capable i'm ready to show the world how good i am. >> i trained all over the globe. >> and that's what you're going to see an awl whole different beast c w wednesday night dynamite he'd on tbs hello, i'm wolf blitzer in washington in for jim acosta. we're following breaking news. any moment now, president biden would deliver a major speech on the power of democracy. there'll be speaking from the site of a turning point for allied forces during world war ii. and former president donald while trump is back out there on the campaign trail and once again, leaving the door open to prosecuting his political opponents. if he's elected to a second term also happening right now, the prosecution is wrapping up its case in hunter biden's gun trial we are live reporting live from outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware. stay with us urine, the cnn newsroom at any moment, president biden was stand on hallowed ground and plant the flag for democracy. president biden is at 0.2 in france, it's where us army rangers scale the steep cliffs on d-day to take out german machine guns. the allied invasion of normandy was certainly attorney point against not see germany. this hour of the president will use that backdrop to confront rising global threats to us leadership and to democracy itself. he delivered a preview yesterday in his d-day anniversary speech. listen we're living at a time when democracy and more at risk across the world than a point since the end, the world war two, since these beaches were stormed in 1944 now i have to ask ourselves, when we stand against tyranny, against evil, against crushing brutality of the iron fist. >> when we stand for freedom, we defend democracy and joining us now our chief international anchor, christiane amanpour, she's in paris for us. christiane will join the president's speech 20 begins its expected to begin very, very soon. what are the main points you expect him to make? >> absolutely. a reprise at an expansion of what you just heard from yesterday. he will set this as the crucial battleground on frontline. for defending democracy and freedom on the continent of europe, but not just for europe, but also for the united states. it's so i'd point you hall key will clearly be taking on a speech that many people say, no other president has ever been able to deliver or match. and that was ronald reagan, 1984 on the 40th anniversary of d-day, a celebrating, as he said, the boys of plant, you hogg. he said these are the man who's scale these cliffs, the champions who helped free a continent, the heroes who helped and a war. i'm slightly paraphrasing, but that is exactly what biden will try to say to that, even though american forces are not on the ground in europe, they are helping ukraine in its terrible, terrible war that russia imposed with this its invasion back nearly nine on three years ago in march, in february of 2020 so that will most definitely be the setting and the context. we've had president biden meeting with president zelenskyy of ukraine, whose been there amongst world leaders are celebrating and commemorating what happened on d-day background is meeting ting with him, the president of france will meet zelenskyy and offer him a whole load of french fighter jets. this is very important for the struggle against russia and they will simply put it in stark terms that russia today poses a threat similar to what the soviet union pose to europe and america back 40 years ago and throughout the cold war, wolf and as you pointed out christiana was 40 years ago when then president ronald reagan delivered that really powerful speech, right where you are at pointe-du-hoc. >> and it is considered an iconic speech. >> i want to play a little clip. >> i went back and found this. listen to this we in america have learned bitter lessons from two world wars. it is better to be here ready to protect the piece than to take blind shelter across the sea rushing to respond only after freedom is lost. we've learned that isolationism never was and never will be an acceptable response to tyrannical governments within expansionist intent christiane now, 40 years later, we'll president biden echo that same message of his republican predecessor do you? no, i expect so because what president reagan said with such prescient was that america cannot be safe. just by giving into bullies, giving into those who wish to change the dynamics of the international world order through force and he was making a speech there. he was talking about the soviet union. he talked about how the soviet union yes. helped during world war ii. and even liberating that part of the european continent. but stayed in europe as he said, unwanted, uninvited, an unyielding the thing with reagan that is so consequential is that he then went on and found a partner, mps having signaled their that he was looking for a partner in peace in the soviet union. he found one mikhail gorbachev and then took the whole process over the line and then you had with these two partners american andrew and serve unit the two superpowers were able to end are communism. and finally the end of the soviet union, of course, putin now has come back and is in the midst of what people called ravana chisholm wanting to bring back the so-called glory of the soviet time. even imperial times, where russia had a sphere of influence and putin is