lin-sanity. that's some excitement, leading the niknicks to a 17-point comeback. that wonderful three-pointer, look at this place going bananas. we'll talk about what lin-sanity means coming up. >> even toronto loves him, that's where they were playing. new details on whitney houston, a report on a drug investigation now. folks really want to say their good-byes but they're saying, the family is saying there's no michael jackson-like farewell scheduled for her. they will have a small service at her childhood church. also, it was such a big story, amanda knox being cleared and heaving italy after having spent several years in prison. guess what. story may not be over, the prosecutors want a second crack and they are appealing that conviction being overturned. could she be headed back to italy? could she be going back to jail? we'll let you know all about that. up first here, congress on the verge of allowing you to keep more of your money. negotiators reached a tentative deal to extend the payroll tax cut for the rest of the year. as well as unemployment insurance. but it is still not a done deal. it could get the endorsement of a house/senate conference committee today. >> this is all happening after republicans really backed off on that big demand for measures to pay for this tax holiday ending. some republicans are still saying, you know what? this is still they'ving from our future generations. >> why are we arguing over a middle class tax cut that has been given to us for by name, to reduce the amount that we're paying into social security? what we should be talking about is real tax reform. we should be talking about what it's going to take to increase our revenues by broadening our economic base, by growing our economy. we need to be talking about what the american people want to hear and that's where the jobs are going to come from. >> maybe that's why the reason the president is not so convinced he's actually going to get one of these deals on the his desk and says, i'll believe it when i see it. >> you can't take anything for granted here in washington. until my signature is actually on it. >> so because of this agreement, 160 million working people will keep their tax cut. about $1,000 for the average family, that's over a year. it equals $40 per paycheck. christine romans is live in atlanta. we have a new poll out about the payroll tax. tell us what americans are saying about it. >> good morning, ladies. americans are saying they want to keep their extra money in their paycheck. some 54% of people polled say they approve of passing favoring the payroll tax cut for all american workers. only 42% oppose it. we keep talking about this $40 per paycheck number. that's if you make $50,000 a year, you're going to take home about $40 extra a paycheck. you did last year too, so it means now you wouldn't see less money in your paycheck. it looks like this agreement would be for the rest of the year. the president of course yesterday as you guys pointed out was a little bit cautious, saying he'll believe when it he finally signs it. it looks, all indications are republicans and democrats have found common ground on this payroll tax cut. just not paying for it. they're going to let it happen without paying for it. at least through the end of the year, in an election year, they don't want 160 million workers to have a tax increase. >> there's a couple other negotiations ongoing as well that don't necessarily have to do with payroll extensions, more like unemployment, et cetera. >> also the doc fix, how much doctors are reimbursed for medicare services, body these things will have to be paid for. what you're seeing is arguments among democrats and republicans about how to do that. there had been some talk ladies among republicans about maybe for those extended unemployment benefits you have to have drug test organize some sort of -- kinds of testing to see if you would be eligible to have more unemployment benefits. not sure if that's going to fly. it just shows you on all of these issues there's still a lot of wrangling about these other issues, about how to get them paid for. again, we're running huge deficits and republicans are saying, we can't keep going on like this, temporary emergency measures over and over and over again, because we have to pay for it eventually. >> is that what they call kicking the can officially? >> yeah, they kicked the can so far i don't think anybody knows what a can is so far. >> i know. i mean, look. but it's an election year so everything, you know -- it's an election year. >> christine romans. more on that later from you, i hope. when are you coming back by the way? >> tomorrow. >> oh, good. >> let's get doughnuts. i need doughnuts. >> that's a little complicated at this hour of the morning. looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. >> doughnuts for the skinny girls, go for it. christine, thanks for that. syria on the brink of a full-scale war this morning with the slaughter of civilians. it is now spreading across the country. we have live pictures from homs. look at that black smoke, it's from a bombed oil pipeline. government troops say that they are intensifying shelling in that area. it is by the government troops. opposition says four dead already this morning, 49 killed tuesday. and reports also of government snipers on the street corners in homs. government attacks are spreading across syria now. even though there are other neighborhoods, other communities and other cities that are being hit, homes is still the focus, the dots, this is where the attacks are coming in, at least the reports from opposition members. homs is still berg the brunt of it. some of the other cities, dara, damascus, the capital. at this point the question becomes, should the united states step in? that's been bandied about but it hasn't been put to the u.s., now it is. look at these numbers. the latest polling shows an overwhelming number of americans oppose doing anything about aiding those syrians who are so desperate. 3-1. it's really remarkable. the question, do we have a responsibility? and that overwhelming answer, no. probably because we've kind of been there before and it hasn't worked out well. >> it's tough, though. it's tough to watch all of those impanels. a lot of people are weighing in on that. just difficult to see. we've heard syrian troops are using civilians as human shields. now video proof of that. listen to reporting from nick patton walsh. >> reporter: there had been reports the army was using detained civilians as human shields to prevent opposition militants shooting at them. now a video, the authenticity of which we can't confirm, seems to show that. slowly they crouch. then kneel. a child's voice behind the camera muttering, oh, mom, will they shoot them? look, look. the soldiers advance down the road. they then lie flat. >> it's so disturbing. and our nick patton walsh joins us live now from beirut in neighboring lebanon. obviously in beirut, lebanon, because it is just so lethal to be reporting from inside syria. nick, one of the reports i heard this morning is ringing so loud to me that these people inside syria, these opposition members, are so desperate, they're now suggesting they would accept help from israel? >> reporter: i'm sure it will feel that level of desperation. i spoke to an activist inside homes in a district which has borne the brunt of the artillery onslaught. as we spoke again this morning, i think actually more than yesterday we heard artillery shells thump in around him. let me just bring up now that picture of the skyline live showing the thick, black smoke from an oil pipeline that's been hit. the syrian military, syrian government, say that was the sabotage of free syrian army. omar, who i spoke to, said this was an air strike by the syrian military. deeply distressing if they are now using jets against that area. it's been pounded heavily now for 11 days. hundreds dead. omar referring to how actually there are now 100 people trying to shelter underground. just simply trying to eke out a life as they say they've been punished now intenselily this very well equipped military surrounding them. >> nick, it occurred to me at one point i haven't heard a lot from hezbollah. a lot of people in america equate hezbollah with a big terrorist group, but where you are, in your neck of the woods, hezbollah is a -- almost like a charitable organization. has hezbollah weighed in on either side of this? are they trying to aid some of these people? where do they stand? >> reporter: openly, it's been very clear that lebanon wants to stay neutral. it's been very clear they want to keep out of this. maybe there are private channels and systems, certainly there's enough kinship on both sides of the border between lebanon and syria, families who know each other, that yes, of course aid is going through. i'm not sure that constitutes a military sense. there was actually a shipment of weapons stopped on the border between lebanon and syria recently, a small run we understand. there are signs of that but certainly here where hezbollah are and have been for a while, a quiet predominant political force, pretty much since 2006 when they defeated israel so strongly defending this country against what many saw here as an israeli attack, hezbollah have not really put themselves in the forefront of this at all. it remains very much a struggle of the syrian people. >> it seems like they can't get help from friends or enemies, they're so lost, these people in syria. nick patton walsh, thanks very much, appreciate that. back at home there are new details in the investigation into whitney houston's death. police zeroing in on all those prescription medications that were found in her hotel room with her where she drowned. the "los angeles times" saying investigators are now expected to subpoena some of her doctors and pharmacies that supplied some of those drugs to her maybe wind the next couple of days, in fact. information about that and the medications might start coming in in this investigation. also new this morning, whitney houston will not be mourned at a large public memorial. the family is said to hold a private invitation-only service. it is scheduled saturday at the childhood church where she first began her singing. new hope baptist church in newark, new jersey, and it seats only 1,500 people. many fans are really disappointed about this news. they had hoped to pay their respects to the international star. the new hope pastor defends the family's decision to cnn's jason carroll. >> the family knows that they have to share whitney with the world. they're not ignoring that. but at the same time, it's such a -- the shock of it. and i shared with them, no decision is a wrong decision at this time. it's just however they feel to do it. >> a tough line. susan candiotti is live in newark, new jersey, with the very latest. susan, i have to tell you i passed by the apollo theater yesterday in harlem and it was a memorial to whitney. the fans feel like they need to say good-bye. are there any plans or any talk about that potentially happening? >> reporter: well, this might be as close as they'll be able to get, and