for joining us. biden on the cliff is the focus of tonight's angle. it was a beautiful, somber setting in france to commemo commemorate 80th anniversary of d d-day today. the biden team hoped remarks would resonate with voters back home, showcasing him as a reagan-esque figure. the speech they wrote for him merely demonstrated how muddeled, unserious and unrea unrealistic he is. they think they can convince us that russia and ukraine pose the same existential threat to the west as germany did in 1944. pre-k we will not walk away. if we do, ukraine will be subgaited. ukraine's neighbors and all of europe will be threatened. in their hour of trial, allied forces of d-day did their duty. the question for us, in our hour of trial, will we do ours? >> laura: this is ridiculous, european nations are so unconcerned about the russian threat that to do this many of them are not meeting their own targets, decided in 2014 to spend 2% of gdp on defense. biden's speech comes across as irresponsibly fearmongering that could end up with our getting into a nuclear war with the former so viet union. biden authorized ukraine can use american weapons to fire into russia. new speaker: are american weapons being used inside russia? new speaker: they are authorized to be used in proximity to the border. >> laura: thanks. remember 20-mile rule now, that is no problem. cavalier attitude given where this can lead, which putin responsed to yesterday. new s to some regions of the world where they can be used to launch strikes on sensitive facilities of the countries that do it to russia. the answer may be a me a met tr. >> laura: this is not good. >> suffered tremendous losses with russia. the numbers are staggering, 350,000 russian troo ps dead or wounded. nearly 1 million people have left russia because they can no longer see a future in russia. >> laura: now, contrast that celebration of the blood shed in this conflict to trump's call for peace five years ago at normandy. >> what do you pray for when you pray for this country? >> peace. really peace. and we build up our military. we built up our wealth. we built up everything. our country is in such great shape right now. iran is much different position than they were two and a half years ago. two and a half years ago iran was a disaster for us. now they are -- they have got problems. let's put it that way. they are not the same country. north korea, no nuclear tests. we are going to see what happens. china wants to make a deal. everybody wants to make a deal. we are the best. we are the strongest. there is nobody even close. >> laura: wow. what a change to today and another big problem with biden's remarks his comments on democracy. >> we're living in a time when democracy is more at risk across the world than any point since the end of world war ii. now we ask ourselves we stand against tyranny? against evil? against crushing brutality? of the iron fist? or will we stand for freedom? will we bend for democracy. will we stand together? my answer is yes and only can be yes. >> laura: this is nonsense. if we were truly worried about the fate of democracy, well, biden himself would be laser focused on the rise of china, which is the only existential threat to democracy around the globe today with the power of china. instead, his doj and his party are focused on putting their political opponents in jail. that's democracy while his cabinet members and big donors fly to beijing to kiss president xi's ring. yeah. even future democrat contenders are in on the china flattery competition. >> expectation as you suggest of turning the page, of renewing our friendship, reengaging foundational, fundamental issues that will determine our collective fate and future. >> laura: for several years now, the angle has warned the white house that their problems are not communications issues that can be solved with a new speech or a new slogan. we need better policies. and we need to put the ukraine situation in the right perspective. putin is a horrible dictator, but he isn't a supreme threat to the united states of america. we need a president who sees our domestic policy that it should be geared towards restoring u.s. manufacturing and decoupling us from the communist regime in china. and then reestablishing our ability to once again serve as the arsenal of democracy. that is the peace through strength that president reagan spoke about. an entire biden apparatus has it backwards. for them, it will be war through weakness. divide the country at home, turn americans. history, spend us into impossible debt levels, leave our southern border open, then ask americans to sign up to defend finland and sweden against russia? i'm not sure they're going to like the answer our young people give them about fighting to serve that mission. by trying to draw parallels to reagan, biden's staff only underscores the extent to which the united states has declined over the past ask yourself she was in 1984 moronic to make this comparison. won 49 states and 525 electoral votes in 1984: too? these are moments from today that our press will not show you. biden confused upon arriving