Transcripts For MSNBC Deadline White House 20240709

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disgraced expresident who is still lie being the fact that he lost the 2020 election fair and square. that disgraced expresident now passes his days trying to stymy the bipartisan impression into the worst attack on congress in centuries, one that of course happened on his watch, and that he encited. his push to stonewall the january 6th select committee hit another roadblock last night, though, when a judge rejected his request to top his records from being sent to the committee for the third time in two days. the committee's investigation is playing out even as the domestic extremist threat to congress and congress members remains. as the dhs notes in its latest bulletin made public yesterday foreign and domestic threat actors have called for violence against elected officials, political representatives, government facilities, law enforcement, religious communities, or commercial facilities, and perceived ideological opponents. this threat is embouldenned and empowered by a right wing disinformation machine that includes members of congress, people like arizona republican paul go sar whose post depicting the murder of democrat congresswoman ocasio cortez was called for send sewer from one party, the democratic party. it also includes right wing media networks who glorify vigilantes and supply a steady supply of toxic stew of grievance and violent rhetoric. watch. >> let me tell you something laura and everyone watching. the revolution has begun. a silent revolution, by the democratic party and joe biden to take over this country. >> when leaders refuse to hold themselves accountable over time people revolt. that happens. >> what. >> referee: -- what are the consequences for traitors who meddled with our sacred democratic process and tried to steal power by taking away the voices of the american people? what happens to them well, in the past, america had a very good solution for dealing with such traitors. execution. >> yeah. that's what they are watching. that's what they are eating. right wing radicalization is colliding with the proliferation of guns in america. case in point, an october 25th event in idaho by a protrump group, turning point u.s.a. n one which one attendee said this to activist charlie kirk. >> when do we get to use the guns? i'm not -- that's not a joke. i am not saying it like that. i mean literally where is the wlin? >> where is the line, charlie? at that event importantly charlie kirk rejected that man's call for violence. glad he did. they did say it putting it like this, quote, it would play into all their plans. a stunning snapshot of a cynical and radicalized slice of the right in america. bull work puts it like this in a piece today, quote, america has a rapidly growing authoritarian army comprised of thousands of men like that fellow in idaho. they been groomed by act lights such as kirk and banno. they have also been -- by the gun industry meaning they are well armed. what we are seeing is nothing less than the normalization of early stage authoritarianism. trump adviser steve bannon recently dragged about developing more than 20,000 shock troops for the next election. we have been seeing these troops in action in isolated incidents for to your years. they are asking right now, quote, when can we use the guns. folks, the lights are still flashing red. america's gun crisis and the threat of domestic violent extremism is where we start this hour. ben rhodes is here, former national security adviser to president obama and a msnbc contributor. also joining us, shannon watts, and congressman jason crowe of colorado is here. congressman ko is a former army ranger and ran al qaeda and afghanistan war veteran and members of the armed services committee. congressman, we start with you. charlie hines said on this program yesterday he's afraid someone is going to get shot. >> he is right. that's a great real danger. we have already crossed the line. if january 6th wasn't a wakeup call for this country about the dangers of extremism i don't know what is. the problem is we have this perfect storm developing of right wing media, normalization by high level elected officials both current and former, the legitimatization of it. then add to that easy access to firearms. this is a very, very dangerous mix of things going on here. and we have to be vigilant as a democracy about the danger of extremism. it is not going away and we have to address it head on. >> shannon, i want to show you a statistic that blew my mind, even sort of covering these events every day. i hadn't focused on this, i guess n a while. there are 400 million firearms in the united states, 23 million guns were sold in 2020. that's up 10 million from 2019. that's reporting in the "new york times." covid crisis, i think, ushered in a lot of thing. one of them is the acceleration of the arming of america. >> yeah. that's absolutely right. i mean, in many ways, gun violence is an epidemic within a pandemic. our volunteers have been ringing the alarm on this crisis now nearly nine years. when we started this activism an the sandy hook school shooting we were often surrounds of the at marches and rallies by men armed with semiautomatic rifles. it was a logical conclusion they would start showing up at polling places, state houses, elected officials's homes. the nra has been stoking this racism and this paranoia in order to fund raise in order to have political power. but what has increased the the radicalization the far right and the open carry laws created by the nra it is a perfect storm. now, gun administration is a central organizing principle around extremism in this country. and i really am concerned as we look at the rallies and the marches and as you mentioned the trial of kyle rittenhouse, you know, the insurrectionists brought enough live ammunition to d.c. to shoot every member of the house and senate five times. this is a crisis in this country. >> you know, ben, every person that watches right wing media isn't armed. every person that's armed doesn't watch right wing media. but the intersection is notable. inside the intersection is -- i guess the intersection there is adjacent to this domestic terrorism threat warning that was renewed yesterday. and it names targets, government officials, public health officials, school board members. i can't to show you dhs official john cohen describing this threat environment in very much the same terms the congressman just did, a perfect storm. >> a threat environment after spending over 35 years working in this field i equate it to a perfect storm, whether it is on immigration, our respond to covid, issues of race, the role of government, the integrity of our election process, and credibility in our government, these are issues that our nation is deeply divided about. our adversaries know this and they seek to exploit those fractures in our society by spreading false narratives. public figures, whether this the media or elected officials or former elected officials, when they amplify and spread those narratives, they validate them. when they validate them, they increase the potential that an individual who is vulnerable to being influenced, to commit an act of violence will see it as a rationale for committing an act of violence. >> this is exactly what congressman hines was talking about yesterday, and what that congressman referred to, if someone unstable sees the leader of the republican party or one of his closest allies in congress, not just himself consuming media that depicts violence and then disseminating it to millions and then they see the leader of that caucus, kevin mcmar thee do nothing -- this feels like it crossed a line of what was the hallmark of the trump era, everyone looked away from everything from grab them between the legs to good people at the kkk rally. that looks ache posturing, now it is complicity, how do you see it? >> i think the way i would think about this, you mentioned in the bull work piece the normalization of this. i think we are at a more advanced stage. we have reached the stage of legitimatizeace of this stuff, certainly by right wing media. on january 6th i remember having a lot of conversations with you and others about the fact you could see what was coming the combination of delegitimizing the election and suggesting there was no norm that people should abide by in terms of challenging the results of the election led to what we saw on january 6th. and then you have the shock of january 6th or kyle rittenhouse, and then as time pass you see a post factor legitimatization of what happened. what worries me is people are pumped with this every day. what you just showed, that's benign. it is darker on the internet. if masses are consuming this stuff and the politicians are enabling it, encourage it, there is no way, et cetera not going the lead to violence. there is just no way. >> congressman, do you feel as though the environment is worse than it was on january 6th? because from the outside, that's what it looks like. >> i do feel that it is worse than january 6th. here's why. we had a opportunity after january 6th to learn from that and to take a course correction. in fact, there was a moment in some ways that only lasted a couple of hours where i thought some of my colleagues had woken up and made public statements and said enough is enough, we aren't going to put up with this anymore. that resistance has rapidly fallen off. nowth has become an emboldening moment, a legitimatizing moment, that becomes more dangerous, as it is normalized, legitimatized as the guardrails continue to fall off. at the end of the day, this is a leadership problem. we have always had extremism in america. always, since day one. we have been able to make sure it is not normalized, that it doesn't enter mainstream society. it is now changing for the first time starting from the i highest levels of our land, the highest leadership levels. it is a new and nefarious dimension i don't believe we have encountered before and we have our work cut out for news shannon, the right told a lie about january 6th at the beginning. maybe they didn't know. i will give them the benefit of the doubt, something no one there has ever given me. let's just say they didn't know, that it wasn't -- no one there was armed. that's not true, nine capitol rioters have been arrested on weapons charges. the defendants on the social media posts made clear they are enthusiastic about their own guns in their possession. this was from griffin grison's social media post in his account in the month ahead of the events included posts encouraging a civil war. let's give it to them, a war, democrats don't have guns. we do. william mccall calhoun jr. allegedly advised his followers, quote, whether the police can enforce their gun laws dplands on how many armed patriots show up. basically, we will outnumber them. joe bigs an nra member mentioned on nra website used to market their message biggs posted on line at one point encouraging his followers to get a gun, by ammo, be ready because the left isn't playing anymore, nor should we. how do you fight this with one party being named by the insurrectionists as on their