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you cannot tell. president biden releasing a statement, calling on congress to ban. president biden at the g7 summit in italy today. >> ukraine and the u.s. since our independence. >> with much of the attention focused on what he said about his son hunter's felony gun conviction. >> i am extremely proud of my son hunter. he has overcome an addiction. >> had said he would not pardon his son but tonight he went further. >> do you plan on your son's sentence? >> a congressional pep rally for the likely gop nominee speaking to lawmakers behind closed doors. >> it is a show of hands for anyone in the room who hung out with a felon today. >> i am with them 1000%. they are with me 1000%. >> i think it must be so humiliating for them. >> and all of that happens in just one week. good evening, once again. i am stephanie and we are now 144 days away from the election. this week, president biden was on the world stage meeting with allies as his son was found guilty on federal gun charges. donald trump returned to washington where republicans who ran for their lives after january 6th welcomed him back with open arms. with that, let's bring in our nightcap. prize winning reporter for the new york times. at large for the financial times and alex adelman, it is his first visit to the nightcap. welcome. let's talk about this week. donald trump had an absolute lovefest with republican leaders who seemed to have forgotten or at least dismissed january 6. if you remember after that date, many republicans, wanted him to go away. i am looking at you, mitch mcconnell and lindsey graham. now donald trump is back and he is now not just the nominee. he is the party. can we just start with let's talk about donald trump circle of life since january 6th and to this week, what is your take? >> someone who business leaders and financial leaders, what i find just summing is that after saying they would never deal with donald trump again, behind- the-scenes, it's not just the public stuff in washington, it's that the behind-the-scenes right now from wall street reaching out to trump and i was in asia last week and again, you can see asian leaders as well beginning to hit it and adjust themselves to a world where trump comes back in november. >> is that because you think business leaders are excited to have them back? >> they know they've got a decent chance. they don't want to be on his enemy list. >> popular business leaders are making -- they are trying to make a compromise at this time. trying to figure where to put their bets. my colleague, he had spoken to a lot of the people who were in the meeting. >> at the mrs. right. you came out and told andrew he sounded crazy, he was rambling. this was, we can get more the same. from 21% to 20%. >> companies do not pay. >> hold on. even before the corporate tax cut, none of them asked for 21%. 28% was their goal. he's going i'm going to go even lower. >> there is a world in which i think one of the things andrew said was some of these people were inclined to support him because they are thinking about their pocketbooks more than they are thinking about abortion rights, welfare for the country, democracy. which is not a surprise. even they were disturbed by the trump that they just met. >> the problem that i have with that, the reporting is so good but the fact that they are telling and not coming out and saying it on camera and saying you know what? we just saw the former president and we have a lot of concerns, actually. the fact that they are making these moves behind closed doors and not being up front with it, i think that is as cowardly as the republicans in congress who are willing to stand next to him in order to make sure they are on his good side should he win. >> this is what is lazy about that to me. these ceo who, in theory, should be among the most informed people in this country, right? they have thousands and thousands of employees. multibillion-dollar businesses and somehow, they were surprised that donald trump made no sense, was meandering and seems to be lost. how on earth could they not know that? all you have to do is watch them speak? >> you thought he was at the bottom before. there was no lower that he could possibly go and where he's been. i am surprised when i watch the speeches. he has always been a rambler but now, i thought he was at a concrete floor. he is in china. he is completely come through the other side and he looks terrible. >> he is up against this about biden looking terrible and biden as well. i think what is happening is a lot of people are screening out and saying they are both sounding really old. we will look at the questions of policies. >> the other thing, he's been such a bully and the people. >> i would like you to pause. >> i guess i was wondering whether or not to say the word effective because it's not just him, its allies. think about everyone in the republican party. they have been drugged out so viciously. those folks, it feels like they are gone. >> larry hogan today running. trump is looking at endorsing reportedly and i tried to bring after said justice is working after his conviction. >> and the campaign leaders was like your campaign is over, you are dead meat, larry hogan. now they are realizing maybe not. nice i think they are looking at the fact that trump is endorsing a number of republicans with much more mainstream than in the past and thinking maybe you can do that, maybe his policies will not be quite so. >> that is wishful thinking because if he was really doing that, he would come right out and say nikki haley is my vp. nikki haley continues to have support. she was out of the race for two months and some of the primary races he had 20% of the. there are always