Sounding somewhat optimistic. Today, a group of bipartisan senators head to the white house to pitch their plan to President Biden. And in los angeles, Britney Spears speaking out for the first time asking a judge to end her very restrictive conservator ship. Revealing disturbing details about the control her father has over her life, her finances, even her body. Right now, the white house is cracking down on gun violence after President Biden laid out his plan to get guns off our streets. He is directing programs to cut Community Violence to 15 separate cities. But this morning, we have to turn now to South Florida where we have breaking news. At least one person dead after partial collapse of a highrise condo building near miami beach. We are awaiting a News Conference from Miamidade Police in 10 or 15 minutes from now. Overnight, i want to show you dramatic rescues that took place. More than 80 fire rescue units rushing to the scene early this morning. Witnesses and survivors describing a scene of terror and absolute confusion. A weird sound, could have been thunder, but didnt sound like thunder, we felt the building shake. I saw a plume of smoke coming up, very unusual shape. Everything about it was unusual. I opened the door to my apartment, it leads to a long hallway, and all i saw was debris. Decided to go to the balcony, wave down fire rescue. They are heroes. Theyre unbelievable human beings. They came up with a ladder and bucket and got the four of us down. I want to go to Kerry Sanders at the scene. 80 units in the sent to the building, whats going on . The building collapsed, you look at the back side of it, it pancaked. 12 story building, 136 units in there. We believe that most of them were occupied, if not by residents, people here on vacation borrowing apartments and staying there. We know of one family here from argentina. A husband, a wife, and young sixyearold daughter that friends and relatives havent heard from. These are incredibly anxious moments, waiting to find out news. A lot of people on the Emergency Side that responded here. If theres an up side, metro or miamidade Fire Department is world class urban Search And Rescue that responded around the world. They not only have expertise but the gear and cameras they can put in there to see if there are voids where people may be inside. At this point, the waiting is agonizing. A commissioner here in surfside, a small town is north of miami. Update what you know now. We know that something was wrong with the building. A building shouldnt collapse like that. I am afraid for other buildings in town. This is the sham plain south buildings. Theres a sister building, sham plain north. Looks similar, built the same time. I think residents need to be concerned for the safety of their building. The Search And Rescue going on, nobody is giving up. I know they confirmed one death. This plays out all day . This will play out for days, could be weeks until we know who is under the rubble, who survived, who didnt survive. A lot of people are unaccounted for, lot of families concerned. Hoping there are snow birds that werent here. Happens in chaotic moments, trying to find where people are is different. Theyre taking phone numbers, theres efforts. This is florida. Hurricanes happen. Theres a system in place with emergency management. Lets talk a little about the building itself. At 40 years old, has it been inspected . Whats the status of that . The building was up for 40 year recertification. They were doing the process now. It is a one year process. I believe they were doing the roof. The inspector was last here when . Told he was on the roof yesterday. What happened today is going to take a lot of investigating to find out, we are getting to the bottom of it, residents need to know. Thank you very much. She has a busy day, commissioner here in surfside, north of miami beach. The Search And Rescue is under way as we speak. There are dogs, listening devices, cameras, perhaps going to complicate the situation, rain is moving in. Thats not going to deter anybody with the hope of finding people still alive and can be pulled to safety. Kerry, i dont want to put you on the spot but i want to ask you personally. You covered a lot of stories. When you showed up on scene earlier this morning, what is this like . Compare it to other things youve seen. Reporter it just, i heard her say this, it is so true, it does not feel like something we see happening in the united states. The first thing i thought of, this wasnt an accident, was this something caused by a terrorist or something. It appears that the authorities ruled this out. Anxiety and chaos, i got here around 4 15 in the morning, there was still, obviously people that got out were numb, they were frightened, didnt have answers, still dont have answers, want to know where their loved ones are. This is very much a very real, unexpected event that happened, and it is lack of expectation that makes things so much more raw as opposed to theres a hurricane coming, people know how to deal with it, horrible if a hurricane hits. This was like a split second, three sounds, one, two, third sound, thats when it pancaked, thats when a cloud of Concrete Dust filled the area. Thats when people said what do i do, how do i get out of here. They went downstairs, down hall ways, first floor, couldnt get down. Went to the basement, found the door locked. Thats an area thats a Parking Garage when i say basement. Started to make their way up. Went upstairs. One