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unwashington. the reason, a tax cut america might be about to lose. over the past year you have probably had $1,000 extra. thanks to the payroll tax cut. you will save at least that much next year, if democrats and republicans extend it. two bills are up for vote to do just that. the democrat bill taxes millionaires to pay for the extension. the republican one freezes federal pay and cuts millionaires off from some benefits like unemployment. both bills will likely fail. because surprise, surprise, the parties haven't compromised. now congress has 30 days to pass the payroll tax extension. if they don't. people with a salary of $35,000 will pay $700 more in taxes next year. if you make $50,000 you pay $1,000 more. $75,000 in salary, $1,500 more. get how this works. on and on. economists warn that if it is not extended the u.s. could tip back into a recession. the bottom line is this, american people want it. the economy needs it. and the two major parties agree on it. so, why can't politicians get it done? at least the super failing super committee was taking on big issues like medicare and tax overhaul. there could be room for optimism, because there may bow a super committee 2. may not be a mega hollywood hit, but, it would sure change this country. is it too late for a grand bargain for america? senator joe lieberman, independent from connecticut spearhe spearheading, super committee 2 late charge. he is out front tonight. thank you for being wut ith us. let me start with that. you have come up with an idea to create, could have another super committee if you get six democrats and six republicans on board. they could go ahead and put a bill forward. simple majority. get it through, without a filibuster right? >> yeah, exactly. so, i mean my main point here is that -- the fiscal crisis facing the country is too serious for us to give up because the super committee didn't reach an agreement. what i am saying -- this is the first year anniversary of the report of the so-called simpson-bowls commission, appointed by the president came up with a $4 trillion debt reduction over ten years. >> a grand bargain. that is real money. >> that its the grand bargain. so what i am focused on is drafting that legislation -- and the first instance submitting an amendment to something. in the next couple weeks to guarantee debt legislation can get a vote first quarter. opening up possibility of any group of 12 that can come up with a proposal that will equal $4 trillion over the next years will be guaranteed a vote, no filibuster, no amendments. an up-or-down vote and do something good for the country. i know we are fighting uphill on this. but the consequences of not -- keeping at trying to come up with a bipartisan agreement to cut our national debt are really terrible. i think if we can do it, the best thing we could do to stimulate investment, economic growth and more jobs in this country. >> it would be amazing, the possibility, what it could do for the way the world views america, for investing, for pensions, 401(k)s, how do you think you can get beyond what seems to be stalling washington and making america so angry with washington which is, you know what, we'll just all this off until after the election and get re-elected by blaming the other sued for our inability to compromise, whatever side you are on, that's the argument? >> yeah, i grew up in a political system where believe it or not you not only came to office to try to get some things done and solve problems which i think most people get elected to washington to office want to do, but, when an election was coming, you tried to get more things done so you could go back and say, hey, look, constituents, this is what we accomplished for you. today as you just said, erin, the default position seems to be each side wants to go through the campaign blaming the other side for the fact that there is not a solution. and in some sense they're both right. both parties are at fault for the fact that the country is not dealing with its biggest problems. >> another thing that some are trying to do is even, even more frustrating frankly. that is super committee didn't do its job. we don't like the $1.2 trillion in auto cuts. let's roll that back. forget what that would do to the rating and regular people's mortgage rates. it is frustrating. want to ask you -- eric kantor wanted to get around the cuts on the fed side. what did he say? do you support it? >> i was called on thanksgiving day before time to eat the turkey did not affect my digestion at all. it was a good call. i know eric for a long time. we haven't talked in a while. he said i want to run something by you. he called five, six other senators. basically said, i'm thinking about a bipartisan agreement. democrats want to extend the payroll tax cuts which you talked about earlier, echti agr with you and unemployment compensation for people who have been out of work. a lot of republicans are concerned about the impact of the so-called trigger sequester on defense spending. maybe we could put those together and get something bipartisan done. look, i am encouraged eric you are thinking in this way. keep trying to do it. obviously we have got to come up with a way to pay for