that is outside the church. you see the flowers, the balloons, the signs to her. but there is talk of the possibility of putting up a big jumbo screen or a big screen outside. that, of course, would entail having a camera inside on this invitation-only celebration of her life. there will be a lot of grieving going on, but in fact fans might be able to see what's going on from the outside. you know, a lot of people believe that she belongs to newark and east orange and this area. fans from here and abroad, and they'd like to be a part of it. but for now, no big event at a public arena will be scheduled at this time. and the funeral director says that's just the way the family wants it. >> they have shared her for 30-some years. with the city, with the state, with the world. this is their time now for their farewell. >> reporter: and of course, governor christie here in new jersey has ordered flags to be flown at half-staff at government buildings on saturday when that private funeral and burial will be held. >> we called it an invitation-only funeral. do we know who potentially is on that list? >> reporter: well, certainly i think it's fair to say that obviously family members and big-name celebrities who were the closest to her. of course, her aunt will be there, her cousins, of course a number of people that we've been hearing from in the last few days are widely expected to be here, both from this local area, many celebrities who knew her and worked with her, as well as those no doubt from los angeles. >> and just lastly, very quickly here, the investigation that is ongoing, zeroing in now on the prescription pills? >> that's right. they are. and that's pretty standard operating procedure. you know, her friends have said she hasn't used any hard drugs for a few years but certainly we do know she was taking at the very least zan naction, which is an anti-anxiety drug, as well as some medication for her throat. but that in combination with what friends said she'd been drinking champagne, for example, earlier that day, a party before. and that can be a lethal combination. but again, we must stress we don't know what caused her to drown in the bathtub, whether it was from an overdose or some other medical reason. >> all right, susan candiotti live for us in newark, new jersey, thank you. >> it sure brings back those memories of anna nicole smith's death. we waited and waited for toxicology results. once you get cause of death you get manner of death and that's where investigators really start to zero in. >> it's just so sad. >> it fors everybody, everyone involved. we are going to switch gears only because there's some potential weather issues. possible thunderstorms? thunder in some communities, is that right, rob? >> we do have a threat down south. feels a little bit like spring in spots, it will feel like winter in spots before this week is done. shots out of arizona. the southwest corner of the u.s. yesterday got a little bit of it, you bet. especially north of, what is that, tucson? oh, yeah, bring it. places like flagstaff got 5, 6 inches. that's normal. to get snow in tucson, that's not normal. it was 40 degrees and raining in las vegas yesterday. so that's miserable. gives you an idea of that cold air all the way down to the mexican border. all right, loose rainfall across parts of the northeast right now, especially in the new york city area, that will go away fairly quickly. but fog's an issue in atlanta and other spots across parts of the south. new york metro, you'll see some delays because of the showers and the fog in atlanta and chicago and also the threat for thunderstorms, as you mentioned, across the south, including dallas. but mostly houston through lake charles, beaumont, texas, into new orleans later on today. the threat for seeing damaging storms with that, maybe an isolated tornado. there's the warming-up of the atmosphere, 74 expected in dallas. spring or kind of. >> do you think bomb-binating might be the word of the day today? >> is it? >> i have a dictionary, i keep it with me all the time. >> all right. i might add that to the weather technical terms here. >> tweet it out, mr. marciano. >> you got it. >> a thank you to our illustrious crew that supplies us with these extraordinarily difficult words every day. >> you step up and you deliver every day, good for you. >> it makes me sound erudite but i'm not. >> we're expanding our vocabulary. wobbling off with best in show. the judges named their top dog at the westminster top dog at madison square garden. >> best in show at the 136th annual westminster kennel club, america's dog show, is -- the peek niece. >> look at that cutie pa tootty. >> malachi won pest in show. >> frizzy hair. >> he petty beat out the dalmatian, look how cute. sorry. also beat out the german shepherd, the doberman pinscher, the wire-haired dachshund. they don't get any cash for this, in case you're wondering how coveted this prize is. it's a big deal because you get a silver bowl and you get a lot, a lot, a lot of breeding opportunities which i suppose in dog world can equate into a lot of the prize money. >> a face only a mother can love. >> 17 minutes past the hour, ahead on "early start, jer my lin. look, look. does it again. lin-sanity is spreading across the globe. >> he finds the twine. is that what they say? i don't know, i'm guessing. so if he's excited, this guy's getting excited too because he is soaring in the polls. it's san-torium. i'm making that up. it as pretty exciting time for rick santorum as he pulls ahead of romney in the critical states and the states upcoming. has class warfare broken out across the gop? you'll find the numbers rather intriguing. who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. that can help lower cholesterol? today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers. ♪[music plays] ♪[music plays] purina one beyond. food for your cat or dog. lord of the carry-on. sovereign of the security line. you never take an upgrade for granted. and you rent from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i deserve this. [ male announcer ] you do, business pro. you do. go national. go like a pro. ♪ the kid is hot tonight >> oh, good morning washington. but this song is all about canada. kind of. it's from canada, anyway. loverboy singing us in with "the kid is hot tonight." i wonder if that refers to santorum. he's been doing pretty well lately. >> i think it's lin. >> jeremy lin, of course. of course, you'd have to be another foreigner, right? jeremy lin been having a real good time in the last five games. doing just amazing. >> we're going to focus on him in a minute here. 21 minutes past the hour. congress reaching a tentative agreement to extend the payroll tax cut and jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed for another year. >> syria on the brink of a full-scale civil war. government troops killed 53 more civilians since yesterday. the violence now spreading to other cities across that country. rick santorum soaring. republican voters now view him more favorably than mitt romney in a new cnn/orc poll. >> he's san-toring? >> that's a good one. >> he's having as good a time as lin is having. now it's sweeping across international borders with loverboy singing about him. turning into a toe bow-like phenomenon and he did it again last night. have a peek-a-boo at this and you'll know what we're talking about. this is the game-winning basket. look at him, a three-pointer. at least i'm told that's a three-pointer. he did it, look at that. 1.5 seconds to go. >> the new york knicks beat the toronto raptors 90-87 because of that. look at this, though. the toronto fans were cheering for lin. the knicks now have won six in a row with lin at the helm. listen to lin right after the game. >> think it's a miracle from god is the way i described it. just because obviously -- i don't think anybody expected this to happen. >> joining us now, l.z. granderson, contributor and senior writer at espn. good morning to you. >> good morning to you, how are you? >> i'm doing well. okay, so we just finished watching lin and what he said afterwards. and he thanked god and called it a miracle. and i was reading somewhere online that he says after he retires from the nba, he would like to be a pastor. let's talk about his religion. >> you know, it's a great source of inspiration for him. obviously when you're having a difficult time, he didn't get any scholarship offers out of high school, he wasn't drafted out of harvard. any time you're having that sort of difficulty catching on to your dream you lean to whatever you can. for him it's his faith and i think it's a great thing. >> a lot of people are comparing him to tebow. >> you know, definitely in terms of the sort of way that he talks about his faith and he talks about his relationship with god. on an athletic side, though, they're not similar at all. tebow, florida, one of the greatest football players of all-time, drafted in the first round. whereas i said before, the man wasn't even offered a college scholarship, went undrafted. so there are some differences. certainly in terms of faith there are similarities. >> let's talk about that. there were no expectations of this guy. 6' 6'3". in the nba world he's not a tall guy. a lot of folks when he was playing in college, even though he did well at harvard, i think it was a coach from harvard who said, i never expected him to get to the nba. what was it? what was that turning point for him? we just started hearing about him kind of overnight. >> yeah, you know, there have been reports that of all the players, carmelo anthony was one in the knicks room there that was asking d'antoni to play lin. and so, you know, certainly there were some people who saw some potential in him. and i was joking with golden state warriors who had him and cut him, they said we were smart enough to sign him, weren't smart enough to keep him. it's a great story, a miracle from god? it's hard to argue not. >> do you think he can keep this momentum? is it just sheer, raw talent that nobody identified early on? >> you know, it's a combination of things. one, the knicks were a desperate team. they had just lost two players, hadn't been playing well together, they couldn't find a point guard to run the system. he fit into a system with the right talent to make it work. one, how he adjusts once the teams adjust to him. two, once carmelo anthony gets back, what happens with the three of them. amar'e stoudemire, jeremy lin, carmelo anthony. >> i was on lin's facebook page this morning, he said he was sleeping on the couch of one of his deep mates, what's that all about? >> his contract wasn't guaranteed up until a couple of days ago. at any moment he could have been cut and he was just being frugal. which again speaks to his character as a person. you know, a lot of players would go out and get a big place, whether the money's guaranteed or not. and he was just being smart with his money. >> oh my gosh. all right, so controversy the other day was tweeted out from former boxing champ floyd mayweather jr. jeremy lin is a good player but all the hype is because he is asian. black players do what he does