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were called to find out if they had heard from boylan or had any information about her. this morning, boylan tweeted this -- "my abuser used the full force of the state government of all his power to destroy me when i spoke out." meanwhile, governor cuomo could face criminal charges now after a sixth woman claimed he groped her in the executive mansion last year. local police reportedly say the incident may have risen to the level of a crime. we know it's within the statute of limitations as well. you are watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today my cohest, emily campagno, syndicated radio host and fox news contributor leslie marshall, host of "no interruption" on fox nation tomi lahren. joining today the former arkansas governor and fox news contributor mike huckabee. great to see everybody on this fine friday. the tale tie is bringing it, gov! all right. so, governor cuomo has a problem with democrats. i don't know if nadler and ocasio-cortez matter as much as the 53 of them in the new york assembly now calling for his resignation. >> mike: if you are talking to me first let me say the tie is in honor of next week's st. patrick's day. my only good opportunity to wear it. i think governor cuomo will need more than a nice tie to stay out of the hot water he is in. this is no longer an issue where there is a handful of the republicans saying things about him that are troubling. this is a matter of his own party coming after him. he is being abandoned by the people of new york, a.o.c., chuck schumer and others and that spells trouble with a capital "t." i don't think he survives this. you don't know how he does. he may try and he may hang on for dear life. by the scratching of his fingernails. at some point, i think it's over for him. >> harris: leslie, you and i talk about do no harm and what is best for the people. what is best for the people in the instance to impeach him or him to take a seat, several seats and just leave? >> leslie: well, you know, the reason that so many prominent figures within both the house like a.o.c. and the senate chuck schumer who are saying it's time to resign, i mean, in addition to, you know, disgusting and egregious information we have found out about the allegations. also disgusting information with regard to the nursing home and the coverup there. further, harris, we are now hearing within the governor staff there are individuals calling to find out information about at least one accuser. you know, you don't go there. you don't bother somebody who has brought up this allegation, especially if you are innocent. and quite frankly, even if the governor is innocent, some of the tactics make him look guilty. we are in the middle as new york is. he is governor of state of new york, of a pandemic. people want the children to go back to school. people want to go back to work. between the nursing home and the additional allegations that keep coming out. how does this person govern? it should be up to the people of new york clearly but the top democrats are saying it's time to resign. a governor is supposed to govern the state. how do you govern with the distractions right now? >> harris: you can't govern with emergency powers because they already took those. emily, i want to drill down a little bit on what he is facing. this melissa de rosa, you told us. you said watch the name of the people, the aides around him pop up in the investigation. and allegations. she has come back because remember, we talked about how this particular name was at the heart of the numbers that were getting changed about the true deaths, the death toll inside the nursing homes in new york per this governor's policy. now she is being accused and members of the office of, you know, making phone calls to alleged victims. by the way, is that tampering? break it down. >> emily: so, right, so this is two different silos for a second. the nursing home scandal and the sexual harassment scandal. the phrase sort of doesn't give either of those things justice. in the nursing home issue, yes, there are accusations and could rise to the level of fraud. of corruption. that is squarely within the criminal realm. if we find out that there were indeed dishonesty there with the numbers, not only lack of the transparency, not reporting but the manipulation of the numbers for the governor benefit. that right there is squarely within the corruption and the fraud. allegation yesterday to be proven. in the sexual harassment realm, it's not tampering at this point because they were not witnesses. but what it is, as debra katz pointed out, this is continued involvement and continued perpetuation of a hostile offensive work environment. that the people were subject to. this is provable evidence by the way of the phone records and the like that there was a silent intimidation happening. that fits in a civil and a criminal realm. the forcible touching, the sixth woman to come forward and allege what happened with the governor and the groping, it can lead -- we know it's misdemeanor charge but it would lead to the sex offense registration. this is a big deal. it doesn't have to be a felony of that level. >> harris: of a governor. wow! wow! tomi lahren, you have said it before. new york doesn't have a recall power. like the state of california and others. you have said that is part of the problem here. one guy had just way too much power. >> tomi: too much power and as we discussed yesterday part of the reason he says he won't resign is the people of new york elected him, not politicians. the people of new york might want to get rid of them