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>> welcome to jesse waters. primetime tonight. wattd vote for his head in ae fo jar of blue liquid over donald trump. head ii think it's a moot pointa at this point.joe bi >> he's kind of love. joe biden fighting father timeai . is that laptop of yours? i don't know. i trul?on't knoy you don't know. the series answer is that i truly do not know the answer to thatrult. hunter's ex-wife takes the stand. >> okay. they're building out one build out to build out. our goal is to drive people and who seek and need humanitarian relief into the lawfulmanitari,f safe and orderly pathways to the white house cheat sheet for illegals. >> plus, get off my plane. >> fox news alert. breaking details : fo on donaldump's se trump's search for vice president reports out tonigh ut that say the trump campaign has begun the process of formally requesting information from a small group of potential running mates.g, the vetting process has begun. the potentiantial candidatesr do are north dakota governor doug burgumigha floridi senator marco rubio and ohioda senator j.d. vance. >> other people are still likely being considerer peopd, but this initial outreach suggests that these men arideree on the top of trump's list. other potential running mates like tim scott have beennot vetted, but not to the levelto of burgu of m, rubio and vance. donald trump says he plans to make his vp picktrump announcement closer to the republican nationais tl conventn in july. >> chief political anchor and executive editor of the special report, brad baer, joins me nowthreport a. >> so, brad, this burgum movement is real. ntly t apparently, the trump people were really impressed he went to the courthouse to defend the president. what are you hearing? >> yeah, jesse, good evening. the birthe jr movement is real. paperwork is being exchanged. and you're right to point to those top three that definitely are undercounted duration for vp. but sources are telling us that that lispresident.s t is a littr than that. we're in a different phase now . they're in the serious vetting. but it also includes arkansas senator tom cotton. it includes, as you mentioned, south carolina senator timr cong scott and new york congresswoman elise stefanik. rend oridflorida congressman byron donalds and even formea congr presidential candidate and former hud secretary dr. ben carson. so so the list is a little bit bit longer than just the three, but they are narrowing down and to your point, i don'tt think this is going to finish up untilth right before even coe at the convention, according to sources we've talked to. >> there's always drama when it we comes to these things. >> rubio brad, i mean,n i thought he was a resident of floridai though. >> isn't that a constitutional issue? itt is is.florid well, i mean, you would have to you don't want to lose floridayo and technically you would have to one of them would have to move out. woul oe we saw.laught i don't think it's true. i don't think it's trump. soeron't t you would have to yoa have to change that. and that would have to be somethingngthatwould that t agree to. but clearly, to get on that ticketto, not only rubio, but byron donalds would have to do that as well. what do you see as the see advantages electorally for each of these top three candidates? well, let's say you're looking at burgum. >> he's a businessman, very successful you a. he's a governor. he is well versed in in energyyu issues. and the presidency's has a lot of fondneses and hass for him. rubio obviously has a lot of international experiencrue. he is hispanic and he he is run for president. and vance has a particulare relationship with the president. he doesn't, you know, has ular, he doesn't need vance in ohio. it's a pretty solid red state, but it does fit his loyalty. and somebody that he could see working with. there's others on that liskingtu and i would just be careful to limit it to thoselimite thre, because as we've seen with the former president, there's a lott of intrigue and possibilities that pop up. >> before i get to that, and it's also personal chemistry, we know how muc chemh personal chemistry means to the president. presidenwhat about desantis? that name was not on there. when johnny goes outthat and interviews people, people still mentioned desantis ine. nam and is that is that out or is that a a crazy option? ? >> i think it's not on the list that i've talked to several tong people as of tonight and the list that i just gave you, includinhtth g the three that youe started with, is where they their headspace is asin far as turning over paper. i know that governor desantis re is working hard to fundraise for the former president, thnt ands since nded way the primary. >> a lot of mending needed to be don>> jes, but it's been ' it's been a good road, apparently. >> how important is this pick? because this is a four year deal. there's noa four more trump aftr four years. whoever he's choosing gives hi m a huge on ramp to run for president. >> after that, that person aftd start running for president. if trump's reelected and after the inaugurationof and starts no getting feelers out, what is that going to look likg toe? >> i argue that this is ahi really important pick at most times it's not. i think that this time i, t is ascending a signalal of stability to republican voters. you wantbility t to be able to s as a ticket are going to run, ip and then the future of the republican party is likely. persn that you choose. you because as you note, i mean, that will be the way forward. t but, you know, it is donald trump that's running this whole thin hingg. and, you know, he doesn't i think and he's talked about this openly, doesn't e vp think the vp choice is that big. i would argue it's a little bit i in thiss time circumstance, especially considering what we just saw in manhattane circumdering. . >> all right. and no