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>> fox news alert. president biden set to speak at any momen n set t from woodside, california, where he's just wrapped up a meetingis expec with president xi of china, is expected to take questions. >> so we'll cut to the president as soon as he takes the stage. but today was supposed to be gavin newsom's day after's day a romantic first date in beijing, rosie showed gavin his exquisite birdg whers, intr intertwined trees and custom to bargains. gavin thoughtw t he was a shoo in for a second date. she was flying into gavin's hometownr e. , san francisco, and when gavin found out, he grabbed the broom and climbed upd . sorry, vagrants. i have a date he waited for. mae at the airport waited marvd on him as he descended onto the tarmac t. >> the way gavin looked at, she was kind of like how taylor swift looks at travis kelsey. >> now in beijing, images of xir and gavin were plastered all over the billboards and then gavin turnedthen san francisco into chinatown g,d killing millions of americans with covid and fentanyl was water under the bridge atany. ra gavin was ready to take the relationship to the next levetil until he found out there was someone else. joe biden the president flew in on air force one. now newsom had competition when she saw joe. >> they couldn't keep their hands off each other as joe off eacothe likes to brat more time with xi than anyone else, not to mention the fact that she has guys bribeds the biden family. >> the chemistry wasbribs unmi unmistakable. >> i've never doubted what you've told me in termsle.e of your candid nature in which you speak. >> i still remembe inr y, interactions very vividl and it always gives me a lot of thoughts. eadout well, we just got the readout from the biden team about the president' fbiden tes meeting w. the meeting lasted 4 hours, and she did almost all the talking as she usuallye does. . >> at one point, biden wished his wife a happy birthday, and she was embarrassed because he forgot his wife's birthday shs coming up. >> and then she complained about how china was getting bad prese gettins in the us china gets greata press. she must be watching fox. and then they talked about the weather. no, that's not a joke. biden afte r hours of listening, begged china to help us outa with global warmintop usg. and then biden asked, are you going to invade taiwan? >> china said biden then asked, why are youn guys stheno secretive about your nuclear weapons program? >> and she didn't answer. it was very secretive. biden never mentioned covid. ke biden asked she, can you guys stop buzzing our aircraftand and our ships? and she said, we'll have our militaries talk about it. >> so from the readout of this meetin g, it sounds like president biden listened for 3 hours, talke d for one,, talk and nothing much came out of it. but the luncone and thing muh w biden ordered four cheap herbed ricotta raviolxii, artichoke crisps, tarragon roasted heritage chicken california r gold, rice pilaf, charred broccolini and brussels sproutir . >> and for dessert, of course, almond meringue cake, praline, butter, creae almondm and conco sauce. delishgrape as cheese taste buds were exploding, gavin's heart was sinking. >> let's be honestinggavin', the gavin didn't stand a chance. biden's the one that's beenibed. bribed. bibiden's the one who didn't pop the spy balloon. bibiden's the one who covered u. the lab leak. biden's the one who stored is classifiebiden isd documentss in chinatown. gavin's going to have to work a lot harder in, especially afta biden announced he's dropping sanctions on the chinese if they promise to crack down on fentany tl. >> that's right. that's the one deal the biden team claims they cutlice a today. the chinese police statete can keep operating so their can build cheap iphones for apple and xi. >> pinky promises he won't sell fentanyl to the cartels. that's not what you'd call the art of the deal. >> that's the biden doctrineato accused trump of cozying up to dictators while you bend over and pay thewhm. . biden just paid the iraniansandt another $10 billion, and that's on top of the 6 billion he just paid them. >> and after biden's tough talks on russia, he's been caught buying sanctioned russian oil from bbuying s middlemen fueling the russian war machine while selling weapons to ukraine. >> why is biden always on bothoh sides of the action he's paying the palestinians and the israelis, the russians and the ukrainians, the chinesssianse be his family and he dropped sanctions. chinese spie famils steal our te secrets. and the biden family defends the spie milys in court. >> the united states has so much economic and military china leverage over china, but we can't use it, because china has leverage over our president. >> china is in a demographic death spiral. the real estate market s blowing up their gdp's dragging. >> investors are souringthe gd.. >> now's the perfect time to squeeze the chinese. but since the president's compromised chinese behavior isn'esident t changing and chine profits are still flowing to corporate america, it's a win win for everyone except the american people. >> joining me now, outnumbered co-host and former white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany. >> kayleigh,former press you pre on some of these big summits, these big dinners, lunches, meetings with president trump. doit you see any differences between now and then? a hu >> oh, there's a huge difference. president xi knew that president trump meant business. he knettrumw that because of th tariffs. he knew that because of president trump's tough talks,of preside h he knew that becausep president trump showed strength on the world stage. rli can tell you one thing shei didn't do to trump. he never didn't answer t the phone. the lead up to this meeting, jesse, was president biden's phone calls not being answered. as you point out, gavin newsom was welcomed first time in six years. a congressional delegations welh first time in eight years. so she's not picking up the phone. o ch >> blinken heads over to china and in the great hall this the m of pomp and circumstance, blinken is seated at the edge of the table. >>cumstanc a while china breachl the email accounts, unclassified email accounts of some around blinken, this is the lead up to the meeting biden was begging for this, and i believe she looked him in the eyes, sized him uhephavea and said, i have a year and two months until president donaldag. trump could be president again. is now the time to take taiwan?e do you believe president bidenve showed the strength, the resolve, the american greatness and hegemonyhe in thoe 4 hours to deter president xi knowinhours tog donald trump vey well? >> baby, back in the white house? i think notrump verye white houd >> i mean, we don't knowcause we what happened because we're just going to get spin from theset spie readouts. and you're saying that she's playing newsom off. joe newsom is the new guy. he's groominnewsg and he's just kind of making them jealous of each other. yes. this is what he does. he plays this i american domestic political games. no doubt he welcome newsom. knowing the domestic political climate for president biden, as people say ,president biden's too old. he deserves a primary challenge. he's deeply unpopulad deserves so he welcomes newsom the first time he did it in more than half a decadn ae, welcoming anen american governor. we know he medals in america n domestic political issues because, jesse, what did he do the first time his diplomat sat with biden's diplomatsbide in alaska? >> he lecturedn's diplom americt black lives matters. that's what his diplomaticmattem did. and blinken, instead of saying, whoa, whoa, whoa, you're committind. tead oou g a . he said, we have sinse that we're contemplatingha as a nation. i can tell you, trump didn't do that. pompeo didn't do that that. lighthizer didn't do that. we didn't apologize to chinese diplomat apologizs. that's what biden did. and he knows how to stir the domestic political pot. wha >> it's exactly what he was doing with gavin newsom. so what't s the final deal?it doe their claim they cut doesn't sound like a deal to msnound li sounds like china is going to break their word like they always do. and there's no way to enforce itr word are it.. right. so a genocidal dictator, that's what he is.'s