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treatment. as taxpayers if we pay for all that we should have some sort of treatment that's mash lid to get people out of the silo. >> dana: the money goes down the drain and people continue to suffer. >> look at the streets. >> bill: thanks, paul. >> dana: convicted killer alex murdaugh serving two life sentences for murdering his wife and son is back in a south carolina courtroom to be sentenced for state financial crimes this time. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. you thought you were done with alex murdaugh. you were wrong. >> bill: you are right about that. good morning. asme owe bill hemmer. good morning. the former attorney is facing some of his victims today after reaching a plea deal for stealing millions from clients at his law firm in exchange for a 27-year prison sentence. murdaugh is still fighting for a new murder trial meanwhile claiming he did not kill his wife, maggie, and their son, paul. >> dana: jonathan serrie is at the courthouse in beaufort, south carolina, what do you know this morning? >> good morning. the hearing expected to get underway momentarily as we look at the live feed coming in the courtroom we can see some of the victims as well as their families gathering in the courtroom. alex murdaugh has yet to enter the courtroom but he has agreed to plead guilty to 22 counts of financial crimes in exchange for a 27 year sentence. at an earlier hearing on the 17th the disgraced lawyer admitted to stealing millions of dollars from other attorneys and clients. take a listen. >> i agree that i -- i wrongly took all of that money, your honor and did all those crimes. i disagree with some of narrative but not the essential elements of the facts of the crimes. >> now among some of the financial crimes victims attending today's sentencing hearing, the family of murdaugh's long-time housekeeper. she died in 2018 from injuries in a fall at the murdaugh home on the family's hunting estate also known as moseel where his wife and son were fatally shot several years later in 2021. murdaugh is serving two consecutive life sentences for their murders but seeking a new murder trial alleging the clerk of court, rebecca hill, tampered with the jury. hill denies those allegations but now hill's son, who used to be the information technology director for the county government, faces charges of wiretapping. he is being investigated for allegedly eavesdropping on two individuals whose identities have yet to be publicly released. the plot keeps getting more and more complex, dana and bill. >> dana: thank you for covering that for us. we'll keep in touch. >> bill: the idf saying that palestinians violated the cease-fire but detonating three explosive devices near israeli troops earlier today. this is happening now after the pause in fighting extended through wednesday. congressman mike gallagher here to react on that in a moment. first live to our correspondent trey yengst at a medical center in tel aviv where many of the hostages have been taken first and trey, hello. what's the latest at this hour? >> bill, good morning. i want to start with the breaking news. israelis say for the first time since this agreement went into effect, the cease-fire was violated by hamas. the israelis say there were three large explosions in northern gaza likely caused by ieds injuring a number of israeli troops listed in light condition. it gives you a sense how delicate this agreement is. they say there was an exchange of fire but hamas pointing the finger at israel. unclear how it will affect the extension of the cease-fire that we're in right now and the negotiations. overnight we know 11 additional hostages were released and brought to the medical center in tel aviv. nine of them children. all of them have fathers still being held inside the gaza strip. they are from a small community that sits along the gaza border. officials are hopeful an additional 10 hostages will be released tonight as part of the broader cease-fire extension. but israeli media reporting at this hour they don't anticipate after the cease-fire ends tomorrow that there will be any additional time on the clock. israelis expected to resume their air and ground campaign against hamas. look at this video of the family reunited with one of their pets over the weekend. you see the joy on the faces of these children. it really cuts through the noise of this story to the people affected. they were held inside gaza for more than 50 days and reunited with loved ones. many are still held within the gaza strip. an aunt of one spoke out today. >> it is crazy. it is crazy just thinking about it. we are waiting hopelessly trying to remain positive. every day counts for that baby. it's been two months, almost two months. he was nine months when he was kidnapped. he will be 11 months. it's crazy. >> 10-month-old baby being held inside the gaza strip still today at 53 days. it's the longest war ever between israel and gaza. bill. >> bill: trey yengst, thank you in tel aviv. >> dana: for more on this wisconsin congressman mike gallagher a republican on the intelligence and armed services committee and house china committee. senate democrats are suggesting there be conditions placed on the israeli military if they are to get aid. a quote from senator brian schatz of hawaii. we want to be assured they're abiding by american values as they try to dismantle hamas and i believe they heard us. we have a long way to go. what's going on here? >> well, it makes no sense because they are already abiding by international law. going above and beyond, in fact, to abide by international law. i think it is posturing. what's happening not only to democratic senators but the biden administration is they are feeling pressure from the progressive left. that's why you are seeing this effort to take the temporary cease-fire and extend it. i fear that only goes to hamas's advantage. when folks talk about a cease-fire they are asking our partner, israel, to surrender to an iranian-backed terror group. hamas is a terrorist organization with american blood and hostages on its hands will conduct more mass killings as it has voided to do. placing restrictions on israel's use of military force will only embolden terrorist groups in the region inviting further aggression and prolonging the conflict in gaza and ultimately undermining the deterrent capability of the west. >> bill: we had a terrific law professor from george mason law and said you have to go into the group of hamas like you went into the nazis at the end of world war ii in germany. it will take some time, congressman. and you start to play this out in your mind and you think can israel do what it has stated it will do, which is eliminate hamas? >> if israel has the full backing of the united states of america and we do not waiver in our support of israel in its mission to destroy hamas, it can do it. it is not going to be easy. there will be casualties on both sides. we're dealing with a genocidal death cult in hamas. but it must be destroyed. the path towards ending the conflict is clear from day one. release of all hostages and hamas's surrender. there are things we can do to help this beyond military support and rhetorical support to israel. i think it's time to re-evaluate our approach to qatar. they have helped hamas use the hostages talking about toddlers, mothers and grand parents in many cases as leverage. qatar says they want a cease-fire. the main player insuring this conflict drags on because it's trying to find a way for hamas. biden gave qatar status. it is time for us to expert our pressure in support of israel to make sure they aren't isolated internationally. >> dana: i wanted to ask this. a "new york times" story that caught my eye and you would be probably up to speed on it. the title is inside u.s. efforts to untangle an a.i. giant's ties to china saying american spy agencies have warned about the firm g42 and work with large chinese company that u.s. officials consider security threats. i don't know if you know about that specific company. the world of a.i. is ahead of where washington is in trying to get control or some measure of control on it. >> i saw the story, very troubling. it is obvious to say open a.i. is viewed by the chinese as an extremely value national security asset of america. we would never allow a chinese firm to invest in a.i. they are using it to invest in g42 whose ceo has a background that warrants deep scrutiny. this is something we need to scrutinize. it connects to the earlier topic. uae is an important partner of the united states of america and using our influence in order to insure they don't develop closer ties with china and allow china to dominate the technology with profound national security implications. >> bill: you have been on it from the beginning. thank you for coming on today. mike gallagher, the republican from wisconsin. south carolina we go now. there will be a moment inside this courtroom where at least 18 financial victims of alex murdaugh will be given the opportunity, if they so choose, to address him face-to-face. so we're waiting on this moment as he gets ready to be sentenced for financial crimes in the state of south carolina. stand by on that to that courtroom we'll go when it begins. plus this, check it out. [shouting] >> bill: by now you've seen many videos, hate speech on campus raising first amendment and safety concerns for jewish students nationwide. schools across the country dealing with growing protests over israel's war with hamas and we'll visit that in a moment. plus this. >> apprehended more than 13,000 individuals a week. that pretty much takes a lot of the time from agents to be working the field to have to be concentrating on processing and transport. >> dana: dangerous migrant surge over the past week in arizona forcing drastic measures. from border patrol agents are doing now to meet the challenge. >> bill: car dealers pleading with the president to push back the deadline for electric car sales. the country is not ready for them and you at home are not buying them. >> dana: who would have guessed? >> bill: uh-huh. >> he is jamming it down the throat of the consumer. he has to let capitalism and the river take its course. this industry will evolve and e.v.s will be out there and part of the industry. prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. 