absolutely determined that he deserves and the russia today deserves a sphere for of influence thinking that ukraine is part of what rightly belongs to russia's sphere of influence are those days are over the cold war ended and there aren't so-called spheres of influence anymore. nonetheless the absolute risk and catastrophe that is unleashed on europe, the first major ground was since well but what you, it's still playing out. and therefore everything is at stake. are not just with this speech, but, but pointing out to the republicans in the united states, that isolation, isolationism, america first hunkering down appeasing. in this case, the russian enemies is not going to work for peace and security a christiane, the column list, peggy noonan was a young reagan speech writer, are certainly helped write that critically important d-day speech 40 years ago, she reminisced about its importance in the wall street journal especially when it came to rallying allies. >> let me read a quote from that article. that's why he spoke at such length of all the allied armies at d-day, not only the americans, it's why he paid tribute to those armies valor to remind current leaders what their ancestors had done. it's why he talked about the unity of the allies. they rebuilt a new europe together and quote, very powerful words indeed unity of allies that will be a common theme today for sure, won't it? christiane? >> wolf? absolutely. and one thing that president biden has done in his presidency is rebuilt and work very, very hard to re-establish the good relations between america. and it's nato and other allies. these that were heavily damaged under the trump presidency because donald trump had a complete clearly different view of what an alliance was four for him, it was transactional. for him, it was you know, you pay your way and we'll see if we'll help you for him. it was really america first and some would say america alone, and america only biden. and those who think like him believed that america cannot actually exist this alone behind fortress united states. but that absolutely has to, and is only strong when it is in solid alliances. and of course the same goes for the europeans. they know that they are stronger as a democratic force when they are in the alliance with america i can protection around them as well. obviously all paying their way. and many of them have stepped up. and of course, this was first insisted by president obama back in 2014 at the nato summit when they really called on the allies to step up their nature contributions, and so many of them have, and europe has by far given the most money into ukraine during its desperate struggle against the russian invasion, america has given the most and the heaviest weapons, but europe has really stepped up. and this is all at stake now. and i will just say also politically, europe faces european elections, right now, members of the european parliament and the far-right forces in europe, let's say in italy, here in france. and elsewhere are looking to make serious gains. so this all is coming in the context where in a way, everything's at stake and biden yesterday said, echoing again, ronald reagan, that actually your country is worth fighting and dying for democracy is worth fighting and dying for because as reagan said, it is the most noble form of government ever devised by human beings. he said, man, i'm just going to say by humans. >> yeah, no, it's a really amazing speech that then president ronald reagan delivered 40 years ago now, 40 years later president biden is about to speak at that very same location, pointe-du-hoc. christiane will get back to you after we hear from the president right now, i want to bring in cnn's senior white house correspondent kayla tausche. kayla, you're there on the scene for us. i understand you have new details. >> what the president is expected to include. >> it beach tell us what you've learned let's go. >> i'm ready well, if we expect the president to be describing the human element behind the imagery, behind the emotion of this place and the effort that took place at years ago that there are real humans behind the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. >> and that ordinary americans can do extraordinary things. he plans to say that the world is summoning us. they're asking us what we will do. they're not asking us to scale these cliffs. they're asking us to stay true to what america stands for. just a few minutes ago, president biden in marine one flew by these cliffs that aren't let me rangers scale to 80 years ago to take out those german artillery positions essentially enabling the allied forces who landed here on d-day to succeed. and president biden is going to talk about that efforts specifically through the lens of one of those army rangers who was still living. his name is john war del. he's here in the audience today, nine c 9-years-old, of course, there are more than a few parallels as you were just mentioning to the speech that a conservative forebear to president biden ronald reagan made here 40 years ago. he had 62 of those army rangers on hand. of course, it was a different time, but there were a lot of similarities, not just in the situation that was happening around the world as you've been discussed? gossett but also the situation that both leaders faced at home, waning support for