side? >> well, you know, you mention the report that we did. we studied thousands of protests between 2020 and 2021. we found that -- this is no shock, armed demonstrations are six times as likely to turn violent compared to unarmed demonstrations. so when you look at potential solutions, it really is about advocating to bring down the temperature, right? there shouldn't be guns in buildings of democracy. there shouldn't be guns at protests. we should enforce the law against people who try to intimidate and silence other people with guns. then on top of that we have easy access to firearms in our country. individuals can just go on line, go into a chat room and be armed in a matter of minutes. technology creates these new opportunities for radicalization that we have to combat. at the end of the day, every pure nation has extremists only america gives them easy access to arsenals and act anything. ultimately this is about easy access to guns. that is also because we are the only nation with a gun lobby essentially writing our nation's gun laws. >> ben rhodes this is all very bleak. what opportunity do you see on the horizon to break this cycle or break this trajectory? >> unfortunately, nicole, you know, there is very little opportunity so long as we have this crisis of leadership of the american right. and really, an effort to do what's been done in a lot of other authoritarian systems, to develop an alternative civil society that is as armed that has as its purpose the intimidation of political opponents. it is not a new innovation in terms of authoritarian tactics. it is just something we haven't seen in the united states. going forward you have to try to mitigate it, i think one of the things that's challenging for dhs, representatives of the civil service and law enforcement mentality is how do you beat around the bush that a lot of the threat that they are dealing with is very tied to one political movement in this country. and i think the only way to deal with it from a security perspective is not to shy away from that reality. and frankly, to do whatever you can to mitigate the danger to people in the short-term like shannon's good suggestion about firearms in government buildings and the like. but also, buy yourself the time to limit the damage so that there can be, hopefully arc cultural shift over time, or shift in political leadership mentality. but the danger here is you have the circumstance where the profession and the governor are dealing with this because it is what they have to deal with. then you could have the republican majority return in 2022 that doesn't want the government to be doing it. then you have the bigger risk of donald trump running in 2024 and suddenly the government is run by people hostile to dealing with the threat. i think we have to sound the alarm and do whatever we can to mate gate a problem that could be with us for a long time. >> there any conversation around gun safety legislation right now? i know democrats have their plates full and that republicans are not governing in this cycle say for 13 republican colleagues on infrastructure, and a handful more in the senate. but is there any action or energy around gun safety legislation? >> there certainly is in the democratic party n the democratic caucus, in the house, in the senate. there certainly is in my community. i represent columbine families, the peter shooting. we have taken more of the brunt of the gun violence crisis here in colorado. the problem remains the filibuster, to be honest with you. over 90% of americans want common sense gun violence legislation but the civil procedure, specifically the filibuster is preventing that to happen. i am calling on colleagues to preform the filibuster so we can get common sense things done because the rule should not prevent a common sense change that a vast majority of americans continue to call for and there is a lot of energy around. >> we spend a lot of time talking about the filibuster in the context of voting rights legislation. but this is something that has been front burner for 80% of americans who would like to see the current laws changed, to do something. i was wondering what your personal feelings are about the fact that gun safety legislation isn't mentioned as often as voting rights as the reason to reform the filibuster. >> you know, i want to be clear, as the congressman said, not all gun owners are gun extremists. the vast majority are responsible, they support common sent gun laws like a backgrounds check. many of our volunteers are gun owners, their partners are gun owners. this is about restoring the responsibilities that should go along with gun rights. regardless of what happens to the filibuster our volunteers have to work within the framework that we have right now. so we have to keep electing gun sense champions. we completely changed the comments on this issue in this country. if you go back to 2008 when president obama was elected about a quarter of all democrats in this country had an a rating from the nra. today none do. that's a human change and shows that this work is working. but i want to not lose sight of the fact even though we are having success we are waiting for this cathartic moment in congress. i promise it is coming. in the meantime, this administration, the sbid en/harris administration has done more than any othered administration in our history. they have done it threw executive order ofds orders and they have invested about $5 billion in programs there will help address city gun violence. a lot is happening. we shouldn't give up hope at all. we have come a long way. but we really do need everyone's vote and voice on this issue. >> and we should pay attention to it more often. so i am grateful to all of you for starting us off on this topic. ben rhodes, shannon watts, thank you for starting off this conversation. congressman crowe is sticking around. when we come back we will talk more with him, a veteran of the wars in iraq and afghanistan reflecting on his services and on the lives of so many veterans and their families and about what washington can do to continue to honor them, every single day, not just today. plus, chris christie who allowed trump to go unchecked for many years is now taking him on, bathe him, it seems, into confrontation over how the republican party should move on without him. later in the program the fight in the classroom takes a new turn. security warnings intensifying. now there is a movement on the right to burn books. any, in 2021. all that and more when "deadline: white house" continues after a quick break. don't go anywhere. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. will is saving big, holiday shopping at amazon. so now, he's free to become, wonderland will. deck the halls with printer paper! recycled of course. president biden laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier today and delivering remarks at arlington national cemetery on this veteran's day, a day the president said is personal for him and his family acknowledging his son, beau, who served in the army and that thousands of other service members and all their families. this year with the removal of forces from afghanistan, veteran's day has taken on a new meaning for many looking to honor the veterans who played a part, and their families, in america's 20 years of war there. just last month, congressman jason crow and mike gallagher passed bipartisan to build a memorial on the national mall honoring those service members who fought in the war on terror. the bill sits waiting this the senate. crow a former army ranger said this upon the bill's passage in the house, quote, those of us who have served now the transformative power of a sacred place where the american people can come to reflect, to remember, and to heal, a permanent tribute in our nation's capitol will go a long way in honoring those who served this country over the past 20 years in iraq and afghanistan. we are back with congressman jason crow. first, i don't know how often you hear this in the hauls of congress of congress for in your grocery store but thank you for your service and for what you are trying to do for others. it has been so long. so many families have been touched, as the president talked about a good deal at the ends of the summer, there are some kids who is parents served. >> this has been a some better veteran's day for many as we ended our longest war. over 800,000 served with me in afghanistan over the 20 years. millions raised their right hand and taken the oath since 9/11 happened. there are a lot of veterans struggling with the meaning of the end of that war and the nature of their service. in fact, calls to the crisis hotline grew about 80% in the last month. so that's just indicative of the nature of what they are going through right now. i try to tell fellow veterans all the time you have to look at your individual service, you have to look at what you did, how you honorably served, the difference you made during your time in service and as you protected the man and woman to your right and to your left. and that you should always be proud of that. >> what helps? what -- how can -- i think most people want to lift up the veterans in their community. what can we do? >> i think just listen, and ask nice intentional questions. i spend about a decade as a veteran's advocate helping veterans make transitions from military to american life before i was a member of congress. i remember a story about native americans who used to welcome their warriors back from war. they would sit around and do a story telling and the warriors would tell their stories to every member of the tribe. the idea was that it was everybody's burden to bear, not just the burden of the warrior. we don't do well with that as a society. we send young men and women off to do challenging, troubling things on behalf of our country. then they come home and they have to bear that burden sometimes in silence. but they are doing that work on behalf of all of us. we need to show an interest in that. we need to ask questions. we need to more equally distribute that burden across our society. it becomes more and more important especially as fewer communities and counties contribute a greater proportion of our fighting men and women. >> tell me about the memorial. what are your hopes for passage in the senate? then what would happen next? >> we have almost 200 cosponsors in the house. it is in the house version of the national defense authorization act. we are working with our senate partners to get it in the senate vrgs of the nda as well. our hope is that we can get it into the defense budget. if we can, then we can rapidly get it approved and go through the process of citing it on the national mall and getting it designed and constructed. if we are not able to do that, then we have to go back to our stand alone legislation and go through the hearing process. obviously, our preference is that we get it through the nda process, the defense budget, because time is important here. i think one of the things we learned from the vietnam memorial is how powerful it is to build a moemplial when the veterans are still around to visit that memorial, instead of it with aing 50, 60, 70 years to