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>> good evening, i am glad benson, joey jones. welcome to the "big weekend show". big story tonight, president biden paying tribute to arlington cemetery earlier raised a few eyebrows world watches and waits for the president's reaction to attacks on u.s. forces by iranian proxies climbing to 48 since the 17th of october. pro- palestinian protesters swarming his home in delaware marking veterans day in washington. lucas tomlinson live in delaware tonight. good evening. tonight there tens of thousands of americans deployed to the middle east, 2500 and iraq and 900 and neighboring syria. sixty of the troops attacked and injured by proxy forces after coming under drone and rocket attack. president biden honoring soldiers in harm's way today at arlington national cemetery. >> we must remember only 1% of society today protects 9% of us. 1%. we owe them, we owe you. >> after laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier, biden appeared to be confused executing about-face after initially turning to windy official party helped by the escort, army sgt. first class to get the president back on course. forty-eight attacks off the top on u.s. forces in the middle east since october 17. six have taken place since wednesday one of her of u.s. air force strike eagles hit a warehouse in syria, the pentagon said it was during weapons used by iran and proxy forces to attack u.s. forces. here in delaware hundreds of protesters gathered to show support for the palestinians in gaza and perhaps to hamas joining larger protests in london and new york. we're just getting word u.s. military aircraft crashed in the eastern mediterranean were the uss ward aircraft strike group is played. no word if there are any casualties. >> thank you very much. let's bring it to the panel, joey, we will talk a lot more about veterans day coming up, these attacks on our forces 48 of them, six since wednesday as we heard there from lucas, it seems like the response has been series muted from the u.s., couple bombings and warehouses we hear administration officials telling around, don't do it, they keep doing it. what time does the u.s. need to send a stronger signal in terms of a response? mark october 25 around that time, president biden ordered the first response, tactical response and they bombed, at that time there were 12 attacks and now there are three times, at least a dozen attacks and they bombed a weapons depot into publicly they hope didn't kill any of the enemy soaked the appropriate time would happen 11 attacks before that. president trump literally killed an important figure in the iranian guard did so something like this wouldn't happen and they didn't for years. i'm not a warmonger, war is hell, the worst thing, i do want us in the israeli war, i want us to have boots on the ground or an active role in more people dying but was 40 some odd attacks, imagine being a marine or soldier or marine or airmen, i was stationed once going well, it's about time to get bombed again because it's happened a couple dozen times and our president might bomb a weapons depot that isn't being used often and basically is telling everyone every time this happened, they reiterate. none of our people were hurt or killed. you go i guess i need to die for him to care enough to stop this. one of my buddies have to die so he will stop this. >> what should that something be? >> put four stars on my chest and i will tell you. we have people in leadership who should be able to determine, strategic and surgical, that is the trump doctrine. the bush doctrine, he means war. trump doctrine is granted strike and being surgical and send a message. there are a game of things i would do that rather than messaging, we make sure we don't kill the enemy as long as our guys don't get hurt back, it's not ideal, not principle the neck position and that's what is projecting, how it's clearly received by people around the world iranian proxies and the., it may be political impact i think some part of this report where he shows the president of the ceremony appearing confused knowing where to go, we have seen it before, we have seen him confused on stage and that is not project a position of strength and everyone is watching and it's reflected in the candidacy of robert f kennedy, 22% examples. gavin newsom going to china to sit with resident xi jinping and went to israel joe manchin not saying he's going to go across the country and talk to people to see if there is interest and maybe him running in another position so i don't think this is projecting strength. it is hard to know whether biden is going to be the nominee, it's hard to know what's going to happen a year from now. >> when you see that clip biden from earlier, a little disoriented, not quite sure where he supposed to be, it's not that big of a deal but when you look at