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and when kenya smith left the navy after 14 years, show thought that two -- she thought that two masters degrees and military experience would help her get a job. two years later she's still looking. and a special welcome to the service men and women watching on the armed forces network. thanks for joining us. we're glad you're with us. and we begin with a major storm battering the northeast. right now around two million people are without power. four states have declared emergencies. new york, new jersey, connecticut, and massachusetts. want to take a live look now at new york city, columbus circle. a very dark columbus circle. new york, by the way, did not get the worst of it. here's what it looks like in massachusetts. officials predicted that downed trees were going to be a major problem. and take a look at that -- they were right. the storm is being blamed for three deaths so far, one of them in massachusetts. a man in pennsylvania was killed when a snow-covered tree fell into his house. and a third person died while driving in connecticut. people in connecticut, by the way, who have lost power are being told it may be a while before it comes back. the governor says they've been waiting for road conditions to improve before sending out repair crews. we've already seen heavy accumulation of snow all the way from virginia and maryland up through connecticut and massachusetts. pennsylvania got socked, as well. our chad myers is in york, pennsylvania, with a look at that. good morning. how bad is it where you are? >> reporter: what happened overnight was that all of the stuff that was just slush yesterday has now frozen up. literally, what i was moving around yesterday night as slush is now one frozen solid ice chunk. as you try to get out today, you'll be moving around in this, in glare ice on every parking lot, on every sidewalk. it is going to be dangerous. something else that's going to be dangerous is the fact that two million people are without power, and they're going to try to do something to stay warm. they're going to turn on stoves and ovens and things, especially gas stoves. s and than recommended because there's carbon monoxide coming into your house. don't run generators in your garage, carbon monoxide can get into your home. gases that you can't see or smell kill you. more people typically die after the storm than during the storm. the people here are were dealing with it the best they could and made the best of it last night. >> all the weight from the snow on the trees and the ice is -- split maples and bradford pears and different trees around the house. our whole development, about 170 homes in a subdivision, completely black right now. we're out trying to get something warm and get something to eat and take something back to my wife. >> this is actually better than a month or two ago with the floods. i think that was actually worse than this. this is just unexpected. it's been since, what, '72 since we had snow in this area. it's unexpected but almost a treat, too. hopefully this is it, we're done for the rest of the season. >> lost power a couple hours ago. a lot of trees coming down. a lot of branches breaking. power lines disrupted for sure. >> reporter: i'm pretty sure you're not out of the woods for snow for the rest of the season, by the way. this is what the ice looks like on the roadways. pieces like this will be coming off cars in front of you. as the salt takes effect and makes this all into a bunch of spray on your windshield, you're going to need the washer nude in your car, underneath the hood. the blue or green washer fluid needs to be filled. i already used about 3/4 of a quart today trying to get the ice off my windshield. then the spray in front of you will make a mess as traffic goes by. if you're going to travel, maybe stay home and watch some football. >> if you're a football fan or cnn. chad, you know, it looks slushy behind you. doesn't look as bad as -- as frankly i thought it was going to get there. is it as bad as you thought it was going to get? and going forward, what's the biggest problem? >> reporter: this place had it the worst the soonest which means it didn't get to cool down quite as much. the snow -- let's go over here. probably, i don't know, eight inches on the ground yesterday. a lot of it melted because the ground was so warm. to put my hand in it now, it's probably down to three inches tops. it's frozen and will be hard to move. to move it this morning you'll have to use a lot more effort to move it off the sidewalk or driveway. the shovel's not just going to go through it like butter like it would have yesterday. up north, a little farther north, toward reading and easton, into western sections of new jersey and then into danbury, connecticut, and massachusetts, they were dealing with a higher snow amount because the storm got going more by the time it was there. this of the first place it started to, i would say, break down weather travel yesterday. the travel was just -- ugly by 5:00 or 6:00. this morning i don't see anything moving except us. >> all right. we'll check back later. chad, thank you. we're going to get a big picture look at the storm and what's next for travelers. meteorologist alexandra steele has a first look at the forecast. who got hit the hard incentive. >> he -- chad made a great point because chad got hit the hardest early on. that was central massachusetts, remember? the numbers in the end, 12, 13 inches. but who really won this end game were the berkshires. we'll talk about why and how dynamic the storm came. wind gusts were a big factor. the winner, barnstable on the cape, 76 mile-per-hour wind gusts. tuckerton shores, 54. it was a few things, of course, heavy, wet snow coupled with incredibly strong winds, especially along the coast. snowfall totals, there we are, of course, windsor, massachusetts. again, the berkshires, so western massachusetts. along that western corridor. savoy, 24 inches, peru. and north of new york city in what's called the hudson valley, duchess county, the winners -- mill brook, beautiful horse town, almost 19 inches. pines plains, 16 inches. numbers were exorbitant. here's the area the low pressure that kale developed off the dell -- that really developed off the delmarva coast yesterday. now it's going to move north and east. we'll see colder air with this behind it. the snow lingers in boston, maybe a wet inch or two this morning, but that will be done. highs today there, staying in the 40s. we're not going to see freezing, we will see melting. pretty much a fait accompli after today. temperatures stay chilly and the winds. windchills will feel much colder than this. winds today 30, 40 miles per hour. it's going to feel like 20s and thirty, not 40s out there. >> did you check on the sflafl. >> yes, i did. you travel a lot to new york. no travel troubles. looked at the faa web site, we're good to go. it is early, so we haven't seen what will develop from yesterday where new york had six to seven-hour delays and complete slagsz. we're up to -- cancelations. we're up to speed. i'll keep you posted. >> i've never been so scared to go to the airport. thank you very much. other news, and more details on a deadly suicide attack in afghanistan. at least 17 people were killed in that attack in central kabul. "the new york times" is reporting that 12 americans were killed. among them, four u.s. troops, the rest were contractors. one canadian soldier also died and four afghans, as well. ryan procter, the u.s. ambassador to afghanistan issued a statement saying, "it's a shock. it make you mad. makes me angry. we are not going to let these guys win." the taliban has taken responsibility for the attack. a warning from embattled syrian president al assad who says the west should stay out of the country's business. he says any intervention could turn into "another afghanistan or tens of afghanistans." in the interview with a british newspaper, the syrian president admitted mistakes during the several months of clashes between his government and protesters. a dead heat in the first presidential caucus state. a poll shows that iowa voters are leaning toward herman cain and mitt romney, almost a dead heat. the iowa caucuses are set for january 3. ron paul did okay in the registered poll but excelled in a straw poll of likely iowa voters. he got 82% of the national federation of republican assembly's presidential straw poll. herman cain was second at 15%. paul and rick santorum were the only candidates to show up at the event yesterday. rick perry isn't going to be skipping any debates after all. the texas governor says he's ready to take part in the next four debates in november. cnn is hosting two debates in washington, d.c., and arizona. earlier, perry had indicated he might skip some of the debates in order to spend more time with voters. america's veterans are having a rough time finding work, and the problem is even more profound for female veterans. you're going to meet someone soon who knows firsthand what that's all about. you're watching cnn sunday morning. we're back after this. ...was it something big? ...or something small? ...something old? ...or something new? ...or maybe, just maybe... it's something you haven't seen yet. the 2nd generation of intel core processors. stunning visuals, intelligent performance. this is visibly smart. exclusive to the military. and commitment is not limited to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank. from free checking to credit cards to loans, our commitment to the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. ♪ visit us online to learn what makes our bank so different. usaa. we know what it means to serve. welcome back. some protesters got more than may bargained for when they tried to take their demonstration inside