at the event. [applause] biden making sure he follows directions. >> laura: you are not supposed to tell people that biden gets pulled back by dr. jill asthm as macron d-day vets. ♪ ♪ >> laura: this is our commander-in-chief. if in a biden second term, there is a realistic chance that american troops are going to be fighting russian troops, then president biden and the white house and the pentagon they need to be honest about this now. >> listen closely to today's speech. and to blinken's aggressive remarks lately, and you can hear the war drums beating in the background. biden was on the cliff today, but if he is going to push us over the cliff of war, we should all take that into account come election day. and that's the angle. joining us now is victor davis hanson be senior fellow at the hoover institution. reagan comparison, victor, i think we should devi delve moreo that. >> we in america have learned bitter lessons from two world wars. we have learned that isolationism never was and never will be an acceptable response to tyrannical governments with an expansionist intent. >> and then biden today. >> isolationism was not the answer 80 years ago, and it is not the answer today. we know the dark forces that these heroes fought against 08 years ago. they never fade. >> laura: victor, reagan was against isolationism. biden is against isolationism. is the parallel real? >> no. reagan spoke from confidence. you noticed how quiet he was and determined. he wasn't screaming or yelling. he was a member of that generation. and he was as close to d-day as he is to biden. it's a different world. and ronald reagan in that speech actually said to the russians that we didn't want a war with them. but what he was doing was speaking softly and carrying a big stick. he was ushering in 7% economic growth in 1984. he had rebuilt the military. and he was essentially saying to the world we are very strong but we're not going to brag about it. we don't want war with you but it would be a very stupid thing to challenge the united states. biden in contrast is the baby boomer. so he is loud and he carries a twig. he ruined the border, hyper inflation. we owe $36 trillion. we are printing $34 billion a day. and military is short 45,000 troops. he thinks he can make up that material reality that debt by screaming and yelling and talking about russia and doing all of this. it's just the wrong way to do it. and you have to be quiet and strong and not loud and weak. he is weak and he is loud. and that's why he is loud because he knows what he has done to the military. he knows what he has done to the economy. and now he is trying to beat us over -- most americans, like reagan, would like to help ukraine defend itself. the majority do not want to give weapons to ukraine to carry offensive operations inside russia. because we remember this generation grew up with the cuban missile crisis, laura. we know what happens when a surrogate is given offensive weapons as cuba was by russia. john kennedy stopped it right there. but we came right to the brink of defcon 1. >> laura: victor they are taking us to the close to the edge of war here are they not? >> i know it. they are. >> laura: listen closely, this is now getting very real and putin's response seemed extremely serious. he can bluster, obviously as well. but his response seemed different than before. >> no. you are absolutely right. we had an insane idea that a country with 30 million people that's lost a quarter of its population to exoduses was going to defeat russia with 150 million, 30 times the area, 10 times the g.d.p., and we advise them for this ridiculous spring offensive that was going to butt ahead fortified line when it didn't happen now what? maybe we should attack the russian homeland maybe that's a good idea. it never was a good idea. we all wanted to protect the homeland of ukraine, but that is not what this administration thought. they thought we're going to use ukraine as a proxy for a geo strategic plan to weaken russia. and russia has got 6500 deliverable nuclear weapons. and that's a very dangerous thing to have this gambit at our expense. so he should be quiet. he should build up our -- yeah, and look at china. look at china, not russia. >> laura: helping russia, by the way. hillary posted today, victor. and i know you instantly get her tweet. she said 80 years ago today, thousands of brave americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of normandy. this november, all we have to do is vote. another trump hitler comparison, victor, because it's worked so well for them so far. >> yeah. well we all -- that's true in a way we all have to vote because we can make sure that these people are not continuing to wreck the country, whether it's the border, inflation, foreign policy, the whole bit. so everybody should be listening. she is right about that vote. you can preserve the country as reagan knew it and don't vote or vote for this administration that's dissent. reagan was coming off of the carter disaster and confident in assent. biden is coming off the trump renaissance and is he going downward. it's completely