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failures, and the surgeon general of the united states declaring gun violence a public health crisis. this move, one of the strikes longest tools his office has. the surgeon general is our guest and a family is desperate for answers this morning after a woman disappears while attending we'll go retreat in bahamas. new details on the search i'm kate bolduan, this era signer and john berman, this is cnn news central he might as two days to cnn's historic debate and the countdown right now is entering a cripple a window with president biden hunkered down at camp david and facing a flurry of new advice are new reporting this morning, it binds outside biden's campaign are urging him to not talk about his own first-term policies on the debate stage, but instead focus on going after former president donald trump today, a new attack ad from biden's team he was taking direct aim at trump's economic plans. >> also this morning, the only person who has ever debated both men is sharing her list of dos and don'ts for the american people as they listened to thursday's debate in a brand new, new york times op-ed, hillary clinton told voters, when you see these two men side-by-side, think about the real choice the election is between chaos and competence. >> as for donald trump, he is in florida today doing debate prep, his way. >> we are closely covering both campaigns. first, arlette saenz, as live outside the white house for us. what is the latest from the biden team? >> well, sarah president biden's debate preparations went late into the evening as he and his team are really trying to use every last minute to prepare for the showdown against donald trump on thursday. now, biden's advisers have signaled there are three areas where they wanted really draw a contrast with trump on the debate stage that includes abortion democracy and the economy. and cnn has learned that outside advisers have been giving the president and his team advice when it comes to making their economic arguments sources have said that they have relayed to the biden team that they believe that biden should focus less on taking a victory lap about his own economic accomplishments and focus more or on drawing that contrast, going on offense and attacking trump's vision for the economy. it comes as there are urging biden to really try to tie trump to corporate america, while also highlighting the inflationary nature of some of his economic plans. part of the concern is that biden's record attack times while he has been a very quick to try to promote it, it is just isn't something that's sunk in with voters just yet with many still harboring very deep reservations about the state of the economy and how the president has handled it. now the biden campaign today is really trying to lean into who they are economic arguments, releasing this new ad, trying to portray the former president of someone who is only looking out for himself and not the american people. take a listen donald trump loves to attack joe biden. you buy joe biden because he's focused on revenge and he has no plans to help the middle-class he just gave more tax cuts to the wealthy. here's the difference. donald trump is only out for joe biden is fighting for your family and the president's team is also once again attacking the former president for his recent criminal convictions, michael tyler, the communications director for the campaign, said in the statement, quote, the american people deserve better than a white color crook it was only in it for himself. >> that's why they fire donald trump in 2020. and it's why joe biden will beat him again in november. so the campaign starting to preview some of the possible attack leinz, that president biden could love trump's way. in this debate. two men prepare to face off for the first time since 2020. >> all right. thank you. or lead or laying or train house trump's spending his de i know he's been spending some time talking about and making fun of president biden, who is hunkered down, studying for the debate donald trump and his team are trying to draw a sharp contrast with the debate preparations. so unlike joe biden, donald trump has been pretty active on the trail we saw over the weekend he was at a rally in philadelphia. he also spoke at a christian conservative conference in washington dc yesterday, he went to a fundraiser in new orleans blends today and tomorrow he will be at mar-a-lago. i'm told he will continue to have some of those policy discussions that his team is really dubbing as their version of debate prep. he has the debate on thursday after that, he will fly directly to virginia and stay overnight at his golf club and sterling. and then friday, he has as a rally in virginia, but luck and arlette touched on this a little bit, but donald trump and his team, they also do not know which version of donald trump is going to show up on the debate stage on thursday. i know from my conversations with trump's advisers that they have been arguing and trying to push him to walk away from some of the aggressive rhetoric we've seen him use in past debates, particularly that first debate with biden in 2020, where he barely let joe biden get a word and and we saw donald trump be impacted by that negatively in the polls following that debate. and so what they've been doing is really having these, i'm told more than a dozen policy discussions with lawmakers jurors potential vice presidential contenders, former trump administration officials with donald trump to hone in and sharpen his rhetoric on many of the topics that are, let laid out about the economy abortion, american democracy. and they really want donald trump to focus on specific policy issues, particularly those like the economy immigration, and crime, that they think he pulls higher at. now, we did here, donald trump touch on a bit how he thinks he is preparing. take a listen to how we put it in a podcast interview