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more than 529,000 americans have died, the highest death toll of any nation in the world and nearly 2,000 people in the united states are still dying each day. this isn't over. and the numbers don't tell the whole story. it is the lives interrupted, the families suddenly broken, so many people left to die and grief alone that really hit -- that does hit the hardest and cannot be forgotten. mothers and fathers and brothers, sisters and friends and coworkers, so many taken too soon. i know i'm going to remember michelle, a nurse whose brother-in-law, sister-in-law and mother in law were all admitted to her hospital and she was the only person able to hold her mother-in-law edna's hand as she passed. >> unlike in a normal circumstance where you would be together gathering as a family, we've all had to work through this separately. >> and there is also danielle lopez whose uncle was killed by the virus last summer. >> it just -- i'm sorry, i'm trying to even process that -- all that this is happening. it is just all so surreal. >> that was also how surreal it is is also how maureen factan described it as she talks about her heartbreaks every time she talked about her sister, dr. add line, who died at 28 years old from the virus. >> my heartbreaks every time i look at something and i remember adda line and i wake up in the morning and i realize that she's not here and i'm going to have to do that for years and years and years. >> and there is liz ann jennings who lost mer mother and her husband dennis davis within days of each other. >> this is so wrong. sometimes i'm grieving for my husband and then i realize that my mom is gone and that i'm grieving for my mom. >> you can't capture that loss in just the numbers that we talk about each day. in addition to the loss of lives there are the millions and millions of americans who have lost theirons, creating ones of the largest economic crisis in u.s. history and tens of thousands of businesses forced to shut down. many of which are never going to reopen. and families struggling to put food on the table. so many of them going to food banks for the time and flooding food banks like never before. and then the millions of children who have spent the last year unable to attend class in person, cut off from friends and classmates, doing their best with their parents right alongside of them with the virtual learning forced upon them. all of that together is the magnitude of the loss that this country has suffered. there is, though, hope on the horizon. so, now, as we look at today and going forward, how is president biden going to speak to both of these things tonight. joining me now is cnn's jeremy diamond live at the white house. what are you hearing about the president's speech tonight? >> reporter: well i think exactly as you said, kate, the effort that the president will make this evening is to capture this moment in time. not only the loss that this country and the world has suffered over the last year, but also where things stand right now with the vaccination effort and trying to offer a sign of hope on the horizon as he begins to look towards reopening the country and returning to some sense of normalcy. the president in looking back over the last year will honor the lives of those nearly 530,000 americans who have lost their lives an the millions more whose lives have been ip pacted by the coronavirus pandemic. he's expected to look at what is termed the greatest operational challenge this country has faced in the vaccination effort talking about the challenges and what his administration has done to really accelerate the pace of vaccinations that we have seen over these last several weeks. and then it will be about looking forward, toward the next steps of getting this pandemic under control. talking not ome about what his administration intends to do in the coming weeks an months to get the country back to normal but talking about what americans still need to do. and that really has been the message in this administration, is to not take your foot off the gas just yet. even as so many of these states including texas, mississippi and most recently maryland have begun to relax so many of the coronavirus restrictions, the president will remind americans that we are not there yet in terms of being able to return to normal. but once again, pointing towards the future and the possibility of that return to normal. of course, the president is expected to sign that nearly $2 trillion coronavirus legislation tomorrow. and what you'll hear from him tonight is the firstef -- firs effort to sell that. and you'll see more of that in the weeks to come. >> thank you very much. congress has passed the $1.9 trillion relief bill, the focus shifts to how do you get all of this money where it needs to go and quickly and urgently as it is needed. it is a huge task and the white house seems to know that. listen. >> his focus now is on the details, the details, the details, when do people get their checks and when do schools get funding and how do people know if they need more unemployment insurance. that is the most important piece now, the implementation. >> you better believe it. john harwood is joining me with more. in addition to getting this out the way they need to, the president is focused on explaining the bill, selling the relief package to the american people. how is he