broader performance you see what happened, you need to have the president fully briefed so something like that in a somber solemn ceremony doesn't happen, what is your take on what we saw and heard from the president today? >> i believe it is a form of elder abuse. [laughter] that tragedy is i don't want to make fun of him, it's an investment for the united stat states. i think everybody knows this white house the buck does not stop with president biden the buck is obviously talking with somebody else. they are pulling strings and biden is being put out in public and a reflection on our nation. i think he made statements that were important, it is true, the 1%. defense this nation and also the fact that what we see with our adversaries are brought we see attacks on our bases overseas, i think we need to take one step back and say, our adversaries have promised retaliation and you brought this up very well, joey. you talked about general soleimani and promised it would retaliate against the united states. when you have a president standing literally before the world seemingly confused not knowing where to go, having to be escorted and you have a white house that continually keeps coming up for the, that puts me on pause and tells me something is really wrong in denmark and we have a problem we need to take care of and the rest of the problem world is watching. >> you had mentioned you noticed something the president said about late son and had a twist on that because sometimes we criticize him for two both biden when he's trying to convert people who have lost children in various ways but you are saying today that is appropriate. >> a lot of americans confuse that day and veterans day. the irony is president biden has shamefully hung his hat when it comes to pressuring out of afghanistan and other things he's done or the idea he says he lost his son work which he did not, he lost a son who was a warrior for horrible disease. today is a day to remember both body and friends who served went to war right at home have passed away since so i understood that and appreciated that but ultimately less than 1% are serving, three 30,000 americans but a larger% have served from a 20 million americans alive today served this country in uniform and after that 60 million people who lived with them from a family members. today is not a small thing, to get a free meal at your favorite restaurant and i appreciate our government acknowledging but as much as we need to remember those men and women who served for us, we need to remember how to honor them. a simple reef, commander-in-chief mike you ought to be able to do that and not mess it up. to me it's shameful and shows me he doesn't have the capability to do this job. how can you not do that right and do the orchestrated negotiation of do we or don't we? how does he not walk into a room and not get run over by his generals? there is no substance behind a man can't handle it. >> tough words, we will leave it there are no. coming up next, shocking admission from pro- palestinian protesters must supervisors how they are learning about this conflict. plus, will take into the ground in london where hundreds of thousands of people yet again letting the street with anti-semitism on full display, that's coming up. ♪ -can't sleep? -nope. i can't sleep either. it only gets tougher with age. well maybe you'll sleep better knowing progressive protects your home, auto, and business. wait, is this all a dream? seems real to me. nothing out of the ordinary here. i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. (car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) ♪ home of the navy seals. welcome back to the the "big weekend show". tonight shocking displays of anti-semitism and pro- hamas messaging. new york city were crowds shut down grand central station to london, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to call for cease-fire and israel. fox news correspondent mollie is there palestinian protesters filled the streets of london making another weekend of merging different because it coincided with pharmacist day here in the uk. the end of world war i commemorative weekend here in the united kingdom's to remember the war the prime minister called the protest disrespectful and provocative but still pro- palestinian protest going on for another weekend since the actor returned hamas attacks in israel. the root today take them in front of the u.s. embassy along the river. different from previous week which took them through areas. they want to avoid that on this particular weekend because to protect a notable memorial. since the protest started after october 7, metropolitan police made hundreds of arrest, many involving hate crimes including anti-semitic as well as alleged islamic public events. >> people are taking to the street showing support for hamas or palestine. is it hamas? were