yeah. >> are you preparing? i'm preparing by taking questions from you and others if you think about it, but i'm preparing by dealing with you. you're tougher than all of them. >> now, sarah, i will say that donald trump saying that he's taking these questions from people i'd argue that we did see that over the weekend and philadelphia, it was a fend friendly crowd. he is speaking with different media host. again, i'd argue friendly interviewers, but they are still, of course doing their homework behind the scenes and trying to prepare for this they recognize how much of a high-stakes debate that they are going to be on on thursday. and so i think behind the scenes they're going to continue to be sharpening their messages similar to what biden is doing, just not calling it that sara i'm a layman train and arlette saenz. >> thank you to both of you. >> so hillary clinton doling out her debate advice this morning, weird sara talking about that, arlette talking about debate advice coming at president, coming to president biden from outside advisers. but what about lessons learned from the view of the voter, from a man who studied debates for 30 years, engaged voter reaction at nearly every general election showdown. >> since night 1992, i'm talking about frank lance, a longtime pollster and communication strategists writing this in part in a piece for the new york times i've sat with small groups of voters selected from pools of thousands of undecided voters nationally watching more than two dozen presidential and vice presidential debates in real time. and it's still amazes me that miniscule moments, verbal miscues, and mis-remembering little details can matter so much in the spin room and a partisan pendens afterward. yet those things often have little to no discernible impact on the opinions of many people watching at home franklin's is here with me now it's always good to see a frank thanks for being here. >> but otherwise, the pundits are not happy with that, really, yeah, a couple of them, two shots at me because they think that their views matter more than the voters themselves. >> so we know that's not true, and we know that voters look at things differently so what is then it begs the question, if those don't have a discernible impact, what does have a discernible impact? >> what do you consider? i don't know if there's a most consistent lesson learned when you're sitting with voters watching these debates in real time be likable. >> he's funny be specific. answer the question. don't go over the time limit. i don't know if that actually made it into the piece, but it really agitates people when the bell rings, they expect you to shut up and that does not happen and nobody realizes that voters really get angry if you go on and on and on donald trump lost that first debate against show biden because he never stopped. now, biden himself could have been really punished for saying to the president, you got to shut up no one's ever said that to president of the united states before trump didn't get away with it suburban undecided middle-class women looked at this guy and said, you know what, he doesn't remind me of my first husband he reminds me of my first husband's lawyer it was too much it was too loud. trump in the second de was much more effective and they had a much better response they'll also you highlight in your commentary sum of the moments in debates past that you think had a real impact in shaping voter opinion afterward, let me play some of those moments. >> let's listen who stand there in the polling place and make a decision i think when you make that decision, it might be well, if you would ask yourself are you better off than you were four years ago? we need fundamental change in this country, and that's what i'd like to bring. >> you've confirmed once again the fundamental decency and generosity of the american people. and that's why i'm sure that are brighter days are still ahead if i win i am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation. it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. >> because you'd be in jail what is it about these moments? >> what is it about those moments? you think struck a chord and had such an impact? what, what does this represent? >> because nobody expected donald trump to say that. and the pundits really condemned from doing it. and our voters said, wait a minute. he's holding her accountable. it's about time that politicians are held accountable. that's one of the great frustrations and america too, i was so angry because when you think politicians will say and do anything, and then actually do exactly the opposite of what they promised, even if he's or even if he would be even if he's kind of suggesting he would be like thank directing his justice department to go after a political opponent. >> and that's exactly what the pundit said. and the voters, santa he's actually going to do this. i want someone who's that who's going to look plea straighten the i in the opposite was barak obama looking people in saying, i get you, i understand you. i appreciate you. i applaud you. >> voters are looking for someone to speak to them, to look at them to mean what they say, say what they mean, and do what they promised to do. hillary clinton is out today with a paste. are talking about her lessons learned if you well from her debate experience, as she says, she's the only person to have that debate stage debating both of these men. she said at one point, it's a waste of time to try to refute mr. trump's arguments, like in a normal debate, it's really impossible to identify what his arguments even our, he starts with nonsense and then regresses into bladder. she also speaks to in this piece, the expectations that people may have going in to debate what role does voters expectations have on the success or failure of a candidate and intubate him. >> you learned a lot and the trump campaign really, really attacked biden saying you can't complete