Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal that would anger progressives in his own party. Up first, the Major Supreme Court decision with a giant impact on your health care, the new ruling is 72. It dismisses a challenge to the Affordable Care act. The decision leaves intact how millions of you pay for your doctors visits, pay for your Prescription Drugs, its the third challenge to the Health Care Law since president obama signed it and it is the third time a conservative tilted Supreme Court agreed to save it. Cnns joan joins us now. Reporter its very important for the millions of americans who depend on the Affordable Care act. Its important to the legacy of barack obama. Its important to the administration of joe biden. But its really important to the roberts court. Those two prior rulings, upholding the act, they were narrowly divided, 54, then 63 back in 2012 and 2015. This one is 72. Chief Justice John Roberts had a strong majority. He has signed it to Justice Steven briar who said that the challengers, that sued to try to get rid of the Affordable Care act had no legal standing to even bring a complaint. They had no injury. They were complaining that the individual Health Care Mandate that required people to obtain there was no longer any penalty. Congr congress zeroed out that penalty but what the court said again by just steven briar, the senior liberal on this court. There was no injury. Nobody was hurt, ruled on no other part of the case, just essentially said go home, were finished and again 72, thats a major headline for this court thats been so closely divided on obamacare. John . 72, a very big deal. Joan, appreciate you setting that up for us. And straight to the white house with cnns jeremy diamond. It was Vice President biden when this law was signed into action and now its President Biden saying thank you to the high court. Yeah, and it was then President Biden with that hot mic moment saying this was a big blanking deal, the white house fully using that term today as they react to this Supreme Court ruling, you see a tweet from the president a few moments ago calling this a big win for the American People and he also went on to say with millions of people relying on the Affordable Care act for coverage it remains a bfd, and its here to stay. That followed from the white house chief of staff. Saying its still a bfd. The white house is reappropriating and using that term in a new meaning today as they celebrate this victory at the Supreme Court. Imagine the scene we would have been seeing here today at the white house had the Supreme Court ruled the other way and struck down this law. The white house would be dealing with trying to find some kind of way to keep 21 Million People from losing their Health Insurance and not coming up with many good options. This administration, though, is not only celebrating this win, but also as you can see in that tweet there, using this as an opportunity to encourage more americans to continue signing up for the Affordable Care act, the Biden Administration had extended that special Enrollment Period and so theyre fully looking to capitalize on that as well. And also, very glad that they are this is not adding to their plate of issues that they are already dealing with, including that bipartisan Infrastructure Deal that is blooming on capitol hill. It gets complicated but just a little welcome home present for the president of the United States. From an unlikely source, a conservative Supreme Court. Jeremy, appreciate live reporting from the white house and with me in studio to share their reporting and insights, niamalika henderson, paul cain from the washington post, and Katherine Lucy of the wall street journal. This is a bf deal to follow the Vice President , now president s term. Obamacare has been the Driving Force in American Politics really since 2009 when it hassed. 2010 midterms obama loses the house. Gets reelected in 2012 and 2014 its part obamacare of the tea party movement. He loses the senate but then nancy pelosi is speaker today because it swung and chained so much. Why is this so important in the sense it takes obamacare off the table in 2022 . Yeah, i think youre its it shall youre not going to call it obamacare anymore. Youre just going to call it health care. Its the law of the land. Theyve now had three straight rulings at the Supreme Court over nine years, and the margin has only grown. Even as the courts gotten more conservative the margin supporting the law has grown. Republicans honestly, they dont want to talk about this anymore. They know its just not in their wheel house. Their voters dont really like it but they have no idea how to create a law that they can get enough support around and if they dont have control of the house and the senate now anyway, they want to move on and just get into other topics that, you know, both excite their base and try to win back some of those suburban voters that they lost in 2018 in part because they tried to gut this law without any way of how to replace it. We all lived through that in the early days of the Trump Administration where the house actually passed a plan and the president pulled the rug out of it. And President Trump pulled the rug of it. Obamacare passes in 2009, in 2010 it had a 46 favorable rating, 46 . But thats not a big number. In