a g that's what he's doing to the. n and in china, it's a. fenteo declared it as such. >> he says, okay, i'll curb fentanyl. something that makes me money, something he is very glad is pouring int the unio the unitet weakens usd states because it weakens us as a country. we're going to take his word. >> i mean, it's akin to taking i the word of hamas in the israel hamassris war. >> he is not someone whose words should be taken. yes, we have to haveing a relationship with him. of course, he's a massive world power, but we're taking his word on fentanyl and we're giving him all of thisn retu in return. this meat that is happening on the sidrn, this te of apex, e way, we didn't say no, you're having the meeting here. we roll out the re rolled carpets. g and look at this building, look at this room. we roll out the carpet forth president xi. >> yeah, we sure did. so did gavin. it's a competitionid.. we'll see what happens. kaylee, thank you so much. >> joining me now, anchor and executive editor of special report, bret baer. he's also the author of the new book the history cluook,e hl across time. >> all right. so, bret, you know how these things are. you get into the room, one side speaks and there's a translator at last for hours and thenanthii they both come out and they say, this is what we said and this is hoat ww we pointed the finger. how do we ascertain actually what happenede rtain a? >> yeah. jessica, good evening. i think you have h, good to readd you between the lines and you have to hear what each man saystheres about it in questioning. obviously, there's not a lot of questioning a president. sh o e always. but we'll hear from president biden momentarily. you know, his twitteror feed, x feed, he said he called it the most constructiveve dis and productive discussions we've had. now, what does that meancue have hadanyl to your point about the final deal? we don't know the structur ewe hav of that deal. we've heard outlines of it and it's important to point out that china has backed away from similawar promises before. so there would have to be some trust but verify. in the words of president reagan, as far as bringing u fa other conversations, we haven't heard any of that. any , the spylloon dha balloon across to the u.s., the building of a spacy site in cuba, all of those things. as far as ans as fary readout we seen, haven't come up. the interesting thing, just to counter up., kelly, just a little bit, is that china is vulnerable currentl tinyit hs in their economy. it has slowed and president xi is going to meet with americansc ,ceos later to tryan to get investment back into china. ityo they're hurting. and the ability to put the u.s. boot p the on the neck of china is there. the tariffs haven't been taken of f, but they've been loosened,sa much like the sanctions have been loosened on iranctionn. >> but they're still there. so the boot could be on the neck. and you're exactly d be on th right. and corporate america wants the boot off. pot the american people and most politicians, even in both parties, want the bootli on, especially after what they've done with vietnam doned and stealing the trade secrets. >> so where is this going to shake outso? >> i think we have to see wehavt have to see what happenst, wha tonight, what comes out of it. we'll get some detait l. d it's not going to be all happy talk and rose colored glasses. we h to gete hearaveored gla to the heart of the specifics and hopefully reporters in that roome specif are going to ask sh those specifics, including inclie, who does a great jobose pressing the administration on that. i do thinkstration on that thatt of details that we just won't knowat. critics and i think that some of theint critics of the administration point to that tabltoat tablee ay secretary kerry, who is the climate change adviser, was, you know, three seats over from president biden. wasn' it wasn't the defense secretary. and climate change is t e a big, big push for president biden with the chinese president.d ge there's a lot that the u.s. could get. the question is, what did he get and what does this meeting deliver? >>this i know jackie's a good, reporter, but do you think anybody is going to asbukmpromi about the potential compromise of bidense, of the biden family, considering the fact that millions of dollars have flowed tha in from china, in the biden family member bank accountsy member? >> >> i'll take the under>> so on that question. >> but okay, so it's all goingit to b to be ae about china, maybe israel, maybe ukraine, and we're noukt going it we're not going to get anything insightful. >> then i listen, i've beenten,i to these press conferences over the world and covered the white house. there are really good questionus from both sides, but it usually doesn't get that pointed. and yosually dhau find out the l details, the kind of nuggets of behind the sceness wefter the press conference. but we'll see, you know, we'll see what president biden brings wwe will nt biden . they're going to have to talk about something because it was a big meeting becaus g. they've been trying to get it for a long, long time. gavin newsom, obviously had the sit down in beijing before president biden, south of san francisco. and, you know, i think that there is goini thg to be something that comes out of this. the question is whether china is ithn a position to that. they're asking for things fromhs the u.s. basically to remove the tariffs, and it's now, what, a year away from an election. you can't ignoreelection? that. we just had a fox news poll out said trump's up four. bret. trump is up.i thin i think the lastk eight of ten national polls there he ist up four points on johee biden in a fox poll. >> the president has beenom facing calls from his own party, from the media. you know, maybe now you don' treelec run for reelection. >> he's in a tighthe's spo in t clearly. and you're seeing all thesese articles about concerns and whispersticles a in democrac circles. you saw what david axelrodu sa said publicly about president biden and if maybe he should not run in 24. i think there is a lot '24 of pressur.e on the presidento and trying to get something out of this meeting that showsgetinu his foreign policy chops is something that i'm sure he wants to do. i amrelisten, the world is in ad place as far as hotspot around the world. and, you know, critics of thissf administration point to thingsnw like the afghanistan withdrawal and how it happenedader as emboldening world leaders around the, you know, otspot in different hotspots and different foes of the . i think that this is a big meeting. and so far we haven't heargd th anything substantial that's coming from it. co.we'll seeis . and the american people are hungry for something substantian peopl to come out os meeting between the president and china. there'ida.s a lot of bad taste left in the american people's mouthsin after the last couple of years with the chinese. even beforyears wie that rating our factories rating our jobs. >> and this president seemactorw to want to just dance around the world. you know, he's now oveor.r in israel. you know, he's been to ukraine. now he's having this big summi w he's htlot of with the chinese. a lot of the people are looking around and say, hey,eople ar pr, what about us? >> what about the border? what about the streets the b? ? >> what about prices? does he understand that he has>> h to look at the polls and understand iook at tt becauh he's underwater on all of those issues? all the main issueoss. and,ex you know, exceptti on abortion, which democrats haveon, wh positioned themselvel around around the country, but onhe immigration, on crime,t on the economy, how people feehl about the economy. the biden nomics message is not working. en, yo so, listen, you can't have the fbi director up on capitol hill saying that china is the greatest threat, stealing secrets, and alse greao attackig essentially through the the use of fentanyl coming in to mexico. you can't have that. ded then, you know, xi and not have deliverables out of this. we'll see. you know, they may come to some conclusion, but the deal will have to be looked at very closely. >> youit sayihave the fb director saying that and you have the president saying climate change is the greatest threat. songe the great take us into this ro. now. you have the two flags. you s been at a