the state capitol. take a look. police used pepper spray and rubber bullets to subdue protesters. more than 20 demonstrators were arrested last night. that's the scene in nashville, tennessee. state troopers there broke out the zip ties again as occupy protesters defied a mitt curfew for a third consecutive night. there were several arrests at the legislative plaza. the occupy protesters seemingly have the support of a national magistrate. he's been dismissing the arrest warrants and releasing the protesters. in oakland, california, a much larger occupy crowd turned out last night than in some of the previous demonstrations. that's the scene last night. some are suggesting it's the support of iraq war veteran scott olsen. olsen, you'll recall, suffered a cracked skull earlier this week in a faceoff against the city's riot police. and in new york city where it all began as the occupy wall street movement, demonstrators are battling more against the elements these days than they are against the police. at least for now. on friday, citing safety concerns, the city's fire department confiscated numerous gas generators used for heating. protesters, of course, are questioning the timing of all of that. one of cnn's ireporter took these pictures here as the nor'easter blew into town dropping thick, wet now is on the occupy encampment. it's unlikely that scott olsen is the only veteran of the occupy movement. one of the biggest concerns among protesters is unemployment. the jobless rate among post-9/11 vets is higher than the average in. and for female vets, even higher. cnn introduces you to one such veteran who despite her experience and education is still looking for work. >> reporter: kenya smith is a proud veteran. she spent 14 years in the navy and worked as a logistics and supply officer in iraq. >> i loved the navy. you split me open, i'm blue and gold. >> reporter: smith left the military in 2009 and is still struggling to find work. >> i didn't really know how to do a resume. i never had to do one. >> reporter: a divorced mother of two with two master's degrees, smith lost her home to foreclosure in september and now lives in transitional housing. the unemployment rate for recent veterans is higher than the average in. as many face unique challenges getting hired. sometimes after multiple deployments. >> civilians have been going to school or going for interviews, these folks have been getting shot at in iraq and afghanistan. sometimes they're not trained in how to convert raise mays from military lingo into civilian space. they need interview training. >> reporter: with a jobless rate of 14.7% in september, female veterans have fared worse than their male counterparts. some face challenges from childcare to dealing with the v.a. system that is unaccustomed to female veterans. >> a lot of people in the country don't understand our appreciate that women are in combat. i think that some folks don't understand that that's a part of our modern reality in the military. they, too, need the same sort of skills and training that their male counterparts do. >> reporter: the obama administration is trying to address the high jobless rate among vets. the president's jobs bill would give companies that hire veterans tax credits of up to $9,600. >> just think about how many veterans have led their comrades on life and death missions by the time they were 25. that's the kind of responsibility every business in america should want to take advantage of. >> reporter: but the jobs bill and other legislation that would help vets have stalled in congress. the administration has also launched a plan to allow former medics to get nursing home credited for their service. last week the president urged health centers to hire 8,000 veterans over the next three years and grants to help train vets to be physicians' assistance. smith believes her experience will eventually pay off. >> i did h.r., i ran departmentindepartment ing -- departments, i ran projects. >> reporter: something must happen soon. she and her two children must move out of transitional housing on november 11 -- veterans day. cnn, gaithersburg, maryland. it's a big royal deal in the u.k., reversing 300 years of tradition. it could begin with the duke and duchess of cambridge, the very popular william and kate. we'll explain the new rule affecting their children. what could happen when they take the throne, that's next. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. welcome back. it's a royal tradition dating back 300 years but could soon be changed in great britain if william and kate have a child, won't matter if it's a boy or girl anymore. both will have equal opportunity when it comes to taking the throne. a major reversal. three centuries in the making. what's going on and why now? richard fitzwilliams is a royal commentator and royal watcher. he joins me from london. good morning. as a woman, this is heartening news to me. tell us, we've still got one more hurdle, right? it's close, not quite official yet. give us a status report. where are we and what's going to happen? >> well, there's no doubt that over decades this has been discussed. it's ridiculous that in this century women should still be at a disadvantage. but this dates back to traditions over the centuries, and with the duke and duchess of cambridge saying they do intend to start a family, this made it urgent because previously the prince of wales, prince william, prince harry, the line of succession was clear. but what we were faced with was that if there had been a royal baby girl and then a boy, the boy would have had precedence. the male having precedence over the female is ridiculous, i'm sure you'll agree, in an age of gender equality. so what had to happen was that 15 other commonwealth countries had to be consulted by the british government. and when these countries have ratified the new law of royal succession, then the male and female children will be equal. this puts britain boldly into line with sweden, with norway, with the netherlands and with belgium and also with contemporary thought. >> let's be honest here, of course, you know, they had been talking about and have been talking about having a family. so as you said, even though it's been talked about for decades, it suddenly became an urgent matter. but it's also become an urgent matter because the public adores william and kate. i mean, let's be honest. isn't that part of it, as well? >> oh, yes. there's no question about that. and people i think would be very upset if there was, as i say, a girl and then subsequently a boy and there's -- a clear matter that there would be discrimination. as for example, there's also the intention to make sure that a member of the royal family -- this, too just announced -- would be able to marry a catholic. this dates back for legislation centuries ago which was very anti-catholic. and the situation is that an heir that the british throne could marry a jew, a sikh, hindu, but not a catholic. so long as there's a link to the supreme church of england and remains a protestant this, too, will change. i've emphasized that both changes will seem to listeners and viewers to be long overdue. that's absolutely right. it's not the palace that's been dragging its feet. it's the politicians. this has been discussed for decades. it's a matter of putting it into effect. >> richard fitzwilliams, thank you for breaking it down for us. i love talking with you. thank you very much. tens of thousands in perth, australia, showed up to get a glimpse of queen elizabeth at the big aussie barbecue on saturday. the event marked the end of a brief but busy visit down under with a number of people thinking this might be the queen's last visit there as head of state. despite occupy protests in perth and melbourne, crowds of young and old greeted her with plenty of enthusiasm. it's a blacklist that anyone would be honored to be on. find out what it is when we come back. and chantix worked for me. it's a medication i could take and still smoke, while it built up in my system. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix when you're a sports photographer, things can get out of control pretty quickly. so i like control in the rest of my life... especially my finances. that's why i have slate, with blueprint. i can create my own plan to pay down large purchases faster... or avoid interest on everyday items. that saves me money. with slate from chase, i'm always in control. financially, anyway. get slate with blueprint and save money. call 855-get-slate today. 25 minutes after the hour. welcome back. typically no one want to be blacklisted, but that isn't the case with the black list. a new exhibit in washington featuring portraits and interviews from 50 african-americans who have left a lasting mark on the world. take a look. >> i'm chris rock. >> susan rice. >> tyler perry. >> it's been achievement. it's about people who have done something extraordinary. >> the governor of massachusetts. >> reproductive endocrinologist -- >> composer, rapper, actor. >> unemployed. >> the black list was a way to take my portraits and bring them to life. >> i tell my students i expect for them to change the world. >> to have them like talking portraits. >> not just be the best surgeon but actually change the world. >> that's what i wanted to do. it's not about what they're wearing, not about anything, it's about the face. it's about the person. >> the black list is something that's considered negative. shining the light on positive african-american, i couldn't be more proud to be a part this group. >> this list is not just about the people photographed but the symbolic meaning of their lives. >> maybe with my background of what i've done in fashion and what i've done socially, i think that it was interesting to kind of throw me in the mix. >> you need to have someone like susan lori parks and majora carter, who's an environmentalist and activist to give a range of accomplishment. >> i'm probably one of the least well-known people in this list. it does show that there are people that you may never hear of. but still play an incredible role and have such an impact on how our lives as americans are lived. >> there are 50 portraits. there should be 100, should there be 10,000, of course. and there are a million stories. >> including whoopi goldberg's. you can see the exhibit in washington through april 22. i'm going to see it myself. coming up, an entire airline is grounded. the ceo ordering all planes parked. so why? and how is this affecting travelers? we'll tell you. or creates another laptop bag or hires another employee, it's not just good for business. it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $7.8 billion to small businesses across the country so far this year. because the more we help them, the more we help make opportunity possible. no, i wouldn't use that single miles credit card. nice ring. knock it off. ignore him. with the capital one venture card you earn... double miles on every purchase. 