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it's been pretty cool thing to watch. and it's like every year is this it? is it the end of it, maybe? and then every year we have another tour that blows out and people come and check it out. it's been great. ♪ >> brian: that was cool. >> ainsley: thank you. big bulldog fan. really nice guy. thank you so much, jason, for letting us go down to florida. we saw him down in tampa. his crew is awesome. the drummer gave my daughter drumsticks because hayden was with me. really special people. highway desperado available wherever you get your music. coming up preview of jason aldean's newest music video let your voice be country. >> steve: fantastic. i just downloaded it. he just made 25 cents. >> ainsley: i download it, too. >> steve: welcome aboard, folks. it's 7:01 in new york city and time for the second hour of "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ >> steve: all right you, it's 1:00 in the afternoon in israel. fox news alert. brand new video just in of secretary of state antony blinken shaking hands with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, shook hands and then they sat down. they have been meeting for the last hour or two. he touched down in tel aviv a couple of hours ago. >> ainsley: and any moment from now or any moment now is he expected to speak with the president. blinken is also set to hold his own press conference. we are going to carry those events live when they happen. his visit comes as the biden administration seek as pause on the war to get humanitarian aid in and hostages out. >> brian: they are still getting 60 trucks in a day. come on. meanwhile on the battlefield israeli forces come f face to fe with terrorists and they do take out a top hamas commander. the idf says forces now have the largest city in gaza surrounded. >> lawrence: today hezbollah's leaders are scheduled to speak for the first time since the hamas attacked israel. now let's go to trey yingst on the ground in southern israel. trey? are. >> trey: yeah, hey, guys, good morning. as we speak, there are rocket sirens sounding in southern israel. the factions inside gaza, 28 days into this war have maintained the ability to fire on israeli population centers. an indication that despite the thousands of airstrikes, the fire continues from inside gaza. we should note that behind me there are ongoing operations by israeli forces. we have been able to actually see those troops moving in jeeps and tanks. i just want to show you what it looks like behind me here. there is quite a level of destruction along the border. the area that you are looking at is a city in northern gaza. it is now partially controlled by the israeli army. they are able to move back and forth and support the infantry troops that are surrounding gaza city and then working to push deeper. in the death toll among israeli forces now stands at 24 soldiers that were killed this week inside gaza. it is intense street-to-street fighting. the israelis are exposing different tunnel systems and entrances in this area and also deeper into the strip. and are using their navy to shell the gaza strip alongs with the air force and artillery units along the border to support the infantry troops. i do want you to listen though to this back and forth exchange yesterday at the white house. peter doocy and john kirby discussing the biden administration's call for a pause in the fighting behind me. take a listen. >> peter: a pause does not help hamas. >> a temporary pause that's localized, that would allow us to get aid in, and to get our people out is a good thing for the people of gaza. it's a good thing for the americans that are being held hostage, and it's not gonna stop israel from defending itself. the security assistance we are continuing to providing continues to flow. a temporary pause doesn't mean a cease-fire where the war is over. >> look, peter has great point here. a pause in fighting certainly will help hamas. they have been getting hammered by the israeli artillery units and air force for the past 28 days after they came into southern israel and slaughtered so many innocent people. and as the fighting continues behind me. on the southern front, there is major concern today that new fighting will erupt on the northern front from a lebanese militant group hezbollah. two hours from now hassan nasrallah the leader of hezbollah is set to address the world. israeli channels have agreed not to air his remarks because there is concern that they are simply airing the enemy propaganda. but the israelis, as you can see, are striking different positions in southern lebanon. they have been responding to fire from the lebanese militant group. we we understand according to the israeli military, they are bracing for renewed attacks later today after that speech. guys? >> steve: all right, trey yingst in southern israel. trey, thank you very much. >> ainsley: thank you, trey. and now to the north. protests happening now in the west bank after israeli forces were involved in deadly battles with palestinians. >> brian: jonathan hunt all over it. he is on the ground in ramallah. jonathan? john t>> overnight nine palestis were killed in clashes with the idf bringing to more than 100 by some estimates the number of palestinians killed