planning to do that? >> reporter: kate, this is such a water shed moment. one year point, reflection on the loss during the pandemic. you've now got the promise that science has given us an end to the pandemic vaccines but this has a rushing river of money to tide american people over and tide american businesses over and what joe biden wants to do over the next couple of weeks is to make clear exactly how the money will help them. jen o'malley sent out a memo yesterday saying we're going to show in a tangible way how it is affecting people's lives. some of that is not difficult because we're in $1,400 per person check lands in your bank account through direct deposit, people will notice it but other parts have to be explained. child tax credits, earned income tax credit and aid to the small business administration is going to have to stand up with new procedures in order to vet exactly who qualifies to try to get some of that small business money to small businesses in underserves areas that may not have been benefited from previous rounds and big slugs of money for the restaurant industry. interestingly, you have a republican senator roger wicker of mississippi who did not vote for the bill as did all of the republican senators and house members not vote for the bill. he's touting that provision because that is something that he had advocated for and when brian deese, the national economic council director was on the air earlier today, he didn't criticize roger wicker for taking credit for that. he offered that as evidence of the bipartisanship of elements of the legislation. not only many republicans around the country, but some republican ideas incorporated into the plan. that is going to inform white house strategy going forward as they go to the next plan, the recovery act, the rebuilding america act that the president wants to put together. they're going to, whether or not they get republican votes, they're going to look for republican support in the country and to incorporate some of the republican ideas and there was a pugh poll out yesterday showing that the american people are crediting joe biden with having attempted to reach out to republicans, more than republicans to him. so that is something that is informative from that episode from roger wicker in the last 24 hours. >> a perfect example of even if he's not voting for it or supports the whole package, they can't deny there are republican supported elements in the bill now. that is plain and simple. on one aspect of this, the distribution of vaccines and getting more people vaccinated, president biden is getting help from former presidents. what are they doing? >> reporter: they're putting out videos urging people to get vaccinated. we're seeing the american people as vaccinations have ramped up, some of the vaccine resistance has receded. more people are willing to get it. but it is important for the country and for the safety of everybody for a wider swath of americans to get vaccinated as their able to. these former presidents, george w. bush, barack obama, bill clinton, are pushing to get that done. interestingly, donald trump who was vaccinated without telling the american people before leaving office, he is not part of this video and it is an indication that that club of ex-presidents may be even more exclusive than it appears sometimes. >> good to see you, john. thank you. and president biden's newly sworn in attorney general merrick garland just started his first day on the job. he wrapped up a speech just a short time ago in which he outlined the immense challenges that are facing the department at this moment. number one, on his list, is ensuring equal justice for all. listen. >> all of us are united by our commitment to the rule of law and to seeking equal justice under law. we are united by our commitment to protecting our country, as our oath says, from all enemies, foreign and domestic. and by our commitment to enforcing our country's laws and to ensuring the civil rights and the civil liberties of our people. >> joining me now is cnn's evan perez. talk about what is on the agenda. what phases the new attorney general on this important moment when he comes in. >> reporter: i think you could hear from his words during that brief speech that there is two things that are on his mind. one is trying to restore to the justice department this idea that there is equal justice. it doesn't matter whether your friends with the president, you're not going to be treated differently and that is an important thing because there are some political sensitive investigations that are ongoing. in this case it is the son of the president, hunter biden who is currently under investigation and everybody is going to be closely watching to make sure that there are no politics involved in the way that is handled. and then secondly, you heard him talk about civil rights. that is going to be frankly a flash point between merrick garland and republicans. 