opposite, laura. asen dance and desen dance from a prior administration. >> laura: victor you are the perfect person to have on today, thank you so much. biden's executive order banning asylum multiple. it was in full effect yesterday. what impact did it have? fox news national correspondent bill melugin is here with all the details. what can you tell us? >> laura that bill is in effect it is having little to zero impact. if anything gotten busier in san diego sector. a large group that just crossed illegally a short time ago. many of them from egypt. from china, and from turkey. they are now out here waiting for border patrol in the hot sun. but border patrol is busy elsewhere. here is why. take a look at this video a couple hours ago on the other side in jacumba bigger group of 200 that crossed illegally all at once. single adults from all around the world, even though this asylum ban is in effect, many of them will tell you they are not here for asylum. i went down the line and i asked some of these guys where they are from. take a listen. >> bill: where are you from. >> mauritania. >> bill: mauritania. where are you from? what country? china? >> china. >> bill: china. where are you guys from? mexico, guatemala. >> china. >> where are you from. >> guatemala. bit. >> bill: where are you from. >> india. >> india. >> brazil. >> brazil? >> india. >> bill: laura, that's not it. we had another group this time in a different location down by the border wall, another mass illegal crossing, this group primarily columbians and venezuelans, mostly ginseng gel adults. they are not afraid of this asylum ban. several of them telling me they are not even here for asylum. they are here to meet up with family or to work. and they are planning on getting released. take a listen. [speaking spanish] >> california. >> bill: san francisco? [speaking spanish] . >> bill: can you see behind us right now this group of migrants being helped out by ngo giving them water and food. laura, the bottom line here the biden administration was clearly hoping this executive order, this asylum ban was going to curb illegal crossings here at the southern border. that ain't happening. there were more than 4,000 illegal crossings yesterday alone. it's been extremely busy out here in san diego sector. based off what we have seen it's not working. send it back to you. >> doesn't look like a lot of moms and babies. looks like mostly working aged men, bill. do i have that right? 70 to 80% what we see single men about my age never with family. always alone, no kids, no wives. they all say they are here to work. at whether a bill? thank you so much. >> same democrats that want trump in jail say they are worried they will be political prisoners, here, if he gets elected. that lin i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. it was hard, but taking preservision was easy. preservision has the exact clinically proven areds 2 formula recommended by the nei. i'm taking control like millions of others. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade. it's 20 degrees cooler and you get protection from harmful rays and sun glare. when you call, we'll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you'll get your sunsetter for as little as $799. but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions. plus, get this $200 discount certificate to get your sunsetter for as little as $799. there are so many incredible styles to choose from. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! turn your patio into an instant oasis. add led lighting for evening enjoyment. call now for your free awning idea kit, local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!” her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> it's terrifying. it's frightening. i have a lot of conversations with former colleagues, people who are or were in the intelligence and law enforcement community. discussions with family members about whether or not they have to leave the country to avoid being unconstitutionally and illegally detained. >> donovan schultz is again suggesting his political opponents could be jailed. >> talk about putting hillary clinton in jail, political opponents in jail. >> laura: they are terrified, they always promise to leave and never do. if trump wins, he will jail his political opponents. pot meet kettle. they have been trying to put trump behind bars, irony or hypocrisy is lost upon them. classic case of projection. >> it has to stop, otherwise we will not have a counter. when this election is over, based on what they have done, i would have every right to go after them, we can't have this stuff go on. you know what, when biden goes out, everyone says bye-bye and he gets indicted two days later and they go after him? the country doesn't want that and didn't with hillary clinton, either. >> laura: joining me now is josh hawley. senator, jail trump, he will jail us. have you ever heard of a more lewd krusz framing of an election that people care about inflation, economy and the border? >> absolutely. for years, the message biden people are sending, if you oppose them, they will try to