here since october 7th. we're in ramallah right now. we just come from a fairly large gathering, we would say around 500 protesters coming straight from friday prayers at the mosque. now we ter point where they usually gather. they have moved off from that downtown location where we were. they're on their way here. what you can see directly in front of you, that is the israeli army base here just on the edge of ramallah. and what we have seen time and time again here, is these protesters gather. in the field you can just see right in front of that army base tthe idf sends forces out. protesters start throwing rocks. they have been in the past met with live fire. great concern is that there is so much anger now across the west bank at what is happening in gaza that these protests will be more violent than perhaps they have been in many years past. so, everybody is on very high alert here. we have seen the palestinian police and palestinian army out on the streets. they will try keep a lid on things on this side. but it is really the clashes, the troops that will come from the israeli army base that will determine how this goes and how many of those hundreds of protesters we were just among in the center of ramallah now come here and decide that they need to turn this from a loud protest into a violent one. there is a growing concern as well in israel about the political situation here in the west bank. we are hearing from people here that if there was an election now, for instance, the palestinian authority, the more moderate governing body right now would lose and hamas would win an election. you can just imagine what a frightening thought that is for every single israeli. we are also hearing, guys, that islamic jihad is getting stronger and stronger in parts of the northern end of the west bank around the city of jeanine, for instance. there is a great concern about the political future. the more immediate concern right now is the protesters who will be here within minutes and line up outside this israeli army base. guys, back to you. >> steve: all of that was terrifying there at the end. but it's interesting what you are saying, jonathan, where the people of -- and you're standing in palestinian territory right now. the people there are rallying around hamas. hamas currently, the israeli government is trying to wipe them off the map in gaza. and so for them to pop back up in the other palestinian territory, what would the israelis do? they vowed to get rid of them. >> exactly. just an example, steve, of the entrenched positions and the effect that the israeli action now in gaza is having on the popular mood in the palestinian territories. there is a great deal of anger. you talk to people here and they will say -- you ask them about october 7th. how can you possibly excuse the horrific barbarism of october the 7th? the answer you will get is yes, civilians shouldn't have been killed. but what choice was there in hamas sending a message from gaza? that, frankly, is the position. it might not be a palatable one for any reasonable person, but that is what many, many people across the west bank feel. and that is why there is growing support here in this part of the west bank and ramallah where the palestinian authority is headquartered, remember, growing support for hamas. as i just mentioned in the northern cities of the west bank like generallen growing supporte are moving further toward the extremes rather than away from them. >> lawrence: this is why the israelis say when some of the civilians are saying that we didn't know hamas was operating here, i don't believe you. we sent you a warning. this is why when they say hey, we don't support hamas, there is a different reaction from israel. jonathan, thanks so much for your reporting. >> ainsley: really about getting those hostages out. you had a wonderful interview with the brother of one of the hostages. and we're all praying for her and praying for all of them. hope that they come back. but when you go out to all these protests what do they say about the hostages? >> lawrence: they don't believe that they truly exist. >> brian: trying to take the pictures counsel. >> lawrence: they believe -- what the people are saying and we had on the "new york post" yesterday some of the young ladies that were taking the posters down they believe that is propaganda from israel they don't believe hostages exist. >> ainsley: they don't believe babies were decapitated? >> lawrence: no. those are a.i. generated photos. >> steve: unbelievable. >> brian: do you know what they say though israelis expect propaganda war we know it. the whole world is against us, the u.n. is against us. hopefully sober minded people in america understand what the reality is. >> ainsley: do you remember that monday morning after october 7th we kept hearing that israelis we kept interviewing saying it's a matter of time before this is going to be our fault. they will blame it on us. >> steve: today. >> brian: we are not. meanwhile, let's talk about something that is related, sadly. that is our broken border. >> now we are getting understanding series of -- we already know the totals. i think it's 167 aliens of interest have crossed our border this year already. now we are getting more details about those who are crossed. we have register them. find out they are on the terror watch list and then got to go find them. >> ainsley: october 3rd, cbp agents released this wanted terrible suspect into the united states. 