build a memorial like we did with many others. having that place in our nation's most sacred national mall for our veterans to bring their families, their kids, their grandkids, the gold star families of our fallen and to tell stories and reflect and remember, is a really unique opportunity for our country to do something important here. >> as you are talk i am thinking about how pickly the pentagon was put back up. we should have built a memorial as quickly. the attacks were adjacent. i want the read something max boot wrote in line with your first point about veterans are struggling more this year than in years past. there are many failures in afghanistan that need to be judged before the court of history. but none of those failures should detract from the heroism and dedication of the ordinary americans who served on the front lines. on numerous visits to afghanistan from 2008 to 2017, i often came away uncertain whether we were winning but certain that the u.s. troops i met were a credit to their country. they were in fact the best of us. the same is true of the diplomats, aid workers, intelligence officers and other unsung heroes who served alongside the young men and women in uniform. do we not say that often enough, loudly enough, directly to them? >> i don't think we say that enough. and i couldn't agree more with max's point there. i think we -- i hope we learned that lesson after vietnam, there is a difference between the service the individual service member and the broader policies. i started my career as a private. i was a junior enlisted. started from the lowest level. i became a captain, then army ranger. now i sit on the armed services and intelligence committee helping make the policy that those privates are carrying out. i have kind of come full circle in my career. what i can tell you is that the last 20 years has a lot of elements to it, failed policy, failed leadership, not listening, not asking tough questions. a lot of things that we are going to get into from a political perspective. but the individual service of those men and women that i served with and that i knew was incredible. war is a terrible and horrific thing. and if very difficult circumstances, but you see the best of us, incredible humanity. you see flashes of humanity and justice and people trying to do great things in very difficult circumstances. that i believe is the story of our men and women over the last 20 years. >> congressman jason crow thank you for being here on a day like today and drawing our attention to what our veterans are going through. you know, you are right, we don't do that enough. we don't say what max said enough. so thank you. thank you for your service, and for talking to us about others. we are grateful. >> thank you. when we come back, there is breaking news in that fight we have been covering all week long between the january 6th select committee and the expresident. we will bring it to you after a quick break. don't go anywhere. no, he's not in his room. ♪♪ ♪♪ dad, why didn't you answer your phone? 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yep, they're on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. there is breaking news since we have been on the air in the legal fight between the january 6th committee investigating the deadly insurrection and the expresident. we have been covering this fight all week long. a federal appeals court has temporarily blocked the 1/6 committee from getting trump administration documents until donald trump's appeal company heard. arguments in that case are now set for november 30th, which means the committee will not gain access to donald trump's records until at least the 30th. and that's at the absolute earliest, and only if they prevail. in total, more than 700 documents related to the insurrection were set to be turned never to the coming days. joining our breaking news coverage, anna palmer founder of punch bowl must news and david jolly, national chairman of the serve america movement. both msnbc contributors. let me read from the post story. this is the decision that we have been covering all week long. it went before a judge three times. the appeals court has now come in and said they will hear arguments. the president's lawyer argued this, a disagreement between an incumbent president and his predecessor from a rival party -- trump has an attorney named jesse binnal who wrote that. the judge, though, made clear that executive privilege can only be invoked by the current executive. and had written before today that trump's claims were outweighed by president biden's decision not to uphold the privilege. trump retains the right to assert that his records are privileged but the incumbent president is not constitutionally obliged to honor that assertion. david yoly, your thoughts? >> -- jolly, your thoughts? >> i don't think this is too surprising in the grand scheme of the legal question involved, which is which administration owns the executive privilege? does donald trump still have some right to that or indeed following past precedent is it joe biden as the current occupant of the white house. we saw yesterday the lower court demand documents be handed over to the committee by friday. donald trump's lawyer immediately appealed that. they granted a few weeks to get their argument in. written briefings first, and then oral arguments. there is a question, i know there is strong opinion about what has been decided in the past but i think there is a question over which president owns the privilege. donald trump is making the case that the whole point of executive privilege is that a president know that they can have confidential communications without those communications ultimately seeing the light of day. that is an important question. i think the more important question for the house, though s does that privilege exist in the face of criminal activity? i think that would be an interesting pursuit of the house before the federal courts. are there communications that ultimately provide additional daylight into what we know was criminal activities? the department of justice has brought hundreds of criminal cases related to january 6th. so it could be very much more than just a debate over which administration owns the privilege, but whether that privilege can survive criminal activity -- that answer is largely no. this will go for an oral hearing on november 30th, following written hearings. however that is decided i do suspect it will go to the supreme court after that. >> anna, that has been robert costa's prediction for the trajectory for this for many days now. i want to sort of just make clear what has happened this week. this is also from the post. today's action caps days of legal drama as the case moved between federal courts in washington with the like to work to trump'sed avation if the courts don't settle the issue before november, 2022, the mid terms. let me read you the brief unsigned order today is a temporary pause in the case and does not address the underlying legal issues. the order was issued by judges millette, wilkins, and jackson, all three were nominated to the about. >> by democratic presidents and jackson is a recent nominee of president biden. what do you make of this? >> i think this is just another roadblock for the january th committee getting the information that they need to do the job at hand, which is to really investigate what happened on january 6th, the lead up to it and afterward. it's no surprise that donald trump's legal team is trying to, you know, make sure and push back as much as is absolutely possible. they were relying on executive privilege not only in this legal case but certainly in the terms of the number of former aides who have been called and decided to stonewall the committee and its investigation. clear, 700 documents would be a treasure trove of information by this committee because they haven't been able to get a lot of those, you know, interviews and investigatory tack tax that they want to do because so many people are refusing to actually cooperate. this is going to be key to them actually being able to do the work and let the people, all of us, understand, what exactly happened on january 6th, on january 5th? what did the president know? what was his, you know, relationship with a lot of these things? you know, bob costa and the post has done a lot of great reporting here about what was happening behind the scenes. i think all eyes are going to be looking to not only the november 3 hrd decision but as david rightly said, this is going to be something that goes all the way to the supreme court. >> we talked a little bit about president's legal arguments. let me read to you from the house general counsel douglass n. letter. their view is that the public weighs heavily in favor of a full prompt investigation as anna is pointing to into the violent riot by trump supporters that contributed to at least five deaths, led to assaults on neuroly 140 police officers and delayed congress's confirmation of the 2020 presidential election result. quote, our democratic institutions and a core feature of our democracy, the peaceful transfer of power are at stake letter wrote in a previous argument any delay will soarsly hinder the select committee's ability to conduct an investigation and recommend effective remedial legislation. i wonder -- look, i worked in the white house. i believe i turned over all of my emails three times when i was a white house staffer to congressman waxman is that right. one of them was enron, multiple times i turned over everything. and i wonder what has sort of happened around executive privilege. it was a blanket, like a kid at the pediatrician, you hit their knee and donald trump yelled executive privilege. it is an abuse? >> i think they are looking at it in terms of a compelling public interest. understand this news leakly stays any cooperation by those ten or 12 trump administration officials we saw subpoenaed yesterday. they will very quickly say, look, until these greater matters are resolved at the court regarding executive privilege there is no way we can cooperate with the body. i think what we also get to is this. just because the privilege exists, and even if a court says yes, it exists, doesn't mean donald trump needs to invoke it and didn't mean kalee mcunanimous me needs to invoke it. you can have a privilege that you don't invoke. the point of the filing by the house is exactly that. there is a greater public interest. there is a compelling public interest for the entire country to know who know what, when about january 6th, and did it reach the oval office of the united states? that is greater than any privilege. while there is a legal argument that is being made,s that also a moral argument, a cultural argument, a political argument that all of us in this country should absorb in this moment. we could follow this case all the way to the supreme court. the supreme court doesn't decide who is right and ong would. they decide the constitutional issue. i think the body of voters in the united states is perfectly clear who is right and wrong in this situation. yesterday it was said on the the show that it matters that the republican party has some good people in it. today new drins being drawn inside that party. a surprising break with trump among someone who was a big supporter of the expresident for a long while and is now speaking out against him, taking him on. that reporting is next. do you take aspirin? 