lunch. >> he's been 4 hours. he's takinit hasg a long time h. i'm sure blinken's there. i'm sure kerry's there. i don't know if i seese the treasury secretary tel anywhere. >> is that her? it's hard to tell.l what? >> what is it like in a room here as it is tense? >> you're waiting for the big moment. ar the treasury secretary was at the president's left atatercs that big table for the meeting. the commerce secretary raimondet was there. she's probably in this room as well. all the officialwells on both su kind of line up before the the principals get out there.av i think that you're going to have a lot of, you know, talk about the much like that tweet that we saw, the ex post that the constructive discussion over 4 hours of of meetings. n overyou're going to have a lot of spin about what that looks like in their relationship. and how well it has been. and then you're going to hopefully get some detailt ss about what's coming out of this thing. >> and we're hearing he's going to do a 50 minute monologue and then he's going to take a few questions, a 15 minute joe biden monologue. y? >> bret, are you ready? >> it sounds exciting, jesse. i mean, i'm just as excited as you are. now. the questions we've seen the president have the cue card 've seens where he has the pict, of the reporter, the name of the reporter, the reporters agency. repo is this the kind of scripted press conferencerters th that we grown to expect or the president's maybe feeling good about himselfiden? you know, he's in sunny california. he's just ha d these one on ones with pretty much a superpower. o >>se i mean, he could get loose. and when he gets loose and he's off scriptgets h and he's not disciplined, that's when we get the real joe biden. and sometimes we get the truth e . >> as in he'll hav>> le a listie of questioners. you know, traditionally, that doesn't include the question, although we've seen examples of of topics g being being talked about. but traditionally, the whitetais house reporters who cover in the press pooporters l, theyl he'll have a name but it's notb a pre-negotiatedis question. it is you know, as you can expect he's probably goingo ta to take three or four questions. i don't thinkek it's going to bt a long, drawn out press conference. and we've seen the president co. handle these these long press conferences. and as time goes press on, his s would like him to to move on. >> right. as time goes on, you see s time g karine jean-pierre signaling maybe it's time to leave and wrap jean-piat it's things. brad baer, thank you so much. we'll see you tomorrow on "special report" at 6:00 eastern. >> joining me now, fox news itjo night anchor trace gallagherin. >> what's the color like over there in san francisco? trace? it's clean, jesse. it's very clean. the cleanest has bee.ry cleann . but -- but the press conference in the news conference, wee pre are here at the moscone center in san francisco in unionght in square. so right in the heart of downtown, the news conferencert o and the xi meetig today was down about 35 miles from here near stanfordnd tha university. so that's where they are and that's where the news conference will happenres conf.e and that's where a lot of the stuff is going to happen for the rest of the night. and we're up herwep heree. but san francisco is very clean. i want to put one note, if i cacisco is vern, one capital r on the conversation you and brant were having about the fentanyl thing herehavinge. and, you know, a lot of people r we've done a lot of research on this because we'researce near the border. we cover the border a lot. this fentanyl coming out oof china is really not a government government thing. it's not a government to cartel thing. most.f the st of this stuff coms on the black market and it's -- it's really a question of oil as to whether how much power president xi has over stopping these chemicals to make fentanylr . when they go to the cartels and we should also point out that they don't just get their chemicals from china, they get them from elsewherchemice. and because the border, the southern border is wide wi, the point might be moot anyway, because the cartels theystill going to procure t these chemicals, they're still going to make fentanyl and they're still going to ship it acros s an open border.f on so that's kind of one of thee of the tricky thing s about this. if we drop sanctions, how much of a return are we going to geot for our bargain there? and i think that is extraordinarily. >> yes, well, china is a police. state, and i don't believew they don't know everything that's going on in that country. >> it looks likeeveryt the prest is now approaching the podium. t please, let's noenw listen to jk biden. as you know, i just got through several hours of meetings coi, and i of thno i jus believe these are some of the most constructive and productive discussionse cou ve bee we've had. >> i've been meeting with president xi since both of us for vice president over ten years ago. our meetings have always bee10 t candid, straightforward. we haven't always agreed, but they've been straightforwarayd. and today build on the groundwork relayed over the past severaly th months of h level diplomacy between our teams. we've madecy between some import progress. i believe. first, i'm pleased to announce a that after many years of being on hold, we are restartingrs of cooperation between the united states and prc and counter narcotics. in 2019, you may remembe. 2019 c china took action and greatly reduced the amount of fentanyl to the shipped directly from china to the united states. but in the years sincehas ev that time, the challenge has evolved from finished fentanylol to fentanyl chemical ingredients. and until prices whichcontro are being shipped without controls and by the walshey, oh some of these tools are being inserted in other drugs like dr c of peopledying. are dying. more people in the moited states between the ages 18 to 49 die from fentanyl than from gune froms, car accidents y other cause period. so today, with this new understanding, we're taking action to signify greatly reduce the flow of precursor chemicals and pill presses from china to the western hemisphere. it's going to save lives. and i appreciate president xi's commitment on this issue. tes president xi and i test our team to maintain a policy and law enforcement coordination going forward to make sure it works. oit worksi also want to thank the bipartisan congressional delegation to china, led by leader schumer in october, for supporting efforts this effort so stron og. secondly, and this is a critically important we're disuming military to military contact, direct contacts, as a lot of you press know,re l follow this. that's been cut off and it's been very worrisome. that's how accidentsff happen misunderstandings. we a, r back to direct open clear direct communications sidea bit on a direct basis. vital miscalculations on either side can or can cause real, real trouble with a with a country like china or any other major country. and so i think we're making real progress there as well. and thirdly, we're going to geto our experts together to discuss risk and safety issues associated with artificial intelligence with art. as many of you travel with me around the world, almost melkywhere i go, every major t leader wants to talk about the impact of artificial intelligence. these are tangible steps in theh right direction to determine what useful, what's not useful, what's dangerous and what's acceptable. >> moreover, there are evidence of cases that that i've made all along the united states will continue to compete vigorously at the prc, but will manageously wi that competition responsibly so it doesn't veer ret or accidental conflict. and where it's possible, where our interests are coincide, we're going to work together like wde, weworke did on fentan that's what thexe world expects of us. the rest of all, expect, not just in people in china, the unitedn china states. the rest of the world expects that of us. and that's what the united states is going to be g today. end president xi and i also exchanged viewxi ands on a range of regional and global issues, including russia's refusaln regi and brutal war to stop the warre and brutal war of aggression ssionagainst, ukraine and again, the conflict in gaza. and as always, do i raisede unit areas where the