>> jesse: welcome to a special edition of "jesse watters primetime", i'm pete and for jesse on a friday night. now there is no doubt in my mind that america is the greatest nation in human history. when the british strangled our freedom kaik it was brave patriots who revolted and took what was rightfully ours, our freedom. when europe was occupied it was lionhearted men who stormed the beaches of normandy who liberated from the nazis. when islamists attacked us on 911, courageous warriors headed out to no man's land to take the fight to their backyard. i was one of those men who joined the army to fight extremists. i joined the army in 2001 and became an officer in 2003, i guarded terrace quant on them obey in 2004. i lead men in combat and a rock and 2005. i pulled bodies out of burning vehicles in afghanistan in 2012. i even held a right shield outside of the white house during the riots of 2020. just one small part, i was one of millions of brave americans on the front lines. all patriots who put their lives on the line to actually defend our republic. when you wear the uniform or support someone who does, you understand the costs of defending freedom, which are up to and including the cost of your own life. joe biden never served. fine, it is what it is. he never saw combat, fine. most folks never will, i understand. but joe biden does know how to fight for himself, his family and his political fortunes. as such, he keeps telling us day after day that he is the world's greatest defender of democracy. today he did it again when he gave a speech in front of world war ii heroes that point the hawk. >> we talk about democracy. we often talk about the ideals of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. but we don't talk about how hard it is, how many ways we are asked to walk away, how many instincts there are two walk away. the most natural instinct is to walk away. >> he is not walking away. but does joe biden know what it means to defend democracy? he certainly does not know that we are not a democracy, we are a republic. our founders rejected democracy and give us a constitutional republic. but i digress. and joe does not even know it is friday. so understanding a distinction like that is just asking too much. biden's idea of defending democracy is locking up his political opponent. >> how important do you think this conviction should be in this race for president? >> that is for the public to decide. one thing for certain is to stop undermining the rule of law. stop undermining the institutions. that is what this whole effort is. all the republicans are coming out saying this was fixed. >> stop undermining institutions is rich. trump has been savagely criticized for saying he might lock her up back in 2016. but he did not do it. they did. but they want you to think that trump will lock up his opponents in a never ending retribution to her. just so they can justify locking him up. but using the legal system to prosecute your political opponents only cheapens the democracy they claim to protect. in fact, they destroy it. and when you use the military to make a political point, it is just a disgrace. biden spent the week with some of the bravest men in this country's history. the men who stormed the beaches of normandy, who climbed the cliffs with flamethrowers on their backs. they jump out of airplanes and charged towards machine-gun nests. these guys are studs, all of them. just from looking at it, you can tell who was a fighter and who is not. [ applause ] [ speaking french ] >> distinguished guests, please welcome the honourable lloyd austin the third, secretary of defence of the united states of america. >> but the media wasted no time politicizing a solemn day. instead of thanking those brave men for actually defending our republic, they are thanking them for making biden look young. >> here is president biden spending time with one of those heroes. and once again, once again, in these vats did an incredible service to their nation. they made joe biden look young. >> how low do you think they can go? will it turns out the biden campaign can go really low. putting this new ad out. >> a good commander-in-chief is someone who gives a [ bleep ] >> when i see his predecessor donald trump, i see a man who was only in it for himself. >> i think the election is the difference between authoritarianism and democracy. >> i came to see a president that cares about maintaining democracy. >> donald trump is not fit to be commander-in-chief. >> as my kids say, karen g. congratulations, you found 4batz in america who don't like trump. but msnbc is saying the quiet part out loud. they want to use the military as a political weapon. >> i love it. i hadn't seen that ad and i was talking about the generals and the servicemen seeing the military people and our vets speak. there is nothing more american, nothing that brings us together more than the military. and to me, and donald trump has trashed it, trashed every institution. and i said this before, i said before seeing that ad and i believe it more than ever before, military is the secret weapon, let's let it loose. >> what does that mean? and how might use that secret weapon? you see, when the thousands of men and women put on the uniform after 911 it was not for politics, it was for the country. i served under bush and obama and trump, i even volunteered for deploying to afghanistan during obama's surge. i, like many vets was not a fan of obama. but he was the commander-in-chief. my service was not for democrats or republicans, it was for the republic. sadly, today's military is