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discussions as they're described with some of his top allies. let's discuss now more with cnn, senior political commentator, former special advisor to president obama, van jones. and cnn legal commentator and former for trump white house lawyer jim scholtz, van guys, good morning. let me start with you first van. what do you think biden needs to do first and foremost, in this debate? >> well, i mean, if you're joe biden, you've got a hill to climb here the reality is he is behind in most polls. the momentum is not with him yet. and so i think you've got to reassure the american people that he is the commander in chief, and that he has commanded the situation when it comes, especially to the economy that's where he is struggling the most. and so number one, the contrast is going to be very clear joe biden's going to have a lot of facts and expect donald trump to have a lot of insults. so you already know that's already kinda baked in the entertainment factor is going to be on the other side. but for americans who are looking for help we're looking for hope, who want to understand how's my life going to get better? i think joe biden has a case to make about what he's already been able to do inflation is coming down unemployment is low. the stock market is strong. prices are too high, peak focuses on that what he's doing, our prices, he at least begins to get an audience and a chance to move forward. >> yeah. jim, i mean, there's been some talk as as to whether a president biden brings up donald trump's felony conviction will donald trump bring up the hunter biden situation? what's your sense of it? how do you think he should handle that i think the answer to both of those is yes. >> absolutely. those things have been front and center in the news. i fully expect that joe biden is going to bring up that felony conviction. i fully expect the tunnel trump is going to retort with the hunter biden issues. no question about it what donald trump needs to do is focus on the fact that prices are too high focus on the fact that families are struggling focus on the things that american care about, the issues at the border which are so vitally important you have this problem with fentanyl moving its way into this country. we're seeing it even in pennsylvania, where i live, if he focuses on the issues he he could come away from this debate. even further ahead than he is now if he focuses on the nonsense, then he's gonna be in trouble. but i do think, look, he's donald trump. there's no doubt about it. he's going to take your shots. there is gonna be some entertainment value that come out of this, comes out of this, but he needs the focus on the issues because right now, joe biden is not perceived as strong and donald trump has the issues on his side for the most part what do you think about that? what should happen is these these court cases come up now? well, listen, i think it's clear. i agree 100% what was just said there's a character quiz question here. and donald trump's character is the main problem and it's not just, he's a mean guys are rude guy. it's not just that he's an insurrectionists, he is not that he is putting everything that we know and love at risk here and abroad. and joe biden has to remind people, this is not a reality tv show. this is not wrestling, this is not not this. this is literally the future of the free world on the line. and would you want somebody who would be thrown out of class as a class clown before 8:30 a.m. to be in charge of all this stuff again, we barely made it through the last time, so joe biden has to get sober. those sillier donald trump gets, the more sober biden has to get because he's appealing to a very small number of people multicolor already made up their mind. people just come in with their popcorn to see the utricle but there are people out there who really do not know how are we going to get out of this situation and biden has to focus on them like a laser. he has better ideas and a better track record across the board. he's got to be able to convey that and not get thrown off by the shenanigans in the as he would say, malarkey yeah. >> and jim, i mean, one of the things that i've been wondering about is this mic muting issue. and how trump is going to handle that because he i covered them over at the white house out on the campaign trail. i don't know. it has there ever been a time when his mic has been cut off in. a situation like this, where the stakes are this high. i suspect you'll just keep talking even if the mic has been muted i'll get a blow right through that. yeah. i think he blows right through that stop sign. right. so the more they tried to mute him, the other might michael moore might pick them up yeah. >> i said the more they tried to mute him, the more problems they're going to have, right? >> is that they tried to mute them. then he goes out and carries a message afterwards that they're trying to keep the american people from hearing what he has to say you have and what do you think well, i look in some ways, i'm glad that is mice going to be muted because we had that one, you car crash. >> if a debate where biden could barely finished acidity, biden said, oh, to just shut up. >> i mean, it was literally class clown