couple made it back to their balcony on the third floor, brought strangers with them, neighbors, people they didnt know. Then the Fire Department arrived, they put up a Cherry Picker and started to pull them out, extracting them. When i see all of this unfolding, when i talk to people that have gone through this, hearing the raw emotion, you cant help but feel for them, knowing that those that got out are damaged but are lucky to be alive. Those that are still in there hopefully are still alive somehow in the midst of all this. Kerry sanders, thank you. Were coming back to you in a moment. We are expecting a Press Conference in seven or eight minutes. Back to the white house, i mentioned it at the top of the show, cracking down on violence after President Biden laid out his plan to get guns off our streets. He is directing programs to cut Community Violence to 15 separate cities, the plan includes five areas to stop Gun Trafficking. With the administration targeting what they call Rogue Gun Dealers who break the law. Well find you and we will seek your license to sell guns. Well make sure you cant sell death and mayhem on our streets. Lets go straight to Peter Alexander and shannon watt, founder of moms demand action. Peter, we saw hundreds of Mass Shootings in bidens first 100 days. He said his focus was on infrastructure. What changed his mind . Reporter i think it is clear that his focus is on more than just infrastructure, obviously the pandemic has been a priority, but guns certainly and rise in crime has been significant as well. I think it is largely driven by numbers we have been seeing in recent months. Take philadelphia, Record Number of murders since the pandemic. Portland, oregon, homicides are up 530 just this year. These are numbers noted by those in the white house. I think thats why we heard from the president on this very issue. You talk about new policies he is rolling out, including an effort to try to hold Rogue Gun Dealers accountable, getting involved with Department Of Justice to send Strike Forces as theyre describing them to five communities, cities in the country, new york, l. A. , chicago, san francisco, and washington, d. C. , and help for local Police Departments here as well. Some of these pose real challenges for the administration as they are effectively suggestions, like their desire that some communities would spend more covid relief money received on efforts and support of the Police Departments there, Community Intervention efforts there, especially as relates to young people in those communities. The white house still faces challenges, but the effort to speak out yesterday was to show it is something they take seriously, will try to do their best to crackdown on that. Shannon, you have been calling for action at the federal level for years. Youre not getting anything out of congress but getting something from this white house. Whats it going to do . Well, what joe biden did yesterday and since he was elected is so important. He has done more than any president on this issue in a generation. He is taking action on ghost guns, funding violence intervention programs, he nominated a strong leader to the atf which is huge, and then announced as you said yesterday he is going after illegal Gun Trafficking, going to hold bad actor Gun Sellers Accountable and make more investment in communities around gun violence prevention. These things are really important. But as you said, we have to have Congress Step up. Acting on Gun Trafficking but shannon, heres the problem. The president is going after those that are breaking the law. So much of whats happening is actually legal. And congress is doing nothing. So just going after those breaking law doesnt solve it. Lots of whats happening is aokay. To your point, Gun Trafficking is an issue, guns are moving from states with weak gun laws to states with strong gun laws. Last five years, 2 of trafficked guns come from states without Background Checks. Yes, thats why we need congress to act on things like Background Checks. We just did an analysis that found over 300,000 gun sales were stopped thanks to the Background Check system, more than ever before. We dont know how many guns were purchased through loopholes in the system. We know about a quarter of guns sold every year are sold without a Background Check. What President Biden is doing is important, and a huge change, but yes, we need congress to act. This data, analysis on Background Checks shows anything, it is that we can keep guns out of the hands of people that shouldnt have them, but also our elected officials should be racing to close loopholes to save lives. Peter, from here whats President Bidens plan, to think of more things he can do from the oval office or is it to Lobby Congress on Something Like a Background Check bill . Reporter i think it is a little of both. Obviously yesterday we heard him pushing congress to followup, to deliver on a background bill. He was asked whether he believes there should be another Assault Weapons ban that he helped support years ago, and he said he did and thought it might be possible, but obviously theres significant resistance in congress to that taking place. Peter, i need to jump in. We have to turn now to the breaking news in surfside, florida. Officials are giving an update on the situation. Lets watch. Thank you so much to our brave, brave fire rescue workers. They have years of experience in this type of operation. And theyre doing everything they possibly can do. We