not sure and unfortunately they are not sure. i want to read this quote to talk about how social media has been involved in how people get their messaging. this is a protester, i do believe the social media in general played a role. reporter, where did you learn? mainly tik tok? protester -- another protester -- yeah, actually it was and another protester -- everyone posts and that's how we will make a difference honestly. another protester -- everyone else is sharing it, that's how the message is getting out. >> the algorithm is doing its thing, i think it's my you see online young people more likely to support palestine effectively in many cases, hamas in this conflict. i saw a clip from london the other day where people interviewed have not even heard about october 7, didn't know about it. they assumed it came out of nowhere, but protest israel for some reason. meanwhile here at home, nypd put up statistics from october last month, there's an uptick in a significant one in hate crimes come up confirmed hate crimes just in new york city last month although 70% of them for against jews. the administration is about islamic phobia right now but 70% of these hate crimes targeting jews in new york city last night in new york city to help celebrate veterans day you had mask pro- hamas agitators literally tearing down american flags and i just wonder the united states and united kingdom when you have veterans day weekend polluted with this violence in the most vile things being said, ripping down of our flag in our country yesterday and london to honor the british fallen, the government asked protesters maybe hold off for once and they said middle finger, you're going anyway. there's got to be some sort of backlash. >> there was a police car repeated with hateful things all over it. some of the statistics you are talking about, hate crime reports in new york city october 23 versus 22, i think we have a graphic, to 14% surge. i found some numbers and october of this year, 69 targeting harassment or crimes against jews versus eight against muslims. here is another from tik tok is even better, stand with palestine, 285 million impressions, stand with israel, 64 million so even the complicity within the algorithm but to look at this, what bothers me with the administration addressing it, it cannot address anti-semitism without throwing in his homophobia, i feel like they are not the same thing right now. >> they are not the same thing when you look at the numbers for this about the algorithm and social media no question it is protest in the we have the first amendment and prosecution from a great thing to have the right to protest march with the signs, chance, do what you want but you crossed the line and promote. i heard a report the other day where jewish students are coming into campuses the front gates so my concern is this is a long war in israel, this will go on for a long time so how long to the protest go on? >> exactly. this is really important i did research myself and others people i guess who are famous from social media, i will use this, don't get on me if they are real famous people. gigi, bothers of billy not palestinian advocating the palestinian from a they have a combined 140 million dollars but acted on instagram people like mark level of which i know who that is, jenna ortega and i know who this is, maximum or, they are all posting things to hamas, supporting of hamas or something to tearing down coaches of those hostage and i guess on the other side you have.trying to support her country she served. >> agl did a study between 2022 -- 2023 where they were able to trace money back to iran. this attack in israel took two years, people believed plan and prepare. iran was used it as a proxy but iran is not just going to focus on that attack, iran will focus on the big picture targeting the united states using internet, using those people you mention mentioned, social media to push a narrative, how fast did they move? they moved after october 7 so quickly that there was no time to focus on israel and what happened because the movement already shifted and the narrative as well. >> tik tok an instagram being so instrumental in how young americans get information, this algorithm propaganda war is against israel, it hurts their ability to continue and see it to its end. we will wrap up and talk about more later. next, fox news alert. hamas terrorists lost control of northern gaza. live report from the front lines is just minutes away. ♪ we are back with a fox news alert : israeli military says hamas lost control of the gaza strip as resident evacuate southend tonight idf says to 5000 targets since its ground invasion began. tomorrow israel evacuate babies from the hospital. the hospital will israel says hamas has a headquarter underneath it in a system of tunnels. jeff paul is live on the front lines with more on all