united states has concerns about the prc. these actioneds has concers, ing detained an ex and and ex banned us citizens, human rights and corrective the course of activities in the south china sea. we discussed china s three of those things. i gave them names of individuals that we think are being held and hopefully we can get them released as well. no agreement on thatwe.. no agreement on that. i also stressed the importance of peace and stabilityi also to thet sp taiwan straits. it's clear that we objecirt is t to beijing beijing's non-market economic practices and this that disadvantage american businesses and workers . and we'll continue to address them. and i named what i thought a number of those werei d er ofw i welcome the positive steps we've taken today and it's important for the world to see that we're implementing enting tthe approach in the best traditions of american diplomacy. we're talking to our competitorn diploms. and the key and just talking just me blunt with one another. so there's no misunderstandinggl as a key element to maintaining global stability and deliverin g to the american people. and in the months ahead, we're going to continuind e to presere and pursue high level diplomacy. the prc in both directions, to keep the lines of communication opekeep then, i including between president xi and me. he and i agree that he a tries to pick up the phone call directly and we be heard immediatel immediay. and that's now i'd like to be able to take some questions, if i may. and i'm told that dmitri of the financial timeri of ths as the t question. thank you. and as an irishman, i apologiz eve cal for bringing the rain, but holyf god, i wouldn't have calle id on if i'd known that right now. i'm teasing. go ahead. firing to be a president biden. given that america is playing a key role in two major global crises is p in ukraine and in gaza, does that alter your previous commitmentter your to defend tan from any chinese military action and to cheating being outlined the conditions under which china would attacktc by one? >> look, i reiterated what i've said since i've become president. what every previou presidents president has said, that we we maintain the agreement that there is a one china policy and that i'm not going to change that. that's not going to change. and so that's about the extent to which we discussed it the ne sorry, was bloomberg as it appears, among other issues, that your agreement with presidenter issue xi over l would require, will require a lot of trust and verification to ensure success curbing those drug flows. i'm wondering after today, e and considering all that you've been through in the past year, woulind you say, mr. president, that you trust president xi? and secondly, if i could, on taiwan, you've you and your administration officials have warned president xi and china about interferenceondg in the upcoming elections. i'm wondering what would the consequences e ith thef the, in fact, interfere in the election? >> well, i had that discussion with him to make it clear i didn't expect any interference any at all. and we had that discussion as he was leaving. st look, do i trust you? i trust but verify is an oldas e saying goes. that's where i am. and, you know, we're in a competitiv e relationship. united china and the united states. sbut my responsibility is to to make it make this rationall and manageablema so it so it doesn't result in conflict. t ts that's what i'm all about. that's what this is about, to find a place where we can come together and where we find mutual interest that but most importantly, from my perspective.but , in the interests of the american people, that's that. his is aboutaman peopl and that's exactly what we'll do. whu know, we're in a situation where we agreeer that fentanyl and its precursors, precursorsly will be curbed substantially and the pill presses. that's a big it's a big moment. they're doing and by the way, you know, i won't i guessentify i shouldn't identify where it occurred. but john, i know w two people near where i live are kids. and literally, as i said, exchanges where they woke up dead, someone inserted not in whether the young man did or not inserted in georgia was taken fentanyl. again, i don't i hope you don't have any experience with knowing anyone, but this is the largest killer. people in that age category. and, you know, i guess the other thing i think is most important is that since i spent more time with president xi than any world leader has, just because we were vice presidents as president, it was president hu. i'm not making a joke. president hui'm no and president obama thought we should get to know one another. wouldn't appropriate for the president of the united stateit wass to be dealig with a vice president. so we met.t, if i'm not mistake, i think it was 68 hours of just face to face discussion of a simultaneous interpreter. i kn think i know the man. i know his modus operandi. he's been we have disagreement i . he has a different view than i have and a lot of things. but he's t of t been straight. i don't mean as good, bad orod,a indifferent, just been straighdt . and so, you know, we as i said, the thing that i find most assuring is he raised and i fully agree that either one of us have any concern. mr. ambassador, any concern about anything between our nations or happening in our region happe, we should pick uptake the phone, call one other, and we'll take the call. ortant that's a pn important progress. i'm embarrassed, i think, at cbs, but i can't rememberremb who was cbs. >> i'm sorryer w, mr. president. good day. sorr>> repy. gize >> i apologize. at any stress or fine. not areas concern for the past year there when and finally russia and aircraft and of course ramp up or react out i mean if that is how hearing and what got an issue. and at well first of all none of it did end up in a current conflict, number mber onumber two, you may recali i did a few little things like get the quad together around australia to have access to new submarines moving in the direction of work with the philippines. so our actions speak loudern than our words. he fully understandswords. and e rest of the day, as out i on the should and as it is intimate and out. but that is there is we also have that aspect. so when we argue against members we by the house is operation bay. yes lot we did discuss this by the way but we can't let ittf get out of control. here's a situation. you have a circumstance wheree the first war crimes being committed by hamas, by havint war crg their headqua, their military hidden under a hospital, and that's a fact. that's what happened. that'sisrael did not go in withu number of troops, did not raid, did not rushmber o everything d. they've gone in and they've gone in with their soldierss or carrying weapons, their guns. they were told total. let me be precise., we've discusselet d the need fon them to be incredibly carefueel you have a circumstance where, you know, there is a fair number of hamas terrorist. . hamas has already said publicly that they plan on attackinalreag israel again like they did before to cut and baby's heads off to burn birdie. women and children alive. alive. and so the idea that they're an, not doo anythi anything is not realistic. this is not the carpets not bomi this is a different thing. they're going through these tunnels. they're goinngtunng in the hosp. and if you notice, i, i was mildly preoccupied today.ogize i apologize. i didn't see everything. but what i did see, whether i haven't had it confirmed yet ,i am asked my team therer to answer the question. but what happened is they're also bringing in incubators. we're bringingls in other otherr means to help the people in the hospital. and they've given the doctors and i'm told the doctors and nurses and the personnel an opportunit ny to give you out of harm's way. so this is a different story than, i believe, what was occurring before an indiscriminate bombing. u've got when you got washington post. i think that's right. >> and it's very ah, sorry, i continue my rolls weren'tper o thousandnt more than 11000 hours just for a month and you're breaking up. i didn't. >> israel's war in gaza has killed more than 11,000 palestinians just over a month and created a humanitarian disaster. israeli officials have raeli ofsaid this for months orn years. how have you