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decision, mike, that i want to spend my time combatting the policies of joe biden and claire harris and trying to help republicans win governorships and the house and the senate in 2022. s that not an argument i will walk away from. i am not going to get into a back and forth with donald trump. but what i will say is this. when i ran for re-election in 2016, i got 60% of the vote. when he ran for re-election, he lost to joe biden. i am happy to have that comparison stand up because that's the one that really matters. >> chris christie going for the soft underbelly the size of donald trump's defeat hitting his one time political ally and buddy where it hurts and and who are probably urging the republican party to move on from that trump guy. it follows chris christie's weekend at a republican conference saying the party needs a huger candidate who is truthful, who will fight in a way that doesn't hurt their ears. no surprise, trump knew he was talking about him and lashed out at his potential 2024 rival. again, this is one of trump's one time very good friends, someone who stood by him after the "access hollywood" tape came out, someone who was his debate coach for both campaigns. chris christie was the first governor and really the first establishment figure in the republican party to endorse donald trump in 2016. he participated at the time in flouting of covid precautions, mask wearing at large gatherings until chris christie himself got covid after ascending a white house super spreader event. he spent days in the hospital and expressed remorse for doing so. he helped him prepare for 2020 debates, stood by him through absolutely everything. ugliest chapters of his presidency up until donald trump's attempt to overturn the 2020 election that he lost, which chris christie called out in real time during the insurrection, but has also described it as, quote, a national embarrassment. now the clash of the titans doesn't fall on any neat or tidy lines in the republican party, docile straight a growing split, victory of glenn youngkin. let me stipulate why this story matters. we started the hour with the story of domestic violent extremism, proliferation of guns. most are motivated by grievances associated with the right. they're mad about covid restrictions, they're mad about masks, mad about the 2020 election result. most of those people see those grievances legitimized from republican elected officials, that's why this matters. anna, what's interesting about the youngkin win, chris christie is on a book tour, he broke with trump so forcefully during the insurrection, he was one of the chief witnesses in the trial put on before the senate in that sense. but the youngkin win definitely put fuel behind this plea from christie to break up with donald trump. >> as much as former president trump likes to take credit for youngkin, he didn't come to virginia to campaign on it. youngkin didn't focus on his relationship to win over virginians. a lot of republican operatives i talked to feel like glenn youngkin is the play book for republicans to try to be able to recapture the suburbs, area they feared in light of donald trump's election and time in the white house could be lost for a generation or so, but i think it is important. it is really important to note that chris christie, glenn youngkin are very much the minority of where the passion of the republican basis which remains squarely with donald trump. you see it every day on capitol hill in terms of the loudest voices and where the real energy among the republican party is. it is not with more of the traditional establishment republicans. maybe this is the shining light for those in that lane but the vast majority of energy and attention remains with donald trump as leader of the republican party. >> david jolly. >> yeah, look anytime someone says the words he said, let's invite it. you had a group of former republicans came out against trump in real time, now you have a group of politicians trying to figure out can they be the first one out of the gate when trump is gone. i think chris christie is putting chips on the table thinking maybe donald trump is on his way out, wants to be first at the table on the way in. you're seeing it from he and nikki haley and others. i think that's what we saw from chris christie. >> i sort of made clear in the interest of disclosure why i think it matters. do you think it matters, david jolly? >> look, i think all of this matters in terms of the national conversation. we need more voices calling out donald trump. he didn't really go straight to the jugular on donald trump but what he did say is let's leave 2020 behind. i suppose that's halfway there. we want to encourage people to sneak out like that. i don't know that it matters in the broader politics. >> i want to pick up, you're right, glenn youngkin didn't break with donald trump, or disparage him, he didn't campaign arm in arm with him. he didn't run as never trumper. chris christie isn't carving out space in that lane. with the resignations and with now targeting of the republicans that voted for the infrastructure bill, is there sort of fatigue, exasperation, or unbridled enthusiasm for trump. >> you look at the lane chris christie is trying to carve out for himself, similar to glenn youngkin, little like what senate majority leader said. he doesn't want to talk donald trump. he is concerned about the midterm election and his future in terms of trying to retake the majority. when you look at the house of representatives, clearly this week on monday, tuesday, wednesday, a drum beat of what's happening with the republican party in the house, and it is vitriol like i have never seen. bashing each other, bashing democrats. i mean, the real kind of reverence of the institution, people that were part of it, is gone. the republican party now in the house really embodies that, and the fact that you don't have leaders like kevin mccarthy or others willing to take that on or punish some members, those that tweeted abhorrent video showing him killing alexandria ocasio-cortez, there's a void of leadership there. >> punished, liz cheney, 13 house republicans that voted for infrastructure not punished. paul gosar tweeted a picture as anna palmer was saying. next "deadline white house" next. we're just getting started. line next we're just getting started (music) at aetna, we're putting all other medicare plans on notice. with coverage and services that may include a $0 monthly plan premium telehealth emergency coverage while you travel an over-the-counter allowance plus dental, vision and hearing. because the right medicare plan should make you feel... yeah, like that aetna medicare advantage plans medicare annual enrollment ends december 7th. call today to learn more. members of a white nationalist group show up at a school board meeting. members of the proud boys stood watch. didn't speak but did applaud others who did. >> hi again. it is 5:00 in new york. we're watching it happen. it is right there in front of our eyes. the dawn that "the washington post" calls a dark new reality for school boards across our country. those self styled militia groups with ties to white supremacy, clad in body armor, concerned parents groups exercising first amendment rights, the latest in a nightmare series of events in not so slow motion. "the washington post," an illinois man was arrested for striking a school official at a september board meeting. in hilton, new york, three people arrested at a school board meeting last month, one for refusing to put on a mask, two for refusing to leave after the school board president suspended the meeting because of unruly behavior. in pennsylvania, republican candidate for north hampton county executive said at an august rally that he would bring 20 strong men to the next school board meeting so they could replace board members with nonparents and vote down mask mandates. this is how you get stuff done. now security warnings are blaring again. brand new intelligence from department of homeland security, revealing domestic extremists continue to exploit false narratives to promote violence online, calling foray tax on members of congress and public health and school officials, even as they share information how to build bombs. beyond the threats and violence though there's what is relatively more subtle, perhaps more widespread, effort on the right, targeting what kids learn, specifically what books they read. after the virginia election hinged in part on controversy over the pulitzer prize winning tony more son movie "beloved" they're in the process of censoring books they find objectionable. one of the extreme examples in virginia, pair of conservative school officials not satisfied with simply banning books they deemed sexually explicit, but from the free-lance star, two board members said they would like to see removed books burned. quote. i think we should throw those books in a fire, one woman said. the other said he wants to see the books before we burn them so we can identify within the community that we are eradicating the bad stuff, unquote. burning books, threatening school board members. it is where we start this hour. some of our favorite reporters and friends. correspondent for pbs news hour, msnbc contributor. and christopher goldsmith, iraq war veteran, former u.s. army sergeant, he monitors domestic extremism and national security issues, knows a lot about where they find each other online. and jennifer jenkins, a member of brevard county school board. jennifer, i start with you. we talked to you around a significant incident. the national climate has seemingly worsened. how are you doing? >> doing okay. threats haven't stopped. they amped up. i got an explicit email a couple days ago that directly impacted someone close to me as well. the threats are real. unfortunately, they become violent. threatened my wife and people around me. it is scary. really scary. >> how are you protecting yourself and your family. >> i am in contact with different law enforcement agencies, keeping them abreast of everything i receive and everyone that communities with me, even if it is slightly off color language. i forward to them to make sure they're aware of people that are threatening me. i make sure the security at the school board is aware of it as well because these people can come as members of the public and attend those meetings and i just want to keep everyone abreast of all the threats i am receiving. >> do you ever think it is not worth it and you don't want to do this any more? >> i totally have moments of that, but overall, no. here in brevard, huge proponent for putting masks on students. we had thousands of covid cases, my effort pushing forward potentially saved the lives of so many in the community. i am here for equity across the district going forward. it is awful. i wish it would go away. i wish it wasn't impacting my life and family. i don't regret being here. >> i want