countered that trump's claim disregards precedent, and argued that overturning that president would have pernicious consequent is. here's the thing. judge cannon also allow multiple outside parties to present oral arguments, random attorneys were totally unaffiliated with either side. two of them argued for trump might decide, one was in line with government defense. today's hearing was one of three in a row, with two scheduled for monday and tuesday of next week. she canceled a previous start date for the trial and has yet to set another one. so what is eileen cannon up to? we will dive into that with two of our favorite legal experts next, don't go anywhere. i have active psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, count me in. along with clearer skin, skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. with cascade platinum plus, i have upped my dish game auntie, in that dishwasher? watch me platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. clean enough for you? yeah! scrape. load. done. cascade platinum plus. clogged gutters can cause big problems fast. until now. call 833-leaffilter today for your free gutter inspection. i've had terrible flooding problems on my porch. now i understand why. right now leaffilter is offering a free inspection, on your schedule. leaffilter is a permanent gutter solution, so you never have to worry about costly damage from clogged gutters again. call us today and schedule your free inspection. to schedule your free inspection, >> university of maryland call 833.leaf.filter today or visit global campus is a school for real life, one that values the successes you've already achieved. earn up to 90 undergraduate credits for relevant experience and get the support you need from your first day to graduation day and beyond. what will your next success be? [ growl ] ready for the road trip. to graduation day and beyond. everyone comfortable. yep, there's plenty of space. i've even got an extra seat. wait! no, no, no, no, no. [ gasps ] [ indistinct chatter ] [ sigh ] let's just wait them out. the volkswagen atlas with three rows of seating for seven. everyone wants a ride. [ snoring ] ok, get in. [ speaking minionese ] yippee! and see "despicable me 4" in theaters july 3rd. rated pg. district judge eileen cannon has been delaying donald trump's mar-a-lago classified documents case at every turn. now she is acting like a supreme court, entertaining the idea of overturning settled precedent, hearing trump's claim that special counsel jack smith does not have the authority to prosecute. so what exactly is judge cannon up to? cohost of the podcast along with my wife, kate shaw. lisa rubin is an msnbc legal correspondent. they both join me now. i keep trying to check myself on this. obviously this case does present interesting issues, and it is somewhat unprecedented. it is not like this is all by the book. but this particular claim, that special counsel is unconstitutional, for district judge operating under supreme court precedent, it should be pretty straightforward, right? >> girl, stay in your lane. yeah, not only has the issue of whether the special counsel comports with the structures of constitutional law, that has been settled. that is been addressed in multiple courts, settled. we don't have to rehash that. even if we were to rehash or revisit it, she has not the venue to do that. she can make a decision on it, but this whole parade of experts, having people who are not actual parties to the litigation come into argue, all of that seems a little bit off when, in fact, if this were an actual issue it would ultimately be decided by the supreme court, not by a district court judge in fort pierce, florida. >> lisa? >> well, the d.c. circuit encountered a similar issue with respect to ronald miller. that issue never went to the supreme court, largely because the supreme court intuited that its decision in the united states versus nixon where, in taxing on the propriety of a special prosecutor, they might not have made a holding. it might be dicta. but it seemed like the supreme court had an opportunity with respect to mueller to decide this, and they passed it up. you mentioned that eileen cannon is acting like a one- woman supreme court, i think she is a one-woman faculty lounge. she finds this intellectually fascinating, and she said at the end of the argument today, this has all been very helpful in eliminating. that's great, but this is not a matter of a thought experiment among the academy. this is a real case. and her decision to allocate two days to argument in it delays all of the other motions that are piling up as the department of justice says hey, wait a second, the interest in a speedy trial belongs to the people and not just to the defendant, donald trump. >> yeah, this piling, the delay here is already, i think, done what it has designed to do. i can't say design, i don't know her mental state. but she has created a situation in which there is no way that this gets to trial before the election. >> i think that is in fact the right. i will say this, lisa. i think you are being way too generous about the faculty lounge. that is not always what happens there. but you are right. this feel like a major delay tactic, and is she responding to what the defendant before her always does? perhaps. this is something straight out of the trump playbook. but she is letting this