woman there. that could changat coulde. but recently, tonic stefanik tear but again tier, ,that could change. britt baer, thank you so much for joining jesse watterset primetime. >> you bet. : when >> now, when you're president, age is just a number. every morning at five, john quincy adams for anev fiv hour swim naked in the potomac. >> teddy roosevelt boxedstaffe with staffers one right hook from a military aid left and partiallrst hookthe miy blind. t ronald reagan rode horseback at the ranch. ar cleared brush with the chainsaw. clinton and bush brush jogged ar town in short shorts. >>ts when joe biden ran fore ha president, he said he'd never stop running. >> some people are always in a hurry. they run when they could walk, race up steps when others take it slow. when joe biden's president,a is america is just going to have to keep up. >> but bideng is the one havinu trouble keeping up. and behind the scenes, it's even worshind thee than it. >> a bombshell "wall street journal" report 45 sources, republican and democratrepubls, all people whot hours and hours inside behindena closed doors with they no president say he's not the same person . >> his memory is slipping. o much that peoplepeople sitting right next to him have trouble hearinging righ hi. >> he relies on his notecards to make obvious pointsto, pauses for extended periods, and sometime s closes his eyes for so long that people in thepl room wonder whether he tuned out. you couldn't be there and not i feel uncomfortable, is what one insider told the journal. >> the president moved so slowly around his cabinet room a that sometimes it take 10 minutes just for a meetingn to start. >> and when it did a, biden wouldn't even know what he was negotiating. mcc former speaker kevin mccarthy toldhockedournal he kept going back to old stuff and would be shocked when he'd be told no . mr. president. we talked about that meetings ago. ut s ago.we're done with that. >> this report, not brad berry's argyle socks off this morning. >> let's see how biden's favorite show is takin thatg it. >> i've spent time with everys n house speaker over the past 30 years and joe biden, i just it's just not close. if you want to talk about international affairs, if you want to talk you'r about how to get bipartisan legislation, joe biden is light years ahead of all of them. >> but it's not justl, tim the journal. time magazine interviewed biden and saide magaew, father s caught up to him. >> president biden brushing off any concerns about his age. how did he seem to you ? >> i mean, he appears very much as he appears on tv. t he is older than whenv, he started in office. it's visiblelder. >> if you just look side by side on the tape. time magazine spent a half anid, hour with the president. >> they say his stiff gaitthey, muffled voice and fitful syntax. gate,strike two contrast firste with the intense, loquacious figure who served as senatorsewt and vice president. when time magazine asked him whether he couldime maga still o the job. biden challenged the reporter to a fighte repo , saying, i can do itr better than anybody. you knowth , you're looking at me. i can take you to. e th >> biden flew to france this morning for the d-day anniversar e d-day and called the lid before he got off the plane. if you're undecide d, this weighs on you. >> watch what happens when nprou sat down with swing voters. >> let's start wit h president biden. instead, the first word or phrase that comes to mind whenrh you hear president biden, sheryl, and what's yoursat struggling. eisag.. >> r concerned. okayob, rob. >> you know, bob, patriotic, the kind that were lost. eugene. old. ives o >> those are the adjectives of a campaign that loses in a landslide. democrats used to whisper about biden. now they're dropping f-bombs. dg >> i can't say it enough. i would i said it many times. i would vote for his head in a jar of blue liquid over donaldt trump. but that doesn't mean that i'm not first of all, i don't think i think it's a moot poinitwin th at this point. >>is he's kind of knows who bidn . >> yes. after trump's conviction, biden actually went down?udent s two points in the polls. the verdict backfired so badlyig that the campaign has answered a single ad calling trump aa convicted felon. and they're running this sorry ad instead. watc tsorr started,h. it doesn't make big headlines. there's no scandal, no conflict. so you probably haven't heard about the boogeyma confllyn sits where to lower costs. if you don't know about itdon't join the club. >> it's not what the news co. overing these daysh th >> wah!. wah! if that doesn't work, it's bacic to the original plan b. sources tell dana perinok that after the wall street journal report, there are rumblings of replacingurna biden on the top of the typical ticket with kamala. >> democrats are telling themselves that carmel is their secrettellin weapon this election. >> let's see how marvel is doing. >> and you are aware that there is a a strain of cannabis namedi after you, kamala kushs . did you know that? yeah, yeah, yeah. seriously? seriously? ? >> no, they didn't even send you any. oht know that.. >> have you ever been bitten by the president's dog? >> no. who curses more? you or joe biden? that's. that's one ofited the national secrets the democrats are back to square one exactly whereer they were a year ago. biden is old, soa year it's tim marshmallow. >> maybe joe should swim naked in the potomac likfor mamo . >> fox news contributor and former presidential candidatec fox news tulsi gabbard joins me now. so, tulsi, everybody says biden behind the scenes when he's not being produced is even worsesn hee than what we see on camera. i it just so you know, i think there there's obviously concertn about what people are seeing. but i think there's there's a disconnectec as that adt that they're running clearly shows. there's the the reality that that lives within those who talk