that. part of the problem here is that -- sometimes the agroemeees made are not to touch each party's sacred cows, tax increases on one side, entitlement spending or defense spending on the other. the net effect of that of course is that the national dealt gebt bigger and bigger and harder and harder for our kids and grandkids to face. >> senator lieberman, thank you. appreciate you taking the time. >> thank you, enjoyed it. have a good evening. >> super committee 2, a fascinating concept. let's bring in john avalon. he said you avoid the sacred cows, the cows get really, really fat. and they get arteries get clogged. you know what? that ends badly for the farm. >> yeah, time for some steak. this 'tis the problem we have been having. >> juicy and full of fat. oh, good steak. >> everyone likes a good steak. think about it that way. make it more appealing to people in washington. we need a good steak dinner. here is the problem. good for the independent senator for trying to put forward a way to redeem the lost promise of the super committee, that would allow the up-or-down vote, no amendments, no filibustering. a chance to make a dent in the deficit and debt. we have seen this movie over and over and they keep failing, failing, failing. one year ago we had the full plan, the president probably is really regretting that he didn't back that harder at the time. would have been smart politics and good policy. you know what republicans are to blame. the head of the super committee was on the simpson committee and voted against it. so everyone makes talk about the debt, talking tax, deficit-debt, it has got to be paid for. we need to get the country back on full fiscal footing. >> to make a point. the payroll tax. economists say it could cut growth in half. pretty meager pathetic growth to begin with. everybody likes it. you raise this upon the of paying for it. payroll tax cut seems good. that means money not going to social security which is making another problem worse down the line. >> right. maybe, payroll tax cut, keeping it low with entightmeentitlemen. there is a lot of ways to come with the bipartisan solution. my problem when eric kantor called, he said look give us, we'll keep the defense money and take the tax cut we don't pay for. that's -- both sides want to keep. definition of negotiation in washington. i get everything. you get nothing. we's say it is a compromise. everyone has to feel some pain. we need the steak dinner. >> we are supposed to, well raised. grow out of the way of thinking, 2, 3, 5 if it is a stretch. >> that's why they're so furious at washington. >> thank you so much to john avalon. we have breaking news, we obtained a 911 call placed from a suspected hazing related death that involved a college band member. and newt, widening his lead in the polls, flying close off to the sun. is it temporary, can he hold on? ten states currently kiddiconsig legalizing medicinal marijuana? huh, what do you think about that? we have the "inside scoop." i habe a cohd. yeah, i toog nyguil bud i'm stild stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! that's the cold truth! but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. there are a lot of crimes that pay really well. but when criminals like drug gangsters and wall street ponzi schemers get caught, taxpayers can benefit. called forefiture, when the government seizes fancy cars, homes, cash from criminals. some times you see the $2 bentley in the newspaper that's what that is. we spoke to a u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york and he told her what he seizes. >> like a bank account, like stocks, like bounds. some times it's personal property. some times it's things like buildings. some times it's airplanes. works of art. pretty much anything if you can touch it or if you can spend it. and it's the product of, fruit of crime. we'll go after it through the courts. >> and he is good at going after that stuff. our number tonight, 800, how many millions of dollars worth of assets the southern district of new york seized in fiscal 2011. i don't know whether that sound like a lot to you. it is. accounts for about half of all asset forefitures in the united states. time now for our political play of the day with none other than the one and only john avalon. he is back. john? >> our political play of the day tonight is the excessive celebration penalty. now last night we showed you how newt gingrich is soaring in polls across the country. a new poll out tonight in florida shows that is a real trend with substance behind it. newtgingrich, 50%, compared to 19% compared to mitt romney. is all this success going to newt's heads. there are some sound it may be, take a listen from fox in the view where he predicts he has the nomination and slices the field in an unusual way. >> whereas i would have thought originally it would have been mitt and not mitt. i think it may turn out to be newt and not newt. >> well this newt-centric universe brought to find a play from the jets/bills. steve yef johns stevie johnson catching a football, doing a dance there. plaxico burress got a penalty for excessive celebration fined $10,000 reportedly. a cost to this premature behavior. the more newt shoots from the lip, the more he runs the risk of reminding people