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[♪...] >> announcer: now get a $250 airfare credit, plus save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. certain restrictions apply. welcome back, everybody, i'm alina cho. t.j. holmes is off today. it's 30 minutes past the hour. checking our top stories -- a sudden october snowstorm hammering the northeast. four states have declared emergencies. new york, new jersey, connecticut, and massachusetts. three storm-related deaths have been reported including an 84-year-old man who died when a tree fell on to his home in pennsylvania. right now, around two million people are without power. the bad weather is making it tough for protesters with the occupy wall street movement. take a look at these pictures from a cnn ireporter. that's the park where the movement began. thick, wet snow everywhere. friday the city's fire department confiscated numerous propane tanks and generators citing safety concerns. protesters question the timing. want to talk more about the rare october nor'easter, who got hit the hardest and what's next in terms of cleanup and travel. meteorologist alexandra steele is here with more on that. if you want to light a fire, stay inside, don't go anywhere, the berkshires is the place to be, right? >> that's right because you're not going to have any power. the berkshires were really the hardest hit. good morning, everyone. maybe you're waking up without power in the northeast and new england, really unprecedented, incredible event on so many fronts, historic and record-breaking. take a look. let's show you the snowfall totals. windsor, massachusetts, savoy, massachusetts, of course western massachusetts in the berkshires getting hit the hardest. that's what the low "meteorologically" bombed out. the pressure got so low. then we talk good and had thunder snow. what's thunder snow? i'll tell you in a sec. peru, pine plains, millbrook, elevation there, that's where the catskill mountains are, 17, 18 inches. thunder snow is a thunderstorm with thunder and lightning and snow is coming down. here's the scenario -- usually when you look up and see towering thunderstorm clouds but you see snow they're flat clouds. what can happen is a bump can develop in those flat clouds, about above 5,000 feet. it's called a turret or bump. those bumps have vigorous upward movement similar to a thunderstorm and creates invection. at one point we had three and four inches an hour in the northeast, especially areas like connecticut and massachusetts. that's where this bombed out. right now and through the day, the area of low pressure, nor'easter, pushes neither and east. boston may be seeing a few snow showers. for the most part cooler air behind it and very strong winds today. who temperatures will be in the 40s. above freezing, we will see melting. with those winds it's going to feel a lot cooler. it will feel like 20s and 30s. very strong winds today, gusting in the 20s and 30s and 40 mile-per-hour gusts coupled with the 40-degree temperatures, it will feel a lot colder, but it will be a dry day with lots of sunshine. we'll talk about what's happen for the next few days and the country as well on this sunday. >> all right. what a difference a day makes. thank you very much. all planes in the qantas airline fleet are grounded today, the result of an ongoing dispute between management and worker over pay and possible plans to outsource some jobs. the australian airline's chief executive decided to ground planes and will lock out all workers involved beginning monday. the drastic move has stranded tens of thousands of passengers. now anyone who has tickets on the qantas plane are being told not to bother going to the airport until further notice. qantas says they'll offer refunds or rebook flights when the planes get back in the air. around 600 flights have been canceled so far. what a mess. cracked windshield forced an airtran plane to make an emergency landing in billings, montana. this a look. you see it highlighted. the flight was headed from milwaukee to seattle. the airline sent another plane to pick up the 124 stranded passengers. scary moments there. no word yet on any injuries. the republican presidential candidates have an eye on iowa. the first in the nation caucus state will be very busy this week with campaigns rolling through. we'll check out the week ahead in politics next. 36 minutes after the hour. to politics now and a dead heat in the first presidential caucus state. a new poll from "the des moines register" shows that iowa voters are leaning toward herman cain and mitt romney. it looks like a dead heat. cain holds a slight 1% lead, well within the margin of error. the iowa caucuses set for january 3. ron paul did okay in the poll but excelled in a straw poll of likely iowa voters. that may be because he showed up yesterday. he got 82% in the national federation of republican assembly's presidential straw poll. herman cain was second at 15%. paul and rick santorum were the only candidates to show up at the iowa event on saturday. rick perry isn't going to be skipping any debates after all. the texas governor says he's ready to take part in the next four debates in november. cnn is hosting two of those debates in washington, d.c., and arizona. earlier, perry had indicated he might skip some of the debates in order to spend more time with voters. iowa is the center of the political universe this week. the first in the nation caucus state will play host to most of the candidates. cnn deputy political director paul steinhauser takes a look at the week ahead in politics. >> reporter: hey, good morning. you know, most of the republican presidential candidates will spend much of this week in iowa, the first state to vote in the primary and caucus calendar. on tap, a forum moderated by iowa's republican governor on tuesday, and a gop party dinner on friday night. the next day, two of the candidates, former godfather's pizza ceo herman cain, and former house speaker newt gingrich, face off in a debate in texas organized by a tea party group. >> paul, thanks. one man in india with 39 wives and close to 100 children. we've just described what some are calling the world's largest family. and you'll meet them after the break. i'm your blind spot. 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"i believe god chose us to be like this. those who are born into this family, they don't want to leave, and they follow this tradition. so we just keep growing and growing," he says. this is the nerve center of the household, the outdoor slaughtering and barbecue area. the family indulges in meat three times a week. and for every non-vegetarian meal, 30 chickens are plucked and one joint pig is roasted. add in carbohydrates, 25 kilos of rice, and 40 kilos of potatoes are required for every meal. dinnertime is an efficient exercise. without much fuss, some women of the house cook while others set the table. still others clean. and ziona remains the all-powerful patriarch. he first got married when he was 17. "i loved him so i married him," she says. "he treats us all with so much love," she says. his oldest wife is 70, and the youngest is 31. ziona's father founded this christian sect in the village promoting polygamy as god's will. "i never wanted to get married, but that's the path god has chosen for me," he says, "it's not my wish to keep marrying again and again." with a following of 400 families, ziona is the caretaker of the south reliance sect. they raise their own livestock and grow their own crops while children go to a nearby school. everyone seems to get along. do you fight amongst your siblings? >> never. >> reporter: no fighting? >> no fighting. >> reporter: india is set to overtake china as the world's most populist nation by 2030. but crowding and crumbling infrastructure in india's booming cities doesn't seem to phase ziona and his family. does it ever feel crowded? "since we're used to living in a big family, when we go outside, we feel very lonely," he says. the family is listed in the "guinness book of world records," because ziona doesn't want to be named. but the family may not be isolated that much longer. reporting from india. >> that is an unbelievable story. nadia, we're not going to talk about the world's largest family. we are going to talk about -- with all the talk in great britain with them changing the rules with respect to succession and now it won't matter if william or kate has a boy or girl, each will have an equal opportunity when it comes to ascending the throne. but in india, they have a tradition that's not so positive, not so great in terms of naming girls, right? >> you said, you