the sense of a big 50year legacy democratic initiative. Look at it now. It is overall popular when you move forward a decade. More importantly as paul noted. Republicans still dont like obamacare but if you look among independent voters. Republicans in competitive races dont want to touch this. Back in 2010 it was critical to them, only 36 of independents liked it. 55 favorable rating among independent voters. If youre a republican, running statewide in pennsylvania or in an ohio or in a suburban district somewhere thats competitive, you do not want this issue back on the table. We talk a lot about bipartisanship here, and how washington is doing with that, but certainly the bipartisan size of relief today on both sides of the aisle and youre right, republicans see the numbers, they know what they the issues that they want to talk about, next year, and increasingly, you know, weve just been through a pandemic. And a lot of americans were relying on this for health care. And imagine to jeremys point, imagine if the court had thrown this out. Yeah. Number one, you would have the burden on republicans but number two, President Bidens challenge managing the Democratic Party right now, getting to the specifics later, is quite difficult because of the diversity of the party. Can you imagine if obamacare was thrown out, and they had to start from scratch, and medicare for all progressives would have cede we have a plan, but thats right, we have a plan and we saw this debate right, in 2020, among the democratic primary folks who were trying to get the nomination. Single payer plan with progressives, thats what they want, people like Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris back and forth and not really deciding which one she necessarily wanted, but that was the debate you would have, and i think Going Forward were going to have this debate anyway among democrats, the idea that the aca now, at one point, sort of a dream of democrats now is sort of the floor, right, and where do you build on it from there . That was the big debate in 2020, it will be the debate Going Forward. It is a great point in the sense that its now the floor, and how do you build on it . People dont like it, people who are controversial at the time, dont like it when you take it away. Kids on no preexisting conditions, other things you like about it. What does it tell us about the town in the sense that if you just look, to pauls point, the cement is drying or at least many legal scholars will tell you the cement is drying. 201254 decision. 2016 a 63 decision. This is a very conservative, the most conservative court to weigh in on this and theyre not weighing in on constitutional questions. Were done. This is the legacy of the trump court making this ruling, and that, plus the impact of health care on the 2018 midterms and on the 2020 president ial election i think really do cement this. Interesting side note that it is briar who was at the helm of this decision, hes 82 years old, will turn 83 later this summer and theres a lot of pressure among the progressive wing of the Democratic Party for him to retire, when i think of steven briar i dont think of individual Court Rulings that define him, i think of how he has used his role to define the judiciarys role in democracy, and kind of how american democracy functions. This could end up being a really important ruling to the extent that it cements health care essentially as a right and as an sb ent ent entitlement for the history of it, Justice Briar was a staff member for senator ted kennedy who fought for years for health care and helped obamacare get to the finish line in the later days in the senate and now Justice Briar the debate will continue. If you want to go inside that, a little Justice Briar saying hi, hi, you love me today, dont you . Again, its fascinating. Were still learning about the trump court, the first big term since Amy Coney Barrett is on the bench, Brett Kavanaugh is a relatively new member. They were among those who, you know, said, leave this in place. Again, if it were the first case, maybe they would have voted differently. Here it comes back again and they viewed the argument as you dont have standing. A Republican Attorney general is not affected by the individual mandate, per se, so they said go away. Its also, does the Supreme Court want to be in a position of taking away health care from 21 Million People in a pandemic . Were coming out of a pandemic but, you know, more people are on this than ever and we see the Favorability Ratings higher than ever as well, they are essentially saying if the legislature wants to do this, if the senate and the house and the republican president want to do this, sure, have at it and again weve seen what happened when they tried to do that. The role of barrett i think is significant here, you remember the fight, getting her on the court, one of the big warnings you heard from democrats is what will this mean for health care Going Forward . And today, this is as you say maybe this isnt the final word but its certainly a key moment. You see how shes ruled here today. We will have abortion right decisions and well talk in a few minutes about, another same Sex Discrimination issue and the issue of health care, this is andy slavitt, if you think about this, democrats fought for this for 