Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240703

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good evening. house republicans thought they had a new nominee for speaker till about an hour and a half ago. take you to capitol hill and show you what happened. also tonight, israel's bombardment of terror targets in gaza is inten intensifying and e criticism of statementings by theouted nation secretary general about the war here in the u.s. and concerns of mass evacuation of americans in the region. jacqui heinrich at the white house on t teheran's role in the attacks and new comments from the israeli hostages released yesterday. a short time ago the house speaker race imploded again. reporter: good evening. another day, another speaker nominee drops out. tom emmer was the speaker nominee for only four hours and gop burned through three speaker nominees in less than two weeks. >> tom is a great guy, but the voter base wants somebody not in leadership. >> mr. emmer agrees with me that the election was not stolen. he voted to certify. reporter: mr. trump said voting for emmer would be "a big mistake". >> tom emmer looks like he's finished. he was a supporter so he's finished. never know. reporter: mike johnson of louisiana, byron donalds of florida and kevin her honor of f louisiana and >> bret: chad, all kinds of things flying around here and if the former president is going to weigh in and say it hags to be someone that was loyal to him with different votes in the past, how possibly are they going to get to the 217 if not getting democrats to buy into somebody? reporter: it is absolutely impossible. i spoke we lie crane earlier and he said -- with eli crane and he said the phone was lighting up and just against tom emmer. tom emmer and former president trump were never on the same pain, bret. >> bret: thank you. now to the arro war in israel. they launched 400 strikes over the past day hitting hamas commanders and militants launching rockets into israel and u.s. preparing for a major evacuations from the region and reporter: good evening. free from captivity, yocheved lifshitz talking about her kibbutz being overrun and driven on a motorcycle to a spider web of tunnels underneath the gaza strip. >> i've been through hell. reporter: one of the hostages released yesterday and was beaten by kidnappers and held captive with 25 other prisoners and they were fed and checked on by a dr. >> we do not know what is the story of the 175 or so other prisoners. >> we're doing everything to bring you back. reporter: israel is dropping warnings from above. releasing leaflets offering money about information about hostages and urging palestinians to leave northern gaza and some refusing. >> if they want to billion us, they might as well while we're here. we will not leave. reporter: situation is growing more deadly by the day. reporter: lebanon caretaker prime minister met with the commander of the armed forces today and surprise visit happened in the town near the israeli border a little over ten miles from the fighting. with threats from the north and south, first responders in israel are prepared for the long haul. >> how do you deal with that? >> it's not easy. i'm keeping becausey and don't even have time to think about it. reporter: hamas divers attempted to swim north and infiltrate the ggaza strip and they were detected by the navy and killed in the water and the tunnel they used to enter the water was blown up. bret. >> bret: mike tobin in southern israel. mike, thank you. iran is supporting action in the middle east and decisions about whether to evacuate all u.s. citizens from the war zone. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich more live from the north lawn. reporter: good evening. there was no progress getting aid into gather s and civilians out or hostages released and secretary blinken calling to sr. consider a humanitarian aid and a ceasefire they oppose and a big concern on their mind is the prospect of the war widening. >> three separate typ types in syria. >> a shift in messaging proclaiming the u.s. holds iran responsible for proxy attacks on american forces over the last week. >> is the u.s. taking this as a signal that iran is in fact trying to widen the war? >> there's no indication that any other nation state or actor is preparing for elmore nathanial hackettely to escalate this and we're watching it closely. >> republican lawmakers say this warning -- >> the united states does not seek conflict with iran. make no mistake, we will defend our people. >> fell flat. >> what will you do to stop it? as long as they see this perceived weakness in opportunity, they're