asked earlier, why would certain people -- i do want to emphasize it's certain because hindus in general actually revere their girls because the goddess and many other goddesses are highly revered and are female goddesses. but there are many girls that are named unwanted which is nakusha or nakushe. there was a ceremony where the girls literally called unwanted underwent a ceremony where they for the first time were given the name of their choice. can you imagine that? being called unwanted because they were exactly that. you asked me, why were they unwanted. they were unwanted because the parents or the grandparents in most cases wanted to have boy grandchildren. here you see the women and the ceremony -- >> some are adult. >> exactly. the ceremony that took place was mainly girls, between 13 and 15 years old. and these girls for the first time, you're seeing them, and there are their name certificates. >> how awful that they have to live -- >> they have to live with the name unwanted. nakusha or nakushi. one girl tells the story that her grandfather named her unwanted. and she is calling herself ashmita which means strong one. >> good for her. >> many of the girls have chosen the name ashwari after the beautiful bali actress. i wanted to show pictures of her. who wouldn't want to be called her. >> call me that. >> exactly. and we'll get to what alena means in a moment. reality is the gender gap in india, particularly in the satara region, has grown. in india there are 9,000 or so girls to every 1,000 boys. >> wow. >> in this particular region, there are around 8,000 girls -- 800 girls to every 1,000 boys. so the gender gap in this particular region is even greater. hence the importance of having this ceremony in the satara region. but reality is when you think about your name and what it actually means for you, i looked up the name alena. >> you know, i don't know what it means. i can't believe i don't. >> all the meanings for alena in all the aramaic, it's noble, kind, and bearer of light. >> wow, that's good. at least it's positive. >> exactly. all are beautiful. all beautiful. and my name, nadia, comes from russian which means hope. if you think about -- >> fantastic. >> but if you think of what a name gives -- for the first time in india, these girls, these 285 girls, go from being unwanted to having a name. but i do, again, want to emphasize not all hindus don't revere their girls. >> right. but the fact that it's happening at all -- i hope they change that. i hope it doesn't happen ever again. anyway -- >> and hopefully -- >> thank you for bringing that to light. >> and the reality is hospitals in india no longer allow you to have a scan and have a sex-selective abortion. you can't do that. so the idea is when you have the scan, doctor are not allowed to tell you whether you're having a girl or boy. but the sonars are so sophisticated now that you can usually tell. so sex-selective abortions are still taking place. certainly a step in the right direction. let's hope that young ashmita has a very wonderful life. so noble one, thank you. >> thank you. >> enjoy the rest of your day. >> woman of hope. nadia, thank you very much. coming up, for a lot of folks, october is pumpkin season. and few people know how to carve one better than two guys in a basement in brooklyn. we'll show you how they work their magic next. to bring you ad medicare prescription drug plan. ♪ with the lowest national plan premium... ♪ ...and copays as low as one dollar... ♪ ...saving on medicare prescriptions is easy. ♪ so you're free to focus on the things that really matter. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. or go to for details. the new spark card from capital one. spark miles gives me the most rewards of any small business credit card. the spark card earns double miles... so we really had to up our game. with spark, the boss earns double miles on every purchase, every day. that's setting the bar pretty high. owning my own business has never been more rewarding. coming through! [ male announcer ] introducing spark the small business credit cards from capital one. get more by choosing unlimited double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. what's in your wallet? consumers er wanchai ferry orange chicken... over p.f. chang's home menu orange chicken women men and uh pandas... elbows mmm [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry, try it yourself. at bank of america, we're lending and investing in communities across the country, from helping to revitalize a neighborhood in brooklyn to financing industries that are creating jobs in boston or providing funding for the expansion of a local business serving a diverse seattle community and supporting training programs for tomorrow's workforce in los angeles. because the more we can do in local neighborhoods and communities, the more we can help make opportunity possible. i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. we all know how popular halloween costumes are for the kids. and the kids in all of us. what about your four-legged best friend? here's a look at that their year's top five costumes for pets according to the national retail federation. at number five, cat. number four, bee. number three, this made me scratch my head a little bit, hot dog. two, devil. and number one, pumpkin. speaking of pumpkins, brooklyn's mark and chris are professional artists all career long. when halloween rolls around, their fingers work with renewed passion to turn pumpkins into works of art. take a look and listen. a finalist is pretty diverse. we have done everything from the new york yankees and the new york jets to "glamor" magazine, "interview" magazine. >> down to weddings, birthday parties. we do promotions. >> you need to have a lot of concentration, a lot of focus, a lot of patience. while you're working, we're using very sharp tools. and one slip could be the end of the season for us. >> mark maniac, master pumpkin carver. >> i'm chris maniac, pumpkin smith extraordinaire. >> we're the maniac carvers. >> started carving for fun. we were working at bars and restaurant. and carving for friends and pretty soon it got pretty popular. and we were carving full time for two months out of the year. >> it's going to be a birdhouse carved into a pumpkin. >> last night we were carving until 7:00 a.m. which is kind of unusual for this time of year -- is usual for this time of year. the carving itself can take between one hour and six hours. >> it depends on the complexity of the designs and how much caffeine we've had. >> sometimes we only do a couple pumpkins in a night. sometimes we do 20, 30, 40 pumpkins in a night. >> part of the fun for me is really seeing what can be done in pumpkin because it is this new medium. we're constantly finding new things and pushing the envelope. >> creating a work of art in a pumpkin, it's just a very rewarding experience. you're creating something that is ephemeral and temporary and is all about the now. >> we like to think of it almost like ice sculpture. from the moment you start cutting into it, the clock is ticking on how long that pumpkin is going to last. >> looks good. >> our pumpkins start at $150 and go upwards of $350 if it's a portrait or intricate design, a larger pumpkin. it's a lot of time that goes into each one. and each pumpkin is a work of art that leaves the studio. >> how cool. you know, the president and the first lady welcome children to the white house for halloween. take a look -- eager little trick-or-treaters ignored the cold weather and marched right in to pick up some candy. yes, there were sweets, and they included signature boxes of white house m & ms. how cool is that? and they were there. remember the first lady is pushing that healthy eating campaign. let's move. the president had joked with jay leno that in order to avoid any halloween mischief she may want to hand out more than just raisins. boy, does it look cool in there. we understand the president and first lady a bit better based on what's inside the white house trick-or-treat bags. according to, you can. the candy you give says something about the kind of person you are. so if you give out sweettarts or anything that isn't chocolate, you're said to be into halloween and you want folks to think you're whacky or crazy. how about candy corn? way too into halloween. not smart according to why? it gets sticky and clumps at the bottom of the trick-or-treat bag. tootsie rolls, simple, classic, cool, stylish. if you give out full-sized candy bars, not just the mini ones, apparently you're an annoying showoff who needs everyone's approval. how about planning the ultimate halloween experience for your kids from the palm of your hand, from picking out costumes, choosing candy, even keeping tabs on where your kids go trick-or-treating. we've got you covered. here's cnn's karen kaifa. >> reporter: trick or tweet. your halloween planning gets a high-tech twist with your smart phone. let little ones participate in the pumpkin carving process minus the mess and the danger. the carve-it app for iphone and ipad lets kids of all ages put a happy, scary, or sneaky smirk on a pumpkin and light it up. the 3d app for iphone and ipad takes it a few steps further, letting creative fan add different faces, hats, and halloween garb, even ghosts and music for a spookier mood. planning a big bash? the halloween planner app for android has your checklist covered with reminders about everything from shopping for trick-or-treaters to your cobweb and spider decorations. if you're undecided on what you and the kids should wear, the halloween costume's fashion fun app lets you scroll through hundreds of suggestions and order them directly from your mobile device. >> trick-or-treat! >> reporter: when the kids are dressed and ready to head out, keep tabs on them using the trick or tracker app for android. the gps function also alerts parents if kids go beyond designated boundaries in the neighborhood. as long as kids have their smartphones on them. cnn, washington. we'll be back in a moment. your top stories after the break. rare and magical fruit, which provided for their every financial need. 