people who had this notion. she is this george bush republican and not embracing her. over and over again and she has endorsed him. i want to go back to the point that you made. people are saying trump might be meandering but so is joe biden. let's talk about what we saw happen this week because the right is manufacturing. the stories that telling about joe biden. beside this week. the video from the g7 suggesting that joe biden was lost in the field, speaking to a paratrooper. it was not even true. we have a clip that i want to show. >> we have a clip of donald trump. sorry. >> yes, correct. >> made up the fact that joe biden was lost at the g7. meandering through a field, it was not true. i have i made it way to the new york post. all of her right wing media. it is oliver fox news this morning, yet none of them were talking about donald trump who earlier this week, i think he was in vegas, with giving a speech and somehow went so far off the rails talking about an electric boat and shark bites. we do have a clip of this, watch this. >> i say what would happen if the boat sank and you are in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is now underwater and there is a shark that is approximately 10 yards over there. by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, and you notice that? i watched some guys justifying it today. they were not really that angry. they bid up young ladies leg because of the fact that they were not hungry but they misunderstood she was. >> for real. what is he saying? that was unedited. yet we keep hearing that joe biden is people. >> sharks have an electric current sense. >> that is not what he was talking about. it sounds like he is high. >> okay, say you are on about. and then there is like a battery really far away. the ocean is electrified. do you accept the other side of the boat? you jump in and take your chances with the battery. it is insane to hear him. >> the comparison with joe biden is like trump will offer policy. joe biden makes. sometimes will stumble. sometimes it is embarrassing but. he has always done that. always. >> not a list, a stutter. >> he has worked with starters and their beautiful stories. he never promises policy. he never proposes a new system of governance or offers a marijuana hypothetical. he does not go on these insane rants. the equivalency for me is nonexistent. >> in some ways it's a real pity that there is not more coverage as there were four years ago. four years ago, people saw him unedited. >> it's not because. >> basically, joe biden is pushing up against the fact that as president of the united states, he's always going to be monitored and everything. donald trump has a huge advantage of being able to pop up whenever he wants, throw out a couple of sharp westerns and then disappear which joe biden cannot do. and covering of the way they were before. >> we criticize networks for not covering it up much and then it was the reverse before of why are you giving donald trump wall-to-wall coverage? >> we did with them. >> i think in 2016, he was new. he was novel but he was also more on point than he is now. yes, things saying were still rambling out but had eight better grasp of what he was trying to communicate at that time. it was more dangerous. >> having a negative charisma to it. there was a narrative. it was flawed and pretty much every way. at least he was going somewhere. as a comedian who appreciates, this guy is a maniac. he is playing on everybody's ears and he really understands the dynamics of what makes an audience work. now, he is. we will give them a hook, get them out of here. >> but i agree. there is a sense, though, that there is still a referendum on whether or not president biden is. every bit in every possible that can be shown seems somehow newsworthy. if you are like this just in. trump is a lunatic. we know. >> today is his birthday, i believe. if he wins, he will become the oldest president in history in the course of his term and no one is talking about that. >> we are right now. it's on a social media post which is actually quite hyper. happy birthday, donald. we both know what is like to be old. it's not a factor. we can get on. don't we have to go back to this narrative that the business community wants to lean on right now because the same business leaders you are talking to want to say he is feeble, he is incapable. joe biden has a laundry list of policy accomplishments and we hear the policies that donald trump wants to put forward. when we hear this week wesley let's get rid of the u.s. tax system and replace it retires. that is disastrous. is all of this really just a business community hiding behind the fact with what they really want? which is to buy their way into the white house and have it in donald trump's office so they can get whatever they want and ensure they get ahead of the ftc that is not being a con is not a question what's happening in the world. >> i think it's a lot of that. i do not know two things where in the next six months. one is what are you what is going to happen to tariffs and in particular, all of these factories they have been building in mexico, like that, vietnam, to try to get away from china and if you believe what was saying right now, they're going to slap tariffs on those factories too. that's going to really hurt. the other big thing is that because almost everything trump is talking about right now is going to increase. >> republicans used to care about that. >> they did. in fact, it is scary how unskilled they are right now of the size of the debt that keeps expanding and expanding. >> i just want to add. i think that what the business community is thinking about whether it is conscious or not is what is scarier to us? what is more appealing to us? having