why they fell out of love of him. for example, his exaggerated sense of his place in history. take a listen. >> i helped lead the effort to defeat communism in the congress. >> and then, there is his healthy sense of financial and celebrity self-worth in south carolina. >> i was charging $60,000 a speech. and the numbers of speeches was going up, not down. normally celebrities leave and they sell fewer speeches every year. we were selling more. >> already his opponents are taking shots at the new front-runner and the question is whether this will be a cautionary tale. is there a cost to getting ahead of yourself uncelebrating when you rise in the polls. look, remember, this past weekend, the jets ended up beating the bills. so, it is just a reminder, in politics today, you celebrate too quickly, you get ahead of yourself. you can end up bailing more people than you attract. >> al gore invented the internet. why not defeat communism. >> reagan, thatcher, pope john paul and me. >> let's add in, dug hyoug hyde. good to see you. what do you think, newt/not newt, says newt, interesting to talk about one's self in the third person. >> i take this personally. i want to the university of north carolina, wearing my unc tie. weep were ranked one, bit overhyped at the beginning of the basketball season. lost to. nlv, we are number five. we know when you celebrate excessive low there are consequence that come with that. you tend to lose. newt gingrich has been doing a little of that. part of that because he has been so disciplined and focussed in the debate, the knock on newt is he has been an undisciplined candidate, speaker and messenger. when it's come to debates where we have seen the candidates he has been on point. you are seeing him in this position. >> how does barack obama feel about running against newt gingrich? >> i think first of all it is not clear at all if obama will be running against newt gingrich. gingrich is if you talk palin and trump, he is the sixth republican now to surge to number one in the polls ahead of romney. we have seen what happened to bachmann, and to perry and to cain. so first, it's far from clear that gingrich is going to be the candidate. also important to remember, he was last in office about 15 years ago. the views that were popular then are very different from the views popular today. i think that's exactly, you talked about the ron paul ad at the beginning of the show. i think that's the point of the ron paul ad. after voters start studying gingrich/romney. are they going to find a lot of differences? that's what we'll find out in the next week or so. >> how quickly does it happen? at some point. making this point. running a race with the clock. who ever is at the top when the key firstcontests happen. its the guy. >> we're 30 days out. there may be time for newt to fall. caveman candidate, newt stuck in 1987. and the polls are pretty broad based. let's be real, look at the dnc ads. they've don't want to run against mitt romney. they have been running ads talking abut his flip-flopping. they would probably love to run against newt gingrich. >> doug t. where do you think, when and if herman cain. he is speaking in new hampshire right now. all of the rest of that continue to go to newt gingrich like we have seen in florida, or no? >> i think we will see if this happen. we don't know it will happen. so it is a bit speculative. we'll see support divide all over the place. some people go to michele bachmann. some go to newt gingrich. mitt romney will get some of the voters. these are people drawn to herman cain's message. again talking about the debates whereas a writer wrote in "the new york times," the candidates are focusing on the debates in a way much more so than in the past. we see less retail politicking. herman cain effective in the debates. he has drawn really that support. not an anti-romney thing per se. so as if he is to pull out, we don't know that is going to happen or if any of the candidates who have done well in the debates pull out. i think we will see support scatter. >> thank you very much off to all three of you the we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> is america falling to pot? we are not talking about super committee and things like at at this mope. we are talking about marijuana. the real deal. the governors of washington are reclassified from schedule one to schedule two. so states can regulate it for medicinal purposes. schedule one drugs don't have medicinal use. pot is big business. legaling it could generate $9 billion in revenue. currently 16 states and district of columbia have legalized marijuana for medical reasons and ten other states are considering the same. but is this a good idea for america? our senior legal analyst, jeffrey toobin out front to take on the issue. >> but i don't have any cool cla glasses. >> mine are cooler. >> america loves the legal system. you have 16 states where medical marijuana is legal. you have 50 states where it is illegal under federal law. completely unclear what the legal status of marijuana is in those 16 states. and that's why -- the two governors are trying to do something to at least clarify it a little bit. >> it is the biggest cash crop in california as one example, by far. if it were legal that