to pull you in with "the washington post" piece. he says it is easy to caricature a movement with the most extreme promoters and there was demonstrated history of facts to ban books in schools by liberals. it often involved classics, adventures of huckleberry finn, for depiction of race and language more commonly used at the time they were written. conservatives challenged books teaching about lbgtq issues. but advocates say what's happening now is more pronounced. what is your understanding of whether the administration has a handle on what's happening. it is so much a local issue. >> the fact that jennifer jenkins is serving despite the threat she's getting, some ways it underscores what america is requiring of its greatest citizens now. that this is someone putting her family's life on the line to keep kids safe in the middle of the pandemic. when i talked to white house officials, there's a sense that they understand there needs to be something done. democrats are trying to figure out what it is. i questioned after last tuesday's elections and asked what are the democrats' plans as it comes to false nar tiffs. culture wars widely. he said there's mass confusion, people are worried about lives and lively hood. i get the sense that we're in an inflection point, dangerous moment in american history and that we have to do something about it. what they're going to do is evolving and developing. >> i wonder, are people whispering thanks for something that would scare most of us? >> they're doing more. i have tremendous support from the community. i said so many times, doesn't take a majority of people to terrorize you, it takes one person and a minority. unfortunately that minority is vicious, vile, loud, organized. but overall, the community has been so, so supportive. >> chris, i believe you were the first person to put on my radar maybe the end of the summer the coalescing of extremists. and physical appearances by them at school board meetings. tell me when you started to see that, what it looks like now. >> so this is an old tactic, old campaign. i remember i was fresh out of the army during the tea party movement. fox news was convincing viewer ship to go to town halls on health care, what became obamacare and screamed their heads off, that would get them tv time. it created perverse incentive. more outrages a constituent you were, more tv time you got. and because fox news forced it on us all, everybody started reporting it. same with crt. we can't fall into traps that republicans are setting for us on this war of words. we can't say they're banning critical race theory or crt. same way we shouldn't be saying anything about antifa. we should be using the word anti-fascists, instead of banning critical race theory, say they're banning critical thinking. that's what the truth is. these are not just extremist groups showing up to local school board hearings, it is well funded, some of the most powerful pacs within the gop world, like turning point usa, that's doxing teachers. it is inherent right now in the not just far right but conservative media ecosystem that public servants are the enemy. they're taking the republican party and turning it against people of the united states, not just elected officials, the views that you and i hold are illegitimate. they're becoming insurgency. when you have proud boys show up in uniform to these board meetings now these guys have armored vefts. this is not a game. we need to do everything that we can to make sure law enforcement is fully educated on extremist groups. that groups are wannabe cop killers. we saw january 6th how they think about cops. they want to kill them. and they did. >> your point about critical thinking, not crt is a point well taken, but you used the word insurgency. i wonder if that word matters, if that's what's happening and we're not calling it what it actually is on the streets. >> i mean, that's what's an insurgency, my generation of veterans spent 20 years fighting in iraq and afghanistan. it is a group of radicalized people that aren't just fighting the government, they're fighting against the people. they are terrorists. when you have people, i choose terms deliberately, what's a terrorist. a terrorist is someone who is using violence and threats to achieve political means. when you have a bunch of armed people wearing invests that they're preparing a shootout, showing up at the school board meeting filled with moms and dads, you know, these people are terrorists. they are making implied threats. you have guests on that are victims themselves, they are victims of terrorism. >> you have been terrorized, right? >> absolutely. i have been criticized for using that word myself, but i wholeheartedly agree with you. we had people arrested outside the school board filming themselves driving there in a van saying they had a weapon with them, ready to take us out. even people that just come with violent words, that fear is just purposely crafted and orchestrated to drive this insane narrative that we're the enemy. or that i am the enemy. it is creating this culture in the community, people need to come out and get me. that's the products of the threats i am getting. >> top of the last hour i showed some of what's being fed to the individuals that chris is talking about by right wing media and obviously everybody is responsible for their own action, but media climate is part of that. we know that. we watched the most high profile figures on the right do everything from parrot vladimir putin's lines on the insurrection to repeat the false claims about election fraud in 2020. so we see some of it. this is a question for you and me to wrestle with. are we missing the story? >> i don't think we are missing the story. i think it is about race, terror, fear, and fear that is targeting people so that they don't have the ability to think critically, and don't get to learn the truth. when you look at what people are doing when it comes to the proud boys, a group like proud boys, they're essentially trying to scare people into giving in and saying i don't want to fight with people, i'm going to move on. some ways we are not missing the story, it is a story that needs to be talked about. can't just say it is an argument over education. these are not arguments over math or geography, these are arguments about race and the history of our country. in the end, arguments about health and science. think about the pandemic, people wanting to take down school board members for mandating masks, this is a moment we as a country need to focus and realize these aren't just arguments and people on both sides have a legitimate claim to something. in this case, you have one group in a lot of cases terrorizing people that need to be called out for that. some ways, we can't be lost in a fog of sort of seeing it as an argument when really this is about making people scared to lean on science, making people scared to talk about the truth. shouldn't be uncomfortable talking about it. there are some people after the death of george floyd and a year of racial reckoning, there are people tired of talking race. you can feel it, sense it, when you talk to people, sense it when you talk to people saying let's move on, turn the page. we can't turn the page. people are still dying at the hands of police because race is so much determined on so many issues, whether health or education. we need to be not shy in the media of not really talking about what is really happening in people's lives. >> because of what you said, i'm going to show this from "nbc nightly news." speaks for itself. about principal whitfield. >> dr. james whitfield, first black principal, removed from his position during an emotional school board meeting over what he says was false accusation of promoting critical race theory. >> education is my heart and soul. >> the school district acknowledges there's no evidence he promoted critical race theory, study of law and racial in equality. anger is focused on an email after george floyd's murder where he said systemic racism was alive and well. >> where do you go from here? >> i have a family that needs me. >> he lost his job due to deficiencies in his performance. he was promoted twice before and denies that claim. >> chris, i want to understand how the disinformation network weakens the ability of public servants as we started the segment talking about. as we all said the reason, whether it is impossible for the truth to get out in a case like this, in a place like this. >> the right is going to live in fantasy land, nothing we can do about it. what we do and you do on your show, you give people the truth. we highlight not the most sensationalized things, we're not making the most interesting things seem important. you're talking about the most important things and making them interesting. and i wish that like threats to local school boards weren't like the most interesting thing going on right now, but it is the most important. and what we need to do is make sure that our friends and neighbors who don't watch tv, who aren't on facebook, who aren't politicized are well educated on this stuff. and we need to make sure people are still reading newspapers. a lot of folks, my generation, don't subscribe to anything, we get it all on the internet or you can use a different browser to get "new york times" for free or whatever. we need to start paying for journalism. without local journalists, this never gets reported, doesn't end up in the free newspaper that a lot of towns have that end up on grandma's doorstep. grandma is the one that's going to vote in every election. we need to support local journalism in order to make sure bad actors are held accountable. >> jennifer, i'll give you the last word if you want to say anything else. >> i absolutely agree with all of the sentiment tonight but you know, what's really important is for this conversation to continue and to be blunt and to be right in people's faces. you know, here in florida it is not just a group of moms fighting me or angry mob of community, it is statehouse representatives, it is the governor coming here, giving a platform to those representatives to say there's a special place in hell for me. i mean, this is completely supported by our elected officials on the right and we need to be bold and blunt about it, put an end to it because it is just out of control. >> thank you for being bold and blunt. we're grateful you're part of this conversation. when we come back on veterans day, the ongoing fight and struggle about how fast to root out extremism among former members of the military,and new accusations that the disgraced ex-president's administration. and science and protecting kids. a federal judge strikes down a ban on mask mandates in texas. that decision coming as unfortunately cases of the virus started to tick back up. 