access to the white house, are we airing it enough to believe that we can control donald trump which we tried to do when he was president before? do we think that i could possibly work again? or are we more afraid of the idea that we would have a president who does not believe in the rule of law which at the end of the day, is what allowed america to be a great capital of society because we have rules we believe in courts, banquet, order. that is what made america a great place to do business. if you have a president is going to come in and say i do not like these rules. if a company makes me upset, desantis and disney put on a bigger scale, that is also scary. if you are looking at ceos, guys like, i think they are. are we more afraid of what could happen or are we more tantalized for the opportunity to go in there and control the white house? >> they have no fears about things like abortion rights because none of those things are ever going to affect them. >> steve short is not getting an abortion anytime soon. >> anybody in the universe you could ever need one will be all set. >> we are seeing republicans that attach joe biden for his fitness. many of their attacks are made up. their latest attack has been that joe biden has politicized and weaponized the doj. that was a little argument around donald trump's conviction. in this we, of course, hunter biden is found guilty and joe biden has very clearly said he would not pardon his son. how start is this difference? how can republicans keep making this argument now that joe biden has really put it out there? >> the funny thing is that i was in a difficult decision to vote for joe biden the first time around but when people released that some of the transcripts of his messages back and forth with his son and they were like look at joe biden interacting. it was like a facebook messenger of his son in rehab. as soon as i read it i was like he is a fundamentally decent guy. the way he talks about his son publicly, the way he treats his son publicly is someone -- a parent of a child with addiction. >> has millions of his parents in this country. >> is one of the admiral things about them. i think it reflects on him really well. i think he handles it beautifully. it must be very difficult. >> republicans don't know what to do with that. they have that the doj is weaponized. they tried to dismiss the guilty verdict as they are just covering up the real biden family crimes that we have not found any real evidence of and cannot prove surely, this guilty conviction is really just a mastermind scheme to prevent us from learning the truth. they twist himself into the around this cognitive distance is really fascinating to watch. >> for four years, fox news has been where is hunter? and he stood there in a courtroom by his family and he has accepted his sentence. could this end up being -- i'm not saying a positive for president biden but to your point, is this an opportunity for america to see the importance of decency? >> the evangelicals react to this because if you believe in punishment and serving time and the redemption and forgiveness and family loyalty, this is actually behavior that the evangelical church would be applauding and uploading. >> a huge evangelical viewership. nobody is going anywhere. when we return, the supreme court makes another controversial decision on guns. >> two of the justices come under increased scrutiny yet again. later, president biden goes to hollywood. does star power actually get up the votes? when "the nightcap" in the 11th hour continues. do not go anywhere. anywhere. about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. 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(roommate) i did. of this story really matters. the supreme court today struck down a ban on bump stocks that was put in place after the shooting in las vegas that left 58 people dead and over 400 wounded. okay. when you guys look at how the court's ruling, involving any of these cases on guns, it consistently comes down on the side of fewer restrictions. the epidemic from gun violence is a uniquely american problem. it is not gone away. it is only getting worse. where do we go from here in terms of stopping gun violence? it was one of the few things that you heard all sorts of americans say. this was at least something. it was a good idea. >> the fact that this court can even take something that happened during the trump administration to say no, completely unconstitutional. can try to pretend like the law is not written in such a way that these weapons of mass killing do not fall under the direct category of machine guns for it to be properly regulated. that is wild. and it was completely ideological split and i think that it just showcases how on these matters, there is no real debate amongst members. what is it that will allow for the least amount of restriction when it comes to guns and work backwards from there? >> it is an ideological split in two ways. one on guns but the other is on what kind of power that branch has. this is not the first decision and will not be the last where the supreme court weighs in on. what can an executive branch do? there remember the trump era was a decision by the justice department which initially said no, we cannot. we have to have congress. trump really wanted it. they found a way. for the supreme court does not like is the idea that presidents and their administrations can basically make laws executive orders and other things that they are saying no. who does that empower? it empowers congress, which theoretically is completely dysfunctional and. then, it really empowers the supreme court. the supreme court is giving itself a tremendous amount of power here in this ruling and were going to see it again