need to allow them to do their work. Very important. Need to allow them to do their work. Every minute in this search can make a huge difference. We set up a Family Reunification hot line for those trying to get information about loved ones. 3056141819. Or go to miamidade. Gov emergency to report online Missing Persons or to check in if someone is safe. 3056141819. Chaplains, Victim Advocates are on site, ready to support survivors and Family Members in need of resources. Our social Service Agencies are coming in, theyll be here to assist in hours and days ahead. I am thinking of all of the First Responders. I know you are as well, praying for their safety as they go about their difficult work of saving lives. [ speaking Foreign Language ] [ speaking Foreign Language ] [ speaking Foreign Language ] next to speak, the board of county commission chairman. This is a very sad moment in our community and especially when Something Like this happens. It is important all your prayers go out to Family Members and those that are suffering now. I want to thank all the First Responders for the incredible job theyve been doing, have done, will be doing the next several days dealing with this. It is important that we rally around the families and the people that are actually suffering so much at this time. I want to thank my colleague here with all my colleagues calling nonstop to find out anything to do to help. We are together as a community, working together, as the mayor said. Details have been given. We are here together to find anything we could do to help the families that have gone through the tragedy. Behalf of Miamidade County commission, chairman of the board, we are here in support to surfside and this community and everything we could do. [ speaking Foreign Language ] [ speaking Foreign Language ] [ speaking Foreign Language ] next speaker, assistant fire chief of operations for miamidade fire rescue. Good morning. So miamidade fire rescue at 1 30 this morning responded to reported building collapse, to summarize, a 12 story, 136 unit Apartment Complex that had sustained a partial collapse. The Northeast Corridor of the apartment collapsed approximately 55 apartment units. Our units began Search And Rescue efforts. Pulled 35 occupants. In addition to the 35, 10 assessed and treated, two were transported to various hospitals. Search and rescue efforts are still ongoing. We do have operations conducting inside based on additional intel from inside. To echo the mayors words, we have established a reunification center. If you have loved ones that are not answering the call, we ask you contact the phone number thats been given to you. 3056141819. Thank you. The spanish for Search And Rescue. [ speaking Foreign Language ] [ speaking Foreign Language ] [ speaking Foreign Language ] the director of the police. Good morning. First and foremost pray for victims and families. Miamidade Police Department role will be the lead investigative agency, working with surfside Police Department and other municipal partners. The goal to provide a thorough investigation for families. [ speaking Foreign Language ] freddie ramirez, director of Miamidade Police department. City manager of surfside. First and foremost, our thoughts and prayers are with families and victims. Also i just want to make sure Emergency Personnel understand how important it is that we have their participation here. We appreciate it very much. Weve been in contact with senator scott, senator rubios office, in touch with the governors office, governor desantis, county mayor, other towns in the area. We are very appreciative of what theyve offered and the assistance, anything we need. This is not something that will be brief, it will be something thats going to be for the long term and possibly at least a week. These people behind me, it is important that you recognize them. Theres a lot of support. We can resolve this as quick as possible. Thank you. They said 35 people were pulled from the building. Due to the Lightning You saw, were only allowing for four questions and for safety of everyone here, we are moving out. You are moved the next block over. This will be vacated for safety reasons. Four questions, then well continue on. Fire . Real quick. What can you tell us. In regards to equipment, we have heavy rescue and equipment such as para techs. We are shoring up the structure On The Inside as we tunnel in to locate additional survivors. 35 people, how many were pulled from the damaged part versus undamaged. How many were pulled from the part that collapsed. 35 were pulled out from the structure and part of the collapse but not from the rubble. Two were pulled from the rubble. I will defer to miamidade. I dont have that information. I will defer that. Currently Search And Rescue operations are continuing based on intel that we have. In regards to number of people missing, we dont have the total missing. We havent established that. Again, we ask that you continue to contact the reunification number thats been given out. We go from there. Do you expect the death toll to go substantially higher . At this time we are still conducting Search And Rescue operations, dont have that type of information. Folks, because of lightning we have to get people out. Need to have you start to pack up. It will be in the lot north of here, about a block over. Youll see miami police securing the area. That will be the staging area. All this will be cleared off for safety reasons. I want to bring in via phone