becomes, well, hey a lot more taxable for example. right, you can make money by legalizing it. >> that's right. you have american medical association hardly a hippy group saying there are legitimate medical uses for marijuana. californians have had access to medical marijuana for some time now. there are some question as but whether people are getting prescription for legitimate reasons or not. just want to smoke pot. in any case this is something that is becoming a much more mainstream cause. this is something that a lot of people -- it's mostly a democratic cause, but across the political spectrum, interestingly, this is very popular with voters. these initiatives keep passing, even in conservative states. so, i mean the, the politics of the situation is changing at least a little bit. >> you know maybe one day i can try it out. closest i have ever come to smoking pot its these glasses. just for the record. >> that's the difference between you and me. >> ha-ha. i'm sorry, i can hear the whole control room. >> a long time ago. >> thank you for coming out front. >> see you. the. next there is a program that records the phone numbers you dial and text messages you send. the really scary thing is it is already on 140 million phones. weave fi we find out just how secure your cell phone is in our "under surveillance." >> unusual christmas promotion in arizona. you seriously don't want to miss this one. [ marge ] psst. constipated? phillips' caplets use magnesium, an ingredient that works more naturally with your colon than stimulant laxatives, for effective relief of constipation without cramps. thanks. [ professor ] good morning students. today, we're gonna... so we do a lot of serious stories on this show. this one is a little more seriously. it is december 1 we can't help doing our first holiday story of the year. the scottsdale gun club in arizona is doing something special for christmas this year. they have invited customers to get their picture taken with santa. according to the club's website every day from 10:00 to 3:00 santa will be available for photos surrounded by christmas present and what look s like a heavy machine gun. for $5 and $10, you would be crazy not to have one of these photo packages. a lot of people are doing it. let's look at few shots. first one, okay. christmassy. the girl was by herself. holiday is about being with family and friend. let's see the next one. all right, this is a little better the not that festive though. santa looks look he is a little bored. next. all right. here you go. hats are a nice touch. but it is all women. all there have been are women. don't guys like guns too. next. ah. okay this one is pretty good. the guy in camo for hunters. and girl in antlers. antlers are fake. there is the problem. really you are at a gun club, you would think that would be one thing real, the antlers. would you wear a pair of antlers, maybe that's why they're fake. all right. next. all right. this one is -- overkill. yeah. listen, we are being a little critical. doesn't matter if you are wearing a santa hat or holding a grenade launcher. christmas isn't about that, it's about one thing. the kids. if we talk a minute to remember that we would have, seriously good holiday. still out front, the out front 5. like a virgin. >> how did you pick the name virgin for all of your businesses? >> i was 16. >> under surveillance. >> absolutely track everything going on on the device. >> all this "out front" in our second half. is bad for you tomorrow. i had no idea what to choose. until i found pronutrients -- a new line of supplements from centrum, who i totally trust. omega-3 supports not only my heart, but my brain and my eyes too. probiotics helps with my digestive balance and my immune function. and fruit & veggie has antioxidant properties. new pronutrients from centrum helps make nutrition possible. to find you a great deal, even if it's not with us. [ ding ] oh, that's helpful! well, our company does that, too. actually, we invented that. it's like a sauna in here. helping you save, even if it's not with us -- now, that's progressive! call or click today. no mas pantalones! a vacation on a budget with expedia. make it work. booking a flight by itself is an uh-oh. see if we can "stitch" together a better deal. that's a hint, antoine. ooh! see what anandra did? booking your flight and hotel at the same time gets you prices hotels and airlines won't let expedia show separately. book it. major wow factor! where you book matters. expedia. we start the second half of our show with stories we care about. we focus on our own reporting do the work and find the "out front" five. up first is another super committee in the works. senator joe lieberman from connecticut is not giving up. the independent came out front earlier and told us about his new plan. and his legislation, working on it, will allow any bipartisan group of 12 from the house and senate to come together if they devise a plan to cut $4 trillion from the deficit, like the super committee they go to a simple vote. billy graham is being treated for pneumonia his doctors announced tonight. they issued a statement, he is responding well to antibiotic treatment and in stable condition. the 93-year-old evangelist was admitted to an asheville, north carolina