about his advice for perry and the state of the race right now. also, we're learning the back story behind ron paul's drama. he's getting flak for an answer to a health care question. turns out the scenario is similar to a real life death in his political family. and president obama's attempt to promote green jobs turns into a bigger embarrassment. first, the company he visited went bankrupt, now, it's been raided by the fbi and u.s. taxpayers may be on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." -- captions by vitac -- right now, republican, rick perry, is trying to cover a lot of bases and burr niche his status as the front-runner. he's been reaching out to voters in a battleground state. a sign of confidence that his rivals are trying hard to tear down. jim acosta is covering perry's campaign in depth. he's joining us from richmond, virginia with the latest. >> wolf, the texas governor is not just running as a front-runn front-runner. he is running as a nominee and the rest of the world, all they could do is watch as rick rolls. >> governor of texas, rick perry. >> primaries, what primaries? rick perry is already running in virginia, a state that's much more crucial to the general election than to the republican nomination. >> i know it is time for a change in this country. when i'm talking about change, i'm not talking about the rhetoric of change. i'm talking about a record of change and i've got that record. >> perry gave two speeches in virginia. one to christian conservative students at liberty university, another to republicans in richmond. at both events, perry barely mentioned his competition. he's not even worried about his dinner date with donald trump. >> i got to think donald's got some advice for me. >> it seems as if you're already looking past the primaries and to the general election. aren't you being a tad overconfident? >> i ups who the opposition is in this election cycle and there are seven other individuals on that stage who are quite capable. >> michele bachmann is trying to change the game, hitting the texas governor on his order for schoolgirls on the hpv vaccine, but the attack blew up in bachmann's face after she claimed it could cause major health problems. >> she told me her little daughter took that injection and suffered from mental retardation there after. it can have very dangerous side effects. >> the american academy of paid yatices slammed the comments saying there is no scientific validity to this statement. >> do you think that was irresponsible? >> i think that was a statement, no truth and basis in fact and look, i hate cancer. that's what this has always been about. >> perry's teen appeal is a winner with young people in this state. >> it's possible i walked away with a candidate. >> but also lost a walk away with some endorsements, like that of the popular governor, who's starting to hint at a decision. >> no one had balance budgets and fiscally responsible will make the best candidate. >> how about a perry-mcdonald ticket? too soon? >> that is thinking too far ahead. >> now, in just the last few minutes, wolf, we did receive a statement from the bachmann campaign responding to perry's comments on this controversy. it says the truth is, governor perry imposed his power and imposing mandatory vaccine on 12-year-old girls and crony capitali capitalism. back to perry's strategy as running at a front-runner that was the knock against mitt romney not too long ago when he was running against president obama more than the rest of the fie field. >> jim acosta covering the perry campaign for us. by the way, i'll be speaking with donald trump ahead this hour in "the situation room" buff before his big dinner with rick perry. meanwhile, perry and other republicans say they have new proof that voters are turning against president obama and his democratic party. an issue republican victories and special consciousal elections in new york and nevada. is it a sign of what's to come in the 2012 election? kate bolduan is looking into last night's results. what are you finding out, kate? >> i'll tell you, this is another special election gaining national attention. last time it was republicans on the defense after a bruising loss. this time, it's democrats facing the fallout. >> members are here -- >> a congressional seat long held by democrats including anthony weiner, chuck schumer and geraldine ferrari would be solid blue. turner winning a big upset in new york's ninth district has national republicans jumping on the victory and another republican win in nevada's second congressional district, declaring it a message to president obama. >> this is a referendum on the obama administration, foreign policy, their spending policy, economic policy and the fact there's no jobs. >> democrats admit it was a tough loss and are trying to tamp down predictions of a fallout. >> we've got to get this solved. i think it is a message to both republicans and democrats. >> i wouldn't call this a referendum, but i think it's a wake-up call that the american people want to get to work and find solutions to the problems we're facing that the same old same old isn't going to be the case. >> still, the men in charge of getting democrats elected is down playing these elections, calling them battles in a long war. >> they're not predictive of what's going to happen at the end of the day. nor are they predictive of a national mud. they are predictive of what is happening in a single district based on a set of circumstances on a particular date. >> maybe so, but stew rothenburg warns it could mean trouble ahead. >> well, it's dangerous to assume that this result says something about 2012. it's probably even more dangerous. in fact, silly, to assume it's i have relevant. this isn't about new york nine. this is about the president and democratic party. >> interestingly, we're told that a focus of the house democrats closed door meeting today was the special election losses though outside the meeting and despite the embarrassing losses the house campaign on stuck by his statements saying he believes the house is in play for 2012 and is hopeful that democrats will take back the house in 2012. >> thanks very much. let's turn to president obama right now. he's busy juggling his short-term and long-term efforts to win a second term. he traveled to north carolina today to sell his jobs plan and himself to voters who will help decide his fate on election day of next year. brianna keilar has been traveling with the president. >> wolf, president obama won north carolina by just three tenths of a percentage point last election and even though white house officials insist this was not a campaign stop, this was his third visit to swing states he's hoping to hold on to next year. president obama took his message to the tar heel state. >> hello, north carolina! >> the sights and sounds of the campaign stop, a friendly crowd of thousands at north carolina state university. even an old slogan with a new twist aimed at republicans. >> there may be people whose refrain is no, we can't, but i believe, yes, we can. >> those no, we can't people the president is talking about are house republicans. he's urging them to swallow his plan whole and is prepared to slam them. >> they don't want to pass it because it would give me a win. give me a win? give me a break. that's exactly what folks are fed up the washington. >> it's quite the role reversal. the president is trying to play hardball. house republicans down right obstinate during the debt ceiling negotiations are now calling for comp mice. rhett sant to be drawn into another bruising battle. >> i hope he'll listen to our ideas and work with us. to find common ground, to get our economy moving and create jobs again. >> that common ground is actually the bulk of the president's jobs plan. the expansion of a payroll tax cut for employees and cutting payroll taxes for employers in half. the very tax cut obama highlighted in his visit to this raleigh manufacturing facility. >> there anything you can do to help us? >> but republicans oppose infrastructure spending the president wants and tax increases on wealthier americans as well as hedge fund managers, oil and gas companies and corporate jet owners that mr. obama has proposed to pay for the bill. there's a political calculation president obama and his advisers are making. his ratings are at a low, take a look at congress's. they're 15% and that, the white house feels, gives them some leverage over house republicans they didn't have before the bruising debt ceiling battle. >> brianna keilar, traveling with the president. thank you. meanwhile, it turns out a hypothetical debate question hit ron paul closer to home than we realized at the time. we're taking a closer look into the death of a former staffer and how it relates to his views on health care and the government and i'll ask donald trump what advice he has for rick perry and whether he still flirting with a presidential bid himself. noodles. let's see...south western vegetables...60 calories. ya' know those jeans look nice. they do? 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[ bell dings ] [ car door closes ] ♪ are you okay? yeah, i'm okay. and the truck? i got good news for you, kid. you're getting a new truck. what do you mean? i mean it's gonna cost more to fix than it's worth. besides, the truck's older than you. grab your stuff out of the truck and meet me up front. ♪ ♪ just fix it. ♪ jack cafferty's here with the "cafferty file." >> it had to be a tough morning to wake up in the white house today. democrats suffering two stunning losses in special elections. in both cases, the republican winners tied their opponents right to president obama and his economic policies. the most crushing loss right here in new york city. democrats lost a seat of disgraced congressman anthony weiner, a seat that's been in democratic hands since 1923. the district covers parts of brooklyn and queens. heavily jewish, democratic, p prounion and blue collar. if that doesn't send the democratic party into panic mode, it ought to. the results in brooklyn call into question whether obama could carry florida, a kishl to his re-election. republican p bob turner is a retired cable tv executive who has never served office. i work for cable tv executives and i wouldn't work for them for most of anything. he defeated david weprin, with two decades of service. democrats even sent in form er president clinton to campaign. in nevada, my home state, the democrat was trounced in a special election there and these twin losses are only the latest in a string of bad news for president obama. a new poll shows mr. obama getting the highest disapproval rating of his presidency. 