a sense, she can complete a thought. the expectations for joe biden are so low, just as they were for george w bush in 2001. reason why they taught bush beat al gore, even though goal is better on substance, is because bush was able to put together, okay, heron's powerful argument. voters were expecting nothing and they got a lot because of donald trump. voters unexpected much from joe biden and the visa able to demonstrate that he is still presidentially still got it. he still is passionate about what he's doing, not what he's done. because one last thing to say it's not just about your record of the last four years is about what you're going to do over the next four if he can show that the knee is going to exceed the expectations. have donald trump, the stake only set for him? >> you make in this point at the end in the end, it's not the facts the policies, or even the one the one-upmanship that mr. biden and mr. trump offer in the debate that matters. >> it's how they make voters feel and that seems to me, that seems really the biggest challenge how do you get it? speaking to people's emotions and impacting people's emotions. how does any candidate plan plan for that going into a debate? >> because they have to know what emotion to trying to appeal to and that's the right question. look, i don't smile enough i'm actually relatively happy person, but i don't show it on camera to mistake for me trump shows that he's going to fight for voters. he is successful in that just joe biden to have that same phyton him. does he have that same commitment in him does he have the energy that trump has? people believe that joe biden is more trustworthy, is more, has more integrity. that's not the argument here the argument is, what am i going to do over the next four years on affordability, by the way, not inflation, right? affordability immigration. what am i going to do to make your day-to-day life better, which everyone makes that point, is the one who wins the debate we'll say it together and you will with voters once again, it's good to see you, frank. >> thank you so much. >> thank you for having me and a reminder, president biden and former president trump will face off for their first debate of the 20 hey, 24 electron right here on cnn dana bash, jake tapper, they will be moderating all happening live this thursday, 9:00 p.m. eastern john, wright, urgent searches underway for an american woman who went missing in the bahamas new developments on the investigation this morning, a reckoning for conspiracy theorist alex jones, new details on what he will have to give up in order to pay the one $1.5 billion. he owes for defaming families who lost children in the sandy hook elementary school shooting and we are standing by as a major us dam is on the brink of collapse officials say the dam is in imminent failure condition as new rain this morning could be the final straw debate night in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post speed and alice's follow cnn for every countless moment followed debate night in america, thursday, at 7:00 p.m. power outages due to outdated grids and volatile weather conditions are leaving homes without power but not yours. you took control you took action you made your home like gender aco when the power goes out, your life goes on, uninterrupted it's not just a generator it's a powerful call or go online to record west a free quote, today three body serie a city client uses city's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep it supply chain moving. some more pet parents get everything they need, right when they need it keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward, for the love of progress if you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan that's smart now, i'm 65 and really smart leader. 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from the great food truck race sunday night on food network this morning, the family of chicago woman missing in the bahamas is pleading for her safe return. 41-year-old taylor casey was last seen in the area of paradise island on wednesday. she was on a yoga retreat. her disappearance comes as the state department has issued a level two travel advisory for americans in the bahamas cnn's lucy kavanaugh is with us with the latest what are you hearing lucy well, john for taylor, casey's family this morning, there is deep concern, fear, and also determination to get answers as casey's mother, collette seymour tells cnn that she actually trapped plans to travel to the bahamas today to help with a search for her daughter and to coordinate with the police there. >> her mother adding taylor would never disappear like this. but here's what we know so far. john 41-year-old taylor, casey had traveled to the bahamas specifically to paradise island, which is just off the coast of nasa. it's a popular tourist area of famous for its pristine beaches, its clear turkey as waters. that is where she was last seen on june 19. this is according to the royal bahamas police force missing persons flyer. according to taylor's families, she had been practicing yoga for about 15 years and she traveled to the bahamas to attend the civil nanda ashram yoga retreat quote, fulfill a long-term goal of deepening her practice. and i believe we have video of the yoga retreat bahamas property. it's a beautiful beach front location where you can get your yoga teacher certification. you can also just come to practice. there's classes, meditation, spiritual toxin, so forth the retreat confirming to me this morning, the disappearance of casey taylor, who they said was indeed participating in a yoga certification retreat, and they've asked the police to help investigate. they wrote and i quote, ms casey's disappearance was discovered on june 20 when she failed to attend morning classes the last time that she was seated? to add this retreat was late on the evening of june 19. now, despite this being a popular tourist destination, the