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>> reporter: it's still cold and things certainly aren't melting. now i know how they do the moonwalk on the tv shows, the "dancing with the stars." if you ice it down, you can't move it all. it's really hard to break this ice on the ground. that's exactly what you're going to see if you want to look at that car back there, that's been encased. hard to walk here. encased in ice all night. if you're going to have -- try to get out, it may take you a good half-hour just to clear your car off. that's how rough it's been all night. we still have a bunch of people here without power. and a lot of people were spending the night at our hotel because they didn't want their kids sleeping in a cold house. that's probably the biggest rub -- not so much that it's dark, that it's cold. the furnaces won't run because the power is not there to use the blower, even if the gas is running, the blower won't push the heat back into your house. not only two million people without power, two million households without heat. they are either going to families, going to neighbors, or like in the case here, all going to the hotels. they were filling up last night with a line to get in the hotel at 11:00 at night when we were checking in at 11:00 in the morning, we were about the only people in the whole place. so kind of a change in strategy here. people trying to stay warm. the deal is today, maybe wait for the sun to come out. it will warm up. we will probably get to 40 degrees today. trying to get out right now, you're going to be into this black ice. it's everywhere. you may not see it. you drive through it. put your brakes on. there's no chance for you to stop. wait a couple hours, the black ice melts, and you'll be a lot safer. >> so i see that there are a few cars out there this morning. obviously a function of it being just a little bit later in the morning than an hour ago, chad. so how are people handling the weather? have you talkeded to some of the people out there? >> reporter: you know, this is costing money. and there are a couple families, they were in our hotel. i looked at them yesterday and said, what is this costing you? he said, dude, i paid $149 for the hotel and now $3 for a bottle of water. i don't have that extra cash but i can't leave my three kids in a cold house that's going to get to 40 degrees tonight. this is money that i wanted to save for christmas and here i am spending it on a hotel that i really didn't need. the issue is last night when we were going to bed, calling and getting on the scanners about when these power lines are going to come up, the power crews were saying, we don't even have an eta. don't tell people anything. we have no idea. there are so many lanes down. we're not talking about hundred, we're talking about thousands of power lines down. incidents that every line would have to go back up on the pole to get power back to one or two customers. if you're the one or two without power, you are not a priority. they are going to put the power up to lines and get lines up that might get 100 people back to power. not the one or two. if you're one or two, you're way down the priority system at this point. >> well, and chad -- let's -- >> see this car -- crunching, yeah. >> let's remind our viewers, i mean, because this snoercwstorm happened in october, so early on, leaves were on the trees. and that's part of why so many are without power now, right? >> reporter: that's exactly right. this is very heavy snow. i can go down and pick up a piece of what's -- break this off. this is what it looked like even before it froze up yesterday. it's heavy. when it hits the ground, it doesn't really want to break. it's still a big chunk. this has a lot of water content in it. water's heavy. this water was topping right on top of all the leaves on all the branches of the trees. even pine trees were coming down, as well. not just the maples and oaks. and especially the bradford pears. i'm not sure there's going to be a bradford pear in this town after this because they split down the middle and all broke. it's the weight of the snow and water in the snow bringing down the branches because the leaves were there. now that the leaves are gone in many spots, you know, november to december, they're always gone, this is not a problem. the water and the snow falls off. yesterday the snow didn't fall off. it got heavier and heavier. branches came down and so did the power lines. >> all right, chad myers. i know you're working with my good friend, adam reece, my good friend. tell him hello and stay warm and your photographer, too. thank you very much. >> you should send me some designer -- >> what's that? what did you say? >> reporter: he said you should send me some french designer to make me nice and warm clothes. you know all the french designers -- >> i know why he's saying that. he was my producer in paris. for my fashion special. i don't appreciate that. >> reporter: that's right. >> all right. chad myers, thanks. adam reece, thank you. we want to talk now about that nor'easter. you know, who got hit the hardest, what's next in terms of cleanup and travel. alexandra steele has more on that. and we talked about the berkshires just getting socked. you know, this power outage situation is a real, real problem. two million people without power. and as you heard chad say, no telling when they're going to get their power back on there. >> right. it is incredibly widespread. the calling card this storm definitely. we talk good this yesterday -- before these power outages occurred, one -- the incredible storm totals, isolated some, 26 inches. also the widespread power outages. that may rival any in the history we've ever seen. two million without power. and of course because the full foliage, the weight of these heavy, wet snow, a meteorologist friend in the field said it was like waffles falling down. that's kind of how big and fat and heavy the snow was. so snowfall totals, certainly the calling card. record-breaking on so many fronts. the greatest snowfall totals for a day, for a month. we'll talk about that. 26 inches. this is windsor, massachusetts, western massachusetts in the berkshires. of course the elevation from the mountains, as well. peru, massachusetts, melbrook, new york, and north of new york in the beautiful hudson valley. elevation, as well, duchess county. 17.9, 16 inches, remarkable on so many fronts. the big cities, hartford, if you saw pictures from hartford, the images of these fat flakes. looked as though someone was dumping snow on the anchors and meteorologists out there. and we had a lot of thunder snow. we'll talk about why we saw that. shattering old records. central park from the 1800s has kept records. they have never, ever, ever had one inch of snow in october let alone 2.9. philadelphia, .3 inch. thunder snow. that's why we've seen such incredible totals. what is it? it's a snowstorm with thunder and lightning coupled with it. you can hear it. and what happens is usually when you look up and when the snow's coming down, the clouds are kind of flat. unlike the tall thunderstorm clouds in the summer that you see. so these flat snows develop little -- flat clouds develop little bumps or what we call turrets. the bumps rise above that snow cloud by about 5,000 feet or so. they have vigorous upward motion, create a ton of convection, and dump the snow down. prolific snowfall numbers you usually see. we'll talk more about that and is it over? for the most part it is, we'll timeline it and talk about the country coming up. back to you. >> all right. thank you very much. the snow and rain dampened the occupy wall street encampment in lower manhattan. but not the protesters' spirit. want to take a live look at scrzuccotti park in we can. looking live at new york city, lower manhattan and zuccotti park. pretty quiet there. people in their tents. it appears it did not, as i said, dampen their spirit. here's susan candiotti. no rain, no snow, ain't no way we're going to go. >> reporter: despite the conditions, the chant is "in the snow, in the street, occupy wall street." they're marching in this sleet. it's rough out here. [ chanting ] >> reporter: you spent the night sneer. >> yeah, i've been here 20 days. >> reporter: what was it like all night? >> it was freezing cold all night. terrible. >> reporter: how did you manage to stay warm? >> had to kind of huddle together and try to keep our body heat together and stay warm that way. >> reporter: the obvious question is, how can you bear this? >> i don't know. it's just for the cause i suppose. >> reporter: how long do you think you can stand these conditions? >> until something gets resolved in washington. >> reporter: who knows when that's going to be? >> that's true. >> reporter: it could be a long, hard winter. >> that's correct. >> reporter: walking through the park here, it is filled with tent. over here, you've got the place that's always had everyone serving food. they've got -- >> we're trying to get bananas -- >> reporter: fresh fruit. the shipment of bananas to hand out. is this your tent? >> yeah. >> reporter: can you show us? >> everything's folded up, but you're more than welcome to come in. >> reporter: let's take a quick look. you're prepared to stick this out through the winter? >> yep. >> reporter: why? >> it's worth it. i'm so passionate. it's worth it. it's worth it. i'm ready to see change. >> occupy protesters in denver got much more than they bargained for had they tried to take