50 years and then they finally passed it and spent a decade fighting over it again, in election after election, Court Challenge of court collage, he says game over. I think its great news for people who have been in a whirlwind over the last ten years being told to just be nervous that their coverage might be snatched from them at any moment. Americans have one more step towards a better country. There will be health care debates, some democrats still want medicare for all. Joe biden campaigned, you mentioned the primary, that was a Testing Issue early on, medicare for all or make obamacare better. This will continue. Bernie sanders who is the Senate Budget Committee Chairman is trying to Work Health Care pieces into this Budget Resolution that is mostly supposed to be about infrastructure. Some Human Infrastructure as nancy pelosi calls it but he wants to push on Prescription Drug issues, talking About Medicare expansion, things like that, and yeah were going to this is now the floor, and, you know, what do you build on top it . It will go on for years inside the Democratic Party because health care is an issue that they like to talk about, republicans basically dont like to talk about it except to complain about it, so thats where you stand, and, you know, we know what the floor is. Right, that is the biggest flip if you go back to the 2010 midterms to where we sit today this is an entirely different conversation than it was absolutely. Then and now. Up next, another big decision from the Supreme Court, why the justice decided with a Catholic Foster Agency that refused to work with same sex couples. Big rules from the Supreme Court right now, the justices say the City Of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment rights of a Catholic Foster Agency when the city froze a contract with the Catholic Social Services because the nonprofit refused to work with same sex couples looking to foster children. Help us explain what the court ruled and why this matters. Reporter this is june at the Supreme Court, all the biggies are coming. First of all, the chief justice, john roberts, was able to get a Unanimous Court for the basic principle that philadelphia could not stop Catholic Social Services from excluding same sex couples for their screening for foster care. The chief said that this violated the free exercise rights, because there had been exemptions in the law also for other kinds of situations like Marital Status and disability and there could have been a religious exemption here. But then heres the important part, john, three justices really wanted to go further in terms of benefiting religious interests, religious exemptions from general laws, and accommodations for religious believers. And those three were conservative, samuel alito, neal gorsuch and clarence thomas. The chief tried to write an opinion, certainly a loss for the City Of Philadelphia and a loss for same sex couples who wanted to be part of this. The one thing i should note, john, is that the chief did note that other social Services Agencies in philadelphia do screen samesex couples for foster care so theyre not being outright excluded from everything, and that was at least how he justified allowing Catholic Social Services to go that far. We just talked about the Supreme Court in the context of the Affordable Care act ruling and what does it tell us about this new trump centric, conservative centric court. Yeah, chief Justice John Roberts is very carefully trying to divide and conquer the trump justices because neil gorsuch went the other way here. He wanted to give much more of a religious accommodation, go stronger in terms of Supreme Court precedent for down the road in terms of favoring religious believers but justices Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh stuck with chief Justice John Roberts as did our liberal members of this court, justice alaina kagan signed onto this, as did Sonia Sotomayor and steven briar. There was some variation in the legal reasoning there but this decision showed that for now chief Justice John Roberts has not been overcome by the trump appointees in a very conservative generally court that he still is trying to work the middle even though as i say this was a blow for the City Of Philadelphia and for same sex couples. The chess of this is fascinating when we have several more cases in the pipeline. Joan biskupic, grateful for your reporting. Big democratic tensions over stalled domestic priorities. Kraft. For the win win. Like many people with moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns disease, i was there. Be right back. But my symptoms were keeping me from where i needed to be. So i talked to my doctor and learned humira is the 1 prescribed biologic for people with uc or crohns disease. And humira helps people achieve remission that can last, so you can experience few or no symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. 