of this. >> late-night fighting here along the israel gaza border as forces continue to hit northern gaza in a little while ago we saw players shot up into the sky and a short time after you can hear the bomb blooms of outgoing artillery and possible airstrikes. right now idf is focused on tightening their circle in and around gaza city and turning the area around the area main hospital in the reason is israeli army believes they are using the hospital as a stronghold for operations. power outages at the hospital causing patients to go untreated and more civilians to flee. israel estimates 200,000 left northern gaza but it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu making no mention of cease-fire saying if peace from hamas must be destroyed. one hundred people kidnapped from the homes in israel taken to gaza and getting ready to remember those people hoping to find a support what some helped bring them back home where they belong. >> jeff paul live on the ground, jeff, thank you. a lot going on there and just report. something interesting he mentioned right off the top is tomorrow israel, he says they will evacuate babies from the hospital. i want to go to sarah first, did this piece of news' wage the protesters? >> i don't think it will. hamas terrorists did not give israeli people living along the border anytime at all to and masada knows it very well, they use children and al qaeda did the same thing. they did that in afghanistan as well but the taliban so i would hope people would come to reason and see what israel is doing by the right thing by turning hamas and saving these children but i don't think so. >> lots of news and thank you for that. coming up about what's happening there. one of the things recently heard is the iranian president called for the creation of palestinian state. he said quote from the river to the sea. >> that's the destruction of israel as window. palestinians have been offered a state multiple times, generous office and rejected it at every turn and immediately attacked israel after peace negotiations fail because of their own rejection. i see the president of france is calling for cease-fire, israelis should ignore him completely. that's an immoral position from emanuel macron, shameful. i know we are talking the protests call pro- palestinian protest so-called today and yesterday, massive growth israel rally in d.c. on tuesday. that needs to be big as possible to send a strong message because of the propaganda war underway we have been talking about. one must know about the hospital, israel is going to help evacuate babies and children from this hospital ahead of the attack coming. they should get credit for thought. this is extraordinary what they are doing to help protect civilians. screamers, anti-semitism, phonetics won't care what the goal here obviously to say look, they are attacking hospital that's going to come, why? hamas set up there headquarters at the hospital. that's about as evil as it gets. >> with that in mind, i want to ask you about this comment from president macron in france calling for cease-fire. with that in mind, i want your thoughts, what does it mean for the u.s. when the president of france says that? >> frank is no stranger to surrender were being saved so maybe it's in their blood. benjamin netanyahu in a sense, he needs u.s. support. i don't believe they can condone this without u.s. interval support. there's an argument over what it looks like but i think they are aligned for no other reason. we need to seek to resolve among our administration and going back to that last segment talking about propaganda war after modern of the president of iran will sway many people but the president of france may so use talk about three western world coming only cease-fire legitimate argument in a time of defending yourself, the best thing, there's a headline that says israeli getting in a firefight what is the hospital shooting back. >> exactly. >> it is interesting, we will have to leave it there because we are running out of time but straight ahead, going green is what it seems for the biden administration as it gets grill for offering taxpayer dollars to gloat about their electric goals. that's coming up next. ♪ ♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". all the biden administration wants is for people to but electric vehicles. now his epa is offering a cash prize to people who post about their easy. epa posted show us your electric ride, share your experience and went up to $3000 protect taxpayer dollars by the way. can you believe this? >> i believe it. [laughter] nothing shocking at all about this. >> this is crazy, this is our government, executive branch offering cash prizes with our taxpayer dollars to post a picture of their electric vehicle that i was a young people person like my son he would be like just standing in front of an electric