18 years from tonight, grant gill will become a legend. when he totally kills it at his improv class's graduation performance. knees will be slapped. suds will be sprayed. people won't know what hurts more: their cheeks, or their sides. that's why he's already keeping himself in-shape and razor sharp today with health tips and wellness tools from aarp. to help make sure his health lives as long as he does. because the younger you are, the more you need aarp. there's challenges, and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. 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[shouting] >> bill: as many pro-palestinian protests take over college campus, university leaders are now debating where to draw the line between free speech and anti-semitism. we have a director of constitutional studies at the manhattan institute. op-ed for the free press investigates how the first amendment applies to hate speech and he is with us now. thanks for coming on. good morning. we need a big brain to help wade us through these waters. how do you think we're doing so far as a country in trying to decide what is fair and what is out of bounds? >> well, as a country we're probably doing pretty well. our campuses are on fire because administrators are either weak or they sympathize with their fellow left wing brethren or don't understand what the contours of free speech are. look, anti-seamites do have free speech rights. you can yell and stomp around and say the most vile, offensive, hateful things. that's protected. what's not protected is harassing people, stalking them. we've seen lots of examples, you know, jewish students chased into a library with protestors pounding on the doors and windows, people being menaced, surrounded and yelled at, harassed. access to buildings blocked, events disrupted, student organizations and classes even disrupted. none of that is protected because sometimes however much expression you use, it is conduct. assault is not protected by the first amendment to take an extreme example. also, we have rules about time, place and manner. even though the first amendment protects core political expression, i can't go to your neighborhood in the middle of the night and with a mega phone tell you what i think about donald trump and joe biden. schools similarly have rules about when and how you can protest and express yourself. these rules are not being enforced. >> dana: there is a piece on the hill the headline is hypocritical definitions of academic freedom empower extremists. you see a lot of people saying it's their right to say it. if you have somebody who is being threatened there is a line that's drawn and your piece you try to make it clear for everybody as if we were going to law school with you, very helpful in some of these jobs. explain to people here about the -- basically the shield of academic freedom and that you know there is a line. >> well, these concepts aren't that difficult. you have to understand. i try to present them in a clear manner. this is not technical legal language that the laymen can't get. the supreme court has ruled for a long time. nothing new, that true threats are not protected. that is if you explicitly and specifically threaten someone's life or their safety in some way. that's why a cornell student was arrested for posting death threats against jews and things like that. incitement of violence is fought protected. a high bar to meet. a direct and specific violent action that is likely to happen because of that speech. maybe something like that demonstration in los angeles a few weeks ago where the gentleman was struck and then died after some elimination of slogans from the river to the sea were chanted. so these rules are pretty clear. if you are just marching around saying i hate jews, just like if you marched around and said i hate blacks, that's protected. we would judge you and think it's not very nice and if i were a ceo i agree with those ceos that said we won't hire the harvard students that said israel got what is coming to it. that sort of thing. but the criminal law is not going to punish you for that. it is when you interfere with others' ability to live their lives or pursue their educations, that's when you run afoul of the law and not protected by the first amendment. >> bill: love to be in your class. you conclude the piece fortune 500 companies who have withdrawn offers who were on the streets protesting against israel. you take that on in your piece. the thing you don't mention is what happened in georgetown about a year and a half ago when there was a tweet that went out about