but they won't be able to do so. i'll double down on that. we need a recall option in every state and it should be pushed for. also in discussing all of this, it's talked about a little bit. we need to emphasize that the nursing home scandal here. i get that the other allegations sexual harassment need to be taken seriously. but before we pat democrats on back to call for him to resign there is another huge scandal they ignored when they knew what was happening because there are many other democrat governors that did the same thing. so now they would rather have a focus on the sexual harassment and they would rather have us focus on the me too. that is great. i should be focused on. but let's not forget the scandal number one that the democrats didn't want to touch. speaking of not wanting to touch it, talk about the vice president kamala harris who was very vocal about brett kavanaugh but yet to be vocal on this issue. where is the white house and where is kamala harris? if we heard from them and the biden administration about this, i think cuomo would step down and resign. until it happenses he will dig his heels in and he is not going anywhere because he doesn't have to at this point. >> harris: that would require that we actually as press get to ask some questions of this president in a solo one-on-one news conference from him. i mean, you'd have to ask him, because you are not going to get it from the white house press secretary jen psaki. they are holding the line from months ago. governor cuomo is the gold standard. you are the only governor with us here today. so i come back to further this conversation before we go to a commercial to governor huckabee. whitmer of michigan. my state, jersey, murphy. tomi is right, there are a couple of other democrats who made very similar decisions. and have some not good outcomes with the deaths putting people covid-positive in nursing homes. is this becoming more political than ever with democrats? >> mike: i don't think it's becoming political. but it's a harsh reality. some of the governors are sleeping with one eye open all night long because they did make the same decision. disastrous decision. what is happening to cuomo, and i think the nursing home scand is probably the most serious because it involves his official duties and the coverup of it. but the other is is just adding to it. politics is a nasty business. it's a nasty business. people love you and be loyal to you as long as you can do something for them. but the moment that you have lost your ability, because either you are no longer in office, or because you are no longer effective because you have been completely emasculated from your power, which cuomo has, all the people turned against him. it goes from circling the wagons around you and shooting the guns around you and shooting inward. cuomo can't survive this. >> harris: president biden denying a crisis is at the southern border. of course now it's morphed in to a catastrophe. despite the shocking video of a long line of migrants smuggled across the rio grande. now there is a partisan push to spotlight the effect of the policies on the immigration system. we are live at the border next. and president biden getting slammed for taking credit for the covid-19 vaccine success in last night's primetime speech. not even mentioning former president trump and "operation warp speed." you know, the thing that brought us the vaccine. what is up with that? joe, you want unity? why don't you just thank donald trump. you want us all to get along you say. no trump, no vaccine, joe. stop taking credit for something frankly you had nothing to do with. nothing. it's a new day for veteran homeowners. with home values high and mortgage rates at all time lows. great news for veterans who need money for their family. that's me. refiplus from newday usa lets you refinance at record low rates plus get an average of $50,000. that's me. that's money for security today or retirement tomorrow. that's me. refiplus. out here, you're a landowner, a gardener, a landscaper and a hunter. that's why you need versatile, durable kubota equipment. if you wanna be a winner then get a turkey footlong from subway®. that's oven roasted turkey. piled high with crisp veggies. on freshly baked bread! so, let's get out there and get those footlongs. now on grubhub, buy one footlong, get one 50% off. subway®. eat fresh. a capsule a day footlvisibly fades theoff. dark spots away. new neutrogena® rapid tone repair 20 percent pure vitamin c. a serum so powerful dark spots don't stand a chance. see what i mean? 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>> i don't have any trips to announce for you. >> emily: our grif jenkins is live at the border. >> that is right. the lawmakers coming to laredo where i'm standing. let me show you what it looks like and go to the drone cam in the sky. you are looking at the rio grande. this sector doesn't see many family units as much as single adult crossing. they are up 140%. now where i was yesterday, and the rio grande valley, startling video coming out of there. let us show you. you can see hundreds of my grants lined up on the -- my grants lined up -- migrants lined up where they are coming across the craft over and over again. this is coming as we get news from the rio grande valley and brownsville, troubling numbers. the latest for positive tested out of the 1,700 tested since the 25th, they have had 204 positive cases of the migrants. the city of brownsville does not have the authority to retain migrants so they are free to travel where they want to go. the concern of the covid has caused governor greg abbott and the