david paulson, former fema administrator. David, youre obviously not on scene, havent seen the building firsthand. Youre looking at it all in pictures. What was your initial reaction when you saw this . First of all, sick to my stomach, you know with a collapse like that, youre going to have fatalities and people injured and thats exactly what happened. The good part is that miamidade fire rescue is some of the best in the world, have decades of experience with building collapse. We are watching it like you are. They will stay there until theyre positively no one survived. There will be different days on the rubble piled into the building. Talked to one of the chiefs inside the building trying to shore it up, making sure they can tunnel through, get to all of the rooms and make sure no one is left in there that can evacuate. Talk to us about the recovery process. How do they go about looking for people. You mention create tunnels. Explain it to us. What theyre doing now is they have the Search And Rescue dogs. They are very well trained. Theyll sniff out anybody thats still alive, and theyll make sure to do a room by room search on whats left on that side of the building, search every void they can find, taking the dogs with them, at the same time, trying to shore up the building best they can so we dont have firefighters or rescue people injured on top of whats already happened. Based on the images youre looking at, how significant the collapse is, is this a Search And Rescue or is this more like a recovery . Right now, it is still Search And Rescue. It will be a Search And Rescue until theyre sure theres no one left, best they can tell, no one left alive in the building. At that point, it will turn to recovery. As you heard them say, it is important that people call the hot line to make sure they can account for everyone in the building. That will be important to have that count so theyre not putting fire people lives in danger when theres no one survivable. David, thank you. Stay close. I know were going to have more questions. I want to bring in sam brock, he has been on scene for hours. Sam, you have spoken to people that live inside the building, spoken to their Family Members. You were front and center during the Press Conference. What stood out to you most . Reporter the fact that the first thing the miamidade mayor said was we have chaplains on site to help people and Family Reunifications. You wouldnt think chaplains are on sight unless theres heartbreak. If there are more than one fatalities, that didnt happen. Rain and Thunder And Lightning broke up the Press Conference. We found out there are about 35 people pulled from the building in some capacity. We saw two of them this morning pulled from rubble, including a teenage boy, picked up by a firefighter, hoisted over a shoulder, walked away. Other tidbits we learned, theyre in the process of stabilizing the structure while tunneling underneath. Theres a question, we dont see anything of whats going on. This is the good side of the building that stayed up. It is on the seaside theres a collapse of 3 to 4 vertical columns of 12 apartments each. Talking 40 or 50 units. The question beyond updates on fatalities, how many people are you looking for, talking dozens or more than that. They wouldnt provide information or speculate whether or not the death toll could rise considerably. Hard to imagine, steph, anecdotally, on the number of people i talked to today say they cant get in touch, from around the world, emails and messages, have you heard from anyone where they stand for with the search, i have someone i love in that building. We heard from a gentleman whose friends were here from argentina to get a covid vaccine, hollywood, florida, came here last night, were there for a matter of hours to enjoy a day in surfside and this happened. They had a sixyearold girl. I dont know in terms who theyre looking for, what the age range would be. It is stunning and heartbreaking, hearing from folks that say they were lucky to get out alive. As they exited, they heard screams and sounds of people trapped and debris everywhere. I know theres not an official count of how many people are in the building, but if it is 126 units and the Northeast Corridor where it collapsed there are 55 apartments, do we have a sense in the building if people are there full time in florida or more the place where people live there in the winter and head north for the summer months . How many occupants are normally there . Thats a great question. I dont know what the normal template is. We know when we interviewed the surfside mayor, he said it is not lowly occupied. Theres a lot of people. Is it full capacity, 60, 70, 80 , i dont know if theyre aware what the figures are. All we know is theres active Search And Rescue effort going on at this moment and could get more challenging, weather is about to intervene. We are hearing Thunder And Lightning and they have to go through rubble. It is going on concurrently. It is not an empty building. Lots of folks were inside when this happened. Sam, quickly, one more. I know you have to go. 33 occupants were pulled out of the building. They said two were transported to the hospital. What does that mean for the other 30, were they fine . Were they completely safe, didnt need medical treatment . Reporter in terms of numbers we were provided, one fatality, ten were treated on scene, two transported to the hospital, one of those passed away from injuries. As far as the other numbers