antics so in some ways, it's good for the american people that you might actually get a chance to hear biden but the same time that debate actually helped biden a lot because you could hear what a disrespectful, unhinged mainly hag trump can be and it actually what i'm helping biden when trump was more restrained and in the next debate hey, the second debate, it actually went more to trump's favor. >> so in some ways, you're protecting the american people, but you're also in some ways giving shielding trump from himself in a way that might hurt biden. we'll see how it goes. i'm going to tell you when tropics going to talk the whole time microphone. no microphone. you could put you could put it in a trash can he's not going to be quiet so you can have two grumpy old men screaming at one another, right? and that's the american people don't want to hear that. >> they want to hear the about the issues and they don't want to hear the yelling back and forth. >> yeah, it might remind people with thanksgiving dinner, but jim, i one of the things i wanted to ask you about is, you know the lowering of expectations and the wisdom behind that, because out on the campaign trail, you know, you hear trump going after biden and his mental acuity and so on. you hear his allies on fox and other places say biden's not up to the job anymore. and so what of biden comes out and has a state of the union type performance? >> it does that make sense for trump and his allies to lower expectations that much for the president there is just so much fodder where the current president had so many missteps where he does looking competent we're he has where he has fumbled his words were he does look like the game has passed him by talking about biden or trump can fix. it no i think he talked about biden and i think i think trump's team has been seizing on that, right and i think they've been doing it effectively. >> one debate isn't going to make a difference. on that. there's just too much out there in terms of social media, the television, than any of the videos, everything that's been captured of him walking offstage, lost like that's in people's minds and they're worried about it right but. i guess my question is, you keep saying that over and over again in the president, does it do that during the debate in front of 70 million people? maybe that's rounded out such a good strategy might help. >> but i think there's just so much out there. i don't think there's any turning back on that i just wanted to the ones that i do think it's biden's advantage because they keep acting like he's going to walk out there and fall asleep or fall over and above just the fact that he's not going to do that. >> he is, he is sharp on policy the big challenge that in one sitting president has and remember, obama had that problem 2012 when you're president, you have a pretty big job every day you have a lot to do. you have a lot to manage. and most of the people who you're talking to are people who are reporting to you. it's unusual when you're pregnant or somebody come just punch you in the head and so remember the first romney obama debate and colorado, right? oh bottle he, he didn't have the moves. he didn't have that that mob and i'll leave shuffle. he wasn't really obama. he was this guy had been in the oval officer for years and ghraieb claimed his clock. now obama came back the next time it's set the record straight, but biden's got two things working against him. one is the momentum is not there with them, but also he's got a full-time job. all trump's got to do is set up in court, not fall asleep, and then go out there and say mean stuff about about biden. when you have a full-time job, as demanding as a presidency and then have to turn on a dime it's been an hour-and-a-half argument. somebody who has no. responsibilities, that is a tough mental turn for anybody, even a young guy like obama. so we're going to see, but if biden pulls that off, i think it will be impressive for that narrow. slice of people haven't already made up their mind and in van, how big of a moment is this for the president? i mean, i talked to focus the biden world democratic party and they say this is a hugely important moment for the browser this is the entire election as far as i'm concerned the entire world will be watching. there if you, if you are a carbon-based life form, you're going to be watching if you've got a functioning brainstem, you're going to be watching because if biden goes out there and messes up it's game over if he walks out there and a week later, he is lower in the polls, it's panic in the party. but if he goes in there and he can handle himself against donald trump, a runaway train, a locomotive, a raging bull, than this guy deserves another shot to be president because that is tough. you couldn't do it. i couldn't do it. if you can stand tall hello to toe with a runaway train like donald trump for an hour-and-a-half, you are fit to be president, period. point blank. this is the whole presidency in a bottle in a week a gym irena, same, same question. >> big moment for donald trump to i mean, he's been raising expectations about his debate perform prevents and then what did he has a bad night and off night? a senior moment, he needs to have a good he needs to have a