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Geneva and his putin confrontation within his own Democratic Party, a bipartisan framework with infrastructure has signed on 20 plus senators, details to work out but in any event sell ago slimmed down deal to progressives is a major challenge because there is no guarantee that bigger and bolder democratic priorities like climate and health care and more will come next and will have enough votes. Lets continue that conversation. Welcome home, mr. President. He gets his win at the Supreme Court on the Affordable Care act today, but lets just put up on the screen the 21 senators who are backing this, and what makes this Group Significant is that 11 of those senators you are seeing there, paul kane are republicans, ten republicans to get you to pass. You would think the mood today would be great. Lets pass an Infrastructure Plan be and see what comes next, but 11 plus 50 gets you past 60 but you have to have those first 50 in the Democratic Caucus and the problem right now is that there are a bunch of the more liberal members of Chuck Schumers caucus, ed markey, Bernie Sanders, jeff merkley who have said, wait, wait, were going to do this bipartisan thing and all the traditional roads and bridges and locks and dams with the promise sort of kind of that were going to get to the stuff that we want to do on Climate Change and taxing the rich, theyre very hesitant. Ed mark ey has been running around with that thick boston accent, no climate, no deal. No climate, no deal. Sorry, im from philly, i cant get the boston accent. Its 60 minus 20, before you get to the house, right . Part of this is, they want the Democratic Senators at issue here, manchin and sinema to sign essentially in blood that if we do this bipartisan deal you will be with us when we do something else. Manu raju is reporting that Senator Sanders is working on a 6 trillion followup package, expansion of medicare, Prescription Drugs in there, climate issues, might put Immigration Issues in this. So essentially what the progressives are saying, is well were just talking about the senate. They have the same problem in the house. We will do this only if you promise in advance that youll be with us when you come back. Manchin says no way and then they say if hes not going to do it, im not going to do it. This is really a deal that needs a deal, in order to be able to get the deal. And this is what President Biden and his team now have to unpack. And maybe, maybe his 3 1 2 decades in the senate will help him understand how you begin to negotiate the diplomacy of Something Like this. Certainly he can help them to allow to have a test vote that would allow them to go on the board with what they want to do and message about it but that is different than getting the votes and even if you could use reconciliation, even if joe manchin would agree that reconciliation would be an option you still need 51 votes. Im just not were all watching the same show since january 20th. I was going to say, they have to remake Schoolhouse Rock if you need a deal to get a deal to get a deal. That was not in there. I think its called im just a deal. Deal to be. Heres why progressives are nervous. This is Ro Khanna One of the key progressives in the house. Many would have to make it clear we have to pass it smumtly. I said sign in blood. He says pass the senate simultaneously, reconciliation and the bipartisan bill to get the votes in house. There are 60 or 70 members who wouldnt vote for a bipartisan bill that didnt have climate. If youre watching at home and maybe youre independent minded, youre not that progressive, you say why would the progressives be so doubtful and skeptical . This is why. This is senator john borrasso. Mitch mcconnell said he wanted to make sure barack obama was a oneterm president. I want to make joe biden a onehalf term president , making sure they no longer have house senate white house. Thats why progressives are understandably, whether you dwroi or disagree, saying wait a minute, republicans are going to vote for this and then theyre going to run. Theyre going to block everything else. If manchin and sinema dont sign on the dotted line in advance, no way. They dont want to give republicans inwiths on things they are more okay with. Republicans then get to say, look, we got money for purchasing roads and do nothing else. Theyre trying to thread that needle but this is a very complicated problem for the president to unpack, and the white house is continuing to say that theyre talking, theyre encouraged that bipartisanship is happening. They would like to do something in the bipartisan space but, you know, this is can be very challenging. And now were talking about infrastructure. Its the gateway, if you will, thats the one they say were going to deal with this first and everything is lined up behind that. You do a bipartisan deal and go to reconciliation but whatever, make an Infrastructure Decision first and then everything else, including Voting Rights. Mitch mcconnell just said at a daily briefing, not for anything hes seen so far, doesnt believe you need one right now. This is interesting because joe manchin has said the big house plan, no, he thinks its too big and hes open to trying compromises. Stacey abrams, the Georgia Activist to whom joe biden owes quite a bit in the 2020 election, she says, im listening. Absolutely. What senator manchin is putting forward are some basic Building Blocks that we need to ensure that democracy is accessible no matter your geography. Now if they can connect that significantly interesting within the democratic side of getting your 50 votes or getting joe manchin to agree to do that in reconciliation of some version of interrupting