about politicthins as though it's a game. and are you on this team or on that team? but thoss te eam,e who are showing concern are people who actually live in the realn ar world, people who are understanding the consequences of joe biden'se policies, the real world that they live in, where they have to worryal i about whether or notto their paycheck is going to go as far as it used to. can they affor paychec gd rent? can they afford their mortgage? groceries are costind thg more . more money. maybe their kid just got sick and they don't know how they're going to affor got d that hospital bill. we look at foreign policy under the biden administration and they see how president biden is literally playing chicken withw pres nuclear war with russia, putting us closer to the wedding prospect of direc conflict with both russia and china. t russiaand families and parents wondering, hey, are my kids a are my brothers and sisters in uniform going to be the next partth of that high body count that will certainly come as a result? le a so i think it's this reality that people are seeing that come as a consequence of president biden and his administration's policiecon that that'll be harder to ignore as they approach their decision that they'll make at th aeyh the ballot box. ap you heard the npr swing state voters. it wasn't just all that was just one description. it was we got to see nilles. and when you say seen, while it takes it up a level and it connects it to the policy, conon e can be old, but they can execute policy. >> if you're senile, then thency you can't execute policy. and that speaks to the dangerane of biden's foreign policy. it speak ts to the danger of his border policy, the danger of his fiscahel >> inflation's nuts. and if voters can connect the senility to the crazy policiesconnec, that's just deay >> ia presidential campaign. >> it is because as the b biden administration, agaiecaun showed in that ad, they think od that they have a messaging proble tm, that somehow their beautiful story is not being told. peopw thr beautibut they're actg to the american people sto about their story. the reality that we are living in this countrtheyy is what we to be true regardless of whatever lies they ma oypagad be pushing out through their friends in the propaganda mediaa. and that reality is a very, very serious one that has to do with our economy, our well-being, our livelihood,e and most importantly, our ability to livlihoodt impoed and not have the prospect of war destroyinowg us as c a country or nuclear armageddon, which is where oa biden has put us as a country closer to that potential and possibly t. >> yeah, the ad was crazy. he has democrats arrestings donald trump and he's complaininging abou about t getting enough news coverage for biden-nomicss . and that isn't that doesn't make any sense. >> it's exactly it's completely out of touch with realit>> exayu think you bring up how biden has weaponized the departmenwtd of justice and undermining the rule of law, trying to take out his political opponenting to but we've also seen in the news this week how they are also targetins y arg peaceful pro-lifee protesters, literally locking up a grandmotherpee ever who is in her her upper seventies for years in jail for being a peaceful pro-life protester at an abortiong clinic. bei there are a longt of americans who are being targeted by this administrationistratio who are t seeing their names and their stories in the new as. but this is the new norm that we can expect undern harris a biden-harris administration, or even if they take biden out and pu theyt in harris, we will see the destruction of our democracy and an escalationn in pushing us closer and closer towards truly this banana republicisr t that they are creg for us. >> well, a harris administration i don't even know : at if i can say that on television. i ph.m going to have to blee it. >> thank you so much. tulsi gabbard, jesse.speedy >> f fox news alert the caset against trump in georgia has been suspended indefinitely. the georgi a court of appealsmping th is pumping the brakes on trump's election interference casbrakese untilisf they figure out a fani willis affair with loverboy. aiis disqualifying. this decision all but guarantees that the case won't be heard until after this election. untis not the only trump o case on life support. >> the florida documents case is probably being put on ice later this month. judge eileen cannon is going to hear arguments about whether wick smith's appointment is even legal. the supreme court will alsn legy likely delay the jan six case. socase the only two trials goinr forward before the election are hunter biden'se the illegal alien cheat sheet, hunter biden and weed for 20. ahead on prime time i went to experience i mean i trust them. and on my phone they show me subscription. i'm paying for it. even the ones i don't remember wo >> cancel them for me.ul easy. see all you can do fro >> experience .com slash save. >> experience .com slash save. nomapa. >> were you worried the wedding would be too much? 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jesse also testifiedn? that heen saw hunter biden check nok know on the box on that federal gunic form, which is really reale case of this entir . >> all right. so, dave, you were in the courtroom and hunter t huntes ie same room as his wife, his ex-wife, his ex-girlfriend and his mom and, his sister. >> how awkward was that? >> yeah, it was definitely a unique situation. actually. biden was not there today, his sister, but she has been there the past sistesh couple o. notably, the first lady has been there everylady single daya i sat about ten feet behindt her, kind of at a diagonal. soeet be i could see the side oh face as she was watching. and she seemed sadwatching. e is she seemed troubled. she was stoic. she was watching hunter biden's curren her- t wife, melissa coh. biden did the same, not kiacting, just kind of being very muted as some of these images were being showg n on the evidence. charred pictures of hunter with his shirt off, pictures of crack pipes, text messages, no questiooff,n it was an awkwad situation. we the first lady is going to be there the rest of this week because she's due in france tomorrowf thweek becwo to commemorate the anniversary of d-day with the president. yes, he dite niversard. >> hunter acknowledge that self-described weird for 20, his ex-girlfriend that saw him taking xanax, drinking and smoking crack. 