their demonstration inside the state capitol. take a look. [ crowd noise ] >> police used pepper spray and rubb eber bullets. more than 20 demonstrators were arrested last night. in oakland, california, much larger occupy crowd turned out last night than some of the previous demonstrations. some are suggesting it's in support of iraq war veteran school olsen. you'll recall that olsen suffered a cracked skull earlier this week in a faceoff against city police. to politics now and a dead heat in the first presidential caucus state. a new poll from "the des moines register" shows that iowa voters are leaning toward herman cain and mitt romney for the republican nomination. basically a dead heat. cain does hold a slight 1% lead. that's well within the margin of error. the iowa caucuses are set for january 3. [ applause ] ron paul did okay in the poll but excelled in a straw poll of likely iowa voters. and that's likely because he showed up to this event. he got 82% in the national federation of republican assembly's presidential straw poll. herman cain was second at 15%. paul and rick santorum, by the way, were the only candidates to show up in des moines on saturday. it started with a book drive in her front yard. now a california teen is getting a big award for making sure thousands of kids in africa have books to read. she's the winner of what's known as the nobel prize for children. and i'll talk with this extraordinary 16-year-old when we come back. every time a local business opens its doors or creates another laptop bag or hires another employee, it's not just good for business. it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $7.8 billion to small businesses across the country so far this year. because the more we help them, the more we help make opportunity possible. spark card from capital one. spark cash gives me the most rewards of any small business credit card. it's hard for my crew to keep up with 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. 2% cash back. that's setting the bar pretty high. thanks to spark, owning my own business has never been more rewarding. 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[ man ] you have one new message. [ mom ] hi scooter. this is mommy. the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. the vegetables are cut nice and thick... you were always good at cutting your vegetables. and it's got tender white-meat chicken... the way i always made it for you. oh, one more thing honey... those pj's you like, the ones with the feet, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. welcome back. her compassion for others has put a california teenager in the spotlight. tatjana grossman has won the world award, the so-called me to bell prize for children for her work in bringing thousands of books to children in africa. she joins me from new york, tatjana or tati as she's known. it's great to see you. i can't wait to meet you wednesday at the gala. full disclosure, i've been the emcee for four years now so i'm completely biased. what i know is that world of children really does honor the best of the best of people who help children around the world. tell me about your program and what do you do? >> well, i started an organization called spread the words that works to increase early literacy in africa by -- through book drives and starting library in africa. more recently actually i have started a digital projector initiative that loads pages of material on to a projector to send to classrooms all over africa. >> that's amazing. you know, i think what people will find so remarkable, among many other things, is the fact that you're just 16 years old. really this started when you were about to turn 13. you were at the dinner table with your family. and you thought to yourself, hey, at age 13, maybe i'll start to think about how i'm going to help others, right? what came next? >> well, yeah. i started off as a young girl who just loved to read. i loved to read more than anything else. and i still do. and it just led to another -- my parent and i decided that it was time for me to help the world. and i knew exactly what i was going do. i -- when i learned that kids in africa didn't have books to read and that as a result they were iliteral, i was stunned. -- iliterate, i was stunned, and i knew i could help. when i was 12, i set up a book drive in front of the children's library in my town. and i just set it up for ten days, and by the end of that time period, i got 3,500 books, enough to start three libraries in africa. >> that's amazing. >> it's amazing. >> let me ask, you were just 12, 13 years old. what was it inside of you that gave you the courage to do this? i mean, this was something -- you could have been doing anything. you didn't have to do this. >> well, i -- i just was so inspired by the people in my community, and i was just -- it just broke my heart to see that these kids who i knew could just have an equal chance as i did, they didn't have the materials to do it with. and i could send -- i had so many books around me. i knew i could send them this. and it -- i was shy, but yeah -- >> tell me about the reaction. we're looking at video. and we've seen the photos of you actually there in africa. how many times have you been? >> i've only been one. but when i went, they were so overjoyed. and they were so happy that i sent the books. and they were just telling pea what they read and their favorite stories. and now what they wanted to be when they grew up. because they were inspired by the books that i sent. and i saw the books and the only books that they had were the books i had sent. they had no books other than that. and it -- it was awe-striking. >> i have to say, i spoke to the people at world of children last night. i know you think you're getting a $25,000 reward. guess what -- due to the generosity of donors and the board, i'm here to tell you you're going to get $30,000. so how do you feel about that and what are you going to do with the money? >> oh, my -- well -- well, i know -- >> isn't that great? >> yeah. i was intentionally -- i was intending to spend it on my digital projector initiative which i -- as i said before, was -- i'm going to load material on to it and send it to classrooms all over africa. now i can afford many more. right now i just have money for one. and with this money, i can use around 50 actually. it's wonderful. >> wow. tati grossman, it has been my honor to speak to you. i can't wait to see you on wednesday. and of course, hello it my friends harry and kaye liebovitz, founders of world of children. thank you. >> thank you. >> see you soon. coming up, a football player overcomes the odds by staying on the sidelines. we'll tell you about eric lagrand's emotional return to the rutgers football team. [ male announcer ] imagine facing the day with less chronic low back pain. imagine living your life with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a non-narcotic treatment that's fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing of the skin or eyes. talk with your doctor about your medicines, including those for migraine, or if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles, to address a possible life-threatening condition. tell your doctor about alcohol use, liver disease, and before you reduce or stop taking cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. side effects include nausea, dry mouth, and constipation. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. ♪ and the flowers and the trees ♪ ♪ all laugh when you walk by ♪ and the neighbors' kids run and hide ♪ deep inside you, there's a person who refuses to be kept deep inside you. ♪ but you're not ♪ you're the one be true to yourself. what's healthier than that? consumers er wanchai ferry orange chicken... over p.f. chang's home menu orange chicken women men and uh pandas... elbows mmm [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry, try it yourself. 23 minutes after the hour. we want to talk about that rare october nor'easter. where is the storm right now? meteorologist alexondsera steele has more on the cnn severe weather center. is this a distant memory? >> it's a distant memory for the most part. it is still bringing snow flurries this morning to bangor, maine, lewiston, maine, portland. it will zip out rapidly. but the remnant effect today will be some gusty winds. temperatures, too, about 40 degrees. melting will occur when the sun comes out. it's going to -- the windchill will feel cooler than that. you see by tonight it's well off the coast. highs today, 43 in albany. 