the filibuster but joe manchin wants a voter id law. This is very complicated. If you think about where the republican is right now they are in to curtailing Voting Rights in various states around the country, texas, georgia being one of them, florida as well. So the idea that youre going to be able to cobble together ten republicans to back some version of these Voting Rights, whether its the sort of skinny one, the john lewis one, its just hard to believe and hard to imagine that they would do that. They dont really want to give joe biden any sort of win going into the 2022 campaign. Barrasso says it quite plainly, they dont want to have momentum behind joe bidens back and they want to flip both houses. Theyre in a good position at this point particularly in the house to do that. That was dead on in a sense it was hard to believe the republicans would be for it anyway but barrasso is not nobody, hes very close to mcconnell, saying he wants to make him a oneterm, believe your ears on that one. President biden today signs legislation creating a new National Holiday, juneteenth, why 14 republican members in the house voted against it. Pepto bismol coats your stomach with fast and soothing relief. And try new drug free pepto herbal blends. Made from 100 natural ginger and peppermint. Theres interest you accrue, and interests you pursue. Plans for the long term, and plans for a long weekend. Assets you allocate, and ones you hold tight. At thrivent, we believe money is a tool, not a goal. And with the right guidance, you can get the financial clarity you need, and live a life rich in meaning, and gratitude. To learn more, text thrive to 444555, or visit thrivent. Com. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro [sfx] typing [music starts] [sfx] happy screaming [music ends] [ me and you by Barry Louis Polisar ] me and you just singing on the train me and you listening to the rain me and you we are the same me and you have all the fame we need indeed, you and me are we Me And You Singing In The Park me and you, were waiting for the dark this afternoon President Biden will officially make june 19th known as juneteenth a National Holiday to commemorate the end of slavery here in the United States. Lawmakers overwhelmingly agreed this designation was long overdue. Democratic and republicans, except for a very small group of House Republicans, 14 gop representatives, you see them there, voted against making juneteenth a federal hospital. The reasoning, this is one congressman chip roy of texas said Juneteenth National Independence Day needlessly divides our nation. The panel is back with me. The president will sign this today and because saturday is the 19th, the federal holiday will be tomorrow. The federal holiday will be tomorrow. Were off, i wont be here. Let me know how were off. Lets come back to the 14, and if you have it, put them back up on the screen. 14 republican no votes. Chip roy says its going to needlessly divide us. M Matt Rosendale of montana says lets call an ace an ace. Creating a day out of whole cloth to celebrate Identity Politics to make part of its the reigning ideology of our country, im going to say this and get in trouble for it. But Matt Rosendale, look in the mirror, you were not enslaved and so maybe you dont have the standing on this issue. But you can debate Critical Race Theory if you want, welcome to it. You can debate other things in school. Why is this one hard . Im actually surprised more republicans didnt join those 14 because thats certainly where the Republican Party is now in part of this Critical Race Theory, this idea that somehow 10yearolds are being taught this very complicated legal theory in their Elementary Schools and they are moving to ban it in several states where it doesnt even exist, again. So yeah, i mean, these republicans are very much on brand, the ones who voted against this holiday in terms of where the Republican Party is and not really wanting to acknowledge slavery, acknowledge the after effects of slavery and the lingering effects of slavery. And i will say that, listen, the symbolism of this is great, as i said ill be off tomorrow, you know, if im allowed to be off. But, you know, i mean, slavery, the lingering effects of slavery are real and we feel them to this day. It was a racial system but it was an Economic System and you can see in all of the numbers in terms of economic inequality, the way that breaks down along race so, you know, Pat On The Back for this holiday, its great, its symbolism but the real effects of slavery in segregation and everything that came after it, are still being felt to this day, and not little being addressed. They lived through it in the 14 and 15 months of covid, health care disparities, the numbers speak for themselves. You cannot deny facts and numbers. When rosendale said that in his statement that hs some idea of the woke left, john cornyn, republican senator, this passed in the senate easily, said kooky in retweeting that. Ste saying that about rosendale . Yes, theoretically. Theres a difference between Senate Republicans and House Republicans. It played out in the votes on certifying the president ial election where overwhelming majority of Senate Republicans certified joe bidens win and on the house side twothirds of House Republicans did not. This is an example