state department in january did issue a travel advisory for americans heading to the bahamas to be aware at that time of 18 he murders that occurred just in january alone meanwhile, casey's family pleading with the public for help, they right. we are deeply concerned for taylor safety and well-being. we love taylor and we want her home. john, hopefully looking get some good news. lucy, kevin off. thanks so much for being with us sarah. >> all right. coming up three drag performers are headed to capitol hill. why they say their visit is crucial to protecting lgbtq you write, plus is boeing about to face criminal charges for safety issues surrounding its aircraft new details ahead the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's 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lawsuit judgments that jones owes for repeatedly calling the 2012 sandy hook elementary school shooting a hoax. cnn's hadas gold has much more on this latest move. >> i mean, it's been a long road getting here, but is this the end of the road for alex jones and infowars are getting closer to the end of the road, but there is still some time jones himself said during that earlier court hearing that he expected infowars to last a few more months, maybe five more months maximum. >> but we weren't tylee. sure. what this court appointed trustee who had been put in charge of infowars, parent company would necessarily do because alex jones himself is in personal liquidation and he does assets which includes infowars, parent companies are also part of this liquidation and a court-appointed trustee was put in charge of it. but sunday evening, we saw this emergency filing filed by the trustee and that's when he laid out what he plans to do and he said he plans to have an orderly wind-down process and a sale. now, the reason that this emergency filing was filed was actually because one of the parents, one of the families of one of the kids who were killed in sandy hook living in texas, they filed a motion trying to go after this free speech systems assets because they themselves just that family is owed $50 million themselves. but this trustees saying, hey, can we freeze this process to make sure that everybody gets their fair share? we're expecting to hear from the judge on this this week about whether that will be frozen jones himself has claimed that there are things happening behind the scenes. he's saying don't believe everything you hear, but he has said something that is true. he said, listen infowars is just a building and my crew and a name and overall it's me and that's true because even if infowars is shutdown in five months, nothing is preventing alex jones from continuing to speak and spreading his lies and spreading his conspiracy theories. in fact, he's still talking about sandy hook. he does admit that sandy hook happens, but he is claiming being that this whole lawsuit is some sort of plot by the government. nothing is preventing him from doing that. he still has his first amendment free speech rates. the only thing that would prevent him from talking about sandy hook is a settlement a settlement with the families that so far has failed to materialize. so even if infowars is shut down he can go on whatever platform that will still have him think about people like tucker carlson who has already had several events with he's been on air with any of those people could take him, he could still spout his lies. but here is the thing. any money that alex jones makes likely for the rest of his life? we'll go to these families because $1.5 billion is a lot of money. he doesn't have nearly that amount of money either in his personal assets or within infowars. so even as he continues spouting his lies, at least we know that hopefully the families will start seeing somebody because these families have seen not a single sense. so not a single sense so far, i'd ask thank you for the update. john hart for the first time in us history, the surgeon general is declaring gun violence a public health crisis why he says we don't have to live this way and this morning more than two dozen people missing after the wildfires in new mexico. force and entire time how do evacuated? we are standing by as rescue teams search the rubble let me introduce you to class 500 the intuitive and easy to use trading app, that gives you a glimpse into the future a futures trading, see a trading opportunity. >> you'll be able to train it. you to clicks once your account is open no matter what kind of trader you are, plus 500 has you covered with a tailored solution so download the app and start trading futures today trading in futures and options involves the risk of loss and is not suitable for every investor plus 500. >> it's trading with a plus. 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foster, what comfort should be? learn more at stearns and >> thursday night live for atlanta. the most anticipated moment of this election biden rod run rate america, different future we are a nation of possibility. trump. we had the best economy we had the best border, we had the best of everyday, but now we got to do it all over again. >> we're going to do it even better. >> two very different visions for america. one unprecedented night moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live. i've seen in an and streaming on backs today, wrote us in new york colorado, and utah are heading to the polls for primary races in special elections. >> cnn's harry entin are chief data reporter, is here with us what's the what's the top race that you're really focusing on watching? >> got to tell you there is no race that i've been more excited for trying to get as many google alerts. this entire cycle than this one, new york 16 congressional district. a big reason why is, if you know anything about me, you knew, you know, that this is where i grew up, so i have an intense interest in this one, tense interests just because of the local angle. and