going to continue to take it. the palestinian people are subjected to years of suffocation. >> u.s. secretary general lost all morality and impar issue y'allty. >> more care -- im impartiality. >> it's hamas. they're to blame. it's not the ziti reallies. ziti raillies. rocket and drone attacks on u.s. bases in iraq and syria putting a spotlight on secretary blinken's at the same time that the u.s. will defend its people, brett. jackie live from the north lawn, jacqui, thank you. >> bret: senators, thank you for being here. i want to get that trip and senator thune, what you took away and this point we're in in this war. >> bret, thank you. i was grateful for the chance to travel with senator thune and eight others and senior members of the appropriations and armed services and the foreign >> we had a long meeting with the crowned prince and in rihad and cairo and overarching objective was to stand firmly and getting everything to attack and showing strong and bipartisan support and engage with our critical regional partners and to emphasize that hamas is like isis. on administration that should be driven from the region that should be ended and that deserves to be called out and object of aggression by every civilized nation. knave done everything as horrible as what isis was doing and mobilize a coalition against hamas. >> bret: senator thune, we saw and heard compelling sound bytes from the trip. >> israel cannot exist side by side with a terrorist organization whose main mission is to kill jews and wipe israel off the map and as simple as that and you can understand why there's so much frustration and apings in the country and see what's happening on their border and attacks five times and this time it's they need everything to go after this vicious terrorist regime enabled by iran and destroy it. that's what has to happen and we also need to lay down some markers and some red lines with respect to iran and made that very clear. >> those attacks are going up, senator coons. there's no respond and should there be and what do you think the mesosang should be to iran? >> these are mostly by the pr proxies and houthis and hezbollah and hamas. iran trained fighters of hamas and behind the other proxies in the north of israel and in the south of lebanon in yemen on the arabian peninsula in iraq and we need to strike back and be prepared for the very real prospect this will get harder before it gets easier and every leader in israel expressed frat dude for secretary austin and biden and in particular that we have two carrier strike groups in the region and there's 80 jet fighters each. we've prepared for mobilizing thousands of troops if necessary. having a bipartisan delegation of senior senators we're going to push back on iran through proxies. proxies. >> bret: i appreciate that answer but, senator thune, there's a concern about getting drawn in to something that develops into world war iii and there's real doubt if you ask americans to get drawn n. they want to support israel and go after hamas but as far as attacking iran, how do you balance that and how does the pushback look in >> that's a good question. but not responding is not an option either and animated force behind the he'll in that region is iran. they are all the entities and terrorist organizations and iranian proxies and iran needs to understand that they cannot continue to engage with and support these terrorist organizations in the region and in particular now with their attacks on american troops. that is a whole new level of escalation and the message has to be sent. i don't think we can't afford not to act and not acting is in my view is even worse long term for the region and for the world. >> yeah, senator coons, you mentioned the meeting with the saudi crowned prince. i traveled over and had an interview with him and talked to bb netanyahu, the israeli prime minister and the sense that the organization was very close. perhaps hamas and iran saw that as well but seemed that attack was months in the making. is there a sense that they're going to have a role going forward in whatever this looks like after this gaza mission happens? >> bret, that's my hope and the hope that animated this delegation of ten senators f the possibility of a peaceful future where the arab israeli conflict comes to an end. >> hamas is using innocent palestinians as shields and suffering for palestinians in gaza and direct result os hof damages taking by hamas and violence >> an end to israeli arab conflict and investment in development and a two state solution for palestine and israel is the hopeful prospect and the next few weeks and