national border patrol union in the rio grande valley to set up mass vaccination site. governor abbott putting out a statement saying, "it's unfortunate after months of inaction we had to publicly call on the federal government to protect the brave men and women and provide necessary vaccine allocations." a member of the border patrol union, hector garza is an agent in laredo and he will be at the meeting with cornyn and cuellar. i talked to him a while ago about the concern for covid. here is what he had to say. please listen. >> the other problem when the aliens test positive in border community and they are sick, we now have to transport them to the local hospitals. in laredo the hospitalization rate has been skyrocketing in the past few months. >> so garza will be part of the meeting with cornyn and cuellar. they are first going to be at the team facility that is set up. no media allowed or cameras in that. the round table in laredo is public and followed by a press conference. on monday, house minority leader kevin mccarthy bringing a group of a dozen lawmakers to el paso to put spotlight on the situation there. earlier, here is what mccarthy had to say. watch. >> last week i sent him a letter to sit down and have a meeting on it. he still has not answered. so i will go to -- i'm going to the border on monday. i'm taking 12 other members with me. so we can solve this problem. if the president wants to continue to try to create it and ignore it. >> the question now, emily, is will the administration begin to change their tune? all of the agents i talked to all week long come back to at least one point that they all agree upon. that is that politics have to get out of this and the solutions need to be put on the table to slow the flow, which in this sector an agent told me a few hours ago is something he has never seen before. emily? >> emily: grif, your reporting is so invaluable. thank you. stay safe. all right. governor, we are so grateful that you are here today with us for this conversation. what is your perspective on this? >> mike: it's apparent that the governors of the border states are having to do things they shouldn't have to be doing. this is a federal border. and the federal government ought to be taking care of it. the sad thing is the biden administration still won't call it a crisis. there are six times -- let me repeat -- six times the number of the people coming across the border in which the obama administration deemed it a crisis. and the biden administration still won't call it a crisis. i don't know why. why do they not admit it? the bigger issue is this is a big problem for joe biden. when he says that covid is his number one concern, and people are crossing the border with covid and getting out in the country without us being able to know where they are, that shows that he is really not that concerned about covid unless he can control the people going to a restaurant or going to church. >> emily: tomi, you have mentioned before you have been to the border several times. we have video and photographs that we will put up on the screen to show your visits there while we get your perspective here. tomi? >> tomi: what you are seeing there is my border trip in december of 2019. as i mentioned yesterday, i was able to go to mcallen, texas. that was after the trump policies were really enacted. he worked with mexico to have a cooperation with the mexican military. that is why you saw apprehensions go down significantly. night and day difference as leslie and i discussed yesterday and she said the trump policies didn't work. i have seen firsthand and you can see from the footage how they worked. you saw in the video clip the mexican military responding where our agents used to respond. mexican military stepped in and did their part. great cooperation. that is what you saw from the trump administration. so much to unpack. first, go back to jen psaki talking about humane treatment. if you issue a cattle call and you have the unaccompanied minors coming across the border, with coyotes and smugglers and the criminal organizations that do not care about them. they are a dollar sign. you are welcoming them over. you are saying, "come on over, make that journey." you are directly putting them in danger. i don't want to hear from jen psaki or the biden administration one more time how humanely they are treating the people. they are directly putting them in danger and encouraging that journey. let's talk about back to the covid thing. we listened to joe biden talk about how wonderful he has handled covid. it's a lie and ridiculous but governor huckabee said you are bringing people in we know are testing positive. you have to take them to the hospitals. you have businesses and the schools closed. you american people struggling. now taxpayers are footing the bill for these people who have no legal right to be here? if you are not ticked off over this, you are not paying attention or you don't have a pulse. this is a crisis. i'm glad that some governors and the border states are stepping up. we know the administration certainly isn't going to. >> emily: tomi, quick, before i get to leslie. do our law enforcement that are deployed to the border and the american landowners along the southern border, do they feel abandoned? >> tomi: they absolutely do. i discussed a week ago that i wanted to make another official border trip as i did in the trump administration. there is somebody off the record told me you won't be able to come down here. the biden administration won't allow you to see what is going on. however if you talk to the ranchers and the sheriffs, they will tell you