55%. as for the jobs plan, it's looking unlikely it's going to get much traction if congress and if the upcoming election is all about jobs in the economy, the president's campaign could be doomed. the congressional budget office is out with a report saying the economy will grow slower than anticipated and that unemployment will stay close to 9% right through the end of 2012. so, here's the question. should president obama consider not running for re-election? go to or go to our post on "the situation room's" facebook page. would you vote for cable tv executives for public office? >> i've been working for cable tv, basic cable, for 21 years now and i got to tell you, i love these cable xwis. they pay the bills. they're terrific. you and i, we're basic cable. think about it. >> well, the advertisers pay the bills. these executives run the place. >> they're good guys. most of them are very decent, hard working americans. you would vote for them. >> absolutely not. >> thank you. let's move on to some other news we're following. two days after our ground breaking tea party debate in tampa, ron paul still getting heat about the answer he gave me to one of my questions. we have some new information to put the republican's views on health care into some con tect. for that, we asked brian todd to do some checking. >> ron paul stuck to his position, but didn't bring up a very personal story. a story of a close aide he lost three years ago. it was one of the most pointed moments in the early debate season. wolf blitzer asked republican presidential ron paul, a staunch opponent of a government role in health care, what should happen to a 30-year-old man who can afford insurance chooses not to buy it, then becomes cats troughically ill. >> he needs intensive care for six months. who pays? >> that's what freedom is all about. this whole idea that you have to take care of anybody. >> asked if society should let the man die. paul said no, in his e appearance, churches, family, friends would help. it's a circumstance he knows intimately. in 2008, paul's former campaign chairman, who paul says talked him into running for president that year, died of pneumonia. he had no insurance. friends and relatives say a preexisting condition made it impossible for him to get coverage. >> did you want to help him at the time? >> absolutely. a close friend of min mine. he had worked with me for 12 years. we knew he was having a struggle paying his bills. >> schneider's bills totalled more than $400,000 according to an aide for paul. the aide says paul's staff raised more than 50,000, but the rest of the bill was passed to the estate. analysts don't see this case holding paul politically. >> i think the story, who ron paul really is as opposed to the politicians who say one thing and do another. he knows what he believes. he takes stands that sometimes can look really difficult. >> some might be surprised that you don't take this more personally given the experience that you had. >> how could i take it in my personally because he was a friend. and did what i could, but it is something that you know, so unfortunate. it was a tough time for all of us. campaign hadn't quite finished when he got deathly ill and i had known him for so many years. >> ron paul made very clear that schneider was cared if. colleagues say he spent several weeks in the hospital. when i asked that he really beliefs that churches would take on the burden, paul said not today because government has run up the cost. >> the group is now trying to use this for political gain. >> a group called protect your care. it's launched a new ad called let him die. a take off of your question to ron paul and the audience's answer. we have to reiterate, paul said no. it was a audience who said yes. very controversial there. it says, would mitt romney let him die? there's a lot of traction. >> not everyone in the audience. there were a few scattered yes comments that came out. but when i heard your report just now, the whole notion of this individual couldn't get health insurance because he had a preexisting condition, the law, you can't get help for health insurance. did you get into that? >> we talked about this, he is not waivering from his position. the government should have no role in this. churches, charities, friends, relatives have to take up the mantle here. churches, families and friends can't come up with that one. >> thanks for that report. will rick perry be hired by the american people as the next president of the united states? i'll ask the corporate giant himself. we're talking about donald trump. he's meeting with governor perry over the next couple of hours. plus, three-time schedule for execution. three times delayed. just ahead, what's behind the final push to save the life of the convicted cop killer? one-hundred-nineteen mal] data points. this is what we can gather from an ordinary crash test dummy. two million data points. this is what we can gather from a lexus crash test genius. [ engine revving ] when you pursue industry-leading safety, you don't just engineer breakthroughs in simulation technology, you engineer amazing. ♪ you engineer amazing. naturals from delicious, real ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives. naturals from purina cat chow. share a better life. i'm wolf blitzer. here are some stories we're working on for our next hour. a solar giant once given a loan with your money and hailed by president obama as a symbol of green jobs now bankrupt. why the white house could now be in some hot water. also, an esteemed american diplomat seeks the release of a jailed american in cuba, but comes home empty handed. my interview with bill richardson. we'll speak live. and the next chapter in space flight. nasa announces the most powerful rocket ever. stand by. you're in "the situation room." rick perry is about to meet with a controversial and looming presence over this white house campaign. we're talking about the real estate mogul, donald trump. after flirting with his own presidential bid, trump says he has a thing or two to tell the gop front-runner and joining us from new york, donald trump. donald, thanks very much for joining us. you're getting ready to meet with governor rick perry in a little while. want to give us a little advance? what are you going to tell him? >> i don't know how you found that out, but i am going to be meeting with him. he's coming to trump tower, then we're going to dinner at john george. i look forward to meeting him. >> have you ever met him before? >> no, i've spoken to him numerous times. >> how did this meeting come about? >> i think very mutual. i have great respect for really a number of people and people looking to run for office and we had a big win. a good friend of mine, bob turner. i was very happy to have helped anymore new york. we can soon call him congressman turner. not since 1922 has a republican won in that district, so that was a big win and a lot of the republican candidates for president have been calling. as you know, i was number one in the polls including when i decided not to run as a republican and a lot of people have been calling and asking for different things, including support. >> the keywords, as a republican. which obviously opens the door maybe running as a third party independent type of candidate. there's been a lot of murmuring about this. is that anything you're considering seriously? >> i've always said i was the republican. i view it two ways. one, if if republicans choose the wrong candidate, which is a possibility, and if the economy continues to be bad, which i think it probably will, because our leadership is not doing its job, i would consider certainly doing it as an independent, but if they picked a right candidate, i'd be very, very happy to back the right candidate. >> well, what do you think of these eight republican candidates? i moderated this debate the other night. >> what i think is you did a great job as the moderator. i did watch every minute of it even though it was on at the same time as the miss universe pageant, which i own. i did watch miss universe, but i had a little bit of a delay system. it was live in brazil. it also did very well. there's just too many candidates. the stage is loaded up with people and some of the people really whether you like them or not, they have no chance of winning. i won't mention who, but there are kapds up there who don't have a chance of winning and you wanted to hear from the ones that have that chance. the old story is you never really know. you have to play it out because can come from nowhere and become the candidate. >> because a lot of people think it's a race between romney, perry, maybe michele bachmann. is that your sense? >> it's looking that way and that seems to be the thinking and the way the polls are. i think it is different than the last time around where others are leading and john mccain ended up being the candidate. i think maybe this is going to be a different scenario. >> you think one of those eight actually won the debate? >> well, i listened strongly to the debate and i thought there was nobody that did a poor job. i heard some negative things about various candidates. i won't mention the name because frankly, i thought everybody did quite nicely. i didn't think there was a huge winner and certainly didn't think there was a loser. >> is sarah palin likely to run? is it too late for her to jump in. >> she's a friend of mine. i think she's not going to run. she is certainly a different kind of person. i say that in a very good sense and she has got a different way of ding things. and maybe there's the positive. so maybe she can get in later, but it's getting a little late and if she's going to do something, she should do it soon. >> let me get your thoughts on three sensitive issues. on the issue governor perry defended his decision to go ahead are in-state rates for children of illegal immigrants in texas. he's standing by that even though he says the exec order was a mistake. he should have done it through the ledge is layture. >> i think he probably handled it right from the standpoint of what he said at the debate and maybe it should have gone through the lenlgislature and i it did, he would have an easier time. a lot of conservative people are against that. i guess i sort of feel that you're either a citizen of the the country or not. if you're not, are we supposed to be educated children. certainly, i thought he handled it fine considering that's hawaii vihis view. >> he also defended the decision to mandate the hpv vaccine, to protect them down the road from a sexually transmitted disease that could lead to cervical cancer. >> he also said a couple of things, but he also said that he believes in saving lives. and that's a pretty poignant statement. he believes very strongly in saving lives and that was the way it was given to him and a lot of people agree with him and some don't. obviously, michelle doesn't agree with him, but there are those a that do agree with him. >> is social security a ponzi scheme? >> well, it's certainly something in trouble and something has to be done about it and i've heard some very smart, liberal people saying it's a ponzi scheme and agreeing with him. you can take the word, ponzi, is a very interesting word. there are lots of different definitions, but the fact is, i have heard some very smart liberal friends of mine on television say it is a ponzi scheme. as far as social security, something has to be done to save it. social security, medicare. very important. somebody has to be done to save it. >> we're going the stay in close touch and i'll check back in with you after you meet with governor perry. i know you like meeting with all these potential republican nominees. appreciate it very much. >> thank you very much, wolf. >> just one correction. i said that he signed an executive order on the in-state tuition. on the