not the same institution i joined. in 2012, romney beat obama amongst active-duty troops 2-1. in 2016, trump held a 20-point lead over with the troops over clinton. and 2020, it reversed a bit. biden led trump by roughly four% with active-duty, basically 50-50. but amongst vets, in 2020, trump one by 10. patriots are passing up service or leaving the military altogether, seeing all the social justice and politically correct garbage that obama and now biden have reigned into the military. i have seen this shift up close and personal. the army i served on the cusp of joe biden's inauguration called me a domestic extremist. my journey was from fighting extremists to being called one. joe biden's journey took him to the beaches of normandy where he looked at those brave warriors in the eye and cheapened their service. he said he, not them, was the defender of democracy because he is willing to potentially jail his opponent. the voice of normandy fought nazis. biden fights trump and thinks his fight is just as important. so how did we go from storming the beaches of normandy to being used as political ponds and campaign props? we talk about this and my book, the war on warriors, out right now. when blm riots took over our cities, my unit was called into action, standing outside the white house with a riot shield. i had a bit of an epiphany one night. you see, the nt for and black lives matter riders were not that much different than the soldiers i was standing shoulder to shoulder with. in fact,, both sides were quite similar. we are both passionate, we are both brave, we do not fear pain or with the other side could do to us. he believed in the righteousness of our cause and at any other time in american history, those protesters on the other side would have fought injustice may be by joining the military. but in 2020 we are on separate sides. how can america have eroded so badly that we are standing off against our own citizens? i remember cameras pointed everywhere but the message not being sent. there was no way this could have gotten this bad without someone in our government knowing about it. all of these young potential soldiers had found a terrible form of hero was him. either because they rejected the good kind or, just as likely, because our government was not competent enough and our goodness to presented to them. as i held the line that day, i realized that anything could happen and my gut told me that none of this was inevitable. right now, we are in uncharted waters r trying to keep a great country while simultaneously teaching our kids to hate that country and then wondering why those same kids do not want to climb cliffs and charge machine-gun dennis for that country. the military cannot be organized like the harvard faculty lounge, catering to ever more obscure constituencies. our key constituency is strong, normal men. looking to be heroes and not victims. we aren't a collection of a group of tribes, equality is our bedrock and lethality is our trademark. there is no black and white and our ranks, nor republican or democrat. we are all green and bleed red. our strength is not in our diversity, but in our unity and in our love for each other, our families and most of all our nation. we are about to enter political season, locking up opponents and running baseless adds. all with the world in a swirling ball of chaos and uncertainty unleashed by biden's weakness. we desperately need a new commander-in-chief but we are stuck with this one for now. i pray for our republic and our military. i pray they both survive in the meantime. matthew is a former lieutenant colonel space commander and author of irresistible revolution and joins me now, i've had a chance to get to know matthew. he is one of very few people while active in service who spoke up about the politicized asian inside our ranks. matthew, when you look at vets, servicemembers used as props or the comparisons that are made by politicians, as someone who did stand up and say we shouldn't be pushing marxist theories inside our military, how do you react to that? >> i couldn't help but reflect during your monologue, pete, that american greatness was a hard one that is easily lost and that has been plain for all to see. joe biden is busy talking about defending democracy and the ideals of democracy. and anyone who has any remaining connection to reality ceased as plainly as it is. any freedom loving leader of a democratic nation in the western world today protects their own borders and does not betray the trust of their own people. any freedom loving leader in a democratic world does not make a mockery of the men and women in uniform by tearing families apart and making a mockery of the nuclear family and pushing marxist ideology, transgender -ism, 2slgbtqia+ ideology. any freedom loving liberal, democratic nation leader is serious about free and fair elections and not persecuting and prosecuting the political opposition. joe biden is making it very clear, this whole regime that has been established over the past four years since the blm and np for riots is making a clear statement to not just americans, but to our adversaries abroad as well that we hit lack seriousness and does not appreciate the democratic ideals that he pretends to disavow. we were once a great constitutional republic and there's no better demonstration of the sacrifice and courage that can be made by americans when they truly believe in their country, than the men who stormed the beaches of normandy 80 years ago. just earlier today, i will say i was listening to ronald reagan speak that he gave at