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good day to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm kasie hunt. right no on "early start," joe manchin says he is not running for re-election. so what will he do? and israel just announced a new evacuation window for gaza. how many will escape the warzone in the coming hours. and fbi investigating suspicious 4reletters sent to election offices. who is behind it and why. it is friday, november 10. happy friday. 5:00 a.m. here in washington where democrats are nervous after west virginia senator joe manchin announced that he will not run for re-election. that will be a tough blow to his party's hopes for holding on to the closely guided senate. democrats can only afford to lose one seat and west virginia is now a bright red state. chair of the committee says we like our odds in west virginia. the other reason for democrats to worry? this line from manchin's speech saying he won't run for re-election. >> what i will be doing is traveling the country and speaking out to see if there is an interest in creating a movement to mobilize the middle and bring americans together. >> manchin was not anymore specific than that about his post-senate plans. but let's remember what he did stoking speculation about a third party presidential run and a no labels forum in new hampshire in july. let's bring in hannah knowles from the "washington post." hannah, good morning. grateful to have you here. manchin has said repeatedly that he would never run as a spoiler, but i've talked to a lot of people around manchin over the months and it is very, very clear to me that he is seriously entertaining doing this. and we can talk about the senate implications in a second, but i want to start here which is that he will spend the next couple of months really stoking speculation and i think that that will generate a lot of concern in the white house. what is your reporting around this? >> yeah, so my colleagues talked to someone involved with this kind of mysterious committee that popped up today just before manchin made his announcement called the draft romney manchin committee. and they say they have no affiliation to these candidates and romney's team sort of pushed back on that. but clearly there has been groups interested in drafting manchin, manchin considering this. he's very much not ruling it out here and yet it feels like we began the week with so much anxiety for democrats about biden and how he would fair in that likely rematch with trump and this just ratchets it up. >> yeah, and i think -- we should underscore this no labels third party outfit, they do have significant challenges in terms of ballot access, doing that is incredibly difficult and expensive. but we really have seen and all the polling shows that frankly voters are looking for somebody that is not donald trump or joe biden at this point. jill stein announced that she will run on the green party ticket. the reports are out there -- i covered hillary clinton's campaign and they viewed her as a spoiler back when she ran in 2016. and there is reporting that they have been talking to the white house about that and there is just so many dynamics. let's talk about the senate though because the reality is that it is incredibly narrowly divided senate. for a while there it was 50/50. and then obviously that shifted slightly further in democrats' favor. but it is easily the case that control of the senate could come down to the fact that there is no longer -- seems almost entirely impossible that democrat could get elected in west virginia. what was mitch mcconnell's role in getting joe manchin to make this decision and how is chuck schumer the democratic majority leader handling it? >> gosh, you know, that is a great question that some of my colleagues i'm sure are working on. democrats responded -- you know, they are projecting what optimism that they can about their path to holding that narrow majority that they have, but they would have to hold ohio, they would have to hold montana. you know, those are tough races. they feel like they have good candidates but really everything has to break their way. they are defending way more seats than republicans this year. >> and how do you think that cuts in a presidential year? because it is very different to be on the ballot as a senate candidate when there is a presidential election going on than it is in an off cycle. >> yeah, that is a good point too. i do think that having that presidential year turnout in a place like ohio for example, a place that does really like donald trump, that probably makes sure reherrod brown's sit harder. >> yeah, ohio of course has become a deep red state. however, i will say that the lessons learned on tuesday around abortion i think have given his campaign quite a bit of -- at the very least information about the opportunities available to him. hannah knowles, thank you very much for being with us this morning. all right. just in, israel has agreed to a six hour humanitarian pause in northern gaza today. thursday the white house announced israel has agreed to daily humanitarian pauses of at least four hours. already over the past few days israel has been pausing the violence so civilians can evacuate south before the move announced thursday by the white house appears to add israel's formal commitment pmt the white house called the kael pdaily pa positive step. and