vaccine. said that was a mistake and shouldn't have gone to the legislature. he didn't sign an executive order on the in-state tuition. two controversial issues. go to my blog. i write about perry and some of these issues. it's just been posted. new signs the fall of gadhafi could be unleashing new terrorists. just ahead. new revelations out of the pentagon said to be causing concern. plus, mixed signals out of iran about the fate of those two americans jailed in iran. those two hikers. are they any closer to being released? and no way to support them. people told me i wasn't going to do anything. and i just decided i have more to offer than that. i put myself through nursing school, and then i decided to go get a doctorate degree. university of phoenix gave me the knowledge to make a difference in people's lives. my name is dr. kimberly horton. i manage a network of over a thousand nurses, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] find your program at and i am a phoenix. met an old man at the top asked him if he had a secret and the old man stopped and thought and said: free 'cause that's how it ought to be my brother credit 'cause you'll need a loan for one thing or another score 'cause they break it down to one simple number that you can use dot to take a break because the name is kinda long com in honor of the internet that it's on put it all together at the end of the song it gives you freecreditscore-dot-com, and i'm gone... offer applies with enrollment in borrowed technology from ferrari to develop its suspension system? or what if we told you that ferrari borrowed technology from cadillac to develop its suspension system? magnetic ride control -- pioneered by cadillac, perfected in the 556-horsepower cts-v. we don't just make luxury cars. we make cadillacs. you know what,ell me, what makes peterpeter ? i can my own homemade jam, apricot. and really love my bank's ise your ratcd. i'm sorry, did you say you'd love a pay raise asap uh, tuly, i said i love my bank's raise your rate cd. you spen8 days lo at sea ? no, uh... you love watching your neighbors watch tv ? at ally, you'll love o raise your rate cd that offers a one-ti rate increase if our currentates go up. new developments concerning the fate of the two american hikers in iran for more than two years. lisa sylvester is monitoring that. >> just one day after president mahmoud ahminedjad indicated iran would release the hikers, a diplomat tells cnn anplane is n en route. this comes as confusion about whether bail will be set. josh fattal and shane bauer were sentenced to eight years in prison last month. a number of terrorists groups could be looking to set up shops in libya. the fall of moammar gadhafi has unleashed some groups constrained during the dictator's rule and there is cause for concern. the u.s. is also seeing some movement into libya, by outside militants, although not on a large scale. hugh grant and j.k. rowling are among those allowed to participate in a high level investigation of the u.k. tabloid hacking scandal. the judge leading the inquiry is grants for participant status to alleged targets of the press. the scandal prompted the closing of repert murdoch's newspaper this summer. >> i suspect it's going to be a while before that investigation wraps up. the former new mexico governor, bill richardson, is now back in the united states after a fail ed attempt to win the attempt of an american prisoner in cuba. i'll speak with him about his mission and an in depth look at the executions in texas. did an innocent man die on his watch? stand by. a software upgrade. build a new app for the sales team in beijing. and convince the c.e.o. his email will find him... wherever he is. i need to see my family while they're still awake. [ male announcer ] with global services from dell, jim can address his company's i.t. needs through custom built applications, cloud solutions and ongoing support in over 100 countries. so his company sees results. and jim sees his family. dell. the power to do more. i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. joining us, our cnn political contribute and strategist. before we get to the subjects, i just saw your tweet on donald trump. he's having dinner now, about to have dinner with rick perry, the governor of texas. seems all of these republican candidates are sort of stopping by donald trump, chatting with him. >> total waste of time. >> he's a really rich guy. >> he just lost that lawsuit. he's not going to run. this is all about publicity. they make the stop. they know the camera's down ton trump. you get lots of free time by having lunch with him. hopefully he won't screw up and eat a pizza with a fork like he did with sarah palin. it's a waste of time. he's not running. >> they're eati ining dinner, n lunch. >> he's a well-known figure and perry's making the rounds. let him touch all the bases. >> jay z's also well-known. >> rick perry will have plenty of money to run on if he chooses without going to z or mr. trump. >> here's our new poll. we asked are you better off than three years ago? it's a key question politicians study polls for these kinds of answers. 32% say yes. 58 said no. what does that say to you about the president of the united states and prospects of him getting re-elected? >> first of all, anybody who tries to determine whether he can get re-elected today is nuts. not a single vote has been cast in the gop primary. you look at the math, it's still an evenly split country. he won by 10 million votes in 2008. a generic poll in 2003 leading up to 2004 said a generic democrat could beat george w. bush. what happened? kerry lost second term for george w. bush. >> since reagan made this question famous, it is been added to the three that make the most difference in determining strength and weakness for a president. there's job approval. whether or not the american people believe the country's on the right track and this, this is a question of about whether or not people are doing better off personally by this president antd and welcome to barack obama's biggest problem. this is one of those things he has to deal with before he's a favorite to win this election. in the targeted states, the targets for the next presidential election, it's going to be even harder. in a lot of those states like ohio and iowa, he's at 50% disapproved, so the president has a problem. >> what he has to face is what is he running against? every election is a contrast between two candidates. there's a serious amount of people, anybody but bush, it's going to boil down to president barack obama. >> and we know who the republican nominee's going to be. >> the republicans have seemed to be focusing in on two very, very authentic, very large candidates who could be elected. >> do you think sarah palin's going to run? >> i don't think sarah palin can win. >> do you think she's going to run? >> no. >> let me talk about this new census on poverty. it's startling and depresing when you think about it. poverty in america. 46.2 million in poverty. in america. that's 15.1% of the population. the poverty line for a family of four is defined at $22,314 a year. you know there's been lot of criticism on the president that he hasn't done enough to really focus america's attention on this poverty issue. are you with cornell, smiley on this, or would the president when he says i'm trying to raise everyone's level of income, not just poor people? >> i made the point monday night, the gop isn't focused on pover poverty. so you have democrats and republicans, people who are poor don't have lobbyists, aren't considered to be the prime demographic. people sit here and label poor people as being lazy, no good, just want to live off the government. you look at the lot of these people, they have jobs and they're struggling. i am not satisfied with congress or the president confronting what is happening with poverty because those are real people, real americans and we need them involved in this economy as well. we can't throw them away. >> the only time democrats talk about the poor or poverty is when they're running against republicans or when there's a republican president. i'm astonished this president hasn't connected poverty to jobs and to this economy and to getting this economy moving again because that's ultimately our best defense against more poverty and to be numb and mute on this topic demonstrates he's disconnected. >> the word poverty and poor didn't even come out of one mouth of the two-party debate. >> not one word. >> getting people back to work is going to be the best poverty policy. >> you show me rick perry or mitt romney, michele bachmann -- >> how about lower taxes, less regulation, things that get people back to work. >> continue to talk about low taxes, don't cut the taxes for the rich or complain about welfare or food stamps. people out there -- who were working, where they condemn. those are the very people who need that food who are struggling. you and i aren't struggling, but the poor are and no one wants to talk about it. >> so, the more waste and fraud and abuse there are in the entitlement program, mean that fewer people get serviced by the government, so, let's have a real overhaul of government policy so more people can be served and we can create jobs in this country. >> what you just said is the fundamental problem. we have a discussion about poverty and you immediately say, oh, waste and fraud. i'm simply saying is when you don't even want to acknowledge them, that's a problem. >> who's not acknowledging? it is one of the core problems? >> we got to leave it, but are cornel west and tavis smiley correct in their very open criticism of the president on poverty? >> my issue, i speak for roland. i simply say the president and congress, democrats and republicans, cannot be silent about the poor in this county tr. >> is the president silent on this issue? >> i criticized the president in the state of the union address when the poor wasn't even mentioned. again, washington, d.c., dems and the gop, they don't have lobbiests and say we're not going to be mentioning. that's a problem. >> jack cafferty is asking should president obama consider not running for re-election? that's jack's question this hour. he's standing by with the "cafferty file" and what you think. plus, we're going to tell you why a plane was evacuated here in the washington, d.c. area and which powerful government official was on board. [ indistinct talking on radio ] [ tires screech ] [ crying ] [ applause ] [ laughs ] [ tires screech ] [ male announcer ] your life will have to flash by even faster. autodrive brakes on the cadillac srx activate after rain is detected to help improve braking performance. we don't just make luxury cars. we make cadillacs. jack's back with t"the cafferty file". >> should president obama consider not run for re-election? rupert writes he ha tos run. president obama's the only thing standing between the citizenry of the united states and insanity. thought of rick perry in the oval office is not comforting. romney seems to be halfway bright he can't fix anything. all in all, obama still the best we have, right now. de. writes, excellent idea, he's been trying to dig the country out of the hole and his shovel is not up to the job. let's get someone with a bigger shovel. liz