of that. John cornyn was one of the main sponsors of this bill. It is about texas because texas was sort of the final frontier of the civil war and the last slaves were freed there. It passed 100 to 0. It was a unanimous consent vote in the senate. Ron johnson of wisconsin had been holding it up a little bit but it passed unanimously. Over in the house this happens again and again where things that even a unanimous 100 to 0 senate vote happens, theres a block of anywhere from 10 to 35 House Republicans who are embracing the ideology that nia has just been talking about, that is really, really, you know, far right. But im going to be its worth noting, john, this is at this Point Juneteenth is marked in most states, private businesses, a number of give that this is pretty widely recognized at this point. So, which makes it a little more the train was leaving the station and yet this group decided even though they knew it would fail they wanted to make the point. Im going to be cynical. Saying if you vote to create a holiday for juneteenth it gives you cover to then say, that you support efforts to muzzle Critical Race Theory teachings at schools, 21 states now where there are efforts to ban, fine, somehow curtail what teachers and professors are teaching, it gives you cover to say that you disagree that theres systemic racism. Undeniable the impact that the death of george floyd, the debate over Police Reform and the discussions about black lives matter have had over the past year, this is a way for some lawmakers to split the difference and say i support the holiday but not these other things. Interesting to watch as we go forward. Up next for us, disturbing new video for january 6th. A rude in wrinkle in republican denial. A lawmakers says there was no insurrection, refuses to shake hands with a Capitol Police officer that was attacked that day. Way for you to sell your car. Whether its a year old or a few years old. We wanna buy your car. So go to carvana and enter your License Plate answer a few questions. And our Techno Wizardry calculates your cars value and gives you a real offer in seconds. When youre ready, well come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, thats it. So ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. Spray, lift, skip, step. Swipe, lift, spin, dry. Slam, pan, still. Fresh move, move, move, move aaaaand still fresh. Degree. Ultimate freshness activated when you move. Priceline works with top hotels, to save you up to 60 . These are all great. And when you get a big deal. 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This is what led up to an officer being crushed in a doorway. We know that one officer died the next day. Two others have committed suicide since. 140 officers or so were injured. This morning one of those officers tells cnn, a republican congressman who has been whitewashing the insurrection, Georgia Republican andrew clyde refused to shake his hand. Listen here, officer Michael Fanone describing that moment. I believe he was, you know, incredibly uncomfortable. I mean, i think a lot of times, you know, these lawmakers on capitol hill, they feel like they can say whatever they want and theyre never going to be held accountable for those words. You know, your words have consequences, congressman, youre lying about what happened on january 6th. And im going to be there to confront anyone who lies about january 6th. It is, we talked about this earlier, but it is remarkable theres a core group, numbers grow and shrink depending on the issue, that just say no to fact. These are 21 who voted against giving medals, there was a proposal to give medals to the officers, the Capitol Police officers, officer fanone is a metropolitan Police Officer who came to help the Capitol Police officers that day, to give them medals and 21 republicans voted against it. Saying that essentially that this was some kind of a democratic ploy. Really . Its just tell me the harm. I just think this is a particularly dark time in American Politics and american history. You can argue in good faith about how many of the protesters who were part of the storming of the capitol knew what they were getting into, meant to do what they did, got whipped into a frenzy. Like whatever, people can argue that in good faith but you cant argue the fact of what happened, you cant argue that the police and Law Enforcement were attacked and you cant argue that it is its a National Tragedy and a Call To Action and a call to reform. And i just think the continued example of lawmakers who are kind of seeking to redefine the facts of the day is its a shame and it makes it difficult to move forward. Im sorry, i asked the control room, theyre not expecting this. Can you show that video for another second if its not too hard to do . I just especially if you are a republican watching at home, hold your own members accountable. Those are not tourists. Those are not people walking between the rope lines. And so you have Members Of Congress who swore an oath to the constitution just lying about what happened that day, even though they were there, they were at risk, and some of those rioters were chanting kill the republican Vice President of the United States. Their explanation, some of them that have explained that vote, theyve said they dont like the word insurrection in the