vehicle at some car lot intended in with a hope of winning $3000, don't do it but what about you? do have an electric vehicle? >> i have a capture, the only electric vehicle in my house and it's sitting there waiting on new batteries because they were used once and went dead. in a push to sell tvs and things, we are dealing with $5 a gallon because we don't want to drill baby drill, pump put in pipeline from one place to another, natural gas terminals awaiting approval. all types of ways to create fossil fuel energy, this administration will not let us so instead of doing a contest to brag about their ev, maybe you do tax credit or i don't know from fuel credit and post a picture of your freightliner that you are barely making ends meet on because diesel is expensive, california to virginia, post a picture of your back hold that uses diesel and somebody bit the bullet and bought at 8% interest, give those people tax credit so they can afford the interest on the house. our economy is in a terrible place regular americans who can't ride the wave of the market wait on interest rates to come down or not use a credit card. for some is not even a possibility although advised giveaway thousands of people who bought in ev because that's where you think your when is? >> it's embarrassing and they say the adults are in the house now, do you think they are tone deaf? it's not ev, it's everything. >> it is ironic they are taking people to buy these cars. the prices are coming down, cheapest tesla now is 40 grand but still offering the price. >> i don't know, you spend a lot of time in d.c., the intricacies of oxygen and lawmakers, is thie back burner? this should not be the biggest issue the white house should be focusing on. >> a lot of their base especially young people are upset about the claimant above everything else, this reminds me of bush's they have put, the energy secretary and transportation secretary for these american road trips in ev's and there's a whole series of fiascoes in the got egg on their faces because they couldn't even successful ev? the presidential cabinet so they are using our dollars to pay people to post photos to make this idea trend? i don't think it's a great use of taxpayer money but not rising one it is not surprising, i'm sure we will talk about this and many more seconds to complete now celebrating veterans day, special think we can choke tribute plus professional message from former president bush next. ♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend joe, thanks for watching. today's veterans day, the day we honor the rest of men and women who fought and continue to fight for our freedom and who better to explain the true meaning of veterans day in our favorite reporter right here in former marine bomb technician we know and love at fox, i know occasionally you referenced earlier people might conflate veterans day for the memorial day differences. >> i want to take this moment to school or preach but give america insight because i get told thank you for your service member going to make someone feel bad but the difference between the two, but i do? i put it up in a group text of 13 combat veteran come closer to say what you think? i know what i think, explains to americans for most americans veterans day make experience it as corporate promotion holiday ticket a veteran free warm meal and sometimes people want to make you feel guilty. don't feel guilty but some of us, a few of us understand these holidays and what they truly mean. veterans day is a day to say thank you to the regular americans, who live around and no, they have the sticker on the practices army or marine corps, say thank you for taking that risk for me so i might live three. memorial day more important in my opinion is a veteran is a day to say thank you for paying the ultimate sacrifice, sacrificing all of your tomorrows soul more if i can be free and secure to put it simply like my buddy gage told me on the group text, only the dead have truly seen the end of war. there's a lot of sacrifice that goes on after you come home, that is in this country are amazing, resilient, successful but also hurting those who went to war so on veterans day, understand you've got a date in may to remember those who sacrifice, all on the one you know and then when using the cursor and say thank you. thank you for being worth it. >> so well said. on behalf of everyone, thank you very much on this day, joey. i know there are other veterans we want to thank sarah you got one near and dear to you. >> epcot so many in my family nearest and dearest to my heart of course is my husband, marty. i love him so much, he has taught our family so much what it means to persevere, be resilient and go on despite all adversity he faced in his life especially being wounded in afghanistan, he makes me want to live among feel blessed in every time someone