0, >> was he like, hey, you know, good to see you again? >> at one time, he did raise his hand when she was on the stand and she was asked to identify hunter biden. and the prosecution said, can you please pointden an to him ie room? and abbe lowell quickly chirped in and said, we don',t need to do this. we know that the defendant is at the defense table and hunter just kind of went o like this and raised his hand briefly. and that wase this pretty much . he did turn back. he did look at the first lady,y, smiled at her during a break, and he didt at his wife several times. >> okay. an intense room. d unde that's an understatement. stephanie, thank you so much. than georgetown's a former federal prosecutor. cas how is this case shaping up as it's going to be? not guilty, no. >> well, look, the only way it could be, which is the defense strategy, is jury nullificatiosn ,which is a completely unlawful and unethical defenseto to propose. and also, you know, the judg ane will likely instruct the jury that nullification is an inappropriate way to arrive at their verdict. >> what is nullificatione at? >> what is that? what does that mean? tell the audience. sure. jury nullification is where the jurors are convinced beyond a reasonable, but becauset they feel sorry for the defendant orit bec they dont like the prosecution team that they acquit anyway, o le there's no legal basis for the not guilty verdict. it's juss fot the jury nullifies all of the evidence. >> and so it's inappropriate and unethical and unlawful. >> the evidency ine,e far has bo absolutely overwhelming against, you knolming agw, i'vea prosecuted a defendant where they actually wrote a book about their criminal behavior. and it was a stroke strokef ge of genius. this is all about x's and excerptsniusthis. this case thus far to not h only provide the excerpts from hunter biden's book, where he's admitting to his addictio f and his use of illegal narcotics, but then to play his audi narbut tho book, which is narrated, narrated by none other than hunter biden. so they got to heare the admissions in hunter's voice. great strokeadmissions and by tn team. >> do you think hunter is going to take the stan prd? >> i can't imagine he would. i mean, there's so muche evid impeachable evidence that he would have to admient to. >> you know, i don't know. the laptop was always real. wh always imaginptops knew it. you know, regardless of whatne he said on jimmy kimmel, we all knew that it didn't have the hallmarks of russian disinformation. this was hunter's laptop all along, and he would have to admit to all of those things. so zero chance he takes the stand. all right, jayhance he towns, tk you so much. >> thanks, jesse. hands >> well, we got our hands on the illegal alien cheat sheet.the nual ly that's next. >> happy memories just come easier on the water. >> our founder, johnny morris, and his dad knew this first hand. >> they created a boat, was more affordablprand sold factor, the world's number one best selling, fishing and pontoon selling, fishing and pontoon boat s by mercury, proudly builtr in missouri and sold factory direct at bass shops and selecto dealers for as little as $5 a day. a day. you ca shops and make lifelong memories pro shops voted america's best outdoor retailer save even more and support conservation. >> when you join the club at bicester credit, we know running a business takes everything you have and only a certain kind of leader has what it takes. every new challenge is yours to solve, and there's no such thing as off the clock. you carry the of the problems, but your resolve never wavers. no one else can do what you do. we know your drive. we know your determination. you've come far enough to know successes for those who take it. do credit funding. what's next? 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under biden, illegal immigration has become a massiv weree multibillion dolr industry and the cartels nati.ashinatio >> national correspondent bill illusion with morl withe. >> well, jesse, the cartel>> jes and their smugglers have been making billionses of dollars throughout this border crisis and they don't care what happens to their clientelhi as long as they get paid. case in point, take a look at this video courtesy of texa s . they're troopers chasing a human smuggler in webb county, texas, near the laredoy, area. as that smuggler is fleeing high speed texasuggler i pursui the illegal immigrants in his car start bailing out of the vehiclee, some of them falling and hitting the road as he keeps going. eventuallyg e , the smuggler bam out, too, and goes running off into a neighborhood area. . everybody who bailed out, including those migrants, they all endedody wh out up getg after running through those neighborhoods, dealings,s dail with this daily. take a look at the second video. take a pursuing anotherhuma human smuggler, this time in the del rio sector. thisnhi time. that smuggler drove through a gate at loflin air force basei going on to that military base, national securitbasey concern there. he then blasts through another secuavand bails out of the vehicle. the driver, the smuggler, he ended up getting away whilee to guatemalans were apprehended by texas dps. meanwhile, herg e in san diego a sector, we encountered a bunch of men from the middle east who crossed illegally and they told us they