president biden says he has been pressuring benjamin netanyahu for even longer pauses in military action. >> mr. president, are you frustrated with methnetanyahu t he has not listened more to what you have asked will imdo? >> it has taken longer than i hoped. >> elliott gotkine is live for us. good morning. what is your sense of how this is playing out behind the scenes? is it surprising that netanyahu has agreed to the pauses at all or is there a recognition that they are very necessary? >> i think there is recognition that netanyahu is doing this because of pressure from the white house because we've seen the pressure that the biden administration is coming under to do more. but netanyahu is also under pressure not just from people within his own governing coalition, but from israelis as a whole. there was a poll that came out just this morning from israeli democracy institute which is a nongovernmental organization showing 38% of israelis don't want the fighting to stop but do want negotiations to take place to try to free the 240 or so hostages that hamas and other militant groups are holding. so i suppose by doing this what they are calling a tactical localized paul, you can call it humanitarian pause or whatever you wish, but by enabling the citizens in the northern part of the gaza strip to have the safe corridor which today will be open for six hours and which the white house esays will be open four hours every day, the white house says this is one step in the right direction but still falls short of what the white house would want which is a longer humanitarian pause. perhaps a couple days or more. and way short of what arab lea leaders are calling for a ceasefire and cessation of hostilities. but israel's position is unwavering and that is that there can be no ceasefire until the hostages are released. and they released a video of two speaking to the camera saying that they are okay, they miss their family and friends and if anything happens to them, it will be on netanyahu's head. i don't think that that is likely to solveften the will of netanyahu and his government. if anything, it might harden it. >> yeah, just so difficult. elliott, thank you very much. have a nice weekend. and coming up here, donald trump refines his stance on israel. what would he do? plus suspicious letters possibly laced with fentanyl september to officials in at least six states. what police are saying. and congress no closer to a funding plan as another government shutdown looms just a week away. former president trump now suggesting that the u.s. should take a hand's off approach to the israel-hamas war. here is what he said thursday when ask the how america might help stop the civilian killings in gaza. >> so you have a war that is going on and you probably will have to let it play out. probably going to have to let it play out. because a lot of people are dying. there is no hatred like the palestinian hatred of israel. and jewish people. and probably the other way around also. i don't know. you know, it is not as obvious, but probably that is it too. >> let's bring in max foster who is live from london. max, always wonderful to see you. trump also said israel needed to do a better job of public relations. and he pointed to this rash of pro palestinian protests in the u.s. and obviously earlier in all of this, he went after prime minister netanyahu for not being prepared. what is your sense of what is going on here? >> i think that clip, you know, if you move away from a lot of -- you know, how he says it and specifically what he is saying and what he means, which is what i try to do with donald trump when it comes to international policy at least, is pretty significant. what he is effectively saying, he doesn't see you -- if we look back at his previous tenure as well and how he played that out and what he's saying here about the middle east crisis, it is like he doesn't see america as that international policeman which the rest of the world has relied on for decades and decades. so focusing more on american problems, which a lot of americans will relate to, but outside of america, that does have a huge impact because you say have spoken a lot about the new world order that china and russia want to create. america pulling back from the international stage and saying that they won't get involved in crises like the middle east does create a vacuum. so huge repercussions, that little sound bite for me, when i look at it. and if he does get in to power, we'll see america less present on the international stage militarily it steeems. >> it is really interesting. i'm thinking abou backing off tt for israel that he previously had and trump does have a way of picking up on things that are going on in the electorate and putting his finger on things. as uncomfortable as a reality that might be, it does have a strong nose on it. so let's also talk about nikki haley because in the republican primary debate, she did seem to gain more ground there. she is sort of becoming the person who is first in the race for second place. but she did make this statement about vivek ramaswamy on the stage because the two of them really tangled. take a look at what she said. >> i'm telling you putin and president xi are salivating at the thought that someone like that could become president. >> what is your takeaway from there? what does the international community think of anything, are