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against new state efforts from coast-to-coast to further restrict abortion access. three conservative justices, the chief justice john roberts, justices brett kavanaugh, and amy coney barrett, sided with the court's three liberals in today's unusual ruling, but and it's a very important, but they did not settle the big legal question at issue whether federal guarantees i've emergency medical care supersede idaho's effort to impose an almost total abortion ban. instead, today's decision dismiss the case on procedural grounds. the newest member of the court's liberal faction, justice ketanji brown jackson, warning this is far from over writing. this. today's decision is not a victory for pregnant patients in idaho. it his delay while this court donalds and the country waits, pregnant people experiencing emergency medical conditions remain in a precarious position. the ruling comes just hours before president biden and the former president donald trump debate right here at cnn's world headquarters in atlanta, where we know abortion access will certainly be an issue. let's get to the policy first on the big decision i want to bring in cnn's joan biskupic. can carolina kitchener of the washington post, karoline. let me start with you. what changes, what changes right now, the walk us through the decision and how it impacts women's health today in idaho and potentially beyond this decision does. i'm very limited temporary relief for doctors in idaho. they can now provide abortions number situation. but the big news is really no news because the rest of the country is just in limbo. doctors in anti for some states across the south and the midwest, they were waiting for this decision really hoping that they would get some clarity on when they can legally provide abortions and when they can't. and there was no clarity provided to today. so now they just wait and it's very unclear when they will know so as they wait joan i just want to put up a map that shows you some of those different restrictions in the two years since the dobbs decision of different states are imposing different restrictions. the orange color, the reddish color you see on the screen, there are the states with the most restrictive, essentially abortion bans with some limited exceptions. so jonas karoline noted, this is essentially a procedural issue, so the court is punting what will it take? i assume this issue comes back. abortion rights forces and abortion, abortion foes will now try to find a better test case. is that right? that's right. and they will and justice ketanji brown jackson took the dramatic step of reading portions of her dissent from the bench. this morning to point out the difficulty here. she broke from her living real colleagues here. and of course broke from the dissenters who were siding with idaho essentially saying this is such a politically expedient compromise at hand here. and i have to say john, it really had the the markings of something that chief justice john roberts would have pulled off that removes abortion from the courts play temporarily. and in his very hot political year. and of course, right on the same de, as cnn debate. but it does mean that women are at risk and that's what justice jackson pointed out. she said that she noted that women who go to emergency rooms with a ruptured uterus or other complications from a pregnancy. and who are not just right at death's door, cannot be, could not be treated in a place like idaho unless the justices had at least put a pause on the idaho law. but john there as your map show, there are at least 14 states that ban abortion. several others that have serious restrictions and this to litigation is playing out playing out in so many other jurisdictions. and what justice jackson said, which is the truth while the court delays and her word was dongles here, there's just a lot of uncertainty for women and for physicians who frankly some of these statutes just really have strong criminal penalties. ties for physicians or anyone else who would assist in an abortion in idaho unless it were to prevent death. now that law is now on pause, but just to remind everyone that the supreme court in january had let that law take effect. so this court had seemed poised to let that loss stand, but in the end, there was a compromise between liberals and conservatives, not including justice jackson for sure. that just said we're going to, we're going to postpone joan biskupic, karoline kirschner. thank you so much for the reporting on the big decision today. now the political conversation with me here in atlantic are remarkable group of reporters and analysts. and let me start a christian, i just want to start with you when you get a decision like this, we know in the two years since dobbs this issue politically at the ballot box has almost without exception, benefited the democrats. this is a punt, but it's a very personal issue if you're a woman, especially who lives in a red state life life-and-death issue, it's a can i can i get access to this treatment in my own state to have to go somewhere else. any sense of what this does to the current political debate. >> for the most part, this is an issue that very few voters say is their top issue, but that doesn't mean it's not important for an awful lot of voters. it's the sort of thing that is almost a deal breaker issue. it's the kind of issue that a voter says if you're not with me on this, it's hard for me to pull the lever, push the button for you in november is where this will have the most potential effect is think about that map that you put up earlier. a lot of those states where abortion is very heavily band are pretty red states. they are not places where republicans are at significant risk of losing out, but there are states like georgia, like florida, where there are more strict restrictive policies in place. and it could complicate things, especially with a state like this and georgia being