20 of them voted for his confirmation, but quickly you're going to hear a lot of criticism them when the justice department decides what to do about some of the legislation you're hearing around the country from republican legislatures trying to restrict voting access. that is an outgrowth obviously of the very divisive 2020 election. so one of the things that i think garland is going to be facing is how to tackle that as well as the issue of domestic extremism. he's right now getting a briefing from the fbi director chris wray. he's going to go over to the u.s. attorney's office in washington where the prosecutors are leading this investigation of the january 6th capitol riot. so all of those things, coming all on one day on his first day in office. >> yeah, quite a thing to start with. it is good to see you, evan, thank you. coming up for us, prince william is the first member of the royal family to respond directly to the allegations of racism that were leveled by his brother prince harry and meghan markle. and what he said and what it means for the monarchy going forward. plus a long awaited change for thousands of americans families with a loved one in a long-term care facility. in a nursing home. the restrictions now being lifted by the biden administration. ♪ ♪ taking you back... ...since way back. freshness and softness you never forget, with downy. ♪ the sun is incredible. it makes our lipton tea leaves better. which makes the smooth tea taste better, and time together even better. and drinking lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton is a proud 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for you, is harry's brother prince william at a public event this morning. >> sir, have you spoken to your brother since the interview? >> i haven't spoke tone him yet but i will do. >> and you could let me know, is the royal family a racist family, sir? >> we're very much not a racist family. >> now the palace is facing a once in a generation crisis as we've seen. leaving very big questions where does the monarchy go from here. joining me now is katie noikol, royal correspondent and author. thanks for coming back in. the royal family is pretty good at not taking questions when they don't want to. were you surprised that william responded? >> i was, actually. on those engagements with william, we're told not to call out to him, he doesn't like it. so i was not surprised that the sky news reporter called it out because they were doing their job and i was surprised that william responded, not only once but twice and he chuckled at the beginning. obviously we know he hasn't spoken to harry and he's going to but i think it is the second comment that was so important and this is not a racist family. he will be more than aware that the royal family is at the center of a major storm by suggestions that there is racism at the heart of the institution. and his name has been if the frame, over what has become a international guessing game over who was the royal to make that comment about the color of archie's skin. >> and also, the katie, and what you mentioned when he said he hadn't spoke tone his brother yet, i was left wondering, what is the holdup? under these circumstances, would you expect them to have connected by now and you see -- i mean, what the palace is facing? >> well, sometimes it is better to sleep on things, isn't it. especially if you're angry and you're upset. maybe take a breath, take a moment and then perhaps make that call when you are a little cooler. i mean, i know -- what i know of william's character, he can lose his temper, and i think he will be feeling angry and i think he'll be feeling very, very hurt by the part that harry and meghan has gone down because the royal family is now finding itself in a major moment of crisis. and of course this all played out while the queen is 94. prince philip is in the hospital. we're in a covid pandemic. what the duke and duchess were doing today to visit a school to see a mental health program at work there. mental health is an important part of what they do. and there are very serious questions about why meghan wasn't listened to. so they don't come out looking good full stop. >> full stop, in the fact that that is a question, an appropriate question to be asking a royal at the public event, is just a perfect encapsulation of what kind of problem that the palace is facing in this moment. the public appearance by the royals, they're highly coordinated. it is not like william was approached by someone on the street somewhere. did it tell you how the royal family is planning to handle the fallout? >> reporter: kate, i think this statement from the queen tells you everything you need to know about how the royal family plans to handle this. they are -- i don't think we could expect to hear an actual official palace statement any time soon. the queen has made it clear she wants this to be dealt with in house as a family. that it is not going to be swept under the carpet and she wants to find out what and went which and how and it is clearly important the context of the conversation, but i imagine this was on the -- on the hook for prince william. he's an experienced hand, i don't think he would turned up not expecting someone to call something out and possibly had a response up his sleeve. but whatever. it was obviously important to him that he had his say. because up until now, no one has been able to answer back. interestingly when prince charles was asked about the interview, the day after it screened here in the u.k., he chose not to even acknowledge the question. even if he wanted to. >> that is a little bit of what i took of it. and just so everyone could be reminded of that part of the statement from the queen when she said some recollections will vary and they are taken seriously and will be addressed by the family privately and i wonder if