jail you. it is hay laruous to hear them say donovan schultz is doing it, that is why they need to go. >> new poll from georgia is showing on this issue they care so much about, preserving democracy, 49% say trump will preserve democracy better versus 46% biden. this is everything that they have banked this election on. this is the whole thing is abortion and democracy. how is that working out for them? >> yeah, it is working out terrible. you start by having a candidate who is awake, alive, can speak. american people are not stupid. we want democracy to function, in order to function, you have to have a leader functioning and biden is not. he's been terrible and is a criminal. this guy has sold influence and access every stage of his career. it is unbelievable, laura. to me, no surprise that trump is leading in that metric, people want that country to work again. they want the border to be safe, they want to be able to go outside and not be shot at. they want to afford gas. the company needs to work and trump will make it work. >> laura: hilarious, i left something off, it is abortion, it is democracy and of course, it's jailing trump. that is their strategy. after the conviction of trump on that bogus charge in new york, compared 538 polling data from last thursday when trump was convicted and today and shows virtually no change in national polling. 61%, in one surveys it does not affect them at all and that is reflected in this poll. >> yeah, of course it is. because i mean, what do the american people want? especially voters out there, working people trying to provide for their families? they would like to get a job that has not been taken by an illegal immigrant. they would like to send their kids to the bus stop and not have them shot at. they would like to afford gas. look at trump's year in office and compare to now, take that record any day of the week and twice on sundays, no comparison whatso ever. >> laura: good to see you, up next, trump's vp stakes is getting interesting. names that are on the list and names that aren't, up next. into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. after 30 years of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factors that can cause mental decline in memory issues and a breakthrough solution. i'm trying to get a thought across and i can't find the right way to say it. i noticed as i've got into my 50s i started feeling like i was like a little more forgetful, a little more brain fog. introducing neuroq, the breakthrough brain supplement that can help your memory, focus and concentration to improve the quality of your life every day. neuroq delivers multi ingredient multi action brain care and was developed by one of the world's leading brain doctors, doctor dale bredesen. we've been studying the brain for over 30 years and have identified key factors that contribute to mental decline as we age naturally. we use these results to formulate the neuroq supplement with the precise nutrients needed to address these factors. very specifically, neuroq contains a key ingredient clinically shown to influence brain performance in as little as seven days, and within just two months. a combination of ingredients found in neuroq has been shown to help improve memory focus and concentration. i feel like it helps with my mental clarity and focus and getting things done, as well as my memory and recall. some of the key factors that affect mental performance as we age include reduced blood flow to the brain, reduced production of neurotransmitters, decreased renewal of brain cells, and the presence of toxins and oxidizing free radicals. we formulated neuroq to address all these factors. it fuels, it boosts, it renews, and it protects your brain. unlike other brain supplements that only address one or just a few factors, neuroq is a comprehensive multi ingredient, multi action formula that delivers noticeable results. in an internal study, four out of five neuroq users saw significant improvement in just 30 days. i would say within a week's time i was able to think clearer was the first thing i can see that there is an improvement just in the tasks i have to do around the house. once i started taking neuroq i was like things were just coming right back to me very quickly and i was really excited about that. call or go online now to find out how you can try neuroq during this limited time offer for $49.95 plus get free shipping act now and you'll also receive neuroq's fast dissolving sleep now oral strips to help you sleep better. a $20 value free when you order. you'll also receive the neuroq cognitive evaluation with each order. it's the same cognitive evaluation used in doctor's offices and you get it free. neuroq comes with a full 90 day money back guarantee. get your one month supply of neuroq, sleep now and cognitive evaluation all for just $49.95 with free shipping. (♪) >> this is fox news update, israeli prime minister netanyahu will speak before congress, join address will happen july 24th during a bipartisan meeting, according to speaker mike johnson and mcconnell. prime minister netanyahu is expected to talk about israel's