the same location at the 40 year anniversary of normandy and i contrasted it with what i heard from joe biden just yesterday. and it is also an unfortunate reflection of our present reality as a country. when you look at the dignity, the respect with which ronald reagan approached his remarks in nine minutes compared to the apparent façade and current president of the united states, it is no wonder we lost the respect of young men and women in this country who do not want to join the military anymore and lost the fear of our adversaries on the world stage. >> no doubt. you give up our military career at 18 years to speak the truth and very few have done that. do you believe a new commander-in-chief can reverse this course of politicizing our military? >> i believe it commander-in-chief indeed can help us reverse course. and fact i don't know that it is entirely possible to reverse the course of a woke military agenda and defence department without a new commander-in-chief. although, whatever the outcome of the political election, we need men and women who currently serve in uniform to exhibit the courage necessary to stand on principle and values and speak the truth. when we start to see the censorship of the conservative voice, is a harbinger of societal failure. and the military has long been a bastion of conservatism and patriotism. when they start congress patriot extremist like they called you, when they start to make you feel ashamed because you believe in a conservative or christian worldview, respectfully do not let them do that. it is time for you to exhibit courage, it is a unique stage in world history and american history, take this opportunity to speak the truth. >> you did that, you live that, the book is irresistible revolution, check it out. you wrote it long before the war on warriors but i leaned on his wisdom when writing this book as well, thank you so much matthew. >> thanks, pete. >> all right, we move on now to a fox news alert. drums lawyers on the prosecution just received a letter from the judge. alerting them to a post on facebook made before the verdict came out. saying, quote, my cousin is a juror and says trump is getting convicted. thank you folks for all your hard work. the entire post, including the comment has since been deleted. fox has not confirmed the commenter's identity, we just know the judge sent out a letter. we do not know if this guy was actually the cousin of a juror, this could easily be a prank. trumps team told fox they are looking into it, they are investigating it and we will have more for you on monday. don't want to get ahead of ourselves. hunter biden's daughter goes under oath. 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>> very interesting, thank you. meanwhile, the trial rolls on in delaware, republicans are sending criminal referrals to the justice department. this could be a big development. they want hunter and jim biden to be charged for lying to congress. hunters accused of downplaying his ties with a company he owns a major stake in. and lying about sending a threatening message to the chinese business partner. and jim biden allegedly lied by saying joe biden did not meet with hunter's business partner back in 2017. a congresswoman is on the oversight committee. one of those committees making the referrals. nancy, why now? what evidence were you able to gather that said, hey,, we want to refer this to the justice department? >> we had information that came out in the committee about the whistleblowers and some initial information that prove that both hunter biden and james biden perjured themselves throughout this entire process. and perjury is a serious crime and we ought to refer charges over there lies to congress. there will be consequences, the american people ought to know the truth and this is one way to get them the truth. >> you were referring charges to joe biden's justice department. is there any way in which they get a fair hearing? could there be enough evidence presented that they say, hey,, we have to do something? >> we would love to see the justice department do something but it would be on them to do that. and so far, we talk to some of these whistleblowers and witnesses and you know that hunter biden, for example,, lied to congress. why has the justice department move already? because this is a crime. i believe they're trying to cover up joe biden's involvement here based on all the evidence that we have found, tens of millions of dollars funnel from china and russia and other places. this ought to move swiftly but again the justice department is at the hands of joe biden. it is a very collocated process. >> but it is important work worthy to be done as you put in front of the american people they can make their own judgements, thank you so much nancy. >> thank you. >> gavin newsom lost $20 billion and now he wants to fire the house. [ ♪♪ ] (vo) in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. (woman) is that? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses! (vo) well, almost perfect. don't worry. just sell directly to opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house. [ ♪♪ ] >> a few years ago, california democrats went on a victory tour boasting about their $98 billion surplus. they were all most $100 billion ahead. fast-forward to today, the golden state is now more broke than ever. how broke? $27 billion in debt. so how does one state lose more than $120 billion and a couple of years? well it is actually easier than you think. let's start with the homeless crisis. an audit from april revealed the california lost track of $24 billion that they had spent to end homelessness. >> what has the money been spent on? >> we are working on finalizing the annual report and hope to have that published in short order. >> weiser taking three years to get data? the system was in clement in 2021. >> it began in 2021, it was not fully implemented until 2022r. >> that is still two years ago. why is it taking so -- you're the one who said it's urgent. may be my sense of urgency is different from your sense of urgency. you can tell us at all, how many people we have helped r. >> that money has disappeared and california has more homeless now than ever. $24 billion. according to the los angeles times, the states partially constructed high-speed rail line is projected to run $100 billion over budget. they spend half a billion dollars on a suicide net for the golden state bridge. and forget about all of the taxpayer-funded sex changes for illegals, those are probably starting to add up. so gavin's over budget and needs to get the state back on track. so what is a lib governor to do? hot from his $10 billion climate budget, that would be pretty but you can do that so he has to cut money from the cops. the state department of justice budget is getting a 2 percent haircut. $98 million cut from trial court operations, $10 million from the law enforcement division. $80 million from the department of corrections and rehabilitation. he will empty the prisons as well. gavin is cutting 4600 beds across 13 state prisons. so for those following at home, more criminals on the streets and less money to stop them from committing more crimes. sounds like the california way. you better remember this gavin, someday, maybe sooner than later an american majority founder joins us now. and, this doesn't really surprise us, but he is going to spin it as success. how could he? >> that would be insane but i guess it is him so what should we expect? at the real figure, feet, is probably not 27 billion, estimates are showing it is probably about $46 billion is the real deficit. and again, is cutting about 200 million from law enforcement. rest seven weeks ago, letter member this. seven weeks ago, he swore up and down that he would spend $267 million to stop the smash and grab a crime spree. instead, he is cutting almost 200 so that's off. the iranian all of this is that this crime spree is a direct cause of the budget deficit that california is experiencing because businesses and individuals are leaving the state. they want law & order, they want a safe environment. this is basic stuff. may be i should use really small words so the left can understand. you have to have a safe environment so businesses will be there, so individuals will be there. the more of those who have, you will have greater tax revenue for you to be able to fund those things. but gavin does not seem to understand that. in fact it is really accelerating this vicious cycle by cutting law enforcement, continuing the crime spree to see more businesses and individuals flee the state. >> you mentioned it could be 47 billion, it could be 27, give or take 10 or 20 billion. but in the minds of liberals, when it comes to something like homelessness, they are just going to keep pumping and pumping and pumping r do they ever reflect and say we are not making the situation any better? >> no. in many ways, if we're being honest, they are children are detached from reality. initial proposal where he cuts 200 million from law enforcement, dr bit as you mention, he should cut climate change funding, he actually added $1.7 billion towards equity and climate change clauses. and i suppose, the $400 million for electric buses are still there. the amazing part of this is that he thinks he is running for president, you should not even be running for president of the local pto. >> no way. that money is part of the sacrifice they must put on the altar no matter what as it's part of their religion. thank you very much net, great stuff. >> thank you pete. >> a first class trooper was killed in a hit-and-run. that man is a hero. and instead of flying the american flag at half mast, the town of wethersfield connecticut decided to lower the pride flag. and what about the thin blue line flag which honours are mended women in blue? will that is not allowed because it is racist. just ask this activist councilmember. >> i will just say that i will absolutely not support the blue line flag if that is the flag and that is the decision. that flag was either created or at least became very prevalent in direct response to the black lives matter protests. it is viewed as antagonistic even if you don't see it that way. and i don't think that is a good flag to fly, especially not with further discussion. i would be open to other ideas, but absolutely not this one. >> the mind of a confused individual. we have a new contributor joining us, he is not confused. so we have been trying to get details on this all day long. apparently i think the american flag in the pride flag were up and instead of adding the thin blue line flag which the family have requested, and stead the town decided to lower the pride flag. help me out with the logic of this. >> first of all pete, the most and porton thing we should do is honour the officer, that's the conversation we should be having. that is national newsworthy. a police officer was killed while trying to serve his community and that is the danger that comes with the job. both of my brothers in law here are firemen, they risk their lives in one way or another. they lead men and women that do. the least we can do is show