of people, whether it was minor cuts and bruises or something more significant and how many, that information hasnt been disclosed yet. All right. Sam, thank you so much for the reporting. I am going to let you go. Well check back in a few minutes. Up next, crime spiking across the country, but not in one city. We take you to camden, new jersey where crime his a historic low after the city rebuilt its Police Department. When technology is easier to use. Barriers dont stand a chance. Thats why well stop at nothing to deliver our technology asaservice. At progressive, we love your pets as much as you do, like this guy in a hat. Thats why progressive Car Insurance covers your pets for up to 1,000 if theyre ever in a car accident with you. This mini majorettes gonna march her way right into your heart. Im sorry. Can we stop . I know that were selling Car Insurance here, but, you know, all the cute little animals, its too much. Define too much. Whats wrong with cute animals . So are we doing this or what . Nah, its over. [ sighs ] well, someones got to break the news to mittens. [ Squeaks Softly ] shes a diva. [ Mittens Squeaking ] your mission stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And take. It. On. With rinvoq. Rinvoq a oncedaily pill can dramatically improve symptoms. Rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. And for some, rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. Thats rinvoq relief. With ra, your overactive Immune System attacks your joints. Rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred as have certain cancers, including lymphoma, and tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. Your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. Tell your doctor about any infections. And if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. Take on ra. Talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. Rinvoq. Make it your mission. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. Gun violence is spiking coast to coast. Camden, new jersey, crime hit the lowest point in 50 years. After the city scrapped the old Police Course and started fresh in 2013 with focus on community policing. It was the most dangerous city in the country before that happened. Now the results speak for themselves. With a Crime Rate Cut in half in the last decade. Joining us, Police Captain kevin lutz, and the County Architect of the new Police Department. Captain, camden, new jersey, this is not mr. Rogers neighborhood. Historically this is a very rough town. People used to be scared to go outside after dusk. Crime is at a historic low. How did you do it . Well, it was a holistic, long term approach that started in 2013 when we realized we needed to change the way we were policing the city. Culturally, started with training and with strong leadership, not only from members of our department and leadership within but also from our political leaders. Thats from both sides of the aisle. When people hear they got rid of the old Police Department, they freak out. They think it is going to be a city unprotected, no Law Enforcement. But it wasnt unprotected. You reimagined and redesigned safety. How did it work . It was a struggle to get where we were. We needed bipartisan support as the captain mentioned. We dismantled the City Department on the same day as the county department. Never been done before in new jersey, we think never done before in the nation. Thanks to great leadership and dedication of the men and women of the department, we formed tremendous partnerships with residents. Earned trust of our residents. Thats where good policing starts. When your residents view you as someone you can trust, someone you can put their faith in and talk to, you can begin to fight crime expeditiously as we have in camden. Lets talk training, captain. You have cops on the streets, but unlike other cities, you only got five Excessive Force complaints at all last year. How much of the answer is Training Officers to do the best work . I think it is one of the key components to our transition. Again, leadership, not defunding but investing in long term success of the agency started with training. When we talk about the sang at this time of life and putting Sound Policies in place and most other things, training is a foundation. And we worked with several different entities across the country to develop what we believe to be the most effective training we could give officers. The key component is to sustain the training over time, to make that cultural shift. Our officers value the sang at this time of life. We use time as a tactic. We need to know our officers as you stated, camden has its challenges, theyre going to deal with conflict on a daily basis. We need to make sure they recognize threat levels, not creating officercreated jeopardy situations, and that we are at the end of the day deescalating to the best of our ability, and if and when force is used in our city, we know we exhausted all means leading up to that and that our officers are doing what we trained them to do, and the policy we have in place supports that. When theres no jobs, theres no hope and thats when things get dangerous. We saw crime spike when Big Companies like Cam Bells Soup packed up and left. Now that the city is safer, are you seeing businesses come back . We had 2 million of private investment in camden city since the crime situation improved. We have subaru, campbells soup, Philadelphia 76ers all with headquarters in camden city. Before