don't care about breaking the law. take a listeeakingn. >> go to linda jordan. jordan yeah, but why did you come to egypt? >> why did you come to america? fo to --.r dope. for a job? yeah. you know, it's illegal to crossk the border like this, right? yeah. you don't care. yeahyes, i'm okay. >> hi, guys. where are you guys from? okay>> whe. egypt. egypt. where are you from? what country? i i'm going to take turkey. yeah, all turkey? >> a. okay. i'm a little guy. i know you have a lot of. >> you don't. where are you from? from egypt. egypt? >> egypt, egypt and jesse. this is th e first day d that president biden's executive order has gone into effecten's here at the border blocking asylum for illegal crossers. wellorder, b, you can see behine right now, we just had a mass illegal crossing out here. peart doesn't appear that these >>grants are too afraid of thaht new executive order. >> we'll send it back to you. joe biden says his immigration executive order would crack downe hation on illegals enteg the country, but he lied. just hours after biden signeryd the order. leaked emails obtained by the "new york post" reveal the rea of the, leakl i plan. have ice agents coached the migrantse migran to squeezez their asylum claims through biden's loophole assignes? >> biden's acting ice director is expanding the agency's definition of the word fear, telling agents that pretty muchd anybody can be afraid and claim asylumcl because if migrants say they're scared, they can get through. >> biden'sared shut down bordern >> they don't even have to say y they're scared. they just have to look scared. >> the memo says fear may be manifested verbally, nonverbally or physically. hysteria, tremblinenifestedg, s, unusual behavior, changes in tone of voice, incoherent speech pattern s, panic attacks, or an unusual level of silence . are you scared, jose? >> that's an unusual level of silence. you're scared. you're in. you >> ice also plans to educate the illegals on how to game the system. playing videos while migrants wait syste while in line about w to finagle asylum claims. just like at theline airport, they also post signs in overno a dozew sun languages, including chinese, punjabi and k'iche. an indigenous centrali american that i just learned about, biden is turninjug int ice into tsa agents, waving migrants through with barely a paa t down. they don't even have to take their shoes off. dhs secretary alejandroyorkas mayorkas is giving away the game, admitting that the is game, doesn'tstration care about how many migrants break in as long as they form an orderly line. >> our goal is to drive of people who seek and need humanitarian relief into who the lawful, safe and orderly pathways that we have built. >> and don't forget about open table for illegals about. people who have madeeopl appointments throughe wh our cbp one app will be able to seek in the united states through our ports of entry asylu. >> out kicked out. com host tomi lahren joins me now. >> tommy, what do you think about this new biden border shutdowne willat? order >> well, at first, when you were describing the reasons that you could actually be in fear long moments of silenceg changes and tone of voice, i started thinking, well , our president certainly qualifies for asylum in that case because he fit pretty much every every indicator on that list. everbut let's think about it ths way. this biden border order sayst ts 2500. that's acceptable. back during the obama administration, jeh johnson saida to that a thousand a day was actually a real problem, a real crisis. so now we're saying that 2500 that's actually acceptable. and then the list of exceptions is longer than a cvs receipt, as you jus ons it read to the audience here. there are so many exceptions here. you pretty much, io th, thf youk blank and you just stare, they think that you are in fear, that you the for asylum. then add to that that biden's administration just excused and dismissed hundreds of thousands of asylumexcused s >> so really, this is not just catch and release. this is welcoming people in where we're going to put these people, how we're going to educate the,where itl m in s, with these languages we've never heard of, i'm not sure. >> but this really i feels like the season finale of america. >> jesse, what about if you're shivering? that's also a sign of fear. silenc e. a sign of fear. saying you're scared is a signdc de feaarr. not saying denying that yonyu are scared is a sign you're scared. tommy. a >> yeah. blinking is a sign that you're scared. what? scy is is people whohave have no respect for the rule of law. they have no respecto respecy our country. and i don't necessarily expect them to. but you would think that presidentt necess biden and our dhs secretary, you would think that they want to secure the border etar. i don't know if they've everer been asked what a secure border does to harm wha our country, because it sure seems to me that they want to open it wider and wider ever seems ly day. and and then they sit there and you have them talking and changing the language there of things. mayorkas yesterday called it irregular migration, irregular migration is when birds don't fly south for the winter. it's not when people arer migrae our country by the millions. sep chae again, the definitione keep changing. >> they call them visitors. remember that the white house, we're calling themng j illegal aliens, visitors, and denver calls them newcomers. so newcomers just change ange the, while newcomers must accommodate the newcomers. le, americans.. season finale. we're living it. all right. muc lahren, thank you so much . okay. election five months away. so primetime is keeping an eyesn on the battlegrounds this week. >> an election watchdog group, public interest legal foundationweeklectio, says it fd something fishy going on in nevadat . they sent a letter to clark county's election officials claiming there