they known on the international stage? >> people certainly know about nikki haley. she has a lot of experience and stands out in that sense in the lineup with all the other candidates. but if you are not into international policy, i don't think that you would necessarily know who she is. people aren't watching these debates in big numbers at all here because donald trump isn't involved and they wonder why they are taking place, they are not learning about her there. i think that you really need to be looking at ramaswamy if you talk about international profile. he is a big deal on tiktok. my kids will show me tiktoks with him in them and they never show me tiktoks with nikki haley, i'll say that. in terms of profile, he is the only person my kids and their friends could pick up in that entire lineup apart from trump. >> that is wild and extremely interesting. vivek went after nikki haley's daughter for tick toik. -- tiktok. >> and it is not just even his profile. it is people are picking up clips from the debate and it is always about him. >> i guess that is what he set out to accomplish. max foster, thank you. and police investigate suspicious powder inside envelopes sent to election offices across the u.s. we'll tell you where they were found. and the former house speaker unloads on his gop critics. the latest from kevin mccarthy. you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? have we piqued your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible. we have quick hits across america. federal law enforcement is on high alert after suspicious letters were sent to election offices possibly laced with fentanyl. it was found in california, nevada, oregon, washington, georgia and texas. and chris christie heads to israel sunday making him the first republican presidential candidate to visit since the hamas attacks last month. and donald trump jr. will be the first defense witness to be called on monday. the trump organization's civil fraud trial in new york. the state attorney general rested her case earlier this week. colder air begins to sweep toward the east coast after record breaking heat earlier in the week. and here to tell us all about that cold front, our weatherman derek van dam. always wonderful to see you. happy friday. what have we got? >> good morning. i hope our viewers don't get upset with me for delivering bad news. we're lining up the weekend with rain, but we need it. that cold front you talked about, i'm lear to tell you that we are going to get that much needed relief, but it will also cool our temperatures and bring aing so sgi inin ining so soggy places. check this out. this band stretches from rio grande to new york city. so that is a large rain shield. it is slowly advancing east and as it does, it is cooling temperatures and it will stall across this area. so wet weather for places like atlanta to mobile to tallahassee. but here is the temperature change from this time yesterday. a good 20 degrees fahrenheit, colder this morning as you step out in nashville and memphis. bundle up, it is a different day. what a difference a day makes. there is the front kind of slowing things down. and there is copious amounts of moisture that will inundate the deep south. but we need the rain. 73% of the state of louisiana under extreme drought. that is the worst category of grout - drought -- well, level four out of five. and that is bad news. we'll need the rain. we'll take whatever we can get even if it remains kind of light and spotty through the course of the weekend. but nothing light about that, we have upwards 4 to 6 inches of rain the next couple of days. and we can't forget about the friends along the west coast. this has been big on social the past couple days. we're picking up on signs of our first big winter system or late autumn system that will bring rain including in los angeles, san diego and san francisco. so something we'll monitor for next week. >> derek van dam, thank you very much. coming up next, why senator joe manchin's latest decision is sending ripples of fear through the democratic party. and two more hostages in gazaza could d be leasesed. we'll hahave a live e report. i've decided that i will not be running for re-election to the united states senate. >> good morning. i'm kasie hunt. that was west virginia information joe manchin dropping a bombshell on democrats just one day after they shellacked republicans in the general election. good news can evaporate pretty fast here in washington a. manchin's retirement from the senate complicates things for democrats in so many ways. they can afford to lose just one seat in the narrowly divided senate and holding on to manchin's will be basically impossible in deep red west as been pretty obstructionist at least how the white house views it and he has extrabcted plenty of cononcessions. but president biden says for more than 40 years, joe manchin has dead indicated himself to serving the people of west virginia.indicated himself to serving the people of west virginia. but i will say that nice statement, i think that they are trying not to antagonize him because manchin has not ruled out a third party run for the white house. he wants to talk to centrist voters. joining us now is julia manchester, reporter for "the hill." good morning. so manchin did this no labels event, right, in july. they want to put somebody on the ballot on a third party in the