says only if hillary runs. she'd be the only one that could do it, name recognition, experience. jack, not this jack, another one, writes, great, now we go from a yutz, obama, to pastor klu stchlt z, perry. if obama bows out floodgates open. we will drown in biblical notations and in the reconfiguring everything from science to the lost spacesuit that jesus came in. joe in new york writes, jack, why would you ask a question like this when it suggests we should let the obstructionists win the civil war. reminds me of giving into the terrorists. pete, obama not run for president? its what he live for, the campaign. he's like a dog chasing a car, not knowing what to do, if and when he catches. it's the chase, the campaign. pathetic. naten, only if a rel democrat steps. i'm not happen q. with obama's performance but i'm not seen nile. steve, no, i've bought too many 2012 with his symbol in the zero bumper stickers and buttons. go to or the post through "the situation room" facebook page. a convicted cop killer due to be executed in georgia in one week. we're investigating whether he's guilty or innocent and the last-meant attempts to try to spare his life. the obama jobs event that backfired. a company he touted as a role model possibly in legal trouble, costing american taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars8 s woman: hit it, mr. butters. ♪ ♪ take on me... ♪ ....take on me ♪ take me on... anncr: there's an easier way to save. get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. somewhere in america, a city comes to life. it moves effortlessly, breathes easily. it flows with clean water. it makes its skyline greener and its population healthier. all to become the kind of city people want to live and work in. somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest questions. and the over sixty thousand people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. major new developments happening in yem. lisa sylvester working the story. >> we are getting information of three explosions in yemen, in the southern port city of aden. what we know at this point three explosions happened ten minutes apart, an intelligence center, regional intelligence center impacted, also a police station, still trying to find out about the third location. we will continue to monitor this story as more information comes in. >> we'll check back with you. meanwhile, the fate of the georgia death row inmate is sparking huge controversy at the highest levels around the world. let's bring in cnn's david mattingly, he's working the story for us. tell us what's going on here, david. >> the death penalty case has been going on for 20 years, and now as we approach the 11th hour, no one can say for sure how it might end. >> reporter: three times scheduled for execution, three times delayed. and now, with all legal appeals exhausted, supporters of convicted cop killer troy davis make a final push for clemency. what makes you think you still have a chance to stop this execution? >> can we be sure that this man is not innocent? can we be sure that the conviction of troy davis back in 1991 is still reliable? and the thing that's so difficult to under stand is why the legal process has not asked that question. >> reporter: sentenced to death for the 1989 murder of savannah, georgia, police officer mark mcphail. seven of nine eyewitnesss have recanted, changed their stories, some say they were originally pressured by police. >> i told them over and over this is -- i didn't see this happen, they -- they wanted to put in their statement. >> reporter: others wanted to come forwardismly indicating another man, one juror questions her decision. >> if i knew then what i know now, troy davis would not be on death row. >> reporter: with only a week to his execution, critics of the case against davis include 51 members of congress, the vatican, and former president jimmy carter. >> we believe that in this particular case there's enough evidence to the contrary to prevent this execution taking place. >> reporter: an online petition supporting clemency for davis exceeded 200,000 signatures in 5 days. but state and federal courts have all upheld davis' conviction. the former d.a., who prosecuted davis said the courts got it right. >> i'm disappointed so many people have been led to believe nobody has paid attention to recantati recantations. it is as i explained simply not the case. it's not the case. on what ground are the recan takings more believable than the testimony in court? none. none. >> the governor of georgia does not have the authority to grant clemency. that falls to a five-member board of pardons and parole in georgia. they will take up this matter monday. that same board failed to grant clemency in this case back in 2008. but what we're looking at now, though, there are three new members on that board, and their votes could be enough to either delay or stop this execution. >> stay on top of it with you, david. thank you. you're in "the situation room." happening now, a solar panel manufacturer goes bankrupt after getting more than $500 million in u.s. government loans and now the u.s. congress is demanding answers. also -- the execution dogging rick perry's presidential campaign. allegations that texas killed an innocent man and governor perry tried to kill the investigation. the former new mexico governor bill richardson joins us live this hour. we'll talk about his failed mission to cuba to free an american man, a mission governor richardson says left him disappointed and perplexed. we want to welcome viewers in the united states and around the world. breaking news, political headlines and jeanne moos straight ahead. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." a major political upset in new york could be an ominous sign for president obama and the democrats. a republican has won the house seat in the democratic district that was represented by congressman anthony weiner who resigned in a scandal over lewd photos. mary snow joining us with more on what's going on. what is the latest? >> reporter: democrats certainly had the advantage here but republicans made the obama administration the main theme of this race. from capital hill to queens today democrats are trying to make sense of what this upset means. he's the ninth district surprise and forced democrats around the country to sit up and take notice. >> we have been told this is a referendum and we're ready to say, mr. president, we are on the wrong track. >> reporter: bob turner, a former cable tv executive, becomes the first republican congressman in new york's 9th district since the 1920s. anthony weiner held that seat for seven terms before a personal scandal forced him to resign in june. early on it was expected david weprin would win in a district where democrats outweigh republicans 3-1. >> a message to president obama and i think it is that he's got to get off his passive consolatory mood and -- they would say the opposite but i'm saying -- and go out and hustle and be -- use his bully pulpit, make the better change. >> maybe they're tired of the democrats. maybe they're tied of the promises. >> democrats played down the significance of the 9th district race. >> a local election between two people known to the district. >> reporter: but robert zimmerman, a democratic national committeeman says, his party needs to cut through the spin. he sees this as an opportunity for democrats to come up with a more focussed and disciplined agenda. >> this administration really seemed to lose a very clear and specific skraeagenda of how the putting the country back to work. you saw a great deal of frustration about where the democrats and the obama administration stand. >> reporter: another issue in this race, israel. turner wants support from former new york city mayor, ed koch, a democrat who crossed party lines. >> the president obama's a nice guy, i like him, i helped elect him and all of those things. he threw israel under the bus! >> reporter: about a third of the district is jewish. a recent poll showed about 16% of jewish voters in the district considered israel an issue. wolf, the democrat in this race, david weprin, stressed preserving social security and medicare in his campaign. those issues, though, failed to get him a victory, and they were issues that helped the democrat win a special election in largely republican district just this spring in upstate new york. >> thanks very much. what a difference a few months makes. president obama took his push for his jobs bill to north carolina today, a state he carried in 2008, but which is considered very much up for grabs in next year's presidential election. he carried north carolina, though, by a tiny margin. he spoke at north carolina state university in raleigh, and put pressure squarely on congressional republicans. >> there are folks in congress who have been fighting pretty hard to keep tax breaks for the wealthiest americans. you need to tell them they need to fight just as hard to help middle class families. tell them to pass the jobs bill. some of them are quoted as saying, even if they agreed with some of the things in this bill, that they don't want to pass it because it would give me a win. give me a win? give me a break! that's exactly why folks are fed up with washington. >> let's bring in our chief political analyst, gloria borger. she's here with new cnn poll numbers that were taking a close look at to get a sense of the mood of the country, a snapshot, at least right now. >> wolf, the mood in this country is not good, according to our cnn orc poll. we asked, do you feel you're better off than you were three years ago? look at this answer. yes, only 32%. no, 58%. then we asked, are you angry about the way things are going in this country today? yes, 72%. no, 27%. by the way, wolf, independent voters mirror those numbers. so independent voters are quite angry. i think this means a few things. first of all, we're going to end up with a very negative campaign when you have angry people, you tend to have a negative campaign. also, if 2008 was about hope, this election's going to been hopelessness and it's going to be about fear. and it's one thing when people feel that their hopes have been thwarted, which they do feel, but they also now believe that they are in danger of actually losing what they have. and that is making them very angry. so i think we have to get ready for quite a negative, nasty campaign out there. >> it's going to get ugly, that's what you're saying. sliv for the white house. >> there is a sliver because we asked, who do you trust more to handle the economy? barack obama gets 46%. republicans in congress, only 37%. neither, 15%. so the good news here, wolf, that is i think voters still like barack obama, so they give him a little bit of a benefit of the doubt. but here's the problem. barack obama's not running against congress, although he's going to try. he's going to run against a candidate, a republican candidate, and we don't know what that poll would show with a republican candidate. but it's interesting. whenever you hear mitt romney talk about barack obama, as he did in your debate the other night, he talks about him more in sorrow than in anger, and that is exactly right tone to take with independent voter because they're upset about