look, there's a lot going on here. jamaal bowman, who's the incumbent congressman a lot of trouble night. he's in a lot of trouble. why? while it just starts off with his words and his voting record, very critical of israel. this is something that's been a long time coming especially after the events of october 7, right? he called the initial reports of rape that occurred in israel according unquote propaganda, he has since apologize for, but it really lit a fire under pro jewish groups, pro israeli groups, they got behind george latimer, a record amount that is being spent in this primary on behalf of latimer and against bowman, george latimer, if you know anything about westminster politics is a longtime politician from there. he is a no thrills type of guy has felt a lot lot of allegiances over there has picked up a lot of local endorsements. and as you head into tonight, if you're being honest, it be to me a little bit surprising of jamaal bowman, one well, of course, wait and see there's a lot of votes be counted, but those early votes looking quite good for this gentleman on the right and the fact is yes, a lot of folks have made this about israel, but latimer has built a lot of local connections, a lot of those folks would say that jamaal bowman didn't spend the time to build those bridges. >> and hillary clinton putting your thumb on the scale also backing latin exactly right. what's another house race that you are really interested in? the sides, the one from your hometown, right? this one, this one makes a lot of sense, right? let's go out west. let's go to california, colorado is fourth. fourth district and republican primary there. lauren boebert, if you know anything about colorado politics into you go back a year or two ago, you'd say, wait a minute, lauren boebert, fourth district. she's from the third district. she's actually moving from the third district for an easier general election. of course, ken buck retiring from the fourth district here's the big thing you need to know about here. lauren boebert has absolutely dominated the fundraising here. can you move from a third to a fourth and extend your political life we'll have to wait and see. but the fact that she's dominated from racing help build up that name idea. especially against five other republicans, makes that job considerably easier, a lot easier. we don't know where all the fundraising is coming. think from an insurance, coming from a whole bunch of different places, but that is a real humbling are right there for the other candidates in the senate. you've got an interesting situation because mitt romney, who only did one term it says he has not running for reelection. so what's happening in utah that you're watching? yeah. so this could be a real chance that a trump back camp and at trend stacks could get knocked off. yes, trump's endorsement. but john curtis, a local congressman from there, considerably more moderate. i'm going to be very interested to see if curtis does in fact appear. and when this evening does he try and keep up sort of this not exactly pro-trump record going on. trump has only been defeated once in this primary season so far. tonight, could number two. all right. well, we bought we watching and i know you'll be looking at those google alerts. oh, i will. >> all right here i entered. thank you so much. done. >> most of his google alerts are for koalas that's true. >> true. >> cute little baer knew this morning a first of its kind advisory from the surgeon general's office declaring firearm violence and urgent public health crisis. the new advisory spells out just how pervasive firearm violence e is in calls for the quote, collective commitment of the nation to stop it with us now surgeon general dr. vivek murthy. thank you so much for being with us, sir. why now well, john, gun violence is a public health crisis in america. >> and i've seen this for years as a doctor who's cared for patients who have struggled with the mental and physical impacts of gun violence. people have seen this in their communities. we've seen it in mass shootings as well. but in recent years, over the last decade or two, this problem has been worsening and we have now reached the point where gun violence is the leading cause of death among kids and teens. the leading cause of death. that is something that we should never take that as the new normal. there's nothing normal about that. but i also want people to understand through this advisory that impact of gun violence is far more far reaching. then we may think six in ten americans are worried about a loved one being shot. half of our kids are worried about is shooting in their school. and that's because as powerful and as painful as a toll of gun violence is in terms of lives lost, nearly 50,000 a year. we also have millions of people who are either shot and who survived, who witnessed gun violence incidents who lose family members were who were constantly reading about gun violence in the news and hearing about it on the radio. the reverberating trauma of gun violence in our country, the infiltration of gun violence into the psyche of america increase the urgency of this issue and the good news is we can take action. i lay out a number strategies that can help us reduce this terrible toll of gun violence you lay out strategies and you say, we can take action in and of itself what does this advisory change so it changes a few things. number one, when are the office of the surgeon general declares an issue to be a public health issue. not only does that put it squarely in the realm of public health, but it also inked elevates it on the priority scale. this is what we saw happen half a century ago with tobacco, when the first surgeon general report was issued on that subject, it catalyzed a series of actions in communities, in schools, in lawmaking, bodies all around the country that ultimately help us reduce smoking rates from 42% in 1964 to less than 12% today so it