so crucial to the present so we will see what we here tonight, right? >> eight hours from now, plus a little bit. the two candidates via the debate stage. so we know this is already a big issue with the campaign and the president, i'd say it's joe biden is going to say we are having these conversations, these debates, these court cases, about 15 weeks, four weeks, six weeks, eight weeks, about emergency medical treatment like case the adequacy will say we're having this for one reason and one reason only donald trump's picks for the supreme court. here's the president and then his rivals. latest response about states rights, about women's rights donald trump is worried voters are going to hold them accountable for the cruelty and chaos secret it's now up to the will of the people in each state. some states will be more conservative. other states will be more liberal, just about all the democrats and all the republicans and conservatives and liberals say you wanted it that way, and we did something that was amazing. >> kaitlan collins, you know, from your own reporting, the president i'd say, thanks. this issue was a loser for republicans will say that a debate stage. and i thought what i did was amazing. >> we'd never seen him tested on this issue in this way before. one, we haven't had a presidential debates since roe versus wade was overturned every time donald trump has been questioned on abortion, he's dodge for deflected. and so this is going to be the first time it will be so fascinating to see how he does handle it. because if you go back and watch the debates in 2020, it was before amy coney barrett was confirmed to the supreme court. she was confirmed by the senate four days after that second debate. and so it'll be fascinating to see how he talks about it because he's gotten in certain ways where he understands politically it is not a winner with the people that he needs to win over. he's got everyone else already in his camp. they're not on the fence of considering voting for joe biden. and so how he defended who he tries to appeal to tonight. that's the thing to watch and whether he takes full ownership of the three justices that he put on the court proudly. so was he bragged in 2020 about that ability and about his judges, how he handles out tonight will be one of the biggest things to watch on what's been fascinated. >> but the last two months is the consistency the former president and has had on his message when asked about this, where you played is some form or fashion of that answer about getting get back to the states is the only thing he says. and he really gets challenged with follow-ups are multiple follow-ups. and if even if he does, he says states again and again and again joe biden the president and his team will need to draw him out. and on some level, the decision today the opacity and the uncertainty is the point. i think when you talk to democrats, the fact that blue states sure they can do their own state restrictions of state laws or however they want it to be. but when you look at both what the president can do himself in office via executive authority and you look at the fact that so many people, so many doctors, there's an added that biden campaign just popped with an obstetrician from idaho talking about how this all happened. very personal stories, drawing trump out on that and making him have to face those types of questions i think is a key priority for them today so if you look, crisp, notice, is this a quick poll? and again, you could give more than one answer, one of the big issues you want to see important to your vote preserving democracy, the economy, the supreme court on abortion are right there. three and five, when you look at it like that a step and you're out, you're traveling and talking to voters in life. it can be about a specific issue, or it can be kind of you who's on your side in a certain flight or what do you trust trump or biden if it's future supreme court picks or in this now state-by-state, who knows over abortion rights. i think it's right that this is kind of a signaling issue about kind of where you stand. but the other place i would ask that this could matter. it's a place like arizona. i was just there there's going to be an abortion referendum abortion-rights referendum there. and on november can you see democrat, democratic groups already trying to create a coalition of democrats, liberals, even kind of libertarian folks. we think the government should stay out of this issue as a means of driving energy he, from the top of the front. that's not there at the top of the ticket. i think when you talk to state directors, when you talk to people on the ground, they mentioned this concept of reverse coattails that maybe biden isn't going to draw hi enthusiasm going down, but maybe what's happening on the local level and then on issues like abortion actually fuels by them. and drives enthusiasm and places where he hasn't done that. and so i think that's another place i would add for us to look in november it's particularly in the swing-state like arizona, where the margin was so small in 2020, this abortion rights referendum on the ballot can actually be something that brings democrats much needed enthusiasm that we are currently not seeing at the top let's take it. and i think in georgia, i mean, here we are it is a key swing state, 11,779 votes as we all know well, because former president donald trump asked for them to be counted his way. >> but look, talking to voters here this week, this is one of the, if you look at the swing states in the upper midwest, michigan, wisconsin pennsylvania, they have democratic governors and largely have already had at least one say on the abortion question. georgia voters have had a governor's race, yes, but this could be and energizing factor a motivating factor for democrats here. so it does matter state by state by state. however, tonight, a former president who for years ago said, who says it's on the ballot, abortion. now