29 years old. they are not releasing his name. and then they release them, give them a notice to report to tro new york city. he comes to new york. and seven days later homeland security learns this guy is a wanted terrorist in senegal for terror his stick acts. they grab him. put in custody no bond. he was here for a week. >> steve: because, you know, and that -- this perfectly details it. october 3rd, he is processed. and so people think okay, if the federal government is processing them, they are going to the super computer. they are looking for names. no, it took them a week to figure out hey, you know what? this guy is wanted in africa for being a terrorist. meanwhile, talk a little bit about this. down in texas we also have video why have known for a long time that the cartels have had gun shootouts. texas department of public service and safety posted this on social media. it shows thermal and nonthermal views of four different cartel members. and what are they doing? this is something new. they are throwing explosives. they are not shooting. now they have got bombs. >> lawrence: they are testing it out. they have been doing this for a while. not only hiding explosives on the border but also within the brush as well so they can figure out what their routes are of how they are going to get the drugs across the border. it's not just the people. it's the drugs, too. this is also the same cartel that shot at our helicopter as well and we didn't respond. >> brian: there is a jordanian man 20 years old. staying in texas. what about houston? he was arrested for illegally owning a gun. it turns out of is he a radical who posted hatred of jews and possibly planning an attack they told us in texas and arizona and probably new mexico. we don't hear much from mexico another democratic governor. numbers are increasing at dizzying rate. we can't keep up with it. when they do pop up on the terror watch list, we are having trouble holding on to them. >> ainsley: when donald trump was president, there were 11 on the terror watch list. >> brian: one year there was zero. >> ainsley: exactly. taken down there on the border. joe biden this fiscal year alone last year, which just ended at the end of october today, today is november 3rd. three days ago. 174, was it 169? >> brian: yeah, 169. >> lawrence: to use the president's word pause. you would think he would say let's have a pause at the border. he would have the political cover right now. we're in an international conflict. folks are seeing what is happening -- let's just pause for a second. we got people on the terror watch list. americans don't feel safe. >> brian: like the pandemic. we came up with title 42. >> lawrence: let's just pause for a second. he won't do it. i don't understand it. >> brian: he has to congeal mexico. mexico is loving iran these days and china. >> ainsley: it's a real threat. what happened in israel could happen here. >> lawrence: 100 percent. you see the protest in the middle of the street? it's not like it is pro-israelis there or pro-jewish. >> ainsley: very scary. >> steve: the door is wide open. >> ainsley: yes, it is. >> steve: turning to america's crime crisis. listen to this. 12-year-old boy was charged in a dead buy washington, d.c. carjacking after his mom turned him in to police. she was worried about him, so she called the cops. >> lawrence: the child is being held in a juvenile detention center after a judge refused to release him to his family this week. >> brian: alexandria hoff is in washington with this story, too. alex? >> this really is something. the child's mother called police on tuesday after spotting that suspect's photo that you just that you have and been circulated widely, because of his age he has not been identified. we do know the name of his alleged accomplice 13 and now dead. after police say that the two children attempt today car jack a vehicle that turned out to be occupied by a u.s. marshal. detectives testified it was all caught on surveillance video. it happened in southeast d.c. around 10:00 p.m. saturday where the marshal was sitting in his vehicle. the two kids approached from behind and demanded to get -- that he get out of his car. investigators say they were holding their waist bands as if they had guns. and they told the driver and passenger doors open. the marshal was legally armed and fatally shot 13-year-old bernard in the passenger seat, the 12-year-old and fled the scene. >> steve: alex, we got to interrupt. there is the president of israel and ourselves. listen. gave the clear picture as to the fate of the hostages, as to the tragedy that has befallen on our people. and, of course, as to the inherent right of the israelis to defend themselves. and we are hearing from the outside the demonstration of the families our heart goes out to them. we understand it. we want their immediate release. finally i want to say something with respect to the humanitarian aid -- the humanitarian and international law abiding by the state of israel. >> so this is a leaflet, which we are sending by over 1 million, 200 leaflets to the citizens of gaza. we have carried out 6 million text messages and 4 million phone calls to the citizens of gaza. according to the rules of international law, where we alerted the citizens in advance, including before the jabalia attack. please move out because as we have the right for self-defense, we want you to go out of the premises from where missile and guns and bombs and mortars are shelled at our people and from where the horrendous atrocious attacks went out. you move out so we can go in according to international law and defend our people. 