prioritizes the issue. but the other two things is advisory does is it lays out the impact of this issue particularly on our kids. many people may not be aware that this is now the leading cause of death among kids and teens as a parent, i strongly feel that that should increase their prioritization of decision shoe as well. but finally, the strategies i lay out show us that there are in fact solutions. many people i've talked around the country worry that this may be an intractable problem, that there's no way to solve it. that is not true. thankfully, we have a series of steps we can take as a country to address it. am i hope is that this advisory will help increase the urgency of us doing so you don't look a day older, but but i'm old enough to remember how when you were first nominated to be you are surgeon general and the obama administration, the confirmation process was anything but easy. >> it was hard. it took a while and there was opposition to you based on what you had said about gun safety and gun violence. >> so you know, politically how challenging this is so just reflect to me on this, this battle that you've been waging for well over a minute here. >> i mean, for decades now well, i certainly know that the issue of gun violence has been politicized and polarized over the years. but my hope is this advisory is that we can actually take it out of the realm of politics and put it into the realm of public health, which is where it belongs. i also think john, that are countries different place and it was ten years ago. we've experienced so many mass shootings, so many incidents of gun violence in our neighborhoods and communities that it has really pervaded the psyche of our country. it has induced fear in people about regular day-to-day activities. i grow into the grocery store going to school, going to work. i hear about this all the time when i travel and talk to people. but finally, i'll tell you why i'm hopeful, john, it's because in the last few years we've seen some signs of progress five to six years ago for the first time congress allocated some modest funding for gun violence research for the first time in several decades, two years years ago, congress passed the bipartisan, safer communities act, the first federal legislation and 30 years to help address gun violence. these are important first steps. they can't be our last step though there's more that we can do. and this strategies that i lay out for congress to consider are ones that i think can help us ultimately address the deaths and the mental health toll of gun violence it is a landmark ashen on something you had been focused on for a long, long time. he was surgeon general dr. vivek murthy. thank you so much for being with us thanks so much, john this is cnn breaking news and we do have some breaking news coming in. >> we're going to show you new pictures coming out of the kenyan capital of nairobi. what you're looking at right there as protesters have breached the parliament building, advanced were told inside the building, there's also been tear gas on live rounds being fired by police, by police as these products thus had been unfolding. let's get over to the scene as larry madowo, he's on the ground there. larry, bring us up to speed. what are you seeing? what's happening okay. >> we're are tied kenya's parliament and protesters breached the wall of the national assembly. this is what you see here, that's broken down. and after that happened, we saw police using live rounds to fire at protest as we're larger than armed, you still see them back there holding firearms. and this went on for several minutes but protests i still didn't the weight inside parliament may the way inside the floor of kenyans parliament and told the maze, we saw the make out of the parliament's with a maze of the national assembly. and they said, if they pass this controversial finance bill than they should sleep inside parliamentary farage. can islamic has been an extremely, extraordinary scene here with police battling protesters using water cannon and using tear gas. but the protesters kept pushing that back closer and closer their intention was to occupy parliament these mostly youth protesters had declared seven days of rage and today they had declared it a day of a total shutdown. and that's what you see here. you can still here tear gas in the air, canisters getting fired repeatedly, but the tortoise has made it all this way. they burnt down this police track here, which they only managed to put out a short while ago. but this is still the scene outside the national assembly with police. lots of them in the hundreds kind of beat back the protest as they retreat briefly and then they make their way back here. and so that's been the sound of nairobi all day. >> the last throughout the day, it has made it sound almost like a warzone heavily militarized response to what is essentially peaceful protests. >> that's protected under the then the constitution. and that is the anger you see from the people here. we did see at least two bodies lying here on the floor on the ground outside parliament. we're waiting for an official police its conformation of how many people have been killed in this, how many people have been wounded. but cnn has seen two bodies lying on the floor. and this the sign of the dramatic de with had outside kenya's parliament stay. and this shows no signs and those topping can use interior ministry said all these protests have to end by 6:30 p.m. so whereabout just under three hours away from that. but these people are determined beating back police, bringing banners. they say they are peaceful protestors. all they want is for president william ruto to listen to them and to avoid over taxing them yeah. >> i want you to remind people what has at the core of these protests. all right, how it is escalated. so how it escalated to this to this point, you also spoke with the half sister of former president barak obama, who was