president biden's supreme court choices. there was a four-month investigation. how long is the investigation now based on what we've seen on some of these campuses today? >> look, it is free speech for me and not for thee. the students, professor are not being investigated for their alleged hate speech or violating harassment or discrimination policies, as they shouldn't be. what i went through was a farce. but the difference from what is going on now is that law firms should not -- they have the right to and i think it is making a good judgment call to say if someone wants to justify and celebrate baby beheadings and mutilations and as trot tease hamas committed it is right that fortune 500 companies and big law firms say it doesn't fit with our culture. my situation was criticizing president biden for limiting his supreme court pool by race and sex. year and a half later sounds like patty cake for what is going on now. >> bill: thank you for coming on today. nice to have you. to south carolina now. alex murdaugh is back in a very familiar chair inside that courtroom. just want to drop in here a moment. we expect some of the victims of his financial crimes to face off with him head-to-head, drop on in with the attorney. >> we are here post thanksgiving about the nature of the schemes that alex murdaugh conducted and i will kind of walk through those to not only reset the plea agreement but also to provide your honor some of the paperwork to see how the scheme ultimately went down. one of the things i would say again, this is a negotiated plea. as you are aware what that means with the courts is your honor after hearing everything will, of course, that includes hearing from the defense and victims, would either except the 27 years or reject it. that's in your honor's view of all that information. but to begin with this whole morass to go in chronological order and talk about whoa the counts are but also kind of remind your honor of the facts. i do have some exhibits that i will hand up to your honor as we move through this and i've already provided copies to the defense. >> prior to proceeding, do you have an introductory comment? >> only to note at a juncture after mr. waters finishes we'll hear from the victims and i'm told this morning some of their lawyers. my concern is that the victims' bill of rights guarantees the victims the ability to make a presentation. no problem with that whatsoever. there will be extensive comments by them. but i'm concerned from what i read in social media about some of the lawyers making comments today. some of them are expressed anger against me and mr. griffin and mr. murdaugh. some of them are nakedly using this as an infomercial to sell coffee cops, t-shirts or bobbleheads to maximize their economic return on this process. i would ask the court either to have the victims speak or the attorneys, but not both. if the attorneys do speak they address your comments to you, and not us and their comments should exhibit the demeanor of this courtroom, not some sort of marketing ploy. thank you. >> we'll maintain the civility and proper decorum of the court. the parties are entitled, victims are entitled to representation and the lawyers can speak on the victims' behalf. addressing the court and not addressing counsel. you may proceed. >> thank you. again, just to kind of set the table, we all know through this entire process, through the murder trial, through my comments from the initial proceeding we had of this plea, the power and influence and family legacy that was exercised that was so important to alex murdaugh and the trust that his family name and that law license on the wall had in that community. and in the state in its entirety. and with the staff at the firm and with the people at the bank, and there were so many individuals that were trusting of alex murdaugh. that's how this decade-long scheme was able to take place. ultimately we had people who came to mr. murdaugh for help and he told he was going to help. in many instances, there was significant funds that mr. murdaugh paid to those individuals. but that was how the scheme usually worked. it was a slight of hand. it was where he was handing them a check and had their focus on that that he was able to steal money from them behind their back. it was the fact that he used things like palmetto state bank and the fake forge on disbursements sheets and told staff to fill them out and goes to the finance office at the firm and looks legitimate. your average staff member who will never question a powerful senior partner, but these look like a legitimate expense. that trust, that power, that influence is the only way these schemes were able to take place. throughout this investigation, your honor, this ultimately when we first got involved, the state grand jury first got involved, it was late august of 2021 and i described it before as leading to a whirl wind state grand jury investigation. >> bill: that is the lay of the legal land for the moment. we'll hear