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donald trump and try to control the narrative because trump himself always controlled the narrative. >> now if you talked to any of his senior advisers, they are making no plans for him to go to present his lawyers believe they have a good case for him not to go to prison. they think is age, the fact that he doesn't have any kind of criminal record, make that case and they are insisting that he will not go to prison. however, donald trump is making his own personal phone calls privately saying that he thinks he could very well be behind bars and that he is okay with it. i will note that almost anyone you talked to, who knows donald trump does not think you would actually be okay with going to prison, but that is what he is telling people. >> and you also have some reporting on this vetting process in the search for trump's running mate yeah, things are really starting to heat up and they have in the last several weeks, several of those potential vice president that i'm sure can until vice presidential candidate to be at the top of the ticket. >> now it's unclear who exactly got them, but as cnn has continued to report, we know several names that have been told to us that are at the top for the list that includes doug burgum, marco rubio, jd vance, as well as elise stefanik and tim scott. >> this just goes to show you where this process is. >> i will say that if you talk to anyone around donald trump, they say that, yes. the is did go out. >> however, donald trump will ultimately decide it won't be a vetting process that picks the vice presidential candidate. all right. kristen holmes, thanks so much for your reporting and this just in at least one of those high profile names floated as a contender to be donald trump's vice president denies that he's being vetted. >> let's get right to cnn's manu raju on capitol hill. manu. but we talking about here. >> yeah, marco rubio of florida republican, somebody of course, we ran against donald trump in 2016 and a pretty vicious campaign, but things have changed over the years and now rubio is very much aligned with donald trump, but they speaking to a group of reporters just moments ago, he was asked about whether or not he is actually being vetted or has been caused taken by the campaign and the indicated at the moment, he is not have you have even reach out to the trump campaign as part of the vetting process i haven't talked to trump. >> no information the aspirin documents for you? >> i haven't talked to him about vice president. i talked to you guys about vice president are not damaged so the question is, if that will change, if there's been in discussions with any intermediaries, rubio very much making clear their jake, though there has not been much back-and-forth with the trump campaign at the moment. >> but we'll see if things change as we get closer to the republican convention. >> we should also note they're currently from the same state, so that would be problematic, i guess trump would have to move back to new york or rubio would have to move to georgia? i don't know. monitor raju. thanks so much. appreciate it as trump comes to terms with his guilty verdict, he and a significantly large group i've allies are plotting revenge. the new york times lays it all out in a piece titled the gop pushed for post-verdict payback fight fire with fire. the plan according to the reporters at prosecutorial blitz, republicans who have accused democrats of using the law to go after a political opponents, what they call lawfare are now saying they should respond in kind, and charlie savage joins us now he's one of the new york times reporters, biden store. so charlie, a large number of trump allies want elected republicans to take retaliatory action right now, even before the election, what specifically are they pushing for? >> the idea here is that republican district attorneys and prosecutors and states around the country should be looking for opportunities to bring charges against democrats especially high level of democrats, to fight fire with fire, the premise being that all of the indictments against trump, including that one which has now been converted into felony convictions are simply a conspiracy by joe biden in the white house to invent cases out of thin air. and so they should be doing the same thing as opposed to cases that were based on evidence we just reported earlier on the senator menendez on being tried in new york. hunter biden being tried in delaware. there's an indictment against democratic congressman cuellar in texas how do they respond to that? the fact that democrats are obviously being prosecuted that those facts are inconvenient for the conspiracy theory that the biden administration has weaponized the justice department for its own political ends and so they tend to ignore those cases. >> steve bannon in the former chief strategist at trump told you that now was the moment for obscure republican prosecutors around the country to try to make a name for themselves by prosecuting democrats. he said, quote, there are dozens of ambitious backbencher state attorneys general and district attorneys who need to seize the day and own this moment in history is this idea really feasible district attorneys around the country are going to have a harder time going after national political figures. they only have state law to work with. they need to have jurisdiction, which means the thing needs to have happened and then their space. you could see perhaps a red very republican, conservative prosecutor and a purple states like georgia that has us senators who are democrats trying to find some kind of state tax crime against those senators. but it's not like joe biden or hillary clinton or barak obama is running around rural alabama and doing things that then could be a source of a crime. so i think this may