every night and don't get the same praise. later he said that he was saying it in support of black athletes. some racial undertones there, right? l.z., what do you make of that? you know, i've written about floyd mayweather in the past and he said some very racist things about manny pacquiao not too long ago and this correlates with that. we have to keep in mind to listen to the messenger and look who the messenger is, and he's a boxer. i'm not trying to say all boxers are idiots but let's face it. what he said just wasn't very smart. >> all right, so i've got to ask you because you know your sports. is this the next phenom? >> you know, only time will tell. you know, he's had a great run. in order to be a phenom you have to have more than just a great run. so what we're looking now -- what we will be looking toward the future is whether or not he can sustain this, as you asked before. also, how does he blend in with the other players once they all return healthy? finally, how do they adjust once the rest of the nba adjusts to his fame? can he do what he's doing once they figure him out? >> give me 24 more games and he's my phenom. thanks for joining us via skype this morning, we appreciate it. >> thank you very much for having me. still ahead you're not going to like this more than likely. iran is making big announcements about its nuclear project and it has to do with fuel rods functioning and being loaded into reactors today. we'll explain what's happening there. oh will you grab us some yoplait? sure. what flavor? mm, one of each. lemon burst, hm, cherry orchard, blackberry harvest... my daughter's grabbing some yoplait. pina colada, orange creme. i can't imagine where she is... strawberry cheesecake. 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>> reporter: well, there's two narratives. iran is definitely going to use this opportunity, use this day to send a message to the west that it's pressing forward with what it calls a peaceful nuclear program. the message is that they're not going to be deterred by the calls for possible war or the economic sanctions. of course you're going to have leaders in israel, washington, the west, they're going to point to this as an example of why they should be concerned about iran's capability of building a bomb in the near future. we should point out that none of what's happening today is a surprise to anyone. they'd announced it to the world long ago. they'd announced it to the iaea, the u.n.'s nuclear watchdog, that they were going to do this. even so, you're going to have the finger-pointing going on. two things happening. we're expecting the announcements today, the nuclear fuel rods inside a cancer research facility in tehran. and also they're planning on announcing the start of operations and the controversial uranium enrichment facility, the underground facility outside the holy city of qum. with this announcement get ready for the information war to heighten in the next 24 hours with both sides pointing a lot of fingers. >> okay, i know you'll keep an eye on that for us. obviously, whether it's posturing or not, ahmadinejad is going to be front and center so he can get his photo op in front of all that. thanks a lot. ahead on "early start," santorum surging in the polls. what did you call it earlier? >> i don't know, san-toria, something crazy. just don't google it. >> very strong support from women and blue collar workers for him. class and gender warfare erupting within the republican party. we have interesting poll numbers. >> do you ever worry when you go through airport security your stuff might get ahead of you and somebody might take my watch? brazen thief caught on tape. we're going to find out a little more about how this went down and what happened to that guy on your video screen. hi, smile, you're on candid camera. is it fast? it's got 10 speeds, my friend. ♪ is it fast? it's got a lightning bolt on it, doesn't it? ♪ is it fast? i don't even know if it's street legal. ♪ is it safe? oh ya, it's a volkswagen. [ male announcer ] the security of a jetta, one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. ♪ got you in a stranglehold, baby ♪ named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. i'm one of six children that my mother raised by herself and so, college was a dream, when i was a kid. i didn't know how i was going to do it, but i knew i was going to get that opportunity one day. and that's what happened with the university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky is the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. ♪ spread your wings and soar >> good morning, pittsburgh. christina aguilera waking you up with "soar." 33 degrees in pittsburgh. soar, well, soaring to 39 degrees. there's a reason for the music "soar" this morning. >> yeah, with less than two weeks to go before the michigan and arizona primaries, rick santorum is indeed soaring. and he says that romney is getting desperate. he expects to do very well in the next two contests. and it looks like he could pull off a huge win in romney's home state. perhaps it will happen. a new cnn/orc national poll asked republicans their choice for nominee. santorum 34%. romney 32%. here in new york the new jersey assembly gop leader john brannik, goldie taylor is joining us, washington democratic strategist jamie harrison, thank you for being here this morning. goldie, santorum gets evangelicals, tea partyers and men. romney gets women, not born agains, and tea party neutral people. take a look at this. less people said they are satisfied in the field in general now. and the question was, are you satisfied with the field of presidential candidates? so in october, the yes was 66%. now it's 55%. in october, 33%, now 44%. how much of the divide is a fundamental difference in philosophy? >> i think the truth is at the outset, people weren't very satisfied with the field but the number one goal for this crop of republicans was to defeat president obama. you know, as the campaign wore on and we got to know a lot more about these candidates the dissatisfaction grew. because they've really sort of tilted further and further to the right. i don't know if having tea party support or having strong evangelical base will be enough for rick santorum to win this race but he certainly is very, very good in the sand box. it is tough for mitt romney to get out on the campaign trail, say the right things, say the right believable things to get conserveties behind him in a real and meaningful way. >> so let's talk about, that john. santorum reinforcing the populist tone to his campaign, listen to what he said yesterday about the obama administration. >> don't you see how they see you? how they look down their nose at the average americans? these elite snobs. >> so it seems to be working. when we're looking at the blue collar vote. take a look at this. santorum is the number one choice. so it only reinforces the fundamental romney problem, that he can't connect with people. here's a man who comes from a father who as self-made man and he himself has said repeatedly that he was not given his privilege, that he earned it. he worked for it. why is it that he can't get that message to connect with voters? >> i think he does, actually, connect with voters. this is a prize fight. there's certain rounds he loses or he gets hit a little bit, then he swings back. every time there's been a challenge he's come through in the end. when newt gingrich rallied, mitt romney came back. this is another rally. at the end mitt romney's going to be the candidate. if you were micromanaged by the media, the media's watching you day in and day out, you're going to see fluctuations. end of the day, he's a winner. >> john, you may be right. this is what we're going to deal with here. santorum shouldn't be too pleased, at least not yet. despite support, 68% say romney is going to win the nomination. 68% of republicans. polls are all well and good but end the day people go into the voting booth and they want to determine who is the best candidate to beat obama. should he be worried at this stage of the game, santorum, that he is not that candidate, that people don't trust that he's going to be successful? >> yeah, i don't think so. this is just another round of political whack a mole in the republican primary. you know, we just wait a day and we'll see who's the new front-runner. i think santorum, if he can perform well during super tuesday, he's going to be well-positioned to possibly take this nomination. you know, with all of these guys, i know we just said that this was a prize fight, but this is really the under card. these candidates are really the republican rejects. gingrich was pushed out of the speakership. santorum lost his last senate race. and romney lost his senate race and also the last nod for the nomination last time. so the republican voters aren't very excited about this group of candidates. and that's playing out in terms of voter turnout. >> in the polls as well. one last question for all of you. i'm going to give you your options in a moment here. people say politics have gone to the dogs, right? not the dogs of the westminster dog show. our jeanne moos, i don't know if you watched this, said that they are in the 1% of dogs. that's how i am attaching it to the political agenda here. so the pekingese malachi won best in show beating out the analyst favorite, did you see it? here's the picture. fee fee the german shepherd. good decision, bad decision? cute decision? goldie? >> oh, cute decision. >> john? >> politically cute. >> politically cute? all right, jamie? >> bad decision. >> bad decision. you know, i'd say that is a face that only a mother can love. thank you all for joining me this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> that's what my mom used to say about me. >> oh, please. >> i'm teasing. >> that is not true. >> we all seem to be absolutely mesmerized by the amanda knox case, that she was being held in an italian prison, then she was convicted of murder, all of a sudden the conviction overturned and home she came and guess what, not so fast. prosecutors want her back. prosecutors are going to try to get her back. is it going to happen? find out. this is an rc robotic claw. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪ so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. why does my mouth feel dryer than i remember it to be? there are more people taking more medication, so we see people suffering from dry mouth more so. we may see more cavities, bad breath, oral irritation. a dry mouth sufferer doesn't have to suffer. i would recommend biotene. the enzymes in biotene products help supplement enzymes that are naturally in saliva. biotene helps moisten those areas that have become dry. those that are suffering can certainly benefit from biotene. oh, there's a prize, all right. [ male announcer ] inside every box of cheerios are those great-tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. is it a superhero? kinda. ♪ it is 47 minutes past the hour, so hop to it, your day's getting away from you already. we've been up since 1:00. a little giddy. got your top stories for you now. congress potentially tryinging a deal today on that payroll tax cut, that holiday y'all have been probably not noticing on your paycheck but the lawmakers are set to extend that tax cut holiday for you as well as some unemployment benefits as well, all of this while preventing a free cut to med tair doctors. hold the phone, not final yet. >> whitney houston's funeral will not be open to the public. her family is holding a private invitation-only service at her childhood church in newark this saturday. >> okay, watch these pictures, get to your tv, see the rolex in that bin? look at this guy, oh, that's a nice rolex. oh, in his bin? really? packing it up into his pocket, walking off? say hi to the camera. yes, the rolex thief was caught on camera doing this. it's a $6,500 watch. a woman left it behind in the security bin. he just does it, look at, this it's remarkable. does he not know this is a very highly monitored secure area? she left the rolex? >> happened in ft. lauderdale. cameras zeroing in on the watch. >> maybe she was in a rush. >> they got it on camera. he boarded his plane to north carolina and authorities are still trying to identify him. but with that picture of him looking at the camera, and he's been on cnn, and probably will be all day, i think someone might call and say, i know that dude. i hope so. $6,500 watch. i'd be bummed. still ahead, that amanda knox trial just won't seem to go away. we all thought it was over, now we hear prosecutors want her back and they're not just saying, that they're doing something about it. we'll let you know what they're doing. and jeremy lin's legend continues to grow. look at that, last-second swish. nothing but net. you are watching "early start." i am loving this greek yogurt. i like yoplait. it is yoplait. but you said it was greek. mmhmm. so is it greek or is it yoplait? exactly. okay... [ female announcer ] yoplait. it is so greek. ♪ they hatin' ♪ patrolling and tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty ♪ ♪ tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty ♪ ♪ tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty ♪ ♪ tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty ♪ [ mom ] hi, there. why do we always have to take your mom's car? [ male announcer ] the security of a tiguan, one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. ♪ tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty ♪ will be giving away passafree copies named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to welcome back to "early start." it is 52 minutes past the hour. italian prosecutors are not finished with amanda knox. she's the american student who spent four years in prison before her murder conviction was overturned. >> prosecutors have now decided they're going to appeal the ruling that overturned her conviction, and they want her back in italy and they want her back behind bars. her family says this is nothing short of harassment. cnn legal contributor paul kallen joins us live via skype. obviously, paul, one of the first things people would say is, are you kidding me? she's thought going back to italy to face anything. or, paul, is she? >> well, that's really going to be in part up to her and in part up to the united states. in the event that the italian supreme court reversed the aquil aquittal. this is an appeal, and like an appeal through the u.s. supreme court, the court could reverse the situation and reinstate the conviction. if that happened, then we'd get into matters of whether she could be extradited back to italy if she didn't return voluntarily. >> that's the point i want to get to with you. yes, i understand we have extradition treaties with many european nations and yes, i understand sometimes they are hard fought over. but look, we couldn't get roland polanski back here. does anybody think that italy can get amanda knox back there, treaty or no treaty? >> here's the rub on this. it's a little bit different than the roman polanski situation. of course, this is a murder case. and this is italy. we weren't involved in italy in the polanski case, we were dealing with switzerland and france. we have a treaty with italy that says if somebody's convicted of murder, both countries will extradite. you'd have to worry about it, particularly in a terrorism case, if we fought them on the extradition of amanda knox, would they refuse to extradite a convicted terrorist or something like that. so i suppose that's something that u.s. authorities would have to worry about on the other hand, this conviction so is pait tently unjust as viewed by many american experts, i think u.s. lawyers and the united states itself would fight extradition. so this will be a pitched battle if they tell this young woman she's got to go back and serve 20 years in prison. >> in the only that, you know full well in the business you're in, you can't just appeal something because you don't like the outcome. there have to be these pesky little things called grounds. and usually it's a legal problem, something didn't go right in the case. is there something in the overturning of her verdict that quote-unquote didn't go right, some technicality legally speaking? >> well, the prosecutor says there are a number of points at which the prosecutor was treated unfairly by the judge. now, this is a switch. this is not a prosecutor saying, hey, i wasn't treated fairly, and the conviction was thrown out. frankly, in my view of the evidence, i think ultimately the decision was correct. it was a case that clearly called out for acquittal. the evidence against amanda knox is extremely weak and extremely tenuous. that given, you have to understand, though, that she was convicted in italian courts once by both laypeople and judges. and you never know what might happen in that system over there. it's a chaotic justice system that works very differently than our justice system and this is a hugely controversial and embarrassing case for the italians. so anything could happen. i think in the end, though, cooler heads will prevail. i think the acquittal will remain in place. and that will be the end of it. but we'll have to watch this very, very closely. >> see what the italian supreme court says. paul kallen via skype, thank you, sir. it's almost 6:00. the payroll tax cut deal almost final although president obama says he'll believe when it he sees it on his desk. we're going to break down how much it could mean in your wallet. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. monarch of marketing analysis. with the ability to improve roi through seo all by cob. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. i'm going b-i-g. [ male announcer ] good choice business pro. good choice. go national. go like a pro. [ male announcer ] good choice business pro. good choice. ah, welcome to i get it...guys weekend. yeah! if you're looking for a place to get together, you came to the right place. because here at, we're only about hotels. yeah! yeah! noooo. yeah! finding you the perfect place is all we do. welcome to the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. it is the very "early start." it's 6:00 on the east. i'm ashleigh banfield. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. we're happy you're joining us. we are bringing you the news from a to z. let's get started here. tax cut deal. moving on up the line today. a, what are you going to get. how much are you going to be able to keep in you paycheck. and, b, is it actually going to happen this time? we'll let you know. syrian troops are pounding more cities now. they're slaughtering more civilians, using some of them as human shields. cnn, one of the few networks reporting from inside the country. new details this morning about the death of whitney houston as the tributes roll in. look at all of these people dropping off balloons, flowers, messages. all this as police start looking towards the drugs. potentially an investigation on doctors and prescriptions and who filled them out. it's not going to be a michael jackson like farewell though, folks. small service at a large childhood church. >> although it seats a lot of people. relatively small. look at this. linsanity continues. look at it. that led to the knicks to a 17-point comeback with the last three-pointer. it was a last second three-pointer. it was an amazing moment. toronto was celebrate for him, as well. >> the canadians even love this guy. the foreigners are loving this guy. it doesn't happen often but the "daily news" and "new york post" coming out with cover stories on lin. therein-lin, the play on words, i love it. look at my hand covering the most important word there. lin and a prayer. how many more punses can we pull off for this guy. >> appropriate for him. >> mine is still lin it to win it. i'm going to trademark that. up first. let's get you your money back, shall we? it's important what's going on in congress today. they're on the verge of locking you into that payroll tax holiday. the negotiators reached a tentative deal to extend that tax cut for the rest of the year. and also unemployment insurance as well. getting a little bit less of a billing but still very important. not a done deal yet though. this could get the endorsement of the house-senate conference committee today which obviously would be kind of key. we're watching. >> it happened after republicans backed down and a demand to pay for the tax cut. some republicans are still saying it is stealing from our future. >> why are we arguing over a middle class tax cut that has been given to us for -- my name to reduce the amount we're paying into social security. what we should be talking about is real tax reform, what it's going to take to increase our revenues but by broadening our economic base, by growing our economy. we're not doing that. we need to talk about what the people want to hear. >> president obama saying he believes there's a deal when he physically sees a copy of it on his desk. have a listen. >> you can't take anything for granted here in washington. until my signature is actually on it. >> because of the agreement, 160 million working people will keep their tax cut. about $1,000 for the average family. that is over a year, folks. $40 per paycheck. christine romans is in atlanta. we have a brand new poll out about the payroll tax. tell us what americans are saying about it. >> well, i think, republicans and democrats have message here that when you're talking about 160 million working americans in an election year and the polls show that, you know, majority of them believe this is a good thing to keep money in the pockets of american workers. 54% favor a payroll tax cut for all american workers. 