from murdaugh apparently and hear from at least a few of his victims. so when that starts, we'll take you back inside that courtroom and they have multiple cameras set up, dana. you and i were talking about the images. how different they are from the last time. there will be drama and we'll take you back inside the courtroom when it gets underway. wanted to find out the lay of the land and now we have it. >> dana: a scary new crime trend in the u.s. called cash and grab robberies. we have details coming up. plus this. >> got a real problem in the three states, montana, ohio and west virginia that were won by the republicans in the 2020 election and the 2016 election. >> dana: karl rove last hour believes the senate majority may change hands next year to republicans thank to crucial races in several states. harris faulkner continues her special series democracy 2024, families in focus. she had a candid conversation with the children of 2024 candidate nikki haley and you'll catch it next hour on "the faulkner focus." ♪ there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. 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>> joe manchin's retirement changed the senate map significantly. republicans only need to net two senate seats to win back the razor thin edge. the democrats could flip the other way. joe manchin guarantees republicans one of those two seats. right now i think it's fair to say republicans have the advantage in winning the majority. the big races are the ones you pointed out. two other trump states, ohio and montana. these are states that have very battle tested democratic incumbents. brown in ohio, tester in montana. republicans have good recruits there. if the national environment dictates down ballot races republicans could be in good positions in some of these states and purple state battlegrounds. >> bill: the other state karl mentioned was nevada. house side this is the status. simple majority is 218. republicans and democrats differ. republicans believe there are two seats in michigan that are gettable. another seat in the state of washington. democrats meanwhile look at two seats in the state of new york, one in new jersey, you got one in oregon, colorado, california. we can go on and on. knowing the margin is so small, knowing the red wave didn't happen. how do you see the fight for the house, josh? >> bill, the political map in the house is a lot different than in the senate. you have a republican razor thin majority in the house. they can only afford to lose five seats and they are already 18 house republicans that represent districts that joe biden won back in 2020. you could have george santos, the most scandal-plagued republican in some time get expelled from congress this week. that could narrow that majority even more. so look, i think republicans have a fighting chance to hold that majority? the map is challenging and i think the real test will be whether they can govern and get things done. having ousted speaking mccarthy, mike johnson in charge and whether republicans can work together will be a big tell for political fortunes going forward. >> bill: thank you for coming on today. both are tight. see where it goes. >> dana: surprise, electric vehicle demand is drying up. e.v.s are piling up on car lots. now thousands of car dealers have something to say to president biden. 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or did you know that this existed somewhat? >> well no, it was a surprise, dana. very good to be with you today. it is a surprise and very disturbing and very unfortunate. the outpouring of anti-semitism after october 7th has been shocking, frankly. there have been physicians who have been very overt about this. spoken out on television and ripped down posters of the unfortunate hostages in gaza, and have expressed themselves particularly on x, the former twitter app, about just celebrating the horrible actions of october 7th. it was very shocking and surprising. >> dana: you write that anti-semitism in medicine is a problem that can be explained by its enthusiasm for and adoption of diversity, equity and inclusion policies? >> yes, i think that's right. i think this is the natural result of so-called identity politics or another way of thinking about the diversity activities which focus on people's identities as opposed to their individual characteristics. i think this represents the end result of that where once you start identifying people as oppressors or oppressed and the israelis have been identified as white oppressors somehow even though 40% of israelis have their origin in the middle east and the countries they were expelled several years ago, i think this is the natural result of it. we need to view our patients and our friends and our colleagues as individuals and not as members of some identity group simply because of skin color or some other characteristic. >> dana: could you explain what do no harm your group does and you say you have observed medical institutions that