6 million text messages and 4 million phone calls and 1.2 million familiar threats and phone calls in addition to all of that speaks for itself as we protect the civilians moving out the safe zone. giving them the right and necessary humanitarian aid and enabling ourselves to defend ourselves. thank you, mr. secretary. >> thank you, mr. president. and it's always good to be back in israel. these are difficult days. but we're here as we have been been and as we will remain in solidarity with israel. we stand strongly for the proposition that israel has not only the right but the obligation to defend itself and to do everything possible to make sure that this october 7th can never happen again. and at the same time, as you just made clear, how israel does this matters, and it is very important that when it comes to the protection of civilians, who are caught in the crossfire of hamas' making, that everything be done to protect them and to bring assistance to those who so desperately need it. and weand were notin any way ret happened on october 7th. we are working on all of that together but we have a shared determination. and that determination will not wane, we also are thinking every single moment of our hostages. so many israelis, americans, other nationals. and we are determined to do everything that we can to bring them back safely, to bring them back to be with their families and loved ones. thank you. >> thank you. >> going in for a private meeting. >> brian: he did mention and the president of israel went out of their way to say hey, listen, don't think we are just bombing indiscriminately. we are texting them and dropping fliers and telling them where to go. we are looking to get hamas. we are not looking to target civilians. he wanted to reiterate that, too. and also anthony blinken said this was brought on by hamas. >> lawrence: he also said that some of the palestinian people have cooperated. they have texted, called, and moved out. i think he was making the case that the ones that are staying are making the choice to stay. >> steve: well, yeah. and we have heard from the israeli government, they say 90% of the people have moved out of northern portions of gaza. what is important though, two things. one, essentially that was just a photo op. blinken is going to have a press conference in about an hour. we will hear what, if anything, they were able to accomplish. the number one thing he said was, once again, we are standing in solidarity, united states is, with israel. the other thing is, he alluded to a pause. and it didn't sound like they are quite there yet, so maybe in an hour we'll have more. >> ainsley: well, joe biden, his entire administration, including blinken, who went -- last time he was in israel said i'm jewish, too. and they were pro-israel. and i believe their stance is still pro-israel. they are saying that israel has the right to defend itself. but they have gotten so much pushback from the other side here in america. the poll numbers have shown a significant drop for joe biden. so i think they are there to say look, we do support israel. what happened on october 7th is horrible. but there are innocent people in gaza and we want to get them out and that's why we want the pause. it's fascinating though that they dropped 1.2 million leaflets, 6 million text messages. and 4 million phone calls saying we want you to move out. move south. >> brian: i think the president has got to be arrested loaned a explain to the american people why israel is different and why those people sitting in the middle of the street really need to educate themselves. >> lawrence: they should show some of the video in the briefing room of what is happening. >> ainsley: they do have that video. apparently that video is out there of the fighters, the hamas it, their body cam and what they did. >> brian: they posted it. hamas wants you to see it. >> steve: right, so do the israelis just to remind everybody what happened. never forget. all right, so blink blenk up in an hour. we take that live. in the meantime, israeli forces say they have gaza city surrounded by a number of different directions after taking out a top hamas commander in that hit right there. >> brian: remember. we are getting our guys shot at, too. general jack keane on the next phase of the war in matter of moments. ♪ can we get real clear about life with psoriasis? yeah, i'm ready. is your treatment leaving you with uncontrolled symptoms? like the cover-it-ups and 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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) >> fox news alert. live look at gaza as israel's military is closing in right now. the idf announcing they now have the reasonable's largest city totally surrounded. another victory for