them not just respect but that we understand that when they go to work every day, they drive through their battlefield, they passed the apartment building where they save lives, the intersection where they could not save a child. they go through that trauma every day just to serve and get paid cents on the dollar of what they should. if you are offended by a flag specifically designed to honour that sacrifice because some idiot tried to use it in some other way, that is a you problem, not ami problem or an us problem, that's a you problem. you probably deserve to be offended because you are looking to be offended. there's nothing offensive about honouring someone who dies in the line of duty. and the fact is, any community that elects people to do this, i don't know how they deserve the first responders they have. but you know what, they have them. but that's what they are, their first responders and put their lives on the line whether how stupid, a current or pathetic those people are. >> beautifully said, you put the priority in the right place, remember and be officer that lay down his life or his community, you are exactly right. but indulge me for a moment. the logic of, okay,, our decision will be to lower the pride flag for the married heterosexual police officer. >> it does not represent a fraction of society. i have gay and lesbian couples and my family, i love them, absolutely love them. but they don't need months to be celebrated, they are happy to be americans, they're happy being a part of a family, they are happy being human beings that are on this earth with equal rights. this idea we need a month or a flag does not sit well with many of them anyway and it certainly does not sit well with me to put that over a thin blue line or to say the thin blue line is somehow more divisive. >> just one flag, the american flag and it's up and you lower it if something tragic like this happens. we jump that shark. >> we get a day for memorial day, we get a day for memorial day anyway. >> you're exactly right, thank you joey. up next, illegal aliens. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. ♪ my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife... i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. ...look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, "i'm glad it helped." i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now and get 35% off your first order. somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them, she didn't know they were talking to her. i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of 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[ ♪♪ ] >> so joe biden sent his executive order to fix the border but it has been three days and nothing has changed. the secretary says biden's order is already in place and is working perfectly. but in reality, the order is filled with so many loopholes that the new policy has not made a dent in illegal crossings. we're joined with the latest. >> reporter: the president executive orders having little to no impact or at the border. are sources telling us there were just under 1300 illegal crossings just here in san diego yesterday alone. and we saw many of them, take a look at this video. this is what the border patrol has to deal without here. you notice there is one single agent trying to corral a group of about 150 people from all around the world that were just crossing illegally into the area. they have been waiting for border patrol for five hours, they were getting impatient. and border patrol has no translators out there, there is a language barrier. people from the middle east, china, africa, they need a lot more help and we can't up with some of these migrants, take a listen. from egypt? all from egypt? >> america good. >> good america? why did you come to america? >> business. >> you want to work? job? >> yes. >> yes. >> group of friends, you want a job? >> america good. >> america good! >> vietnam? all from china? why do you come to america? >> to be free. >> yes. >> we were on scene as border patrol was mass releasing hundreds of these illegal immigrants to city streets in san diego. buses dropping them off at a local trolley station. migrants from all around the world are let go with what is called an nta, a notice to appear, that is a court date in the future. sometimes years into the future. migrants are then able to use that paperwork to travel all across the country and go wherever they would like to, despite promises of consequences as a result of this executive order. that is the bottom line. the white house said that as a result of this order, if you cross illegally, you will have asylum band and you will be removed. as you can see, that is certainly not the case for a large majority of the people crossing here. in san diego sector. will send it back to you. >> thank you bill. for shame. joining me now is a texas congressman. leslie, tanks for being here. you are the report, joe will sweep in and every thing will change, doesn't look like it. >> and joe biden had to do it three years ago, was press control c. and control be cut-and-paste, president trumps policies and what we see today and we would never have this problem. the reason he is doing this right now is that he is getting killed in the polls on immigration. we have not seen kamala harris insight for the past three or four years as well. and this is why we are having this problem. they're getting killed in the polls, in a president trump is doing very well on a particular issue and they know that the american public is watching. and this is a complete