us intervention overseas. for reagan, it was in the post vietnam era for president biden. it is because of his pledge to end forever wars. and the current fights that are ongoing and ukraine and in gaza, they also were just months so away from reelection and talked about the power of democracy and the the need to defeat isolationism. i want you to take a listen to them and now we've learned that isolationism never was and never will be an acceptable response to tyrannical governments within expansionist intent isolationism was not the answer 80 years ago. and is not the answer today. >> clearly biden's messaging here in normandy already, echoing that of reagan, we expect more of that today. peggy noonan, who, you know, is reagan's speech writer, back in 1984, she wrote this in her memoir about the purpose and the goal of reagan's speech back then, she said, i wanted american teenagers to stop chewing their rice crispy for a minute and hear about the greatness of those tough kids who are now they're grandfathers and to come away with the thinking that history is real reagan's speech took place when kids were sitting around the breakfast table at 8:00 a.m. before they went to school, biden speech is, of course, happening a little bit later in the day now, but i think it's safe to say that showing that history is real and is currently repeating itself is one of the raison d'etre of biden being here today, wolff? >> yeah, important point. >> kayla. i guess a political question is this speech today by the president united states, intended more for us allies who will all be watching or us voters back home i think it's safe to say it's an equal part of both wolf and being here in europe, having met with president zelenskyy just this morning, meeting with a president macron tomorrow meeting with the g7 next week, and nato allies next month. >> president biden wants to show that america can maintain the man until of global leadership even. and despite the fact of the political situation back home and the fact that there has been waning support not only in the us, but also in european capitals as some of those far-right candidates in the european elections have been gaining steam in the coming weeks. of course, we'll see the composition of the european parliament potentially change. we will see elections taking place in the uk. so there's a lot of change that is going to be happening here on this continent even well before we get to november of a president biden is i think trying to assuage both allies here in europe as well as voters back home that the us knows what its position is and can gin up the support to maintain that kayla. >> thank you very, very much. kayla is at 0.2 haka, where the president will be speaking momentarily. we're standing by for his remarks. we will of course, bring you those remarks live standby for that. but there's other important news we're following are standing by not only for president biden, he's back on the shores of normandy, france right now, preparing to deliver this major speech on democracy, we're going to, as i said, we're going to bring we've got to your live. there's a lot of other news unfolding right now as well. we'll share all of that with you. stay with us. urine the cnn newsroom the increase in wildfires is exponential, unpredictable i'm uncontrollable, with overwhelming kotb. the need to do something is urgent. >> finally, birth with we have schreiber and good night on cn n ship trucks, advanced camera technology lets you see over under through down in any other direction, you may need 28 available cameras and 14 views so you can focus on the view that really matters don't miss it vague. >> chevys guy chevrolet together, let's drive if you're moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks. >> you still laura from the start and move toward relief after the first dose with injections. every two months still laura may increase your risk of infections, some serious and cancer before treatment get tested for tb, tell your doctor if you've had an infection like symptoms source, new skin growths have had cancer, 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other important news we're following president biden's message of alliance building through american power abroad. paints are rather start codon address with donald trump's more isolationist vision of an america withdrawing from the global stage on this the 80th anniversary of d-day, biden honored american heroes who gave their lives defending democracy while trump has now falsely claimed, and i'm quoting him now that the largest invasion in history is correct currently taking place, at the us border with mexico. listen to this two days ago, joe biden signed and executive order to officially declare his formal approval and support for the largest border invasion in the history of the world. >> so this has been the largest invasion in history. we've never, we are being invaded. this is not people coming in of course, the d-day operation on june 6, 1944 that began the liberation of europe was and still is the single largest border invasion in history. >> trump's comments since game last night during his first campaign event as a convicted felon and have kicked off a major campaign swing out of the west coast cnn politics reporter steve contorno has details for us. steve, what can you tell us about trump's