hospital. in may graham underwent treatment for pneumonia. >> naumber four, apple and grap juices have higher arsenic levels than allowed in drinking water. a study by consumer reports which echos a study by dr. oz that the fda called flawed and irresponsible. dr. oz gave a statement, saying i stand by our call to action for the fda to regulate the amount of arsenic in juice from the current concern. this is number four, sorry. general motors conceded it won't sell the 10,000 chevy volts it hoped to this year. gm said it sold 6,000 volts through november. it is averaging 1,000 volts a month. the detroit car maker said a federal investigation into possible post-crash fires, started by volt's battery, hasn't hurt sales. we learned gm will buy back awe volt from any driver concerned about his or her safety. it is been 118 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating the what are we doing to get it back? hopefully tomorrow's jobs numbers will help out. economists polled by cnn money, 110,000 jobs were added in november. young son of mindy mccready is now officially a missing person. take a look at the scene right now outside of her tennessee home. looks quiet and peaceable. but what is going on inside and on the phones is anything but. mccready missed the deadline this afternoon on a court order to return her 5-year-old son xander to his grandmother. that's who has legal custody of him and lives in florida. now we told you yesterday that mccready is in the middle of a battle to get full custody back. she says her chide ld is in dan. his mother apparently has been struggling with rehab and other problems. we did invite mccready to come out front. but legal analyst, paul, mccready took her son across state lines what does that mean in terms of criminal charges? >> it escalated potential seriousness of this. she doesn't have the right to have zan dchtder with her. the father had temporary custody. and she showed up at the father's house, zander was take any cross state lines into tennessee. now you could charge her with a crime, i mean it is a crime, she is as guilty as some one who takes a stranger the now whether the fbi gets involved with it or federal authorities, i have my doubts. >> because they know it is a family. >> very severe, she has substance abuse problems. the grandmother got custody for a why. the father doesn't hatch custody. so i think you are going to see tennessee courts and florida courts looking at this trying to decide what is in the best interest of the child. >> and then, obviously they have to, get her. how would they if they find her, find him. forcibly remove. those things are disturbing and upsetting for the child. >> it will be a horrible situation for zander, the house staked out by the press, tennessee police must be looking for the child. they're going to have to take him away from the mother. they're going to have to bring him back to florida. the florida court will haul the father, mother, mccready into court and decide what is in the best interest for the child. this poor kid. >> what role does substance abuse play in courts? obviously i know this is a state issue. in deciding when a parent can have custody of a child back. people struggle with it. try to overcome it. they want their children back. how does that usually go down? >> you know this goes on every day in family courts around the country. and substance abuse problems are really one of the chief reasons that kids get take any way from their parents. but there is a presumption that we want to reunite children with their parents. some times, you know, to an extent that some people might have a problem. you have a substance abuser, they get the kid back. but if some one is genuine low in control of the problem, off drugs, and is ready to re-enter society. courts are eager to reunite a mother and child. now we will have to look at the situation here to see what it is. not a great thing to kidnap your child if you want to convince a judge that you are a responsible parent. very bad move on her part. but she says that her mother, the grandmother of the child, was abusing the child. and she had to get the kid out. so, i don't, i'm glad i am not a family court judge in this situation. these are heartbreaking decisions these guys have to make. women have to make. >> country singer, celebrity involved. thank you, paul. appreciate it. >> nice being with you. >> tonight we are out front with another example of how we are all under surveillance. right now, this very second, your smart phone could be watching you. and it is doing it with a program that you probably didn't even know existed. it's called carrier i.q. tech researcher trevor echhart posted this video on youtube to show how the program record just about every key stroke you make, not what you search for, numbers you call, what you type in as you text or instant message some one. not nearly as private as you thought. now the carrier i.q. website said the program is installed on over 140 million phones. but that it only designed to collect, quote, unquote, performance data. we asked digital lifestyle expert, mario armstrong to break down what it is really doing. >> the bottom line is this software is capturing the data. you can see it in the youtube video. he presses a button. see