what is really going on here and it will terrify you. it will scare the living hell out of you. they are basically told to stand down and i can't imagine how frustrating that is. these people want to do their job and protect our country and the administration is keeping them from that. >> emily: we are pressed for time, lesssy, but i want a quick perspective and reply, please. >> leslie: it's interesting. grif does an excellent reporting. but he did mention brownsville. the mayor of brownsville on fox news channel this week actually said that the covid numbers have not been affected by the border crossings. they are still below 10%. he is not having problems that the other border states like el paso and laredo are. also leader mccarthy says he will bring a delegation to go to the border and stop it. he can't. here is the problem. just like agents say and i agree, like a bipartisan group going down as we see one from each party going downright now. the president should go down. has to see it with his own eyes and not just have reports. the bottom line here we need massive comprehensive, bipartisan, immigration agreement. not politicized. because nobody is going to stop people from coming to the country. no law is going to stop people coming to the country unless one, i agree with the diplomacy side of what tomi said. two, if we look at the source and help those countries who are ufferring, even worse than e -- who are suffering and even worse than we with the crime and economic problems because of covid. that is why the people are leaving. >> emily: thank you, all. moving forward, congress is about to get a new report that called for students to return the classrooms with the "extreme urgency." as the battle reopen rages on across the country. critics slamming president biden after he failed to give the trump administration credit for the covid vaccine in last night's address. even the "new york times" calling him out. that's next. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive. yet some say it isn't real milk. i guess those cows must actually be big dogs. si i said sit! people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® works differently than any other diabetes pill to lower blood sugar in all 3 of these ways... increases insulin... decreases sugar... and slows food. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. people taking rybelsus® lost up to 8 pounds. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. >> harris: so it is friday. as we have seen in the last couple of days about this time during the day, we get more information in the governor cuomo situation; particularly, with what was until moments ago six women coming forward with accusations of sexual harassment and more against him. now, a seventh accuser has come forward. "new york magazine" reporting a journalist says -- i want you to listen to the quote. "andrew cuomo hands have been on my body, my arms, my shoulders, the small of my back, the waist often enough by late 2014 i didn't want to go to the holiday party he was hosting for the albany press corps at the executive mansion." why does this matter? this young woman was 25 years old at the time. she was working the press corps with the governor. there were very few as young as she and very few women in the press corps and it was their job -- i quote -- "to report on his every move." she was going to skip the party. she thought it might hurt her career. wouldn't give her the access the other press corps had. so she went. and what she thought might happen did. according to this report, the governor grabbed her for a picture. wouldn't let her go. had her by the hands. this is what i want to read out loud. governor huckabee, i'm coming to you after i say this. "he turned to me with a mischievous smile his face, during the picture taking, in front of of all my colleagues and said, ," "i'm sorry. am i making you uncomfortable? i thought well were going steady.'" governor huckabee, he said he never touched anybody inappropriately, didn't mean to make anybody uncomfortable, wasn't aware if he had. apparently he had and he was aware according to this woman. >> mike: i want to be fair and say that he is entitled to a presumption of innocence and the process of due process. he is entitled to that. but he is not entitled to pretend that there are not serious allegations from credible witnesses. let me point out that almost every one of the seven women -- now seven -- continues to grow. these are not partisan. these are not republicans who have an axe to grind on him. these are people who at one point worked for him. they believed in him. they wanted to be on his staff. in this case, a member of the press. somebody that certainly has no reason to just want to go after andrew cuomo. there is no indication she is a partisan. but they are beginning to find their courage, increasingly so. and that is why i'm going to repeat what i said before. it's over for him. it's over. it's not a matter that he still has a right for due process and presumption of innocence, in the criminal process, but he does not necessarily continue to have the moral authority or the capacity to govern when this many allocations come against him and his own party has abandoned him and left him to himself. >> harris: what you are saying about the due process and the fairness of the law and innocent until proven guilty and all of that, this is politics. so you make such an important point. we are not saying set aside all of that and don't look for the evidence and don't investigate. absolutely you have to do all of that. you listen to the women and then you investigate and you match