months will determine which path we're on and i completely understand and respect >> he's committed and nobody in the region benefits when you've got terrorist organizations operating and i think everybody realizes if there's a more peaceful and stable region in that part of the world, everybody has to be apart of the solution. they want normalization. i hope that process can continue. obviously it's going to be >> bell, senator coons and thune, thank you so much and appreciate you coming on common ground. see all the common ground segments on my podcast. find that on all star panel podcast under the bret baier podcast wherever you download podcasts anden on the youtube page for fox news. a big day for former president donald trump and his legal issues and that story is a complete wrapup coming up next. , that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. this is a hot flash. this is a hot flash. but this is a not flash. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ there's big news for women going through menopause. veozah - a prescription treatment for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms - the medical name for hot flashes and night sweats. with hormone-free veozah, you can have fewer hot flashes, and more not flashes. veozah is proven to reduce the number and severity of hot flashes, day and night. for some women, it can start working in as early as one week. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney 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i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. get started at here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch, it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> bret: one of former president trump's top aids in the white house may soon be on opposite sides from him in court. a be, c news reporting former chief of staff mark me does granted -- meadows granted immunity by jack smith and will testify against the former president. we're working to independently confirm this and there's been multiple talks between meadows and smith. also tonight, former president trump came face-to-face in court with his former long time lawyer and fixer michael cohen during trump's fraud trial in new york. meanwhile in georgia, in another case, another former trump associate is pleading guilty taking a deal in the georgia election interference case. jonathan seri has the story from atlanta. >> former trump attorney jenna ellis pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting false statements in writings and a georgia subcommittee hearing in georgia 2020 and assisted rudy giuliani and ray smith and they say -- ray smith and contained false statements about an election fraud in the narrow loss about joe biden. >> i relied on others with more more experience to pomade me with information and what i should have done was make sure the facts the other lawyers alleged to be true for in fact true. >> there was no credible evidence to prove the claims made by trump associates and going to plead guilty in the case. >> we've seen a codefendant thrown under the bus as well as express remorse. >> that remorse makes her more attractive for georgia prosecutors building their case against the former president. meanwhile, former long time lawyer and fixer michael cohen. he helped manipulate the value of the trump properties and make the president appear more wealthy. >> this is not about donald trump versus michael cohen and accountability plain and simple. >> thanks, nate. meanwhile in u.s. special council jack smith's federal case regarding january 6, former white house chief of staff mark meadows believed mr. trump was being dishonest with the american people claiming he won the 2020 election hours after polls closed according to the abc report meadows told smith's team "obviously we didn't win". bret. >> bret: john serrie in atlanta, thank you. 5,000 workers at general motor plant in texas joined auto workers strike and comes one day after the union targeted a stellantis pickup truck factory in michigan and the texas action brings ports of entrial of uaw members who have walked off their jobs to 46,000 and that's entering a series of strikes it is sixth week. strong earnings reports pushed stocks and you happen s&p finished 31 and nasdaq jumped 22 today. up next, how china is seizing the opportunity to push the global agenda amid the wars in israel and ukraine. first, here's what some of the fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 13 in portland as off duty pilot charged with more than 80 counts of attempted murder told police he thought he was having a nervous breakdown and