communicated to prime minister netanyahu any sort of deadline or timeframe? for how long you are willing ort to israel in this operation? opereou comfortablhi the operation going on indefinitely? and is there any deal under way to free hospital? >> thank you. yes. >> yes no. working backwards, forward. invo, working , i have been deey involved in moving on the hostage negotiation and i don't want to get ahead of myself here because i don't know what's happened in the last 4 hours, but i have gotten a great cooperation from the countries i spoke with them as well, a number of times. n withi think the pause and that is really that the israelis have agreed to write it down. w do i get into much detail? get i know, mr. secretartiy was on the air, but i am i am mildly hopeful and mildly hopefuildll with regard to when is this going to stop? i think it's going to stop i thn the when hamas no longer maintains the capacity to murder and abuse and and just do a horrific things to the israelis and they're in and they still think, at least as of thi leasts morni, they still thought they could. i, i guess the best way for megs to say is that i take a look the idf, the israeli defensees o forces, acknowledges they have an obligation to use as muchs ty caution as they can and going after their targets. afteit's like they're rushing ia hospital, knocking down doors and, you knole asidew, pulling people aside and shooting any. e indiscriminatel >> but hamas, as i said,israel a said they plan on attacking israelis again and this is ais terrible dilemmaa . so what do you do? i think that israel is also taking risks themselves about their folks being killed,n 1 to 1 going through these hospital rooms, hospital hallsg . but one thing has been established is that hamathing hs have headquarters weapons materialma below this hospital,o and i suspect others. but how long it's going to last, i don't know. look lasi don', i made it clearo the israelis that to bibi and his war cabinet that i think the only answer here is a two state solution, israel. we'vot to get to the point where there is an ability to be able to even talevenk withoutar worrying about whether or not we're just dealing with they're dealing with hamas that's going to engage in the same activities they didthe samr the past on the cement. so it's but i can't tell i'm not a fortune teller. i can't tell you how long it's going last. but i can tell you i don't sink it ultimately ends until there's a two state solution. i made it clear to the israelis, i thincleak it's a big mistake for them to think they're going to occupy gazathaw and maintain gaza. i don't think that works. and soor we're going to i think you're going to see efforts i to bring along well, i shouldn't go in anymore because things so i've been negotiating with arab countries and others about what the next steps are. but anyway, thank you all very much. >> appreciate it. thank you. this ends the press conference. ,obviously, for everybody said we're going right.. hammer hamas said they plan on on doing the same thing again with what they did, what they did on the summit. they're going to go and they want to slaughter israelis. again.nt to do it they've said it out loud. they're not kidding about itng they're not backing off. and so i just ask a rhetorical question. i wonder what we would dhat we f that were the case, because >> you said, we're coming through what do you to the american authorities when said, oh, comingng here, what i meant was i'm doing everything in my power to get you outo geto coming to help you, to get you out. i don't mean sending militaruy in to get them. is that what you thoughtmean i might be?ing ab no, no, noou. i was not talking about the military. i was talking about we had on our mind every single day, five or six times a day. i'm working on how i can. be helpfulw in getting the hostages released and have a period time where there's a pause long enough to let that happen. and there are somewhere between 50 and 100 hostages there. we think there was a three year old american child. you're right it is.stop u that's why i'm not going to stop till we get ountm.r guy we'll get hold of ours. can you tell us what kind of ethnic groups have been off the mountain for hundreds of. >> no, i won't tell you. we'll absolutely. >> portland. based on. we know. yes. yeeporter:discernis. and mr. president, after today, which is still the french presidencyoach pre, as it takess to turn out that news earlier this year.he is a well, look, he is i mean, he's a dictator in the sense that he is the guy who runs is the country that is kind of happya co with based on form of government, totally different than ours anyway. >> you know, it's a reality television. so that was the president after a four hour meeting with president xi, the white house promised they were going to take many more questions in tha take mat they said that s going to be about 45 minutes to an hour. 45es a half anur. hour. the president walked away from the podium after y from not really bringing much to the table. he said that was an understanding with the chinese on fentanyl. didn't sound like a deal to me. he mentioned i he mentione.d resuming military to military contacts. >> other rlitary than i didn't hear much at allsident that the president accomplishedn ,aside from listening to the chinese and wagging his finger g with nothing much left to show for it. let's bring back anchohorreport and executive editor of special report bret baier. how do you interpret what we just saw there? >> yeah, just i agree with you a military to military contacts resuming. that wasry t what he led with as well as the counter-narcotics and some sortt of agreement on fentanyl, although we didn't get a lot al a. ed ocsan and when pressed on that, he did use the president reagaa term trust but verify. but again, china has been down na this road before. b and there are a lot of critics iso are raising eyebrowsof abou, checking how that's going to be enforced or what it looks like. gyou know, he did talkt more a little bit more about hama asa and the use of that hospital for a command center. the talk c and continued talk with qatar to try to get hostages out. gestages oat one point, he seemk towards the secretary of state and maybhe e the secretary of state was raising his eyebrows or something, saying you're saying too mucr s any kind of pull back fromll what he was talking about. ed bac wasbut clearly going dow of working with arab countriesof in some way, shape or form, that may include saudi arabia, uae, others in a post, is israel gaza situation. gaz we really didn't get a lot from the internal operation of this d four hour meeting. besides that top line, which wee kind of already knew going into this press conference, as we erence ae. ed beft befor g as i mentioned before, right now, president xi pr going to a dinneror with american ceos, including tim cook from apple and others, larry fink. and i thinanrsk they're going te asking for more, you know, money, more interactionon with american companie s in and china is in a tough spot economically. but we didn't hear a lot of specificsspot from president biden. >> you're right. it sounds like the chinese are splitting newsom against joe biden and they're splitting the business communityjoe bi agt the american workers. you know, i hate to go back to the presan worke ts, br, you know, you never get a chance to ask anything of this president. he didn't even ng of th know the name of the chief white house correspondent from cbsf w and he's got all the notes. there are anti semitic left-wing mobs rampaging throughout the country. >>leing mobs you have the presit getting slaughtered in all of the polling on the eve of thislau s. borde you have a border wide open. you have a crime wavr e. >> and there was just a check for $40,000. it had comr $40,e from china through his family. >> that ended up being 40% or was it 10% from the big guy? nothing was asked about that. >> you're right. and we get a question.ere there was a list, as we talkedw about, of correspondents asking questions. they covered corredenc the maine topics but didn't get into thos e specifics. and the president has not taken too many questions. they continue to say that he does take a lot of questions like thi s and this back andas forth. that wasn't a long list. i meana lo, we have about four five