are dozenunty's s of addresses on the state's voter rolls that are actually commercial buildingtha. where nobody lives. places like strip clubs, placp clubs, fast food joints. >> why are there strip clubs lit on nevada's voter rolls? nobody lives there. tab hunter we reached out to clark county for a comment. haven't heard back. but if what the watchdog claims. is true, this is huge. nevada is a swing stats e, sends mail in ballots to every active registeredan voter. >> we don't want those go in to strip clubs and burger and casinos all over all vegas. this country cannot afford another sloppy election. >>an breaking news, trump's mug shot right back. >> you know what's crazy? >> that this is better than cooking at home. i mean, more affordable than groceries, of course. >> okay. >> groceries are expensive. so it was in trouble there for a second. you are work play. blank relief work. play. blank relief. the only three in one extended relief formula for dry ice. blank. if you are shopping for a home. real choice financing lets you choose from up to three independent lenders. unlike some apps that push you to use their mortgage company, really, really trust the number one app real estate professionals trust. >> we decided to put in an in-ground pool. i literally went on angie and typed in pool getting to talk to different contractors, see different bids. >> we wanted something beautiful. >> we wanted something that our children would feel happy swimming in. it to . >> get started today by sempre ka trio and he's by sempre ka trio and he's in it to win it. jim perich, a trio, is the first two with triple first two with triple protection. ase! oh, please. oh, please. it kicks the test alarms. heartworm disease. no problem with trio. this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection, go with simple erica trio. >> this is a premium hand-selected bacon wrapped filet mignon that's aged for tenderness and trim to perfection. >> this is a necktie. what do you think, dad wants for father's day? 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let's bring in fox and friends weekend co-host pete hegsethlet first up, hit man on a flight to jfk to athens was told he needed to change his shirt because it was offensive. what's so offensiveou about trump's mugshot? i think our message is that a political message. i mean, i guess it is. i don't think it you get more political than that, really. when the plane and we don't needil to for some people littlm things. >> all right. so they responded to this and they said clothing displaying political messaging not against our policy. and we'll move quicklyoliticalgg to investigate the matter. >> a member of our team's reaching out the customer and learn more about ie abou their experience. >> what the heck? well, i'm glad that was there. i wasn'tt ce. expecting that to be what american airlines would say. good for them. yeah, becaus stands,good fore if you walked on like with the hope and change shirt right now ,bump you up, they'll buy they might bump you up. >> i think everybody out there should find their maga gear and book an american airlines flight. right. and zone test the policy. exactly. let's see how they are. all right. next g up, family feud contestat made things a little awkwardst.u >> you know, you shouldn't put names. about >> someone you have dreams about mine. >> oh, you say you should. who's out? >> i love that show. that's an impossible question. a loveyou know, you shouldn't nl name that. >> it's probably, no not. >> it's probably not a rare answer. i'm surprised that was not. what would your answer have? wod >> maybe when i was a kid, maybe one of my aunts, er ] i would've got pretty on. but that's okay. it's a natural thing. you're a kid jesse: now.messag >>e my aunts are all going to text you. who is it? i'm just kidding. you know which one ones? don't say it. no. you said fox nation expose recent college gradsrecent as we suspected, they're not ready for the real world. >> n for r i am so confused by t story. i don't even knoory,w what to tk of this. a new survey by online magazine intelligent revealy onlineintel% of gen z applicants broughtwith their mom or dad with them to a job interview. >> is that how you got this job? you bet your . ge i brought my aunt and my mom.n they can vouch for mz.e. and apparently, they can't make eye contact. they don't know how to dress >> epp appropriately. targ and they ask for excessive amount of money for an initial pay. eaapparently, mom or dad is goig to help with that. >> yeah. bring mom. bring dad d willd. the j >> you're not getting the job. you got a new book? yes. waob.r on warriors. tell us about it. arriorit is. it's based on my experiencs?e. but also in talking to awo generation's worth of warriors in what's happenedrds of to ouro pentagon. i signed up to fight extremists, and 20 years later ,0 ye i was deemed one by my unit. i was called a white nationalist extremist and my orders were revoked to guard joe biden's inauguration. , if that can happen to me, it can happen to anybody else. cthree tours and 12 years oflie my life to the military. but the is not just about me. it's about the social justice. politically issues being pushedy from obama and biden appointees that generals are allowed to happen from, you know, women in combat lowering standards to crt and dui to trans in the e military. i'm telling you, the response ten from this book nothing is like nothing else. >> and that's just i've seen it all. this seals . just celebrated pride month, didn't they? >> yeah, they were very prouated of their new unit, rainbow flag unit. >> their new unit, the very effective fighting force. >> just all a distraction. jesse, whe all an in the milita. >> it's not black, it's not white, it's green. and you blee whited red and youn the mission together. when i. if i hear another general say our diversit gether.y is our strength,ll los when i lose my mind, our diversity in the military is not our strengt moneyh. s ou it is our strength, is our unity in who we are and what we believane in and our brotherhoo, regardless of our backgrounds. >> the book is the war on warriors. our's out right now.wa you can get a signed copy at war i'm warriors .com. ere onrs.comthanks for checkingt >> all right check it outn on amazon war on warriors .com thanks so much, than. thank you. a major announcement next choose advil gels for faster,at. choose advil gels for faster,at. stronger and longe tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief advil the pain away. >> general, we have something. what is it? 