big swing right now? >> well, last night wolf with trump for the first time stepping out on a stage since the conviction. and within moments of appearing before the crowd, he said that the hush money trial verdict, which was reached by a jury of peers, unanimously was quote, rigged. he went on to say that if the case is not appealed or if you doesn't winning appeal, it would quotes, we're not going to have a country anymore. and what we're seeing from him and his allies is this escalation of retribution rhetoric ever since that verdict was reached, trump has had a series of friendly interviews since last thursday where the host have attempted to get him to step back from this revenge rhetoric, and he he has instead doubled down. listen to what he told dr. phil in an interview that aired yesterday the word revenge is a very strong word, but maybe we have revenge through success, while revenge just take time, i will say that does and sometimes revenge can be justified trump's event in arizona was the first and a swing across the west coast. >> he appeared as well at a san francisco fundraiser yesterday night, and he has more fundraisers plan throughout the weekend. and then he finds himself in las vegas, a critical battleground state and nevada for a rally on sunday, wolf steve trump also made some news about his pick for vice president, a vice presidential running mate for him. my tell us what we're learning yeah. >> trump confirming what we've been hearing for weeks, which is that he is expected to announce who his running mate will be at the convention that will be held in july in milwaukee. so we're now just a little over for a month away from that announcement and we have been hearing that the list that he is considering has been narrowed down to seven names, and i can tick through some of them for you. we have at the top tier north dakota governor doug burgum, senator marco rubio of florida, and senator jd vance of ohio. vance, i should note, was with trump yesterday in arizona and then we have this sort of second tier of individuals who are being vetted and considered as well. they include tim scott of south carolina representative elise stefanik, representative byron donalds, and former hud secretary ben carson wolf. so that's a list of names that they are going into over this next month. of course, trump is liable to increase that list at any point we'll see what he decides that steve contorno on scene for us. thank you very, very much. and we're just moments away once again from president biden's speech had france at the site of a major d-day battle. we're going to bring that to you live once it gets underway, we'll be right back. >> this is a secret, war. >> secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn feeling from a backed 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to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19 i'm pete, mundane at reagan national airport. >> this is cnn any moment now, the president of united states, president biden will give what's being billed as a major and very moving speech defending democracy and defending freedom we're going to bring it to you live as soon as he begins, the white house it's by the way, has released some excerpts from the speech or they've said we could report this let me read you one little a paragraph of what the president united states is about to say. >> as we gather here today, it's not just to honor those who showed such remarkable bravery that de june 6, 1944, it's to listen to the echoes o of their voices, to hear them because they are summoning us. they are asking us, what will we do. they're not asking us to scale these cliffs. they're asking us to stay true to what america stands for a rotting dignitaries and veterans who are there at pointe-du-hoc getting ready to listen to the president of the united states we will have his remarks live for our viewers in the united states and indeed around the world. that's all coming up very, very shortly. in the meantime, i'm going to get to some other news that's breaking right now in delaware, specifically, hunter biden's federal gun trial is back underway, and the jury could hear directly from more ke family members today. the defense plans to call his daughter, naomi biden and uncle james biden as they look to counter yesterday's testimony from hallie biden, she's a hunter biden sister-in-law-turn ed-girlfriend. she detailed their past relationship, how we introduced her to crack cocaine, and how she disposed of the gun. right? center of this case back in 2018. meanwhile, president biden told abc news he will respect the jury's verdict in his son's trial. listen let me ask you will you accept the jury's outcome, their verdict, no matter what it is? >> yes. >> and have you ruled out a pardon for your son? >> yes. >> you have? >> cnn's senior justice corresponded evan perez is outside the courthouse there in wilmington, delaware. evan, what's the latest what are you hearing well, wolf, the final two witnesses from the prosecution have been understand this morning right now, an fbi i'd fbi chemists is on the stand explaining to the jury about the testing that they did on a pouch where hunter biden allegedly stored the gun that he bought in october for of 2018 and prosecutors want these to experts a dea agent, who described some of the drug terms that are in those text messages