42 in boston. for the most part, above freezing for sure. again, with those strong cold northwesterly winds, it will feel a lot colder than that. a big picture. hey, we turn our attention elsewhere, that is good news. the storm is winding down. the southeast high pressure in control, ample sunshine. but windy and cool there, as well. about ten degrees cooler than last week. some rain showers coming to the pacific northwest. sunny and warm right there in the southwest. again, here's where the snow will hold on for a little bit longer. then we're going to see it wind down within the next couple of hours. >> all right. thank you very much. >> sure. checking stories across the country -- from south florida, here's something you don't see every day. a state trooper in a high-speed pursuit of a police officer. this happened three weeks ago on the florida turnpike after a 12-mile chase. state trooper d.j. watts arrested miami police officer fausto lopez at gunpoint. what happened? the miami cop was allegedly driving up to 120 miles per hour so he could get to his off-duty job. he's charged with second-degree reckless driving. daredevil motorcyclist robby knievel, mission accomplished after making a jump over ten cars in california. he's the son of evil kneel. he said he was -- evil knievel, but said he is okay. and high emotion yet in new jersey. the rutgers university football team welcomed back eric lagrand. he was paralyzed last september after making a tackle. this was his first time back with the team leading them on the field against west virginia. they lost to the visiting mountaineers 41-31 in the final. an early snowstorm has knocked out power for parts of the northeast. two million people in all. we'll have that, plus a look at the top stories right after this short break. [ chuckles ] you think that is some information i would have liked to know? i like tacos. you invited eric? i thought eric gave you the creeps. [ phone buzzes ] oh. [ chuckles ] yeah. hey. [ male announcer ] don't be left behind. get it faster with 4g. at&t. ♪ at&t. when you're a sports photographer, things can get out of control pretty quickly. so i like control in the rest of my life... especially my finances. that's why i have slate, with blueprint. i can create my own plan to pay down large purchases faster... or avoid interest on everyday items. that saves me money. with slate from chase, i'm always in control. financially, anyway. get slate with blueprint and save money. call 855-get-slate today. and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. exclusive to the military. and commitment is not limited to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank. from free checking to credit cards to loans, our commitment to the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. ♪ visit us online to learn what makes our bank so different. usaa. we know what it means to serve. top stories now. a rare october nor'easter for much of the northeastern u.s. three people have died in the storm. as many as two million are without power. utility crews say it could be a while before it comes back. across the country, police are continuing to clash with protests of the occupy movement. the latest flashpoint was outside of the colorado state capitol in denver. riot police used pepper spray on protester. 20 were arrested. 90 minutes ago, a russian supply spaceship headed to the international space station. it was the first soyuz launch since a similar launch failed in august. thank you very much for joining us on cnn sunday morning. much more at the top of the hour. first,

Related Keywords

Travelers , U S , Afghanistan , Ambassador , Troops , Words , Suicide Bomb Attack , Central Kabul , Kenya Smith , Women , Navy , Job , Military Experience , Men , Welcome , Armed Forces Network , 14 , Two , Power , The Storm , People , Look , New York , States , Central Massachusetts , Connecticut , New Jersey , Northeast , Emergencies , Thanks , Two Million , Four , Way , Trees , Problem , Officials , Worst , Columbus Circle , Dark Columbus Circle , You Re The One , Person , Tree , Oman , House , Deaths , Pennsylvania , Driving , The Way , Three , One , Wet Snow , Governor , Being , Road Conditions , Crews , Accumulation , Maryland , Virginia , Reporter , All Of Us , Stuff , Slush , Myers , Sidewalk , Parking Lot , Glare Ice , Chunk , Something , Things , Fact , Something Else , Stoves , Gas Stoves , Ovens , Home , Carbon Monoxide , Gases , Smell , Garage , Don T Run , Ice , Best , Weight , Pears , Split Maples , Wife , Subdivision , Development , 170 , Area , Floods , 72 , Lot , Rest , Season , Power Lines , This Is It , Treat , Branches , Out Of The Woods , Sure , Windshield , Front , Spray , Effect , Cars , Salt , Pieces , Looks , Roadways , Bunch , Wall , Washer , Car , Hood , Fluid , 3 4 , Doesn T , Cnn , Mess , Traffic , Chad , Football , Football Fan , Gas , Place , Soonest , Forward , It , Ground , Hand , Let S Go , Don T Know , Eight , North , Effort , Driveway , Sections , Shovel , Up North , Butter , Reading , Easton , Weather , Travel , Snow Amount , Danbury , Anything , Meteorologist Alexandra Steele , Picture , 6 , 5 , 00 , Numbers , Point , Berkshires , Forecast , Incentive , The End , End Game , 13 , 12 , Winner , Wind Gusts , Factor , Barnstable , The Cape , Tuckerton Shores , 54 , 76 , Course , Snow , Peru , Snowfall Totals , Winds , Western Massachusetts , Heavy , Windsor , Coast , Western Corridor , Savoy , 24 , Winners , Duchess County , Horse , Town , Hudson Valley , Pines Plains , Mill Brook , 16 , 19 , Pressure , Least , Dell , Hair , Boston , Kale , Delmarva Coast Yesterday , Temperatures , Melting , Highs , Freezing , Morning , Windchills , Fait Accompli , 40 , Yes , Travel Troubles , Web Site , Sflafl , Faa , 20 , Thirty , 30 , We Haven T , Airport , Speed , Delays , Slagsz , Cancelations , Six , Seven , Reporting , News , Attack , Details , Contractors , The New York Times , Suicide Attack , 17 , Guys , Statement Saying , Soldier , Shock , Afghans , To Afghanistan , Canadian , Ryan Procter , Business , Country , Al Assad , Responsibility , Intervention , West , Warning , Syrian , Tens Of Afghanistans , Taliban , Protesters , President , Heat , Interview , Government , Newspaper , Clashes , Mistakes , British , Voters , Iowa , Herman Cain , Poll , Caucuses , Presidential Caucus State , Mitt Romney , Straw Poll , National Retail Federation , Republican Assembly , Ron Paul , 3 , January 3 , 82 , 15 , Part , Debates , Candidates , Event , Isn T , Rick Perry , Rick Santorum , Texas , Some , Veterans , Order , Work , Washington D C , Arizona , Someone , Sunday Morning , Generation , Processors , Haven T , Intel Core , 2 , Military , Commitment , Nation , Exclusive , Military Oath , Values , Set , Performance , Visuals , Families , Credit Cards , Ones , Checking , Equal , Loans , Bank , Usaa Bank , Capitol , Take A Look , Police , Pepper Spray , Demonstration , May , Last Night , Demonstrators , Bullets , State Troopers , Scene , Zip Ties , Nashville , Tennessee , Support , Arrests , Magistrate , Mitt Curfew , Plaza , Demonstrations , Crowd , Scott Olsen , Iraq War Veteran , California , Oakland , Arrest Warrants , Face Off , The City , Occupy Wall Street Movement , Riot Police , Skull , Elements , Pictures , Safety Concerns , Timing , Gas Generators , Cheating , Fire Department , On Friday , Ireporter , Veteran , October Nor Easter , Rate , Encampment , Unemployment , Concerns , Town Dropping Thick , Occupy Movement , 9 11 , Vets , Experience , Education , Supply Officer , Gold , Logistics , Iraq , 2009 , Devil , Housing , Mother , Unemployment Rate , Resume , Foreclosure , Master S Degrees , Folks , Interviews , Civilians , Challenges , Deployments , Shot , Counterparts , Training , Childcare , Civilian Space , Military Lingo , Raise Mays , 14 7 , Reality , Don T , System , Combat , Skills , Sort , Jobs Bill , Administration , Companies , Tax Credits , Obama , 9600 , 600 , Kind , Legislation , Emissions , Comrades , Advantage , Life And Death , 25 , Plan , Migrants , Health Centers , Medics , Train Vets , Service , Congress , 8000 , Children , Departments , Projects , Physicians , Assistance , H R , Departmentindepartment Ing , Tradition , Duke , Deal , Veterans Day , Royal , U K , Gaithersburg , 300 , November 11 , 11 , Announcer , Throne , Wanchai Ferry Orange Chicken , William And Kate , Consumers Er , Rule , Duchess Of Cambridge , Elbows Mmm , Orange Chicken Women Men , Menu , Chang , Back Pain , Wanchai Ferry , P F , Uh Pandas , Cymbalta , Life , Spain , Treatment , Osteoarthritis Pain , Fda , Mood , Doctor , Changes , Behavior , Thoughts , Suicide , Teens , Maois , Adults , Antidepressants , Thioridazine , 18 , Skin , Medicines , Abdominal Pain , Blood Thinners , Glaucoma , Liver Problems , Signs , Nsaid Pain Relievers , Aspirin , Risk , Fatal , Eyes , Yellowing , Migraine , Side Effects , Nausea , Constipation , Dry Mouth , Condition , Dizziness , Alcohol Use , Muscles , Confusion , Liver Disease , Fainting , Standing , Fever , Trial Offer , Cymbalta Com , Tradition Dating , Matter , Girl , Boy , Opportunity , Child , What S Going On , Reversal , Both , Making , Richard Fitzwilliams , Woman , Commentator , Watcher , Hurdle , London , No Doubt , Status , Report , Traditions , Duchess , Disadvantage , Cambridge , Family , Line , Succession , Harry , Baby Girl , Prince William , Prince Of Wales , Countries , Precedence , Commonwealth , Age , Gender Equality , Female , Royal Succession , Law , British Government , Netherlands , Sweden , Norway , Belgium , Question , Public , Intention , Royal Family , Discrimination , Example , Member , Hindu , Catholic , Situation , Jew , Sikh , Listeners , Link , This , Supreme Church Of England , Feet , Viewers , Palace , Politicians , Visit , Down Under , Glimpse , Perth , Big Aussie Barbecue On Saturday , Australia , Tens Of Thousands , Queen Elizabeth , Number , Protests , Queen , Anyone , Crowds , Blacklist , Head Of State , Enthusiasm , Plenty , Melbourne , Chantix , Medication , Smoking , Surge , Smoke , History , Hostility , Actions , Agitation , Depression , Symptoms , Heart , Mental Health Problems , Blood Vessel Problems , Help , Caution , Heart Attack , Trouble Sleeping , Cheering , Sons , Operating , Machinery , Dreams , Squad , Inspiration , Slate , Control , Blueprint , Finances , Purchases , Sports Photographer , Money , Save , Interest , Items , Chase , 855 Get Slate , 855 , Case , Want , The Black List , World , Exhibit , Portraits , African Americans , Mark , Achievement , Chris Rock , Tyler Perry , Susan Rice , 50 , Composer , Rapper , Reproductive Endocrinologist , Unemployed , Students , Surgeon , List , Flight , Face , I Couldn T , Texas Organized By A Tea Party , Background , Lives , Throw , Meaning , Fashion , Mix , Show , Activist , Accomplishment , Environmentalist , Susan Lori Parks , Orange , Majora Carter , Impact , Role , 100 , Stories , Australian Airline , Coming Up , Whoopi Goldberg , A Million , April 22 , 10000 , 22 , Planes , Laptop Bag , Employee , Ceo , Communities , Businesses , Community , Bank Of America , 8 Billion , 7 