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>> so the pentagon has stated that training requirements that we are imposing are overly burdensome as are the data collection and reporting requirements. my response is twofold. number one, we're about to increase the defense budget by $25 billion, so please explain to me how you do not have resources to do the proper training and data collection on a threat that's so prominent. the threat is so prominent that secretary lloyd austin who acknowledges the existence of extremism in the department ordered a stand down. that doesn't happen all the time or often, a stand down across the entire armed forces, and he did that within the first 30 days of his appointment to secretary of defense, so there's push back on the training and data collection requirements and also there's push back when congress wants to clearly state that membership in an extremist organization disqualifies you from service and the pentagon is resisting that. they're concerned about a first amendment right, and we should be concerned about first amendment rights. we also know from pressing, from court cases that congress and the pentagon have extraordinary powers to restrict first amendment rights when you need to do so to maintain good order and discipline. preventing that in the organization is the way you maintain order in the military. >> chris, agree or disagree? >> i absolutely agree. you know, part of the problem with the first amendment thing is we can look at organizations that have been designated as terrorist organizations by our allies. allies to the north, canada, declared proud boys on their list of terrorist organizations. proud boys was founded by gavin mcginnis, born in the uk, raised in canada, is currently in the u.s. on a green card. sounds like a foreign born terrorist organization to me. i don't understand why department of defense can't say proud boys, foreign born organization, terrorists, can't be a member. can't be a member of isis or al qaeda. they have been attacking people. violence almost on a weekly basis for most of the year, thanks to proud boys coming out in uniform, attacking people. this should be an easy thing. i have been a veteran advocate for quite awhile. i understand department of defense doesn't like change. well, too bad. said they couldn't get rid of sexual assault, couldn't have women treated with respect they deserve when they serve in uniform. can't take the pentagon's no to that. we didn't and we pushed through years and years and years of reforms to stop sexual assault and sexual harassment. so we're in for the same fight to route extremism out of the military. it will take a long time. it is not going to happen overnight. i know the push back that the pentagon is not saying out loud but they are worried about is in 2024, we could have an authoritarian win an election and use whatever rules are established to start to claim the democratic party an extremist organization. that is a real concern. but if an authoritarian like trump gets back in office and feels he has nothing left to lose and is installing puppets in department of defense, we have problems anyway. we need to do what good work we can in the year that we have remaining of democratically controlled government and hope for the best, hope that voters reward the democrats for getting white supremacists out of uniform, making sure they're rehabilitated. notice i didn't say kicked out. i was kicked out of the army after a suicide attempt, i had ptsd, at the time, 2007, the army didn't recognize that as a legitimate thing, right? i almost went down those extremist roads because i was unemployable, i was mentally extremely unhealthy. i was desperate and isolated. we don't want to do that to extremists currently in the military. we need to give them an opportunity to rehabilitate. if they don't want to do it on their own, that's what the judicial system is for. if they're breaking rules, we make sure they're appropriately reprimanded. if they don't want to reform, they can sit in jail awhile. >> congressman, your colleague congressman crow told a story last segment about something that sort of when he came back, a native american ritual, the warriors coming back, telling their stories from battle as part of i think some of what chris is describing as re-injury, jump in if that's not fair. i feel like we talk about this as two separate things. the congressman talked about the last two months since the war in afghanistan ended and the way the war in afghanistan ended calls to crisis hot lines surging. this is one conversation. is this the pain and failure of the rest of society to open up our arms, open up our forearms, have every veteran tell their story and be heard? where does that intersect with the problem of extremism in the military in your view? >> i think one of the things we have to do is we have to be careful not to suggest that extremism is what characterizes military service. i mean, the vast majority, 99, out a long line of nines percent of men and women that serve, do so honorably. love of country, patriotic, and loyal. we have to certainly reinforce that the men and women that serve, they make sacrifices in that service and we owe them a debt of gratitude that i don't accept the fact that we cannot pay because we need to pay, we have to pay in action. that means addressing issues like the rise in suicide, how do we prevent it. we're now working on that, we have been quite some time. the committee on veterans affairs in the house, we know five out of every six veterans that commit suicide are not connected to the va, either the benefit system or health system or other programs and initiatives. so congress is very much focused on that transition off of active duty, reserve duty into veteran status and how do we keep you engaged in the veteran community, whether with the va or bso so we can care for your needs and provide services that you and your family need. so it is keeping veterans connected and also reinforcing a positive interest in service, notwithstanding you have to go after extremism, call it what it is. it does exist in the ranks, we have to identify it, remove it from service those that participate in extremist activities or are members of extremist organizations. >> thank you both so much for your service and for your candor with me and all of us. i'm really grateful. brand new reporting on just how far the disgraced ex-president and his administration went to purge anyone they saw as even slightly disloyal, even in our next guest's case. guest's case ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ there were horrifying accounts of a purge inside the trump white house that helped clear the way for chaos and eventually the deadly january 6th insurrection. the reality of working for a president that prides loyalty over everything else. jonathan karl writes in "the atlantic" the president personnel office, he was just subpoenaed. private aides compared that office to the east german stasi or gestapo, looking for traitors within. thanks to them in the end, the elusive adults in the room, those who might have been willing to confront the president or control his most destructive tendencies were silenced oregon. but mcentee was there, decapitating the civilians to stake allegiance to trump. joining us, former homeland security adviser to mike pence and director of the republican accountability project. wasn't john mcentee fired and brought back, am i remembering that right? >> you're remembering that right. he is of course now one of the people subpoenaed in this i think far reaching investigation that the house is putting together. he is someone that may not be a high profile name to people watching, he is close to the president, who was in a lot of key meetings, key rooms around the white house. it is very interesting to see that the house committee investigating the capitol attack is honing in on him and a number of others. >> olivia, you're in this story, i'm going to read this. late october 2020, broad to mark meadows' attention a young assistant at hud was consorting with the enemy, liked a post from taylor swift. first photo in the post was of swift with the word vote, superimposed, a swipe revealed a second photo of swift carrying a tray of cookies emblaze onned with the biden-harris campaign logo, we can't have people liking that. this is a sign of treachery. i heard you were in trouble for playing taylor swift loudly in your office and got busted. tell us. >> i did. it was a known thing, you had to be really careful about your social media, what you listen to, who you are watching, and i did. i used to come back to my office and listen to music late night, especially during the pandemic when i was working 14 hour days and i remember being very angry about some of the events, came back to my office, listening to the song you need to calm down. i remember thinking about the individual that made me really angry at the time. and i remember my colleague walking by. i remember him saying to me, are you trying to get fired? and i hadn't really -- i didn't really register it at the time, after being so paranoid the time of working in the white house, but he was right. there were times people would walk by the office, i would turn down whatever music i was listening to. i will be honest, i didn't watch msnbc freely or cnn, i had you on the quad, four stations at the same time, so they couldn't tell if i was watching fox news or which one i was dialed into. when certainly people walked by, i would switch the channel or turn it off. that's the level of paranoia this was. it sounds ridiculous except for the fact this is how staffing was taking place, how people were vetted for major intelligence official jobs, national security jobs. this is how people got vetted for national security council and at times it was basically loyalty over anything else. as things progressed, i think i remember talking to you, nicolle, a little over a year ago as changes started happening in terms f departments, certain people were placed in roles. and i know these people, knew them and worked with them daily, knew what they were capable of. at that point especially in the last year, it was really about your loyalty and how far you were willing to go to prove your loyalty in whatever situation, no matter what cost. >> olivia, it is so different in hindsight. i remember those conversations, too, i remember the anticipation we had to talk to you because there were precious few people that came out and told the truth. people way above your range. so far john kelly has never told the truth about everything he saw, dina powell, she was in the oval office with h.r. mcmaster when the russians were in there. secretary mattis was never given accounting for what he saw. was there anyone to talk to about this, anyone to turn to? >> you had to be really careful who you would confide in. you had to be incredibly careful on judging character of the individuals around you and what they would do with that information because the power intrigue is real. i saw a lot of people change, people i thought had integrity, trying to do the right thing, trying to hang in there, who really sort of started to change their moral compass and change their demeanor and behavior, and it was upsetting to see that. there's not really anyone to talk to. you can't really go to hr and be like i am feeling a little concerned on threatened that i can't raise certain articles on the computer because i'm worried they're tracking everything i'm doing, even though my job is to track threats. my job was to track domestic terrorism, to track anything