42% oppose. this becomes a political reality. the big sticking point here was always how to pay for an extension of the payroll tax cut. how to pay for it. gop said we agree we should be keeping this money in your paycheck but we've got to make sure we pay for it with cuts elsewhere. now they're saying we don't need the cuts elsewhere. at least that part of the package, but other things, other goodies out there, we've got to make sure they're paid for, guys. >> what about the people who don't get a bi weekly paycheck and can't benefit from this tax holiday because they've had a holiday from the paycheck in total, unemployed. >> people and jobless benefits, until now we had emergency benefits. up to 22 states you can get energy b emergency benefits for up to 099 weeks. there's a raging debate for how long you can have emergency unemployment benefits. and gop does not want to keep spending billions and billions and billions of dollars for those jobless checks. i think you're going to see an end to that. the question will be how will you pay or that, emergency benefits. they will probably extepd those, too, but it will not be 99 weeks. now they're fighting over, you know, how long they're going to extend it. there are some people in the gop who would like to tie those jobless benefits for certain jobs, for certain people, tie them to drug testing, for example. employment law, advocates say they don't want any kind of strings attached to jobless benefits. there are supposed to be emergency benefits to heem flp families go forward in a slow labor market. and the dock fix. every year we fight about this. this is the reimbursement rates for doctors w s whs who treat m patients. they're going to have to wring come money out of the medicare system to pay for that, as well. they're saying they're hoping and they're trying to make sure it's nothing that the part would ever feel how they're going to pull the money out of that system. >> controversial though. if the taxpayers are paying for your unemployment benefits then you need to answer to them. the reporter said, should you be drug tested, then? >> i've heard that a lot. people would like to see the lie detect the oh oenchts syria edging closer to an all out civil war this morning. government forces are intensifying attacks on civilians. four more killed this morning. 49 people killed yesterday. >> what you're looking at right now are live pictures coming out of homs. look at the smoke rising. this has been going on for hours now. in the distance you can see just this disaster on the horizon as the neighborhoods there just are under constant bombardment from what they say is government ordnance just lobbed into their neighborhood. arwa damon is inside that city and reporting from a secure location. >> reporter: what you're seeing rising is from an oil pipeline which is believed to have been hit. what we heard was three explosions at around 6:30 in the morning, shortly thereafter that, a thick plume of black smoke began covering the skyline here. this is not the first time we have seen these types of images from the city. that pipeline has been hit on two there other occasions. activists are telling us that they believe the syrian government is on the campaign to flatten every single neighborhood where there has been some part of opposition, some sort of effort to try to stand up against this government. >> remarkable images. look at what you're seeing on the screen now. to the left of the tank you can see men running. new video into cnn apparently shows those men are human shields. they're civilians. civilians being marched alongside the tanks so the opposition won't fire on the tanks. the people there now the are saying there's just no turning back here. we are absolutely in a full-scale civil war and this was inevitable at this point. >> point of no return has been reached. eight minutes past the hour here. new details in whitney houston's december investigation. the l.a. times is reporting doctors who prescribed her drugs could be slap weped with subpoe. investigators want to question the doctors and the pharmacies about medication that was found in the singer's hotel room. in the meantime, more information about how she's going to be memorialized. not in a big way. no michael jackson like event. that's for sure. the family just wants something private. invitation only. at the church where she grew up and where she began her singing is to be held this saturday. it's the new hope baptist church in newark, new jersey. only seats 1500 people. susan candiotti is live in knew wa knew wa newark, new jersey. 1500 people is not even close to allowing the people who want to be there, susan. >> reporter: that's disappointing, of course, ashleigh. some of the many people who live in this area and really around the world who wanted to know whether they could be a part of it if, in fact, this has been held at a big arena. but that's not going to happen. the family says that this is the kind of fitting funeral they want for whitney houston in the very same church where she grew up singing as a little girl. and, in fact, the pastor of this church who has met whitney many times over the years, she used to sing here occasionally on big occasions, says that everyone is gathering strength from her mother, cissy houston. >> well, she's hurting. she's grieving, of course. but cissy houston is a woman of strong faith. she's actually was testifying about how god had been so good to her to this point and how she said he's not going to leave her now. and i was there to lift her spirits and she ended uplifting mine. it's an amazing testimony of the grace of god. >> and, ashleigh, the pastor also says they are considering putting up a big screen television outside the church so that people can watch in that way. there might be additional cameras inside for a possible feed that everyone in the country would be able to watch. of course, he says the church will be filled with people who are grieving and also filled with a lot of people who want to know exactly how whitney houston died. >> that story continues as well. susan candiotti live for us this morning in newark. thank you. ten minutes past the hour. there doesn't appear to be a cure for the millions of people around the world who are suffering from a raging case of lin-sanity. the legend continues. take a look. take a look. take a look. jeremy lin singlehandedly leads the knicks to their sixth win in a row. he calmly hit a three-pointer with half a second to go to defeat toronto. this was last night. even the raptors fans were cheering for lin who is remaining remarkably humble. >> everyone smiling. there's a new energy. everyone's just excited, and it's just -- like that's the thing, it's not because of me. it's because we're coming together as a team. >> no, no, it's you as the leader, my dear. >> it's you, lin. >> according to,ier my lynne is auctioning off the jersey he wore over last week's winner over the lakers. they also get four tickets of the next game and will meet with lin after the game. next check, high bid was $7,000. proceeds will benefit the garden of dream foundation, underprivileged youth in the new york area. >> we have a couple of papers, it is you. iran expected to expect a major step forward in the nuclear program. vials of a fake cancer drug are actually circulating in the united states and it is missing the key ingredient. we'll fill you in on the story there. but first a quek check of your travel forecast. >> good morning. a couple of storm systems rolling alocross the u.s. boston, new york city. still pretty warm out there. atlanta, back to birmingham, oklahoma city as well. a threat for severe thunderstorms beginning in houston this afternoon and traversing aloss i-10, across southern louisiana into new orleans later on tonight. potentially seeing some damaging storms with that and another batch expected tomorrow. a little bit farther east. that's a quick check on weather. 13 minutes after the hour. "early start" is coming right back. good morning, new york city. >> there's a reason we're playing something from the sound track of "clueless." it's the song supermodel. i love that movie for the oodle-headed bimbo from the '90s that plagued our very thought when we thought of the valley girls. i wanted to get that word in because it was another word tweeted from us from back porch friend. that kind of egg-shaped, right, oodle? when you think of fashion week, you any of fast food? >> no. who do you think dresses people behind the counter? >> alina cho with a different twist on style. >> reporter: what does this have to do with fashion? you would be surprised. designers aren't just creating clothes for the catwalk, they're also designing uniforms. >> there was a time i walked around, had a ham bugger at mcdonald's, thank you, wore my yun norm. package delivered by federal eggs pres express, thank you very much. everyone seemed to have a stan herman uniform on. >> reporter: award winning fashion designer who branched out into the world of the designer uniform. >> twa, that cute? you would look good in it now, wouldn't you? >> reporter: that's great. herman has been designing uniforms for more than 40 years for companies like mcdonald's, jetblue, and for decades, fedex. so popular, his uniforms arguably cover more bodies than any other designer on the planet. >> i was a hot designer on seventh avenue and somebody approached me and said would you like to do uniforms? i said what is that? they say it's clothes. i discovered that i loved it because it was like branding, branding corporations. >> international hostess meets you on the airplane, she will be dressed like this. >> reporter: halston designed uniforms far the airlines, ricci did it for air france. today they're remaking the uniforms at sephora. the inspiration? the employees. >> they said we want to feel good. and that's such a universal emotion, whether it's this or that. i was like, you know, that is how i want to feel. i got it. sophie is showing this on the runway and this at the gramercy park in new york. she designed in silk. >> it's not a uniform at all. we need one dress, more like cocktail dress really. >> reporter: but how do you design a uniform that suits, well, everyone? >> it's almost like a reality competition. let me see how i can take these constraints and make them look fantastic. >> most important thing is likability. would you put on your dress in the morning? if i don't like it at the end of the day, aim grumpy guy. a corporation walks around in a uniform they don't like, they become a grumpy corporation. >> that's right. and then the uniform is history. and that is a big problem if you're a designer. so what's in it for the corporation? well, sephora said it wanted to elevate the uniform and needed expertise beyond their own. that is why they hired one of the hottest designers on the planet right now. but you know if you think about it, stan herman, the father of the uniform, he said to me that dress that may look great on you today but do you want to wear it every day? a uniform you have to wear every day. price considerations come in because you're designing thousands of them. it's not an easy job. you know, some designers take it on as a challenge and they say can i do it, you think i can do it for this price, and that's the result. >> doesn't have to pay the price. >> spill proof silk. >> that's right. >> for like regular folks. >> right. >> she defined a special mill to make it. not easy to find. >> very cool story. thank you. do not miss alina's fashion this weekend. "fashion, backstage pass." we'll be right back. ♪ [ male announcer ] aggressive new styling. a more fuel-efficient turbocharged engine. and a completely redesigned interior. ♪ the new c-class with over 2,000 refinements. it's amazing...inside and out. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. sadly, no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get back to these invoices... which i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office. i can't hear you because i'm also making you a smoothie. [ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business. welcome back to "early start." it is 6:24 on the east. suddenly there is no stopping rick santorum with less than two weeks to go before the michigan and arizona primaries. the former senator from pennsylvania has surged ahead of mitt romney. that is the latest cnn/orc poll. >> if you don't believe us, take a look at the numbers yours. republicans were asked to pick the nominee. what's your choice? and here's how they fell in to line. 34% of respondents chose santorum. 32% chose romney. yes, that's 2%. and the margin of error is over four. so within within the margin but it is what it is. here in new york to talk about this is assembly leader john bramnack and goldie taylor and from washington, democratic strategist jamie harrison. jamie, while i'm going to quote you off the top, the question goes to goldie, i believe about an hour ago you said this is political whack-a-amo. everybody in the republican race has had a chance at the top. is this a chance at the top for santorum or just part of the roller coaster we've been witnessing up until now? >> i think it's a chance at top for an or rum al bit a narrow one. the issue now is money and organization. yes, he's doing well in national polls, better than everyone ever expected him to. but, frankly, he's very good in retail politics. the door to door, house to house kind of politics that really does win races. he's doing better than expected in michigan and, you know, the proof will be in the pudding. >> that does you well in the caucus states particularly. how about this? i just want to throw this at you. some folks are coming out on romney's side and suggesting his record in congress is liberal. if you look at it and get the stats on it, it ain't liberal at all. in fact, i think the club for growth has put him in the extremely -- or shall i say severely conservative category. is that going to give him some staying power at this top spot? >> you know, i think that for santorum it will give him a bit of staying power over a few more states. i think michigan will turn out to be romney's bull run, a time when he's got the money and organization but somebody who is woolly and ready to fight will take it right to him. that's santorum. it may be a little bit tough for romney even though he's a native son of the state. his father was a well-loved governor. i think he may have a tough time. >> let me throw up another statistic here with the polls because if you breakdown the numbers it gets more fascinating. for blue collar voters, santorum comes out on top. 36% to 25%. for white collar workers, it flips, 41% favor romney for 41% favoring santorum. when you look at michigan, john, i've got to ask you, in 2008 romney may be eating these words but he wrote a "new york times" piece, an opinion piece in november 2008. i'm just going to give you the headline because that should tell you all about what the piece was. "let detroit go bankrupt". there it is on your screen. is that possibly the reason the blue collar numbers are as high as they are, john? >> i think governor romney has explained that comment. what the issue is now, can rick santorum take the microscope because with super pac money coming into michigan and that microscope examining rick santorum he's got a lot of explaining to do with his record. this fight just began in michigan. i think you're going the see a similar situation in florida where newt gingrich was happy in south carolina but wasn't happy in florida. i think rick santorum has a long road to hoe in michigan. >> he said let all of those underbatter mortgages fail but yet he prevailed well in florida. let's switch gears to women, the gender gap. there are statistics that show it is significant can't when it comes to these candidates. women favor romney, 38-29 over santorum but men favor santorum 37-2. i don't even know what to ask out of that other than this, jamie, what do you make of that? >> yeah, i mean, it's very, very interesting. i think part of it is with santorum, i mean, he is a true conservative. and i think so much so that i think it really turns women voters off some way. whereas romney, you know, his history in massachusetts even i know he said he was a very severe conservative, i don't know what that means, but none the less he had a moderate record. and he was moderate for a point. so i think in the end, you know, i'm not sure what's going to happen. >> i'm with you. i got it when it was a gingrich thing but i'm not sure i get it with this one. i've got to leave it there, jamie and goldie and john. thanks for being here. 28 minutes past the hour. ahead, will bobby brown attend whitney houston's funeral? will the family attempt to keep him out? someone with inside information on the details of that is going to join us. you are watching "early start.". what we have here is the multi-point inspection. every time a vehicle comes into a ford dealership you'll be presented with one of these. we check the belts, hoses... brakes. tires and the pressures... battery, all your fluids... exhaust system, transmission... we inspect your air filter... it gets done,it gets done quickly and it gets done correctly. the works. oil change, tire rotation and more: $29.95 or less after rebate - at your ford dealer. you're a doctor... you're a car doctor. maybe a car doctor... 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we're taking a look at a picture here that shows whitney with bobby and bobbi kristina. what is theimosity about with the family? >> we have sources at who lived in their neighborhood who saw whitney and bobby fighting apparently all day, sometimes all night. their daughter, bobbi kristina used to have to go to stay with friends at their houses until some of the fighting had subs e subsid subsided. so i'm sure that it goes back to those days of their difficult marriage. there were drug issues in the marriage, of course. and whitney's family may not have ever -- may not have ever forgiven bobby brown, even though he is clean now. they may not have forgiven him for the difficulties and the trouble that he brought to whitney and their marriage, their life. >> do you know anything about their relationship recently? >> i believe that they were on friendly terms at this point. bobby brown has been clean for about six years. he is planning to remarry. he's got -- he has five children, including bobbi kristina. he has a young child. and what we've seen is that bobbi kristina does have a relationship with her father. he rushed to her side. he was grief stricken by whitney's death. they were in communication. so i don't believe the hostility was necessarily shared by whitney herself. >> there are a lot of reports out there about bobby christina and how she lived her life. she's been living on her own. do you know ag nbt that? >> sources in the neighborhood tell us she was left alone for long period of times and that has happened in her later teenage years quite a lot. her mother was on tour. her father was on tour. there was -- there was a bodyguard left with her. but that it was known that she was on her own. she was having -- she was doing what a lot of teenagers would do if they were on their own. she was having a lot of parties but she was unsupervised. >> before we get back to the funeral. there are some reports that whitney reportedly had some major financial problems. do you know anything about that? >> it has been widely reported that whitney was broke at the time of her death and possibly in debt. at one time she had a fortune of well over $100 million. i mean, this is a woman who sold millions and millions of records and starred in some of the biggest box office movies of our time. and yet, her lifestyle, the problems that she had, the disastrous comeback tour drained her resources. >> so let's go back to the private funeral service that's scheduled on saturday. you know, there are a lot of me motorle -- memorials that have been set up by her fans. they're hoping it's a big-scale good-bye like the one michael jackson had. the pastor had this to say, and i want to talk about it after we play it. >> the family knows that they have to share whitney with the world. they're not ignoring that. but at the same time, it's such -- the shock of it. i share with them, no decision is a wrong decision at this time. it's just however they feel to do it. >> there were some reports earlier that perhaps she would have a viewing at the prudential center. is that off the table? >> it's off the table. all plans for a public funeral and memorial are off the table at this time. the family feels very strongly that they want to bring their baby home to the place where she first got her start singing. they want to make their memories private. and they want to celebrate her life with those who were closest to her. they're planning to have a lot of music at the service. she began singing in this church. marvin winans, the pastor who is going to be eulogizing her, has known her for many, many years. he married bobby and whitney. his sister cece has sunk with whitney. whitney has sung on her record. it's a family affair. >> thank you for joining us this morning. he is the man in line to be china's next president. ask so it's a big deal if he's coming to meet the president of our country. how did the meet and greet go and what's in store for the next few days and will it make a difference between our country and his? you're watching "early start." one chance to hunt down the right insurance at the right price. the "name your price" tool, only from progressive. ready, aim, save! grrr! ooh, i forgot my phone! the "name your price" tool. now available on your phone. get a free quote today. i like yoplait. it is yoplait. but you said it was greek. mmhmm. so is it greek or is it yoplait? 