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-- you see his cape wears it all around dc. christ kristina from columbia, south carolina doug burgum would be an excelleninutht he's much e trump and his policies and could carry the republican after trump's term. >> yeah, the berger movementpubn is real. john from orlando. stop me if you've heard this before. >> a , an ex-wife, and a step mom walk into a courtroonm that actually made me feelthat a little sorry for hunte mr mike from strawberry park, colorado. i smoked out kamala kush didn't do anything. >> way overrated. maybe that was the. >>, you got to try the mama la kush. that'll get yo sean: nu. m reno dennis from reno, nevada. it's pronounced nevada, not nevada. >> got it. >> stuart from bel air, california. try wearing a biden shirt. your next flight. i hear it gets you first class. and champagne. ver se i've never seen a bideenn shirt ever in my entire life.rksvil >> heather from clarksville, tennesselee, can i be pete's aut ? that's all for tonight. dvr hannity has trumped wat i'm waters. >> this is mer

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Livlihoodt Impoed , Country , Oa Biden , Armageddon , Arrestings , News Coverage , Realit , Touch , Sense , Complaininging Abou , Biden Nomicss , Justice , News , Opponenting , Departmenwtd , Grandmotherpee , Peaceful Pro Lifee Protesters , Rule Of Law , Targetins Y Arg , Administrationistratio , Bei , Names , Stories , Protester , Seventies , Jail , Longt , Abortiong Clinic , Norm , Emily Harris , Democracy , Banana Republicisr T , Biden Out , Destruction , Escalationn , Creg , Pu Theyt , Television , Jesse Speedy F , Georgi A Court Of Appealsmping Th , Election Interference , Brakes , Fani Willis Affair With Loverboy , Caset Against Trump In Georgia , Casbrakese Untilisf , Aiis Disqualifying , Won T , Ice , Eileen Cannon , Arguments , Untis , Trump O Case On Life Support , Soldan Addic Hunter The Cole , Case , Trials , Appointment , Alien Cheat Sheet , Supreme Court , Wick Smith , Will Alsn Legy , Socase , Six , Phone , 20 , Slash Save , Ones , Experience , Ul Easy , It Ck , Nomapa , Subscription , Sisters , Napa , Someplace , T K Why Can , Wit , Daughter , L Questitthough , T K , Meplace Ve , Marrie , Jamaica , Problem , Life , Control , Mypillow , Conversations , Questions , Xt , Dashboard , Worr , Rey , Help , Extravaganza , Product Company , Products , Employees , Solution One , 5 , 25 , Time , Pillows , Brand , Towel , Mypillow Sandals , More , Size , Keys , Fabric , Loft Level , King Size , My Polycom , , Call Filter , Order , Screen , Promo Code , Entire , Ownerships , Dollar Extravaganza , Appver , Overh , 75 , 25 Dollar , Call , Dependable Constipation , Gutters , Gutter , Overflowing , Leaf , Porch , Damage , Solutioke , Call 8n , Gentle , So Yr , 8 , Plant , Laxatives , Seneca , Vegetable Laxative Ingredient , The Sun , Dependable Seneca , Something , Lifetime , Firstear , Compression , Feature , Design , 50 , Nobody , Hair , Hearing Aids , Brand Leader , Fori , Reason , Hearon , Everything , Secret , Hearing , Hearing Evaluation , O Wholf , Anlock Ourcall , Armpit Stinku , 800 , 1 , Body , Deodorant , Hole B , Everywhere , Pitsfour , Gynecow , Yow Hour Odor Protection , Grab , Deliciously Delectable , Character , Bold , Likable Treat , Kaylee , Topics , Persits Gredients , Family , Troubles , Spinning , Dizziness , Lipo Flavonoid , Gune , Plagr , Oath , Departmentrio James Of Justr Criminal Prosecution , James Biden , House Committees , Congress , Joe S , Involvement , Schemes , Amo , Thely Biden Family , Referrals , Law , Attorney General , Mike Jn , Genov , Numberhunters , Associates , Violations , Acthe A , Violatis Ofy , Therer A Two Tiered System , Merk Garland , Mechanisms , Steps , True Today , Nightmare , Ex Wifnightmare , Department Of Justice , Ex Girlfrid , Courtroom , Gun Dealer , Stepmom , Hi , Davis Inwhat , Wifeile , Sy Coll , David Spunt , Prosecutors , Witnesses , The End , You Theretwo , Shockinglm , Casow Actuae , Huntere Kaes , Jury , Kathleen Buell , Crack Pipes , Cas , Ex Girlfriend , Couple Divorceeed , Stan Hisd , Children , She Ownshe , Attention , Cars , She9 Bu Didn T , Ith , 2015 , 2019 , Do S In Person , Businesses , Strippestigatinrw , Huntenot , Business , Zoe , Gun , Under Immunitei , Form , Drugs , User Ol , Hotels , Gur , La , Chateau Marmont , Keston , 2018 , Code , Crack Ine User Cocaine , Meeting , Firstg , New York Strip Club , Everye , Sh , Cash , Same , Addict , Who , Store Employee , Atms , Sums , Soberaiould , Didg Dealers , Druof , Handgun , Store , Gun Store , Pressurlyd Ine , Contradictsh , Attorney , Phone Storecasual , Wilmington , Delaware , Celtl , Dave , Box , Entir , Gun Clerk , Testifiedn , Heen Saw , Gordon Cleveland , Federal Gunic , Sister , Mom , Room , Hunter T Huntes , Wife , First Lady , Awkwad , Side , Feet , Daya , At A Diagonal , Couple O , Soeet , Ten , Melissa Coh , Evidence , Pictures , Some , Her , Images , Curren , Showg N , Sadwatching , Rest , Text Messages , Anniversary , Shirt Off , No Questiooff , Tomorrowf , France , Thweek Becwo , Xanax , Drinking , Crack 0 , He Dite Niversard , 0 , Hand , Prosecution , Him , Ie Room , Abbe Lowell , Defendant , Wase , Y , Break , Defense Table , D Unde , Prosecutor , Understatement , Stephanie , Georgetown , Jury Nullificatiosn , Defenseto , Defense Strategy , Judg Ane , Becauset , Audience , Jurors , Nullification , Jury Nullification , Prosecution Team , O Le , Basis , Fot , Orit Bec , Evidency Ine , Audi Narbut Tho Book , Behavior , I Vea , Bo , Knolming Agw , Use , Excerpts , Strokef Ge Of Genius , Excerptsniusthis , Addictio F , Sex , Voice , Admissions , Stan Prd , None , Narcotics , Tn Team , Muche Evid , Great Strokeadmissions , It Didn T , Admient To , Whatne , Wh , Jimmy Kimmel , Tk You , Hands , Thanks , Chance , Hallmarks , Jayhance He Towns , Russian Disinformation , Zero , Dad , Nual Ly , Memories , Water , Founder , Illegal Alien Cheat Sheet , Fishing , Pontoon Selling , Pontoon Boat , Dealers , Factor , Factory , Bass Shops , Missouri , Proudly Builtr , Affordablprand , You Ca Shops , Mercury , Selecto , Shops , Conservation , Support , Leader , Bicester Credit , America S Best Outdoor Retailer , Problems , Challenge , Else , Drive , Clock , Resolve , Determination , Credit Funding , Successes , Pony , Budget , Income , Numbers , Birthday Money , Allowance , Quicken , Vestment , App , Primal Origins From Horseback , Foods , Rundown , Ancestors , Diets , Budgeting , Ns , Colostrum , Super Saturday On Fox , Superfood Nutrition , Primal Origins At Walmart , Course , Work , Starts , Epic Rivalry , Phillies , Saratoga , Mets , Belmont Stakes , Brian Run , Food Star , Season , Dodgers , Fox Wednesdays , Yankees , Lisa Vanderpump , Gordon Ramsay , Shopping , Auto Insurance , General , Space Food , Slot , Wednesdays On Fox , Hulu , Coverage , Experian , Car Insurance , Save , Providers , Taylor , 3800 Bucks , 40 , Crime , Car , Property , Home , At Experian , Home Title Theft , Equity , Com Slash , Document , House , Mind , Page , Home Title Thieves , Peace , Matthew Cox , Someone , Truth , Deed , Ownership , County Clerk , Proof , Barrier , Statute , Records System , Say , Spaces , Public Records , Bottom Line , Phone Call , Happening , Home Title Lock , Title , Step , Warning , Activity , Pennies , Alerts , Somewhere , Eight , Protection , Promotional Code , Promise , Title Lock , Parent , Migrant Crossings , Immigration , Massiv Weree Multibillion Dolr Industry , 6731633 , 1 800 6731633 , Smugglers , Care , Cartels , Border Crisis , Cartel , Correspondent , Morl Withe , Making Billionses , Nati Ashinatio , Bill Illusion , Smuggler , Take A Look , Immigrants , Video Courtesy , Human Smuggler , Texasuggler , Webb County , Texa S , Area , Texas , Clientelhi , Troopers , Laredoy , Migrants , Eventuallyg E , Start Bailing , Vehiclee , Neighborhood Area , Bam Out , Endedody Wh Out Up Getg , Dealings , Look , Thisnhi Time , Video , Military Base , Neighborhoods , Dail , Daily , Anotherhuma Human Smuggler , Del Rio Sector , Air Force , Driver , Herg E , Vehicle , Bails , Sector , National Securitbasey , Bunch , Secuavand , Texas Dps , San Diego , Guatemalans , Don T , Job , Egypt , Men , Listeeakingn , Fo , Jordan Yeah , Linda Jordan , The Middle East , R Dope , Border , Whe , Turkey , Don T Care , Yeahyes , Guys , A Okay , Guy , Thaht , Effecten , Th E , Border Blocking Asylum , Crossers , Tb , Crossing , Behine , Peart Doesn T , Wellorder , Agents , Immigration Executive Order , Migrantse Migran , Emails , The Order , Biden Signeryd , Downe Hation , Leakl , New York Post , Rea Of The , Fear , Asylum , Acting Ice Director , Definition , The Agency , Loophole Assignes , Asylumcl , Memo , Bordern , Silence , Tone , Panic Attacks , Speech Pattern , Hysteria , Tremblinenifestedg , Line , To Finagle Asylum Claims , Signs , System , Videos , Overno , Languages , Chinese , Centrali American , Dozew Sun , K Iche , Tsa , Alejandroyorkas Mayorkas , Shoes , Doesn Tstration , Paa T Down , Dhs , Table , Tomi Lahren , Cbp One , Sports , Com , Entry Asylu , Madeeopl , Throughe , Reasons , Thinking , Order Well , First , Biden Border Shutdowne Willat , Silenceg Changes , Tommy , Obama , Indicator , Ths , Biden Border Order Sayst Ts , 2500 , Exceptions , Crisis , Receipt , Jeh Johnson , Cvs , You Jus Ons , A Thousand , Thousands , Hundreds , Asylumexcused S , Io Th , Thf Youk , Season Finale , Itl M In S , Release , Sign , Shivering , Silenc E A Sign Of Fear , Signdc De Feaarr , Yonyu , Presidentt Necess Biden , Dhs Secretary , Blinking , Yeah , Respect , Our Country , Respecto Respecy , Scy , Language , Irregular Migration , Border Etar , Wha , Millions , Visitors , Arer Migrae , Winter , Definitione Keep Changing , Sep Chae Again , Themng J , Birds Don T Fly South , Denver , Newcomers , Ange The , Muc Lahren , Sale , Prime Time , Foundationweeklectio , Clark County , Eyesn , Battlegrounds , Letter , Nevadat , Public Interest , Nevada , Addresses , Voter Rolls , Strip Clubs , Estate , Lit On , Joints , 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Generation , Waob R , My Experiencs E , Arriorit , Eaapparently , To Ouro Pentagon , Unit , Extremist , Extremists , Borders , Nationalist , Eye , Inauguration , Military , Women , Social Justice , Generals , Anybody Else , Biden Appointees , Cthree , 12 , Standards , Nothing , Dui , Combat , Crt , Nothing Else , Seals , Rainbow Flag Unit , Milita , Fighting Force , Distraction , Youn The Mission , Blee Whited Red , War , Strength , Unity , Backgrounds , Strengt Moneyh , Diversity , Brotherhoo , Diversit Gether Y , Backnd It S Out Right Now Wa , Outn On Amazon War Warriors , Gels , Copy , Faster , Checkingt , Ere Onrs Comthanks , Spain , Pain Relief , Advil Gels , Source , Inflammation , Longe Tylenol Rapid , Com Slash Car , Mypillow Chandelier , Towel Sets , King , Easiestists , Toothpaste , Teeth , Sensitivity , Toxins , Mouth , Upt , Dentistiten Yous , Price , Target , Jewelry Exchange , Jewelr , Customer Mounts , Gia Diamonds , Walmart , 1990 , 5990 Thousands , 92 , 99 , 5029 , Tec 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