general election. manchin has said that he is never going to run as a spoiler. and we were sort of interested to see what mark warner one of his senate colleagues said about it. take a look at what he said to us. >> i give him the space to advocate processes and bipartisanship. i think that is a positive thing. but i can't imagine any world in which he does anything that would help donald trump get reelected. >> mark warner says that he can't imagine it. could you imagine it? >> i could manage joe manchin potentially running for president. now, whether that helps donald trump or not, some polling data would suggest that. but watching that video yesterday, it seemed abundantly clear that this is something that joe manchin wants to explore. he wants to explore this idea of a moderate base in the united states that feels unheard or silented by the partisan bickering coming out of washington and a lot of partisan congressional districts. this obviously comes just hours after jill stein jumped into the race for the green party on the democratic side. joe biden is already grappling with dean phillips jumping into the race as a primary challenger. and of course robert f. kennedy jr. could potentially take votes from biden and trump. so we'll see which one he damages more. but this is definitely a problem for the white house, a problem that we saw cnn polling and "new york times" sienna college polling earlier this week that showed that there was very low enthusiasm for joe biden right now. and trump is essentially tied or leading with him in many swing states as well as nationally. the white house is very much claiming credit for the election wins on tuesday for democrats. but i would say that this has been otherwise a pretty rough week for the biden campaign. >> yeah, how much thinking do we think the white house is do around the third party stuff that you mentioned? because my reporting has been that there are definitely people worried about it, people trying to raise flags about this. do you get the sense they are taking it seriously? >> i think that they are taking it seriously right now. and i think that part of that has to do with the fact that there is just this fatigue and exhaustion with this idea of a trump/biden match-up and maybe internal disapproval for joe biden within the democratic party particularly among progressives. i mean, we're into over a month of the israel-hamas war and we've seen progressives in particular, younger voters, start to sour on joe biden. arab-american voters in states like michigan which could be pivotal in deciding the presidential election. and so a third party bid or some sort of primary challenger in the case of dean phillips could really make a difference. and what could be a very razor tight election. >> yao i cjulia, thank you very for being with us. white house said thursday that israel has agreed to move forward with daily four hour pauses in military operations in northern gaza. this appears to formalize what is happening the past few days allowing humanitarian aid to flow in and civilians to flee the fighting. just a short time ago, israel announced today's pause will actually be six hours long. this was secretary of state antony blinken just a few hours ago. >> i think first what israel announced yesterday will help in enabling people to get out of harm's way and get greater access to humanitarian assistance. there are other steps that we discussed with israel that i discussed a week ago. i won't detail them here. i can simply say that there is more that can and should be done to minimize harm to civilians. >> gustavo valdes is live for us in tel aviv. great to see you again. netanyahu and others made clear that this is not a ceasefire. what more can you tell us about these pauses? looks like we don't have the audio there on gustavo valdes. apologies for that and our thanks to him. for more analysis on what is going on in israel, i want to bring some shawn turner, former director of communication for u.s. national intelligence. good morning. >> good morning. >> and so let's talk about the pauses that are kind of playing out here. israel's defense minister underscores that this does not amount to a ceasefire. political reality in israel is that that would be an untenable situation for them. what is your understanding of why they have agreed to them and how hamas may or may not take advantage of them? what are the dynamics? >> first of all, thanks for having me on this morning. this is a classic case of words matter. when we think about what is being called a tactical pause in israel and gaza, this really is a good start from the administration's perspective. i've talked with some of my former colleagues who are still in the administration and when you get to this issue of why this is happening, this is really the result of immense pressure from the united states and from others around the world to put some measures in place to create a window of opportunity for some people to get out to flee to stafety. as tony blinken said, is this a start and i think that he was sort of down playing the frustration of the administration with regard to the need for more to be done to allow for people to get out. but again, from israeli perspective, calling this a tactical pause, they are clear that this is not a ceasefire, and even not calling it a humanitarian pause, certainly speaks to their desire to make sure that