it in the code. everything from text messages to buttons pressed, apps opened. web searches taking place. here is the deal. many are saying what phones is it on? could be on a lot of phones. no blackberry. microsoft says no windows phone. at & t and sprint say it is on their phones. and aye phoniphones said it is ios 5. and release a future update that will remove it from all apple devices. bottom line you can remove this or choose a phone that doesn't have this software on it. >> pretty amazing when you think about it. if not carrier i.q., then what? minnesota senator al franken issued a letter demanding carrier i.q. explain what the software record and why. don't we all want to know why they're doing it? what do you need this data for? let's check in with anderson cooper and a look at what is ahead on "ac 360." watch out for the software. unpleasant. >> i know, crazy. keeping them honest. on wall street you get locked up for things legal on capitol hill. things like insider trading, shady real estate dealing and bribery. talk to steve croft whose reporting propertied congress to hold hearings. and brian baird tried to get congress to police itself more close l closely. and found no interest from increasingly wealthy fellow lawmakers. a second, keeping them honest item tonight. also, kids -- some infants, under one years old, being fed, prozac, ritalin, mind altering, psychiatric medication, some kids taking five drugs at the same time. these are kids put into the foster care system. being medicate the at a much higher level than other kids. details from a new report by congressional accountability office. we'll speak to michael parino, c.e.o. of the national court appointed association. tonight's stories and the ridiculous at the top of the hour. >> four students expelled from florida a & m for their involvement in the suspected hazing death of a 26-year-old colleague. billionaire adventurer, richard branson, wearing -- yeah, why? why? well he comes "out front" to tell you. when you have tough pain, do you want fast relief? try bayer advanced aspirin. it's not the bayer aspirin you know. it's different. first, it's been re-engineered with micro-particles. second, it enters the bloodstream fast, and rushes relief to the site of your tough pain. the best part? it's proven to relieve pain twice as fast as before. bayer advanced aspirin. test how fast it works for you. love it, or get your money back. test how fast it works for you. woman: day care can be so to save some money, i found one that uses robots instead of real people. 'cuz robots work for free. robot 1:good morning... robot 1:...female child. sfx: modem dial-up noise woman: are there flaws? yeah, um, maybe. anncr: there's an easier way to save. anncr: get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. we told you we are waiting for this. herman cain just in talking to union leader editorial board in new hampshire. very candid saying his wife knew nothing about the financial help that he was giving ginger white, may recall, she was the woman who came out this week and said she had a 13-year affair with cain which he has denied. here's what cain said when he was asked why he didn't tell his wife about ginger white. >> it may appear now that why didn't i tell her about this when it was going on, you are absolutely right. >> in retrospect. >> in retrospect. retrospect doesn't necessarily change what we are dealing with. >> your wife knew you two were friend anyway. >> she did not know we were friend. >> until she came out with this, with this story. okay. the. now -- herman cain was asked at that editorial board meeting on going right now whether he was going to get out of the race. he said, again, getting out is an option. that's what we have right now. we'll keep monitoring that. wanted to make sure you have the very latest there. we do this at the same time every night. our outer circle. reach out to sources around the world to the night we begin in iraq where vice president biden and the iraqi president honored service members from both nations. what did biden say to the troops? >> reporter: when you think about it, a neat backdrop, palace home to a former dictator used to salute and celebrate the democracy of iraq. vice president joe biden stood on stage and noted the loss of life on both side by iraqis and u.s. forces. but also said because of their sacrifice, the war can finally come to an end. word that many iraqis and americans have waited years to hear. erin. >> thank you, martin. now myanmar, secretary of state hillary clinton is there. and she met with the president and the opposition leader, aung san suu kyi. what is the reaction on the street to secretary clinton's visit there? >> reporter: erin, we have been speaking to many people on the streets here in myanmar, interestingly, many people didn't actually know that the u.s. secretary of state was even visiting here. now those that we did speak to said theyimism things could get better and o optimism that things could trickle down to them. >> now to egypt we were expecting results for the first round of parliamentary elections. jim clancy is in cairo, jim, what actually happened today? >> reporter: erin, hundreds gathered here in cairo's financial district to hear official election results