forgot to do a veteran, it means so much to i know it does me has been in my family, take a moment of your day is a think you because they give so much, i love you, baby. >> thank you to marty. i like to give a shout out to my father-in-law who came to the u.s. on a boat from malaysia when he was 16 in the u.s. army in the 32nd armored division into being -- 61 in germany, there he is during the cold war and he had a famous hatred in his troop, none other than the king himself, elvis presley, we took a family trip and it's interesting to note all the towns have promised to elvis presley, interesting to see that. his medals right there, 88 years young and i asked how he spent veterans day, he walked to dog. he earned it. >> that is awesome, congrats and thank you to him. i did see this video on social media, veterans don't stop trying to help other people even when they are back from war. look at video from florida, a car jack or carjacked a pregnant woman, police were pursuing the suspect and man subduing the suspect is a veteran who helped police bring the man to justice so congratulations as his service continues, every year former president george w. bush honors our former literary members with warrior right at the bush family ranch in crawford, texas. doctor marc siegel caught up with president bush during the event and he's here with us onset to convey the message. >> great to see you, happy veterans day. in crawford, texas, president george w. bush once again honoring military veterans for veterans day we can, he's been doing this since 2011, i've been with them with a hiatus on the for the pandemic. this year, 19 writers including ten alumni. the focus is on the veteran wellness alliance. will provide veterans high-quality mental and brain health care services for the invisible wounds of war. >> chance for parents to say i think about a problem particularly with wounds of four check in is a way for a vet to figure out if they want to get help. the bike ride is great, it's like bringing veterans together going through the same thing in overtime i'm confident there's a vet who said i don't know if i can ever get out of the darkness i feel somebody on the bike says i did, you can. the first step to recover. >> checking is a user-friendly networking tool veterans and family members with high compassion and care. on veterans day president bush is a prescription for restoring america's conductivity. >> it is positive because if you study world or u.s. history, going down get americans ought to realize how blessed we are to live in this country yes, there is violence but ultimately love overcomes hate and that is the case throughout history and will be the case now and i know it sounds corny to something that's why i say optimistic, i know it's going to happen in a conspiring weekend hosted by the former commander-in-chief for wounded veterans and their supporters including me, including all of us. joey, getting on the bike thing and not out of the darkness and not out of the darkness, you can, to. >> this shows of an actor is and what it could do to help them deal with whatever it is. >> love instead of hate, hugs all of this and attacks going on in this country, real wisdom. >> thank you very much, for the second in honor of our nation's heroes. she is partnering with the seventh and camel for a half campaign, camel products available including shirts, mugs and hat, a portion of the proceeds donated toward u.s. government, use the qr code on your screen or had to forward to donate through tomorrow. stick around, big weekend flaps up next. ♪ the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, 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the reigning family room middle-weight champion. better days start with zzzquil nights. welcome back to the big weekend show it is time now for our big weekend flops. our picks for the biggest fields of the week and i'm going to go first. americans do not want to fight for the country a number that's according to a poll that says 72% of americans would not volunteer in the military but this is important, should a major war break out. i am going to pivot this a little bit and say the flop is actually on our leaders is not the americans themselves because the reason why you're going toward the people leading you into it i believe wholeheartedly affects people's response of this. and i understand if you do not want to go to war when h you wee president who sacrificed afghanistan, has gotten us into two world wars and cannot hang a wreath without getting lost sight understand the 72% think most would go to war if they felt it was a just war with good leadership and that is what we should expect. >> yes with everything going on both here and abroad, former secretary of state hilary clinton launched a new attack on former president donald trump, listen to this. >> you could see it in