war against hamas and long-standing relationship with the u.s.. in major companies involved in growing artificial intelligence going under the federal microscope. chatgpt creator, microsoft and nvidia, are expected to be investigated by the federal trade commission, cited by the associate the press. president joe biden pushed for tougher scrutiny into possible monopoly practices. i'm chandler painter. now back to "the ingraham angle". >> laura: what qualities are you looking for in your vice presidential pick? >> first quality is somebody you think would be a good president, if something should happen, you have to have somebody that will be great. >> laura: that can step into the role. >> you have to view that. >> laura: the trump campaign is accelerating vp process asking for docs from running mates. including north dakota governor burgum, marco rubio and ja v vance. joining me is lisa boothe, fox news contributor. matt, how much difference in polling does the vp pick make? been one to believe that the v.p. pick really changes things a lot. i mean, it can have a boost, certainly a temporary boost. the campaign always gets one when the attention turns on the candidate. as long as the candidate doesn't melt down or have some flaw that no one knows about. it can certainly give some momentum. i don't believe that people vote for the most part based on the vice president. i think they base it on the president. they just want a good running mate. someone who is competent and in my opinion they want somebody that has a personality, which is something the republicans always do well when they choose personality like a ronald reagan or a donald trump and if you are thinking about the future. individual who will probably be the nominee of the party next time it will be that person who has chosen for vice president. so i think trump has a lot to do with this: on the right track. >> according to the bidding site the clear favorite is tim scott senator from south carolina. 17.5% implied probability. doug burgum comes in with a healthy second at 1.3%. back to this point, i mean, in this case, the vice presidential pick seems to me to matter a little bit, given those suburban women that you have to pull in and maybe some establishment types who still aren't comfortable pulling the lever for trump. >> i mean, i typically looked at the vice presidential candidate as just a rounding out of the ticket. this time i actually do believe it matters more because whoever ends up being the vice presidential pick could end up being the defactor candidate for a period of time. look how far the democrats have demonstrated their willing to take this lawfare against donald trump. there is a very real possibility that judge merchan either puts donald trump in jail or tries to sideline him with house arrest. so whoever ends up being the vice presidential pick could end up being the one that's on tv screens across the country, the one that rallies really trying to get voters to turn out and get excited about the republican ticket. so, typically, i would say, you know, not that big of a deal. but now, under this scenario, and this really strange period of time we are in, maybe more. >> laura: all right. let's go through some picks. doug burgum, north dakota governor, some pros with him. proven as an executive, of course, is he wealthy, and is he business-minded but the con, name recognition comes from obviously a small state trump easily wins that. thoughts on that, matt? >> well, i think the reason is he on that list as soon as he got out of the race he showed intense loyalty to trump. and i think that's one of the things trump is going to be looking for. he wants a vice president who he knows is going to have his back the entire four years. and so that's why i think he is on that list. >> laura: lisa, let's go to rubio because he is someone whose name has been mentioned now for a while. you have the constitutional issue with being from the same state. he does appeal a lot of moderates. he does have national name recognition. he is known to be a little bit more hawkish than trump on foreign policy but also obviously the cons being from florida and not a lot of executive experience and trump campaign fodder for biden? >> i like senator ruby, i thinko challenges you pointed out lacking that executive experience. again depending on what happens in the sentencing in july this vice presidential pick could really end up mattering in terms of voters looking at this person as potentially the one that could, you know, inevitably run the government to a certain degree. i don't know if he has that executive experience so i think that might be a challenge for him. >> laura: j.d. vance, of course, senator from ohio. the pros for him, matt, he does have the rust belt voters. a lot of the appeal there. is he one of the youngest senators and really in sync with trump on the big issues but some of the cons, fairly new, less than two years in the senate. may open up a vulnerable senate seat and also, obviously, another state that trump is going to likely win. matt, thoughts on vance. >> well, i just spent three weeks in ohio and cincinnati. i could tell you that vance has won over people who originally didn't think they were going to like him. maybe didn't even vote for him. he is really gotten his groove on there in that state. and he now has people who are in the middle. i consider to be sort of middle road establishment type republicans liking what he is doing. so he could be, you know, a really strong choice for trump. and he performs well on television. he does extremely well as does marco rubio as well. >> doing this again very soon. >> fever is already here. my advice fo the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. 