hamas knows that they are keeping the pressure up while also trying to work with the united states partners and allies to create some window for people to get out. >> the defense minister also said israeli forces have been using new methods to try to destroy the tunnel system as they continue this war. and i'm just curious, they wouldn't say what they were. do you have a sense of what they are and is there a sense that it is actually possible to destroy the entire network or is that fruitless mission? >> yeah, i don't think that it is a fruitless mission. you can certainly -- if you can identify areas of the network that were sort of neutralize some of the wings or the branchs of the tunnel network, then you can make some progress here. the united states has a number of different munitions that would allow for israel to be able to have some progress in taking this tunnel network out. we talk about things like bunker-buster bombs and things along those lines. but i think that people really -- it is hard to fathom just how complex and vast this network of tunnels under gaza is. i mean, it literally is an underground city. and when we think about how deep it goes and how fortified they are, it is very incident to think ab-- it is dint to diffico think about how you can completely neutralize the system. and this is also one where we have to think about where the hostages are. we know as israel continues the fight, the hot damages are probably on the move and hamas is trying to at least keep them safe because they see them as a bargaining chip. but it will be very difficult to completely neutralize this tunnel system. it is what allows hamas to continue to take the fight to israel. >> i'm glad you mentioned the hostages because we did hear from the palestinian islamic jihad, they say they are prepared to release two israeli hostages, a 13-year-old and a 77-year-old woman. they say that this is on humanitarian grounds. there was a video released of them, cnn has decided we're not going to show it. what do you think this signals, anything in the kind of greater back and forth? >> you know, we haven't heard a lot from palestinian and islamic jihad since the start of this conflict. so i was really interested to see this move on their part with this video and by the way, i think it is the right call for cnn not to show that video. what i think this suggests as i look at this and think about the relationship between palestinian and islamic jihad and hamas, it is really unclear at this point just how influencing -- how much influence and how involved the palestinians islamic jihad is. but we do know that is a desire on the smaller terrorist organization to exert influence. and so when i think about what this video does, it is an attempt to indicate that they have some power, some sway, and then by suggesting that they may release these hostages if -- and the language is very vague -- if certain circumstances are met, what they are doing is trying to make the palestinians think that they are working on their behalf. but what is really unclear from an intelligence perspective is just how much, you know, sway they actually have and what they really can do. so i think that the united states is taking this with a grain of salt and cautiously -- or cautiously optimistic but not putting a lot of stock in what palestinian iz him la ic isla jihad can do. >> and this is veterans day weekend. i know you served for 21 years in the marine corps. and at the top of the hour, we learned president biden is going to mark veterans day with new actions aimed at expanding health care for veterans. what else does the veterans community need right now? >> first of all, i've had an opportunity to take a look at some of the new measures. and i think that it is important to say that i think that many of the things that have been done for veterans in the past couple of years are the right thing to do. i think secretary mcdonough has been a staunch advocate for veterans. when i think about what veterans need, it really does come down to recognizing that these are people who served their country, left their families, their homes to protect and defend democracy and oftentimes when you come back and you sort of settle back into society, there are all sorts of things that are necessary for you to be able to get a good footing as a citizen to start your life. and so i think when we think about mental health support, removing that stigma and making sure the resources for veterans are there is extremely important. there has been good progress in that area. i also think that with regard to sort of the long term health issues that we've seen as a result of serving in iraq and afghanistan, vietnam, i think that there is good progress there. i'm glad the president is accelerating some of that work. and then the last thing i think that is important, there is a lot going on around the world right now. on veterans day, veterans are often times thinking about not ourselves but those still on active duty in the military and what their life will be like as decisions are made. so i think that we need to be thinking about people making mature and reasonable decisions about those young people who are still serving in uniform. that is what i'll be thinking about today as a veteran of the marine corps. >> i'm so, so glad that you mentioned all of them and i know we have so many deploy in the middle east