we know it is on the ballot it is definitely on the ballot. can he also say, look, the supreme court had a 6-3 ruling today. it's not as draconian as you think, state-by-state might be more palatable to sunday people. so we will see, but i'm with kaitlan. that is one of the most fascinating things we're going to hear donald trump try and navigate here. he's been really walking a fine line. we'll see how he does it tonight and it's both the substance of what each candidate it says, but also the tone, how they say, do they say with empathy to they say it to reach out. you mentioned the blue wall states essentially the trump won in 2016 and biden took the back in 2020. i want you to listen to to voters. here was a young voter in michigan, college age voter. this issue is very important to her, but so is israel-hamas and she's wrestling with this. she's a democrat show has to be provided but she says the hamas thing, asserting that a pennsylvania voter who voted for nikki haley in the primary, he's a reagan republican, but he's having a really hard time with trump we are certainly not safe because no state is safe from a national ban. >> and that could be our reality if donald trump is elected this year. yeah. so no, i will continue to remind people about abortion as a very important issue. >> worsened is going to be a big thing in this election i'm an old guy it's not a choice that i have to make. that's a personal thing and i don't think we can just rule it out michael pacey at the end, there has $5. he says, not my call. that's their call doesn't think the government should be involved in this. the idea of a national ban is that on voter's minds is, is that a potential split point where biden can score points. so it's a split point within the republican party. i mean, the challenge that trump is facing on this issue is the democrats are very united. they believed that the precedent set and roe versus wade should be reinstated, that abortion should be protected across the country. and for republicans, some believing a national ban, some don't, some believe in 15 weeks is where the line it should be drawn. some say six, there's no consistency on the right and now you're also seeing this debate bleed into things like a debate over ivf, a debate over contraception, things donald trump does not want to have to talk about tonight, but perhaps i'll laugh too. well, we'll see if the president compressor that's our point when we come back tonight, donald trump, joe biden will be in the same room for the first time. since 2020. i had some fresh reporting on their final debate preparations and the big issues abortion and beyond. we know we'll trigger debate the clashes the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash. the cnn presidential debate tonight at nine live on cnn and 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men who don't like each other. making history tonight, a former president trying to get his old job back in debating the man who took it from him. the national polls tell us this is a very close race. now, inside 19 weeks to election day, the battleground state polls though tell us there's a slight but real advantage for donald trump. when it comes to assembling that path to 270 electoral votes according to one new poll, more than 70% of voters plan to tune in tonight. so goes without saying every moment could matter. cnn's mj lee is here ahead of the president in atlanta, mj, the president scheduled to get on air force one a little bit later this hour for the trip south, what are you hearing about the final debate preps and final strategy? >> well, john, it really is calm before the storm right now, the president is still at camp david with only a few of his advisers that are still there. and it's unlikely that there would be any mock debates today or over the last week, we've really tried to do a lot of reporting to try to get everyone inside camp david in all of the days of debate preparations tons and that's not just us being nosy political reporters. the reason that we have cared about all of the details down to what the team has been eating, who has been playing, who in the mock debates, all of the issues that the biden team has been preparing for is because it all comes together to try to capture that full picture of what the biden team believes is really at stake tonight. and the biden team's debate camp ethos has really come down to leave nothing to chance because every issue that they have been preparing for, every version of donald trump that they have been prepared thank four. they've gone to these lengths because it all comes down to the fact that they believe tonight is really the best chance that president biden has to make his case to voters. and that includes voters who have really not been tuned dan voters who don't often see the president maybe with the exception of in 15 to 32nd clips on social media. and he wants to be able to say there is a binary choice mr. november, and i am the only acceptable choice daily important reporting on the president. >> let's shift now to donald trump, his return here to georgia. jeff zeleny noted a few moments ago, just might hold a special significance. it's a state he lost famously by 11,779 votes back in 2020, and it's now worth former president faces criminal charges for for legibly trying to illegally reverse that loss. cnn's kristen holmes has been following the former president's last-minute preparations of kristen, what message does donald trump what to bring to the stage tonight? >> well, look, we're in a very significant time right now, john, as we have said over and over again, because the first time you have a former president and a sitting president up on that debate stage. and the message they want to send, donald trump wants to send, is that your life was better under my administration than it is under joe biden's. now whether or not he can actually get that across remains to be seen, but they want him to do this by focusing