what we just saw from prince william, what if he doesn't expect to respond and it was off the cuff. >> i think it was off the cuff. i think he's probably ready for something to happen but i think he made up his mind if he was asked, he was going to answer and i think that gives you an indication as to where his mood is, where he is emotionally. i think he's pretty angry. >> yeah. it is good to see you, katie. thank you for coming on again. >> thank you. coming up for us, it has been one year since coronavirus changed everything. now, hope is on the horizon. but the country is clearly not yet there with nearly 1500 people still dying every day. ® r goes beyond just soothing sensitive skin? exactly jen! calm + 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joining me now is dr. megan rani. it is great to see you again. i want to take these in pieces if i could. reopening a stadium with full capacity at 40,000 fans about to be coming in potentially, disney world sold out for the next week and more and more people are getting vaccinated, that is true, but is it time for these things? >> you know, kate, as with so much in this pandemic, it is about nuance. we can't go from fully closed to fully open. we can't say all baseball greats are great or horrible. let's break it down. so baseball, terrific. it is outdoors there is wind, it is a relatively safe activity. but when you put 40,000 people in the stadium, the same way they were pre-covid, shoulder to shoulder, shouting and drinking and standing in line for restrooms, yes, we have one woun out of four americans vaccinated but that is mostly older folks. you're setting yourself up for spread. we're almost there. it is not time to go full hog yet. open up a little bit. make it 20,000 people, make the mask, that would be safe right now. >> that is a good way of maybe telling -- explaining it. it is not time to go full hog. i'm going to keep that one. the federal government, the other piece is that the federal government has announced it is shifting guidance on nursing homes with that almost entire population has been vaccinated and i've been told they're seeing in many facilities no new infections, no new cases because of the vaccine has been so effective. do you think it is time for the change from the federal government on this guidance? >> i think it is a wonderful and much-needed guidance for nursing homes. we have study after study showing that our elderly parents and grandparents have been deeply suffering from loneliness and isolation over the course of the pandemic. that was seen as a lesser evil compared to the risk of them getting sick. but as you just said, most of our folks in nursing homes across country have been vaccinated. and if community members are coming in with masks on, if those community members are asymptomatic, it is pretty safe. this is the beauty of the vaccine. and that is where i keep telling people, we're in the last miles of this marathon. if we could hold on a little bit longer, day by day, week by week we'll get more and more things that move back toward normal. nursing homes are an appropriate thing. again 40,000 people in a stadium. that is a little bit much. >> it struck -- it stuck with me how dr. fauci said it the other day, every day without a surge we're getting closer and closer and that is exactly what you're getting to here. pfizer announced today that they have some real world -- new real world evidence coming out of israel which exclusively uses the pfizer vaccine, that the vaccine is 97% effective in preventing symptomatic disease and 94% effective in prevending asymptomatic infection. you could help us understand what that means. is this getting to the big question of does a vaccine protect against transmission? >> that is exactly. so it gets at three big things that i'm really excited about. the first is we know in medicine that often the data from a study is better than the data from the real world. so many of us expected, well this vaccine was 94%, 95% effective in the studies, when it gets out in the real world it wouldn't be as good. this vaccine is really awesome at preventing people from getting sick which is our top goal of a vaccine. the second thing is that it does show that it prevents asymptomatic infection when gets at the transmission issue, it means you're not just protected from getting sick but protected from catching it and then spreading it to others. and the third part that excites me about this is remember that b-117 variant is quite common in israel. and so this data in a country where b-117 has been spreading tells me that the pfizer vaccine works well against the new variant which is great news for the world. it means that we don't have be super scared about that variant although there are others behind it which still do give us pause. >> so interesting. dr. ranee, thank you. a surge of migrants at the border including thousands of children, coming up next, i'll speak to a democratic lawmaker from the border, from a border state with a warning for the white house. air? 