questions, maybe a couple of follow upa s. pics y but those topics that you'reou talking about have only been asked in the briefing room and not answered and not asked to this press. >> yeah, that's no wayondu to conduct yourself as presidentctlf as pr. r presid and that's definitely not the way to run for president, because i don't think he can keepi don'think he up that kind going into the next year. bret, thank you so much. and we'll see you tomorrow. >> okay. let's bring back our number co-hosts and former white g back fy kayleighar mcenany. yleigh he said maybe that she x will pick up the phone when i callihe phone him. he may. and that is an accomplishment. >> yet, meanwhile, she watched that conference. going i'm sure he did. i mean, you mentioned he's going to dinner. he'll find his time to watchto . missi that. and he thought mission accomplished. i just hadon this grandiose meeting and what did i giveme vg in return? some vague promise on fentanyl and yauemise on o, pick up youre after ignoring your call, after afnding an espionage balloon across the united states. it just shows a special kind of naivete with this administration when trump came in, when pompeo came in, pompeo asked, he gave this really important speech in 2020 at the nixon library. importaneech in he said, what ha of engagement with china gotrs?n he said the days of blind trust are over and blind with china. well, we just watch blind jus engagement. we don't have what we had in the trump era, axios detailed this, that there wase e a whole of government approach with trump and you canwill r literally go read the 200 actioneas that trump's departmet of defense took. des doj took a whole of government approach towards china that was ripped uph . and we are back to the days of blind engagement. and i fear what could happen i is after this meeting. yes, china is weak economically, but they sense weaknesschina isk econ in our pd it's a scary time in the world when you look at what's going on in russiahat is, the me east and china has taken notice. >> well, that's always bee eastn the chinese strategy, is that just to keep talking and talkin g and talking and wealk. love to talk. the diplomats love to talk. kayleighs , you know that better than anybody. >> but they continue to do eyerything they've always wanted to do and then they want to talk about it and then talkiv about it. >> and nothing ever gets accomplished. and it looks likers accomp.e thl played joe biden, just like they've been playing a lot of these presidents foik hr mano many years. it looked like to me, though, the president was exhausted afterwardske ards.. ing of he had his head down. he was reading off notes. he wasf , you know, barely audible at some points. >> that can't continue if h he's going to keep ue'p. , can >> a presidential campaign, cannotit know. and then gaffes, i mean, you know, not knowing the namegh of the cbs reporter. yes, it's the commander in chief. yes. he has a lot to know. com he has a to knowbut that moment, you know, it's we judging. she was in the briefing room room re i was there. he doesn't know her name. he's struggling clearlhe iy, g he continues gaffe after gaffe tonight. >> he intimated that he had spen gaffetonight all these hous with china during the obama administration. josh rogin at the washingtonea post today said, you know, at leastst 20 20 times he's tale about his deep connection with xi. xi.they've spent 85 hours together, is what he previously said. wellwhat heviously, as it turnse only spent a few hours together. he saia few hours toged that thd 2700 miles together, 17,000 miles. he said previously, as it turns out, it's fewer than a thousand. so he sees it's this gaffe after gaffe and she watches this and you can't even po you e the relationshi accurately. what do you think it's like to wake biden upk it's at 2 what do you think it's likehes when that phone rings at 2 a.m. and we have a diplomatic crisis? i don't know if you can get the i don't knt of bed. i was not enthused, motivated or confident afterwas nos watching this performance. >> what happens at 4 p.m.? kelly may forget to say that the early bird buffet he hasn't spend that much timewv with this guy because he won't even take his calls. you can't brags calls. about how tight your relationship is with someone if you can't get them on the phonean't get. >> kelly again, i had to go back to this. inese ha the chinese have paidthe bi the bidens handsomeldey and no o one wants to talk about it. why won't they talk about itut? because the press covers it up. . mean, look, jesse, we cover it itre and there's undeniabllooke you know, it begins with biden b saying, i never talk to her about his business dealings. we okay, foss, we have a voicemail. we hav have reams of proof that that was a lie. now, i never engaged in business deals with him. okay, well, clearly you did. there was nevedid.r a check. lea now we learn about these checks from james biden to checks, in fact. and this is before we've subpoenaed all the bank records, beforthas befor se then any sort of meaningful interaction with hunter or james bide meaningction win or . >> but the press covers it up. jesse, the russian dossierr. that lie hunter, biden's laptop ,russian misinformation, that lie. >> do you think we'rn mie going to get to the bottom of this? no, because congress subpoenasee hunter and james and others. >> but guess who controlsve whether that is even enforced, the biden doj? and then you have the lapdogcov press that's going to cover it up. and there is absolutely noit pressure to get to the endpoint. but we know now there are checks from james to joe, and the money from china wentro to jamesm. >> all right, kelly, s o you outnumbered. >> thank you, jesse. so while joe biden was in california getting rolled by the chinese, the rock was in washingto t tn first. he rallied the troops over at the pentagon and thenpe he went to congress where he shook hands with chuck schumer and ignoreh chucd a very interesting question. >> listen. who do you think is bigger and tougher? for pr mr. johnson, i ran for president, mr. johnson. esi wanted the president. >> all right. back. >> and, mr. johnson, what brings you to the hill? i think everybody. >> so what's the difference between the rock and joe biden? well, people are actually excited about the idea of a dwayne johnson administration. no, it's true. tion.ock has said both partiesoach t approached him last year ando asked if he'd consider running for president. >> it makes sense. the rock's that friends with peopleh side on both sides of the political spectrum. well, excepts political for biden supporters, apparently those people don't exist . >> it's the craziest thing. i have friends who support . >> i have friends who support biden. i do really have friends support biden. come on. no, no, no, no, no. i do. i have i have friends. thank you. that's a good check because that's important.k you,. >> this is important context for the democratic party. i have friends who are loyal to thee democr party. >> well, that makes a whole lo t more sense when you look at the polling, because biden's getting trounced, trump's beating hiettingm in eight out e last ten national polls and is10 ahead in five out of the six key battlegrounds. and a fox news poll just released hours ago has trump leading biden by 450 to 46. >> look at the gains made over b biden with key demographics independents, blacks, hispanicis ,suburban voters. they're all ditching biden for trump. >> and the picture is even bleaker for joe. when you open up the racis bleae e to third parties. >> look at this. trump 41. thisbiden 35 rfk jr. gets 15% of the vote in cornell and jill down at three. th so, wow, with all these other or candidates in trump's ahead by six, which is weird because a couple months ago everybody said i was crazy for saying rfk jr's going to hurt trump. >> not hur, but adam carolla is comedian, author and host of thea author a adam carolla sh >> so, adam, the rock woulowd, o you ever vote for president? >> dwayne johnsou n no. i mean for a couple of reasons.h one is he's very worrieding him. about people liking him. he wants everyone to love him. and i don't want that in a president or any politician, rather, have the iron sheik in there, somebody who couldis a make tough decisions and he'll i know he's dead. >> yeah. have you in there