be more heat than substance unless and until trump is re-elected, in which case he gains control of the us justice department. and then all bets are off from what you've learned in your reporting, what sort of revenge? >> and might be enacted if trump is re-elected to the white house, what would his justice department, a theoretically do well, what one of the things that we would be a repeat of a previous playbook is to investigate the investigators some of the people we quoted in an article are already calling for that. >> the note just as the trump administration and attorney general, bill barr created the special counsel, john durham investigation was spent four years trying to find a basis to bring criminal charges against high level obama administration officials as revenge for the russia investigation, but was unable to find enough, sufficient evidence to do so i think they want to go after anyone who had anything to do with the trump cases. and so that would be one starting place in addition, of course, they trump himself, keeps saying he's going to appoint a real special prosecutor to go after biden and his son in the whole so-called biden crime family. again, that's a little hard to square with the fact that 100 is currently on trial by a special counsel and a special counsel looked at biden's mishandling of classified documents and concluded there was insufficient evidence to bring charges over that matter, but so bring assigning a real special counsel seems to mean get someone who will bring charges regardless. your piece says, quote, the intensity of anger and open desire for using the criminal justice system against democrats after the verdict surpasses anything seen before in mr. trump's tumultuous years and national politics, what is different now is the range of republicans who are saying retaliation is necessary and who are no longer cloaking their intent with euphemisms, unquote, was there any republican in particular who's reaction surprised you? >> but you were just talking about marco rubio. he put out a tweet about fighting fire with fire in this context that can only mean one thing. i think that more broadly what you're getting there, what we're getting at there is it used to be only the most extreme maga republicans who would play with this idea. let's just use who's our control of the justice department to achieve political ends, to go after our adversaries as an into itself and especially since this verdict, we're seeing this sort of mainstreaming of this rhetoric. and this notion that if if, if democrats aren't equally persecuted with politicized investigations and prosecutions. then this will just get out of hand and there needs to be mutually assured destruction. so democrats will stand down again, the premise of all this is the cases against trump were not based on evidence and fact they were just invented for medical reasons. from that premise comes the notion, well, we could do the same thing but in the real world you would have to find an actual evidence of a crime to do something. >> charlie savage. thanks so much coming up more on how republicans are working on ways to turn their anger over donald trump's criminal convictions into action. what might that look like plus or dramatic story of one of the heroes who helped save lives and save democracy when the us change the course of the world along with the brits and the canadians on d-day the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president one day to moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 2079, live on cnn and streaming on max organic soil from a miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. >> good soil and you get good results. >> look at that. the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli, i think some of them were 67 pounds. red licorice are black licorice i see as long as it's from licorice dot call a curation of delicious faith, ship frehse to you or a loved one? in just days, so good. we earn the name you will mate, to. >> find inner peace 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brought to you by meso her firm. >> only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now we're back with our politics le, talking about how the republican party's anger over donald trump's guilty verdicts could soon turn to action. our panelists here mike, adopt keep, let's listen to what trump himself said about this issue on newsmax but the terrible precedent for our country does that mean the next president does it to them? that's really the question. it's terrible, terrible path that they're leading us to add. it's very possible that it's going to have to happen to them you know, trump, you served under trump in the white house. where do you see him taking this should he be elected in november? >> i think well it's not just president trump. i think republicans across the board are upset with what does the term lawfare is out there. i think we're going to hear that more and more during the campaign. i think republicans are upset that it does feel like he was targeted with by alvin bragg break ran on targeting donald. i don't know that that's actually true. i believe i know that the letitia james, the attorney general, new york, she definitely did but people have said that. is i think if we go back and check out the video tape, i think we can prove that bragg regardless. yes, they're upset. they're upset with this and look, we're seeing this across the board. you also america, folks, republicans think trump was targeted we've had republicans today. the thing hunter biden on this particular charge was targeted we're now starting to use the legal forums as political forums. and i suspect that if president trump re-elected doesn't pursue it, that members of the party in the house and senate but as well, there's, there seems to be this, this devolution when it comes is