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>> well, certainly. because the months of marches, april, may, june, are the peak months where people usually will come across. so the numbers you gave about february, a little over 100,000, that is only february. but we're now in the peak time so those numbers are certainly going to increase. and again, with all due respect to the biden administration, we've seen this before. we saw it with obama in 2014, we saw it under president trump in 2019. so there are things that we should have learned from the years of 2014 and 2019. >> absolutely. let me -- you don't seem to have a problem saying the word "crisis." that we're going to have a humanitarian crisis on our hands. the biden administration is really resist ant to the calling this a crisis. just yesterday the new southern border coordinator, i want to play what she said when she was asked about just the word. >> i'm not trying to be cute here, but i think the fact of the matter is we have to do what we do regardless of what anybody calls this situation. >> congressman, when messaging is so important here, why do you think they don't want to call this a crisis? >> well, you know, and i know roberta jacobson very well, we've worked together on so many things, when she was a state department ambassador of mexico. look, i want to spend time calling it a crisis or a challenging situation. i look at the numbers. and as i said, the numbers are increasing. and they started increasing actually from august of 2020 under the trump administration. those numbers were coming up but now as you know whoever the president is, that president will own the situation. and i know nobody wants to start an administration with the word "crisis" but the numbers are increasing. that is the bottom line. we've seen this before. we ought to learn what we did in 2014, maybe not in 2019, but certainly in 2014 under president obama. and we learned the hard wayba there are ways to address it. the kids are going to be there and held from about 37 days until we could find a family or a family member to put them. they're not in cages. health and human services does a good job. in fact, tomorrow, i'll be heading to carriso springs so spee a facility. so they do a good job. it is a matter of how how long do we want to deal with the number of individuals coming in. >> there is the question of long-term fix. they're trying to ask for money from congress to -- for a long-term fix. but if we can, let's focus on i'll call it what it is, a crisis right now that will become a humanitarian crisis soon. what do you think could be done right now to fix what is right now a problem of more than 3400 children being in custody and the facilities, they don't have enough space. >> well, certainly, first thing we have to do is treat the young kids with dignity and give them the proper space. i mean they're here already and they're going to keep coming unless we change something. so we have to treat them with the respect and make sure they have all of the care before we send them off to the families. but that is only taking care of the issue right now. what do we do about this pipeline? and i'll say this quickly. there are three messages and i want to put myself in central america. one message from the white house, don't come now. come later. message number two from the family members and neighbors, hey, pedro, we're able to come, come over right now. message number three is from the criminal organizations, i could get you across and pay me a little bit of money and they're not going to listen to message number two and three. quite honestly, that is what is happening. until we have a solid message that we could send down to central america. and by the way, i was involved with the first $750 million for central america. we put -- total we put almost close to $2 billion since we started this program, almost $2 billion and we still are facing the same situation since 2014. >> i mean, look, they have a crisis on their hands and as you lay out better than than i've heard everyone do it, they have a huge messaging problem and it is not getting there. congressman, thank you for coming on. look forward toing have you on. appreciate your time. after months of negotiations and almost a year to the day since school shutdown, los angeles has a plan for reopening classrooms. the school superintendent joins me next. ♪ after we make grilled cheese, ♪ ♪ then we're eating grilled cheese. ♪ ♪ because it's time. ♪ ♪ yeah. ♪ ♪ time for grilled cheese. ♪ how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance ♪ yeah. ♪ so you only pay for what you need? 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(doorbell) (giggle) oh, they're excellent. i had so many fried plantains i thought i was going to hurl. do ya think they bought it? oh yeah. if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. if you see wires down, treat them all as if they're hot and energized. stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. soon the second largest schools in the country are expected to go back to the classroom in a matter of weeks after negotiations between los angeles public schools and the union. it includes weekly testing and on the issue that was a major sticking point, vaccines, under this deal teachers would not return to work until they've had access to a covid vaccine. joining me is the this was a long negotiation. you and i talked a couple times about it. you're the last of the large school districts to announce these reopening plans. what got you to this point? >> what got us to this point is a shared commitment to do this the right way. we said all along this highest standard of safety in schools, lower spread of the virus in the commu communities, that's a concern for all the staff. we've