israeli forces as takes out a top hamas commander. clash with multiple terrorist squads inside gaza overnight. we hear it's face-to-face fighting. let's bring in fox news senior strategiccage litt retired four star general jack keane general, surrounding the city right now. can you give us tactically what they are looking to do o. >> remember, the mission that the political leadership has assigned to the military to dismantle hamas, dismantle the military terrorist organization and obviously -- liberty frition dismantle the entire organization. and that will take some time. now that they have the city surrounded. they are going to clear in the city where hamas is hiding and that is in the tunnel complexes. they are not likely to go in the tunnel complexes and fighting in there that gives advantage to hamas. there is much they can do. they can send robots in to dismantle the ieds in the mines. they can, you know, put smoke and gas to force them out of there. there is a number of issues they can block some of those tunnel complex just seal them up and force the fighters out. this as you can tell will take some time. reason going slow this kind of war-fighting soaks up a lot of infantry on the ground and casualty producing. and they are going to go slow and systematic to keep the casualties down for their own forces. >> brian: general, how damaging would a pause be right now tactically for the men and women putting their lives on the line. they have already lost 18 fighters in what they are calling face-to-face fighting. if they get told by the americans, by us to stop, how hard would that be and who benefits? >> well, i don't imagine the israelis would buy into a pause. they will take a tactical local pause if they find hostages and able to get them out of there, certainly they will do that. they have already demonstrated that but anything much larger than that would be a detriment to them. can you imagine they are at the tactical level fighting, and they would stop right there, they would be vulnerable themselves to ambushes by hamas i doubt seriously hamas would abide by any pause in cease-fire. they have the opportunity to kill israeli soldiers. they are going to take advantage of that it doesn't make a lot of the sense. i'm confused as to what the purpose is. to get foreign nationals out. that is taking place at the very sorenson part of gaza strip. there is no fighting going on down there now. it's up in the north. to bring supplies in, well, that's coming in from the south as well. >> brian: i hear you. >> seems to me this is driven by a political consideration to ease up on the fighting and we're using the term pause as opposed to what they're really seeking, it's an informal cease-fire is what this is about. i know that's a radioactive term. so they don't want to use it. >> brian: right. general, real quick, nasrallah is going to make his first public appearance and an announcement. he heads up hezbollah. what do you think he will say and what will it mean for this war effort? >> well, certainly, he is all for what is happening in hamas fighting back and he has increased his had level of military activity against the israelis. but he has not unleashed any of the 130,000 sophisticated rockets and missiles he has on the cities of israel. that is the major weapon that he has. >> brian: right. >> he may issue an ultimatum and indicate that he will use that unless there is a cessation of israelis' activities. there is likely there will be a gradual expansion of the war. whether it be a full out expansion -- you know, iran is going to make that decision. not nasrallah, in my view. >> brian: gotcha. >> that's going to be calculated based on what is happening inside gaza. >> brian: iran's the problem. you all know that everybody knows that general jack keane, always great. thank you. >> great talking to you, brian. thank you. >> brian: by the way coming up on one nation we will be live again #:00. got some great guests lined up including raymond arroyo. bob wood sen and leading with a great military guest, too. also teddy and booker t. drops on tuesday as a book. but as a special it comments on fox nation on sunday. i hope you check it out. and also we are going to do some live shows in red bank new jersey november 9th. also be in villages vero beach. also check out over in mud hollen, pennsylvania and hollen michigan. i will be there. check us out. the terrifying story. terrorism suspect caught sneaking into the u.s. ille illegally. he was right here in new york. video shows drug cartels throwing explosives along the texas southern border. are you alarmed yet in washington? former acting dhs secretary chad wolf, live next. ♪ rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. hi, i'm john and i'm from dallas, texas. my wife's name is joy. we've been married 45 years. i'm taking a two-year business course. i've been studying a lot. i've been producing and directing for over 50 years. it's a very detailed thing and the pressure's all on me. i noticed i really wasn't quite as sharp as i was. my boss told me about prevagen and i started taking it. i feel sharper. my memory's a lot better. it just works. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. ♪ >> ainsley: coming up live today on the fox news channel, right now secretary of state anthony blinken is in israel. he is meeting with the president of israel and he will hold a press conference soon. and we will carry that live for you. then, also, in about an hour, at 8:3 # 0 this morning, the october jobs report will drop. we're going to be watching that for you as well. and, at 12:40 p.m. president biden will head to lewiston, maine after a gunman killed those 18 innocent people. it is all live right here on fox. now, over to you, lawrence. >> lawrence: no one does their walk better than you, ainsley. >> ainsley: it's a friday. i have a little pep in my step. >> lawrence: that's what i'm talking about. shocking video at our southern border. texas dps drones showing texas g mexican drug cartels hurling ieds at the border: authorities say that the man entered the u.s. illegally on october 3rd, days after he was released. homeland security revealed he was wanted in his home country for terrorist activities. here to react former acting homeland security secretary of state chad wolf. chad, how does something like this happen? was it like that back in the trump administration? >> no, it wasn't. this is obviously a breakdown. but i think the primary cause here is when you have 30,000 or more individuals coming across that border every single month, every 30 days they are coming across that border, probably higher than that, it overwhelms the system. so all the law enforcement checks that border patrol agents are supposed to be doing on daily basis, making sure that bad people are not entering, are getting short changed, they are getting cut. and if the process and the priority is just to move them out of processing centers and into the interior of the country, which we know is the priority under this administration, guess what? things are going to get missed. and, unfortunately, this is one of those instances. >> lawrence: these explosives that texas dps found along the border. you are from texas, i'm from texas. without them, you know, we would be in a lot more danger. but what are they going to do with these explosives? what's the purpose of having them on the border? >> well, obviously, the cartels are -- have a lot of capability along that border. using drones, they are heavily armed, and so they are going to use this not only against their rivals, rival cartels and the lining, but they are also to use this against u.s. officials. whether they are doing decoys and trying to attract border patrol agents to a certain area so that they can smuggle individuals and narcotics and other areas, look, their tactics are pretty advanced and sophisticated. and the border patrol knows this, but we're not allowing them to do their job. we are not allowing them to get out there and to fight the cartels and make sure the bad people and bad things are not coming into the country. insterksd these agents are in these processing centers, processing aliens at record numbers coming into the country. so we need more agents. and we need more technology and we need more capability along that national security, along that border to protect the country. >> lawrence: they didn't sign up to be babysitters. they didn't sign up to process and do paperwork. they will signed up to do law enforcement. they should be allowed to do the job that they were trained to do. it seems like a wasted investment. chad wolf, thanks so much for joining the program. >> yep. thank you. >> lawrence: so coming up an nyc pro-palestinian protesters light an israeli flag on fire. and in philly, they -- arrest after sit-ins in the 30th street station in d.c. tomorrow the biggest palestinian solidarity march in u.s. history, anti-semitic rhetoric spreading across our country. that's next. ♪ ♪ the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. 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(vo) whichever. get your competitve offer at >> steve: israeli flag screen left being set on fire in the street in new york city as you can see. several arrests in a pro-palestinian protest in philadelphia. 30th street station. these are scenes across the united states as anti-semitic incidents are on the rise. they are at historic levels according to our fbi director. tomorrow, down on our nation's capital pro-palestinian protesters are set to stage their biggest demonstration in american history. our next guest joined the muslim brotherhood as a teenager. but, eventually, got out. heresy alli is an activist and hoover institute researcher and joins us now from the west coast. ian, good morning to you. >> good morning to you, peter. how are you? >> steve: i'm very good. i'm peter's dad. >> i'm sorry. >> steve: that's okay. it happens all the time yian. what do you think is going to happen tomorrow in washington with this gigantic pro-palestinian demonstration? >> it's really a pro-hamas demonstration and a lot of people there who think of themselves as progressives and who have progressive causes and are going to march for hamas and not for palestinians because if you are truly for the palestinian people, you would be marching against hamas. there is a concept and radical islamist theology and it's called -- infidels. a lot of people fooled by hamas will be marching out there tomorrow. >> steve: right. people forget ayaan, the whole goal of a lot of people is to wipe israel off