experimented with psychedelic mushrooms in the recent past. 44-year-old joseph david emerson tried to shutoff engines on a plane bound for san francisco this weekend and facing a federal charge. khon in hand honolulu and west d most of the area could be reopened last month and damaged by deadly wild fires in last august. a live look at salt lake city in salt lake and one of the big stories tonight and a massive golden spike honoring the thousands of workers that build the transcontinental railroad arrived at the new home in utah. 43-foot monument rolled into salt lake on a flat bed truck and will remain on view for the public at utah state capitol. tonight's live look outside the beltway from special report. we'll be right back. ♪ dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way. tic # # ♪fun music♪ mom, can i help? camping was fun, but it looks we brought the woods back with us. if you have kids, then you really need weathertech. it's the ultimate way to kid proof your vehicle. from laser-measured floorliners for the front and rear... to cargoliner... seat protector... and seat back protectors... we've got you covered. your turn. [laughter] find these american made products at >> bret: welshing the world is focused on battlefields in ukraine and israel, some see china as advancing towards global dominance. mark merr death takes a look at- mark meredith takes a look at that tonight. >> they are asking new questions about the military future. in the middle east, china is engaged and chinese state media reporting prc has six warships in the region. the move comes as u.s. officials warn beijing is becoming more aggressive on multiple fronts. >> they have an interest in driving wedges between the united states and allies and partners. those include the philippines where the u.s. is reaffirming its support after chinese ships blocked and slide with filipeno vessels in the shout china sea. in a new report to congress, pentagon said china is increasing the capabilities to "strengthsen the prc ability to fight and win wars". china has the word east laryngoest navy and expanding the nuclear arsenal. prc will have over 1,000 working warheads by 2030. china is taking steps to protect itself economically limiting exports of some rare metals. >> they're pursuing what we for years known as military civil fusion development strategy. >> china calls it "full of prejudice and accuses the u.s. of fear mongering". it's not scaring off gavin newsom. he's in china this week on a goodwill tour and newsom told a crowd in hong kong seeing the prc as long term ally regardless on climate change. >> subnationally, you have a partner in the state of california. >> bret: mark, thank you. ha mags is trying to is up -- hamas trying to supplement it is finances by using cryptocurrency and a strategy proving to be difficult for western fors to counter act. kelly o'grady shows us that from new york. reporter: more than 100 lawmakers calling on biden administration to take action on how hamas financing the surprise attack on israel. ziti railly authorities -- israeli authorities froze a number of accounts on social media. the fund terrorism has grown in popularity, especially to circumvent sanctions and it's attractive because anyone can set up a digital wallet often without undergoing traditional banking security checks and some crypto donations are traceable on a digital ledger called the block chain, experts tell us groups like hamas work around this with a practice called crypto mixing. >> what we see happening that's a bit different is actual money laundering and someone can take dirty cash and transfer into crypto because there's a broker on the ground to do it and that's how bad guys launder illicit catch they have. reporter: crypto can go from a stricter environment to a laxed one. many digital exchanges set up shop in countries more friendly to concealing finances and the treasury department imposed sanctions on gaza-based exchange to alleged ties to hamas. bret. >> bret: dozens of u.s. states are suing meta platforms and accusing them of contributing to a youth mental health crisis through the addicting nature of social media platforms and 33 states now say the company that operates facebook and misled the public and dangers of the platforms and knowingly endeuced young children and teenagers into addictive and compulsive youth and meta sought to make teens safe. up next, talking with former member of israeli defense forces counter terrorism forces about the situation on the ground and israel's tactical strategy going forward. my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. 