on three things. in particular the economy and inflation immigration and crime rates. because recent polling shows that, that resonates with voters when it comes to donald trump. now we did see that keep team released a new ad today that's going to air in battleground states this as well as washington, dc that hits on those themes. take a lesson that we're going to, now add there. okay. kristen holmes. thank you very much that we're going to have an ad that we don't, but we'll come back in the room with our great reporters and analyst, sorry, a little technical glitch here. they happen to cnn won't headquarters. so i'm gonna go voters first here. that's my perspective just from my nice day job, i get to travel the country. issue number one is almost always the economy being a presidential race. so let's call it the economy. a lot of people talk about inflation. i want you to listen these voters from several different of the battleground states. for them, it's a cost of living issue. even those who support biden say, thanks are tough gas prices are still pretty high food when you go to the grocery store, every time is this is just me and my wife and his $200 every time i go to the grocery store and buying diapers, i was buying formula the gas prices i've done some things to change the places where i shop everything here in georgia is so expensive. i can only afford so much with whatever job i find or your day-to-day costs. the same now is here are higher i'll know there are higher was two point at the end. is there anything the president added states brings to the table tonight, anything new he can say? to get at that? sometimes gets himself in trouble by saying, hey, the numbers are great, the national numbers are great. people out there in america don't feel that when you talk to folks either in or around the biden team camp, they have long stated and i think a lot as we have seen it covering him over decades. your the decades sky, we're couple of years yeah point. >> set. madam. people like joe biden when they see him, there was always kind of his superpower before he got to the white house. he has a level of empathy that connects with people that was long considered his strongest position, the strongest thing he brought to the table connecting back on that front, they have been very difficult times trying to get him to separate what those top-line numbers, but also his belief that people don't understand his accomplishments. they don't understand what his administration has done. he's frustrated about the lack of credit that he's gotten how are you able to kind of thread those two things together? but i also think when you talk to them democratic adviser told me earlier this week, there's a frustrating amount of collective amnesia that they've been trying to break through over the course of the last how do you show that donald trump is chaos? how do you show that donald trump remind people of why they didn't want him in 2020, can they do that? can controlled by needle him? into not being disciplined, not caring about the mute button that caring about any of that type stuff. i think it's a dual track effort here. >> the voters don't care about who's yelling at who are the hectoring voters care about what they see in their daily lives. and i was talking to maruyama davis she's a manager at a boutique here in atlanta. i've talked to are a couple of times throughout the course of the biden administration, she likes joe biden. i said, are things better off for you today than they were four years ago? she paused, say, well, it's not worse, but that is not a winning message for the biden campaign. so overall, one of the fascinating things to watch will be president biden talking about his accomplishment. sure, people care if the roads are fixed and other things, but they want him to say his version of feeling their economic pain but this record or this debate tonight's about his record. yeah, that's the biggest difference. from four years. >> so let's listen to a piece of that. the american people tonight, we'll get to see the last three-and-a-half years of their life, president biden, and the four years before that, president trump standing right there has never happened in any of our lifetimes. it's ever happened. so here's how lately they've been talking about the economy. again, the president upbeat the former president saying things are bad, it's his fault we have literally the strongest economy in the world right now in the whole world, number trump infrastructure month for four years didn't build a thing. >> we had the greatest economy ever and he's got an economy that is so bad with inflation no matter what happened, you can never override inflation is a country buster. it has been for hundreds of years. you go back okay germany of old to country buster. and it's busting our country and it's destroying our people madalina up? >> so i'm going to take the bait. people say, what campaign does this remind you of? i go back a ways. this reminds me of 1992, where george hw bush was president. we had had a mild recession, the null numbers were a lot better, but people didn't feel it. their legs were tired this case right now, 2024 tires from covid tie from cost of living is you look at the data all the time. you do the focus groups all the time. i know you're republican, but what if the presence going to convince people i'm on your side and i'm trying to fight for you here and i know it's tough. what's the language change the estimate? what would he has to focus on is the fact that even though he wants to paint trump as mr. chaos, and that is a label that trump has been willing to embrace for many, many years trump is going to come tonight and tried to say no, no, no, it is actually biden who is the one who is not in control of things. >> you saw that ad that we showed the little bit of a clip of, you see images things like the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan, et cetera, that is going to be both in