very similar when i was thinking about this to the nuclear option, when harry reid imposed, we don't need majority. we don't need closure votes on you don't need 60 people to close. we are now with the supreme court and these things just manifest yes. >> itself and pick up speed and roll down the hill. >> so megan, take a listen to the speaker of the house, mike johnson asked about all this on fox earlier today are you weaponizing the house the same way? >> you say democrats were weaponizing the doj to get what they wanted. are you just doing it in a bigger platform? entire presented no, there is a very clear distinction democrats and the far-left have pushed this pendulum too far. >> it's going to begin to swing back can we have to do our job here in congress to assist with that, to hold these people accountable and to ensure that the law is being adhered to. that's the effort they go see play out here in the coming weeks. >> so good question from the okamoto because i know there are democrats who feel like the house oversight committee, et cetera. is politicizing their responsibilities? >> yeah. i do think they're politicizing it, but they're also not getting what they want at the end of the de, democrats as we've seen for the past couple of months, are really the ones in power. they mike johnson needed them to save his job, but also on alvin bragg running trump was found guilty by a jury of his peers, of 12 people. so that's great that he might have run on that, but he was also found guilty by 12 different people. so it's kind of rich of him to say that do you have concerns at all about it? >> let's assume that that republicans do go down this road and start going for the sake of argument, let's say that again, this is just for the sake of argument that donald trump did commit those misdemeanors, but they should not have been felonies. okay. that's and that and that the district attorney making them into felonies was lawfare in this theory. >> do you have concerns about republicans doing the same? >> two democrats isn't that just i i i personally do have concerns that this is as i said earlier, it is going to devolve that we're going to see this on both the left and the right i mean, unfortunately, on both the left and the right, we have we have elected officials that sometimes care more about how much time they get on television, or how much money that they can raise through small-dollar donors because of their salacious. they're there hyperbolic emails. yes and less about governing the country. >> and this is one form of that. >> what do you think? do you have any concern about it? >> no, i have a lot of concern and former president trump is re-elected. i mean, he has already said that he will have revenge and he will do the things he doesn't have respect for the rule of law. it's a huge you have any concern about your party may doing some of the same like the alvin bragg case was a it was a novel theory the way it was applied. and even people who do like trump aren't necessarily fans of what was done. do you have any concerns about that? no, i don't. i also think we have a president who has a ton of respect for the rule of law just the way he's handling the hunter case right now shows you that he's trying not to politicize that he's been very, very clear about. he is a father and being supportive. so i just i just think it's different in the contrast. >> i just we've got wisconsin, we've got arizona, we've gotten nevada, we've got georgia, we've got all these states, battleground states that elected to wait 3.5, three years to file charges are talking about the fake electors scheme. >> absolutely. now, is there there there probably. but why would you wait three years? why would you wait to the two election season? and in every case it's a battleground state and it's a democratic prosecutor. but i respectfully disagree that democrats are already taking to be continued. your both great. thank you for being here. i appreciate it. we do have some breaking news. it's a busy afternoon, a breaking news on the lea law enforcement sources are telling cnn that the suspect charged in new york's gilgo beach serial killings will now be charged with additional murders. cnn's jean casarez with me on this breaking, you've seen what do we know about these new charges? while we were just able to confirm that it is expected that tomorrow in long island that rex heuermann, who has already been charged with four murders will be charged now with two more alleged serial killer murders. first of all, we're learning the name of jessica taylor now, jessica taylor, her partial remains were found in the year 2003 in a marshy area and manners ville, it's sort of a forest. the area and it is a month ago that law enforcement was searching that area, but it was 2003. they were initially found other remains were found in 2011, and then also valerie mac, whose remains were found in the year 2000 in that same area, additional hello remains in 2011. now these two women were sex workers. we do not know how rex heuermann was linked to them through forensics. we do know that with the previous victims, it was sex worker adds burner phones from him, cell phone tower, ping when both the sex worker and he were in the massapequa area and then the disappearance of the victim. so we know that was the timeline that the previous victims we don't know, but here's what stands out, jake. number one this shows that he allegedly began killing victims much earlier clear because the other four were deceased and it was believed that they were deceased in 2007, 2009, and 2010, right. >> in that area. so this is the early 2000s, so it shows a more expansive time period. secondly, another thing that is very important here is that there were body parts that were found and so the possibility is that these victims were dismembered, if not animals can carry those