that could cause harm to americans domestically or globally, of course i am tracking things on social media, looking at what's happening, looking at accounts just for knowledge and watching the reporting, especially after a major event. but when you get down to it, there were times when i was worried who was in the room when i would brief honestly and factually mike pence, the vice president. i remember the feeling of wondering what is that person who is in the room who i may not necessarily believe has the best of intentions in terms of when it comes to facts and intelligence, what are they going to say when i leave the room. what are they going to say to someone else in the white house and what does this mean tomorrow for my workday and how you'll be treated, and i am not alone in that feeling. there are many people, either politicals and career, career public servants who felt this way, and it wasn't just in the white house, it was across the u.s. government. >> quick last word. do you still hear new accounts as someone who covered the white house, now covering the biden white house, are there still people that come out of the wood work and tell the stories or do you feel you knew a lot of this in real time. >> we knew a lot of this in real time, but i would say i definitely run into sources, make new sources that want to tell their side of the trump administration, their experience, what they went through. i definitely think there are a lot of people out there just now in some ways starting to process what they lived through and witnessed. in some ways, very interesting. also why the work that the house select committee is doing is interesting because there are people, especially i would say on the side of vice president mike pence, former vice president mike pence, who i think are traumatized by the way that january 6th went and are sort of starting to process what happened. >> it is always wonderful to talk to both f you, especially today. thank you for spending time with us. another big victory for keeping our kids healthy and safe at a time when cases of covid remain stubbornly high. that's the bad news. but there's good news here, too. don't go anywhere. we'll be right back. we're making the fagioli! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this looks great. awesome. alright. thank you! what... what recipe did you use? 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>> well, the world is exhausted. and, you know, we're getting, again, seeing big surges in europe, but the messaging really needs to be straightforward. the problem is we get these outliers, who are getting a lot of attention, you know, and i'm thinking particularly of, you know, sports heroes. you know, aaron and his -- put his teammates at risk. aaron rodgers, rather, put his teammates at risk and other players at risk. he lied about his vaccine status saying he was immunized, which we all took to mean that he was talking about being vaccinated, which of course he wasn't, and he's become a public spokesperson for completely out of control, incorrect, misinformation through the public airways and through social media. these distractions, i think, increase our impatience, our exhaustion, everybody is feeling it, i'm feeling it, our colleagues are feeling it, but i'll tell you that one of the things we have to do to deal with this in my opinion, is we have to stay focused on the basic messages, which are let's get vaccinated, let's follow the rules about indoor masking when it's appropriate and then get on with our lives, and we can do this. once we're all vaccinated and the people in your own personal circles are vaccinated, things could open up more. one of the things i found is talking to people, talking to friends or relatives helps alleviate some of the anxiety, and the weirdness that this entire pandemic has brought to all of us. it's just been an extraordinary time. i wish it was going to be over soon. i keep saying there's a light at the end of the tunnel but it's still a pretty long tunnel and we just have to hang there and stay together with the people that understand what we need to do. >> and to boost or not to boost is really not a debate in this country. it looks like we're getting close to everybody 16 and over soon will be recommended to have a booster shot. is that right? >> it is right. i think everybody period is going to end up having a booster shot. one of the things is ultimately if we're lucky, the pandemic will turn into an endemic situation, meaning that the virus is going to be chronically with us and may likely need a booster shot every year, just like we get the flu shots that have been updated every year. so we don't know where this is going, but for everybody, i think we're going to see booster shots being recommended within the next few months. >> i had mine on sunday, doing just fine. dr. erwin redletter, thank you so much, we'll be back after a short break. nk you so much, we'll be back after a short break. rugs up to 80% off and lighting up to 65% off. plus get bonus savings with a wayfair credit card and free shipping on thousands of products. don't miss our black friday happening now through november 27th. only at at pnc bank, we believe in the power of taking steps forward. moving ahead. whatever the pace. and whatever the size. that's why we set out to help make it easier for everyone to move forward financially. with small business, personal banking, wealth, and corporate solutions that help you reach your goals and plan for the future... it's a girl! ...we're doing everything we can to help you get where you want to be. because sometimes a little help is all you need. see how we can make a difference for you at pnc bank. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of to the new mobile serviceld. designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. thank you so much for letting us into your homes during these extraordinary times. we're grateful. "the beat" with jason johnson in for ari melber starts right now. hi there. >> hi my friend. i'm jayson johnson in for ari melber. we start with a wave of violent threats on the right, surprise, surprise, and like the capitol riots which replaced the orderly transfer of power with deadly violence, it revolves around what used to be the routine workings of government and infrastructure bill. president biden planning to sign it next monday after it passed the house with strong support from democrats, as well as shockingly 13 house republicans, and that's where the story kind of goes off the rails. theap

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T Have Guns , Possession , Account , Civil War , Followers , William Mccall Calhoun Jr , Police , Patriots , Gun Laws Dplands , Gun , Website , Party , Side , Left , Isn T Playing Anymore , Ammo , Demonstrations , Protests , Report , 2021 , Six , There Shouldn T , Law , There Shouldn T Be Guns At Protests , Solutions , Buildings , Temperature , Individuals , Matter , Top , Opportunities , Chat Room , Technology , Extremists , Anything , Arsenals , Gun Laws , Cycle , Gun Lobby , Horizon , Right , Leadership , Trajectory , Effort , Systems , Nicole , Haven T , Alternative Civil Society , Innovation , Tactics , Intimidation , Civil Service , Law Enforcement Mentality , Bush , Movement , Reality , Security Perspective , Like , Hopefully Arc Cultural Shift , Government Buildings , Suggestion , Damage , Governor , Doesn T , Profession , Circumstance , Mentality , Majority Return , 2022 , Jugular On Donald Trump , Risk , Running , 2024 , House Republicans , Conversation , Gun Safety Legislation , Gate A Problem , Plates , 13 , Senate , Energy , Infrastructure , In The House , Handful , Democratic Caucus , Community , Families , Gun Violence Crisis , Brunt , Peter Shooting , Filibuster , Native Americans , Gun Violence Legislation , Common Sense , 90 , Sense , Majority , Procedure , Rule , Voting Rights Legislation , Context , Burner , 80 , Voting Rights , Gun Safety Legislation Isn T , Feelings , Reason , Many , Gun Owners , Gun Extremists , Backgrounds , Partners , Responsibilities , Gun Rights , Framework , Electing Gun Sense , Issue , Comments , None , Rating , Quarter , Champions , 2008 , Human Change , Sight , Success , Cathartic , Administration , Executive Order , Ofds Orders , Claire Harris , Sbid En , Wall , Attention , Vote , Hope , Need Everyone , Programs , City Gun Violence , Voice , Billion , 5 Billion , Veteran , Topic , Veterans , Chris Christie , Lives , Afghanistan , Services , Washington , Wars , Iraq , Plus , Fight , Bathe Him , Him On , Turn , Confrontation , Classroom , Books , Break , White House , Anywhere , Security Warnings , Don T Go , Ideas , Experience , Flexibility , Dark , Protein , World , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Health , Nutrients , Sugar , Saving Big , Wonderland Will , Amazon , Holiday Shopping , Printer Paper , Deck The Halls , Veteran S Day , Wreath , Remarks , Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier , Arlington National Cemetery , Family , Son , Service , Removal , Forces , Beau , Mike Gallagher , Meaning , Congressman Jason Crow , 20 , Memorial , Service Members , Passage , Bill , Ranger , National Mall , Place , Heal , Tribute , Nation S Capitol , I Don T , Grocery Store , First , Hauls , Kids , Parents , Deal , Summer , Ends , Hand , Oath , 9 11 , 800000 , Calls , Nature , The End , Crisis Hotline , Difference , Woman , Questions , Advocate , Transitions , Story , Military , Life , Warriors , Everybody , Women , Burden , Idea , Stories , Member , Tribe , Bear , Warrior , Behalf , Interest , All Of Us , Home , Counties , Hopes , Proportion , House Of Representatives , Version , Cosponsors , Nda , Vrgs , 200 , Legislation , Defense Budget , Stand , Mall , Vietnam Memorial , Preference , Moemplial , Hearing Process , Sacred National Mall , Aing , 70 , 60 , 50 , Grandkids , Pickly The Pentagon , Talk , Gold Star , Attacks , Max Boot , Court , Lines , Failures , Visits , Heroism , Dedication , 2017 , Best , Credit , Diplomats , Aid Workers , Same , Intelligence Officers , Heroes , Young Men And Women In Uniform , Career , Policies , Service Member , Private , Lesson , Junior , Max S , Policy , Privates , Armed Services , Intelligence , Captain , Full Circle , Then Army Ranger , Perspective , Listening , Elements , Circumstances , War , Justice , Humanity , Flashes , Incredible Humanity , Breaking News , Enough , We Don T Say What Max , Expresident , Room , Mother , Didn T , Phone , Park , Dad , Stop Taking Jardiance , Son It , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Heart Attack , Adults , Stroke , Pill , Heart , A1c , Death , Heart Disease , Ketoacidosis , Side Effects , Kidney Problems , Infection , Side Effect , Urinary Tract Infections , Perineum , Weight , Yeast , Dehydration , Skin , Doctor , Insulin , Dialysis , Blood Sugar , Reaction , Sulfonylurea , Symptoms , Yep , Committee , January 6th Committee , Federal Appeals Court , Air , 1 6 , Arguments , Documents , Donald Trump S Appeal Company Heard , November 30th , 30 , Anna Palmer , News , David Jolly , Earliest , Founder , Breaking News Coverage , Total , Chairman , Punch Bowl , 700 , Decision , Appeals Court , Contributors , Serve America Movement , Three , Rival Party , Lawyer , Predecessor , Disagreement , Executive Privilege , Jesse Binnal , Clear , Attorney , Privilege , President , Claims , Executive , Question , Thoughts , Assertion , Scheme , David Yoly , Precedent , Occupant , Demand , We Saw , Argument , Opinion , Written Briefings , Communications , Light , Case , Courts , Criminal Activity , Face , Privilege Exist , Pursuit , Cases , Department Of Justice , Activities , Debate , Hundreds , Hearing , Activity , Answer , Written Hearings , Robert Costa , Post , Prediction , Drama , Trump Sed Avation , November 2022 , Presidents , Pause , Nominee , Jackson , Judges Millette , Wilkins , Information , Job , Roadblock , January Th Committee , Surprise , Team , Number , Aides , Stonewall , Soarsly Hinder The Select Committee , Interviews , Tack Tax , Treasure Trove , On January 5th , Relationship , January 5th , 5 , Eyes , Supreme Court , Scenes , Bit , Hrd Decision , 3 , November 3 , Public , View , Pointing , Douglass , Letter , Favor , Riot , Police Officers , Supporters , Confirmation , Deaths , Result , Assaults , Institutions , Feature , Core , Neuroly 140 , 140 , Ability , Stake Letter , Delay , Emails , Staffer , Congressman Waxman , Enron , Pediatrician , Kid , Blanket , Public Interest , Abuse , Knee , Cooperation , News Leakly , Matters , Body , Ten , 12 , Kalee Mcunanimous Me Needs , Doesn T Mean , Greater Public Interest , Filing , Oval Office , Voters , Ong , Supreme Court Doesn T Decide , Show , Situation , Drins , Supporter , Life Saving Aspirin , Stomach , Vazalore , Aspirin Capsule , Help , Ulcers , Benefits , Sleigh , Heart Protection , Helpers , Bye Mom , Roads , Wishes , Mountain , Toys , Bridges , Fun , Anyone , App , United States Postal Service , Holiday Deliveries , Hundreds Of Travel Sites , Kayak , It Kayak , Flights , Cars , Hotels , Vacation Rentals , Trips , Canoe , Search One , Pair , Bank , Tennis Grunts , Goggles , Cash , Wallet , Backhand , Modesm Feature , Checking Account , Overdraft Fee , 24 , Black Friday , Savings , Sale , Pnc Bank , Wayfair , Products , Lighting , Credit Card , Shipping , Ge , 40 , 65 , November 27th , 27 , Elections , Grievances , Statement Saying , Back , Re Election , 2016 , Comparison , Defeat , Size , Buddy , Ally , Candidate , Conference , Guy , Friends , Rival , Ears , Tape , Access Hollywood , Establishment , Campaigns , Figure , Covid Precautions , Debate Coach , Flouting , Hospital , Remorse , Gatherings , Super Spreader , Presidency , Attempt , Debates , Chapters , Clash Of The Titans Doesn T , Embarrassment , Docile Straight A Growing Split , Glenn Youngkin , Victory , Story Matters , Most , Masks , Election Result , Grievances Legitimized , Restrictions , Associated , Book Tour , Youngkin Win , Witnesses , Fuel , Plea , Youngkin Didn T Focus On , Virginia , Virginians , Play Book , Operatives , Area , Suburbs , Basis , Minority , Generation , Passion , Capitol Hill , Lane , Words , Gate , Table , Chips , Way Out , Nikki Haley , Disclosure , Politics , Say , He Didn T , Isn T Carving Out Space , Trumper , Arm , Campaign Arm , Glenn Youngkin Didn T Break , He Didn T Run , Infrastructure Bill , Enthusiasm , Resignations , Fatigue , Unbridled , Exasperation , Majority Leader , Each Other , Vitriol , Bashing Democrats , Drum Beat , Tuesday , Wednesday , Kind , Institution , Reverence , Kevin Mccarthy , Void , Killing , Video , Alexandria , Punished , Picture , Liz Cheney , Paul Gosar , Next , Music , Plan , Medicare , Coverage , Notice , Telehealth , Aetna , , 0 , Vision , Emergency Coverage , Over The Counter Allowance , Dental , Aetna Medicare Advantage Plans Annual Enrollment Ends December 7th , 7 , December 7th , Boys , School Board Meeting , Front , New York , Washington Post , Ties , School Boards , Militia Groups , Body Armor , White Supremacy , Self Styled , Groups , First Amendment Rights , School Official , Nightmare , Series , September Board Meeting , Motion , Latest , Illinois , Meeting , Behavior , Mask , Hilton , Pennsylvania , Board Members , County Executive , North Hampton , Mask Mandates , Brand New , Threats , School Officials , Bombs , Foray Tax , Pulitzer Prize , Controversy , Targeting , Censoring Books , Process , Beloved , Examples , Fire , Free Lance Star , School Board Members , Threatening , Some , Reporters , Christopher Goldsmith , Iraq War Veteran , Correspondent , Pbs News Hour , Jennifer Jenkins , Brevard County , Incident , Climate , Email , Threats Haven T , Contact , Wife , Language , Law Enforcement Agencies , Meetings , Everyone Abreast , More , Proponent , Covid Cases , Students , District , Equity , Regret , Wasn T Impacting My Life , Promoters , Facts , Classics , Schools , Liberals , Depiction , Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn , Understanding , Conservatives , Lbgtq Issues , Handle , Serving , Citizens , Safe , Middle , Last Tuesday , Culture Wars , Nar Tiffs , Inflection Point , Confusion , Lively Hood , Support , Thanks , Person , Organized , Loud , Vile , Radar , Coalescing , Tactic , Appearances , School Board Meetings , Fox News , Viewer , Campaign , Ship , Town Halls , Tea Party Movement , Health Care , Constituent , Obamacare , Heads Off , Perverse Incentive , Race Theory , Crt , Setting , Word , Truth , Thinking , Anti Fascists , Antifa , Local School Board Hearings , Pacs , Turning Point , Teachers , Media Ecosystem , Doxing , Servants , Enemy , Views , Insurgency , Board Meetings , Guys , Armored Vefts , Extremist Groups , Game , Cops , Cop Killers , Inability , Critical Thinking , Streets , Aren T , Terrorist , Terrorists , Bunch , Shootout , Guests , Moms , Dads , Victims , Fear , Filming , Weapon , Van , Narrative , Culture , Being , Media Climate , Profile , Vladimir Putin , Parrot , Election Fraud , Terror , Education , Geography , Math , Science , In The End , Claim , Sides , Sort , Fog , George Floyd , Shouldn T , Talking , Sense It , Let S Move On , Page , Reckoning , Hands , Dr , Principal Whitfield , Nbc Nightly News , First Black Principal , School District , Heart And Soul , Accusation , Position , Evidence , Equality , Anger , Disinformation , Performance , Deficiencies , Segment , Fantasy Land , Sensationalized , Neighbors , Local School Boards Weren T , Tv , Who Aren T On Facebook , Newspapers , My Generation , Who , Don T Subscribe , Newspaper , Journalism , Grandma , Journalists , Towns , Whatever , Browser , Doorstep , Faces , Sentiment , Is , Florida , Statehouse Representatives , Moms Fighting , Platform , Mob , Hell , Control , Blunt , Struggle , Accusations , Texas , Virus , Ban On Mask Mandates , Care , Unitedhealthcare , Prescription Drugs , Aarp Medicare Advantage , Uh Huh , Copays On Tier 1 , 1 , Advantage , Provider Network , Premium , Business Internet , Cybersecurity Options , Add Securityedge , Business , Setbacks , 10 , Prepaid Card , Customers , Call Today , Business Securityedge , Employees , Offer , Comcast , Device , Yours , 500 , Pentagon , Injuries , Wounds , Challenges , Concern , Agreement , Compromise , Defense Spending Bill , Tools , Office , Ranks , Data Collection , Training , Anthony Brad , Maryland , Attorney General , Chris Goldsmith , Bronze Medal Star , Viewers , 2 5 Million , Recognition , Both , 12 , Charges , Department Of Defense , Steps , Training Requirements , Response , Requirements , Resources , Number One , 25 Billion , Lloyd Austin , Existence , Data Collection Requirements , Secretary Of Defense , Appointment , Armed Forces , Organization , Membership , Amendment , Court Cases , Powers , Discipline , Terrorist Organizations , Organizations , North , Terrorist Organization , Green Card , Sounds , List , Canada , Foreign Born , Gavin Mcginnis , Born In The Uk , Can T , Isis , Uniform , Al Qaeda , Couldn T Have Women Treated , Sexual Assault , Department Of Defense Doesn T Like Change , Respect , Reforms , Sexual Harassment , Push , Rules , Win , Use , Problems , Authoritarian , Puppets , Supremacists , The Army Didn T , Army , Suicide Attempt , Ptsd , 2007 , System , Colleague , Crow , Reform , Jail , Ritual , Chris , Re Injury , Battle , Arms , Forearms , Pain , Failure , Rest , Intersect , Serve , Military Service , 99 , Debt , Love , Gratitude , Sacrifices , Patriotic , Suicide , Pay , Rise , Health System , Benefit System , Va , Veterans Affairs In The House , Veteran Community , Status , Transition Off , Duty , Initiatives , Va Or Bso , Needs , Family Need , Extremist Organizations , Candor , Ex President , Guest , Purge , Accounts , Chaos , Loyalty , Working , Everything Else , The Atlantic , Jonathan Karl , Personnel Office , Stasi , East German , Gestapo , Tendencies , John Mcentee , Civilians , Homeland Security Adviser , Stake , Allegiance , Decapitating , Oregon , Director , Accountability Project , Profile Name , Capitol Attack , Rooms , House Committee , People Watching , Consorting , Assistant , Olivia , Mark Meadows , Hud , October 2020 , Swift , Photo , Emblaze Onned , Cookies , Swipe , Taylor Swift , Superimposed , Sign , Treachery , Campaign Logo , Trouble , Harris , Song , 14 , Stations , Quad , Cnn , Four , Channel , Staffing , National Security Jobs , Official , National Security Council , Anything Else , Little , Changes , Departments , Nicolle , Roles , Terms F , Cost , Hindsight , Range , Anticipation , Everything He Saw , John Kelly , Dina Powell , Secretary Mattis , Mcmaster , Accounting , H R , Russians , Character , Power Intrigue , Compass , Demeanor , Hr , Tracking Everything , Computer , Doing , Articles , Knowledge , Harm , What S Happening , Feeling , Intentions , Workday , Sources , Wood Work , House Select Committee Is Doing , You , Bad News , Fagioli , Recipe , Nonna , Food , T Mobile , Partner , Keeping Crews , Build Communities , Patients , Customer Support , Advertising , 5g , Value , Trade Offs , Facebook , Gaming Sounds , Safety , Driving , Chevy Equinox , Chevy , Eggs , Assist , Find New Roads , Eggland S Best , Including Automatic Emergency Braking , Peace Of Mind , Taste , Superior Nutrition , Mental Health Meds , Body Movements , Tardive Dyskinesia Td , Only Eggland S Best , Ingrezza , Prescription Medicine , Meds , Mental Health , Dopamine Signaling , Signaling , Brain , Td Movements , Ingredients , Dose , Sleepiness , Operate Heavy Machinery , Ingrezza May , Don T Drive , Heart Rhythm Problems , Movements , Td , Ingrezza Com A , Children , Greg Abbott , Executive Order Banning Mask Mandates , Text , Americans With Disabilities Act , Ruling , State , Texas Department Of Health , Data , School Districts , Mask Mandate , Keeping , Conditions , Covid Measures , Public Health Analyst , Vaccine , Importance , Albert Einstein College Of Medicine , Erwin Redletter , Citi Field , End , Holidays , Ticks , Winter Season , Northeast , West , Niccole , Week 400 Plus Hospitalization , 100000 , 400 , Mandating , Ban , Big Game Of Whac A Mole , Something Else , Masking , Stay , Trends , Anxiety , Message , Messaging , Surges , Europe , Aaron Rodgers , Outliers , Sports Heroes , Teammates , Players , Distractions , Out Of Control , Spokesperson , Incorrect , Airways , Misinformation , Feeling It , Impatience , Exhaustion , Messages , Vaccinated , Weirdness , Circles , Relatives , Tunnel , 16 ,

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