and again. if you really want gun reform, you have to elect. >> there is so many voices telling us that elections are important and this is just another one. if you want to have one, you have to take away the power from the executive branch and it all comes down the legislation. >> it's not just, it's around environmental policy, financial policy, antitrust policy. >> so many errors right now, you are seeing essentially coming back from the agencies and back into supreme court. frankly, that is the really scary prospect if congress is unable to, as you say, do anything at all. >> do you think this puts more pressure on congress to act because every poll out there, more and more americans want something done in terms of common sense gun safety. >> feels like largely a bipartisan issue. >> the power has weakened. >> do you know what? if this is on checks and balances, yes. the answer to your question is yes. it's what the people want. it's what the trump administration want in the biden demonstration wants. look. i can understand if based on the powers of the presidency were the interpretation but therefore, this thing that turns a gun into a machine gun, this semantic loophole that allows for many more deaths should be closed by congress. it seems like an easy one. >> all of this has gone. let's talk about some of the specific justices. today we learned more questionable news about supreme court justice clarence thomas. that he took more trips, got more perks from the texas billionaire harlan crow. even if harlan crow does not have any specific business before this court, it does not seem like it smells right and clarence thomas does not seem to care. >> he really does not. he understands weekly that because congress is not going to try to even think about impeaching him which is the only for supreme court justice that he can basically do whatever. as much as i appreciate the idea of trying to push for a code of ethics. in congress, you see that are not willing to try and publicize support for pushing this idea and trying to make more broadly known of the issues that are in play here and they are not even willing to, what i would suggest that they would do is take the ethics code to make it truly impossible. in the legislation, make say if you violate this code, it is grounds for impeachment. including bribery are included in this. >> i just want to know if there is a status. >> i want to know if he is getting lounge access. >> meanwhile, he has always wanted his public ran to be like we just go out and take and we love these national parks. it is all a bunch of baloney. >> minimum. >> but the thing is, republicans who don't want to address this in congress, who don't want talk about new ethics codes are saying democrats just want this to happen because they don't like decisions that the supreme court is making. >> many things can be true at once. >> there is that. and at the same time, they do believe that if we are going to have faith in the government, it is not just mean no conflict of interest. it means that you can have the appearance of the conflict of interest and of course, in washington, everybody knows that some decisions are made. all the power is power. yes, they were elections. but a lot of the influence happens in social settings. on someone's really nice, find two really great vacation. that would be a really good place. >> people think that is how politicians operate. for all these years, we have had this naove false notion that does not happen with the supreme court. >> exactly. that is one of the reasons why, i do think some of applicants quietly are upset about what is happening with and thomas, justice toledo because it is giving the american public actual reason to believe that supreme court justices are just like politicians. when they see the ratings for congress, you know that is a big thing. >> and the picture always was congress. now you have this one going into the supreme court. politicians can be bought and paid for but they have to get themselves elected, re-elected every few years in that keeps them operating within the lines. but for the supreme court, they have no consequences. they have these jobs until the day they die and now we see plain and simple but they are behaving how they want. think about this. it does not seem to go away. now there is more. it's like how do you think this is going to end up? he does not seem to care. >> it's like there is a hole of people who are in charge and setting down of how america is going to operate. i find it shocking having born in the uk, i am not an american citizen but this was exactly the pattern that the original founding fathers were created to fight. we can joke that martha is the new karen but there is nothing funny about it. >> are the really no consequences? every time anything comes out, there are no consequences? there is nothing? >> for impeachment, you need congress. >> it seems egregious. >> there is no consequences. that is why there is no hard for someone to get confirmed on the bed. >> someone said to me. >> i saw at the mark twain awards. i had to sit through a long comedy show. this could be a private jet. within the comedians do their best. you know? >> everybody is sitting right here. when we come back, joe biden did not go to the candidacy center, he is going to hollywood. here's the question. how much does a star power, public campaign. in the 11th hour in the nightcap continue. we are going to begin. begin. they are doing. their donations are funding the research. the research is allowing for the treatments to happen. and those treatments provide cures. and the cures are allowing patients to get to grow up and live amazing lives all around the world. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. hi honey. ahhh...ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty.♪ nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. this charmin ultra soft smooth tear is soooo soft and soo smooth. charmin ultra soft smooth tear has wavy perforations that tear so much better for a smooth more enjoyable go. charmin, enjoy the go. -cologuard®? 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>> i am a millennial. >> what you think about this? >> i agree. i think celebrities tend to try to play a little bit. not as much as business leaders but they will vote for democratic fundraisers who go out and register to vote without telling people specifically who to vote for. the people know. i do think that the money being raised is more important in this case. especially since right now the biden campaign democrats do have a fund-raising lead of a rebel against but given the hall that came in right after trumps conviction, that is something that is wild. >> it's also most likely designed in time. donald trump needed a really positive headline after the conviction. we would be fools to think that that was orchestrated. >> they had that fundraising imo ready to go. as part of their fundraising strategy to be late look at how aggrieved i am. look at how much i am being persecuted. but i think that the fundraiser in hollywood is important and helped keep that going. i think that the amount of money being spent right now for so many low information voters out there. look at the polls and see how many people are really engaged in paying attention right now. the only way beyond celebrities saying go out and get the polls is to spend added dollars right now and to inform them about what is at stake. >> you need those. we know on the republican side, it's not going to go there. we are keeping the money but can we talk about. two months ago when at radio city and republicans went after. process much money. it's disgusting, revolting. fast-forward. fundraisers for him and silicon valley. >> if your retaliation fundraiser, he was like and have it be twice as big. >> fundraisers in london. >> that they will lose this weekend and say look at joe biden. he is not a real man. he is not standing for america. when you are doing the exact same thing with just a different flavor of rich people. >> that is such an interesting question because that republicans care about democracy. i don't think exists anymore. especially when you look at all the people who have come back to trenton. you mentioned earlier on wednesday. came to congress in ever but he fell in line, even mitch mcconnell who hates him. >> they were all there. i think hypocrisy is no longer an issue for the party. something else is going on and if you've read mitt romney's book, a lot of people will say it is fear. they do not have a security test and they understand that donald trump's supporters are extremely but also, somewhat violent as we saw on january 6. in the event that they are trying to erase. there is a lot at stake is not just supporting donald trump. >> you sought with lindsey graham. spoke out against donald trump on january 6 that night. the next day, he was at reagan national airport flying to south carolina and got all but physically attacked by trumm supporters. a minute later, he is at mar-a- lago saying you got a perfect. >> can we give another shout out to liz cheney? >> always. >> she is one of the few people who have been totally consistent all the way through. >> it has. i want to talk about this. celebrities may be coming out for president biden but do you know who is not? studios. there is this movie that is coming out about donald trump. >> the apprentice, dave sherman. it has already gotten amazing reviews but there is a really good chance people do not get to see it. studios are shying away, they do not want to buy this thing. they do not want to put it out there. what is that say about where we are as a country? is that not showing that business leaders do not want to get all sides with the next potential president? that feels very russian of us. >> it's actually a really big shift right now in the movie business away from having distribution for the controversial documentaries and controversial films. this comes at the end of a big trend that you are seeing which is. there been great movies about russia, china, middle east which are not being either. the fact that they are running shy is about control. >> absolutely. that is a problem. and there is the fear that we have already discussed around politicians. in terms of business leaders. do you want to get on the wrong side of donald trump? >> doesn't that feel like many russia? >> there is a world in which the election comes and goes and if donald trump were to lose, the movie would get distribution. because that is the balance. are we going to be rewarded by donald trump because he will give us all the business perks we want work will be be punished by donald trump because he actually does not believe in the rule of law that allows for business people to succeed? this is another example. let's see what happens after november. >> after you said that, our audience definitely needs to get a drink. were going to take a quick commercial break. take a walk around the block and have a deep breath but when we come back, it's time for our mvps of the week. you do not want to miss it. we will be back in two. >> >> for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. sup? -who are you? for up to 8 hours i'm your inner child. get in. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] oh now we're torquin'! the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. wealth-changing question -- are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? 