but it was not to be. instead we, we are told results will be announced friday or saturday. the big concern is that it appears islamist parties have won a majority. the question is whether once in a power they will respect the rights of minorities like women, secularists and this country's christians. erin. >> thank you very much. the whole world wants to know the answer to that. four students expelled from florida a & m university to day for their involvement in the suspected hazing death of 26-year-old richard champion. champion a member of florida a & m's elite marching band died november 19. a few hours after performing the florida classic. an unidentified person made this 911 call shortly after finding him on a charter bus. >> okay, is he awake? >> he, he is not even, he responded a little, he wasn't responding. we thought he was breathing. he was making noises. i don't know if he is breathing now. >> is he awake? do you know? >> his eyes are open. he is not responding. awe boug >> but its he breathing? >> i have no idea. i cannot tell you that. >> the cause of death has not been formally identified. investigators believe hazing is involved. monday robert champion's mother called for an end to that. >> this needs to stop. no one wants to be standing in our shoes. no one wants to hear on a phone call that your son collapsed and died over the phone. an attorney for robert champion's family he is "out front" tonight and chris, obviously hazing an issue and problem that affects kids across the country, at different ages. and there is nothing at this point that is going to change what happened to robert champion. but what its the family's response to the four students that were dismissed to day? is it enough? [ no audio ] >> sorry about that. we obviously have some difficulties there with our -- audio communication. we'll try to get that fixed for you and get it back. but i don't want to waste any more time. i want to squeeze it all in the show. we'll take a break. when we come back, billionaire richard branson comes "out front" and answers all of our questions including this one -- why is his company called virgin? surf & turf -- you can't go wrong. [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's surf & turf event. choose from three grilled combinations all under $20. like our maine lobster with peppercorn sirloin or our new bacon-wrapped shrimp with blue cheese sirloin for $14.99. [ adrianna ] i think the guests are going to take a bite and be like "oh, man, this is so awesome." 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if cialis for daily use is right for you. for a 30-tablet free trial offer, go to he's one of the most successful businessmen in the world. richard branson. the head of the virgin group. i know you've heard of him. he's charismatic and does amazing adventures and he can ploits. did you know this? he thinks people should work less now. he's proposing scaling back in the amount we work. he has a new book called "screw business as usual." he stopped by the studio earlier today to tell me about it in his maverick style. i asked what he thinks about american airlines filing for bankruptcy. the airline blamed unions. here's what branson said. >> i think that screwing business as usual is -- should also be rethinking the way that we do business. and at the moment, you're either in a job working ridiculous hours or you're out of a job. there are a lot of people in jobs if they were run by a good company bosses they would have the courage to say, i'd love to job share, i'd love to go part-time and if they did that, they would make room for, you know shall those people who are desperate for a job. and so my own personal feeling is that government should share all the work that is out there around in times of crisis so that there's nobody just sitting at home doing no work. but, maybe it means reducing to a four and a half day workweek or something like that. make sure that everybody has a job. and you know, people might quite like having more time at home with slightly less money. >> they would. they would love that. that's interesting coming from you. when you hear the ideas, people scoff, four and a half days a week, i can't make my mortgage, there's all kinds of negatives that come with that. you think it could work. >> first of all, you would ask people to volunteer for it. you would be surprised. we've done market research on it and found 20, 25% of people would welcome such a suggestion. >> it's amazing. >> they're frightened of suggesting it because it will make people think that they're being lazy. let's share the work around that there is. if you don't mind, on american airlines going bust, i mean, it is incredible that in america you have something called chapter 11. i mean, when an oak tree dies, it dies for a good reason. dies so new young oak trees can grow up in its place and in america when a company goes bankrupt, generally because it's become bloated and inefficient and not offering great quality for the public. it can just screw its competitors, screw its -- anyone that it owes money to and come back into business again. >> go in chapter 11, wipe out your labor contracts and come back out. >> and make it difficult for the people it's competing with. an incredibly unfair system