that prosecutors displayed to the jurors. >> and this fbi agent to sort of wrap up their case. we expect that they're going to they're going to rest sometime this morning before, as you pointed out? we will hear from the defense and we expect naomi biden, the defendants daughter, to take the stand and jimmy biden, the president brother, to also take the stand. both of them are intended to try to blunt some of the evidence that prosecutors have put on, including from hallie biden the thing things that she she testified to yesterday, which the importance of which was to place some of his drug use or alleged drug use into october of 20 2018? around the time that he bought that gun and why he's on trial here today. what we expect also that this case is going to go into next week before going to the jury. well, you're outside the courthouse. >> write down wilmington, delaware, evan, i know you've been in that courtroom as well when you're inside you're hearing all of this wild testimony going on what's it like in that room it's a very tough trial will throw to watch a hunter biden. >> obviously, he's he's odd. the defense sand, but his his mother, jill biden, has been here for most of the week, except for yesterday. you have other family family members who've come in to try to provide some support in some cases where a problem prosecutors are showing these embarrassing photographs and videos, photographs showing him passed out with crack pipes behind i'm showing him in his most his lowest moments. you can see the family members in some cases, not looking up at jill biden, for instance, first lady jill biden sometimes it doesn't even look up at the screen two see what is being displayed, and you can see also the jurors paying very close attention, particularly to the star witness hallie biden, when she described finding the gun i'm throwing it away. it's a very, very obviously a very tough time for the family but it is truly what happened was a hunter biden himself has described his struggle with with drug abuse. and so the question is, can the defense turn on what is really a mountain of evidence that the prosecution is offering in this case? well, we'll see whether that happens in the day. next couple of days, of this trial. will stay in very close touch with you, evan perez. thank you. very, very much. once again, we're standing by to hear from president biden these about to deliver a major to speak on this the 80th anniversary of d-day, looking at life pictures over there podium some of the guests have already showed up, including veterans from d-day. almost all of them, at least 100-years-old going on right now. so we're watching all they were maybe 1920, 21-years-old during the de d-day invasion. we'll hear from the president united states, that's coming up very soon. we'll take a quick break. we'll be right back. >> chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts the best things in life come into two scoops of ice cream, two thumbs up, and now by any phone, when you switch to consumer cellular and get two months of service free, that's right, two months sprayed all the facts reliable nationwide coverage, make this switch today i was just feeling sick and it was the worst day my always crying i was sad i was diagnosed with rob no miles should acoma. >> once we got the 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a prices knew every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash ash designer sales at up to 70% shop today, any moment now, president biden will be delivering a major speech defending democracy and defending freedom. >> we're going to bring it to you, of course, live as soon as he begins speaking standby for that in the meantime, as we await the president, i want to turn to another major story. we're following right now. the story involving the israel-hamas war and a cnn exclusive, a new cia report says, israeli prime minister benjamin, a time you likely believes he could get away without setting up a post-war plan for gaza. that despite increasing pressure from the biden administration to end the conflict cnn's intelligence reporter katie bo lilla is joining us now with more excellent report and katie bo, how did the cia reached this conclusion on newton, you well, if this is a cia assessment that was circulated amongst senior biden administration officials just this week and it represents really one of the most up-to-date pictures of what the intelligence hello genes community. thanks. is going on inside netanyahu's head, right? what are the political calculations that he's making right now and what they determined was that they believe that netanyahu is likely to continue defying pressure from the biden administration to try to define a really clear endpoint for what post-conflict governance and security is likely to look like in gaza. and specifically, of course, what they found is that netanyahu believes that he can try to buy himself a little bit of time here by continuing to talk about what the future of gaza might look like in really vague terms. remember, of course wolf, that he is really balancing this tricky act in between both the right-wing elements of his very fragile governing coalition and the demands of the biden administration and the west. and specifically, i'll share a little bit with you of what this assessment found, which was that netanyahu