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who can treat this? stop typing, and start talking. it could be a medical condition called peyronie's disease, or pd. you're not alone, there is hope. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose and treat pd. visit today. our nightcap is still here and i am not letting them leave until they share their mvps of the week. who had the most significant week? >> okay. >> this is your late night twist. it's not because of his sense, it's because after the right- wing, he said right. let's not normalize populism. let's call it out. i'm going to call an election and face it down. it is a massive gamble. he might lose it but the fact is he's trying to tell the western world including america let's start normalizing right- wing populism in call it what it is and fight it. >> were you surprised? people keep thinking the trumm effect is here. >> that's no accident. trying to create a broader, right-wing populist movement. but yes. europe is looking at the same as in america right now. >> all right. i'm going to go with my colleagues because i love them. lisa and elizabeth diaz. they just came out with a book called. it is incredibly well written. it is very well reported and i think a lot of people assume that roe v. wade was overturned because donald trump three supreme court justices on the bench and that is true but it was really a long running plan by conservative legal scholars, by pro-life advocates to overturn this decision. it was also a really bad slip for pro-choice people to believe that roe could not be overturned. to just take their eyes off the ball. >> did they take their eye off the ball. >> that's one of the great things about this book. i cannot emphasize how well it is, how beautifully written. when barack obama was elected, the belief that roe was going to be forever. the belief that we were on a completely progressive track in the united states was something that not just people who support abortion believe. it was something that a lot of people believe. the trump era was such a shock to so many but one of the reasons is because they were complacency. i think such a good job of explaining this. especially within that supreme court. that was thrown out not because we had nine supreme court justices. it was thrown out because the people brought this case who just have standing when other people can and do have the standing. >> exactly. they are the very same people who helped get row overturned. >> we see year after year. look at the. hooligans know how to get organized and >> if they are willing to play it out for years and decades, they are really patient. >> the state of north dakota. for passing a measure for setting an age limit on people running for congress because. >> there are some really amazing politicians who are over the age of 80. i think we should keep them. they are literally grandfathers and grandfathered in. >> the abrogated average age of the u.s. senator is dead. the oldest government on the planet in terms of the average politicians and it is just time. people should be able to retire and spend time with their. i think this is a good first step and i was surprised to see it and i think it is nice. >> you go, north dakota. >> i am giving it to the head of the consumer finance protection bureau. >> does not give a lot of love. have hated it from the jump because who wants to protect consumers from fraud and bad business practices? who wants that? they've tried to defund it, they've tried to say that it is unconstitutional. and yet, they keep doing good things. this week, what they did was next to vice president harris, they announced that they're going to propose a rule that will make it so that medical debt can no longer be up right applied to credits court. this is can be huge for millions of americans. the policy is going to actually help people. one in five american households has medical that right now. typically, around $4600. >> that is not their fault. and a lot of times, you have bills that stack up and if you call them and challenge them, they're like no, you do not owe that money actually. there was a mistake in your insurance. every thing is fine. but it is currently negatively impacting the credit score, affecting their lives. my one concern with this is because the woman can year and then suddenly if trump wins. >> i love that is being done. >> even if he gets credit. >> my mvp. remember. it would be the best or the worst but it's got to be a big week. mine had a huge one. elon musk. love him or hate him. for killing twitter am x, whatever you want to call it. tesla shareholders we approved his 45 billion. jillian and i used to cover when we were talking about ceos getting $45 million with people being up in arms about it. pay package. that basically pays him back for buying twitter. he got twitter for free. despite complaints, harassment suits. conduct that a lot of people do not approve of. the company shareholders, they tell the world tesla is musk and musk is tesla. this week he is winning. >> it's good that you really love them. i do not love it. >> do driver tesla? >> i live in new york city. thank you all for being here. remember just for us, out now on max and i don't know if it's that good well guess what? he is getting a tony for this weekend. congratulations. we will be right back after this. that's nice, but shingles doesn't care! 99% of adults 50 years or older already have the virus that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. a perfect day for a family outing! guess what? shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. will shingles doecare. but shingrix protects. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. ♪ [suspenseful music] trains. 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