and numerous american airlines do this. continental did it three times. i won't name names. >> that was '64 or '63. it's a lot. it's a lot of the same airlines again and again. >> it's a lot. if you change the law and you just simply say, you know, if you mess up, you go bankrupt like in europe. if a company is dead, it's dead and you then just make the room. all the slots, for instance, virgin america, we can't get slots at jfk. american airlines will most likely be able to hold on to them despite they've gone bankrupt. so for the new young up and coming airlines that have got fresh new ideas, better quality, you know, have not got bogged down with ridiculous overheads. make room for them. and i would urge the american government to think about that chapter 11 and see is that really in the interest of the american public? >> one final question before you go. i remember the first time i flew virg virgin. i was 20 and going over my junior year abroad in the uk. i thought it was so neat. i got to fly virj in. when i got there, they took us on a bus tour in london. it was all these american teenagers, 20-year-old kids going around london, first tlip. we pass the mega store. she said this is the vir jij mega store. she said this is the virgin bride. i understand that they don't have nay many of those in america anymore. ever since then, i want to know how you picked the name virgin for all of your businesses? >> virgin brides didn't do that well for obvious reasons. i was 16 when i started in business. and so virgin seemed appropriate. i was a virgin in business. so almost every single venture i've gone into, i knew little about it, had to learn about it. anyway, it was better than slip disk records, which was going to be the name. that may not have worked very well. >> probably not. thak you for satisfying my curiosity. nice to see you. >> yes. the man has a great sense of humor. in addition being a charismatic trailblazer. when he was talking about virgin brides, he provided this picture. this is a man of courage. that's when i launched virgin brides. okay. before we go, we talked to the attorney for florida a&m band member robert champion's family. he died in a hazing incident, alleged hazing incident in november. i asked him the thoughts on the four students dismissed and what's next for the family. here's what he said. >> the family is disheartened that four student have destroyed their career, they're saddened for the students, however, they do embrace the fact that the school made some action finally regarding the hazing and hazing at fmu and its band. the family is trying to grapple with the loss of their son which was untimely and unfortunate. >> all right. sorry about that technical difficulty that we had earlier. also want to let you know, you'll hear more from richard branson on the show in the next couple of weeks. two videos. you'll hear about the new fuel of the future. he thinks that airlines could be among the cleanest industries in the world. that's right. and he's not just trying to pull smoke over your eyes. he says it's going to happen by to 20. he's going to tell you what fuel he is putting in his planes right now that he thinks will

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Democracy , Backdrop , Nations , Troops , Palace , Dictator , Stage , End , Martin , Iraqis , Americans , War , Life , Forces , Sacrifice , Word , Street , Aung San Suu Kyi , Secretary Of State , Reaction , Visit , Now Myanmar , Hillary Clinton , Streets , Results , O Optimism , Ground , Egypt , Elections , Election Results , Jim Clancy , Cairo , Hundreds Gathered Here In Cairo S Financial District , Rights , Secularists , Minorities , Christians , World , Answer , Richard Champion , Champion , Member , Charter , Bus , Florida A M S Elite Marching Band , Florida Classic , November 19 , Breathing , He Wasn T , Making Noises , Monday Robert Champion , Awe Boug , Investigators , Phone Call , Wants , Shoes , Standing , Needs , Wages , Chris , Response , Difficulties , Audio , Audio Communication , Break , Questions , Maine Lobster , Peppercorn Sirloin , Miss , Combinations , Shrimp , Surf Turf , Red Lobster , Surf Turf Event , 20 , Oman , John Mazany , Guests , Bite , Blue Cheese Sirloin , Sea Food , Grill Master Adrianna Hollis , 14 99 , 4 99 , Ones , Luck , Marriage , Massmutual , Policyholders , Most , Buyers , Apr , Deer , Fish , Chevy Silverado , Big Hunter , 72 , Apr Financing , Payments , 60 , Stool Softener , Tablets , Senokot S Com , Vegetable Laxative Ingredient , Comfort , Savings , Senokot S , Cialis , Use , Men , Tablet , Romance , Gesture , Erectile Dysfunction , Ability , Doctor , Medications , Chest Pain , Activity , Nitrates , Conditions , Blood Pressure , Side Effects , Backache , Headache , Hearing , Vision , Drop , Alcohol , Excess , Muscle Ache , Upset Stomach , Injury , Erection , Decrease , 4 , Trial Offer , Cialis Com , Businessmen , Screw Business As Usual , Adventures , Book , Scaling , Ploits , American Airlines , Studio , Airline , Bankruptcy , Unions , Style , Maverick , Business , Is , Branson , Business As Usual , Courage , Job Share , Bosses , Feeling , Workweek , Nobody , Ideas , Negatives , Kinds , Market Research , Mortgage , 25 , Mind 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