there protesting that is adding that was extraordinary because she generally stays away from politics. alma obama, best today's she says she needed to join these young people kenya who are protesting. i want you to listen to what she told me because look at what's happening what, demonstrate you for their rights. >> they're demonstrating with flags and banners. i can't even see anymore schedule told me that, is an extraordinary scene to see how obama out here and these young people were back here on the streets and you see that tear gas getting fired here and so many of these protests does not intimidated by that some of what we hear sound like live rounds here outside parliament we're not exactly certain, but there's a distinctive sound between what is tear gas and what is live ammunition. >> and we have seen police used live ammunition here using rifle an ak-47 and protests are saying, we are peaceful, stop shooting us, stop killing us with one man, one young man, lying on the ground there. and some of them even getting very close to the police. that's what happens to you guys getting fired again and again trying to be heat, but these peaceful protesters who do not seem to be moving too far away from that as it happens, they keep coming back and daring the police to make sure that the government of prisoners router. here's what they're saying about how difficult life has become for them because of the high cost of living. and they fear that if this finance bill passes, it's going to be even more expensive for them thank goodness. larry, please continue according please stay safe. the situation completely unfolding still as larry is on the ground and watching it altogether, larry, thank you very much we'll be right 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destroyed. so this morning, a temporary election worker in arizona has been arrested for allegedly stealing a security fob and keys for a voting tabulate or america fatality court documents show the suspect, walter ringfield was captured on surveillance video grabbing the security fob and keys and placing them in his pocket. they were later found in his home lawyers for hunter biden are once again seeking a new trial citing a procedural issues is weeks after his conviction on federal gun charges. move does come one week after a previous motion was quickly withdrawn by his defense team without explanation. >> this morning, a dam in southern minnesota it is on the brink of collapse after heavy rain caused major flooding, authorities say the dam is under pressure from all the water in the debris which she can still see their residents living down stream had been put on notice and an iowa severe flooding has led to evacuation orders for two towns. >> officials to worry to levy on the little sue river might break one levy along the river has already been breached and an updated a story were first reported last hour. the florida panthers are still stanley cup champions after a dramatic game seven win over the edmonton oilers, florida, initially it looked like they would sweep this series easily after racing with 3-0 series lead. but it was not ahed easy though, ultimately they did it. it is really hard to come back from a 3-0 deficit unless you are playing the new york yankees, sarah you've just upset them all. thank you so much, john three drag performers are headed to capitol hill today to advocate for greater protections for lgbtq people. their visit comes as several state legislatures have passed or are considering bills that are targeting their communities. the aclu was saying it's tracking 520 t3 anti anti-lgbtq bills across the us, 39 of which were already passed into law. the greens are calling on lawmakers to pass a national equality act. it could amend the 1964 civil rights act to provide explicit protections for lgbtq individuals. joining me now is drag queen an activist? bridget bandit. >> thank you, darling. wow, what a wonderful look. you have this morning. i know that took you some time thank curious for you. first of all, what this day means to you and second of all, have both democrats and republicans agreed to meet with you? >> yes. we will be meeting with both democrats and republicans and i'm really excited to go speak with all of our lawmakers about the attacks that we're seeing on our lgbtq community. it's so important to talk about and to discuss protections for our queer community eddy. >> can i let you listen to the current sentiment that's being shared by former president donald trump, who of course, is running for reelection here. >> this i'm. >> going to take care of our capital on day one. i was signed a new executive order to cut federal funding of any school pushing critical race theory transgender i'd other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political contents onto the lives of our children those three things things he mentioned this at what he calls transgender insanity, if he's voted in as the next president, what will that mean to you we already see so many attacks on our queer community. >> i already don't feel safe in my own hometown, just dressed in drag like this. and it's very scary for queer people to exist in a time where we see this kind of rhetoric being pushed by our lawmakers and the people who should care about other issues that actually affect the american people other than attacking our community are lgbtqia plus community, it's very disappointing and i hope for better for our country i wouldn't go to the states now because a lot of states are considering bills or have passed laws that have taken away some of the protections that the lgbtqi community had in kentucky, in particular, there is a bill aimed at drag queens. >> the bill's authors said it's only to regulate sexually oriented businesses and tech children from seeing sexually explicit things here's what one kentucky legislator said about that move we before somebody dressing up the lady or lack of lawman and read