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>> four years ago, for sure. >> how would you rate president biden's presidency? >> zero. one. >> probably a one. >> i would say like a two. s not difficult, if handled right and trump can do it, he's done it before, he should treat joe biden like a rambling old codger whose best days are behind him. trump needs to remind everyone watching as the old song goes, "hold on, i'm coming." joining me now is newt gingrichf you have been in debates, you are a master of them, your advice to president trump? , wate three reagan presidential debates. notice the style, the calmness, the use of humor. staying balanced. second, answer the question you wish they would have asked. don't get involved in games with the reporters. every person on that stage is anti-trump. accept that going in and just relax. and then i would, as often ace could, i think, i would say to biden have you been to a grocery store? do you have any idea the damage your policies have done to everyday americans? and i would talk with the american people not with the politicians. and i would make my could entire debate about the future of the american people and the fact that biden is a failure. it's not complicated. i think if biden starts talking about taxes, i might be tempted to say you mean people who cheat on their taxes like hunter? i mean, is that what your reference is to? i think if biden tries to pretend he knows foreign policy, i think that's legitimate to turn and say, you know, putin was a kjb lt. colonel in germany 40 years ago. did you really know him 40 -- i don't understand what you were saying. did you really know him? and, look, i think the more that trump -- trump should be cheerful. talk to the american people. answer the question you wish they had asked, and then occasionally, ask biden questions about biden's behavior. i think the debate would be over. >> laura: how about -- since biden hates answering questions because he has to fumble around for notes. ask biden questions like why did you abandon minority voters? why did you promise them the moon and yet their cities are laid waste to by illegal immigration and crime? why have you done that to the country? i think biden will collapse just if you pose a few questions on behalf of the people, who have suffered so much under his policies, newt, what about that? >> well, i think that's part of it. the other is the trump campaign should push very hard to have it be standing debate, not sitting. and should push very hard to have no notes. i mean, if trump, obviously, can operate without notes because he does it all the time. >> laura: right. >> it biden had to actually go into a debate with no notes. interesting how many minutes in running pool how many minutes it will take biden to start falling apart. >> laura: cnn is breaking from tradition, mouth, maybe you saw this "new york post" reporting commercial breaks in this debate and trump agreed to all these rules. is he going to need get some help in the commercials? i mean, i don't know what is going on with that. >> this is a cheap shot, laura, so forgive me. if you had cnn's ratings, you would try to sell every ad you could for any reason and i think that's part of it. part of it is just straight out they need the money. and part of it is, of course, biden needs a couple of questions the question there will be he shouldn't be allowed to wear anything in his ear so he doesn't get any coaching. during the debate. during the breaks, he has to stay on the stage. be interesting to see if biden could stay on a stage for 90 minutes, trump, of course, routinely stays on the stage for 90 minutes because he gets rolling. >> laura: newt, wonderful to see you. thank you so much. up next, our woke military keeps asking for more of your money, i try to put my arm around any vet that i can. absolutely. at newday usa, that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. after 30 years of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factors that can cause mental decline and memory issues. i'm trying to get a...a thought across and i can't find the right way to say it. i noticed as i've got into my 50s i started feeling like i was like a little more forgetful, a little more brain fog. introducing neuroq, the breakthrough multi ingredient, multi action brain care supplement developed by one of the world's leading brain doctors, dr. dale bredesen. neuroq is the result of years of research studying the precise nutrients your