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>> some of the debrief and some of these hostage san juaquins give the idf is for to what they see on the ground. >> any information is gleaning for the hostage rescue and another person is and looking at this incursion and the fact that we can buy time and speak to people that have been released and and the tunnels about the building ands it's going to be a symmetrical warfare and looking at multiple targets that israel hits with the general staffer and recognizance and police have one hostage every building and every tunnel and every entrance and structure and who's standing inside and outside and where in the room and all the almosts will come together to be able to actualize really positive effective operations and we want to know everything. >> bret: yeah, you believe this scoop this is axios saying they're willing to delay the invasion to discuss large release of hostages saying their military launches a ground invasion and deal for hostages will be nearly impossible if that happens right away and israeli officials acknowledge some have been killed and -- in air strikes and they're willing to get as many hostages out. you buy that? >> i don't. i don't think hamas -- i do. i don't think hamas will really negotiate. that's not their intention and their goal is from the river to the sea. we've seen the atrocities committed on october 7 here. it was a blood bath and at this point right now, again, back to the hostages. obviously it's our first priority, bret, the incursion is almost answerlation at this point. we've got -- ancillary and we have all the brigades and several hundred thousand reservists and it's surrounded and can turn into a pressure cooker and israel has a lot of experience in gaza and not the first time being there. the hostages number one, i believe that we're going to try it again slow this thing down when it is time to go in there for the incursion, we can take our time. we can work slow and delib deliberately. like we say in hebrew, slow and deliberate clears. when there's no hostages, we can take our time and get air tans in and special operation air force operations and guiding the missiles and doing the strategic strikes and really the focus is with the hostages and i don't believe hamas is negotiating what they're showing in good faith. it's to buy time and it's allowing us to really just figure out what aboutly where we need to put these. >> bret: knowing over years what the enemy looks like, hamas, hezbollah, do you have any doubt they may be trying 23t aways in the past 33 days and knowing what you know, do you think that's possible? >> well, i can tell you this, since my service in the idf, i've been working in law enforcement for 25 years training swat teams in the israeli method, limited penetration for entry and counter terrorism, it's no secret that the southern border is porous. no secret that every law enforcement agency in every major city on tack alert and while it's not being discussed publicly, everybody is very concerned and it's not a big deal, it's not tough to get into that southern border of venezuela, pass worts and all kinds -- passports and all kinds of things i'm hearing and u.s. national law enforcement on the macro level needs to have a hard look at capabilities and weariness not going to talk about columbine one or two shooters here. i think there's a risk and i think that the entire system needs to be looked at honestly and tightened so those responders have the training that they need and the tools to be able to deal with this if it foods over. >> bret: aaron cohen, scary, we appreciate the time. >> thank you. >> bret: up next, panel on house speaker and israel hamas war. ♪ ♪ with fastsigns, create custom graphics that get tails and tongues wagging. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement. mlb chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. 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this is what we get if we vote republican. i don't see any end to it. that's the sad thing. >> you have seen kuhns. he's offering to lower the threshold of votes republicans would need. dysfunction is a national global security issue. i would sit out the speaker vote if tom emmer will fund the government, bring israel and ukraine bills to the floor and come to rule changes. tom emmer was out today. he didn't make it. i assume the deal is still on the table. is that what it's going to take a coalition speaker? >> that sounds a little bit more like a ploy for publicity. he's announcing his campaign. >> in new hampshire. there's no map ahead for what is going to happen next. you're starting to hear more