that up. politically what you are saying is for him it's over. it's over because this now is overtaking everything else he is doing. leslie, we have just found out that governor cuomo plans to update new yorkers on the state covid-19 response and make an announcement in about 30 minutes. your response, your thought as now a seventh accuser has come forward? >> leslie: governor huckabee, you and i rarely agree but this is one time that i agree 100% with what you have said. due process. presumption of innocence. as you said, harris, let the investigation play out. but the problem as i mentioned earlier today is that he is in a position where he can no longer govern. in 30 minutes, what he is doing is perhaps trying to put some positive information out there, look like he can continue to govern and certainly provide a distraction. you know, harris, i mentioned to you that i have been a victim of harassment. one thing i can tell you and every victim can tell you and you don't need to be a victim to know, democrats are republicans, democrats and men and women, mostly men sadly and men in power. what we are seeing is a pattern of the predatory behavior and using that power knowing that some of the individuals like the latest victim, the 7th victim who has written her account and women often feel, not just in the political realms. my predator was not a politician. but was my boss. i have to say that, you know, when i hear this, this brings back some really nasty memories. just how many years and how many women out there have been subjected to this and have remained silent because she wrote it so beautifully and so honestly. and i can relate to it. i got to tell you, you don't want to go to the meeting with that individual. you don't want to go to the party. but you fear it will hurt your career if you don't. you are damned if you do and damned if you don't because this person, alleged predator in this situation has the power and holds the cards to your future power. >> harris: thank you for sharing what you have been through. i know it never gets easier. i have known you a long time. "new york magazine" talking to the young woman and here is what she goes on to say. "i never thought the governor wanted to have sex with me," which is exactly what leslie is talking about. it wasn't about that. it was about power. tomi? >> tomi: i have never never gone through the experience myself but as a young woman in this kind of an industry i can certainly feel for her and i do believe her words are genuine and it was brave and bold of her to come forward. again, going back to what the governor said. i think that his political career is over but i think there needs to be an investigation. whether he has the good sense to resign or not, it still needs to be an investigation. the women need to be heard. we need to look in the nursing home scandal and resigning won't make it go away. we are owed to the victims of the sexual harassment and also the victims of the nursing home scandal. everyone deserves answers here. you hope that we'll get them. they deserve that much. >> harris: so, emily, what is the process now? >> emily: in terms of this, look, the forcible touching element we talked about earlier has to do with intimate body parts. from what i have read thus far unless something changes at the end of the article. it's breaking and i haven't got to the end of it but it doesn't appear it's going to fall to forcible touching. but there are multiple allegation of sexual harass in the the workplace and an allegation of the forcible touching, crime and a misdemeanor in the state of new york. two additional allocation of inappropriate touching from nonemployees. this journalist and then from prior woman before. so, as of yet, it's my understanding that the albany police do not have an official referral. however, they can refer to the d.a. themselves. so it remains to be seen whether the criminal charges will be filed. it remains to be seen whether the civil charges will be filed. whether a lawsuit will be filed. i have to say, you know, i agree with you that this article is written beautifully. the words of this woman here resonating to the leslie's point about triggering for many who has been through these. she said, "i made reflexive assessment as the hand were on her that most women and marginalized people know instinctively the calculation of risk and power and self-preservation. i knew it would far easier to smile for the brief moment to snap a picture than to challenge one of the most powerful men in the country." we have heard this theme. we have heard the theme from the prior accuser who said i wasn't going to speak up until i heard the other women speak up. it was then i felt maybe my life won't be destroyed. maybe people will actually believe me. maybe i won't be threatened with the death and the career assassination and everything else happens in this country when the political, powerful men are accused. there are strengths in numbers now. simply because apparently one isn't enough at this point in our country in the article sums up beautifully. >> harris: we saw the same thing happen, emily, with the nursing home scandal. i home janice dean and others began to -- i mean janice dean and others began to beat the ground. we brought in on "outnumbered overtime" at the time a nurse who had come down very young and had seen some stuff behind the scenes and had pictures of the p.p.e. she was using every day, every day, every day because it wasn't being given to them. the nursing home she had been assigned to help out. people coming from other state at the governor's request. help out. they were steady