legislation, that they do not believe that what happened was an insurrection. That video is pretty clearly not tourism. That video also is a really important location. It is just literally the door of the peaceful transfer of power upon which the new president and Vice President walked out onto the West Front Plaza for the inauguration. That just wasnt any old door, that clash was two weeks before the biden inauguration, right there, that spot. I do think this speaks to a larger historical trend which is oftentimes americans dont know what to do with displays of white rage. And we saw that, for instance, with tulsa, which, you know, the 100th anniversary of that, that was rewritten as not an attack on a black community, which obliterated very wealthy and prosperous black community, it was rewritten as a race riot. And so we see that, i think, happening now. We really saw it happening immediately, even as the this sort of display of white rage and anger and fear was going on. You know, the idea that it was really antifa, the idea now that these were really, you know, just tourists and it was just a peaceful gathering. So, you know, its a dark time but its also a familiar time. Weve been here in this country many times before when it comes to these kinds of events. The Social Media Aspect and the media silo, where some people just stay in their cone of what they perceive to be true is what makes it extra dangerous in the sense its hard to break through to people who refuse to watch the video and see what they see. Theres the politics impact, the policy impact. Politics first, this is Chuck Schumer today asking a question. Republicans, are you becoming antipolice . Some of the same republicans who falsely accused democrats of wanting to defund the police are actively refusing to defend the police. This will echo in the midterms without a doubt. No, this is an issue, he raises a real question here, which that republicans do stress the party of law and order, made a huge issue in 2020 questioning democratic support for police because there were democrats suggesting changing Police Funding so you can be sure that democrats will come back to this, and the fact that, you know, some republicans are not supporting giving these medals to officers who are there to protect them. And the policy part of it is this, five months later the Capitol Police Inspector General testifying, asked a Pretty Simple question. Which individual is ultimately responsible for the security of the United States capitol . Thats a difficult question to answer. Thats petrifying. If you look at what happened on january 6th, i get, its you know, the Capitol Police, in the city of washington federal Law Enforcement, but whos on first . Whos in charge . Five months later they dont have an answer to the question. Let me give you a real world example, i was in the Senate Chamber as this was all unfolding. I saw mike pence get ushered out by the secret service. We went into lockdown at about 2 14 p. M. In the Senate Chamber as the police were and 15 minutes later they evacuated us to a safe, secure location. The House Chamber was in session for 15 minutes longer. Nobody figured out, like, hey, were longing down on the senate side, maybe you should evacuate the house now. The Keystone Situation that day, and really most days, is petrifying. That hearing is part of the conversation about what to do about it and hopefully theres a better answer and a better answer soon. Well take a quick break and be right back. A record 1. 1 trillion transistors into this chip whoo yeah oh, hi i invested in invesco qqq a fund that invests in the innovators of the nasdaq 100 like you you dont have to be Circuit Design Engineer to help push Progress Forward can i hold the chip . 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Pope francis says that communion is not the reward of saints but the bread of sinners, but there is a push by conservative American Bishops to revisit that issue. Check out these shades. Randolph, usa, a Massachusetts Company made the pair of custom aviators President Biden gave to the russian president putin. Hes made aviators for the u. S. Military and nato partners for years. The ceo of the company says its a high honor. Listen. The phone started going off the hook, social media was going crazy, and we knew then that, okay, something happened. This is the style that was gifted. Its what we call our concord style. To have Something Like this happen, it just puts a smile on all our faces, its an honor. It is always great, a Little Boston accent in the program. We strive for that here. Cnn programming reminder, new details about exactly what happened on january 6th. Drew griffith talks with those who were there. Assault on democracy. The roots of trumps Insurrection Saras Sunday On 9 00 p. M. We see you back here tomorrow. Ana cabrera picks up of you are coverage right now. Hello, im ana cabrera in new york, thank you for being with me. Challenge dismissed, the Supreme Court voting 72 to leave the Affordable Care act intact and preserve insurance for the 31 Million People who are currently covered under this law. So this is a huge blow to republicans who have spent well over a decade now trying to overturn or repeal the obama era law. Lets bring in cnns arian

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