good night. he has to have a good night on the policy issues. he needs to the extent he can stay out of the gutter as much as he can. because look, the issues are on his side. he has the momentum now, it's his race to lose at this point in many ways. and van is just about admitted that here, that the momentum is in his favor and he's going to have to do joe biden's going to have present biden is going to have to do something dramatic to convince people that he has the mental acuity to last for more years in that office and lead this country. all right, vantage and we'll be watching as vance, that anybody with a functioning brainstem i think is how van will put that. we'll cut that and put it in the promo that was excellent work they're there vantage and thanks very much really appreciate it. we're just one week from the first presidential debate of the year hosted by cnn. don't, don't miss president joe biden, former president donald trump, going head-to-head on june 20, seventh at 9:00 p.m. right here on cnn coming up deadly wildfires in new mexico have claimed at least two lives of hundreds of homes will take you live to the fires the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president one state i want you two very different visions for america's future that cnn, presidential debate. next thursday netted 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won't let up. it's putting around 80 million people at risk across the midwest and northeast, staying on all of this for us, cnn's rosa flores joins me live from corpus christi, texas and ed lavandera isn't lincoln county numeric mexico? rosa, to you first i mean it's pretty wild. rosa, that this storm made landfall in mexico. and yet you saw all of this flooding in parts of texas. what can you tell us? >> jim, the waters continue to rise. just look around me. you'll see in this hotel that the water has risen in the last hours. you can see those cars have several inches of rain and the building of courses on pilings, that's warmer construction in these areas because they are used to coastal waters rising, but take a look around all of the streets around us are completely inundated i can tell you about an hour and a half ago. i was i would have been standing on dry air water and look now, there's definitely multiple inches of rain then you can see that people have been trying to drive around in they have not been successful. this man in this red car is stuck now in the mud. where's this water coming from? and take a look back here. this is corpus christi bay. normally it's a beautiful beach families will be enjoying the beach right now, but instead, the bay has eaten the streets it has eaten the parking lot. i mean, this is completely inundated with water. my team and i've been here since about 5:00 a.m. this morning, we were able to drive through these waters. we can't do it anymore, but you can see as you look around i mean, all of these streets are completely flooding and water. now there's a man that's stuck in back here. i'm not sure if we can move the camera over here, but just look at those trucks trying to get access to these roads and then getting stuck and jim seems are being multiplied across the texas gulf coast. i know you showed that dramatic video from surfside beach, texas. i talked to ems there may say that they're expecting six foot swells. jim's, so just imagine those folks trying to make sure that everybody there is safe. jim, back to you that is wild. >> well, there's me a huge cleanup effort there for days to come where you are, rosa. thank you. and ed, how are things where you are well, it looks like they're starting to get the upper hand or possibly will be able to get the upper hand on this wildfire here in ruidoso, new mexico and in the coming hours, because that cloud cover you see behind me has brought a great deal of rain overnight and this morning and one local fire official says that has really helped dramatically stopping the spread of this massive wildfire near ria dosa. >> there's actually two massive wildfires that we've been reporting on since monday that have burned more than 23 thousand acres, forcing more than 8,000 people to evacuate their homes. we were in ruidoso yesterday. it's essentially a smoke-filled ghost town from what we saw yesterday. but there have also been tragic stories of two people dying trying to escape these fires. the latest were told was a victim that was found in their car, presumably trying to escape the wildfires. and we also learned about pat patrick pearson, who died because he wasn't able to evacuate. his family, said that he had recently broken his leg and wasn't able to drive. he was found near the swiss chalet, a hotel near the northern edge of ruidoso and his family talked about just how tragic and painful this moment has been for them t was trying to get away from the fire as best as he could, you but with a broken leg in a brace using a walker, you're trying to carry what you could. >> it's heartbreaking to know that he didn't make it to know that he was trying to run for his life, trying to get away from the fire gym. >> so as firefighters continue working here, the good news is that perhaps the change in the weather bringing that much-needed rain, but it's also causing other problems