have had this anti-semitism. doctors have been openly doing it. has anyone been punished? >> well, that's a good question. i think some people have been fired. a few individuals, one at nyu langone medical center, another down in florida at a g.i. center was fired from their jobs. but what we found and when i say we, i'm talking about my colleagues who wrote this report, they found that 71% of medical associations and 45% of medical schools after the russian invasion of ukraine spoke out in favor of the ukrainian people and concern for their welfare. on the other hand, after october 7th, '11% of the medical associations and only 3% of medical schools had anything to say about concern about the israelis. and this just points out that there is a systematic effect here as well as the individuals who express their disdain for jewish people and happiness over the harmful atrocities of october 7th. >> dana: the headline in the "new york post" piece written is watch out. anti-semitism is soaring in u.s. medicine and says every jewish patient has good reason to worry about the anti-semitism. if medical institutions don't rid themselves of this bias lawmakers much. is there real concern for the safety of jewish patients? >> absolutely. i've heard this from several colleagues and several friends. if someone is willing to speak out and speak with great glee about the terrible atrocities of october 7th, then you have to worry what their value system really is and how they really are honoring their hippocratic oath. i think it is a real issue. the think the institutions whose people have spoken out about these horrible atrocities are brought to task about this. >> dana: so if you work in medicine and work in hospitals you can report the problem to do no harm and they look into it and see if they get to a resolution even sometimes filing lawsuits. thank you, appreciate you being on today. >> thanks, dana, thanks very much. >> bill: back inside that courtroom we're waiting for the moment as the attorney continues to make his case against alex murdaugh. we expect him to talk and also expect some of the victims of the financial crimes to come face-to-face with him. watching that. get a quick break. back in a moment. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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"the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: president biden faces growing pushback against his plan to require most new car sales be electric by 2032 less than ten years away. thousands of car dealers from every state are frustrated and asking biden to hit the brakes. bryan llenas is getting reaction at a car dealership in new jersey. hi, bryan. >> good morning. we're at a lexus car dealership in new jersey. 100 electric vehicles on the lot here according to the owner, thomas. like these two vehicles here. they are on the lot for an average of 12 months. they cannot sell them. him and about 3,000 other auto dealership owners sent a letter to president biden this morning urging him to stop his push for electric vehicles. the letter reading in part mr. president, it is time to tap the brakes on the unrealistic government electric vehicle mandate. electric vehicle demand is not keeping up with the large influx of electric vehicles arriving at our dealerships prompted by the current regulations. e.v.s are stacking up on our lots. car dealers are urging biden to stop the proposed new epa rule that will require 67% or 2/3 of all new car sales to be electric by 2032. the owner here says customers just aren't buying it. >> you are talking about a 30% cost increase over a gas vehicle. you are talking about having to build infratruck tour in your house to charge the vehicle. the availability in infrastructure in the marketplace is a concern. there is not enough chargers out there. it takes 30 minutes to charge your car. >> the 67,000 car is being sold at a 22,000 discount and they still can't sell it. >> bill: thank you, bryan. pump the brakes you say. before we get out of here, check it out. ♪ have you heard? >> dana: what happened here? hall and o arcs -- darrell hall filed a lawsuit an temporary restraining order on john oates. many aspects of the suit are controversial and music rights. a lot of people selling the music and making a lot of cash. >> dana: great show. harris is next. >> harris: we begin with a fox