upgraded our air systems in all the classrooms back in may. we built the most comprehensive school-based covid testing system. we launch that had ed that in s. we doubled our custodian staff in september. remember, los angeles was the epicenter until very recently. it's coming down. we're delighted the governor and the president share our commitment to make sure teachers are vaccinated, and by mid-april, we'll be welcoming kids back to classrooms. >> the district did a survey back in the fall that showed two-thirds of families were not interested to returning to in-person learning at the time. what proportion of families are going to be returning for in-person? what are you hearing from them? >> it's a very important point you raise, because we're reopening schools in the safest way, not only with the families we serve and those who work in schools. everyone needs to know it's safe. when you have hard-hit communities, it's going to take some time. they need to see that practices and protocols are in place, they need to be comfortable with cafeteria workers, the buses. we're hoping when they see the safety measures we've taken, they'll have no problem coming back. >> do you have a sense of how many families will be coming back? >> we just sent out a family return guide which is all the information about the health practices and protocols, instruction schedules. let's have a conversation in a week or ten days, we'll have a pretty good picture what it looks like. >> interesting. you shut down your district on march 13, basically one year ago to the day. what's your biggest reflection in the last year, austin? >> i think at that time there is a lot we didn't know about covid. we saw this existential threat, and we made the commitment that through thick and thin, we're going to protect the school community. we've continued to do that. it's been a yoear of struggles for a lot of people. we hope there is light at the end of the tunnel. maybe for the first time it's not another train. as we look to go back in schools, we're delighted to see the president with his leadership and bringing that martial plan for schools we've had for many, many months now. we're glad that since we're on the path of recovery, we have extra teachers in the classroom that will support the schools that we need. it's not just a front door going back to the way it was. we're glad to see congress and leadership giving us the resources we need. >> the recovery doesn't -- isn't complete when the doors to school open back up, that's for sure. thanks for coming on. >> thank you. coming up, the pentagon just issued a scathing response to a fox news host sexist commentary about women in the military. we'll be right back. we kept going. working with our customers to enable the kind of technology that can guide an astronaut back to safety. and help make a hospital come to you, instead of you going to it. so when it comes to your business, you know we'll stop at nothing. hi sabrina! >>hi jen! so this aveeno® moisturizer goes beyond just soothing sensitive skin? 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>> this morning, kate, a furious response from several serving senior generals who called out tucker carlson, telling him what he must already know that women have fought and died for this country for hundreds of years. the pentagon really furious they would have to discuss this, that he would bring this up, because it's frankly so ridiculous. so many women. it all revolved around a photo that the military has now developed flight suits for women who are pregnant while serving. the pentagon press secretary adding to it a little while ago, speaking out publicly about the pentagon's views and the views of defense secretary lloyd austin. >> what we absolutely won't do is take personnel advice from a talk show host or the chinese military. maybe those folks feel like they have something to prove. that's on them. this secretary certainly shares the revulsion of so many others to what mr. carlson said in his opening statement. >> i'll take just a second and remind him and everyone else, mr. carlson, one of the greatest women that ever served in the military, harriet tubman. sh she was buried after fighting years in the confederacy, leading slaves in the confederacy war. she was buried with full military honors and a very small military pension, just one woman who paved the way for decades of service, fighting on the front lines by so many other military women. kate? >> but tucker carlson makthinks mockery of the u.s. military. barbara, thank you very much. thank you so much for joining us today. i'm kate bolduan. john king picks up our coverage right now. hello to our viewers in the united states and around the world, and welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king in washington. thank you for sharing a very important day with us. tonight president biden delivers a prime time pandemic address. the speech marks one sad anniversary, a year of shock and sorrow. the president will pay tribute to the lives lost and to families scarred both by personal loss and economic pain. but he will also promise a new chapter is at hand and help us along the way. tomorrow the president signs a