remains even to distant areas. but was the modus operandi of this alleged serial killer different early on than what it was in the later years. and law enforcement is telling through sources to john miller who got this information that this is just the beginning of this information or jean casarez with some shocking news about the gilgo beach serial killer. thank you so much coming up a stunning headline and a ferocious response from the white house, one of the president's closest allies is he or to respond to the latest discussion and attacks on joe biden's age the increase in wildfires is exponential unpredictable well, we need to do something is urgent with we have schreiber sunday at night on cnn a, us bank we know how good it feels to reach a milestone but we also know what really goes into getting you there. >> that's why we introduced cobras, which connects you to a real banker in real it's time to help you do anything from adding new debit card 30, he saved smarter, even create a spending one if i just kept the one with cobe rows or wednesday from on your road to hear because there's nothing as powerful as the power of us this is a futurama go daddy arrow creates a logo 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queen kamola, camila, sorry, commemorated the sacrifices and bravery of world war ii veterans. >> this is on the eve of d-day in portsmouth, england. while on the other side of the channel, president biden arrived in france to mark the 80th anniversary of when you ask soon, allied forces, the brits and the canadians, all stormed the beaches of normandy to defeat nazi germany there are fewer than 200 world war ii veterans who are still alive are expected to return for one last big reunion tomorrow. now for one member of the cnn family, our bureau chief here in washington, dc, sam feist. tomorrow's ceremony is going to be deeply personal and cnn's tom foreman brings us his story in the thundering wake of nearly 160,000 allied troops who stormed a short on d-day. here came another across the sands of normandy 24-year-old herbert feist, an american soldier with a suitcase and a secret power. he could be invisible. and that's what he did to understand what his grandson, sam means, we have to back up herbert was born to a jewish family in berlin, german to the core at his parents, urging he fled the rise of the nazis and their anti-semitic purges before the war. 15-years-old, he gets visa and by himself leaves germany to come here on a ship from hamburg to new york and didn't speak english, both the blue blonde haired young man did speak german. >> so as his father was swept into the buchenwald work camp in germany, and america charge toward battle young herbert in listed in his new country, found a powerful asset. his job is to be an intelligence officer and across the front lines behind the leinz, whatever it took because he knew german and he was german and he sounded like a german in general with legendary general george patton's army. >> herbert face storms across europe spying behind german leinz, questioning prisoners proving his metal four america afraid. >> of course, and he knew what the consequences would be for a american soldier who was jewish particularly a german refugee, herbert's father had slipped away from buchenwald just before the war began, taking advantage of a rare pass and a tip from a guard joining herbert's mother for a desperate race to the us. and as the nazis fell herbert saw what his parents would have surely faced. >> he liberated buchenwald and the photos that he took with his little kodak camera our as bad as any holocaust movie you've ever seen. he never talked about it his entire life, only right before he died that he actually tell the stories that i'm sharing with you now, it is proper that sam is sharing his grandfather's stories sam phi is just the washington bureau chief for cnn overseeing all the pool coverage of this d-day anniversary as i think about my grandfather, i think about the veterans that i'm going to meet in normandy on this anniversary. >> it's just powerful. it's unbelievably powerful that this group of americans would travel to a distant continent to fight for both us americans back home and also for people in europe that they didn't know herbert phi's passed away at 86 forever proud to be german by birth american by choice. >> one sin war now at peace sam, a long time and i'd never really heard that story until recently. >> but as you noted, he didn't know it until recently, like so many members of the greatest generation, his grandfather just didn't talk about these things he was a young man, the country saw an opportunity in him, a rare and special opportunity, because here was a german who had come to join them and he bravely went in, did what they asked just because they asked it. >> and then he went on with his life. remarkable story. it's a really, it's i got chills from the time it's a great story and i hope sam, i hope and in normandy is finding it a meaningful experience. i got to go about ten years ago and it is just powerful seeing all those veterans and looking at that intimidating shoreline. now, i'm former. thank you so much. appreciate it. >> what a president biden's closest allies is going to join me to talk about that blistering wall street journal report. >> i'm going to ask him what he thinks about the insinuation that the president is aging out of the jobs they with us the best things in life come in twos, two scoops of ice cream, two thumbs up, and now by any phone, when you switch to consumer cellular and get two months of service free, that's right to man spray all the fast reliable nationwide coverage, make this switch today at bus to credit. we know running a business takes everything you have and only a certain kind of leader has what it it takes. every new challenges years to solve. and there's no such