quote, probably believes he can maintain support from his security chiefs and prevent defections from the right wing of his coalition if he continues to discuss the future trump gaza in very vague terms. now, that's largely what cnn and other outlets have been reporting. but what's significant here, wolf, is that it really shows you the degree to which what the us intelligence community believes that israel is likely to do is in direct opposition to what the biden administration and the international community wants it to do, interest in katie bo because this follows goes almost exactly a week ago when president biden personally announced what he described as an israeli three plan to end the war in gaza. >> how's that working out? that's exactly right. i do think, you know, one of there continues to be a real awareness that there's a very narrow path here for potential success getting all the parties to agree to this proposal. now the biden administration has been characterizing this as an israeli proposal. they say that the ball is in hamas's core, but of course we have heard some very tepid statements from israel itself about this proposal. and one of the things that the cia assessment really highlights is how deep the divisions are within within netanyahu's own governing coalition about what a post-conflict gaza might look like? from a security perspective, from a governance perspective and so i think that really just underscores and emphasizes how, how difficult of a moment this is for the biden administration to try to achieve the goals they worried difficult to date kary mullis, thanks for your excellent, excellent reporting. i once again, let's go back to normandy all right, now we'll show you some life pictures coming in. the president united states getting ready to address veterans and others, including many dignitaries throughout europe. there you see the secretary of state, anthony blinken with one of the d-day veterans who have gathered there at pointe-du-hoc. the president will be delivering a major speech on democracy and freedom kayla tausche is on the scene for us over there. point to hoc for us. so what else are you seeing? what else are you hearing right now, kayla speeches? but what if we just heard the voice of god introducing the president who first a few minutes ago surveyed these cliffs here the herculean task that the world war ii army rangers conducted here. now he's serving this site by foot. he is walking to the stage. he has a front row that's filled with his top foreign policy officials. second qatari of state antony blinken, secretary of defense lloyd austin john kerry of course, former secretary of state, has onetime climate envoy, and he also has one living army ranger who arrived here at 0.2 hoc in the days following d-day, he plans to talk about that veteran, john ward del in this speech as he talks about the power of democracy and what americans continue fighting for the president is now approaching the podium and we expect him to begin momentarily. but you can see him taking in just the magnitude of the situation honoring those who have died here, looking at the rates that serve as memorials to the lives that were lost here. the battle that was fought here, and everything that has occurred that led to the liberation of europe. let's listen to the president. >> he's welcome the 46 president of the united states of america, joe biden, john, how are you please last the hour had come don six of jude 1944 when was pounding as it is today. and always has against these cliffs 225 american rangers arrived by ship jumped into the waves and stormed the beach they could see all they could see was the outline of the shore. >> and the enormity of these cliffs. >> and i like to i know i get in trouble. the secret service, if i go to the edge and look over, but taking those cliffs is my hostess showed me that is we're standing on top of i could hear all there was a crack of bullets hitting ships sand rocks, hitting everything. all they knew was time was of the essence and only 30 minutes. 30 minutes to eliminate the nazi guns, high this cliff guns that could halt the allied invasion before it even began but these are american rangers. there were ready i ran toward the cliffs and minds plan in an obese by field marshal rommel rommel exploded around them. but still they kept coming gunfire rain above them. >> but still they kept coming nazi grenades thrown from above exploded against the cliffs but still they kept coming but then minutes, they reached the base of this cliff it launched or ladders, the ropes and grappling hooks and they began to climb when the nazis cut their ladders arrangers use the ropes when the nazis cut the ropes arrangers use their hands and edge by inch, foot by foot, yard by yard rangers, claude literally clogged the way up this mighty precipice until the last. >> they've reached the top they breach sisters atlantic wall and they turned and that whenever the tide of the war began to save the world ladies and gentlemen yesterday, i paid my respects to the american cemetery just a few miles from here. we're many those rangers who died taking this cliff are buried. i spoke of what the what to fall on the done to defend freedom today as a look out of his battlefield. and all the bunkers and bomb craters are still surrounded one thought comes to mind my guy my god how did