flowing. positive cases of the covid in to the most vulnerable environments. so it took a lot of voices. i took a democrat among those on the new york assembly ron kim to come forward against the governor and say he was bullied. and having to do with what he called the coverup of the numbers and all of that in the nursing home scandal. it took more voices. i want to wednesday the young woman and we will move on. she says journalists are often told not to let themselves become part of the story. more than five years ago i left albany for a new job in florida. but many of my former colleagues and friends are still there trying to retain objectivity. everyone after enduring harassment. so she -- even after enduring harassment. she indicates that there are more. she says, "i can speak out because i have survived camp cuomo. the others are still living it." emily. >> emily: thank you, harris. we will bring this story to you. obviously as it unfolds with the news conference coming up at 1:00 p.m. moving forward, federal officers holding the line on another chaotic night in portland, oregon. look at the video. protesters are lighting fires outside a boarded up federal courthouse in an area where they also smashed windows and damaged property. the protests were against immigration and custom enforcement and the courthouse was boarded up because of the night of chaos and violence that portland has seen since last summer. you'll start with you, first, governor. your thoughts on the fact that this is now approaching if not surpassing a year. has the rest of the country abandoned portland? has the citizens and the other government leaders ignored the problem? when ultimately will the breaking point be? your thoughts, governor. >> mike: let's be real clear. this idea of defunding the police is a dumb idea. this is proving to be dumber every time we see this. i'm waiting if for one of the news people to stand in front of the fires and the violence to say what we have is a mostly peaceful protest. no, we have a violent riot. a mob. i don't care who is behind it. this is lawless behavior and anarchy. you can't defend it. everyone portland recognizes recognizesthis is out of contro. >> emily: leslie, earlier in the summer when the national guard was deployed to portland. they were called fascist and essentially run out of town. it's obvious in addition to the defunding of the city police there it's not enough to hold the line. that this is continuing to fester. this is becoming an abscess. and really good people live there in portland. what is next? >> leslie: well, first of all, if you look at the city of portland, they have been having protests and riots since the '60s. not protests but riots. vandalism, looting, fires, violence of any kind is wrong. i don't care what political party you are part of. i don't care why you are doing it. now there are people there that are in different camps. some are angry about i.c.e. allegedly this was a federal building and these were the federal officials not affected by any kind of the city or state defunding of the police legislation. but when you look at they were upset about one man in particular who they feel did not have justice. this is a black man who they feel died at the hands of they were saying the white police. again, so this has to stop. you know everybody says antifa. but some of the people are like we are not part of antifa. they identify with some faction of the black lives matter. you talk to other people with black lives matter, they will say you know we don't have any part of this. we want justice for anybody we feel is wronged by the police anywhere. but not approving of any kind of violence, any kind of looting, rioting, burning as we have seen currently in this situation in portland. >> emily: tomi, part of the issue i see with my family and loved ones there in portland their voices are drowned out by the others who say this is a call for justice. this is a movement for justice. but violence is violence is violence. and therefore, as a city is burning and yet being ignored by the mainstream media and being mocked or downplayed or reduced but the rest of the citizens how will they ever get any help? where will there ever be a resolution to this, tomi? >> tomi: well, there won't be because the message from the democrats and the biden administration is that antifa is just an idea and lawlessness is okay if it fits the democrat agenda. we are still talking about the insurrection at the capitol that lasted one day and we still have the national guard in the capitol for insurrection that lasted one day. the national guard needs to be december ployed to minneapolis, portland and all the other areas that will act in this the lawless manner. let's not give the groups so much credit. yes, they claim to do it for justice, for, you know, whatever cause. let's be clear. they are using this as an excuse to break things and destroy things, loot bonder. this is individuals who frankly losers who have nothing better to do than to destroy things. they have been given the go-ahead because their leaders, piss poor leaders, the mayor is atrocious, the democrats told them this is okay. if you want to get your anger and your frustrations out and you want to burn something, hey, we'll turn the other cheek. we don't need to be defunding the police. we need to fully fund the police and make sure that the good and the decent citizens of portland, minneapolis and everywhere else are protect and we need to hear from the biden administration and the main stream media. there again, shockingly, they are not talking about it like they should. portland has been in flames for months now. riots and the protests have not stopped since early summer. we need to take accountability and the democrats who run these cities need to take accountability. the good and the decent people deserve that. >> emily: amen. all right. we'll be right back with breaking news on governor cuomo and the seventh accuser. stay with us. ♪♪ new tic tac big berry adventure. 