flash flooding and mudslides and they're making it also very dangerous for those firefighters working in the canyons in the mountainous areas where these wildfires are, jim very dangerous indeed aren't add lavender. thank you so much this morning growing outrage and promises of lawsuits after louisiana's governor signed a law requiring the tenant in commandments be displayed in every single public school classroom and the state cnn's isabelle rosaldo has, has more details on this is about what can you tell us? >> jim supporters of this new ten commandments law, they're very adamant that yes, this is a religious document, but it also has historical and legal significance here, the governor says that it will bring about respect of the rule of law and to the school system and the author of the bill saying that they need to return a moral code back into the classrooms now, critics of it opponents say it's flat-out unconstitutional a violation of the establishment clause in the constitution by essentially promoting one religion jin, over another. >> now, we did see kentucky try this a similar directive that the nation's highest court struck down saying it was unconstitutional, but that was back in 1980. and we have a very different supreme court now in play. the exact language here is mandated a specific version of the ten commandments spelled out in the bill language. it also mandates a poster-size display of the ten commandments in large, easily readable font to be displayed in all public classrooms. that's from kindergarten up until state funded universities. the republican governor jeff landry says that this is one of his favorite bills regarding education that he signed. he also says this, if you want to respect the rule of law you gotta start from the original law given, which was moses. he got his commandments from god. now, we spoke to a louisiana mom and an educator who ran for congress back in 2022. she flat out disagrees i think if a poster could cure what ails schools, that would have been done a long time ago, we all had posters up of rules. >> keep your hands and feet to yourself, respect each other be kind those things are all over the walls already and somehow we are still 47th and education and for civil groups are suing including the aclu saying that, hey, students are captive audiences here they're gonna be forced to listen to a school sponsored religious message. >> now according to this law, unless this challenge goes through, classrooms must display the ten commandments by january of next year. >> jim. >> alright, as melroy saleh's. thank you very much coming up. it appears tensions are escalating further between israel and iran-backed hezbollah will have a live report in the region, just a few months the belief that it was meant to unite the route you may be king he's coming house of the dragon streaming exclusively on macs oh, cornea zelda. >> it's gotten me. i saw them. that's what i said. >> godden and saada got got to me, juicy trains these the our adele ai and clearing the way you 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east, tensions are escalating between israel and the militant group hezbollah. the exchange of rockets across the israel-lebanon border has been intensifying in recent weeks. and just a few days ago, israel warned that a for a full-scale war could break out. now, hezbollah's leader has issued a new thread. he says that if war breaks out, he will target the european island of cyprus. >> if it aids israeli soldiers joining me now is michael oren a former israeli ambassador to the us. >> mr. ambassador thanks as always, for being with us it seems like kind of maybe an odd thing for americans to hear. and perhaps you can shed some light on this, your reaction to hezbollah threatening to attack cyprus of all places jim, it's not shocking it all hizballah is a terrorist organization, that operates around the world, operates in south america and europe. and why wouldn't attack cyprus the grounds for which hassan cerebella threatened cyprus was the specious claim that cyprus is providing electricity israel, which in fact it does not. >> and the cypriot government was very expressed by saying we don't actually do this. but this is hizballah. >> and i'm really delighted that cnn is covering this issue has been the top issue and israel now for weeks, it's about 80,000 israelis have been left homeless for more than eight months now the, tire northern part of the country has been rendered uninhabitable by his bowler rocket and drone fire. >> and about the equivalent, about 10,000 football fields of cultivable land has been set on fire by his bulla the israeli people. and the israeli government do. and i'm not a spokesman for that government, but i think that they're going under tremendous pressure to do something and do something very robust, very, very soon i was just about to ask you, what are the chances that we might see things really escalate between israel and hezbollah well, we're in this very, very difficult predicament that hizballah says it won't agree to a ceasefire, less, hamas agrees to cease fire. >> and hamas has rejected all the offers for a ceasefire. so one way to end this would be say to let israel continue putting pressure on hamas and hopefully mr. sinwar, the head of