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Outgrowth , Voting Access , Criticism , Issue , Facing , Election , Extremism , 2020 , U S Attorney Office , In Washington , Prosecutors , Briefing , Chris Wray , Fbi , January 6th Capitol Riot , 6 , January 6th , Prince William , Royal Family , Member , Allegations , Coming Up , Prince Harry , Racism , Monarchy , Loved One , Nursing Home , Care Facility , Meghan Markle , His Brother , Freshness , Softness , Downy , The Sun , Heart , Life , Drinking Lipton , Sponsor , Lipton , Campaign , Tea Leaves , American Heart Association , Smooth Tea Taste Better , Thanks , Members , Ways , Savings Secret , Sharing , Health Brand Products , Cvs Carepass , Sharing Tips , Shipping , Promo Reward , Whitney , Jane , 1 , 10 , 0 , 2 , Child , Music , Cruisers , Anything , Waistband , Born To Be Wild , 360 , Insurance , Veteran , Usaa , Hailstorm Hit , Damage , Martin , Air Force , Neighbor , Claims , Glucose Control , Health , Glucose Control Products , Blood Sugar , Protein , Blend , Blood Sugar 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Parks , Reservations , Megan Rani , Four , Stadium , Pieces , Fans , Nuance , Activity , Baseball Greats , Wind , Folks , Line , Shoulder , Restrooms , Standing , Drinking , Woun , Safe , Spread , Hog , Mask , It , Make It , 20000 , Government , Facilities , Population , Vaccine , Study , Change , Infections , Cases , Sick , Risk , Most , Loneliness , Isolation , Evil , Community Members , Beauty , Masks , Marathon , Day By , Surge , Pfizer , Fauci , Disease , Israel , Prevending Asymptomatic Infection , 97 , Data , Medicine , First , Transmission , Big Question , Wouldn T , Studies , 95 , Show , Infection , Goal , Transmission Issue , Others , B 117 Variant , 117 , Variant , News , Border , Migrants , Border State , Thousands , Lawmaker , Warning , Pause , Ranee , Pet Hair , Bounce , Bounce Pet Hair , Match , Shirt , Magnet , Pets , Clothes , Left , Lint Roll Less , Chet , Home , Truck , Weekend , Bipolar Depression , Announcer , Price , Truecar , Buy Smarter , Depression , Symptoms , Place , Latuda , Stories , Struggle , Dark , Art , Emptiness , Lows , Weight , Impact , Empowered , Doctor , Muscles , Confusion , Thoughts , Mood Changes , Teens , Death , Behaviors , Adults , Antidepressants , Stroke , Fever , Dementia Patients , Side Effects , Muscle , Mop , Ipad , Cleaner , Floors , Bacteria , Boom , Swiffer Wetjet , Money Back Guarantee , Wood , Try Wejet , Down Dirt , Buh Bye , Custody , Authorities , Site , Border Patrol , Nasa , California , 3400 , Age , Boardner February , Authorities Haven , 100000 , Henry Clair , Teenagers , 12 , 3000 , 30000 , 26850 , Station , District , Hands , May , Marches , June , Respect , Dover , 2014 , 2019 , Word , Want , Border Coordinator , Situation , Anybody , Messaging , Roberta Jacobson , Ambassador , Mexico , August Of 2020 , Nobody , Family Member , Hard Wayba , 37 , Facility , Cages , Health And Human Services , Carriso Springs , Fix , Let , Individuals , Dignity , Care , Messages , Pipeline , Quickly , Organizations , Family Members , Neighbors , 750 Million , 50 Million , Program , 6 Billion , 2 Billion , Messaging Problem , Classrooms , Grilled Cheese , Negotiations , It S Time , Los Angeles , School Shutdown , School Superintendent , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Uh Oh , Reverse Mortgage , Liberty , Pay , Say Something , Emu , Loan , Reverse Mortgage Loans , Trick , Mortgage Payments , Mortgages , Costs , Pay Bills , Reverse Mortgage Guide , Aag , Month , Lump Sum , Cash , Reverse Mortgage Loan Guide , Stay , Heart And Soul , Investment , Bills , Homeowners , Healthcare , Reverse Mortgage Loan , Pocket , Preserve Retirement Savings , Expenses , Aren T Gonna , Equity , Solution , Reverse Mortgage Solutions , Reason , Trust Aag , Em , Call I Trust , Restaurants , City , Baton Rouge , Topeka , Doorbell , From Pikliz In , Roast Beef Hero From Parm In Soho , Winter Hill , Giggle , Plantains , Oh Yeah , Hurl , Call 911 , Pg E , 911 , Wires , Wire , Classroom , Sticking Point , Deal Teachers , Testing , The Union , Reopening Plans , Last , School Districts , Negotiation , Standard , Communities , Commu , Staff , Air Systems , Covid Testing System , Concern , Bed , Teachers , Share , Governor , Custodian Staff , Epicenter , Survey Back , Proportion , Mid April , Protocols , Practices , Cafeteria Workers , Buses , Family Return Guide , Picture , Instruction Schedules , Information , Health Practices , 13 , March 13 , Ten , Threat , Austin , School Community , Struggles , Train , Yoear , The End Of Tunnel , Leadership , Recovery , Path , Door , Recovery Doesn T , Resources , Women , U S Military , Commentary , The Pentagon , Back Up , Doors , , Isn T , Fox News , Sure , Customers , Astronaut , Technology , Moisturizer , Business , Nothing , Hi Sabrina , 5g , Cost , Ultra 5g , Network , Fast , Saving Hundreds , Xfinity Mobile , Samsung Galaxy , S21 , 5 , Carrier , Customer Satisfaction , Xfinitymobile Com Mysavings , Pentagon , Officials , Tucker Carlson , Flight Suits , Changes , Hairstyles , Wars , Mockery , Quote , What Tucker , Barbara Starr , Generals , Hundreds , Photo , Serving , Press Secretary , Cup , Lloyd Austin , Views , Personnel Advice , Talk Show Host , Opening Statement , Secretary , Revulsion , Chinese Military , Harriet Tubman , Second , Confederacy , Sh , Woman , Lines , Service , Fighting , Slaves , War , Honors , Military Pension , Makthinks Mockery , John King , Viewers , Coverage , Around The World , Chapter , Sorrow , Shock , Spain , Tribute , Signs A ,

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