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"i walk to line" this morning. good morning, d.c., beautiful capitol deem with the lights off. sun is rising. beautiful day in the our nation's capital. chinese vice president xi jinping in the heartland today visiting iowa. >> is he walking the line? will he's walking the line. the president is trying to walk a fine line. that's a one walking the fine line. friendly but forceful. >> he told president xi america welcome's china's peaceful rise. he says it comes with increased responsibilities, too. >> we want to work with china to make sure that everybody is working by the same rules of the road when it comes to economic system. >> joining mess now to talk about this visit and the significance or insignificance of it is gordon chang columnist and author of "the coming collapse of china." i'm thrilled to be able to talk to you about this. i raetd something where you quoted -- i'm going to quet you as you describe president xi. you say it's ruthlessly pragmatic. it got me wondering, what exactly did you mean by that? >> he's like all chinese leaders. they are very tough. friendship to them isn't that important. it's important to americans. but it's not so important to chinese leaders nape look at the interest. they are going to be very pragmatic but they're going to be very tough. >> when you say friendship, is that xi? >> that's not going to be important because china has certain interests that he wants to advance. although xi jinping may like the people in iowa, he may like president obama, that really is not going to affect the way he's going to rule because, as general party secretary, he's under institutional constraints. the hard liners are governing beijing right now and if xi jinping wants to stay in power he has to who they say. >> is it true that each ruler hands off to the next president, hands off to the next, that the power of that president is really diminished and it's become more of a battle? >> yes, the communist party started off with two very strong personalities. and then what we have seen is the party institutionalize themselves, become bureaucratic, and so we've had weaker leaders. partly by design. and so, we're going to see xi jinping be the weakest ruler of china when he takes over because his party is starting to splinter. the military is starting to act independently. that means that xi jinping is in a weak position. >> all of this is terribly fascinating but it's fairly lofty as well. for folks out there wondering, look, i get a lot of products at walmart that say made in china, what's this visit going to mean for all of that? we hear people like donald trump throwing out things like china is eating our lunch. the trade practices are unfair. they're devaluing our currency. we can't xeept xoocompete. what does it mean for me? >> this trip is a get to know you. it's not going to mean that much in the long run. all those concerns about economy are longstanding. they're not just campaign problems. and son we're going to see these continuing disagreements between the united states and china on trade. >> but disagreements, that's one thing. but unfair trade practices, when you have sort of a behemoth that gives all sorts of subsidies. for instance, one of the most recent things i read is they're subsidizing all their auto parts and shipping them over here. we can't compete with that. >> that is a major problem because china runs the largest program of subsidies for its manufacturers in the world. we've been complaining to the worlder trade organization and we're going to be complaining more about this. and clearly, this is something that's not going to go away. so the chinese leaders like to say, this is just an election problem. but it's not. this is a long-term fundamental disagreement. and basically we're going to have more problems in the future over trade. no doubt about it. >> which means i'm booking you now for subsequent visits to come and talk to me about those problems. >> thank you very much. >> nice to have you, gordon chang. >> really easy to understand. i like that. >> when he speaks in those terms. but sometimes it's very, very confusing as to why it is that there is this sort of ongoing discussion of a trade war and impending trade war with china but it is a fascinating -- without question, a fascinating juggernaut. >> 46 minutes past the hour here. timeies making news this morning. government warplanes blew up an oil pipeline in homs. those are the images there, killing four people. that happened this flomorning. the government, however, continues to blame terrorists. congress strikes a tentative deal on the payroll tax cut. lawmakers are set to extend the tax cut and unemployment benefits. the lin-sation. he just can't be stopped. leetds his team to a victory against the toronto raptors. lin's three-point shot clenched the 90-87 win. we can't get enough of that. or this. a 4-year-old pickekingese wins. >> i have to completely bust our executive producer of our show, brian bell, who said, when it's on the floor it kind of looks like a roomba. that fell flat. at least i attributed it to brian. i thought it was kind of funny. >> i liked it. i liked it. >> thank you, soledad, for coming to our rescue. >> a reason to get a dog. kids want a dog. >> i thought it looked like a roomba duster. >> really? >> that's cute. >> what's you got coming up your show? >> we're going to talk again about jeremy lin and whitney houston's last days, singer who was with her on that faithful thursday and right before the grammy party. we'll talk about whether there were any warning signs about what was happening in whitney houston's life. that's ahead this morning. also, we'll talk again with congressman allen west. he's been a guest on the show a bunch of times. star of the tea party. we're going to ask him if, in fact, he's going to vote to extend the payroll tax cut. you know, he has not been a fan of it. we'll see what his plans are. and nick jonas, he is starring in a broadway now in how to succeed in business without trying. he's going to be our guest this morning talking about that. and battle with diabetes as well napts all ahead this morning with "starting point." "early start" back in just after this xheeshl break. vacations are always wasn'ta good ideaa ♪ priceline negoti - - no time. out quickly. you're miles from your destination. you'll need a hotel tonight we don't have time to bid you don't have to bid. at priceline you can choose from thousands of hotels on sale every day. save yourself... some money ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] not everything powerful has to guzzle fuel. the 2012 e-class bluetec from mercedes-benz. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. bit of a warning for you. this is a health alert. there's a counterfeit version of one of those cancer drugs, the one that's called avastin. it's the world's best-selling cancer drug and it's distributed here in the united states. >> elizabeth cohen is live in atlanta with more information for us. first off, do we know if any patients were given this drug? >> you know what, we don't. but we do know that the fda has contacted about 19 different hospitals and doctor's offices to say, hey, we have reason to think that you could be in possession of this counterfeit drug. and so it was in those offices, was it sitting in a supply cabinet unused or did patients get it? we don't know. but we do know that these counterfeiters have made quite a bit of money off of this for one 400 milliliter vial, they're getting like $2400. >> wow. >> so, yeah, this is expensive stuff. they were getting a lot of money for it. >> and how can you know if your avastin is legitimate? >> luckily, it's pretty easy for doctor's offices and hospitals to know if they're getting the wrong stuff. a couple of reasons. the big one is is that the counterfeit stuff, the label is in french. that's the counterfeit on the right. the labeling is in french. so that would be your first sign. your second sign is that it says -- it's hard to see in this, but in the lower right-hand corner it says that it's made by the company roche. it's not, and, also, even the product code on it, on the count counterfeit it contains letters. on the authentic, it just has numbers. the boxes look different. luckily now that we know about this it's pretty easy to weed out the counterfeit stuff. >> i'm going to read something that concerned me. the food and drug administration is investigating and has sent letters probably to those 19 medical practices you were talking in the u.s. at the agency says buy unapproved cancer med sanicines and might bought it. does that bother you? >> obviously it's counterfeit so it's not approved at all. the drug avastin is approved for lung cancer and colin cancer and others. it's sometimes used for unapproved diseases. and that actually is legal. you can use it off-label for other kinds of things. so maybe that's what they were referring to. i'm not completely sure. but the bottom line is that no one should be using this counterfeit stuff. it doesn't contain the actual drug. so these are people with cancer. you're trying to treat them and you certainly don't want to give them something that doesn't have the right ingredients. >> what do we know about the counterfeiters? have they pinpointed who they are? >> according to the "wall street journal" they know the names of these counterfeiters. quality special products or montana health care solutions. apparently that's what they go by. the distributor goes by volunteer distribution. so apparently they know quite a bit about these guys and we hope they get them. >> so do we. elizabeth cohen, live in atlanta for us. thank you. still ahead on "starting point," a couple of big stories coming up. payroll tax holiday that you've been probably not even knowing you've been getting. looks like there could be a final deal for the rest of the year. what does it mean for you in terms of hard cash? and also who might be standing in the way of you getting that hard cash? calling all tweens, nick jonas live on his latest role. he's going to be sitting down with ms. soledad o'brien. you are watching "early start." ♪ my sunglasses. 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"starting point" with soledad o'brien is next. >> good morning. our "starting point" this morning is the tax cut deal that's now being sent up the ladder. it means more money for all of us to keep in our pockets but some republicans are saying it's going to cost us later. we're going to talk about that this morning. plus, whose music is going off? is that you, nancy? >> how embarrassing. >> oh, my goodness. also this morning we're talking about whitney houston, of course. new information about her death. investigation is now reportedly focused on the drugs found at the scene. and jeremy lin, the legend, the he lend. lin-sanity continues. did you see that shot? the