linger on. this is a day that was unprecedented in district court, and we are also going to have monday where the same thing will happen on a different question of whether or not jack smith is being properly compensated. which, to me, recalls -- >> what? i missed that one. >> on monday there will be a hearing about whether or not jack smith's compensation is proper or improper. and that recalls what we saw in georgia, when fani willis was brought in to discuss whether or not her reported ethics violation with a member of her staff was a problem. it is just a delay. it creates more opportunities for this to be challenged on appeal. but more portly, it creates an opportunity to make sure this case goes nowhere. >> and it also creates an opportunity to to make sure actual serious issues in the case, ones that have been litigated time and time again get delayed or short shrift. next week she has allocated what seems like a maximum of two hours to the special counsel's motion to modify trump's conditions of release so that he cannot speak about fbi personnel who have been involved in the investigation or prosecution. today jack smith's office modified their motion, because they said that a june 11th threat against an fbi agent gives them all the more reason to stick to modify the conditions of release. that is an actual matter with respect to life-and-death of fbi officials, and yet, that motion gets to be heard at 3:00, after she has already exhausted the questions of the appropriation clause and the appointments clause with respect to jack smith's very constitution as a special prosecutor here. or special counsel. >> and on that question about modifying the gag order, this is another place where we are running this little supreme court down in fort pierce, where 24 republican attorneys general have filed an amicus brief on that question about why donald trump has to retain the ability to talk about the fbi agents. and again, this is a district court case where this stuff is supposed, you have to keep the trains moving. >> district court is about case management. i was a district court clerk before i went on to clerk for justice soto mayor. it is about keeping the trains running. keeping it going on time. there are rules that you have to follow, the 60 day rule for motions that are pending on your docket if you are district court judge. you have to get through them relatively expeditiously. this kind of thing, long, lengthy oral arguments on esoteric, rather academic questions are usually not seen, and most experienced district judges know better. and that is a really important point here. this is not a district court judge with a ton of experience in criminal cases, or even cases like this one that have really specialized questions. >> and i want you to weigh in, we talked about this yesterday, but i'd love to get your thoughts about this really remarkable times reporting. federal courts are crips of silence. nothing is coming out of there. things are not linking. this is, that shortly after judge cannon drew the assignment in 2023 to oversee this classified documents case, two more experienced colleagues in florida urged her to pass it up and handed off to another juror. there is that the substance of that, and the facts we are reading about. >> correct, there is the fact we are reading about it, which, to me, is actually more extraordinary than the story itself. it reminds me of jodi kantor's reporting about how the dobbs case even came to be heard by the court, and how for months there was an agreement among the justices that they would hear the case, but yet they kept publicly saying that it was still being conferenced. this is one of those moments, similarly, where someone decided it was important enough to call charlie savage and ellen feuer at the times and say this is what happened. as you know, from the reporting itself, it escalated. it starts with the hey, might as well put this in miami where we have a secure facility for classified information. when she resists that, then the chief judge makes an older play. the optics are are bad because of how you handled the civil case over the search itself. >> and the chief judge is not some in the bag for biden hack. this is a george w. bush appointee who seems genuinely concerned that the courts are going to look illegitimate if you, eileen cannon, who already decided a motion badly on behalf of donald trump now takes over this case number for which you have very little experience. >> you are starting with a 0-2 count. and why do that when you could just send another batter up there? thank you both. is only the second day of summer, and about 20% of americans are already under heat advisory as we suffer through yet another potential hottest year on record. the story of the most remarkable transformation of human ingenuity in centuries is happening right now all around us. that is next. ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ my mental health was better. but uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia, started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. take control by asking your doctor about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. we are in a race with the climate, 90 million people under heat alerts in the united states and miami spent much of last week covered in floodwaters while wildfires are burning new mexico. we are seeing astonishing temperatures across the globe from 122 degrees in india to 125 in saudi arabia where more than 1100 people died at the annual pilgrimage to this extreme heat is not new as the 12 consecutive months since june of 2023 have each set the record for the hottest month in history. that is what we are racing. the other track is pulling off the most copy of the alteration of the foundations of civilization and what it is powered by since the industrial revolution. the green transition that is happening in a shockingly fast pace. look at the start of energy research group the rocky mountain institute the new solar additions are shattering every forecast on the left, electric vehicle sales are going up to 20% of our call sales -- all car sales. it is happening so fast that, if we can keep this up, a race which seemed like we lost, we may now have something of a shot, maybe, at winning. thanks in large part to joe biden and his inflation reduction act, there is a pathway to outrace the climate crisis. if we keep the green transition going in the current pace. it is crucial not to take our eye off the ball as a new report out 2023 set an all-time record in fossil fuel emissions, but, there is a real possibility that that could be the peak year. i am joined by jeff, author of that heat will kill you first , great to have you. talk about what that heat we are seeing particularly in india which is a shocking heat wave going on, what that means for people there and what we are learning about what heat does to people antibodies ? >> good to see you again, chris. what that means for people living there in those conditions, suffering. you know, risk of death. heat is a killer force. some people call it the silent killer. it really is, unlike other climate events. like a hurricane. you look at the window and see it is happening, you don't see it happening with heat. i can look out my window in austin and i can't tell if it is 125 degrees or 75 degrees our bodies have thermal limits. when our bodies overheat, it can happen quickly. extreme heat is like a bug zapper. within a few hours in these conditions you can go from feeling fine to near death. it is really alarming. >> what kind of infrastructure is necessary to condition -- to prepare ourselves for this world of extreme, particularly in the south and countries without the affluence that we have in the united states? >> the kind of infrastructure we need to be honest is reinvention of what a city looks like. our cities are built of asphalt and concrete and steel, the amplified heat, heat sinks , there is urban heat island effect off the temperatures 15 to 20 degrees higher than in the surrounding area. we need to rethink cities and general and talk entirely, not just about placing more shade trees and more green space, more access to cooling, but reimagining what they look like this is such a massive task. people think it is hot, get more people air-conditioning. it is not that simple. 75 million people on the planet do not have access to electricity. much less air-conditioning. we will not condition the oceans and the forest or the fields where we draw crops. the scope and scale of this, easy to underestimate. >> that segues to what i was talking about in the second part of the introduction, the most enormous civilizational transformation since we started pumping fossil fuels and created the steam engine and industrial revolution, which is trying to remake the world in a way where we have zero carbon energy. that is now, as someone who has covered this issue for longer than i have, for most of the time you have been covering it, nothing was going on in that part of the story. things are now going on in that part of the story at a rate that you or i have never seen. >> totally true. 10 years ago, i was in debates with fossil fuel ceos and they would say that we cannot go to renewables, you cannot build solar or wind because it is so expensive and people need cheap energy. that is the exact opposite now. if you want to get cheaper energy the people, you do it by building solar and wind. the collapse of the price of renewable energy is remarkable. it is fundamental transformation of our energy sources and fossil fuels are the whale oil. how long will this transition take? the fossil fuel energy is politically powerful and they will drag this out as long as they can. the president has had difficulty addressing fossil fuel subsidies. we are spending billions subsidizing this agent whale oil damaging the planet and slowing the transition. >> that is a great metaphor. the time before we really started pumping fossil fuels at scale, this is what moby was about , running around the world using blubber to light lamps. that eventually got replaced with something better. >> everybody in the fossil fuel industry knows that they are in an industry that is ending. how long can they continue to, you know, burn the oil and keep the business model going and the profits soaring? >> jeff goodall, thank you, one of my favorite writers on this topic. alex wagner tonight starts now . >> of all the criminal indictments and civil lawsuits and judges orders,

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Blubber , Light Lamps , Industry , Ending , Business Model , Profits , Judges Orders , Indictments , Lawsuits , Writers , Topic , Alex Wagner ,

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