the economy, they're angry about the economy, but they're not angry at obama. they're just -- they're just worried. so a candidate, a republican, who can sort of walk that fine line will do well against barack obama. >> we don't know who that candidate is going to be. >> we don't, right. >> we'll see how he or she does walking that fine line, as you say. cutting the deficit is clearly an important issue. >> yes. >> creating jobs is also an important issue. we've got new numbers in the new poll. >> we asked the dwquestion, wha should obama, the congress pay more attention to? 65%, creating jobs, 29% reducing the deficit. people believe barack obama's ideas for creating jobs were good. the problem that the president has is that voters don't have confidence anymore. the government spending is actually going to create jobs. but the president is telling them that is we need more stimulus. that will create jobs. and you know, wolf, they're just not convinced. so he's got a problem there too. >> a huge issue. still plenty of time between now and november 2012. a lot could change between now and then. thank you very much. a giant check with fanfare to match when the government decided to back a loan of more than half a billion taxpayer dollars to a calf company that makes solar energy panels. the energy secretary was there, joe biden appeared by satellite. later, president obama himself toured the plant thoouting its more than 1,000 green jobs. now it's bankrupt. offices raided by the fbi and congressional republicans are demanding answers about the loan from the obama administration. lisa sylvester's working the story and it's a significant story. >> a really embarrassing story for the obama administration. the government accountability office has found fault with house think loan was handled. republican lawmakers have been having a field day with it. and administration officials are having to justify why a $535 million, taxpayer money, were used to fund a company that has now gone belly-up. president obama tours the company, holding up the company as an example of innovation and success, a company that was at the vanguard of a new green jobs movement. >> for generations this part of the country has embodied the entrepreneurial spirit that has always defined america's success. >> reporter: but fast forward to this month, the company declared bankruptcy, leaving 1,000 employees without jobs and the fbi last week searched the company headquarters but wouldn't say what they were looking for. at issue is a half a billion dollar federal government loan to the company. e-mails released at a congressional hearing show that some white house budget analysts questioned early on how financially sound the company was, but felt under pressure by the white house to move quickly, quote, we would prefer to have sufficient time to do our due diligence reviews, said one e-mail. another, this deal is not ready for prime time, office of management and budget staffer wrote. ten days later the obama administration announced approval of the $535 million loan. taxpayers are now on the hook, and may never see that money again. in a hearing, republicans lawmakers grilled jonathan silver, head of the department of energy's loans program office. >> you have handled loans of this size and you're saying it's everybody else's fault but you except you're in charge. you tell me, as a person in charge did with half a billion dollars of taxpayers' money saying it's all my staff's fault, i didn't know, i can't do anything about. you tell me what you're going to tell the taxpayers. >> reporter: the energy department defended its decisions. >> there is risk, almost by definition in the identification of the innovation itself in building out that innovation at scale. >> reporter: one question, how involved was the white house in the decision to grant the loan? records show the main private investor is a man named george kaiser, a key fund-raiser for mr. obama who raised $50,000 to $100,000 for his 2008 election. white house visitor logs show between march 2009 and april 2011 when the administration was considering giving the loan, kaiser visited the white house 16 times, including having meetings with white house adviser valerie jarred and then-chief of staff rahm emanuel. >> there was no political influence and the white house officials say that as well but critics will use this connection to raise a question, was there favorable treatment given? >> reporter: the white house denies trying to speed up the loan approval process, saying staffers were trying to figure out whether to proceed with a ground breaking event if the loan were approved. white house spokesman jay carney telling reporters what the e-mails make clear there was an urgency to make a decision on the scheduling matter. it's a big proposition to mob the president or to put on an event. congressional democrats want to shift some blame to the bush administration noting the approval process started when bush was in the white house but that got fast tracked when the obama administration took over. two months after the inauguration the announcement wud may for $535 million loan. >> a huge, huge, embarrassment because the president goes out there, makes that presentation, the vice president is involved, the energy secretary, somebody screwed up big time. >> you know what? talking half a billion dollars of taxpayer money. that's where the real outrage is, why wasn't the due diligence done ahead of time especially by all indications there were some red flags raised. >> good report. thanks very much. an execution controversy dogging rick perry's presidential campaign. >> if this case went to trial today i can't see any way that willingham would be convicted. i can't see any way a prosecutor would bring this case forward today. >> did the state of texas execute an innocent man? did governor rick perry try to block an investigation? cnn goes in-depth. also -- the effort to free an american man held by cuba. the former new mexico governor, bill richardson, joining us live to talk about the mission that left him disappointed with p perplexed and could affect u.s.-cuban relations. the evacuation of a plane with a us supreme court justice on board. we're learning new details. have i got a surprise for you! 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go to, post the comment on my blog or go to our post on "the situation room"'s facebook page. governor perry drew applause at a debate last week at mention of the record number of executions under his governorship. the 235th was carried out last night, 3 more executions scheduled observe the next two weeks. but one in particular continues to stir lots of controversy with doubts about the condemned man's guilt and allegations that governor perry tried to stifle an investigation. cnn's ed lavandera takes us in depth. >> reporter: cameron willingham executed seven years ago, convicted of setting his house on fire to kill his three children. appeals to the supreme court repeatedly denied. texas governor rick perry signed off on the execution. >> willingham was a monster. >> reporter: just before the death, a nationally known fire expert studying the arson investigation found it horribly flawed, that the original investigators relied on outdated arson science. supporters asked the governor to halt the execution. perry refused. >> we have a system in this state that has followed the procedures and they found this man guilty every step of the way. >> reporter: cameron todd willingham's execution haunts rick perry, the question is not only did texas execute an innocent man, but did perry use his power to try to shut down a potentially embarrassing investigation into how willingham was convicted? if there was no arson, willingham would not have been executed. >> this case went to trial today i can't see any way he would be convicted. i can't see any way that a prosecutor would bring this case forward node. >> reporter: the innocence project brought the case to the texas forensic science commission, which started looking into whether bad arson investigative techniques were used to convict willing ham. >> the science was indeed junk science. >> reporter: sam basset was head of the commission. he was called into a heated meeting with two governors aides and told the investigation was a waste of state money. >> i couldn't believe it. they were injecting themselves into the commission business so directly and confrontationally. >> you have the sense they wanted to influence the outcome? >> yes, that was my sense they wanted us stop the investigation. >> reporter: the commission kept working. more fire experts agreed the investigation relied on junk science. basset says he was suddenly told he was not being reappointed because the governor wanted to take the commission in a different direction. >> i've seen just kind of an endless drumbeat of strategies and actions to stop this investigation. it's been terribly disappointing. >> reporter: why do you think you were taken off this commission? >> it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this was a situation that the governor's office clearly did not want us to conclude. >> reporter: perry has denied sam basset's removal was politically motivated, and the governor remains as unwavering today as he was two years ago in his opinion that willingham deserved to be executed. >> go look at the facts and you'll find this was an incredibly bad man who murdered his kids, and the record will stand the scrutiny. >> reporter: two years later the investigation is still stalled, and nobody can say for sure if texas executed an innocent man. ed lavandera, cnn, austin, texas. >> the former new mexico governor, bill richardson, is back in the united states after wrapping up an intense trip to cuba. i'll ask him what happened. we'll speak live after the break. whoa! hey! 