they do it how are these americans willing to risk everything deir, everything give everything? they were. >> americans like sergeant leonard well, as far as your lender, lomo from new jersey, he's one of the first ranges have jumped off his ship and run toward the cliff he almost was shot right above the hip. additionally, and he didn't want unsure, but he was he kept going at one point, he was scaling the clifton and other ranger yelled i'm not sure i can make it a labile you back with every ounce is 20 had in them. >> you've got a hold on and he did and they did americans like sergeant tawam or julio from massachusetts german shell hit his boat as he's approaching the shore. >> everything exploded sergeant was knocked into the freezing water and as he told it, he began to utter a prayer. dear god don't let me drown i want to get in do it. i'm here and supposed to do rags like kernel james rudder, texas in the military asked for a battalion for this. jerry mission. he raised his hand and said my rangers could do the job he knew their capacity he do it the strands of their character a few days after they scale this cliff, he wrote a condolence that are due a mother one of the rangers who gave his life here and that letter said country must be great call for the sacrifice of such mann country must be great to cough the sacrifice of such man an america is like john doe in new jersey. john is here, john. we love you, man. thank you for all you've done deserve that and a lot more john just 18-years-old, he deployed to this clip to replace his surviving rangers on that d-day invasion. he would go on to fight across france and germany in early december 1944 during one of those battles, shrapnel pierces skull by christmas. he was faq friday with is unit and here's what he said about what the notes he kept at that time. he said knowing that my buddies and i always looked out for one another that's why he came back. that's why four charges you back. he always looked out and his buddies looked out for one another. we talked about democracy very good democracy we often talk about the ideals of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness well, we don't talk about is how hard it is. how many ways we're asked to walk away, how many instincts are to walk away? the most natural instinct is to walk away to be selfish, to force our will upon others to seize power. >> never give up american democracy asked the hardest things to believe that we're part of something bigger than ourselves so democracy begins, leads of us, began with one person decides there's something more important themselves when they decide the person they're serving alongside of it. some of the look after when they decide the mission matters more than their life when to decide that they're contrary matters more than they do that's what the rangers important pump pointe-du-hoc did. that's what they decided that's what every soldier, every marine who stormed the beaches decided a feared dictator had conquered a continent, had finally met his match because of them the war turn they stood against settlers aggression does anyone doubt does anyone doubt that they would want america to stand up against putin's aggression here in europe today? they stormed the beaches, long sayyed, there are allies because anyone believe these ranges you'd want america to go alone today a fraught to vanquish, hateful ideology. the 30s and 40s does anyone doubt they would move heaven and earth to vanquish hateful ideologies of today these rangers put mission and country above themselves does anyone believe they would exact any less from every american today these ranges remembered with reverence those who gave their lives in battle could they or anyone ever imagine that america would do the same, wouldn't do the same. they believed america was a beacon to the world. i'm certain they believed that it would read that way forever you know, we stand today where we stand was not sacred count on you. the fifth but that's what it became on june 6 ranger to scale this cliff, didn't know they would change the world, but they did i've long said that history has shown that ordinary americans could do extraordinary things when challenged there's no better example of that entire world. and right here at point too hot ranges from farms and cities in every part of america from homes that didn't know wealth and power they came to a shore line. none of them would have picked out on a map they came to a country. many of them had never seen. four people. they had never met but they came they did their job they've refilled our mission and they did their duty they're part of something greater than ourselves. they were americans i stand here today as the first president to come to point to hoc, when none of those 225 brave men who scale this cliff on d-day are still alive. >> none well, i'm here to tell you with them gone when we hear coming off this ocean will not fade it will grow louder as we gather here today. it's not just a honor, those who showed such remarkable bravery on that day, june 6, 1944 so listen to the echoes of their voices to hear them because they are summing us. and there's something that's now they ask us, what will we do they're not asking us to scale these cliffs but they're asking us to stay true to what america stands for. they're not asking us to give a risk our