100 layers of flavor for that refreshing and delicious taste. refreshing moments are just a tic tac away. life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. we are awaiting a briefing from andrew cuomo at the top of the hour. the reports suggest it's a covid briefing. this is as democrats jerrold nadler and maloney calling for the governor to resign as well as the alexandria ocasio-cortez. are cuomo days numbers? more covid positive illegal migrants released to the united states. what are the public health implications of the border crisis? we talk about that. the phrase "pain at the pump" is back. as the gas prices catch fire. how high will they go? i'm john roberts. join sandra smith and me at the top of the hour for "america reports." >> harris: breaking news. a seventh cuomo accuser has come forward. as you know from the last few moments ago "new york magazine" published an article by a journalist. her name is jessica bateman. and she writes in her own words that andrew cuomo hands have been on my body, on my harms, on my shoulders, the small of my back, my waist, often enough that by late 2014 i didn't want to go to the holiday party he was hosting at the executive mansion for the albany press corps." i mention as we are learning this and have all been able to read through the article in the commercial break, she felt like she needed to go to the event. because she felt the pressure for her career. 25 years old. one of the youngest in the press corps. one of the few women who were following this governor in 2014. the job to shadow his every move and report on that. as journalists. now jessica bakeman has written about her experiences. you heard john roberts say at the top of the hour, american reports will be waiting for the governor to begin what the governor's office is calling a "covid update." and some sort of an announcement i can tell you that multiple members today of the new york congressional delegation called on the governor to resign in the wake of the mounting allegations of the sex harassment and allegation of groping and scrutiny over the administration's reported covid-19 deaths among nursing home residents. you recall this democratic governor has denied he ever touched anyone inappropriately, he said he is sorry if he made anyone feel uncomfortable. of course, we know from jessica bakeman and the "new york magazine" moments ago that she said in fact she was made to feel uncomfortable. and the governor looked at her and asked am i making you feel uncomfortable? the white house press secretary jen psaki. let's watch. >> we certainly don't want anyone in the state of new york to be penalized. meaning, not have access to vaccines to vaccinators, not have the access to funding from the rescue plan. certainly we will continue to work with a range of the officials to get that done and grit it implemented. but the president and the covid response team works with governors across the country, including governor cuomo to implement the plans and we will continue to do that. >> reporter: one other topic. there are more than 10 million doses of the astrazeneca vaccine in the u.s. that can't be administered here but could save lives in other places in the world if the company was freed from the obligation to deliver doses to the government. the company appealed to let them export the doses. >> harris: so we stepped in right as the question was being asked. this has made it all the way to the white house. we saw jerry nadler of the house and we saw alexandria ocasio-cortez today. we have seen people back away from cuomo handily. when it makes its way to the press briefing we try to get you there. it seemed to from b from the answer we could watch and hear there was side-stepping going on. hard to up-cut the governor. we don't know what he will say at the briefing. the next question for jen psaki about covid. i don't know how much they want to open the door but she was asked about it and we want to take you there. i want to bring in brian yennis. for the last couple of hours you and i have been on the air one way or another with the latest of the allegation against him not the least of which is a seventh accuser. all of this alongside of the nursing home death scandal. his emergency powers stripped but he is about to give us so we are told a covid-19 update. >> this all speaks to the house that governor cuomo's fate is in the hands of a democratic controlled state legislature. we have seen the new york state senate, majority leader come out and call for the resignation earlier in the week. we have not seen carl hasty the head of the new york state assembly come out to say plainly and flatly he should resign. that is important because again, he is the person who would lead the assembly to move forward to say look we as an assembly believe you should resign. he did say we are starting impeachment investigation and there is some cites in new york saying are the democrats trying to buy the governor more time here? that you will start an inquiry and impeachment in the new york legislature and how long will it take? we have an independent investigation with the attorney general letitia james. we know that the f.b.i. is investigating on the nursing home front. how many more investigations do we need before action