terms of style and substance, what trump is going to try to convey that biden win in charge, promise tb the adult in the room, and whether it's the economy, whether it's foreign policy, whether it's immigration. all we've gotten his more chaos over the last well, and that's where the trump campaign feels the most confident going into this is on the economy. yes, they're worried that trump will talk about his grievances, it has vowed to get retribution january 6, and pardoning the rioters. their his own criminal conviction. but on the economy and on this issue, they feel the strongest and to underscore jeff's point, you're four years ago? yes. biden had a record as a senator and as vice president, but he had not been in charge of the country now he has, and voters have also had four years of distance from the donald trump chaos. and so that is what they are walking into this width and where the tables have turned so much in those four years, tries to lecture the american people into saying this economy be as good as he sometimes that's done at the trial. i don't think that's going to work. we know kind of consistently through data, through our own reporting, but that's not how folks feel to your point about prices, but i may call me crazy. i think something that trump has a lot of pressure on him tonight, actually, to actualize that message. because the biggest impediment to him really focusing on biden has been himself if he focuses overly on those grievances, if he gets tied in to the kind of donald trump maga show, rather than a clear, consistent attack on, on president biden's administration. so i think for for trump, there is a chance here to really speak to a coalition of people who are dissatisfied with president biden. but that has to come through a message that is possible let's see, driven and asked to come through a lessening of a chaos that could, remind people of the four years that did not serve a donald trump in the first place. the reason he's not in the office right now, when you talk about that, i think one of the challenges the biden team outlays is let's say trump is pressing the case right there. and a lot of people when you travel, they have some the stallion for the pre-covid trump economy when he inherited a great economy from barack obama. that's just a fact he did and then this tax cuts did juice it. we could debate the deficit if you all, but they did use it. the economy is doing quite well. president biden's challenge tonight is to say, that's not what i want you to focus on. how about democracy in january 6? >> 2024 election about two fundamentally different visions of for america. donald trump's vision is one of anger, hate, revenge, and retribution hey embraces the insurrectionist of january that is six. he's running on. as mentioned, already promised to be a dictator on day one, his own words and it calls for you know, he means it and it calls for another bloodbath. when he loses again, this guy is so in competency so bad and the only chance they have is all of this weaponization stuff. they going after everybody. if they focused the same energy on making america great again, it'd be, i probably wouldn't have even run i ran because i saw such stupidity i'd sit huge question for me when people see them side-by-side. two, they remember all of trump or just the good part of trump will continue that conversation just a moment up next, the baggage they carried, biden's age, trump's character howard. voters weighing them. and what do they want to hear tonight i just don't feel comfortable with biden's age and i don't feel comfortable with trump's mouth come at me sharks let's do this. >> it's theta versus sharp, and the ultimate strike. shark week, just gotta hundred percent more john c. sharp reposted by me, john sina 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think about him, no matter how many taylor swift references you make, you will never but her stand us dropped its character questions that dominates sometimes that means all these court cases, sometimes voters say it's his tone, it's harsh, his behavior, sometimes erratic we are better off when he was president, but i don't i don't like his personality. i don't i don't like how you can't. he's so on unreliable in some ways. i think trump did good for our economy, right? >> like when you have a president to me what's most important thing right now to me right now is our economy really is our communists either that or national security? i mean, trump stuck is putting his mouth. how many times we know that that's probably the biggest thing you did wrong. they should have taken in social media away from him long ago even a lot of trump voters say that part they should have just thought away to college and trump advisers to trump family members. let's start with the president. you can't change the clock. it is what it is. and the polling shows that people the biden campaign says while they're relatively close in age, true. but the polling shows overwhelmingly that the american people have more concerns about the president than they do about donald trump. state of the union might've helped a little bit, but it hasn't moved the numbers. what can you do are or do you just have to have a vigorous performance and just ignore it? yeah. i think it's that because as we know, this is the top concern for people and it's not going anywhere. these are people who already four years ago biden was harmed by this problem in the 2020 primary and he's only four years older, the prospect of a and 86-year-old president at the end of his second term scares a lot of american voters. however, biden can do something to minimize that, which is put the focus on donald trump, make it a referendum on him, and also show an energy and consistency that we've seen him do a couple of times. if we think about the convention speeches, if we think about the state of the union, he's been distant from the character check that a lot of eriksen's have ingested from him. he's