books, start kids what are we think what what would you say to him and the author of the bill there? >> i would say that drag is not inherently sexual. i could be in a full length long-sleeved hot pink gown, reading a book about dolly parton. and they'll still think that something is inappropriate, although it is absolutely not appropriate, we exist as actors do in movies where they can do radio in our movies and they can also do rated g movies. but you don't take content from the rated g movies to say that the rated r movies are inappropriate for the actor who has been in both, right and drag and art exists on the same level of appropriateness. and we don't deserve to be attacked like this. >> i want to ask you about some of the history of this. the uso and the red cross hosted drag shows during world war ii to help boost the troops thousands of black and white new yorkers attended drag balls in harlem in the 20s. they were really popular the 50s and 60s they were called female impersonators and we also have this from the 90s, rudy giuliani dressed in drag and donald trump not seeming to mind as they took part in a skit between the two of us. there's donald trump back in the day what do you think the catalyst has been for the sentiment to change? do you think that it is something that's happened like the fear of transgender kids and bathroom firms are transgender athletes in sports have those things change the sentiment where you have some people saying this is just too much to accept well trans people and trans kids have always existed. we've existed for decades and we haven't seen this kind of rhetoric be amplified until right now when we see that things like gay marriage is more widely accepted by americans, they're looking to target more marginalized queer people people and so they're targeting transgender people because they are more of a minority group that they can use to push misinformation and this rhetoric to gain their own political power bridge abandoned. thank you so much for dressing up for us this morning. and coming on the show. appreciate it, and new our of cnn news central starts now every minute counts just two days now until the historic cnn presidential debate, the brand new advice, the kennedy it looks are getting wikileaks founder julian assange on his way to being a free man. >> new details on his plea deal

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Steps , Fact Solutions , Barak Obama , Confirmation Process , Increase , Gun Safety , Opposition , Battle , Place , Hope , Incidents , Activities , Grocery Store , Neighborhoods , Funding , Congress , Signs , Gun Violence Research , Bipartisan , Safer Communities Act , Step , Mental Health , Deaths , Landmark Ashen , Protesters , Breaking News , Nairobi , Capital , Advanced , Parliament Building , Pictures , Tear Gas , Ground , Scene , Rounds , Larry Madowo , Products , Up To Speed , Kenyans Parliament , Protest , National Assembly , Kenya , Protests , Firearms , Floor , Weight , Maze , Finance Bill , Make , Farage , Extremely , Islamic , Youth Protesters , Intention , Water Cannon , Seven Days Of Rage , Police Track , Canisters , Shutdown , Tortoise , Sound , Lots , Last , Assembly , Hundreds , Constitution , Danger , Warzone , Conformation , Sign , Parliament Stay , Topping , Interior Ministry , 6 , Banners , Protestors , Core , William Ruto , Sister , Alma , Rights , Flags , Ammunition , Ak 47 , 47 , Stop Shooting Us , Prisoners Router , Heat , Goodness , Finance Bill Passes , Cost Of Living , Food Truck Races , Roles , South House Beach , Engine Roars , Aren T Foodnet , Saw Dust Settles , Harbor Freight , Company , Irs , Wallet , Liner , Car , Safer , Liners , Smart Choice , Freedom , Bride , Customer Service , Warranty , Mic , Keys , Diary , Martin , Presence , Buildup , Aspen , Balloons , Amyloid Plaques , Brain , Raptor Cake , Face , Treatment Plans , Dentists , Dental , Exams , Labs , X Rays , Price Worth , Cities , Solutions , Countries , Partner , Food , Need , Payment , World Food Programme , 180 , Factor , Globe Hi , Greg , Illinois , Bloomington , Memory Loss , Premise , Quality , Lashes , Try , China , Banking App , Model , Dbacks , Paula Reid In Washington , Businesses , Teams , Fires , Cadaver , Dogs , Ruidoso , Walter Ringfield , Worker , Security Fob , Surveillance Video , Voting Tabulate , America Fatality Court , Documents , Arizona , Suspect , Gun , Hunter Biden , Pocket , Conviction , Trial , Home Lawyers , Flooding , Defense Team , Explanation , Minnesota , Pressure , Evacuation Orders , Stream , Led , Authorities , Towns , Residents , Notice , Little Sue River , Florida Panthers , Champions , River , Levy , Game , Win , Edmonton Oilers , Stanley Cup , Series Lead , Florida , New York Yankees , 3 , Protections , State Legislatures , John Three , Bills , Lawmakers , Aclu , Greens , National Equality Act , Tracking 520 T3 Anti Lgbtq , 39 , 520 , Darling , Activist , Drag Queen , Individuals , Bridget Bandit , Wow , 1964 Civil Rights Act , Democrats , Attacks , Lgbtq Community , Meeting , Speak , Sentiment , Queer Community Eddy , School Pushing Critical Race Theory , Contents , Executive Order , Day One , Racial , Sexual , Insanity , Drag , Queer Community , Lgbtqia Plus Community , Bill , States , Particular , Lgbtqi Community , Laws , Drag Queens , Kentucky , Lady , Authors , Legislator , Black , Lawman , Books , Author , Movies , Actors , Book , Reading , Dolly Parton , Hot Pink Gown , Rated G , Content , G Movies , Art , Troops Thousands , History , Appropriateness , New Yorkers , Uso , Red Cross , World War Ii , Black And White , Impersonators , Drag Balls , Rudy Giuliani Dressed In Drag , Harlem , The 20s , The 90s , 90 , 60 , Two Of Us , Skit , Catalyst , Bathroom Firms , Sports , Athletes , Gay Marriage , Haven T , Minority Group , Bridge , Misinformation , Counts , Show , Julian Assange , It Looks , Plea Deal , Wikileaks , Kennedy ,

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