now out in the swing states from voters who are saying like, what is going on? why are these people not focused on inflation and actually moving legislation and the country potentially hurdling toward a government shutdown. so i think at some point, you know, republicans are going to have to decide how this is going to eventually take a total on their image. there just seems to be no end in sight at the moment. >> right. so how do you get from plan a to point b? >> i don't know. seriously, i thought, okay. look, right now, johnson has the best shot because he came in second in the fifth round. the fact that i am even saying that, a fifth round. >> you're pulling this close. >> i would agree with what both of them said. this is to say it is a democrat. i don't say this, to be honest. not only do we have a debt ceiling issue, we have what's going on in the middle east. we need a leader and we need a functioning government. i don't care how big or small your majority is. this hurts americans, democrats or republics. politically, i don't see this helping republicans. i do see it helping democrats or perhaps some other nondemocratic or republican affiliated runner because people are going to say, wait, we gave you a shot and you couldn't legislate because you couldn't even get somebody in charge to get the ball rolling. >> speaking of israel and what's happening. israeli ambassador to the u.n. called out the secretary-general very publicly. take a listen to this. >> there are people displaced. their homes demolished. their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing. >> you are blaming israel? this is a pure blood rival. this is a pure blood rival. i think the secretary-general must resign. >> bret: that was quite something, steve. >> good for him. quite right. completely agree. the united nations is a complete disgrace on the issue. i saw them talking about israeli ethnic cleansing at a time like this. what the u.n. should be doing is demanding the qataris who are harboring the criminals who orchestrated this attack. >> bret: the head of hamas, yeah. >> why aren't the u.n. demanding that that person be given up and put on trial for these crimes? what about iran being confronted? we have to give up, the biden administration, any mention of iran to placate these extremists who always take the side as long as it's anti-israel. >> bret: quickly, the white house is trying to be clear with its messaging had to do some things from the podium on moral clarity. >> this is such a tricky balance for them because you obviously have so much of the u.s. is supportive of israel. there is a generational divide that biden is trying to deal with here. and it's just, you know, we're looking at potentially a widening war in the middle east where they may have to put together all kinds of evacuation plans. it's a tricky time for the white house to navigate. >> bret: it is. panel, thank you very much. good to be here in l.a. tomorrow i will be coming to you from the nixon library with the latest on the war in the middle east. we'll also talk to israeli ambassador to the u.s. michael herzog. if you can't catch us live, set your dvr. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. fair, balanced and still unafraid. the ingraham angle is coming up right now. >> laura: good evening, everyone. this is ingraham angle from washington tonight. moments before this show started iran took aim at sry

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County Sheriff S Office , Teams , Football , Soccer , Loves , Rolling Stones , Two , Arsenal , Tongue Shirt , Bret Baier , Thing , Screen , Spoon , The Egg , Greg , Israel , House Republicans , Gaza , Speaker , Nominee , Terror Targets , Half , Bombardment , Capitol Hill , U S , Region , Secretary General , War , Mass Evacuation , Concerns , Statementings , Criticism , Hurts Americans , Theouted Nation , Hostages , Attacks , Role , Comments , White House , Jacqui Heinrich , On T Teheran , Reporter , Tom Emmer , Gop , Speaker Nominee , Race , House Speaker , Another Day , Three , Four , Nominees , Guy , Donald Trump , Somebody , Emmer , Election , Mr , Leadership , Voting , Voter Base , A Big Mistake , Supporter , Mike Johnson , Bret , Honor , Louisiana , Byron Donalds , Kevin Hearn , Chad , Florida , Things , President , Someone , Votes , Kinds , 217 , Crane , Phone , Eli Crane , Hamas , Strikes , Pain , Commanders , Militants , Rockets , Arro War In Israel , 400 , Evacuations , Yocheved Lifshitz , Tunnels , Overrun , Captivity , Motorcycle , Kibbutz , Spider Web , One , Prisoners , Kidnappers , Captive , Dr , Hell , 25 , Story , 175 , Everything , Warnings , Leaflets , Information , Palestinians , Money , Northern Gaza , Situation , Commander , Caretaker , Prime Minister , Visit , Armed Forces , Lebanon , Responders , Border , Becausey , Town , Fighting , Threats , Haul , Don T , North And South , Ten , Tunnel , Water , Navy , Ggaza Strip , Hamas Divers , Iran , Action , Middle East , Citizens , Whether , Decisions , The War Zone , Aid , Civilians , Progress , Blinken , North Lawn , Concern , Prospect , War Widening , Mind , Ceasefire , Fact , Messaging , Types , Signal , American Forces , Shift , Syria , Typ , Conflict , Nation State , Lawmakers , Factor , Indication , Warning , Elmore Nathanial Hackettely , People , Opportunity , Weakness , Flat , Mistake , Y Allty , Im Impartiality , Suffocation , Morality , Impar , Ziti Raillies , Ziti Reallies , Drone Attacks , Bases , Rocket , Iraq , Syria Putting A Spotlight On Secretary Blinken , Jackie , Senators , Jacqui , Point , Members , Trip , Senator , Thune , Chance , Armed Services , Others , Senator Thune , Appropriations , Eight , Foreign , Meeting , Prince , Rihad , Support , Objective , Overarching , Cairo , Partners , Administration , Isis , Nation , Object , Coalition , Aggression , Sound Bytes , Organization , Israel Cannot , Jews , Mission , Side By , Country , Times , Map , Frustration , Apings , Five , Respect , Terrorist Regime , Lines , Markers , Senator Coons , Mesosang , Pr Proxies And Houthis , Proxies , North , Fighters , South , Hezbollah , Leader , Frat Dude , Arabian Peninsula , Troops , Joe Biden , Thousands , Carrier Strike Groups , Jet Fighters , Secretary Austin , 80 , Delegation , Something , Doubt , Answer , World War Iii , Question , Pushback , Terrorist Organizations , Force , Option , Entities , Level , Particular , World , Term , View , Message , Escalation , Attack , Sense , Bb Netanyahu , Interview , Saw , Saudi , Hope , Gaza Mission , Making , Looks , End , Future , Possibility , Arab Israeli , Suffering , Violence , Os , Result , Hof , Investment , State Solution , Development , Path , Everybody , Nobody , Process , Solution , Part , Normalization , Podcast , Star Panel Podcast , Common Ground , Bell , Youtube , Issues , Big Day , Fox News , Coming Up , Breakthroughs , Beans , Borders , Genius , Breakthrough Card , More , Cash , Purchases , Reality , Ink Business Premier Card , Ideas , Spending Potential , Chase For Business , Sam , 2 , 2 5 , 000 , 5000 , Flash , Women , Feeling , News , Menopause , Flashes , Veozah , Prescription Treatment , Moderate , Night Sweats , Symptoms , Name , Number , Kidney Problems , Values , Liver , Severity , Kidney Failure , Blood Test , Cirrhosis , Cyp1a2 Inhibitors , Cyp1 , Side Effects , Diarrhea , Doctor , Stomach Pain , Back Pain , Treatment , Difficulty Sleeping , Business , Fan Experience , Game , T Mobile , 5g Solutions , Businesses , Mlb , 5 , Aaa , 5g Network , Back On The Road , Network , Spread , Wildfires , Pano Ai Innovate , Remi , Dog , Food , Health , Farmer , Improvements , Energy , Happiness , Allergies , Devie Duckduckgo , Fo , Longlivedogs Com , Catch , Ads , Blocks Cooi , Engine , Companie , Searchs , Pi , Google , Chrome , Doesn T Spy , Fre , Built N , Privacy , Devices , Millions , Duckduckgo , Chief Of Staff , Court , C News Reporting , Sides , Aids , Be , Lawyer , Jack Smith , Immunity , Meadows , Talks , Face To , Former , Case , Deal , Michael Cohen , Trump Associate , Interference , Fraud Trial , Georgia , New York , Jenna Ellis , Former Trump , Jonathan Seri , Atlanta , Aiding And Abetting , Statements , Writings , Ray Smith , Georgia Subcommittee Hearing In 2020 , Rudy Giuliani , 2020 , Experience , Facts , Lawyers , Election Fraud , Loss , Make , Trump , Evidence , Claims , Codefendant , Associates , Remorse , Prosecutors , Bus , Fixer , Value , Properties , Thanks , Accountability , Versus , Nate , Special Council , Mark Meadows , 6 , January 6 , Team , Abc Report Meadows , Obviously We Didn T Win , John Serrie In Atlanta , Polls , Workers , Ports , Pickup Truck Factory , Strike , Jobs , Union , Motor Plant , Texas , Entrial , Stellantis , Michigan , Uaw , 46000 , Series , Earnings Reports , Stocks , Nasdaq , 22 , 31 , China , Wars , Fox 13 , Up Next , Ukraine , Agenda , First , Pilot , Portland , 13 , Police , Counts , Plane , Breakdown , Attempted Murder , Mushrooms , Shutoff Engines , Joseph , David Emerson , San Francisco , 44 , Charge , Most , Area , Fires , Hand Honolulu , West D , Khon , Look , Home , Stories , Salt Lake , Transcontinental Railroad , Golden Spike , Public , Special Report , Flat Bed Truck , Monument , Beltway , Utah State Capitol , 43 , Skin , Way , Tic , Music , Camping , Woods , Fun , Mom , Floorliners , Seat Protector , Seat , Back Protectors , Vehicle , Front , Rear , Kids , Cargoliner , Weathertech , Products , Turn , Laughter , Death , Battlefields , Dominance , Mark Meredith , Mark Merr , Officials , Move , Questions , Warships , State Media Reporting Prc , Beijing , Six , Philippines , Interest , Fronts , Wedges , Ships , Allies , Capabilities , Report , Win , Vessels , Ability , Word , Strengthsen The Prc , China Sea , Congress , Pentagon , East Laryngoest , Metals , Exports , Military Civil Fusion Development Strategy , Working Warheads , 2030 , 1000 , Gavin Newsom , Prejudice , Tour , Crowd , Fear Mongering , Hong Kong , State , Partner , Prc , Ally , Climate Change , California , Subnationally , Strategy , Finances , Cryptocurrency , Western Fors To Counter Act , Ha Mags , Kelly O Grady , Financing , 100 , Fund Terrorism , Social Media , Authorities , Accounts , Ziti Railly , Sanctions , Donations , Experts , Popularity , Banking Security Checks , Wallet , Ledger , Anyone , The Block Chain , Bit , Groups , Money Laundering , Crypto Mixing , Practice , Transfer , Ground , Crypto , Guys , Broker , Countries , Exchange , Exchanges , Environment , Laxed One , Ties , Treasury Department , States , Youth , Meta Platforms , Company , Social Media Platforms , Contributing , Mental Health Crisis , Nature , Dozens , 33 , Children , Platforms , Teenagers , Dangers , Facebook , Israeli Defense Forces , Counter Terrorism , Member , Meta , Safe , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , Me Rybelsus , Weight , Goal , Isn T , Pill , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Family , Don T Take Rybelsus , 1 , Changes , Lump , Help , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Reaction , Swelling , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Pancreatitis , Provider , Prescription , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , 0 , 10 , Dog Barks , Liberty Mutual , Dog Walking Business , Car Insurance , Hundreds , Bunny , Pay , House , Pace , Driving , Pods , Like Google , Terrorism , Aaron Cohen , Unit , Special Operations , Hostaged , Spider Webs , Founder , Tunnels Underneath , Some , Debrief , Hostage San Juaquins , Person , Incursion , Gleaning , Hostage Rescue , Building , Targets , Staffer , Entrance , Recognizance , Warfare , Axios , Operations , Room , Almosts , Structure , Scoop , Ground Invasion , Invasion , Release , Military , Air Strikes , Think Hamas , I Don T , Atrocities , Intention , Sea , River , Blood Bath , October 7 , 7 , Brigades , Priority , Lot , Time , Pressure Cooker , Number One , Air Tans , Hebrew , Delib , Operation , Negotiating , Missiles , Focus , Faith , Air Force , Enemy , Aways , 23 , Secret , Law Enforcement , Training Swat Teams , Entry , Service , Method , Penetration , Law Enforcement Agency , City , Worts , Tack , Venezuela , Weariness , Risk , Shooters , Passports , System , Panel , Training , Israel Hamas War , Tools , It Foods Over , Scary , Graphics , Fastsigns , Tails , Tongues Wagging , Statement , Heart , Cities , Sail , Scenery , Landmarks , Viking , Vo , Unpack , Life , Treasures , Viking Longship , Europe , Comfort , Shame , Places , Darkness , Conditions , Outcast , This Little Light Of Mine , Child , Call , Love , Act , Surgery , Scan , Forty Five , Smile , Circumstances , Floor , Conference , Set Back , Waiting , Dysfunction , Winter , Choice , Speaker Candidates , Punxatawney Phil , Seven , Magic Number , Meetings , Steve Hill , Stuff , Leslie Marshall And Fox News , Majority , Nancy Pelosi , Exception , Teresa May , Calculation , Chaos , Uk Parliament , Shambling , Kevin Mccarthy , Signs , Office , Communities , Volunteers , Shambles , Difference , Vote , It , Saying , Doors , Kuhns , Threshold , National Global Security Issue , Speaker Vote , Offering , Government , Bills , Coalition Speaker , Table , Campaign , Publicity , Ploy , New Hampshire , Voters , Swing States , Government Shutdown , Legislation , Inflation , No End In Sight , Plan , Total , Image , Johnson , Round , Fifth Round , I Don T Know , Point B , Shot , Debt Ceiling Issue , What S Going On , Democrat , Close , Both , Republics , Functioning Government , Runner , Ambassador , U N , Ball Rolling , Blood Rival , Homes , Hopes , Plight , Disgrace , Criminals , Ethnic Cleansing , Doing , Qataris , Crimes , Trial , Head , Aren T The U N , Extremists , Side , Mention , Balance , Divide , Podium , Clarity , Evacuation Plans , Widening , Latest , L A , Nixon Library , Michael Herzog , Dvr , Fair , Ingraham Angle , Everyone , Show , Aim , Laura , Washington , Sry ,

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