not as frail or as seemingly see now let's tiktok will make him seem. and so i think tonight there's an ability for him to show a lot of people that they should for donald trump as he is often pretty close to that erratic character. and you hear that with him on the trail, can he kind of infuse a different set of personality image in the american voter to tonight by focusing on policy, by focusing on what to price them. biden's weaknesses. i think that's the big question because i think we know that biden won't be as bad as that low bar that's been created. and we've seen them do that a couple of times. >> i want to show you an ad here that kinda gets hit both things. number one, the trump campaign go straight at the age issue also doing something we know they're going to do in the general election. they're going to make the case of vote for biden is a vote for harris. and that's she says political issues in some parts of the country. the question is, is this effective? or two people cringe at the tone? >> when you think about the joe biden is shown the debate ask yourself a question. do you think the guy who was defeated by the stairs got taken down by his bike? launched a fight with his jacket, and regularly gets lost, makes it four more years in the white house. and you know, his weight right it's not how my parents and i would guess everybody's parents here told us to talk about the precedent. >> we don't live in that world anymore. we all know that i'm not so naive. but this that go down to people find that funny is that effective in your view at saying from trump's perspective, biden's to all there is. >> it's the sort of thing where voters are already telling us they believe leave it so you have to be careful not to be too mean-spirited about it. that's what a little bit i'm getting from that ad is the poking fund and that's going to be i think a real potential challenge for trump in the debate tonight, this debate is going to be a long, long affair biden may slip. he may have moments that we trace some of that weakness were trump may think it's time to play counts, but knowing how to calibrate that properly is going to be, i think a real challenge if he comes across as a bully, that's bad news every time president biden has been asked this about his age, he has one answer. he says, watch me so tonight, tens of millions of americans are indeed going to be watching him and judging that when, even when you talk to some republicans and people who aren't sure the tone of that. i think we will see how much that's repeated. but one thing that former president donald trump rarely if ever talks about, is vice president kamala harris, his campaign is doing that now. so will he do that tonight? we're not. and is that something to draw a link to? but the watch me thing is something that people are going to take him up on that. so let, let's flip it to the trump character questions in the time we have left in the sense that you know, the presence going to president biden is going to bring up january 6. you know, he's going to bring up he's got to be standing next to a convicted felon never before in our history, trump voters out there. thank you. it's just case ever should have brought whatever he's a convicted felon when he stands there. what happens when president biden terms president trump and say you say it all you're rallies, you're going to pardon the january 6 defenders tell the american people that he's going to try to qualify it or deflect on it some i think trump always speaks to the room that he's in when he always talks about this, it's always at a rally where they have the january 6 choir perform and how he handles that. he always calibrates to the room. he's into the audiences and every reporter who's covered him never sat down with him knows that. i do think it's a real question of how he'll respond tonight to president biden calling him a convicted felon. if he goes there to referencing that because that is the one trigger for donald trump, that that he doesn't have a sustained message on that. if you still look at what be posting on social media that he goes off about. i was watching the 2020 debates and they were at that first debate, they were asked you to final messages to voters about the election and joe biden looked at the camera at, told people to go vote, referenced a website where they could register to vote, told him to vote early. trump went off on a tangent about obama spying on his campaign and the efforts by the deepstate to go after him it was talking about people going after him and watching it. now, you see that moment and it's something that really does bother him. can he control that message when it comes to the convictions to the january 6 to the other indictments tonight, it's a big question even to the other second glaring vulnerability for trump, especially here he's gonna be standing and fulton county, georgia where he is a criminal defendant in the case saying he tried to illegally steal an election when the president terms from it says here of all places, mr. trump, will you honor the results of the election we've talked about, say, how is trump discipline, which version of him shows up? what can the president do to kinda needle him out into those moments? those will be the key points where you're watching you say, however he handles this is going to define how he's viewed and how he operates during this debate, i think to pull back a little bit this is baked in like we know all of these things. everyone in america knows everything about these two candidates. and the question of tonight and why we say the stakes are so high, it's not hyperbolic. why we say this is so critical really important. it is not hyperbolic is there's a subset of americans in seven states that don't know which way they're going to go, despite the fact they know everything about these two individuals on this may be the only moment, the only 90 minutes or 15 minutes or 30 minutes or 60 minutes that they really