is taken? that is where the pressure is interesting going in the 1:00 p.m. teleconference. we have seen the announcements before. he has a press conference and he talks about covid 15 to 20 minutes. sometimes preemptively he will say something about the nursing home situations. maybe he will say something about the calls to resign but he usually leaves it up to journalists who will ask the questions. last time he took two or three questions on the matter. at one point his counsel beth garvey answered questions on his behalf when it comes to the questions about whether or not his administration purposely withheld nursing home data. it will be interesting to see how much talking his lawyer does in this telephone press conference. but again, when you speak to people, not many people expect him to resign, frankly. when you are talking to the politicians or whatnot there is a feeling that the tide has turned since the sixth accuser alleges that there was aggressive groping. obviously we are seeing the tide turning with the number of new york congressional delegates coming out now. the majority of them. speaking out against them. there are multiple avenues here, harris. i mean, you have some that are actually suggesting that perhaps the lieutenant governor kathy hokel should come in temporarily in the attorney general independent investigation until the findings come out. and there is question whether it's constitutional. he could step down and kathy hochul could take over. if they don't find any wrongdoing, the governor could retake his power. constitutional questions on that front. but that is something that at least some of the new york state long island state delegation said they were open to. we will see. no doubt about it, harris, that the last 48 hours the dam is breaking in a way we have not seen. this is a different level of pressure on the governor. that we have not seen before. >> harris: brian, you bring up really interesting points there. in terms of about the flow of the power. this is really politically emasculating democrats. they can't get anything done. everybody in the new york assembly is distracted by this. they have been talking about it for weeks. so if you can sideline him in any kind of a way, the way you laid it out, any kind of a way, it might be better for the people of new york. we will see what happens. thank you, brian. i know you are standing by for when the governor speaks momentarily. i appreciate it. you want to add this for one second. we made the way through the argue. the member of the press corps has written explosive stuff in "new york magazine." she says, "over the last several days i'm fielding texts and messages from people i knew in albany and didn't. some asking me to speak out to the experience adding to the chorus of women calling out the governor for the unfavorable behavior -- unforgivable behavior." my mistake. "they knew what happened, because what happened to me wasn't in secret. sometimes it was photographed or recorded." so okay. we come out to this. when it came to the u.s. supreme court justice kavanaugh, let's watch what senator elizabeth warren said. we talk about how the democrats handled the situation. watch this. >> i am angry on behalf of women who have been told to sit down and shut up one time too many. [applause] i am angry because of everyone who has lost power. >> harris: still waiting to hear from elizabeth warren on the situation with andrew cuomo, which has had, you know, a heartbeat, drum beat for weeks now. governor huckabee? >> mike: there is one person who knows exactly what really happened. that is andrew cuomo. but i don't think we will get an honest answer from him because he didn't give honest answers about the nursing home scandal and he tried to cover it up to protect royalties from the book. he tries to pretend he knows nothing about sexual harassment or the allegations, it's hard for anyone to believe him. i want to remember this. all seven of the women and perhaps more, they are someone's daughter and granddaughter. it outrages me as a male, as a man that someone takes advantage of a woman. when i heard what leslie said a moment ago, my heart broke because she like so many other women have been taken advantage of. they have been treated like property. like somebody's toy. that makes me angry that someone treats another human being that way and thinks they have the right to do that. god help us when we don't angrily speak out against this behavior. we demand some accountability. if he is not going to be honest, let the investigation prove if he is innocent or not but i don't think he will come clean because he didn't with something so important like the nursing home scandal. >> harris: governor huckabee, tomi lahren, emily campagno, and leslie marshall. that will do it for us. get to "america reports" right now. >> john: harris, thank you so much. we start with the fox news alert today. we are waiting for a news teleconference from new york governor andrew cuomo as his sexual harassment scandal is unraveling. a seventh woman coming forward and accusing cuomo of inappropriate behavior. all of this as more and more members of the new york congressional delegation call on the et battled -- embattled governor to step down. welcome to friday edition of "america reports." i'm john roberts. hi, sandra. >> sandra: great to be with you. the muse changing by the minute. the latest accuser coming forward a short time ago. journalist named jessica bakeman in a new first person account for "new york magazine" where she writes this -- "andrew cuomo hands had been on

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