thing as off the clock. you carry the weight of the problems for your resolved never wavers no one. else can do what you do we know your drive. we know your determination you've come far enough to know successes for those who taken this due credit. funding, what's next? >> were you stationed working or living at campbell zhun 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oh! little things like this help save our power and help save us from outages. with flex alerts, the power is ours. someone's are fatty in washington and this is cnn in our politics lead the white house today vehemently pushing back on the new report on the president's age and mental acuity. the white house communications director posting that the story in the wall street journal was a complete and utter editorial failure by the wall street journal makes you wonder who they're taking orders from unquotes maybe that's an insinuation because the wall street journal is owned by new score, which is run by their murdoch's this is all in response to this headline today from the journal, quote behind closed doors, biden's shows signs of slipping unquote, beyond the headlines, there is some critical nuance here are the article is mostly based on observations of republicans with former speaker kevin mccarthy. the only one going on the record, the thrust of the article is this quote. some who have worked with him, the president, including democrats and some who have known him back to his time as vice president. describe the president to appear slower now, someone who has both good moments and bad ones, unquote democratic senator patty murray joined the white house in pushing back saying she offered the wall street journal on the record statements contradicting this narrative. she says that were not included here to discuss a senator chris coons of delaware, a longtime friend and ally of president biden. senator coons, thanks so much for joining us. so what's your response to the article? surely you acknowledge that any 81-year-old seems a little well slower than he did it say 61 or 71. that's just the aging process. >> well, that's right, jake. but frankly, this particular article and i know both of the reporters well, they're great reporters struck me as maybe this was an editorial choice, not including any of the clear and supportive and strong quotes that a whole series of us who are democratic senators offered based on our recent experience with president biden, but they did choose to quote three different republicans, including jim risch republican senator, who gave very critical quotes. so look, i frankly think it was misrepresented. it was edited in a way that was designed to produce a particular result. i gave a long and detailed quote about some direct experiences i've had with the president recently where he shown mastery of the topic where he's led a really compelling conversation in a bipartisan context. i'm talking about the israel-gaza conflict. >> so the journal states it was based on interviews with 45 people over months that were either in meeting things or briefed on meetings with president biden? they do note in the article that most of the criticism comes from republicans, but not all of it. they said that some of the criticism was from democrats, although they said on background or off the record, have you heard any concerns from anyone who has met with president biden about him seeing seeming a little sloppy? >> no. >> not if your core question is, is president biden up to the job absolutely. >> have i heard from some of my colleagues concerns about the character difference between him and donald trump absolutely. have i heard concerns about what donald trump would do if he were president compared to what joe biden has done and would do if reelected? absolutely. >> and i don't hear a lot of coverage of the ways in which former president trump makes very similar slips, mistakes mishaps fails to grasp who he's talking to or where he is. >> there has been a relentless focus in some news outlets on minor slips by our president that i frankly think are typical of anyone who's keeping a demanding 14 hour day schedule. >> it's turning to another subject. you just got back from a trip to taiwan, the philippines, in singapore. this comes on the heels of aggressive military drills by china. how concerned are you about what china might do, whether or not they will take military action when it comes to taiwan, very and part of the point of there being a bipartisan delegation from the senate and a bipartisan delegation from the house to go visit taiwan right after the inauguration of their new president was to push back on china's aggressive behavior in the south china sea they're posturing with regards to taiwan and things they've done throughout the region. i got to meet the new president of the philippines, a bongbong marcos, who spoke at the shanghai dialogue. excuse me, the singapore shangri-la dialogue there is an ongoing contest over sovereignty, over control of something called the second thomas shoal. an outcrop being in the middle of the south china sea that's long been considered philippine territory, but where there's a real contest of wills between the chinese and the filipinos are secretary of defense, secretary austin spoke at that conference very forcefully, very clearly about our treaty commitments to the philippines and there was a sharp contrast between how he presented the united states and our interests in the region. and the minister of defense from china, who also spoke. >> all right, senator chris coons. thanks so much for being here. i really freaking good. and welcome back. >> the pain felt by the families of those taken hostage by hamas. >> both the families of those still believed to be alive and those who tragically have been confirmed dead. next, the families latest plea focused on getting the latest ceasefire deal across the finish line. stay with us five good things. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts a us bank, when we say we're with you, we mean it not just for the good stuff the grand opening celebrations, but for all the hard work he took to get there. >> we are in for all of it it's tough for sure but less tough when you have the right people by your side like kayla from kansas city, and thousands of other bankers around the country 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attempt to get the latest hostage and ceasefire proposal across the finish line. despite the possible progress, the pain felt by the families of the hostages seized by hamas terrorists remains at least eight dual american israeli citizens were taken hostage on october 7 israeli officials believe five of the eight might still be alive. 22-year-old omar neutro is one of them. he has spent more than 240 days in terrorists captivity. tragically, as we reported at the time back in march, the idf confirmed that 19-year-old eat i can was murdered by hamas on october 7, has remains were then brought to gaza and are still there today. e-type hans father, ruby and omar neutres, mother or join us now, you guys are familiar guests of this show and you'll keep coming back until horrible hostage crisis and war is over or no, you met with us officials this week are you optimistic of a deal i believe we've been through the cycle more than once. what do you think is holding, what do you think is preventing it what we're hearing right now is that hamas is preventing it right? >> we've heard from jake sullivan yesterday that israel has leaned in and this pretty much offered what hamas was asking for a couple of weeks back and everyone's breadth is on hold right now. once again, waiting to hear from hamas whether they really want the war to end or they're just want to continue the fighting what do you think is keeping this deal from happening is your understanding the same as ornery? do you also think netanyahu is playing a role here and holding up a deal. what do you think? >> well, it's called the netanyahu deal. so it's put a difficult to say that he opposes a deal that he actually i confirmed he and his war cabinet just a few days ago, which peasant invited echoed on friday so i think now the onus is on hamas as well as the allies of the united states in the middle east, specifically egypt and qatar, to get this to the finish line. >> do you think egypt and qatar are not doing enough to pressure hamas? i think it's pretty clear that hamas doesn't particularly care about what happens to the palestinian people, but they might care about their relationships with egypt and especially qatar i think until the deal is done and we start seeing people come out. >> they're not doing enough. i think nobody is doing enough until this actually happens ruby, you joined the show after after your son, your beloved sunny tie was confirmed killed and you describe the months before you new his fete as psychological warfare by hamas they're twisted hamas, the leaders of hamas are twisted by definition, what they did on october 7, the way they don't care the width embed, and hide among the palestinian people to to inflect as much casualties against their own people. >> so israel gets blamed for it. >> that how do you have faith in negotiating partner like that? yeah, i would look at islam for a second and i would even challenge any mom that is listening to me now to find any left funds in the colon the holy bible, where there's left wins to dealing with the deceased, which so much indignity oraa, are nyu and other parents, including ruby, attended the israel day parade in new york on sunday. the hostage families forum says 60,000 people showed up many chanting, holding banners calling for the immediate release of the hostages. how did how did that feel? we've seen a lot of the other side of the argument in protests in the united states, people who don't seem to care about the hostages how did the support for hostages feel? >> we felt a lot of supports and not just from the jewish community i ran into a christian family that fluid and especially from tennessee this young girl maybe eight-year-old shared with me that in her school they pray for the hostage at every single day. and i also want to add that on monday. we actually participated in an interfaith event with muslim leaders from the new york area and hostage muslim families that flew in from israel to participate in this event and i want to commend these leaders for speaking up for saying that this is not the way of the qur'an and for being brave about doing that. and i hope we hear more of these voices because i believe that most people disagree with what it's going on and would like to see things evolve differently. >> a majority of israelis, according to polling, suggests that they think that they're netanyahu government has been too focused on attacking and not focused enough on getting the hostages back. >> do you agree? >> i think that the timeline of the hostages and the destruction of hamas on to stuff the timelines. and i think that is a majority, a vast majority of the people of israel that i'll behind us, the hostage families. i think that the government of israel today, at least understands that position and then it's doing what it can to put an offer on the table. that again, is positive towards what hamas have wanted and the strategic question to ask sinwar, does you want to continue to live in a cave in blink suffering to the people in gaza or is there a better future for all of us? and i think that's the answer that i need stance how has your view of the netanyahu government, if it has changed, how has it changed over the last since october 7 i'm waiting for them to take responsibility. >> i will say that as an american dual citizen of both countries the compassion