the map completely, kill them all, get rid of them. maybe people just don't quite remember that part. they know, yeah, october 7th. i think that was propaganda. people are being told. we are in complete coal day or two with israel. yet his progressive flank, they're the ones who are supporting all of these pro-palestinian groups. >> i very of joe biden the way he left afghanistan. i complement him for the position they have taken. very strong model position in support of israel. and i think by extension true palestinians. yeah the track party is divided. the younger generation has gone woke and progressive. and they have been fooled by hamas in disguise. they have been told that they are marching for the rights of palestinians and for the rights of palestinians but they are not in oonkts these people are marching to obliterate israel off the map. when you hear cease-fire, but you what it translates into is let israel stop fighting for itself let hamas regroup and let hamas come back and do what hamas says in its charter. and that is to completely eradicate and obliterate israel off the map. >> steve: right, exactly. so you see what is happening here in the united states particularly on college campuses. i spoke to a young woman who got a master's degree from stanford. she is very upset with stanford not coming out to completely condemn what hamas did to the israelis. here she is wednesday on this program, listen to this. >> very best friends at one point told me that she really hoped to become a suicide bomber. this is how terrorists are being made. they are not being made in some dungeon in afghanistan. and when we see these kind of calls on campus for inat this fad da, these are calls for violence. some people on campus came from brainwashed from a very young age to hate jews. >> steve: that's an important point, ayaan, one of hers best friends wants to be a suicide bomber. when you grow up in certain parts of this world you are raised to want to kill jewish people. >> absolutely. when i joined the muslim brotherhood as a teenager we were taught that the biggest enemy to islam they are the jews. it's the state of israel. we believed in it. we prayed for it. and sophia, the student whom you just showed, she really has a point in saying people are not being radicalized in dungeons in afghanistan. they are being radicalized in our ivory towers. some of them are radicalized and some of them are fooled because this woke revolution that's underway in universities in america has given hamas and allies, islamist allies of hamas an opening to radicalize to fool and to disassemble and to lie and to put their cause forward and their cause is to eradicate, to obliterate the state of israel. and to kill jews. let's just state it as plainly as possible. that is what they want. and if you are out in washington, d.c., or any of the other cities, thinking that you are demonstrating for the hamas -- for the palestinian people, you are lying to yourself. you are not. >> steve: great point. ayaan, thank you very much for joining us today. >> thank you. >> steve: all right. you bet. coming up on the top of the hour, shortly governor glenn youngkin of the commonwealth of virginia is going to join us live. first, sam bankman-fried guilty of fraud. the founder -- crypto guy as he could face 110 years behind bars. that story up next. ♪ the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. 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( ♪ ) >> ainsley: fox news alert. fires are burning in the west bank as major protest erupting in that area. >> brian: jonathan hunt is live in that area. >> jonathan: protesters on their way here. we are in the center of ramallah. they are moving to the edge of ramallah. we can show you that the initial protests have set fires down in front of us there. those are tires, which is one thing they frequently do to send smoke up. look further to the right there, those buildings in front of us, that is idf headquarters here. right behind that, in fact, is one of the jewish settlements that sit on the edge of ramallah. what we expect the hundreds of protesters to do, come down to where you are seeing the fires burning and traditionally they gather in front of us and begin throwing stones toward any soldiers coming from the base or outside the base. passions run high here after friday, but in the wake of what happened since october 7, palestinians we have spoken to are furious. if you put to them the barrity and horrific nature of the attack of october 7 of hamas, they say, civilians should not have been killed but believe hamas's fight is justified. we've been speaking to politically connected people that say palestinians are running out of patience with the palestinian that governs in ramallah and the west bank. if there was an election held now they believe that hamas would win it. just imagine how frighten a prospect that is for anyone in israel. we're being told by people that know the situation that islamic jihad is gaining strength, too, in the further part of the west bank around cities like janine. last night nine palestinians were killed in issue clas with the idf. that is here in the west bank. we are waiting for what is likely to be another passion aets, possibly

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