8 Billion , More , Credit Card , Venture Card , Capital One , Ring , Purchase , Miles , 3d , Prep School , Half , Plaid Tie , Larry , Sharon , Wallet , Uh Huh , Gonna , Deductible , Bad News , Insurance , Uhh , Side , Nationwide , Safe Driving , Coffee , Zero , Airfare Credit , 250 , Restrictions , Sandals , 1 , 800 , 1 800 Sandals , 65 , Holmes , Alina Cho , T J , Everybody , Welcome Back , Snowstorm Hammering , 84 , Movement , Everywhere , Park , Cnn Ireporter , Generators , Propane Tanks , Hardest , Terms , Cleanup , Fire , Stay Inside , Don T Go Anywhere , Everyone , Fronts , Hit , New England , Low , Meteorologically , Thunder Snow , Elevation , Pine Plains , Sec , Lightning , Thunder , Thunderstorm , Thunderstorm Clouds , Scenario , Catskill Mountains , Clouds , Bump , Bumps , Flat Clouds , Turret , 5000 , Areas , Invection , Nor Easter , Snow Showers , Gusting In The 20s And 30s , Cooler , Gusts , Lots , Result , Sunshine , Management , Dispute , Qantas Airline Fleet , Workers , Jobs , Plans , Move , Worker , Pay , Chief Executive , Plane , Qantas , Passengers , Flights , Tickets , Notice , Refunds , Billings , Emergency Landing , Seattle , Montana , Airtran , 124 , Nation Caucus State , Word , Campaigns , Eye , Injuries , Politics , Des Moines Register , 36 , Lead , Margin , Terror , Paul Steinhauser , Center , Universe , Host , Most , Caucus , The First State , Calendar , Tap , Forum , Friday Night , Party , Debate , On Tuesday , Newt Gingrich , House Speaker , Godfather S Pizza , Break , India , Wives , Blind Spot , Humming , 39 , Price , Screaming , Car Insurance , Crash , Tires Screech , Events , Allstate Agent , Preparation , Call , Mayhem , Dennis , Emily , Somewhere , Eventuality , Living , Raymond James Financial Advisor , Advisor , Restaurants , Raymond James , Wendy S , 187 , 165 , Engineers , Lighting , Financing , Junior Stay , Capital , Banking , Energy Use , Customers , Ge Capital , Ways , Points , Bankers , Knowledge , Junior , Builders , Human Capital , Earning Loads , Direction , Perspective , Bridge , Weather Balloon , Story , Citi Thankyou , Premier , Point Caps , Thankyoucard Citi Com , Households , Milestone , World Population , China , Seven Billion , Army , Workers Chopping , Roasting , Plucking , Son , Grandchild , Military Canteen , 26th Wife , One Man , Zeona , 26 , Grandchildren , Biggest , Family Members , 160 , 35 , 86 , Village , Population Counts , Northeastern Indian State , Mansion , Residents , 69 , One Million , Nerve Center , Household , Leave , Growing , God , Times , Meat , Meal , Kilos , Chickens , Add , Barbecue Area , Carbohydrates , Pig , Slaughtering , Others , Exercise , Table , Ziona , Potatoes , Fuss , Dinnertime , House Cook , Patriarch , Love , 70 , Father , Christian Sect , Polygamy , Wish , Path , God S Will , 31 , Caretaker , Livestock , School , Following , Crops , Again And , South Reliance Sect , 400 , Fighting , Siblings , Infrastructure , Populist , 2030 , Cities , Guinness Book Of World Records , Ziona Doesn T Want , Nadia , Respect , Rules , Talk , Kate , Naming Girls , Peach , Girls , Goddesses , Hindus , Goddess , Name , Ceremony , Time , Nakusha , Choice , Nakushe , Parents , Grandparents , Boy Grandchildren , Cases , Adult , Grandfather , Name Certificates , Nakushi , Many , Beautiful Bali Actress , Ashwari , Region , Gender Gap , Alena , Wouldn T Want , Satara , Who , Boys , 9000 , 1000 , Meanings , Importance , Hope , Bearer , Russian , Noble , Aramaic , Wow , Hindus Don T Revere , 285 , Scan , Hospitals , Idea , Abortions , Step , Sonars , Sex Selective Abortion , Let , Young Ashmita , Prescription Drug Plan , Magic , Medicare , Basement , Brooklyn , Prescriptions , Copays , Call Humana , 4003 , One Dollar , 808 , 1 800 808 4003 , Spark Card , Small Business , Rewards , Spark , Bar , Boss , Game , Cash , Neighborhood , Investing , Workforce , Training Programs , Business Serving , Industries , Expansion , Funding , Los Angeles , Neighborhoods , Brakes , Back On The Road , Pricing , Kids , Costumes , Best Friend , Halloween Costumes , Pets , Five , Pumpkin , Bit , Pumpkins , Cat , Head , Bee , Hot Dog , Number One , Artists , Career , Passion , Works Of Art , Fingers , Everything , Magazine , Finalist , Birthday Parties , Promotions , Weddings , Glamor , New York Yankees , New York Jets , End , Concentration , Slip , Tools , Patience , Master Pumpkin Carver , Mark Maniac , Focus , Carving , Fun , Restaurant , Maniac Carvers , Friends , Bars , Chris Maniac , Pumpkin Smith Extraordinaire , Birdhouse , 7 , Couple Pumpkins , Designs , Complexity , Caffeine , Work Of Art , Medium , Envelope , Clock , Ice Sculpture , Portrait , Ticking , Design , 150 , 350 , First Lady , Studio , Treaters , White House , Candy , Campaign , Sweets , Signature Boxes , Ms , Eating , Raisins , Halloween Mischief , Bags , Let S Move , Jay Leno , Candy Corn , Gawker Com , Crazy , Isn T Chocolate , Cool , Bag , Bottom , Halloween , Clumps , Simple , Candy Bars , Classic , Stylish , Tootsie Rolls , Tabs , Halloween Experience , Showoff , Palm , Approval , Halloween Planning , Trick Or Treating , Pumpkin Carving Process , Smart Phone , Twist , Karen Kaifa , Trick Or Tweet , App , Ipad , Danger , Wages , Happy , Iphone , Sneaky Smirk , Faces , Halloween Planner , Steps , Checklist , Fan Add , Music , Hats , Ghosts , Bash , Shopping , Reminders , Android , Halloween Garb , Halloween Costume S Fashion Fun , Trick Or Treat , Mobile Device , Cobweb , Spider , Suggestions , Hundreds , Decorations , Trick , Gps Function , Tracker , Boundaries , Smartphones , Fruit , Need , Thunder Crashing , Thunder Rumbling , Last , Blink Of An Eye , Unthinkable , Expenses , Fore , Ink Customers , Small Business Card , Expense , Save Time , Anywhere , Innovation , Sink , Cnn Center , Sunday October 30 , Storm , What S Next , Occupy Wall Street Protests , Snow Tober , Couple , Nobel Prize , Philanthropy , Guess What , Chad Myers , West Virginia , Dancing With The Stars , Tv Shows , Aren T Melting , Hotel , Rub , Cold , Furnaces , Running , Blower , Won T Run , Neighbors , Hotels , Change , Black Ice , Strategy , Sun , Chance , Function , Safer , Black Ice Melts , Water , Bottle , 49 , , 149 , Scanners , Issue , Bed , Meta , Saying , Thousands , Opole , Incidents , People Anything , Lines , Priority , Priority System , Crunching , Leaves , Snoercwstorm , Piece , Coming Down , Top , Pine Trees , Water Content , Oaks , Bradford , Bradford Pear , Spots , Broke , Adam Reece , Snow Didn T , Heavier , Designer , Designers , Photographer , Clothes , French , That S Right , Producer , Fashion Special , Paris , Real , Power Outage Situation , Calling Card , Power Outages , Telling , Say , Storm Totals , Meteorologist Friend , Foliage , Field , Falling Down , Fat , Beautiful Hudson Valley , Mountains , Melbrook , Images , Anchors , Hartford , Fat Flakes , 17 9 , Records , Meteorologists , Central Park , 1800 , Snowstorm , Totals , Philadelphia , 2 9 , Flat Snows , Turrets , Flat , Summer , Snow Cloud , Snowfall Numbers , Convection , Ton , Motion , Ain T , Spirit , Scrzuccotti Park , Lower Manhattan , Tents , Susan Candiotti , Zuccotti Park , Conditions , Chant , Chanting , Sleet , The Street , Body Heat , Stay , Night Sneer , Huddle , Terrible , I Don T Know , Cause , Tent , Everyone Serving Food , Hard Winter , Bananas , Cup , Winter , Shipment , Fresh Fruit , In Denver , Yep , Crowd Noise , Colorado State Capitol , Rubb Eber , Olsen , School Olsen , City Police , Nomination , Applause , Teen , Book Drive , Africa , Award , Yard , On Saturday , Des Moines , Books , Doors , Cash Back , Crew , Guy , Cat Meows , Okay Ks , Acoustic Guitar Pop , Discounts , Chimes , Whistles , Overactive Bladder , Pipes , Coverage , Agent , Visit Travelers Com , Quote , 800 My Coverage , Vesicare , Care , Bladder , Muscle , Glaucoma Problems , Trouble , Reactions , Urges , Tongue , Lips , Throat , Swelling , Stomach , Emergency Help , Vision , Constipated , Tasks , Indigestion , Message , Mommy , Chicken Noodle , Mom , Progresso , Hi Scooter , Vegetables , Chicken , Thing Honey , Pairs , Got Tender White , Pj , Hockey Game Last Night , Soup , Tatjana Grossman , Me To Bell Prize , Compassion , Teenager , Spotlight , Disclosure , Gala , Program , Organization , Spread , Emcee , Projector , Library , Literacy , Book Drives , Initiative , Classrooms , Material , Pages , Dinner Table , Kids In Africa Didn T Have Books , Another , Parent , Children S Library In My Town , Iliteral , Iliterate , Libraries , 3500 , Ten , Courage , Materials , Photos , Reaction , Yeah , Video , Pea , Awe Striking , Generosity , Reward , Board , Donors , 25000 , 30000 , 0000 , My , Honor , Founders , Tati Grossman , Friends Harry , Kaye Liebovitz , Eric Lagrand , Sidelines , Football Player , Odds , Return , Rutgers Football Team , Flowers , Laugh , Meteorologist Alexondsera Steele , 23 , Memory , Weather Center , Portland , Maine , Lewiston , Bangor , Windchill , Highs Today , The Sun Comes Out , 43 , 42 , High Pressure , Elsewhere , Attention , Southwest , Pacific Northwest , Rain Showers , State Trooper , Police Officer , Checking Stories , Pursuit , South Florida , Florida Turnpike , Cop , D J , Miami , Fausto Lopez , Gunpoint , Watts , 120 , Robby Knievel , Reckless Driving , Jump , Mission , Daredevil Motorcyclist , Evil , Emotion , Evil Knievel , Rutgers University , Team , Final , Tackle , Mountaineers , 41 , Chuckles , Parts , Tacos , Information , Phone Buzzes , Creeps , 4g , At T , Left Behind , 4 , Cholesterol , Cereal , Yummy , Goats , Wrong Didn T , Taste , Grain , Honey Nut Cheerios , Utility Crews , Flashpoint , 90 , Food , Sentence , Homes , I Don T Think Skinny , Adjective , Sunday , Pleasure , Mario Bitally , Launch , Space Station , On Cnn Sunday Morning , First , Supply Spaceship , Soyuz , August ,

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