the pandemic, the Unemployment Rate had dropped to historic low as well. Just under 7 . It has risen a bit during the pandemic, however, were starting to see that trend reversing. Companies in camden city are hiring residents and thats a big part of Fighting Crime as well, creating Economic Opportunity for residents. Thats what we are doing in the city. But that would not be possible without improvement in public safety. I want to stay on that. Captain, people of color makeup half your department, but white people makeup less than a quarter of camden city. How much progress have you made recruiting Community Members, locals that live in camden to be charged with protecting it . I think that it has been a work in progress. Theres been hiring restrictions we had since our inception that weve consistently reviewed and worked through. As it stands now, were best suited today to ensure our residents makeup a tremendous percentage of the agency. Again, thats a work in progress, i think it is greatly improved in recent years. Stephanie, if i can add to that. Yes. We just had a law passed in state of new jersey thanks to support of governor murphy, Senate President sweeney that allows us to hire officers directly now outside the Civil Service process, so we are able to go to community now, recruit residents, make them part of the force. Hold on. What does that mean, when you say outside the Civil Service, outside the police union . No, but theres a Hiring Process in new jersey called Civil Service, which is archaic, racially and culturally biased, prevented us hiring within the community. Law was recently passed that allows us to circumvent that process and to hire folks directly from the community, based on qualifications, not how well they do on a Civil Service test. If it is archaic, racially biased, culturally biased, time to get rid of it. You go, new jersey. Thank you, gentlemen, for joining me and thank you for all you do. Coming up, Britney Spears speaks out for the first time about the control her father has over her life, her finances, even her body. Disturbing new details next. You dont want to miss this. Wan. More protection, more sun, more joy. Beach defense® from neutrogena® The Suncare Brand used most by dermatologists and their families, neutrogena® for people with skin. Ahhh get out of here mouse. Ahhh dont flex your pecs. Terminix. How am i doing . Some say this is my greatest challenge ever. 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This morning, a case being closely watched across the country, could have big implications for how we treat those who Face Mental Health challenges. Britney spears fight to end her conservator ship. The 39yearold pop star speaking out in court yesterday, pleading with the judge to end it. Reporter this morning, Britney Spears demanding to regain control of her life, testifying remotely in court wednesday. The 39yearold lashed out at her father and conservators that managed her care and finances, calling them threatening, abusive, saying shes forced to endure oppressive conditions comparable to slavery. I lied and told the whole world i am happy because i have been in denial. I am traumatized, cant sleep. So angry, i cry every day. Her dad was Court Appointed as her conservator after she was placed in two Involuntary Strik holds following a public breakdown. She wants him out, telling the judge he loved the control to hurt his own daughter, 100,000 , he loved it. She said he forced her to tour against her will. When she complained, she was put on lithium. I felt drunk. I told them i was scared. The pop star says they wont let her get married or have more children, preventing her from removing an iud. I feel ganged up on, bullied, alone. Did not appear people were listening to her. I think the new judge, however, is taking steps to do exactly that. Jamie speers did not speak, but his attorney told the judges he is sorry to see his daughter suffering and in so much pain. Mr. Speers loves his daughter and misses her very much. Last year, she petitioned the court to have her father removed which a different judge denied. In the last 13 years, she released several albums, starred in a tv show, performed in a Hit Las Vegas residency. Now tells the courts if i can work for myself and pay other people, it makes no sense. I just want my life back. Fans and other celebrities agree, including former boyfriend Justin Timberlake who tweeted we should all be supporting britney at this time. No one should be held against their will or have to ask permission to access everything they worked so hard for. I need this explained to me. Joining me. Joyce vance, professor at the university of Alabama Law School and msnbc contributor. Joyce, explain to me the type of person what kind of condition would someone normally be in with to have this kind of conservatorship . I would manual someone in a vegetative state or with dementia, not someone making millions of dollars. Thats a good guess, steph. And youre exactly right. Conservatorships are for people who are coming to the end of their lives, people with dementia or longterm cognitive impairment. It was impoed at a time when she was struggling. Theres been some suggestion perhaps she suffered from postpartum depression and was going through a difficult period of time. Now 13 years down the road its tough to see, especially based on what we heard from her yesterday why the conservatorship is still in place. Under california law, theres a provision for terminating