around what is going on and also of course across many there is a long time already. so thinking of them. shawn turner, thank you very much for your service. really appreciate it. >> thank you. just ahead, what kevin mccarthy is now saying about the people who ousted him from the speaker's job. . >> i don't believe he wins re-election. he doesn't have a conservative bent in his philosophy. welcome back. we're just a week out from another possible government shutdown. surprise surprise. look, we have a shutdown clock. did it ever go away? mike johnson might not have to worry about job security, but this will be a major challenge for the rookie speaker. and this is from manu raju last night, asked by a senior gop congressman about speaker johnson's cr strategy to avoid a shutdown, the house is it a mess, nothing surprises me anymore. speaker johnson will have to thread a difficult needle. let's bring in scott jennings. scott, good morning. thank you for coming to the apocalypse again. good to see you. do you think speaker johnson can navigate this? i will say there doesn't seem to be an appetite for a shutdown which is a key part, sometimes people wanted shutdowns and that is what has led to them. i get the sense that they are actively trying to avoid it, but it is not clear to me that they can. >> i guess it depends on whether he will be allowed to make a deal that lot of conservatives may not like but will his conference mates who just put him in this chair give him a pass on it essentially. a lot of leverage to the senate here because the house is such a mess. for johnson, i think he has started already to do what he has to do show that may, i'll uphold your values, but there is a dose of realism coming and that is democrats control the senate and white house. he is but one leg of the stool. and hopefully they don't make his life miserable if what happens -- if what is likely to happen happens which is something that some conservatives will be really unhappy with as it relates to, say, ukraine funding or other issues. >> and of course the person who has been at the mercy of these dynamics of which we speak is kevin mccarthy. he did an interview with manu raju where i would really describe it as an airing of the grievances. i'll show you a little bit of it. he is talking about matt gaetz and then about nancy mace. watch. >> people have to earn the right to be here. and i just think -- i mean, he will admit to you personally he doesn't have a conservative bent in his gloef. and just the nature of what he focuses on. if you watched just her philosophy and the flip-flopping, i don't believe that she wins re-election. i don't think that she will probably have earned the right to get reelected. >> scott, there is a lot going on in his face, kind of the demeanor shows that he came across to me as really beaten down, but also that is kind of the worst thing that you can say, that they don't deserve to win. >> he has every right to be upset with nancy mace. he and his operation did a tremendous amount to get her elected in the first place and reelected. and honestly, her explanations for her actions all during the speaker debacle were really strange. she voted to take mccarthy out of the speakership and then started tweeting every day about how crazy it was that they couldn't get back to work. i mean, you caused this, you smashed it with a hammer and now you're worried about why all the pieces are on the floor? so i totally understand why kevin mccarthy is up set. what was shocking to even, everybody expects thatof gaetz , but mace was a stunning turn. so i expect he will be talking about there for the rest of his life. >> and we've been talking about joe manchin's decision not to run for re-election. your former boss, mitch mcconnell, can you help us understand the role he played in how this all came to be? because he stands to benefit probably more than anyone from manchin stepping down. >> i think that his principal move was to recruit the best possible candidate some months ago. he did go over to west virginia and recruited jim justice. and that -- getting the best possible candidate, someone who everyone in west virginia seems to like, to get in to that race and then file for that race, i think was really one of the principal reasons manchin decided not to run again. so mcconnell has done a lot of recruiting of candidates over the years. i've heard him say maybe this was his best job ever, and so now for republicans, they will pick up a senate seat that goes to at least 50/50 and with a good chance to win in ohio, a good chance to win in montana and a couple other states out there. and for democrats with no good pickup opportunities, they have to hold some tough incumbents and then win the white house. so if you are mitch mcconnell and i want to get the senate majority back, getting this one in the bank early and know that you go don't have to spend resources on it was a total coup. so great day for republicans if you want the majority in the senate. >> and manchin may have an ah shucks personality in public, but he is one of the most shrewd political thinkers. scott jennings, thank you very much. appreciate you being with us. and coming up next, new details on who may be called to testify in donald trump's classisified documuments triala. is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? 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