and the attention and seriousness which we've been addressed over here. the difference is stocking between the bohr more respectful in more serious in the united states then the rna israeli government towards the hostage families. >> i would echo death. yeah that's but i also want to echo what? yeah. it's been pretty awful, but i would also echo what ruby is saying that i believe that apart from some fringe members of the government, most government numbers feel that it's time to bring the hostages out right now i just finished that by saying when i got the awful news, pleasant and biden gave us a call for and condolence call. >> i'm still waiting for that call from my five minister ruby, an orange. >> we're going to keep covering this until their home and their different ways. thank you so much for being here. and many times memory be a blessing as always we'll be back in a moment. >> the assignments are going and paying the tornado here. >> i'm thinking i'm going to die. and i thought that was it. >> finally, earth with the liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn. >> today, at america's beverage companies harb bottles might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way. >> thanks to you. >> were getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic, new bottles made using no new plastic you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. and when we get more of them back, we can use less new plastic bottles are made to be remade at bus to credit, we know when you're a small business in this 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start with still laura johnson and johnson can help you explore support options the situation room with wolf blitzer. next cnn and bag with our worldly, the italian legal system is not done punishing american amanda knox despite the fact that amanda knox has been completely exonerated her conviction for slander was upheld by an italian court today for comments you made during an extensive and abrasive interrogation, nearly 20 years ago. >> remember that interrogation was just after her roommate, meredith kercher, brutal murder while they were studying abroad in italy amanda knox, of course, infamously spent four years in prison before her conviction was overturned by an italian judge who said that the initial prosecution had nothing to do with evidence unquote. >> but years later, europe's top human rights court ordered italy to pay her more than $20,000 in damages still, cnn's barbie nadeau is in italy where amanda knox, once again has been thrust into italy's harsh legal system. amanda knox and american who spent four years in an italian prison for the 2007 murder of a british roommate, meredith kercher before being absorbed, is still a convicted criminal on a separate charge in the eyes of the italian court knox now a mother of two returned to italy from seattle to attend a hearing on wednesday, hoping accord in florence would clear here of a slander conviction for falsely accusing the manager of the bar where she worked, patrick lumumba of kercher's murder, sending the innocent man to jail for two weeks. knox wrote on x on monday that she hoped she would finally clear her name of the quote, false charges but it wasn't to be very surprised of the outcome of the decision i i'm amanda is very upset and from the outcome of this here think she was looking to have a final point of all this 17 years now judicial procedure, knox and her former italian boyfriend fairly select sciutto were convicted of kercher's murder in 2009. along with ivory coast native rudy. today knox was an exchange student in italy at the time an appellate court then overturn knox installation shows convictions and knox went home to seattle. >> thank you to everyone who has plagued me who has defended me what are my family? >> but another italian court reinstated the convictions, which were definitively overturned in 2015 by italy's highest court. >> however, the slander conviction for knox remained knox later petition the european court of human rights, which ruled in 2019 that italian investigators violated knox's rights by garnering the false accusation without the presence of a lawyer or adequate translator. they also ruled that italy should pay her nearly $21,000 knox said she felt sure the italian court would agree with the european ruling instead, the court upheld that knox is guilty of slandering her former boss. she had already served the original slander sentence. when she spent four years in detention following her wrongful imprisonment for murder. >> her lawyer said they would consider appealing once again, meaning that this is not the last word on a case that has lingered for nearly two decades barbie lots and adobe, cnn, florence and our thanks to barbering to dough for that report. are last leads start in orbit as boeing's starliner spacecraft finally got off the ground today, this is the first crewed mission involving the starliner. its launch had been scrubbed twice before this morning, successful lift off the capsule, carrying nasa astronauts suni williams and butch wilmore dock with the international space station tomorrow afternoon. some retail workers at tj maxx and marshals and our money leader now wearing body cameras, the parent of the stores tj hey, x says the police lights like security is meant to discourage shoplifting and keep employees safe predicts, argues that shoplifter is already go in with the expectation of being according and underpaid and under trained employees could make matters worse when it comes to enforcing these rules. you can follow me on facebook, instagram threads x formerly known as twitter, on the tiktok, i checked app. or you can follow the show on x at the lead cnn, if you ever miss an episode, only, you can listen to the show once you get get your podca

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