disaster for them and it will not work because it is too little too late. joe biden on this issue is 2000 late. and we all know this. so to watch this last-minute hasty delivery of what we will see for border policy when we passed hr to over a year ago is a complete joke. i know he is trying to fix this, yeah, executive fiat what you could've done three years ago, it's a complete joke and you and i both know what's going on here. >> absolutely right. and the white house wants to avoid reports like what they just gave because it has been so damaging to them r i was struck just in that interview, you have served our country overseas, it feels like where we served is coming to us. it is coming through, walking through and being entered. we have no idea the intentions, reasons and many times the places where these people are coming from. >> i was at west point and i served and i was willing to give my life to prevent this from happening again and the fact that we have no idea who is coming into this country, we have no idea where they are coming from over 11 million people that we know of entering the border illegally that you know of. it's a complete joke to us. we want to prevent this never happening again, it's complete slap in the face. this is an issue that the entire country needs to understand. this is a problem we are witnessing right now and joe biden has duty in this. and looking at the future, this is on his head and this is why november is so important to get president trump back in office because this has got to stop yesterday. >> it is mind blowing. if you put this in a time machine and fast-forward and said 20 plus years after 911, pakistan, afghanistan, iraq, iran. >> china. >> they would be walking across our border you would say we are insane and that's exactly what we are. >> you are correct. >> good to see you always. >> you to, pete, good day. >> on deck, my man brian. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. will >> ♪ ♪ welcome back we have to cohost of the big money show joining me now to go over some of the biggest stories of the week in case you haven't been paying attention we grew up 2 doors down from each other in forest lake, minnesota. >> shout out to the forest lake greats we are in charge of the fox news channel and you can't take it back. first topic a new york college launching a gender affirming boys program aiming to help gender diverse individuals who seek to modify their voices to match of their identities. they are focusing on behaviors like coughing, sneezing and throat clearing because of these affect listener perception of gender. >> i'm highly offended. don't you think this is appropriation? >> i thought we weren't doing appropriation now you have people appropriating our sneezes as men for millennia. like a deep sneezes that wakes up everybody in the house they are teaching it to be blue have no right to seize at that their sneeze that way. >> 's you're going with the women being taught to sneeze like a man. >> because i'm not aiming for the female sneeze. >> that leads me to my key question which 1 is more difficult to go from the mail sneeze to the female sneeze or's female sneeze to mail sneeze. >> the female sneeze is not a sneeze. you don't get anything out it's not functional if you're doing a real sneeze and you go to a nonfunctioning sneeze i would assume it's better to go from that nonsneeze because you're just letting it out as it's cathartic to see it that way why are we teaching people who shouldn't be sneezing that way or coughing or clearing their throat. as we could teach this class i could put in my resume. recent retired star jason kelsey starting a massive debate after admitting he doesn't wash his feet and that everyone who recommends otherwise is a pocket of big soap. >> why would i watch my feet of not touching it unless i'm clipping my toenails that's the only time. >> kyle said christ, talking about jesus christ. he washed feet because he's the greatest king ever and you reply christ washed his feet because he was walking through a dusty asked desert in sandals. >> if i was walking with sandals on you. >> are you a foot washer? >> you get the benefit of gravity when it comes to your feet you've taken the shower there is stuff going down it's like going for the carwash a little bit you don't have to do much don't you think? you have a famous history with this are you down there scrubbing feet every day? >> noahs you get older you do less of it you don't want to bend over every once in a while i give a good swipe on the bottom but as i've made some statements in the past about handwashing because i feel like showering is an equivalent for the most part to handwashing your scrubbing see your hands get clean. >> will your out there in the pastor stepping in car manure so i have washed my feet in the last 10 years which is a good sign. >> that's big news for america. i've made a new commitment to hygiene. the kelsey brothers half of them would do that half would say it's a loser. >> watch the big-money show on the fox podcast. and i will tune into fox and friends weekend tomorrow at 6:0. tim kennedy at d-day, the governor from california, also john smoltz. baseball cards are upon his wall. i will be on 1 nation with brian kilmeade this weekend don't for miss his show he has dana white also on the show and don't forget to check out the war on warriors on fox nation. it is a book in film form with some of the most american stuff we sat down with take a look at the war on warriors anywhere you have books. >> ♪ ♪

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