hamas, will agree so a ceasefire deal and exchange for hostages and some release of palestinian prisoners from israeli jails that would open the possibility of a ceasefire in the north america and france are trying to negotiate some type of diplomatic solution there. i can tell you what the chances for that. i was in washington last few days i didn't hear tremendous amount of optimism about that. what leverage the united states could bring to bear on his bullet to get it to withdraw under israeli fire. back to the litani river is about 13 miles one northern border. and according to a un resolution, back in 2006, hizballah was supposed to have withdrawn, but it of course, never did a very explosive situation indeed. >> and it's important that the people in united states understand that this is a, this is a conflict which is much, much bigger than the conflict in gaza hamas, it has about 15,000 rockets, about 30,000 terrorists is paula has 150 to 170,000 rockets. >> they are bigger. >> they're longer range. >> they're heavier rockets. they're very accurate. >> and his bella military forces at least 100,000 strong. >> and they've been massacring syrians for the last decade. so they're very adept at committing these atrocities. >> so it is extremely explosive situation with regional complications implications because iran get involved and pro iranian malicious in iraq, syria, and even the houthi rebels could get involved israel can be hit by rockets from from the imine on all sides. >> so it's a much, much bigger conflict and could something be done on the diplomatic front to try to head this off while the efforts to convince his bulla two, once you're two now finally, abide by the resolution 1701 of the surgery cured counsel from 2006 going back almost almost 20 years. >> and i hope that that would work the other event was to apply increasing pressure on hamas to accept that ceasefire. because that seems to be the key just sort of de-escalating the entire situation. it won't solve all the problems. many won't go back to their homes in the north knowing that his butler remains on the other side of the fence because they saw what happened in the south with hamas on the other side of the fence. so there has to be a fundamental change in that status quo ante. but certainly the first step would get hamas to agree to the ceasefire. >> and then hizballah maybe maybe would agree could cease fire as well. all right. ambassador michael oren. thanks as always, for your time this morning. we really appreciate it still ahead, quote, it's miami. that is the may a culpa rubber. travis scott just gave two police after being arrested in florida, the details next they are unpredictable sleeping giants every volcano has its own personality, or 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type two diabetes. >> us about the power of three with ozempic closed captioning bronchi by meso our firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ms ophelie oma kalisa. now today, a boeing engineers are racing to fix a series of issues on the starliner aircraft temporarily stranding two astronauts on the international space station. >> boeing now says suni williams and butch wilmore won't be able to come home until at least wednesday of next week. see you in an aerospace analysts miles of brian joins me now miles, i saw this and i i was a little concerned that maybe we're not covering this enough. what's going on here? does this jump out at you as being something pretty significant should we be worried about these two astronauts well, there's no reason to worry in the short term gym and they're fine, they're in a relative if you can say being in spaces safe, they're in a safe spot on the international space station. >> there's no particular concern that they're going to run into danger anytime soon, they're up there. there's plenty of food and provisions and everything else and accrue to support them. however, for this starliner spacecraft is really star crossed, it's had all kinds of problems. its first mission in 2019 was a complete failure. they did a redo unmanned and that good. okay. and this latest one has spent the set with all kinds of troubles most importantly, these helium leaks, the heat helium on the craft is used to pressurize the tanks filled with the rocket propellant that guides it through space. it's in the absence of gravity after do something to keep the fuel from sloshing around. and so the helium is actually very important for the safe function of the propellant system and the propulsion system. and so that those leaks have continued. and mysteriously on docking. the propulsion system just kind of shut down. they were able to reboot it and they were able to die. but so there's like this stacked up series of open questions, which tass nasa and boeing saying, let's leave them up there a little bit longer until we figure this out and we'll go from there and miles a year. >> the expert on this or forgive me if i'm a barging the question here, but there were some issues before launch and they did the launch anyway isn't that right what does that tell us? yeah, no, you got it, right? yeah. okay. they convinced themselves that they the helium leak that existed on the launch pad was within the safe margins in order to launch, if