key in on this because they are normal people with real lives. and how they take away the performance of these two may decide the election. there was a sense of disbelief that these would even be the two nominees. and so i think tonight, setting in for a lot of people that these are your options until these judges these judgments will be frehse or the date even debate. we don't even know that we would be or there's a lot there's a lot of talk that if one candidate comes out tonight thinking they support a big win, that there won't be a second. yeah, we'll see what happens as it plays out. those are the questions for tomorrow. the debate is tonight. it's a busy day for all of you. i'm really grateful you came in special treat for me to be here and we're not done yet when we come back, it's a privilege that comes with enormous pressure few people know what it's like to moderate a presidential debate. next, one of them right here, live with us tonight the stage is set for the most anticipated event of this election. biden trump, the weight only cnn can bring it to you. this cnn presidential debate tonight at i live on cnn and streaming on max a widely filter. >> it's well-designed efficient. i appreciate that leaf filters technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed. >> what more could you ask for colleague 33 leaf filter today, more physically? >> the crap now we got to get france something. wait, we could use xi's gift mode. all right, done not to do four more competitive now on etsy, we decided to put in an end ground pool. >> a literally went on angie and typed in pool, getting to talk to different contractors see different bids. >> we want and it's something beautiful. we wanted something that our children would feel happy 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would like you to let me ask my question and then you can answer. go ahead. would you who is on your list joe. this. when you write, gentlemen, i think it's pax6 court. we have to give what's it like? what are your tips you have just hope that donald front is going to behave themselves. >> he certainly didn't in that debate and i actually think he may well have lost the election by his misbehavior in that debate, he dropped about four or five points in the polls, and he never recovered i'd say about three things. one be as invisible as possible. i wasn't as much there because i had to get a a job. the fact is a perfect moderating job when it's over, people will say that was a great debate. was there even a moderator there? it's like two prize fighters. the referee nobody came to see the referee to, you gotta be evenhanded had jim lehrer who did 12 of these debates, presidential debates said, if you're going to ask one guy an apple question, you got to ask the other guy an apple question, meaning you've gotta be equally tough, equally persistent and i'm gonna say something controversial here. i would not fact check this debate. i know a lot of people disagree and particularly with donald trump, he's going to say that he won the election or something about that. you got joe biden right next door. you want to ask do fact checking. let the president fact check him making a debate about them. if people are talking about the moderator is the day after that's a problem. but we met in my first campaign, 1988, this is my 10th presidential election. you've got one or two more than me or three. any any comparison this race to any others know, first president's donald trump is sui generis. i mean, there has not in my lifetime, i don't know about teddy roosevelt, but there's never been a president in our lifetime, a lot like kim and you've got to former president, current president, and a former president against each other trump, his behavior, his conduct is a total wildcard. do that jake and dan are going to have there hence fall, it's it's a tough job and you're exactly right it is a hiv high-stress job. there were times when i would have the pressure waves of anxiety rollover me it's tough, but it's a privilege. it is a privilege. and you handled it fabulously up next for us, the debate state state-by-state. a quick look at the map, the path of 270 electoral votes and how tonight show down. just my change things this election season. >> stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow cnn i still can't believe he's gone is past few days has been a whirlwind. >> there's so much to arrange. i just wasn't prepared. >> no butcher. mother was yeah. good thing. you and mom got those policies i had no idea how expensive all this would be. >> i know i didn't want to talk about it. i'm glad she made us do it. >> and the payment is on the way 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that is where we are right now. but but if you look more closely at the battleground states and you go through them slight trump advantage here, here, here, here here, and here. why do i say those advantages matter? well, if those advantages stuck, we would be back in something like this where donald trump wins, wins the race like that. so this is an incredibly close race right now, i would argue for you the most important thing for the president added states he's an incumbent president, his approval rating is at 38%. incumbents it's can't win if they're below 40, they need to get up to 43, 45. so as you watch the bait tonight, a week from now, two weeks from now, three weeks from now. see if that number has moved at all for the president of the united states, greg treat for me to be back today. thank you for joining us. i'd politics stay tuned with cnn tonight for the big debate and stay tuned right now. cnn news central starts after a quick break sunday on the whole story. >> short 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Outlays , Tax Cuts , Stallion , Barack Obama , Juice It , Visions , Deficit , Vision , Insurrectionist , Retribution , Danger , Revenge , Hate , Running On , Competency , Day One , Bloodbath , Words , Dictator , Everybody , Energy , Stuff , Weaponization , Stupidity , Howard , Baggage , Side By , Versus Sharp , Mouth , Sharks , Shark Week , Strike , Discovery , Sight , John Sina Starts Sunday , John C Sharp Reposted , July 7 , Dime , Sunday July 7 , 7 , Test , Leah Hd , Redness , Infection , Swelling , Injections , Allergies , Treatments , Eye , Eye Infection , Retina , Ai , Separation , Blood Vessels , Alia Hd , Twilio Hd , Stroke , Heart Attack , Increase , Blood Clots , Cataract , Corneal Injury , Eye Floaters , Side Effects , Options , Potential , Type , Retina Specialist , Alia , What Medicare , Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , 67 , 65 , Plan , Health Care , Unitedhealthcare , Pay , Deductibles , Co Pays , Surprises , Doctor , Decision Guide , Specialists , Benefits , License It , Plans , Producer , Insurance Agent , Planning , Referrals , Networks , Medicare Supplement , Don T Wait , Aarp , Health Care Call , Blood Thinners , Advance , Retirement , Watchmen , Fin , Birthday , 400000 , Price Lock Guarantee , Company , Business , Implant , High Five , Worry , Comcast , Dave , Gig Speed Internet , Security , Rate , Won T Change , Savings , Powering Possibilities 1803 , Home , Schreiber Sunday , 1803 , 558999 , Tens Of Millions Americans , Choices , Spots , Ten , Concern , Stamina , Incumbent , Taylor Swift , Category , Frail , Character Questions , Behavior , Personality , Communists , Social Media , College , Family Members , State Of The Union , Concerns , Clock , Performance , Anywhere , Problem , Prospect , 86 , Convention Speeches , Character Check , Tiktok , Eriksen , Character , Image , Trail , Infuse , Trump Campaign Go , Bar , Biden Won T , Big Question , Weaknesses , Kinda , Focusing On Policy , Number One , Parts , Kamala Harris , Jacket , Fight , Bike , Stairs , Weight , Parents , Funny , Precedent , View , Some , Poking Fund , Long , Weakness , Bully , Counts , Bad News , Aren T , Felon , Whatever , History , Biden Terms , Rally , Defenders , Rallies , Reporter , Audiences , Messages , Trigger , Website , Efforts , Camera , Deepstate , Gonna , Convictions , Indictments , Fulton County , Vulnerability , Results , Discipline , Defendant , Stakes , Subset , Individuals , 30 , 60 , Judgments , Talk , Disbelief , Nominees , Setting , Privilege , Won T Be A Second , Special Treat , Event , Gutters , Leaf Filters Technology , Debris , Colleague , Gift Mode , Xi , Filter Com Crap , Guaranteed , France , Wait , 33 , Ground Pool , Pool , Contractors , Etsy , Bids , Children , Swimming , Wow , Luma Phi , Andy Com , My Go To Is Lima , Phi Eyedrops , Windshield , Haven T , Ship , Eyes , Customer , Appointment , Focus , Students , Gear , Made , Safe Flight Com , Csac , Skin Cells , Pollen , Design , Dirt , Kids , Mold Spores , System Efficiency , Air Ducts , Logo , Accustoming Com , Air Ducks , Saudi , Stanley Steamer , Summer , Dealer , Offers , Lane , Engine , Saga , Audi Sales , Wallet , Tools , Something , Harbor Freight , Price , Footlong Divers The World , Snacking , Pop , Gains , Family , Glass Making , Wealth Management , Generations , Doc Ratings , Make , Passion , App , Ancestry , Dad , Vip Family , Person , Worker , Glass , Priceline , Family Tree , Shoulders , Status Pain , Water , God Mere Lax , Dbacks , Fiber , Gut , Weekend Chores , Mood , Cora , Help , Store , Back Pain Relief , Tract , Experts , Hobbies , Quarterbacks , Hi , Utis , 100 , Lifestyle , Help Product , Hearing , Relief Products , Korea , Thoughts , Slug Fest , Journalist , Chris Wallace , Moderator , Jessica , 2 Million , Mater Writer , Sir , Gentlemen , List Joe , Pax6 Court , Tips , Didn T , Misbehavior , Dover , Prize Fighters , Invisible , Apple Question , Referee , Jim Lehrer , Nobody , 12 , Fact Checking , Comparison , Know , Sui Generis , 10 , 1988 , Lifetime , Kim , Teddy Roosevelt , Conduct , Wildcard , Jake , Debate State , Anxiety Rollover , Pressure Waves , Tonight Show , Stay , Election Season , Wasn T , Facts , Whirlwind , Mom , Payment , Fast , Butcher , Health Questions , Exams , Didn T Have Omaha Life Insurance Company , Ramallah , Acceptance , Life Insurance Coverage , Burden , United Have Omaha Police Let S See , 85 , 5000 , 25000 , 45 , Health Reason , 24 , 38 , 6 38 , United Of Omaha Policy , Income , Symptom , Funeral , Rate Law Guarantee Marine , 6030 , God , Little , Expenses , 000 , 9000 , Loved Ones , Cole 806159611 , 806159611 , 806 , Symptoms , Psoriatic Arthritis , Moderate , Call Today , Plaque Psoriasis , Skin , Sky Rosie , Sky Rizzi , Reactions , Stiffness , Starter , Doses , Fatigue , Joint Pain , Infections , Vaccine , Guy Rizzi , London Breed , Saving Thousands , Housing Projects , Pandemic , San Francisco , Western Addition , London , Small Business , Mayor , Streets , Homes , Homebuyers , Hiring Hundreds , Downtown , Police Officers , City Fees , City Vibrant , 82000 , Drug Dealers , Work , 2024 Financial , Debate Night In America , Superfood Nutrition , Wouldn T , Disclosures , Sfethics Org , Primal Origins At Walmart , Wind , Magic , Friend , Take A Look , Static , Average , Ms , Advantages , Incumbents , Approval Rating , Wins , 40 , 38 , 43 , Politics , President Of The United States , Greg Treat , Cnn News Central , Story , Waters , Break , Dive , Debate Queen Conservation Tissue , Short Man , Discovery Sharpening Starting Sunday , Anderson Cooper , Money , Countries , Partner , Need , World Food Programme , 180 , Windows , Patio Doors , Michael Smith Renewal By Anderson , Anne Romer , 8046180800 , Customers , Discounts , Window Manufacturers , Replacement Window Division , Financing , Window , Window Companies , Companies , Thousands , Manufacturer , Installers , Installation Method , Window Openings , Trim , Vinyl Windows , Patio , Diagnosis , Price Quote , Background , Window Problem , Measurements , Carpenter , Homeowners , Locking Points , Purchase , Entry Door , Patio Door , Michael , June 30th , Payments , Interest , 1805011400 ,

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