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Return , Both , Demeanor , Marketing Ploy , Civility , Decorum , Parties , Counsel , Behalf , Representation , Table , Set , Power , Trust , Family Name , Law License , Legacy , Staff , Palmetto State Bank , Entirety , Help , Instances , Faulkner Focus , Hand , Check , Funds , Slight , Back , Finance Office , Disbursements Sheets , Forge , Member , Senior Partner , Expense , The State Grand Jury , August Of 2021 , Play , Land , Few , Whirl Wind State , Starts , Cameras , Images , Drama , Cash , Grab , Crime Trend , Robberies , Details , Wanted , States , Election , Ohio , Montana , Majority , Karl Rove Last Hour , West Virginia , 2020 , 2016 , Harris Faulkner , Races , Nikki Haley , Conversation , Democracy , Series , 2024 , Navy , Job , Saying , Deployments , The Faulkner Focus , Value , Spouse , Va Home Loan , Newday 100 , 100 , Carolers , Iphone , Plan , Wreck , Husband , Dad , Verizon , 15 , Apple , Ipad , Soloist , Titanium , Vo , Chronic Kidney Disease , Places , 1700 , 700 , Ga Farxiga , Kidney Failure , Risk , Dialysis , Skin , Infection , Ketoacidosis , Yeast Infections , Urinary Tract , Perineum , Blood Sugar , Dehydration , Reaction , Symptoms , Stop Taking Farxiga , Medication , Astrazeneca , Ga The Winter Play , Disaster , Replacement Costumes , Tensions , Harvey , Fedex , Luckily , Holidays , Trend , Businesses , Thieves , Cars , First , Stores , Fox Business , Safe , Country Crash , Options , The Business , Reporter Kelly , North Chicago , Adana , Team , Viewers , Smash And Grab , Car , Business Owners , Instance , Amount , Store Fronts , Devastation , Gun , Teenagers , Louis , Damage , Building , Guns , Resellable Goods , Hundred Thousand , 2 Hundred Thousand , 30000 , 0000 , Anti Theft Device , August , Law Enforcement , Hyundais , 600 , Issue , Restaurant , Family Businesses , Register , Owner , Break , Whatever , Family Business , Methods , Dam , Pen , Ten , Pillars , Security Guards , Sitting , 10000 , Map , Dbacks , Offense , Targets , Josh Sanabria , Audience , Razor S Edge , Karl Rove , Seats , Joe Manchin , It Doesn T , Left , Pickups , 49 , 51 , Tim Sheehy , Points , Nominee , John Tester , Shared Brown , Eight , Seat , Sinema , Run , Pennsylvania , Raise , Edge , Retirement , Razor Thin Edge , Republicans , Ones , Ballot Races , Tester , Trump , Incumbents , Environment , Recruits , Status , Battlegrounds , Positions , Nevada , State Of Washington , New York , Michigan , Gettable , 218 , In The House , New Jersey , Red Wave Didn T , Fight , Margin , Colorado , Oregon , California , House , Districts , Razor , Five , Congress , George Santos , Test , Charge , Fighting Chance , Mike Johnson , Mccarthy , Surprise , Fortunes , Tell , Vehicle , Car Lots , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Camera Shutter Sfx , City Ambience Sounds , Car Screech , Car Door Slam , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaky , Flaking , Otezla , Itching , Patches , Ned , Doctors , Reactions , Blood Tests , Psoriatic Arthritis , Thoughts , Headache , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Depression , Weight Loss , Movie , Ting , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Crowd Gasp , Veteran , Veterans , Benefits , Eligibility , Va Loan , Va , Call Newday Usa , Automatic Authority , Banks , Weight , Golo , 40 , 202 , Direction , Medicine , Identity Politics , Type , Sensibilities , Practice , Universities , Ideologies , Report , Board Chair , October 7th , Outpouring , 7 , Physicians , Posters , Television , Actions , App , Twitter , Diversity , Inclusion , Equity , Adoption , Enthusiasm , Result , Characteristics , Activities , Countries , Oppressors , Origin , Middle East , Colleagues , Patients , Friends , Identity Group , Members , Skin Color , Institutions , Anyone , Characteristic , Question , Down , Nyu Langone Medical Center , G I , Florida , Associations , 45 , 71 , O11 , Favor , Invasion , Welfare , Anything , Russian , Ukraine , 3 , Atrocities , Happiness , Disdain , Patient , Reason , New York Post , Lawmakers , Bias , Value System , Glee , Hippocratic Oath , Lawsuits , Hospitals , Resolution , Case , Protein , Strength , Nutrition , Nutrients , Vitamins , Energy , Minerals , Yay Woo Hoo , 30 , Name , Loan , Alexandra , Vet , Isla Veterinary Boutique Hospital , 5 6 , Everything , Perfect , Financing Piece , Steps , Mattress , Pressure Points , Body , Aches , Tempur Pedic , 00 , Speaker , Wounded Warrior Project , Tools , Camaraderie , Adjustable Mattress Sets , Warriors , Community Support , Mental Health Services , Cost , Narrator , Career Assistance , Advocacy , Life Skill Training , 20 , Card , Heart , Hearts , Credit Card , Kardiamobile , Loved One , Kardiamobile Card , Holiday Sale , Ekg , Causes , Anywhere , Stroke , Atrial Fibrillation , Savings , Kardia Com , Amazon , 79 , 9 , 0 , Gift , Gifts , Matter , Traditions , Harry And David , Gourmet , Where , Closer , Memories , Ambassador , Being , Terrorists Waiting For Freedom , 16 , Car Sales , Pushback , Kids , Top , Tammy Bruce , Car Dealership , Brakes , Bryan Llenas , 2032 , Vehicles , Thomas , Average , Jersey 100 Electric Vehicles , Bryan , Hi , 12 , Letter , Auto Dealership Owners , Push , Government , Reading , 3000 , Rule , Influx , Mandate , Regulations , Dealerships , Gas Vehicle , Customers , Cost Increase , 2 3 , 67 , Chargers , Tour , Availability , Infrastructure , Marketplace , Infratruck , Discount , 22000 , 67000 , O Arcs , Darrell Hall , Hall , Lawsuit , Restraining Order , John Oates , Music , Music Rights , Suit , Show , Aspects ,

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