they if they decided to fix it, it would have severely delayed the lodge because they would have had a roll to roll it back off the launchpad into the hanger and that takes a lot about a lot of time. there is still saying there's enough helium to get them home, or at least that was the last word we had. but as these leaks persist, they want to be doubly sure of that because if there's a failure of those thrusters on the way down, that could put the crew and great jeopardy and miles also forgive me for this question too, but the word boeing is jumping out at me. >> should it be jumping out at me given everything we've been hearing with civilian aviation, that's been going on in this country, is this in any way related or connected or maybe i'm off base there well, you know, i think jim, these are questions that are reasonable. >> this is a separate division of boeing, the space people have their own operations separate from the commercial airline or business, but ultimately yeah, the buck stops at the guy we saw in front of congress. the other degli and grilled and you have to ask the question about boeing, whether that pushed to maximize profits across the board has somehow manifested itself and cutting quarters in the space division i can't say that for certain. that can't connect the dots myself but it's something that we should take a long, hard look at. has this the woes of this troubled company extended beyond what is happening in in seattle fascinating. all right, well, we hope for the safe return of those astronauts as you were saying that they are safe where they are right now, but they're stuck in space for at least another several days miles or broaden. brian, thanks so much for your expertise. as always, we appreciate it you're. >> welcome jim. all right. good to talk to you right now. we are learning more details about the arrest of travis scott, the rapper who was booked into the miami-dade county jail following an incident at a marina. carlos suarez is in miami with the latest carlos, what's what's the latest what happened? >> well, a gym, we know that the 33-year-old, he spent the night in jail and that he was released this morning on $650 bond on charges of trespassing and disorderly intoxication. so according to the miami beach police department, scott is on a charter yacht last night when he's involved in some sort of dispute with the crew now, when the charter yacht gets back to the marina, were told that police were called out and that scott is asked by officers to leave. now the arrest report does note that officers said it was pretty clear that scott had been drinking the rapper were told that some point gets into a car and he leaves only to return a second time. and then he makes his way toward the yacht again. it's at that point that police stopped them and said, look, if you don't leave, were going to rest you, scott, he refuses to go and so he is taken into custody. now, according to the arrest form, and we're counting what happened, a police wrote that the defendant quote, later admitted that he had been drinking alcohol and stated it's miami, a source close to the wrapper noted about this entire ordeal that there was no physical altercation, but there was no additional comment from his team scott, he scored his attempt grammy nomination last year. i'll with the release of utopia and if you recall back in 2021, he was in the news as well. i'll when ten people were killed at his astroworld festival when the crowd has surged toward a stage, there. scott himself wasn't charged with wrongdoing, but he and several other organizers faced a number of wrongful death lawsuit suits and settled all of them. again, jim, the 33-year-old, spent the night in jail. he has since been released on $650 bond another incident involving a celebrity and alcohol, this time though, it was on board a chartered yacht all right. >> carlos suarez in miami for us. thanks so much, carlos. this morning. as well. something else we're following an american ballerina accused of committing treason appeared in court in russia behind closed doors earlier this year, the los angeles resident was detained while visiting her grandparents. now she stands accused of allegedly fundraising for the ukrainian military and faces 20 years in prison if convicted cnn chief global affairs correspondent matthew chance joins us live from moscow matthew, what happened in court today? >> yeah. well, extend yet. karenina is a name. she's 33 33-years-old. she's from los angeles. she was detained earlier this year, january, february. it's not clear and charged with treason. her crime she donated just over $50.50 bucks to a us based charity, which you gave money to humanitarian assistance inside ukraine. it's a sign that russia is cracking down hard on any kind of descent. remember this woman is a joint us russian citizens, and so she's being arrested as a russian. that's why she's being charged with treason and not espionage it's a sign of how hard the russians cracking down on dissent when it comes to what it calls its special military operation, it's conflict in ukraine. the fact that she's a joint us citizen as well. i mean, it can't be helping given that the relationship between moscow and washington is deteriorated to such a very large extent. in