countries where, while hitler duly elected. and so all the sudden somebody with those tendencies of dictatorial, authoritarian tendencies would be like okay were going to shut this down we're going to throw these people in jail and they did not usually telegraph that trump is telling us what he intends to do. take him at his word. i think we certainly are going to take hilary clinton at her word she was the one that funded the christopher steele dossier, spread disinformation about russia, continues to live in denial about even the election. she still believes she won the election in 2016. so here it this is coming from secretary of state is obviously facing some mental challenges of her own. hilary clinton please just get some help you have a little bit too much trump derangement syndrome going on in there. >> mine is about the "washington post." look at this image that we have this is anti- hamas cartoon on your screen featuring clearly a hamas spokesman who calls for the annihilation of israel, the killing of jews he's using women and children as human shields while attacking israel for killing civilians. the point of this is obvious, it is accurate and that washington post a poll that it was deemed a racist against a genocidal maniac. quite a turn of events at the "washington post." >> alright i'm going to go last year old quick would you be willing to have a portion of your skull removed to have a microchip put in? courtesy of elon musk the goal here is to help with blindness and paralysis and they need a lot of volunteers per the art volunteers lining out. nobody really knows of this is going to work i hope it is personally because we need some help with those things. but to be with you guys this weekend, joey thank you for your service be. >> yes, ma'am. what does it for us will see right back here tomorrow at 7:0g weeken life, liberty an in levine stars right now. ♪ ♪ ♪

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Military Aircraft , Eastern Mediterranean , New York , Uss Ward Aircraft Strike Group , Word , Panel , Casualties , Administration , Response , Officials , Series , Bombings , Warehouses , Them , Guys Don T , Do It , Terms , Signal , 25 , October 25 , Enemy , Times , Didn T , Many , Weapons Depot , Three , 12 , Something , Figure , Guard , 11 , Propaganda War , People , Thing , Ground , War Is Hell , Role , Wouldn T , Warmonger , Boots , Israeli , Soldier , Airmen , 40 , Everyone , None , Isn T Being , Buddies , Chest , Four , Message , Doctrine , Leadership , Strike , Bush Doctrine , Things , Position , Messaging , Game , Back , Neck , Proxies , Report , Part , Ceremony , Stage , Impact , The Is , Joe Manchin , China , Strength , Examples , Candidacy , Gavin Newsom , Robert F Kennedy , Xi Jinping , 22 , Country , Interest , Disoriented , Deal , Nominee , Performance , Somber Solemn Ceremony Doesn T , White House , Fun , Everybody , Laughter , Tragedy , Biden The Buck , Stat , Form , Elder Abuse , Investment , United , Nation , Statements , Strings , Somebody Else , Public , Reflection , Adversaries , Step , Bases , Fact , Defense , Say , President Standing , Retaliation , Pause , Care , Problem , Son , Rest , Twist , Denmark , Lot , Young Americans , Children , Ways , Two , Hat , Afghanistan , Idea , Irony , Son Work , Friends , Warrior , Disease , Body , Larger , Serving , 60 Million , 30000 , 20 Million , Government , Family Members , Men And Women , Meal , Restaurant , Commander In Chief , Reef , Capability , Oman , Substance , Negotiation , Run , Job , Generals , Room , Hundreds , Thousands , Conflict , Plus , Admission , Words , Supervisors , Learning , Street , Display , Sleep , Nope , Nothing , Dream , Age , Auto , Progressive , Wait , Business , Life Enrichment Director , Sarah Escherich , Independence Village , Family , Goal , Lives , Community , Residents , Tiktok , Iowa , Waukee , Ones , Living , Kids , Soul Searcher , Thrill Seeker , Traveling Trio , Ink Business , Money , Isn T , Explorer , Chase For Business , Helping , Identity , Vibe , Oh Yeah , Woah , Wall , Help , More , Bank , Friends Have Chase , Help Check , Tools , Engine , Car Engine Revs , Texting Clicks , Glass , Tires Squeal , Loose Gravel Clanking , Displays , Navy Seals , Cease Fire , Anti Semitism , Streets , Fox News , Crowds , Grand Central Station , Correspondent Mollie , Weekend , World War I , Pharmacist , The Streets Of London , The End , Uk , Protest , Factor , Prime Minister , Returned Hamas Attacks , Front , Areas , Embassy , Root , Memorial , The River , Hate Crimes , Events , Arrest , Islamic , Metropolitan Police , 7 , October 7 , Quote , The Street Showing Support , Protester , Social Media , Reporter , General , Difference , Posts , Algorithm , It , Cases , Clip , Reason , Out Of Nowhere , Nypd , Jews , Statistics , Uptick , 70 , Agitators , Mask , Phobia , Last Night , Violence , Flags , Flag , Finger , Fallen , Some , Police Car , Hate Crime Reports , Backlash , Sort , Numbers , Surge , Targeting Harassment , Graphic , 14 , 69 , October 23 , 23 , Crimes , Impressions , Muslims , Eight , 285 Million , It Cannot , Complicity , Throwing , Address , 64 Million , Homophobia , Chance , Signs , Prosecution , Amendment , Concern , Line , Students , Campuses , Gates , Gigi , Level , Instagram , Billy , 140 Million , 140 Million Dollars , Posting , Coaches , Jenna Ortega , Study , Hostage , Side , Agl , Attack , Plan , 2023 , 2022 , Narrative , Internet , The Big Picture , Movement , Instagram Being , Information , Ability , Terrorists , Control , Lines , Next , Idf , Gaza Strip , Israeli Military , Hospital , Babies , Headquarter Underneath It , Targets , Invasion , 5000 , Jeff Paul , Fighting , System , Tunnels , Gaza Border , Players , Bomb , Sky , Artillery , Airstrikes , Israeli Army , Area , Circle , Operations , Stronghold , Patients , Power Outages , Civilians , Benjamin Netanyahu , Mention , Peace , Cease Fire Saying , Left Northern Gaza , 200000 , Homes , One Hundred , News , Top , Piece , Sarah First , Border , Al Qaeda , Taliban , Masada , Lots , Turning Hamas , Palestinian State , Creation , Estate , Office , Window , Sea , Destruction , France , Peace Negotiations , Israelis , Rejection , D C , Rally , Growth , Emanuel Macron , Shameful , On Tuesday , Needs , Won T , Credit , Thought , Look , Screamers , Mind , Comment , Headquarters , Evil , Frank , Thoughts , Stranger , Interval Support , Blood , Sense , War When H You Wee , Argument , Segment , Talk , Headline , Firefight , Grill , Taxpayer , Goals , Epa , Vehicles , Cash Prize , Way , Experience , Bride , 3000 , 000 , Vehicle , Picture , Cash , Taxpayer Dollars , Executive Branch , Car Lot , Hope , House , Batteries , Capture , Push , Tvs , Another , Pipeline , Natural Gas , Baby Drill , Pump Put , Approval , Gallon , , 5 , Ev , Tax Credit , Fuel Credit , Contest , Types , Fossil Fuel Energy , Ends , Diesel , Back Hold , Freightliner , California To Virginia , Somebody , Economy , Bullet , Wave , 8 , Possibility , Giveaway Thousands , Credit Card , Market , Interest Rates , Everything , Cars , Adults , Prices , Price , Lawmakers , Oxygen , Intricacies , Thie , Tesla , Back Burner , Base , Issue , Claimant , Everything Else , President George W Bush , Energy Secretary , Transportation Secretary , Road Trips , Cabinet , Faces , Egg , Fiascoes , Photos , Use , Idea Trend , Former , Bush Next , Women , Men , Watching , Weekend Joe , Love , Memorial Day , Differences , Freedom , Bomb Technician , Meaning , Someone , Service Member , Group , Text , Veteran , Promotion , 13 , Warm Meal , Few , Holidays , Ticket , Risk , Sticker , Opinion , The Practices Army Or , Marine Corps , Sacrifice , Tomorrows , Soul , Buddy Gage , End , Dead , Resilient , The One , Cursor , May , Veterans , Sarah , Dear , Epcot , Behalf , Husband , Dearest , Marty , Heart , Life , Feel , Adversity , Think , Baby , I Love You , Father In Law , Cold War , Boat , U S Army , 32nd Armored Division , Germany , 32 , 16 , 61 , Elvis Presley , Family Trip , King , Troop , Hatred , Towns , Medals , 88 , Video , Veterans Don T Stop , Florida , Service , Suspect , Police , Congratulations , Justice , Car Jack , Woman , Marc Siegel , Event , Members , Texas , Bush Family Ranch In Crawford , Military Veterans , Crawford , Focus , Pandemic , Hiatus , Alumni , Writers , Veteran Wellness Alliance , Ten , 2011 , 19 , Wounds , Parents , Health Care Services , Brain , Vet , Bike Ride , Out Of The Darkness , Bike , Prescription , Checking , Tool , Compassion , Conductivity , Yes , Case , Hate , History , Bike Thing , Supporters , All Of Us , Shows , Not Out Of The Darkness , Honor , Second , Wisdom , Heroes , Portion , Screen , Camel , Campaign , Seventh , Qr Code , Shirts , Honorusorg , Camel Products , Premier , Sam , Who , Purchases , Breakthrough Card , Breakthroughs , Products , Beans , Borders , Coffee Grinder , Genius , Smarter , 2 , 02 5 , Ink Business Premier Card , Ideas , Reality , Spending Potential , Zzzquil , Jonah Wrestles , Night Sleep , Feeling , Sleep Aid Brand , Family Room , Champion , Show , Weekend Flops , Fields , Picks , Poll , Leaders , Americans , Number , Flop , Bit , War Break Out , 72 , World Wars , War , Sight , Secretary Of State , Hilary Clinton , Countries , Donald Trump , Hitler , Telegraph , Tendencies , Okay , Trump , Jail , Dossier , Christopher Steele , Election , Denial , Russia , Spread Disinformation , 2016 , Syndrome , Challenges , Washington Post , Trump Derangement , Image , Spokesman , Cartoon , Killing , Annihilation , Human Shields , Point , Turn , Maniac , Racist , Microchip , Skull , Paralysis , Blindness , Elon Musk , Volunteers , Art Volunteers , Guys , 0g Weeken Life , Ma Am , Nobody , 0 , Liberty An In Levine ,

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