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>> well, i'm still scratching my head because i was invited by the cubans, i received a note from the cubans in july. they said, come, come after september 1st, i arrived september 7th. i was told that i would meet the foreign minister who is the main decisionmaker on this. i had a delightful lunch with the foreign minister, bruno rodriguez the second day i was there. after the lunch he said three things. one, you will not take alan gross back, two, you will not see president castro, and three, we're not going to let you see him. i was stunned. i was flabber gassed. what i think happened was there are some hard line elements in the cuban government that basically don't want to improve the relationship with the united states. now, we have to continue the effort to free alan gross because he's a man who is depressed right now, he's been there two years. his wife, a wonderful woman, his family has been very concerned, his daughter is sick, he's depressed. he's got lesions on his body. he was already sentenced. and this was a perfect time for a humanitarian gesture. my message to the cubans was, look, oomi'm a private citizen,t if you free alan gross a whole host of issues that you disagree with the united states can be discussed, human rights, environmental, commercial, and they shut the door. >> do they realize that until they free alan gross, there's going to be no improvement in u.s./cuban relations, because things were beginning to improve during the obama administration. obama made it clear he wanted to improve u.s./cuban relations but everything according to state department officials i speak to, including the secretary of state hillary clinton, there's going to be no improvement. that relationship is in deep trouble until they let him go. >> that's correct. i try to stress to the cubans that that was the case. president obama has loosened travel restrictions and on my trip there, wolf, i saw a lot of increasing travel. that's good for the cuban economy. it's good for the united states. remittances of cuban-americans increased. the human rights situation has improved for both sides. and then this dramatic snub of me. but it's not really about me, although i was really stunned. it's about how we can get alan gross out. and the cubans have to realize that if they don't release him soon there's going to be a deep freeze and i don't blame the obama administration for being cautious because it seemed that every time that an improvement can happen, the cubans shut the door. and it could be that some hard line elements in that government, basically, are pushing raul castro, the president, saying this is not the time to do it let's not do it, they're not going to help us. and so i came back empty handed. but these efforts to free alan gross should continue. >> i don't understand if they knew they were, a, not going to let you meet with alan gross, let alone with raul astroor bring him out of there, they weren't going to let you you do anything, why did they tell you to come? >> i believe there was a struggle right before i came, a policy debate, and they didn't decide until the last minute when i was there, and somehow the hard line elements -- and i think foreign secretary rodriguez is skeptical of improving ties with the u.s. -- maybe was given the decision and after a wonderful three-hour lunch where we discussed ways that we could improve the relationship, he slammed me through ways, one, no seeing alan gross, no getting him out, and no seeing raul castro. i tried through other means in cuba, through the religious leaders, through other diplomats, the cardinal to tri to change the decision but all i got was silence. complete silence. so i'm perplexed. but i think these efforts to get gross out have to be maintained because this is a very important issue. and unless he is out, the u.s. relationship with cuba is going to deteriorate. >> i know you speak spanish, on lusly fluently. you spoke with the foreign minister in spanish. there's no miscommunication through translators or anything along those lines. but i think it does say something about cuba right now if there is this struggle under way between hard-liners and those who are more amenable with improving relations with the united states. where does fidel castro stand in all of this? >> my sense from conversation is that he's not participating in decisions, that he's kind of low key taking his medical care. what i pick up is that raul castro is a moderate. he's trying to modernize their economy, trying to privatize a bit. but he's got hard-liners within his council. he was not like fidel castro who could make a decision on his own. he has to kind of get a consensus of about 100 people that are part of what is called the council of state, and he may not have that flexibility. and in the foreign ministry, which a lot of the people there i know and have been friends, they're basically hard-liners. every time we try to say, okay, the obama administration moved ahead and relaxed travel, they relaxed wry mittan eed remittan taking positive steps the cubans are saying maybe we don't want to do this, for their own ideological reasons. i wasn't representing the administration. but i have dealt with u.s./cuban relations for a long time. i have gotten political prisoners out before with fidel castro. so i thought that there was a chance. i never thought it was a slam dunk, but i thought there was a chance i could get him out. but unfortunately, maybe they were sending a message to the administration that this is not the time to get alan gross out. and if that's the case, the relationship is going to deteriorate and there won't be any improvement. but that doesn't mean we stop and punish. it means that we should renew our efforts to get this man out because it's an important human rights case. and i'm very proud of the state department that has basically said unless we get this guy out, unless we stand for human rights, we're not going to improve the relationship. and they back immediate up all the way, so i'm very pleased with my government that stood behind principle and said that, unless you take a human rights action, cuba, we're not going to improve our relationship and one man that is important. >> certainly is. governor richardson, thanks for trying. you're going to continue to work on this situation. you haven't failed on other missions overseas over the years but you know what? at least you tried, and hopefully in the end they'll release alan gross. appreciate it, governor richardson. thanks again. >> thank you. a large-scale assault on the u.s. embassy in afghanistan, the attack failed but what message did the taliban manage to get across? and nasa unveils a rocket unlike any other. details of what sets this giant apart. 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( singing along ) ( singing high note ) that should do it. enjoy your new shower. ( door opens, closes ) american officials are downplaying the day-long attack taliban forces carried out on the united states embassy in afghanistan yesterday. damage to the u.s. interests was minimal, the taliban did get a message across in a very, very big way. our pentagon correspondent chris lawrence is working the story for us. lots at stake here. what's the latest? >> reporter: wolf, there seem to be mixed signal as among some of the top american officials in afghanistan. look, this was the third spectacular attack in kabul in the last three months. the military xhnder in afghanistan says it was a propaganda victory for the taliban but the u.s. ambassador says no big deal. taliban fighters held out for 20 hours firing machine guns and rpg in kabul at the u.s. embassy. the u.s. ambassador to afghanistan doesn't sound impressed. >> if that's the best they can do, you know, i think it is actually a statement of their weakness. >> reporter: probably not how it looked to the afghan kids screaming inside a school bus. or the five afghan police officers the militants killed. 11 civilians died too, half of them children. >> if these were five guys that rumbled into town, with rpgs under their car seats, this is not a very big deal. >> tactically, the operation certainly was a success. it garnered international headlines, days after 9/11. >> reporter: jeff dressler made numerous trips to afghanistan. he says the taliban has been trying to expand its presence around kabul for years. they use historical connections with nearby tribes, intimidate some, pay off others to get a foothold which allows them to launch attacks into the capital. it's true that no americans were killed, firing rpgs from 800 meters away is not going to do major damage to the embassy. and there's a danger in making too much of one day. >> it's relatively difficult to execute attacks like that on a regular basis inside kabul. the afghan security forces do a good job of keeping things locked down there. >> reporter: in a country where most people are illiterate, that nowance gets lost. >> it represents their ability to create the perception they're overrunning kabul and really force afghans to question whether or not afghan security forces can protect them. >> perception is everything there in afghanistan. u.s. officials do agree that they think the net work was behind this operation and this attack shows that, a, they're not interested in any sort of reconciliation with the afghan government and they're still able to launch attacks from their safe haven in pakistan. >> meanwhile a string of deadly attacks in iraq. lisa sylvester's here, monitoring that and other top stories in "the situation room." >> wolf, at least nine people are dead, after iraqi militants staged three attacks one happened inside a military base west of baghdad. officials say a bomb attached to a military bus exploded, killing two iraqi soldiers. another deadly blast happened south of the capital outside a restaurant frequented by squu security forces. baghdad, two officers were killed. unexpected and unnerving moment for passengers on board a united airlines flight. the going 757 preparing to take off from dulles airport outside washington when it experienced an engine problem. passengers say smoke was seen coming out of the right engine, prompting flight attendants to order everyone off the plane. shaken passengers evacuated on emergency chutes and among them was u.s. supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg. fortunately, no one was hurt. the federal government is blaming three companies for bps massive oil spill. bp, transocean, halliburton. a final federal report on the zafrt s disaster says a key cause on the rig was a faulty cement job at the well site. halliburton performed that job but the report also says transocean and bp failed to enforce critical safety regulations at the site. and an exciting discovery in space. scientists say they have found more than 50, 50 new planets outside our solar system. they include 16 super earths, those are planets that have a mass up to ten times greater than earth's. scientists say one could have water and could potentially sustain life but they are stressing the more research needs to be done to determine if life forms actually exist. exciting, saying one of the 16 potentially has water. who knows, wolf? >> maybe. nasa unveils plans to build the most powerful rocket ever. we'll tell you about the extraordinary manned missions.r l that makes a chocolate so smooth and creamy, you don't just taste it, you feel it. ♪ do you believe in magic? ♪ ♪ it's magic ♪ [ male announcer ] it's a comfort that comes from the only caramel worthy of being wrapped in gold. ♪ do you believe in magic? [ male announcer ] werther's original caramel chocolate. what comfort tastes like. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] with the most advanced engine in its class, 50 horsepower, dual overhead cams and fierce acceleration, the gator xuv 825i will shatter your expectations. discover the fastest most powerful gator yet, at there's another way to minimize litter box odor: purina tidy cats. our premium litters now work harder to help neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home. nasa's ushering a new rare in space exploration. unveiled plans for an extremely powerful deep space rock that will carry astronauts farther than anyone has ever traveled before, potentially even to mars, maybe further. john zarrella joining us live from miami. john, you're very excited about this. tell us what's going on. >> reporter: you know, wolf, for months, nasa said they couldn't build it. congress insisted you will build it. well, finally today both congress and nasa got on the same page and the space agency announced a rocket they're going to build, more powerful than the apollo moon rockets. >> reporter: nasa maintained there just wasn't enough to do both, build a new, big rocket and at the same time fly the space shuttle. >> on the shoulders of the space shuttle, america will continue the dream. >> reporter: with the shuttle now in retirement, the space agency unveiled its next generation rocket. it's longer than a football field, big enough to take astronauts to an asteroid and eventually on to mars. >> president obama has challenged us at nasa to be bold and to dream big, and that's exactly what we do. while i was proud to fly on the space shuttle, tomorrow's explorers will dream of one day walking on mars. >> reporter: to keep it affordable, $18 billion over the next 6 years, the rocket called the sls, for space launch system, will use considerable existing technology. just like the shuttle, it will have boosters on the sides of a giant center fuel tank. just like the shuttle, the boosters would be reusable. but the spacecraft carrying the astronauts will be on top, not on the side. studies show that increases survivability in an accident. called o ee ori an it's under development. >> it's a rocket i have difficulty finding a mission for. >> reporter: a member of the augustine committee na presented the obama administration with options for the future. he is skeptical because nasa's the only customer for a behemoth rocket, there's no way to defer any of cost. >> it's a very expensive thing for nasa to maintain and the result of that, as i see it is that if nasa does successfully develop the launch vehicle, there will be no budget to do anything with it. >> reporter: norm augustine, the committee chairman says, as costly as it may be, human exploration is just part of who we are. >> i often say, does anybody remember the name of the first person who landeden the moon? and everyone does. isao does anyone remember the first robot that landed on the moon and no one does. >> reporter: building the new rocket, nasa and supporters in congress will say they will ensure the united states does not become second rate. one nigfly eight year after 201. an asteroid -- >> john zarrella, thanks very much. jack cafferty next with the cafferty file. jeanne moos and the case of hand cuffed houdini. [ male announcer ] we went to germany's nurburgring to challenge ourselves on the most demanding track in the world. with us, in spirit, was every great car that we'd ever competed with. the bmw m5. and the mercedes-benz e63. for it was their amazing abilities that pushed us to refine, improve and, ultimately, develop the world's fastest production sedan. the cts-v, from cadillac. we don't just make luxury cars. we make cadillacs. jack's back with "the cafferty file," jack? >> the question this hour, governor rick perry of texas says he cannot be bought for $5,000. how much will this comment go on to haunt him? mark in oklahoma city, jack, every man or woman has their price. at least with governor perry we now know where to start the bidding. james in denver, it was striking and telling to hear how he put it. in these days where politicians' cooperation is so readily purchased by interest groups in this new land the supreme court has declared to be of the corporation, by the corporation, for the corporation, how easily it rolls off the tongue of a slick rascal that he has a price. mind you, though, it's a high price. rusty writes, definitely serves to show how out of touch he is with those of us who are not rich. not for $5,000, huh? i suppose the going bribery quid pro quo rate for a sitting gop governor is quite a bit more than that. brenda writes on facebook from maryland, i'm a tea party member and it's in the tea party supporting perry, it's the media putting him in the spotlight. i've seen numerous polls and believe me he's not the leader. as for his comment, just another dumb comment by another dumb politician. peter in new york writes, it should hurt him a lot, bachmann should have asked if he couldn't have been bought for $5,000, how much does it take? and susan in denver says she'll give him $5,001 to drop out of the race. if you want to read more go to or to the facebook page which is growing by leaps and bounds, i might add, wolf. >> i know it is. a lot of people like that page and "the situation room" page as well where i do my daily blog. i just wrote about governor perry myself. thanks, jack. >> sure. american taxpayers on the half for half a million dollars loan for a company that is bellyup. republican lawmakers are blaming the white house. you'll find out what's going on "john king, usa." that's coming up at the top of the hour for our north american viewers. but, first, a handcuffed houdini leaves michigan police in disbelief. the scape artist when we return. met an old man at the top asked him if he had a secret and the old man stopped and thought and said: free 'cause that's how it ought to be my brother credit 'cause you'll need a loan for one thing or another score 'cause they break it down to one simple number that you can use dot to take a break because the name is kinda long com in honor of the internet that it's on put it all together at the end of the song it gives you freecreditscore-dot-com, and i'm gone... offer applies with enrollment in [♪...] >> male announcer: now, for a limited time, your companion flies free, plus save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. conditions apply. here's a look at this hour's "hot shots." in any pnepal, a crowd watches dance. in india customers haggle over vegetables to buy in the streets. in the united arab emirates, a man inspects a falcon, and a man leaps from a bungee, "hot shots" pictures coming in from around the world. a criminal suspect handcuffed and placed in a locked patrol car suddenly vanishes. cnn's jeanne moos has details. >> reporter: sometimes suspects are guilty of being deviously ingenious, take the bank robber who when captured ate the alleged holdup note, bon appetit, but why is this guy licking his handcuffs after allegedly brandishing a knife quincy alexander was han cuffed in the back of a west bloomfield, michigan, police cruiser. the first thing he managed to do was move his cuffed hands from behind him to up front. he also emptied his pockets which police say contained heroin and then he used his mouth to lubricate and apparently loose handcuffs. let's time him. see how long it takes him to take off the cuffs. left alone in the cruiser with the radio on, alexander gnawed and salivated and tugged for a mere 17 seconds before the cuffs came off, a veritable hand cuffed houdini. he kept looking around for the officers. you could almost see him think. and while we're at it, shouldn't the suspect be wearing his seat belt? and then there's the minor detail of how he managed to open a window to get out. the barrier between front and back had been left open so alexander just crawled into the front seat. watch the light change as he presses the button opening a rear window. out the window he went. at least this cruiser was

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,White House ,Campaign Stop ,Officials ,Swing States ,Visit ,Point ,Tenths ,Three ,Thousands ,Crowd ,Sounds ,Sights ,North Carolina State University ,Hello ,No ,Refrain ,Twist ,Slogan ,Couldn T Build It ,Break ,Folks ,Role Reversal ,Debt Ceiling Negotiations ,Hardball ,Washington D C ,Economy ,Ground ,Rhett Sant ,Ideas ,Battle ,Comp Mice ,Half ,Employees ,Payroll Taxes ,Employers ,Payroll Tax Cut ,Bulk ,Expansion ,Anything ,Hard Working Americans ,Tax ,Hedge Fund Managers ,Infrastructure ,Manufacturing Facility ,Mr ,Bill ,Companies ,Soil ,Advisers ,Low ,Calculation ,Owners ,Ratings ,Gas ,Jet ,Making ,U S Congress ,Look ,Feels ,Debt Ceiling Battle ,Leverage ,15 ,Ron Paul ,Staffer ,Health Care ,Debate Question ,Views ,Government ,Bid ,Noodles ,Let S See South Western Vegetables ,60 ,Announcer ,Jeans ,Yup ,Bell Dings ,Ya ,100 ,40 ,Truck ,News ,Cost ,Car Door Closes ,Kid ,Gonna ,Worth ,Stuff ,Jack Cafferty ,Cases ,Morning ,Winners ,Policies ,Crushing Loss ,Opponents ,1923 ,Doesn T ,Jewish ,Queens ,Panic Mode ,Brooklyn ,Blue Collar ,P Prounion ,Office ,Cable Tv Executive ,Re Election ,Kishl ,Florida ,Cable Tv Executives ,David Weprin ,Service ,Most ,Poll ,String ,My Home State ,Bad News ,Clinton ,Form Er ,Traction ,Disapproval Rating ,Jobs Plan ,55 ,Report ,Congressional Budget Office ,Right ,Unemployment ,9 ,Question ,Facebook ,Post ,Cnn Com Caffertyfile ,Bills ,Cable ,Cable Tv ,Cable Xwis ,21 ,Executives ,Guys ,Place ,Advertisers ,Debate ,Questions ,Tea Party ,Heat ,Tampa ,Story ,Information ,Position ,Didn T ,Checking ,Brian Todd ,Con Tect ,Government Role ,Aide ,Opponent ,Season ,Insurance ,Intensive Care ,Hill ,Cats Troughically ,Six ,30 ,Anybody ,Friends ,Care ,Churches ,Idea ,Freedom ,Appearance ,Society ,Relatives ,Campaign Chairman ,Circumstance ,Pneumonia ,2008 ,Friend ,Preexisting Condition ,Struggle ,Coverage ,Min Mine ,Staff ,Schneider ,400000 ,50000 ,00000 ,Thing ,Politicians ,Another ,Who ,Analysts ,Experience ,Some ,Wall ,Campaign Hadn T ,Hospital ,Colleagues ,Group ,Beliefs ,Burden ,Gain ,Audience ,Let Him Die ,Sad ,Everyone ,Notion ,Health Insurance ,Help ,Individual ,Law ,Couldn T Get ,Giant ,Families ,President Of The United States ,Role ,Charities ,Mantle ,Execution ,Times ,Cop Killer ,Data Points ,Plus ,Push ,Mal ,Nineteen ,One Hundred ,Crash Test Dummy ,Engine Revving ,Lexus Crash Test Genius ,Two Million ,Breakthroughs ,Safety ,Simulation Technology ,Preservatives ,Naturals ,Ingredients ,Flavors ,Purina Cat Chow ,Stories ,Money ,House Think Loan ,Water ,Diplomat ,Symbol ,Solar Giant ,Release ,Bill Richardson ,Jailed American In Cuba ,Rocket ,Home ,Interview ,Stand By ,Space Flight ,Chapter ,Nasa ,Presence ,Trump ,Flirting ,Real Estate Mogul ,In A Little While ,Out ,Advance ,John George ,Trump Tower ,Number ,Respect ,Candidates ,Won ,Him ,1922 ,Things ,Polls ,Support ,Calling ,Keywords ,Door ,Third Party ,Type ,Murmuring ,Job ,Ways ,Leadership ,Possibility ,Independent ,Night ,Eight ,Bit ,Miss Universe Pageant ,Delay System ,Moderator ,Miss Universe ,Chance ,Mention Who ,Winning ,Brazil ,Cts V We Don T ,Ones ,Nowhere ,Snapshot ,Others ,Thinking ,Nobody ,John Mccain ,Sarah Palin ,Name ,Everybody ,Frankly ,Loser ,Person ,Kind ,Friend Of Mine ,Positive ,Little ,Issues ,Children ,Rates ,Thoughts ,Immigrants ,Mistake ,Standpoint ,Exec Order ,Ledge ,Layture ,Feel ,Citizen ,Lenlgislature ,Hawaii Vihis View ,Sexually Transmitted Disease ,Lives ,Cervical Cancer ,Couple ,Road ,Michelle Doesn T ,Saving ,Is Social Security A Ponzi Scheme ,Word ,Ponzi Scheme ,Ponzi ,Lots ,Liberal ,Definitions ,Television ,Social Security ,Somebody ,Stay ,Medicare ,Executive Order ,Tuition ,Nominees ,Correction ,Shouldn T ,Legislature ,Terrorists ,Blog ,Fall ,Gadhafi ,Hikers ,Concern ,Signals ,Pentagon ,Revelations ,Iran ,Difference ,Knowledge ,Doctorate Degree ,University Of Phoenix ,Nursing School ,Program ,Dr ,Nurses ,My Name ,Network ,Phoenix ,Kimberly Horton ,A Thousand ,Old Man At The Top ,Thought ,The Old Man ,Cause ,Dot ,Brother Credit ,Score ,Ferrari ,Technology ,Enrollment ,Com ,Internet ,Offer ,Song ,Honor ,Freecreditscore Dot Com ,The End ,Freecreditscore Com ,Suspension System ,Cadillac ,Ride Control ,Cars ,Ell Me ,Peterpeter ,556 ,Rate Cd ,Bank ,Homemade Jam ,Pay ,Raise ,Ratcd ,Sea ,Rise ,Days Lo ,Tuly ,Tv ,O ,Neighbors ,Rally ,Rate Increase ,Currentates Go Up ,Lisa Sylvester ,Developments ,Mahmoud Ahminedjad ,Cnn Anplane Is N En Route ,Groups ,Confusion ,Prison ,Bail ,Shops ,Movement Into Libya ,Shane Bauer ,Josh Fattal ,Militants ,Dictator ,Rule ,Moammar Gadhafi ,Investigation ,Level ,Scale ,Tabloid Hacking Scandal ,Judge ,Inquiry ,Hugh Grant ,J K ,U K ,Rowling ,Scandal ,Press ,Participant Status ,Targets ,Migrants ,Newspaper ,Closing ,Summer ,Repert Murdoch ,Prisoner ,New Mexico ,Fail Ed Attempt ,Mission ,Ceo ,Executions ,E Mail ,App ,Watch ,Software Upgrade ,Team ,Beijing ,Countries ,Services ,Applications ,Cloud Solutions ,Dell ,More ,Company ,Back On The Road ,Pricing ,Brakes ,Our Cnn Political ,Stopping ,Strategist ,Subjects ,Tweet ,Waste ,Guy ,Publicity ,Stop ,Lawsuit ,Lunch ,Camera ,Down Ton Trump ,Pizza ,Fork ,Eati ,Figure ,Jay Z ,Perry S Making The Rounds ,Question Politicians ,Say ,Prospects ,Kinds ,32 ,58 ,Votes ,Math ,Vote ,Cast ,Primary ,Nuts ,10 Million ,George W Bush ,Kerry Lost Second Term ,2004 ,2003 ,Track ,Weakness ,Job Approval ,Strength ,Whether ,Problem ,Antd ,States ,Favorite ,Iowa ,Ohio ,50 ,Contrast ,Amount ,Poverty ,On Poverty ,Poverty In America ,Census ,Depresing ,46 2 Million ,Criticism ,Poverty Line ,Population ,15 1 ,Four ,2314 ,22314 ,Cornell ,Poverty Issue ,Income ,Point Monday Night ,Tavis Smiley ,Hasn T ,Demographic ,Aren T ,Pover Poverty ,Lobbyists ,No Good ,Poor ,Real Americans ,Topic ,Poverty Policy ,Mouth ,Taxes ,Regulation ,Working ,Welfare ,Food Stamps ,Food ,Aren T Struggling ,Fraud ,Government Policy ,Overhaul ,Entitlement Program ,Wants ,Abuse ,Discussion ,Cornel West ,Roland ,Silent ,Wasn T ,Address ,Cannot ,County Tr ,State Of The Union ,Jack ,Mentioning ,Dems ,Plane ,Government Official ,Area ,Indistinct Talking On Radio ,Applause ,Laughs ,Tires Screech ,Autodrive Brakes ,Cadillac Srx ,Luxury Cars ,Braking Performance ,Rain ,Jack S ,The Cafferty File ,He Ha Tos Run ,Rupert ,Best ,Fix Anything ,Standing ,Citizenry ,Oval Office ,Insanity ,Someone ,Shovel ,Liz ,It ,Name Recognition ,Hillary Clinton ,Runs ,Dude ,The Hole ,Writes ,Floodgates ,Pastor ,Klu Stchlt Z ,Yutz ,Everything ,Science ,Spacesuit ,Notations ,Joe Biden ,Jesus ,Obstructionists Win The Civil War ,Patrol Car Suddenly Vanishes ,Dog ,Chase ,Pete ,Steps ,Performance ,Pathetic ,Naten ,Rel ,Nile ,Steve ,Georgia ,Buttons ,Bumper Stickers ,Zero ,Event ,Attempts ,Role Model ,Woman ,Taxpayers Hundreds Of Millions ,Butters ,Dollars8 ,Geico Com Get A Quote ,Anncr ,Somewhere ,City ,Car Insurance ,Breathes ,Skyline ,Nation ,City People ,Siemens ,Sixty Thousand ,Answers ,Explosions ,Yemen ,Southern Port City Of Aden ,Yem ,Police Station ,Intelligence Center ,Location ,Regional Intelligence Center ,Ten ,David Mattingly ,What S Going On ,Levels ,Death Row Inmate ,Reporter ,Appeals ,Death Penalty Case ,No One ,11th Hour ,20 ,11 ,Troy Davis ,Supporters ,Final Push For Clemency ,Mark Mcphail ,Conviction ,Process ,Murder ,Under Stand ,Sentenced To Death ,Savannah ,1991 ,1989 ,Seven Of Nine Eyewitnesss ,Police ,Juror Questions ,Forwardismly ,Death Row ,Critics ,Jimmy Carter ,Contrary ,Evidence ,Members Of Congress ,Vatican ,51 ,Courts ,D A ,Signatures ,Petition ,Supporting Clemency For Davis ,200000 ,5 ,Led ,Recantati Recantations ,Recan Takings ,Supreme Court ,None ,Authority ,Testimony ,Matter ,Pardons ,Parole ,Grant Clemency ,Five ,Us Supreme Court Justice On Board ,Clemency ,Delay ,Loans ,Manufacturer ,Top ,00 Million ,500 Million ,Allegations ,Execution Dogging ,Viewers ,Around The World ,Breaking News ,Headlines ,Jeanne Moos ,Photos ,Mary Snow ,Means ,Advantage ,Theme ,Capital Hill ,Surprise ,Notice ,Terms ,1920 ,3 ,1 ,Mood ,Passive ,Hustle ,Bully Pulpit ,Promises ,9th District Race ,Significance ,Party ,Opportunity ,Democratic National Committeeman ,Agenda ,Spin ,Focussed ,Robert Zimmerman ,Deal ,Skraeagenda ,Frustration ,Stand ,Ed Koch ,Party Lines ,Israel ,Bus ,Third ,16 ,Jobs Bill ,Upstate New York ,Spring ,Pressure ,Grabs ,Margin ,In Raleigh ,Class ,Tax Breaks ,Fighting ,Saying ,Numbers ,Gloria Borger ,Yes ,Orc Poll ,72 ,27 ,Hope ,Danger ,Hopelessness ,Hopes ,Fear ,Negative ,Sliv ,Sliver ,Neither ,46 ,37 ,Benefit ,Doubt ,Voter ,Sorrow ,Fine Line ,Deficit ,We Don T ,Wha ,Dwquestion ,29 ,65 ,Government Spending ,Stimulus ,Fanfare ,November 2012 ,Energy Secretary ,Calf Company ,Satellite ,Solar Energy ,Panels ,A Billion ,Loan ,Offices ,Plant ,Green Jobs ,1000 ,Fault ,Government Accountability Office ,Lawmakers ,Taxpayer Money ,Belly Up ,35 Million ,535 Million ,Part ,Success ,Innovation ,Generations ,Example ,Vanguard ,Green Jobs Movement ,Authorities Haven T ,Company Headquarters ,Last ,Bankruptcy ,Entrepreneurial Spirit ,Hearing ,E Mails ,Show ,Budget Analysts ,Felt ,A Billion Dollar ,Quote ,Reviews ,Due Diligence ,Office Of Management And Budget ,Approval ,Jonathan Silver ,Department Of Energy ,Size ,Everybody Else ,A Billion Dollars ,Decisions ,Building ,Definition ,Risk ,Identification ,Investor ,George Kaiser ,Records ,Fund Raiser ,0000 ,100000 ,Kaiser ,Meetings ,Visitor Logs Show ,Valerie Jarred ,2011 ,April 2011 ,March 2009 ,2009 ,Chief Of Staff ,Treatment ,Loan Approval Process ,Connection ,Influence ,Rahm Emanuel ,Jay Carney ,Reporters ,Staffers ,Ground Breaking Event ,Scheduling Matter ,Proposition ,Urgency ,Mob ,Blame ,Big Time ,Announcement Wud May ,Vice President ,Indications ,Outrage ,Wasn T The Due Diligence ,Cameron Todd Willingham ,Execution Controversy ,Flags ,Dogging ,Effort ,Prosecutor ,An Innocent Man ,Cuban Relations ,P Perplexed ,Evacuation ,Details ,Barks ,Beneful Healthy Fiesta ,Protein ,Muscles ,Coat ,Nutrition ,Gotta ,Hoo ,Shipping ,Hassle ,Ha ,Flat Rate ,Priority ,Philly ,Boxes ,Football Phenom ,Chess Champ ,Charleston ,Yep ,Mailman ,Wow , 95 ,4 95 ,Tires ,Car Replacement ,Accident Doesn T ,Liberty Mutual Insurance ,15000 ,Auto Insurance Product ,Call ,Price ,Auto Insurance ,Responsibility ,Actions ,Monday ,Bottom ,Federal Reserve Chairman ,Uncriticism ,Ben Bernanke ,Bidding ,Pharmaceutical Giant Merck ,Quo ,Shoe ,Unquote ,Offended ,5000 ,000 ,Comment ,Ties ,He Didn T Go On ,He Couldn T ,Monthed ,Sentence ,Big Business ,Contributions ,Maker ,2006 ,30000 ,Watchdog Group ,Association ,Rga ,80000 ,380000 ,Vaccine Decision ,Women S Health Concerns ,Nothing Else ,A Million ,4 Million ,Merck ,Lobbyist ,Merck Don T ,Windows ,Page ,Governorship ,Mention ,235th ,235 ,Particular ,Doubts ,Guilt ,House On Fire ,Ed Lavandera ,Fire Expert ,Arson Investigation ,Monster ,System ,Investigators ,Arson Science ,Procedures ,Step ,Carson ,Case Forward Node ,Sam Basset ,Junk Science ,Head ,Innocence Project ,Techniques ,Texas Forensic Science Commission ,Ham ,Commission ,Governors ,State Money ,Aides ,Confrontationally ,Commission Business ,Sense ,Fire Experts ,Outcome ,Strategies ,Direction ,Drumbeat ,It Doesn T ,Situation ,Rocket Scientist ,Removal ,Kids ,Opinion ,Facts ,Scrutiny ,Austin ,Trip ,Dog Barks ,Little Man ,Bride ,Whoa ,Worry ,Dad ,Bud ,Suite ,Benefits ,Auto Maker ,Owner ,Cadillac Shield ,Retirement ,Prudential ,Challenge ,Retirement Income ,Sunrises ,Retiree ,6000 ,Challenges ,Emissions ,Wolf ,An American Citizen ,Allen Gross ,Philadelphia ,Note ,Occasion ,Foreign Minister ,Decisionmaker ,Bruno Rodriguez ,September 7th ,September 1st ,7 ,Raul Castro ,Alan Gross ,Back ,Relationship ,Line ,Elements ,Flabber ,Wife ,Sick ,Body ,Lesions ,Gesture ,Human Rights ,Environmental ,Host ,Oomi ,Improvement ,State Department ,Secretary Of State ,Travel ,Travel Restrictions ,Cuban Americans ,Remittances ,Human Rights Situation ,Sides ,Snub ,Alan Gross Out ,Freeze ,Policy Debate ,They Weren T ,Raul Astroor ,Foreign Secretary Rodriguez ,Hard Line Elements ,Silence ,Diplomats ,Leaders ,Cardinal ,Tri ,Gross Out ,Spanish ,Lines ,Translators ,Miscommunication ,Lusly Fluently ,Fidel Castro ,Relations ,Hard Liners ,Moderate ,The ,Conversation ,Consensus ,Council ,Council Of State ,Flexibility ,Foreign Ministry ,Wry Mittan ,Eed Remittan ,Prisoners ,Reasons ,Slam Dunk ,Human Rights Case ,Won T ,Guy Out ,You Haven T ,Human Rights Action ,Afghanistan ,Taliban ,Least ,Assault ,Behemoth Rocket ,Mother ,Artis Brown ,Energy Security ,Growth ,Ability ,Oil Sands ,Oil Reserves ,Resource ,Project ,Canada ,Kearl ,Commitment ,Military ,Breakthrough ,Oils ,Exclusive ,Military Oath ,Veterans ,Usaa Bank ,Credit Cards ,Values ,Equal ,High Note ,Shower ,Door Opens ,Embassy ,Damage ,Forces ,Interests ,Chris Lawrence ,Signal ,Stake ,Ambassador ,Propaganda Victory ,Fighters ,Military Xhnder ,Kabul ,Rpg ,Firing Machine Guns ,To Afghanistan Doesn T Sound ,Police Officers ,Civilians ,School Bus ,Operation ,Rpgs ,Car Seats ,Town ,Trips ,Connections ,Jeff Dressler ,9 11 ,Attacks ,Foothold ,Capital ,Tribes ,Firing Rpgs ,800 ,Security Forces ,Basis Inside Kabul ,Perception ,Afghans ,Overrunning Kabul ,Nowance ,Reconciliation ,Work ,Sort ,Safe Haven ,Pakistan ,Iraq ,Blast ,Military Base ,Bomb ,Soldiers ,Baghdad ,Passengers ,Officers ,Restaurant ,Flight ,Squu ,United Airlines ,Engine ,Engine Problem ,Flight Attendants ,Smoke ,Dulles Airport Outside ,757 ,Ruth Bader Ginsburg ,Emergency Chutes ,Site ,Bp ,Final ,Oil Spill ,Rig ,Cement ,Transocean ,Zafrt S Disaster ,Halliburton ,Space ,Scientists ,Safety Regulations ,Discovery ,Solar System ,Planets ,Super Earths ,Earth ,Plans ,Potentially ,Research ,Life Forms ,Exciting ,Magic ,Chocolate ,Missions Rl ,It S Magic ,Worthy ,Comfort ,Caramel ,Gold ,Werther S Original Caramel Chocolate ,Expectations ,Horsepower ,Acceleration ,Gator Xuv 825i ,825 ,Purina Tidy Cats ,Cat Homes ,Gator ,Litters ,Odors ,Johndeere Com Gator ,Purina ,Home Smelling ,Space Rock ,Anyone ,Space Exploration ,Astronauts ,Mars ,John Zarrella ,Miami ,Build ,Powerful ,Wasn ,Apollo Moon Rockets ,Agency ,Space Shuttle ,Space Agency ,Shuttle ,Both ,Shoulders ,Build A New ,Generation ,Football Field ,Big Rocket ,Dream ,Asteroid ,Space Launch System ,Explorers ,Sls ,18 Billion ,6 ,8 Billion ,Boosters ,Spacecraft ,Giant Center Fuel Tank ,Side ,Difficulty ,Accident ,Survivability ,Studies ,Mission For ,Called O Ee Ori An It S Under Development ,Member ,Customer ,Options ,Augustine Committee Na ,Norm Augustine ,Budget ,Human Exploration ,Launch Vehicle ,Who Landeden ,Robot ,Moon ,Isao ,Rate ,One Nigfly ,201 ,Hand Cuffed Houdini ,Nurburgring ,Germany ,Abilities ,Spirit ,Bmw M5 ,Mercedes Benz ,From Cadillac ,Production Sedan ,Cts V ,Oklahoma City ,Denver ,Mark ,James ,The Corporation ,Interest Groups ,Land ,Cooperation ,Tongue ,Rascal ,Touch ,Bribery ,Quid Pro Quo ,Huh ,Rusty ,Media ,Leader ,Spotlight ,Maryland ,Brenda ,Politician ,Peter ,Leaps And Bounds ,001 ,5001 ,Bellyup ,A Million Dollars ,Houdini Leaves ,Scape Artist ,Michigan ,John King ,Disbelief ,Enrollment In Freecreditscore Com ,Companion ,Conditions ,Save ,Sandals ,1 800 Sandals ,Customers ,Dance ,Shots ,Vegetables ,Streets ,Falcon ,India ,Pnepal ,United Arab Emirates ,Suspect ,Bungee ,Pictures ,Hot Shots ,Handcuffs ,Bank Robber ,Bon Appetit ,Suspects ,Holdup ,Guy Licking ,Hands ,Police Cruiser ,Pockets ,Han Cuffed ,Knife Quincy Alexander ,West Bloomfield ,Cruiser ,Radio On ,Heroin ,Cuffs ,Alexander Gnawed ,Hand ,Cuffed ,Salivated ,Tugged ,17 ,Window ,Seat Belt ,Detail ,Barrier ,Authorities ,Indication ,Mrs ,Operating Procedure ,Region ,Law Enforcement ,Missing Person ,Salahi Isn T ,Nothi ,Button ,48 ,

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