fact, critics or the kremlin have accused of gathering american citizens to use his bargaining chips in the future for a possible prisoner swap or for concessions from washington. but even though a substantial deal according to us officials on the table, nothing yet has been agreed to get americans out of jail yeah. >> matthew, did i hear you correctly? this is based on her contributing $50 it's astonishing, isn't it? >> yeah. i mean, she just had a statement from her her boyfriend who's in los angeles, said that she was just somebody who cares about humanity. she gave i think it was $51 and a few sounds that she gave to this charity and that is the basis for well, if he's convicted up to well, up to life imprisonment, she could get but we'll see and i suppose this is yet another example as to why americans, they just have to be very careful if you have an american citizenship, be very careful going into russia. probably shouldn't do it yeah, well, that's well at the state department has been warning for some time, warning of the dangers facing people from the united states. i'm quoting you got evan gershkovich, the wall street journal reporter, paul whelan, a former marine. he's in prison for espionage as well. it is a dangerous place to be if you're associated in russia with the united states all right. >> matthew chance and moscow, mathew, thanks. as always, we appreciate it coming up. how one american swimmer is making an emotional comeback and punching her ticket to the paris olympics the crown with us use at any cost i did not think they would be so eager to die house of the dragon, streaming exclusively on mac. nice to meet yet, my name is david can a pharmacist for 44 years when i have customers come in and asks for something for memory, i recommend provision. number one because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. >> and i've been taken it quite awhile myself and i know it works and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me david that really works so good for me. >> makes my day prevalent at stores everywhere without a prescription not 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two activists from the group called justice while both were arrested and the spray paint, we should note has now been removed it comes as huge crowds are expected at the monument for the northern summer solstice, just stop. >> oil wants the uk government to phase out fossil fuels by 2030. the group also made headlines last month when protesters smashed the glass, protecting the magna carta part a at the british museum in london. good to know that stonehenge has had that spray paint removed, though. i sent to all of that occurred now to an incredible comeback at the the us olympic trials, swimmer simone manuel qualified for her third olympics after being diagnosed with overtraining syndrome in 2021. now she will be going to paris with a spot on the relay team and cnn's coy wire joins us, tao coy somone face some significant challenges coming into these trials. what can you tell us? yeah, in gym every day of these us swimming trials, a record has been broken and every day we seem to have another great story like simone manuals punching their tickets of paris. >> simone touching the wall in fourth place in an absolutely stacked women's 100 meter freestyle final last night but it was good enough to clinch a spot on the four by one relay team for her third trip to the olympics manual describe wednesday as a healing night her performance captain off this incredible comeback that you mentioned, she diagnosed with that overtraining syndrome in 2021. that condition came with overwhelming exhaustion, anxiety he and depression, the five-time olympic medalists said, making the team usa this time around means everything women's when i really think about how far i've come in the mountain. >> i really had to climb. i think that i it's really important for me to look back and be proud of myself for continuing to fight through this process and believe in myself another one of these great stories 17-year-old pool prodigy, thomas hi ahmed also headed to the city of lights and the men's 200 meter butterfly. >> the virginia native finished first in the final and will make his olympic debut. he turned 17 in february, is the youngest male swimmer to qualify for the us olympic team since 2000. that's when 15-year-old michael phelps and a 17-year-old, erin pearsall, competed in the sydney gains all right. meantime, katie ledecky dominating in her signature event, the 1,500 liter free in the final had the 19th fast this time in history, jim, the only 18 faster times than that all the decade. it my the end of the raci at a 20 advantage or a second place finisher katie grimes thank you already finished on top and indy in the 203 and 400 free, the stanford grad will look to add to her collection of olympic golds in paris, she won one in london, four in rio, and at a two more in tokyo those swimming trials in india there they'll run through sunday, jim, the track and field trials starting tomorrow and then the high highly anticipated and high flying gymnastics trials starting one week from today, the olympics, just 36 days away. i'm going to try not to make you jealous as i report from there with a big old chocolate croissants, my hand