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,Madison Square Garden ,Dog Show ,Peek Niece ,Cutie ,136th Annual Westminster Kennel Club ,Is ,Pa Tootty ,136 ,Beat ,Show ,German Shepherd ,Pest ,Dalmatian ,Malachi ,Frizzy Hair ,Case ,Prize ,Cash ,Silver Bowl ,The Wire Haired Dachshund ,Doberman Pinscher ,Jeremy Lin ,Jer My Lin ,Mother ,Face ,Dog World ,Guy ,Polls ,Twine ,Globe ,San Torium ,Rick Santorum ,Mitt Romney ,States ,Woman ,Announcer ,Oman ,Cholesterol ,Goats ,Wrong Didn T ,Taste ,Cereal ,Grain ,Honey Nut Cheerios ,Yummy ,2 ,Let S Go ,Attention ,Site ,Decatherms ,Bout Ya ,Brother S Keeper ,Joe ,90 ,Two ,Answers ,Siemens ,Gas Turbines ,Nine ,Music Plays ,Dog ,Food ,Cat ,Purina One Beyond ,Car ,Aisle ,Security Line ,Upgrade ,Lord ,Price ,Pro ,Size ,Business Pro ,Go National ,The Kid Is Hot Tonight Oh ,Song ,Canada ,Foreigner ,Games ,Five ,21 ,Benefits ,Violence ,Civil War ,53 ,Voters ,He S San Toring ,Soaring ,Lin ,Time ,Borders ,Phenomenon ,Loverboy ,Toe Bow ,Least ,Basket ,New York Knicks ,Toronto Raptors ,Peek A Boo ,1 5 ,87 ,Game ,God ,It S A Miracle ,Row ,Helm ,Six ,Granderson ,L Z ,Writer ,Espn ,Miracle ,Nba ,Somewhere ,He Wasn T ,Let ,Scholarship ,Inspiration ,Source ,High School ,Religion ,Thing ,Faith ,Dream ,Difficulty ,Harvard ,Relationship ,Football Players ,Athletic Side ,College Scholarship ,Florida ,Tebow ,Differences ,Similarities ,Went Undrafted ,Expectations ,Guy 6 ,Coach ,College ,Turning Point ,Players ,Play Lin ,Room ,Carmelo Anthony ,Potential ,D Antoni ,Golden State Warriors ,Team ,Talent ,Hadn T Been Playing Well Together ,Momentum ,Nobody ,Exhaust System ,Point Guard ,Teams ,Morning ,Wasn T Guaranteed Up ,Couch ,Page ,Facebook ,Amar E Stoudemire ,Deep Mates ,Controversy ,Character ,Person ,Oh My Gosh ,Floyd Mayweather Jr ,Player ,Praise ,Hype ,Champ ,Boxing ,Asian ,Support ,Undertones ,Athletes ,Messenger ,Mind ,Boxer ,Boxers ,Correlates ,Idiots ,Manny Pacquiao ,Phenom ,Great Run ,Sports ,Order ,Wasn T Very Smart ,Skype ,Fame ,24 ,Yoplait ,Announcements ,Iran ,Fuel Rods ,Reactors ,Project ,Daughter ,Peach ,Flavor ,Mm ,Blackberry Harvest ,Lemon Burst ,Hm ,Cherry Orchard ,Pina Colada ,Orange Creme ,Grocery Store ,Strawberry Cheesecake ,Flavors ,Eight ,25 ,Dealer ,Mercedes Benz ,Everything Powerful ,Guzzle Fuel ,Bluetec ,2012 ,Expenses ,Small Business ,Fore ,Financial Services ,Matter ,Ink Customers ,Save Time ,Expense ,Anywhere ,App ,Small Business Card ,Innovation ,Sink ,Chase ,Stories ,Wall ,Childhood ,Senate Committee ,Cracks ,Public Service ,Seat ,Prudential Center ,19000 ,Roland Polanski ,Neighborhood ,Tank ,Left ,Neighborhood Shelling ,Killing ,Products ,Ingredient ,Vials ,Roche ,Avastin ,Alert ,Colon ,Rally ,Secret Service ,Brain Cancer ,Protesters ,Lung ,Correspondent ,Protection ,Kidney ,Announcement ,Mayor ,Sources ,Chairman ,North Carolina ,Rig ,Democratic National Convention ,September In Charlotte ,Program ,Step ,Islamabad ,Pakistan ,Something ,Posturing ,Functioning Reactor Today ,Message ,Opportunity ,West ,Narratives ,Leaders ,None ,Bomb ,Sanctions ,Calls ,Capability ,The West ,Iaea ,Surprise ,Going On ,Anyone ,U N ,Start ,Cancer Research Facility ,Operations ,Nuclear Fuel Rods ,Uranium Enrichment Facility ,Tehran ,Information War ,Facility ,Fingers ,Eye ,Qum ,Ahmadinejad ,Photo Op ,Front ,Thanks A Lot ,Women ,Blue Collar Workers ,Gender ,Warfare Erupting ,San Toria ,Something Crazy ,Google ,Somebody ,Watch ,Thief ,Stuff ,Poll Numbers ,Airport Security ,Tape ,Video Screen ,Smile ,Candid Camera ,Hi ,Doesn T ,Friend ,Lightning Bolt ,Speeds ,10 ,Models ,Security ,Volkswagen ,It Safe ,Jetta ,Oh Ya ,Street Legal ,Safety Pick ,Iihs ,Children ,Baby ,Stranglehold ,Kid ,Nothing ,Limit ,Sky ,My Name ,Naphtali Bryant ,Phoenix ,University Of Phoenix ,White Meat Chicken ,Chicken Noodle ,Progresso ,Pj ,Soup ,Pairs ,Hockey Game Last Night ,Schedule ,Technology ,Mom And Dad ,Soar ,Wings ,Pittsburgh ,Christina Aguilera ,33 ,Michigan ,Primaries ,Music ,39 ,Win ,Home State ,Contests ,Choice ,John Brannik ,Nominee ,New Jersey Assembly ,32 ,34 ,Jamie Harrison ,Men ,Goldie Taylor ,Tea Partyers ,Evangelicals ,Candidates ,Field ,Tea Party ,General ,Agains ,66 ,Difference ,People Weren T ,Truth ,Outset ,Divide ,Philosophy ,55 ,44 ,Obama ,Dissatisfaction ,Campaign ,Goal ,Crop ,Race ,Sand Box ,Campaign Trail ,Administration ,Tone ,Let S Talk About ,Nose ,Elite Snobs ,Father ,Vote ,Fundamental Romney Problem ,Blue Collar ,Privilege ,Fight ,Challenge ,In The End ,The End ,Newt Gingrich ,Rounds ,Candidate ,Winner ,The Media ,You May Be Right ,Fluctuations ,Santorum Shouldn T ,Voting Booth ,68 ,Stage ,People Don T Trust ,Whack A Mole ,Nomination ,Primary ,Front Runner ,Super Tuesday ,Prize Fight ,Card ,Rejects ,Group ,Speakership ,Nod ,Dogs ,Politics ,Voter Turnout ,Westminster Dog Show ,Options ,Agenda ,Pekingese Malachi ,Jeanne Moos ,Goldie ,Cute Decision ,Favorite ,Analyst ,Fee ,Jamie ,Murder ,Teasing ,All Of A Sudden ,Back ,Build It ,Science Teacher ,High School Science Teacher ,Geologist ,Rc Robotic Claw ,Chevron ,Kids ,Thousands ,Microcontroller ,Love Science ,Science Teachers ,Servo Motors ,American Education ,100 Million Dollars ,100 Million ,Isn T ,Cool ,Belt ,Accessories ,Girl Wouldn T ,Shoes ,Nylons ,Diamond ,The Rock ,Points ,Citi ,Airline ,Blackout Dates ,Mouth Feel ,Enzymes ,Oral Irritation ,Breath ,Dry Mouth Sufferer ,Saliva ,Biotene ,Suffering ,Areas ,Cheerios ,Box ,Tasting Little O ,Superhero ,Kinda ,00 ,47 ,Holiday ,Tax Cut Holiday ,Lawmakers ,Phone ,Cut ,Med Tair ,Bin ,Rolex ,Pocket ,Tv ,Nice ,Security Bin ,500 ,6500 ,Cameras ,Plane ,Authorities ,Brush ,Lauderdale ,Someone ,Dude ,Amanda Knox Trial Just Won T ,Legend ,Last Second Swish ,Yogurt ,Greek ,Mmhmm ,They Hatin Patrolling And Tryin ,Me Ridin Dirty Tryin ,Me Ridin Dirty ,Tiguan ,Copies ,Alcoholism ,Tryin ,Addiction Cure ,Passafree ,Ssagesmalibubook Com ,Student ,Italian ,Murder Conviction ,52 ,Paul Kallen ,Ruling ,Bars ,Harassment ,Situation ,Appeal ,U S Supreme Court ,Supreme Court ,Aquil Aquittal ,Extradition Treaties ,Matters ,Treaty ,Nations ,Rub ,We Couldn T Get ,We Weren T ,Murder Case ,Roman Polanski Situation ,France ,Switzerland ,Extradition ,Countries ,Terrorism ,Terrorist ,Hand ,Experts ,Lawyers ,Pait Tently ,Business ,Battle ,Outcome ,20 ,Problem ,Overturning ,Grounds ,Technicality ,Didn T Go ,Verdict ,Prosecutor ,Switch ,Judge ,Evidence ,View ,Acquittal ,Justice ,Courts ,Given ,Laypeople ,System ,Italians ,Cooler Heads ,Thank You ,Sir ,Wallet ,Marketing Analysis ,Monarch ,Roi ,Seo ,Ability ,Cob ,Brent ,Choice Business Pro ,Welcome To Hotels Com ,B I G ,Hotels ,Hotels Com ,Noooo ,Ashleigh Banfield ,Tb ,Tax Cut Deal ,A To Z ,Zoraida Sambolin ,Networks ,Investigation ,Messages ,Police ,Tributes ,Prescriptions ,Farewell Though ,Pointer ,Led ,Foreigners ,Cover Stories ,Canadians ,Daily News ,New York Post ,Play ,Prayer ,Punses ,Money Back ,Payroll Tax Holiday ,Up First ,Billing ,Conference Committee Today ,Key ,Copy ,Listen ,Per Paycheck ,Brand New ,Pockets ,Majority ,Cuts ,Reality ,Extension ,Package ,Elsewhere ,Bi Weekly Paycheck ,Goodies ,Tax Holiday ,Emergency Benefits ,Energy B Emergency Benefits ,Unemployed ,Total ,099 ,22 ,Billions ,Emergency Unemployment Benefits ,End ,Checks ,Debate ,Dollars ,Fighting Over ,99 ,Drug Testing ,Strings ,Employment Law ,Reimbursement Rates ,Labor Market ,Dock Fix ,Flp ,Whs Who ,Treat M ,Laws ,Patients ,Come Money Out ,Taxpayers ,Government Forces ,Lie ,Oh Oenchts ,Syria Edging ,Distance ,Disaster ,Horizon ,Smoke Rising ,Bombardment ,Ordnance ,Arwa Damon ,Rising ,Location ,Explosions ,Plume ,Pipeline ,Images ,Types ,Occasions ,Activists ,Effort ,Men Running ,Tanks ,Turning ,Opposition Won T Fire ,Point Of No Return ,December Investigation ,Subpoe ,Slap Weped ,Singer ,Memorialized ,Sure ,Invitation ,Susan ,Ashleigh ,Times ,Everyone ,Met Whitney ,Little Girl ,Cissy Houston ,Strength ,Spirits ,Testimony ,Mine ,Grace ,Big Screen Television ,Feed ,Millions ,Cure ,Ten ,Take A Look ,Singlehandedly ,Second ,Raptors ,Cheering ,Energy ,Ier My Lynne ,Jersey ,Leader ,Auctioning ,Charitybuzz Com ,Lakers ,My Dear ,Tickets ,Proceeds ,Garden ,Bid ,Dream Foundation ,7000 ,Cancer Drug ,Youth ,Papers ,Underprivileged ,Travel Forecast ,Quek Check ,Storm Systems Rolling Alocross ,Oklahoma City ,Traversing Aloss ,Boston ,Birmingham ,I 10 ,Check ,Early Start ,Batch ,Southern Louisiana ,13 ,Supermodel ,Valley Girls ,Movie ,Track ,Oodle Headed Bimbo ,Fast Food ,Fashion Week ,Egg Shaped ,Back Porch Friend ,Oodle ,Backstage Pass ,Designers ,Counter ,Style ,Twist ,Alina Cho ,Uniforms ,Clothes ,Catwalk ,Ham Bugger ,Mcdonald S ,Yun Norm ,Fashion Designer ,Stan Herman Uniform On ,Designer Uniform ,Wouldn T You ,Eggs Pres Express ,Twa ,Designer ,Planet ,Companies ,Fedex ,Bodies ,Jetblue ,Branding ,Branding Corporations ,Seventh Avenue ,International Hostess ,Airlines ,Airplane ,Air France ,Ricci ,Halston ,Sephora ,Employees ,Emotion ,Silk ,Sophie ,Runway ,Gramercy Park ,Uniform ,Cocktail Dress ,Reality Competition ,Suits ,Constraints ,Corporation ,Dress ,Likability ,Grumpy Guy ,Expertise ,Stan Herman ,Price Considerations ,Job ,Mill ,Result ,Weekend ,Engine ,Interior ,Styling ,C Class ,Amazing Inside And Out ,Refinements ,2000 ,Corner ,Pancakes ,Reservation ,Invoices ,Dry Cleaning ,Sushi ,Marriott Hotels Resorts ,Office ,Customers ,Invoice Process ,Smoothie ,Xerox ,Poll ,Senator ,Pennsylvania ,Margin ,Respondents ,Terror ,John Bramnack ,Everybody ,Chance ,Top ,Whack A Amo ,Meal ,Roller Coaster ,Rum ,Win Races ,Pudding ,Door To ,Retail ,Record ,Stats ,Ain T ,Caucus ,Club For Growth ,Staying Power ,Extremely ,Category ,Tough ,Son ,Romney S Bull Run ,Governor ,Statistic ,White Collar Workers ,36 ,Piece ,New York Times ,Favor ,Opinion Piece ,2008 ,41 ,Headline ,Let Detroit Go Bankrupt ,November 2008 ,Microscope ,Comment ,The ,Wasn T Happy In ,South Carolina ,Statistics ,Mortgages ,Gender Gap ,Underbatter ,38 ,29 ,37 ,Conservative ,Women Voters ,History ,Massachusetts ,I M With You ,Bobby Brown ,28 ,These ,Dealership ,Pressures ,Inspection ,Battery ,Vehicle ,Tires ,Hoses ,Brakes ,Fluids ,Belts ,Ford ,Transmission ,Car Doctor ,Doctor ,Works ,Air Filter ,Oil Change ,Tire Rotation ,9 95 ,29 95 ,Code Scan ,Meineke ,My Meineke ,Shipping ,Flat Rate ,Presses ,Priority ,It Ships ,Boxes ,Hassle ,Filters ,Tons ,Espresso Tampers ,French ,Decaf ,Excited ,Sort Of Amped ,5 15 , 15 ,East Coast ,Zoraida Sam Lynn ,31 ,Committee ,Death Investigation ,Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ,Uranium Enrichment Plan ,Subpoenas ,Making Reports Of Counterfeit Version ,Cancer Drug Avastin ,Food And Drug Administration ,Family Feud ,Nad Chairman ,National Convention ,Guest ,Screens ,Hometown Of Newark ,Of Hollywoodlife Com ,Bonnie Fuller ,Editor ,Away ,Bobbi Kristina ,Animosity ,Sake ,Breakdown ,Hospital ,Str ,Tragedy ,Fighting ,Saw Whitney ,Hollywoodlife Com ,Marriage ,Houses ,Subs E Subsid ,Difficulties ,Trouble ,Planning ,Communication ,Herself ,Hostility ,Do You Know Ag Nbt ,Tour ,Teenagers ,Bodyguard ,Problems ,Parties ,Records ,Box Office Movies ,Debt ,Fortune ,00 Million ,Funeral Service ,Lifestyle ,Comeback Tour ,Resources ,Me Motorle ,Memorials ,The One ,Table ,Viewing ,Marvin Winans ,Many ,Bobby And Whitney ,Cece ,Family Affair ,China S ,Store ,Meet ,Tool ,Ready ,Insurance ,Progressive ,Aim ,Quote Today ,Ooh ,Xi Jinping ,Flights ,Beautiful Capitol ,Nation S Capital ,D C ,Sun ,Fine Line ,Heartland ,Friendly ,Walking ,President Xi America Welcome ,Iowa ,Responsibilities ,Rules ,China S Peaceful Rise ,Visit ,Insignificance ,Gordon Chang ,Significance ,Mess ,Author ,The Coming Collapse Of China ,President Xi ,Friendship ,Interest ,Interests ,Xi ,Liners ,Party Secretary ,Governing Beijing ,Power ,Ruler ,Next ,Communist Party ,Personalities ,Design ,Position ,Donald Trump ,Get ,Trade Practices ,Trip ,Lunch ,Currency ,Long Run ,Xeept Xoocompete ,Disagreements ,Campaign Problems ,Concerns ,China On Trade ,Subsidies ,Auto Parts ,Sorts ,Behemoth ,Instance ,Election Problem ,Manufacturers ,Worlder Trade Organization ,Disagreement ,Visits ,Over Trade ,Trade War ,Discussion ,Fascinating ,Timeies Making News ,Government Warplanes ,46 ,Terrorists ,Flomorning ,Shot ,Victory ,Lin Sation ,Leetds ,Executive Producer ,Wins ,4 ,Looks ,Roomba ,Floor ,Funny ,Brian Bell ,Rescue ,Soledad ,Roomba Duster ,Warning Signs ,Faithful ,Grammy ,Star Of The Tea Party ,Congressman Allen West ,Fan ,Nick Jonas ,Show A Bunch Of Times ,Broadway ,19 ,2400 ,400 ,Z ,Budget ,Excitement ,

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