because. yeah, who would be better thana. biden, actually. but it would be fun to getld the rock in there. there never be a greater disparity physically between, ni an incoming and an outgoing president. you got one guy who can squatt e £800 and you got one guy who can't make it up the stairs fo ther r air force one. look, there never be that big a chasm ever again. >> that's true. now, when you hear him say the tarragon that he knowsdoesn biden voters actually wait a second. he doesn't know any biden voters. he just knows democrat biden guysn who voted for biden because that was the only choicebe was . trump out of there. >> and he seemedhe see he seemee a little he seemed a little sensitive when he was actually asked if he knew any biden voters tell >> does that tell you? well, he has to navigate, negotiate hollywood, and nobody is going to say i voted for trump and expect to go to work on monday because. there are horrible people inho hollywood who neverrr stoprthyi complaining about mccarthyism and always want to fire anyone who disagrees with them politically. so they're horrible hypocrite. so he has to work and hen' doesn't want to say that. so he'llnt t i know people who voted for trump or who supporteu he usually probably means him,al but he would probabl never out i people because they would be. yeah, i knowople people, you kn, it's like it's kind of code for he's probably for trump, but he could never say it outrump becae he'd be run out of town. >> but ie f you say you loveama, hamas, you get a promotion in hollywoodotion in. h. yeah if you long as youpale rock and the palestinian flag on the back of your priusts, you'll definitely be good for a couple of bumps. thank >> all right. adam carolla, thank you so much. everybody go check out his podcas you so .t. it's got merch on the side. he's got everythinse andg. fox news alert. we're getting word out of d.c. pro-hama wes protestersamas p are storming the dncro. my dad is a cowboy. i'm a cowboy and i'm raising a cowgirl and discovering that my come from farmers for generations. this life is in our blood. >> give the gift of familyl mon heritage with, ancestry. get help reaching your goals with. jpmorgan wealth planning the digital money coach in the chase mobile app. use it to set and track wi your goals big and smallg poolsi and see how changes you make today could help put them within reach from your first big move to retiring poolside big move 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shook the gates of the white house, vandalizendz the white house gates and defaced some of our mosted sacred monuments right outside the white house at lafayette park. so these protests are boiling. they are not simmering down. that's all for us tonight. sean hannity is next

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Meat , Te Of Apex , World Power , Thisn Retu In Return , Sidrn , Room , Carpets , Building , G , Competitionid , Kaylee , Carpet , Gavin , Forth , Things , Bret Baer , Special Report , Side , Executive Editor , Author , Anchor , Book , History Cluook , Finger , Readd , Translator , Thenanthii , Jessica , Evening , Happenede , Hoat Ww , Oman , Questioning , Twitteror Feed , Between The Lines , Dis , Biden Momentarily , Constructiveve , Sh Oe Always , X Feed , Discussions , Hav , Outlines , Meancue , Structur , Ewe , Similawar , Trust , We Haven T , Site , Conversations , Spylloon Dha Balloon , President Reagan , U Fa , Just A Little Bit , Wall , Haven T , Fans , Fary Readout We , Tinyit Hs , Kelly , Counter Up , Cuba , Tariffs Haven T , Economy , Ability , Neck , Ceos , Investment , Boot P , Americansc , Ityo , Much , The American , Parties , Politicians , Boot , F , Boot Off , Bootli On , On Th , Iranctionn , Trade Secrets , What Happenst , Detait L D , Vietnam Doned , Outso , Administration , Specifics , Including Inclie , Reporters , Thatt , Thinkstration , Sh , Roome Specif , Glasses , Jobose , We H , Gete Hearaveored , Gla , Critics , Details , Kerry , Knowat , Tabltoat , Climate Change Adviser , Theint , Tablee Ay , Notb A Pre Negotiatedis Question , Climate Change , Defense Secretary , It Wasn T The , President D , Seats , Tea Big , Wasn , Big Push , Three , Reporter , Anybody , Bidense , Compromise , Good , Dollars , Tha In , Jackie , Attackinalreag Israel , Family Member , Under , Bank , Accountsy , Goingit To B , World , Anything , Questionus , Press Conferences , Sides , Pointed , Beenten , Yosually Dhau , Kind , Sceness Wefter The Press Conference , Nuggets , Biden Brings Wwe Will Nt , Position , South , Sit Down , Goini Thg , Poll , Fox News , Polls , Ignoreelection , Ten , Points , Johee Biden , Treelec Run For Reelection , Party , Media , Beenom Facing Calls , Spo , Tighthe , Concerns , Whispersticles A In Democrac Circles , Articles , David Axelrodu Sa , 24 , Place , Foreign Policy Chops , Presidento , Hotspot , World Leaders , Withdrawal , Hotspots , Sn , Foes , Thissf , It Happenedader , Otspot , Afghanistan , Os Meeting , Substantian Peopl , Haven T Heargd Th , There Ida Sa , Bad Taste , Seeis , Seemactorw , Factories , Mouthsin , Rating , Jobs , Beforyears Wie , Border , Prices , Tb , Streets , Tt Becauh He , Eople Ar Pr , Big Summi W He S Htlot , You Know , Issues , Democrats Haveon , Main Issueoss , On Crime , Exceptti On Abortion , Onhe Immigration , Themselvel , Wh , Threat , Secrets , Director , Message , Yo So , Greao Attackig , Capitol Hill , Biden Nomics , Pen , Fbi , Use , Conclusion , Deliverables , Mexico , Ded , Lunch , Flags , Sure Blinken , Ro , Youit Sayihave , Takinit Hasg A Long Time H , Songe , Treasury Secretary , Anywhere , Tel , Line Up , Officialwells , Ar The Treasury Secretary , Commerce Secretary Raimondet , Left Atatercs , Tsu , Discussion , Principals , Av , Tweet , We Saw , Monologue , Looks , Detailt , 50 , Cue Card , 15 , Name , Ve Seens , Repo , Pict , Reporters Agency , Press Conferencerters Th , Sunny California , Himselfiden , Truth E , O Se , Ones , Superpower , Off Scriptgets H , Examples , Being , Topics G , Whitetais House , Listie Of Questioners , Lapdogcov Press , Thinkek , Pooporters L , Theyl , Goingo Ta , Bt , Drawn Out Press Conference , Press On , Us , Co , Jean Pierre , Piat , Wrap , Karine , Trace , Brad Baer , Color , Itjo Night Anchor , Trace Gallagherin , 6 , 00 , Press Conference , News , News Conference , Cleanest , Xi Meetig , Conferencert O , Downtown , Moscone Center , Wee Pre , Bee Ry Cleann , Unionght , Square , Rest , Will Happenres Conf E , Stuff , Stanfordnd Tha University , Herwep Heree , 35 , Note , Conversation , Research , Thing Herehavinge , Is Vern , I Cacisco , Brant , Government , Chemicals , Power , Government Thing , It S , Fentanylr , Most F The St Of This Stuff Coms On Black Market , Southern Border , Theystill Going To Procure T , The Point , Elsewherchemice , Wi , Return , Bargain , Thee , Geot , Everything , Podium , Police , Prest , Estate , Jk Biden , Noenw Listen , Don T Believew , Vice President , Thno , Productive Discussionse , Both , Bee10 T Candid , Meetings Coi , Level , Progress , Diplomacy , Teams , Groundwork , First , Severaly Th , Straightforwarayd , Hold , Cooperation , Restartingrs , Amount , Prc , Counter Narcotics , 2019 , Fentanylol , Controls , Ingredients , Sincehas Ev , Walshey , Of Peopledying , States , Drugs , Dr , Tools , Gune Froms , Moited , Car Accidents Y , 18 , 49 , Understanding , Issue , Commitment , Precursor Chemicals , Pill , Flow , Lives , Tes , Western Hemisphere , Oit Worksi , Policy , Delegation , Law Enforcement Coordination , Leader Schumer , Led , October , Military , Efforts , Contacts , Military Contact , Effort , Re L , Stron Og , Miscalculations , R Presid , Misunderstandings , Basis , Communications Sidea , Trouble , Experts , Risk , Artificial Intelligence , Direction , Steps , T Leader , Many , Safety , Impact , Around The World , Will Manageously Wi , Cases , Evidence , Interests , Conflict , Fentan , Thexe World , Doesn T Veer , Weworke , Wde , Unitedn , Orange , End , Viewxi Ands , War Of Aggression Ssionagainst , Gaza , Raisede Unit Areas , Concers , United States , King , Actioneds , Warre , Refusaln Regi , Activities , Human Rights , Individuals , Citizens , South China Sea , Agreement , Thatwe , Importance , Practices , Peace , To Beijing , Taiwan Straits , Stabilityi , Sp , Number , Workers , Businesses , Werei D , Ofw , Enting Tthe , Another , Misunderstandinggl , Traditions , Stability , Deliverin G , American Diplomacy , Competitorn Diploms , Element , To Presere , Directions , Continuind E , Lines , Communication Opekeep , Timeri , T Question , Phone Call , Ths , Immediatel Immediay , Dmitri , Wouldn T Have Calle Id On , Crises , Firing , Teasing , Eve Cal , Irishman , Holyf God , The Rain , Role , Commitmentter , Military Action , Tan , Conditions , Cheating , Attacktc , We , One China Policy , Previou , Bloomberg , Extent , Mr , The , Drug Flows , Verification , Success , Presidenter Issue Xi Over L , Woulind You Say , Officials , Interferenceondg , You Trust , Consequences E Ith Thef The , Interference , Oldas E , St Look , Responsibility , Sbut , T Ts , Result , Manageablema , Rationall , Situation , Aboutaman Peopl , Interest , My Perspective , Whu , Pill Presses , Precursors , Precursorsly , John , Kids , Experience , Fentanyl , Killer , Category , Georgia , Vice Presidents , World Leader , President Hu , Obama , Hui , Met T , Dealig , Interpreter , Wouldn T , United Stateit Wass , 68 , T Of , Disagreement , View , Indifferent , Modus Operandi , Straighdt , Bad Orod , Concern , Assuring , Ambassador , Call , Mother , Happe , Cbs , Nations , Region , Pn , Rememberremb Who , Sorryer W , Ortant , Stress , Areas , Fine , Sorr , Repy , Gize , Ramp Up , Hearing , Aircraft , None , One Nu Mber Onumber Two , Actions , Work , Quad , Submarines , Philippines , Members , Aspect , House Is Operation Bay , Ittf , Hospital , Get Out Of Control , War Crimes , Headqua , Circumstance Wheree , War Crg , Havint , Troops , Raid , Guns , Carrying , Soldierss , Total , Withu , That Sisrael , Rushmber O Everything D , Where , Discusselet D , Terrorist , Children , Women , Heads Off To Burn Birdie , Idea , Hosp , Today Ogize , Tunnels , Doo Anythi , Whether I Haven T , Otherr , Therer , Incubators , Doctors , Story , Personnel , Harm S Way , Opportunit , Nurses , Bombing , Washington Post , War , Weren Tper O Thousandnt , 11000 , Sort , Timeframe , Disaster , Prime Minister , Raeli Ofsaid , Operation , Invo , Working Backwards , Opereou Comfortablhi , Yes , Deey , Hostage Negotiation , Times , Pause , Countries , N Withi , Detail , Hair , Secretartiy , Regard , Abuse , Capacity , Thi Leasts Morni , Idf , Take A Look , Megs , Obligation , Defensees O Forces , Muchs Ty , Afteit , Targets , Caution , Rushing Ia Hospital , Doors , E Indiscriminatel , Knole Asidew , Terrible Dilemmaa , Ais , Folks , Hospital Rooms , Hamathing Hs Have Headquarters Weapons Materialma , Hospital Hallsg , 1 , I Don T Know , O , Others , Lasi Don , War Cabinet , State Solution , Answer , Withoutar , We Vot , Bibi , Cement , Didthe Samr , Mistake , Fortune Teller , Two State Solution , Works , Negotiating , Soor , Shouldn T Go , Everybody , Summit , Itng , Hammer Hamas , Rhetorical Question , Case , Authorities , Sending Militaruy , Outo Geto , Ing Ab No , Comingng , Noou , Hostages , Helpfulw , Mind , Five , Somewhere , Child , 100 , Groups , Mountain , Hundreds , Discernis , Presidencyoach Pre , Takess , Portland , Yeeporter , French , Sense , Form , Well , Happya Co , Reality Television , Mat , 45 , Didn T , Half Anur , Rlitary , Accomplishedn , Allsident , Wasry T , He Led , Anchohorreport , Bret Baier , Lot Al A Ed Ocsan , Sortt , Road , Reagaa Term , Eyebrowsof Abou , Command Center , Talk C , Gyou Know , Iso , Hama Asa , Secretary Of State , Pull Back , Maybhe E , Eyebrows , Fromll , Boat , Ed Bac Wasbut , Qatar , Gestages , Dow , Post , Arab Countriesof , Shape , Israel Gaza Situation , Saudi Arabia , Uae , Gaz , Line , Dinneror , Wee , Ed Beft Befor G , President Xi Pr , We Erence Ae , American Ceos , Interactionon , More , American Companie S , Tim Cook , Larry Fink , Specificsspot , Presan Worke Ts , Communityjoe Bi Agt , Br , Notes , Presit , Correspondent , Chief , Semitic , Mobs Rampaging , Cbsf W , Leing Mobs , Ing , Check , Polling , Wavr E , Eve , Thislau S Borde , 10 , 40000 , 40 , 0000 , 0 , List , Correspondents , We Talkedw , The Maine , Meana Lo , Thi S , Back Andas , Didn T Get , Topics , Briefing Room , Wayondu , Couple Of Follow Upa S Pics Y , Back , Presidentctlf , White G , Co Hosts , Pr , Fy Kayleighar Mcenany , Keepi , Yleigh Mkelly At , Conference , Accomplishment , She X , Missi , Dinner , Promise , Yauemise On O , Vg , Watchto , Afnding , Naivete , Pompeo , Engagement , He , Blind , Jus Engagement , Days , Speech , Blind Trust , Importaneech , Nixon Library , China Gotrs , 2020 , Whole , Actioneas , Government Approach , Defense , Departmet , Axios , Des Doj , Sea , Wase , 200 , What S Going On , Approach , Russiahat , Pd , Weaknesschina Isk Econ , Uph , Bee Eastn , Diplomats , Love , Eyerything , Talkin G , Notice , Wealk , Kayleighs , Likers Accomp E Thl , Foik Hr Mano , Cannotit Know , Head , Reading , Afterwardske Ards , Ue P , He Wasf , Commander In Chief , Gaffes , Namegh , Com , Clearlhe Iy , Gaffe , Tale , Gaffetonight , Connection , Washingtonea Post , Josh Rogin , 20 , 85 , Wellwhat Heviously , Thousand , Miles , It Turnse , 2700 , A Thousand , 17000 , Don T Knt , Po You E , Crisis , Bed , Relationshi , 2 , Kelly Again , Timewv , Bird , Performance , Nos , Buffet , Afterwas , Calls , Relationship , O One , Won T , Inese Ha , Bidens Handsomeldey , Phonean T Get , Have Paidthe Bi , Itut , Business Dealings , Undeniabllooke You , Biden B , Mean , Foss , Checks , Lie , Reams , James Biden , Nevedid Ra Check , Proof , Voicemail , Lea , We Hav , James Bide , Interaction , Hunter , Laptop , Meaningction , Lie Hunter , Beforthas Befor Se , Bank Records , Russian Dossierr , We Rn Mie , Misinformation , Bottom , Controlsve Whether , Guess Who , Congress Subpoenasee Hunter , Biden Doj , Pressure , Endpoint , Jamesm , China Wentro , Congress , The Rock , Ignoreh Chucd A , Thenpe , Pentagon , Washingto T Tn First , Chuck Schumer , Esi , Partiesoach T , Rock , The Hill , Tion Ock , Excepts Political For Biden , Spectrum , Supporters , Running , Friends With Peopleh , Friends , Friends Support Biden , Friends Who Support , Important K You , Come On , Context , Lo , Democratic Party , Thee Democr Party , Beating Hiettingm , B Biden , Demographics , Blacks , Battlegrounds , Independents , Gains , Hispanicis , 450 , 46 , Trump , Voters , Racis Bleae E , Ditching Biden For Trump , Vote , Picture , Thisbiden 35 Rfk Jr , Cornell , 41 , Adam Carolla , Candidates , Rfk Jr S , Th So , Not Hur , Reasons H One , Couple , Host , Dwayne Johnsou N No , The Rock Woulowd , Thea , Couldis A , Politician , Iron Sheik , Thana , Fun , Decisions , Big A , Chasm , Disparity , Ni , Fo , 800 , Biden Guysn , Choicebe , Second , There , Little , Nobody , Inho Hollywood , Neverrr Stoprthyi , Who , Mccarthyism , Hypocrite , Supporteu , Hen , You Kn , Code , Outrump Becae , Probabl , Run Out Of Town , Promotion , Flag , Priusts , Ie F You Say Loveama , Hollywoodotion In , Youpale Rock , H Yeah , Everybody Go Check , Bumps , Merch , Podcas , D C , Everythinse Andg , Pro Hama , Cowboy , Dad , Cowgirl , Farmers , Wes Protestersamas P , Dncro , Life , Goals , Help , Blood , Wealth Planning , Generations , Mobile App , Coach , Familyl Mon Heritage With , Gift , Ancestry , Move , Goal , Smallg Poolsi , Retiring Poolside , Roof , Shingles , Wealth Plan , Wealth Management , Streaks , Danger , J P Morgan , Treatment , Roof Backs , Roofing , 20000 , Protection , Safe , Formula , Friendly , Shingle , Asphalt Shingle , Flexibility , Guarantee , Repelling , 17 , Max S , Money Roof , Flexibility Testing , Home Inspection , Insurance , Ohio State University , Roofs , Thousands , Condition , Feet , Reviews , Winds , Max , Website , Five Star , 15 Million , Caller , Application , Maintenance , Tuneup , Link Grid Analysis , Value , Less Money Guaranteed , 39 , 1 800 6408653 , 539 , 6408653 , Psoriasis , Journeyr A , Icon , Quest Writers , Wasar Psorias , Symptoms , Skin Reactions , Arthritis , Centex , Reactions , Sl Have , Infection , Relief Percentage , Eczema , Doctor , Relief Realat , Psc , Infectionsccf Ibd Sy , Vaccine , Rheumatologist , Fox News Alert Protest , Dnc Headquarters In Washington , Protesters , Officers , Capitol Police , Gas Masks , Arrests , 150 , Area , Dnc , Residents , Warning D C , Et Ugly , Mosted , Gates , Monuments , Vandalizendz , Lafayette Park , Protests , Sean Hannity ,

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