a conservatorship. Typically, they terminate automatically when someone dies. A judge can terminate it if she finds its no longer required. And what are the odds this judge lets her out . When she did suffer those breakdowns, she was one of the most Public People on planet earth who had been in The Public Eye since she was a child. This raises really troubling questions. You can think of so many people who have had a rough patch in their lives but dont suddenly give up control. Not just of the money theyre earning but intimate decisions like the reporting that shes not permitted to have an iud removed. Tough to say what this judge will do but this case deserves a good, hard look. Unless theres information that wasnt presented yesterday and hasnt filtered out to the public over the years, its tough to make a case that this conservatorship should continue. Joyce, thank you so much. Well continue to cover this story. At this hour, final preparations are under way for sundays pride parade in new york city. It is supposed to be a celebration of love, diversity and inclusion for all Community Members who are still fighting for equality. But this morning, big controversy is growing over this years ban again Uniformed Police officers from participating in sundays festivities. Parade organizers say theyre implementing the ban through 2025 because they want to create safer spaces for marginalized groups. Quote, the sense of safety that Law Enforcement is meant to provide can, instead, be threatening. And at times, dangerous to those who are in our community who are most often targeted with Excessive Force and without reason. Brian downey, new york gay officer action league. His group has been banned from marching. Im so glad youre with me. This seems crazy. When they say you can march but cannot wear your uniform, isnt that like the organizers to tell you to stay in the closet . You can be here, but just dont show anybody who you really are. Good morning, steph. Thanks so much for having us today, to be here with you, to talk about this. So the decision, we feel, is hurtful. Its asking us to shed a layer that we voluntarily chose to put on to come into a system to affect change, to be the change. Every movement weve ever had in this country has always had people working On The Inside. It is a little sad and disappointing for our folks. Is this potentially dangerous for those who are participating . Could officers who are assigned to this parade not want to show up on sunday . If you dont want me there, i might not want to protect you, especially given what a charged environment were in right now. Could this get dangerous . Well, to speak to that, Security Arpths are handled by the nypd and i know of no one that is going to refuse an assignment to keep any community safe. I think that we do that in a lot of different spaces. And im sure that that presence will continue in this space. I mean, if we look at the events of the weekend, although that has been classified at this time as an accident, lets say it was not. Lets say that we have seen events. Ive been on the scene myself here just a few feet from where im talking to you right now on the West Side Highway and halloween a few years ago. We see active shooter situations. So i think that the police will definitely be at pride and theyll definitely be protecting it the way that we always do. You have not reached out to the organizers. Why not . For a number of different reasons. First of all, you know, just to be clear, my membership has voted unanimously to continue a dialogue with the organizers. Now when that dialogue starts remains to be seen, but the fact is that we were told that we werent welcome. And that was really the end of that conversation. When we were told we werent welcome then it came to discussions in the media about what it would look like if we dont wear uniforms but were not going to engage through the media. Weve had a great working relationship with heritage of pride. Im very proud and i look back since their existence and especially through world pride, some of the outofthe box things they did as far as Training Programs for Police Officers that would be policing the event, what they mean, the historical significance of them, making sure we dont have unnecessary incidents and overpolicing. So im proud of the relationship we have. And the way we feel at goal is that were not going to engaged them through the press. You know how to get in touch with us and we expect to hear from you. If you want to come to a Membership Meeting and talk to us in that space, i think they would like to hear from you and would like to give you some feedback as both being Police Officers and members of the communities. They would like to give you feedback as well. They are affecting change from within. I would love for that to happen. And i do hope you can continue that dialogue. Sunday should be be a celebration for all. Tomorrow, we will have one of the orgers of the event here with us at 9 00 a. M. Thank you, brian, for joining us. Thank you for keeping new york city safe. That wraps up this hour. Im stephanie ruhle. Hawley jackson picks up our coverage next. Hawley jackson picks up our coverage next. Wait, wait, wait this helps the environment. It saves you money. I will take that money. For the environment. Im ordering some burritos oh, nice. Burritos . get a freshly made footlong from subway® instead. With crisp veggies on freshly baked bread. 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