lives. but there are asking us to care for others in our country more than ourselves. they're not asking us to do their job they're asking us to do our job to protect freedom and our time to defend democracy, to stand up regression abroad. and at home to be part of something bigger than ourselves my fellow americans, i refuse to believe. i simply refused to believe that america's greatness is a thing of the past i still believe there's nothing beyond our capacity in america when we act together for the fortunate heirs of a legacy of these heroes those is scale the cliffs 22 hoc who was also be the keepers of their mission. the keepers at our mission the bears, the flame of freedom. but they kept burning bright that, that is a truest testimonial to their lives or actions every day to ensure that our democracy endures and the soul, our nation endures to come here sibley to remember the ghost, the point to hoc isn't enough. we have need to hear them. >> we have to listen to them we need to listen to what to add we need to make the solemn vow to never let them down god bless the fallen god bless the brave man who scale these cliffs may god protect our troops god bless america very powerful speech by the president of united states have pointe-du-hoc in normandy on this, the 80th anniversary of the d-day invasion that turn the tide of world war ii and helped defeat nazi germany in those days. >> took another almost a year that the us and its allies won that war nazi germany was defeated. and the world has been different ever since you see the president they're meeting with some of the dignitaries who have shown up for this historic moment right now. 80 years after de we saw the secretary of state, antony blinken. there are watching the president go through the receiving line, meeting with others who have come come to listen to his words. very powerful words among other things, he said, i refuse to believe america's greatness as a thing of the past, significant statement indeed christiana poor is joining us right now. christiane, what give us your thoughts on what we heard from the president? >> when he started with an almost a blow by blow account of how those several hundred american rangers not just got off their amphibious boats and had to clear the beach in the hail of nazi minds, gunfire, shells, and the like. but then had to get to the cliff and scale that cliff up to plan do hawk, he talked about one of them who had been shot in the hip and yet kept going. and he talked about that one who turned around when one of his comrade said, i don't think i can do it. and the injured man said, yes, you can. you have to do it. so all of that was the illustrator you shouldn't of how he described the greatness of these americans. who is he said at that time, many of them had couldn't even find this coastline on a map had never been to a country. they didn't know it. these were people that they didn't know or had never met. and yet they went there to do the right thing and to and to listen to the core all of duty. he talked immediately about how that face down hitler. and the third reich, and how americans in that moment and all the other allies who held, showed that this kind of tyrannical bulli could not continue and turn the tide of that warp. and then he immediately made in comparisons to putin and the aggression and the tyranny that's undergoing now in ukraine. >> and he rhetorical, he kept asking would these rangers who scaled quantity hog 80 years ago would they have said that we couldn't do the same? >> now, when there's a similar aggressor in europe he turned also to the united states saying, would these men have wanted americans to think just about themselves and their own selfish desires as opposed to everyone in the country as opposed to defending and remaining committed to democracy. this was a speech most certainly about what those incredible people did who he said frankly, and i hadn't even realized it. he's the first president to come to this ceremony and make this speech when no surviving member of the boys of pointe-du-hoc, because reagan call them remain. they've all passed away. they were other veterans there, but apparently none of those who scaled that hundred foot cliff and turn the tide of this war. but he was very clear that this was about defending democracy, as he said, at home and abroad, and for putting something greater than self at the center of the political, the political project that he wanted to further for the united states and also for the rest of the world i was very moved and i'm sure you were as well, christiane, when we heard the president mentioned specific names of some of the young men who were there in that assault on d-day, who risked their lives going forward to mention their names, their states, see praise them. >> and he said the mission matters more then their lives. that's what they believe themselves. >> the young men who were then 1920, 21-years-old, 80 years later, they would be 100 or even more right now and you're right. >> he pointed out these the first president to actually come to these deep, this d-day moment, this anniversary of d-day and none of those rangers who were at pointe-du-hoc are still alive today. very sad. indeed christian, how will the us allies view this speech by the president? and how do yo

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