brain needs to perform better. neuroq contains a key ingredient clinically shown to influence brain performance in as little as seven days. and within just two months a combination of ingredients found in neuroq has been shown to help improve memory focus and concentration. we've all seen other brain supplements that only focus on one or two factors, but neuroq is different. it's the multi ingredient multi action formula that helps fuel, boost, renew and protect your brain for more comprehensive brain care and noticeable results. in an internal study, 4 out of 5 neuroq users saw significant improvement in just 30 days. i would say within a week's time i was able to... think clearer was the first thing. i can see that there is an improvement just in the tasks i have to do around the house. once i started taking neuroq, i was like things were just coming right back to me very quickly and i was really excited about that. i feel like it helps with my mental clarity and focus and getting things done. as well as my memory and recall. call or go online now to find out how you can try neuroq for $49.95 plus get free shipping. act now and you'll also receive neuroq's fast dissolving sleep now oral strips, to boost brain recovery while you sleep. >> we will not walk away. if we do, ukraine will be subigating and it will not end there. >> laura: all this war talk, the pentagon is directing, our involvement going from defensive assi assistance to offensive assistance bringing us close to direct military with russia. virtually zero pushback from the media or most republicans on the hill. perhaps key republicans are pushing for more u.s. military spending. someone we rarely hear from, mississippi senator roger wicker is spearheading 5% push of u.s. gdp at the pentagon, that is big increase in u.s. military spending and like clockwork, mcconnell jumped on board today writing he was encouraged by the plan laid out by my friend roger wicker, which mcconnell probably wrote. it would demonstrate to adversaries and allies, our commitment to international peace and prosperity is rock solid, nothing else will suffice. wow, more spending. international order at time when our own border is wide open. america must be flushed with cash, how did i miss this? o overnight our multi trillion dollar deficit debt 34 tril knowio, must have disappeared. what would our tax dollars and borrowed money be paying for? all manner of woke insanity, even our navy seals, special ops teams are not immune. check out their facebook page. the word pride, hallmark of military service, this is appalling, only banners that should be showcased by the military is the united states flag and the respected flags of armed forces. joining me is pete hegseth, author of brand new book, "war on warriors." pete, americans have seen the pride festivals, the white house dancing with the pentagon and all these members of the pentagon and military staff. and now the navy seals, look at their message boards on this. we are supposed to see that and think let's give biden's military more money? more? >> pete: that is what they say. troops see it all over the place. i'm in touch with active duty all over the country, i did research and talked to guys. they are running low in south korea on the dmz, because we are sending them all over to ukraine. this is not a funding issue, pentagon is not short on dollars. they have plenty. they need to return to core mission of lethality, meritocracy, of readiness. civilian leadership is pushing all the stuff from harvard faculty lounge to 101st airborne and acting like they can do what the boys did on d-day with that kind of environment. >> laura: here is what one d-day vet told martha maccallum. >> what do you think about the state of our country? >> the real truth? >> yeah. >> i feel like a foreigner in my own country lots of times and i don't like it, makes my heart heavy. too much hollywood going on in washington all the time. important subjects they don't cover. i hope guys will rally up and go back and straighten it all out. >> laura: your reaction to that. >> pete: i love that spirit, rally up the boys and go take care of it. that is what vets are thinking. would you want your kids or grandkids to serve and it was previously automatic, absolutely, and now they go, i'm not so sure. do i want them serving under this leadership? what has our country turned our back on the warriors and on believing in itself? that is why i end the book with a letter to my sons, whether i would want them to serve. we have one military, if this thing goes helplessly woke, we're in trouble, our enemies are chomping at the bit. i want peace, peace through strong military that is capable and that is why i wrote the book. >> laura: congrats on "war on warriors" and happy birthday, pete, june birthdays are the best. that is it tonight, thanks for joining us and yes, there is more zoe on instagram. you have been asking for it. go check it out. as always, thank you for watching, it is america now and forever. >> todd: a fresh round of battleground polls giving trump mp

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