yeah. >> coy i'm jealous. i mean, this is this is not fair. the steak fried, the red line would be flowing if i were over there. let me tell you something what do i mean what's gonna be most exciting to you covering the games? i mean, the gymnastics are always the crown jewel at for, you know, for me personally and then you have simone biles after that episode of the twisties they were called back at the last time, the games in tokyo, she's going to make a phenomenal come back. >> so that's what i'm most looking forward to. >> well, we're all going to be cheering on the americans team usa. they're going to be doing great this time around. i'm sure of it or coy. i know you'll be there for it with croissant in hand as always, maybe a little champagne maybe. >> maybe. all right, thanks. appreciate it. and thank you for jimmy and the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta, say cnn inside politics with manu raju. today starts after a short break every beat like in america, as biden and trump meet only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access, an exclusive pre and post a beat analysis follows cnn for every countless moment followed debate night in america next thursday at 7:00 p.m. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you'd love weekend. >> some things should stand the test of time long-lasting. i leah hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to four months between treatments if you have an ion vection, i pain or redness or allergies, twilio hd. >> don't use ai injections like alia hd may cause eye infections, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye an increase in pressure has been seen there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. >> the most common side effects were blurred vision, 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Nomination , Utopia , Attempt Grammy , Astroworld Festival , 2021 , Organizers , Lawsuit , Stage , Wrongdoing , Suits , Alcohol , Celebrity , Carlos Suarez In Miami , Treason , Grandparents , Russia , Ballerina , Los Angeles , Behind Closed Doors , Karenina , Prison , Matthew Chance , Military , Moscow Matthew , Charity , Crime , 0 50 Bucks , Sign , Woman , Joint , Citizens , Assistance , Descent , Ukraine , Russians , Espionage , Citizen , Dissent , Military Operation , Relationship , Bargaining Chips , Kremlin , Nothing , Officials , Concessions , Prisoner Swap , Table , Jail Yeah , Boyfriend , Statement , Contributing , 0 , Sounds , Basis , Humanity , Life Imprisonment , 1 , 51 , Warning , Citizenship , Example , State Department , Paul Whelan , Marine , Dangers , Wall Street Journal Reporter , Evan Gershkovich , Swimmer , Use , Olympics , Comeback , Crown , Ticket , Cost , Moscow , Mathew , Nice , Pharmacist , The Dragon , Mac , My Name Is David , 44 , Memory , Prescription , Customers , Provision , Stores , Everywhere , Science , Ev , Billy The Kid , Law Doesn T , Pat Garrett , Sad , Town , Chronic Kidney Disease , Yeast Infections , Kidney Failure , Urinary Tract , Seeker , Par , Sega , Genital , Car Insurance , Sika , Disinfection , Liberty Mutual , Yep , Advantages , Stills , Sunscreen , Hurts , Sunscreen Greatness , Care , Limits , Tylenol , Buildup , Keys , Tokyo , Amazon , 79 , Protesters , Activists , Paintings , Justice , Prehistoric Monument , Stonehenge , England , Spray Paint , Crowds , Fossil Fuels , Monument , Summer Solstice , Soil , Uk , 2030 , Headlines , Glass , In London , Part A , British Museum , Magna Carta , Simone Manuel , Relay Team , Syndrome , Overtraining , Olympic Trials , Coy Wire , Swimming Trials , Trials , Challenges , Tao Coy Somone , Women , Tickets , Last Night , Trip , Captain , Condition , Overtraining Syndrome , Performance , Healing Night Her , Exhaustion , Anxiety , Depression , Team Usa , Olympic Medalists , The Mountain , Hi Ahmed , Flights , Men , Process , Pool Prodigy , Thomas , 200 , Final , Butterfly , Us Olympic Team , Debut , Native , Virginia , 2000 , Katie Ledecky , Signature Event , Gains , Erin Pearsall , Sydney , Michael Phelps , 1500 , 15 , 18 , 19 , Katie Grimes , End , Raci , Indy , 203 , 400 , Collection , Grad , Track And Field Trials Starting Tomorrow , Stanford , Sunday , Olympic Golds , Trio , India , Gymnastics , Coy I M Jealous , Chocolate Croissants , 36 , Simone Biles , Steak Fried , Games , Red Line , Crown Jewel At For , Come Back , The Americans , Twisties , Episode , Croissant , Say Cnn Inside Politics , Champagne , Jimmy , Manu Raju , Coverage , Beat Analysis , Beat , In America , Debate Night In America Next , Exclusive Pre , Sight , Test , Leah Hd , 7 , Vision , Treatments , Redness , Allergies , Twilio Hd , Ion Vection , Eye Infections , Phd , Eye , Retina , Blood Vessels , Separation , Increase , Alia , Retina Specialist , Corneal Injury , Cataract , Eye Floaters , Zelda , Potential , Carnot , Ivrea H , Store , Package Store , Shipping , Ship , Packing , Ups , Packet , Bonds , Store B Unstoppable , Corner Go To , Peace Of Mind , Confidence , Harbor Freight Greatness Hertz , Juror , 25 , Prebiotic , Boost Type Protein , Age , Blend , Fiber , Ris , The Beat , Trial Set , , Smart Board , Close Caption Amount Bronchi , Designers , Harrys Com Slash Smith , Guilt Visit Gilt Com , 70 ,

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